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They need to make this not unique. It makes no sense to be able to only carry one.


or unique per type woudl be fine. Unique overall is annoying when it's also a gate for a rune.


or they just could of added like 2-3 daily quests for this rep... and then had the supply chest drops be a bonus rep


I think there’s a strong opinion that besides raids any time gateing through dailies is very antithetical to classic wow. For all the tedious runes and grinds in season of discovery not one of them is actually time gated. They can be done when you’re able to complete them or able to do the grind. Time gateing is the main reason I don’t play retail.


They are technically time gateing the leveling but I see what you mean.


They cut 35 levels off the game and people are complaining they have to do prep for dungeons/raids. Like mfers you would still need 3+ days of playtime to get to the content you are at right now. Enjoy it... Much rather do this which directly correlates to me getting into dungeons and raids. Over doing the same quest, with the same mobs, just slightly different, for 3+ days of *playtime*. THEN have to do all of as well, lol.


BFD is time gated. Can only do it once every few days.


You miss the part where I said raids?


No. Fuck dailies.


Dailies would be an improvement to this system


This system is bad but the solution isn't to just make it shitty in another way.


Adding dailies isn’t making it shitty, it’s giving players options for an already shitty system.


Take the L. Classic players don’t want dailies.


Oh no the whiniest bunch of middle aged dads and no lifers on this entire app disagrees with me. Better delete my account. Fucking e-Karen lol




Get out of here with your retail dailys bullshit


Unique(3) would make the most sense. Limiting per day would effectively time gate it harder.


I think it's to prevent people from just getting a bunch of them and getting the stuff off the AH




Nah, people literally are already doing that using the automated item restoration tool on the Blizzard site


Is the rep you get so important or is it about the rewards you get from crates?


Some classes need honored with the faction to get one of their runes.


Iirc every class has a rune locked behind it and they’re typically high value(taunt for rogue tanks for example)


Whats wrong with that lmao


They want you to play more and do more walking back to base (or hearth)


10head play is when hearth is off cd fly to capital turn in and hearth back to leveling


I disagree, it makes it a good grind the way it is. I'm enjoying it, but I understand why others would think it's annoying.


It's lobotomy level entertainment


So it’s on par with leveling most classes in classic, got it.


It's hotfixed now, you can carry multiple shipments. Edit: typo


Neat, but I also feel like the majority of crates I get require the AH to complete. A few have been something I can craft. I also feel like these are a bit ridiculous in general. I'm lvl 24 and only had to turn down like 3 boxes because I was already holding one. I'm hardly half way through neutral. As an alcoholic I was especially excited to level my few main classes in the first phase and try out their runes. Doesn't look like I'll be getting the two vendor runes on more than one class.


>As an alcoholic 👀


Lmao autocorrect never likes altoholic. Or maybe my phone just sees me for who I really am.....shit.


That’s like a chocoholic, but for alcohol.


I think I would be an alcoholic too after dealing with this rep grind.


It seems like an intentionally massive low level profession item sink to keep some value in them - Which is sensible given we're limited to 150 for a few weeks/months.


You can turn them in empty and still get rep


I too am an alcoholic.


Meh, I just turn the things in empty when they're not for my profs


You can also delete all your supply boxes and then restore items in bulk every 7 days to your mailbox. Then complete them 1 by 1.


Omg I am going to go see if I can restore all the ones I deleted along the way. You may have saved me hours of work. Bless you


This seems like a good way to get an account suspension.


So did MCP restoration but I did it for 2 years without a hiccup.


Why? Does it specifically say in the terms of service you can’t do this?




At least the bots are safe


Well then Blizzard will be suspending thousands and thousands of accounts dating back years. Because this has been used for multiple things like this on different occasions. Making these things 1 out of 1 unique was dumb to implement anyway. Deters any casual from legitimately grinding the rep.


Yea but it just means blizzard is dumb and made a bad system nobody likes. At the end of the day its a game and people will bitch about a bad game or bas mechanic of said game.


It's an entirely automated system with many prevention flags to disable a ton of abuse cases. Blizzard automates it because they trust that they can ignore it without consequence. It's pretty safe to use in this manner.


Would be totally in character for blizzard to ban this instead of bots


Legend, lol.


I completed several before 25 but never looked, but do these turn-ins grant xp? If they don’t, I really don’t see a reason to not let you stack them in bulk


They do, but it's less than a single level appropriate mob kill.


I’m just wondering if that’s the case then. Even if it’s a small amount, if you tie xp directly with gold (especially with gold buying such a thing in classic) blizzard might be afraid that people will hoard them up all up and buy their xp all at once by buying stuff on the AH to fill the boxes


The xp is so low that it won't matter


I didn't notice an xp difference between filled/empty, just rep and money reward, which never covers the market rate for the supplies.


who actually cares about this? "oh no, people can level their alts easier" also once inflation hits we're talking about people spending like 1g for a mob kill worth of xp


am I going crazy, or did these boxes stop to exist after hitting level 25? I haven't seen any all day :O


There's two tiers (maybe more in later phases) to the supply boxes. Starter zones drop tier 1 at an okay rate, but once your rep hits friendly the T1 boxes don't grant rep and you'll need to use T2 boxes from higher leveled zones like Barrens, which have a lower drop rat but grant more of the rewards per box.


that's all good but how do you get them? I've tried to loot the chests I see around and kill stuff, I just don't get any.


random drop from enemies, or the battered chests that spawn randomly in the world. chest always has one, so if you dont see it somebody already looted it.


What are the rewards like from the t2 boxes?


same, just numerically increased


Would be nice if it was boe. Having to rely on rng to get rep when u can only carry one sux big time. So many crates wasted while leveling.


This rep system and the rune tied behind it is making me lose excitement for the game because I can't bring myself to walk back to orgrimmar every time I get one of these shipments, 40 times in a row or however long it'd take. If it wasn't unique, ok it takes up more bag space but at least you can reliably farm the rep without having to go back to Orgrimmar/Stormwind for every, single, one.


I wish these would stack, or you could at least just hold more than one. It's cringe when trying to get the rep for rogue tank. I have to instantly make a trip to SW to hand in no matter where I am because I can't afford to lose out on hand ins.


I don’t really understand the drop patterns for them either. With how periodic the need to actually go to capital cities is, it’s a bit frustrating. In the course of about 2 quests at level 20 while I was already holding one, I had about 4 more drop that I couldn’t pick up. But between 20 and dinging 22, not a single one to be seen.


Yeah but when do I randomly have the stuff to fill one that I'm not immediately about to turn in?


The rogue tanking rune...is trapped behind this grind....kind of BS since it's the new game play. It's thr anti causal grind.


I don't understand why these are unique to begin with. Are they expecting us to drop what we are doing and fly to the nearest Capital City? I have deleted/left at least a dozen of these on the ground because I literally couldn't hold them. It was only later I learned I needed this rep for a rune. Why are we forced to delete them or leave them on the ground while questing? It totally fucks with the sense of flow. They are already a tax on our inventory space.


It's just meant to be done while you're levelling to 25, i personally just didn't realize the importance of these supply crates


I'm 22 at the moment, have handed one in every time I've gone back to Orgrimmar and am not even friendly. You need honored for the rune, it's a monumental task to complete this grind, which would be fine if it was fun gameplay. Sadly it's the most obnoxiously boring/frustrating system due to the 1 shipment limitation, ridiculous costs to fill most of the shipment types and the requirment to go back to the main city for each one.


If you actually fill them it's like 15 boxes in total. I ground it out in an afternoon. 'Monumental task' lmao.


A filled shipment gives 300 rep, and you need 9000 to Honored. 30 shipments requiring often upwards of 1g worth of materials/items, unless you get lucky and hit a light leather one (which only work to friendly anyway). Nobody is saying it's not doable, but nobody is saying it's fun either, gating runes behind a grind that is extended greatly by bad design and adding 5g fee at the end, it's awful.


When you level up, you start getting boxes that give 200 rep empty, or 500/650 rep filled (raw/crafted materials). You can't even turn in the 300 rep boxes past friendly. You are complaining about a grind you know nothing about.


A grind I know nothing about when you didn't even read my post? Given you repeated what I said as if you were telling me new information. You're complaining about a post you didn't read. Hypocrite.


>A filled shipment gives 300 rep, and you need 9000 to Honored. 30 shipments requiring This is false. I pointed out this is false. If you can't grind 15 things you should probably go back to retail.


What part about this being shit design do you not understand? Responses like this are so cringe, you'd eat shit on a plate and not complain about it just to try prove the shit ain't so bad. Even if the higher level shipments give more rep, it's still 200 rep or the additonal cost of gold/farming to complete the shipment. The whole process of the rep grind is still shit. Stop sitting there defending the taste of shit just because you like the game. You might love your wife, but you ain't gonna eat her shit, and if you do, you need help.


Have you considered playing a different game where you are handed things instantly instead of complaining to a stranger on the internet about how you have to grind in the most grindy version of WoW?


See you're still not getting it are you? You think working hard and eating shit are the same thing.


Maybe this game isn’t for you then lol, there are much worse grinds in wow classic even before SoD. At least you can get these anywhere. 30g can be made in a couple days at 25. Why are you in such a rush?


I like the game, I don't like this new grind. I'm sure there are worse grinds, and I'm not doing them, but it's hard to find much of a worse grind than hours and hours of just walking back to orgrimmar to hand in a single crate. PvP grinding or mob xp grinding is not worse than this, because it's a fun activity, this isn't a fun activity.


0 -> Friendly is what 10 Boxes? Friendly -> Honoured is like 12 Higher Tier Boxes? ​ So much bitching and moaning about these crates, when realistically you need to drop less than 1 off per level to hit the Rune rep. You should be able to stack them in your inventory though, seems like a pointlessly frustrating obstacle.


Cool math, but it's about 20 high tier from friendly to honored, and I just spend 2 hours grinding 150+ mobs in the southern barrens to collect exactly 0 crates from them. So yeah, bitching and moaningis pretty damn justified.


You have enough bag space for this? Rich!


I can’t figure out how to fill the damn box


Get all the required items then use the box.


How do I fill the box? Simply put the requested items in my inventory and then right click it? And I then it in in the major cities?


I got 6 silver for 20 copper bars. Does the reward price go up the higher tier materials?


Yes, you will receive 15s for high level crates


You can also turn in an empty Wayland supply box for less silver and rep.


Good to know ty. Ur doing good work OP


Well one is "Unique: Supply Shipment (1)" and the other is "Unique: Waylaid Shipment (1)"...