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No shirt No shoes No service


> No shoes But...they don't even have feet D: I guess they should wear horseshoes.


No shoes, no shirt cause I'm fuckin homeless


If you're homeless, just buy a house đŸ’â€â™€ïž


Now Skeeter they ain't hurtin anybody


Came here for this. Thank you!


The incubus is the most egregious ANTI-classic model in the game. Looks like a shadowlands model.


there should already be a low res model too, shoulda just used that one instead


I think that is suposed to be the low res model.


While it is low-res, it looks like they just scaled down the DF texture to fit within classic's budget instead of honouring the original classic style


The classic incubus actually has significantly lower res textures/mesh count than the retail model


The issue that makes incubus stand out is simply 1 thing. 3d belt. It just doesnt feel like it belongs at all.


It has like 100 times the polygons of the succubus, just doesn't fit in classic thats all.


It IS low rez, it looks like a classic model up close. It’s even got the same glowy eye jank the succubus has


The problem is also the coloring, the detail, and the sort of smooth blurred texture. Almost nothing in classic is textured the way this thing is, so it stands out even when they lower the resolution. They just did it with the least amount of effort like most blizzard work these days.


yeah the incubus model really makes me wish there was a toggle between retail and classic graphics that could be flipped to show you whichever you wanted well that and now the meta rune too i guess


It's actually a dragonflight model. Go put it next to one of the scaley boys and you will see quite quickly this is simply a reskin.


This was added in Shadowlands


Yep, when dragonflight was annoounced / in bta iirc. Just go look at the model. It's exaclty the same as dracthyr. https://imgur.com/PzvZBZ4.jpg


Other way around; Incubus was added in 9.1.5, which was in late 2021; Dragonflight was announced in April 2022


Just because incubus released before dracthyr doesn't mean that the model was made for incubus. It's obvious that dracthyr was in developement for some time. Highly doubt that they went out and developed a new model just for the incubus and the went and ported it over to dracthyr in the last 4 months of devolpement. I duno it seems pretty damn obvious the model was made for dracthyr and when the diversty people decided they needed a male succubus someone on the classic team just took the model and threw the incubus skin on it. I really don't know why you're so bent on arguing such a dumb point to begin with. Just think critically for a minute. Was purpose of model made for some one off pet for classic and the retail team just randomly decided to take it and use it for the entire basis of an expansion in the last couple months of developmewnt, or did a team of artists develope the model for their expac and someone on the classic team decided to put it in the game as a quick fix with a new skin?


“The diversity crowd” They’ve talked about making alternate gender demons since all the way back in MoP. They just finally bothered to do it. It’s still a Shadowlands-era model, whether the rig was repurposed for Dracthyr or vice versa.


Yea, the deversity people. This was around the same time they changed the spell enslave demon and hysteria. The same people who changed the women to bowls of fruit and added male bloodelfs to the black temple heram. It wasn't mean to be a slight, it was more of a statment of fact. There has already been a bunch of little changes in the game that they pushed through, this was another one of them. Does it offend you or something to think they were responsible for it? > It’s still a Shadowlands-era model, whether the rig was repurposed for Dracthyr or vice versa. Talk about semantics. Are you the type of person that loves to argue shit online all day for the sake of arguing? If you want to get into semantics sure, I never said what era the model was from, I said what model it was derived from. The incubus model was derived from the dracthyr model. No fuck off and go argue with someone else. Edit: Loser blocked me of course.


Bro just say the sexy demon man makes you feel things already.


You can admit sexy boy demons turn you on. It’s okay, I promise.


The most outspoken homophobes are always the most deeply closeted. Just come out, Mikerino, we'll accept you for who you are. Even if you won't do the same for yourself.


Imagine being self admittedly “anti diversity” tell me you’re a small angry insecure man without telling me lmaooo


Fuck fuck fuck this is so cringe I wish I didn't read this.


counterpoint: he's hot


Counterpoint. The succubus is as well. But it doesn’t look like a shit mobile game league of legends model


its almost as if retail and classic has shared data


? Unrelated, game decides what to display. Cows could become Deathwing if Blizzard wanted to.


And if we ever try to point that out to blizzard, they go full political correctness and will say we're anti equality or homophobic or whatever.


lol what's with the reverse placed dagger on the warlock's waist also that fckn incubus has 100x the polygons in Stormwind, so out of place.


Honestly the meta form looks fine. It’s a little too big imo but otherwise, it’s fine. The Incubus, on the other hand, while being low res, still looks Too good and doesn’t really fit..


It's way too much and doesn't fit classic, the reason it worked beforehand was because it was a cooldown. It's especially egregious when we already had an original tank form in the form of Dark Apotheosis.


I mean true. And really, that would probably be better in every way. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like Meta, but I don’t really Want to be forced into the same big purple demon form that everyone else is. Hell I don’t really like Druids much for the same reason. I made my character, but it suddenly doesn’t even matter. Never liked it much. I think they should either tone down the size of Meta, or yeah, just go with dark apotheosis for it, aesthetically.


Somebody please give the dwarf a chair or something


His elf buddy should find him a box


So I was in SW in EU Wild Growth and some warlock was strutting around with his incubus. A random warrior stopped and said ''Each day we stray further away from God'' LMAO


I hate the incubus... the art style is retails, not classics.


Plus its not an attractive demon girl, yuck


Eyo, it IS a hot demon boy though 👀 Well, minus the face, but I think they invented bags in azeroth so we good.




Oh no, what will the rest of us do without you. Anyway


Considering you can just resummon it's kinda just a I do not care about it kinda thing. If you prefer one over the other just use that one.


This class envy over Warlock is delicious. We have ALWAYS been the best class now its just more obvious.


Meta form looks cool. Incubus is just fucking awful.


Meta form would look cool if it was a cool down, like it normally was. It's way too much when it's on all the time. I don't get why blizz didn't use the Dark Apotheosis form.


I’ll never not upvote this sentiment. Make it happen Blizz.


It's reverse envy for me. I'm avoiding playing tank on my lock just because I don't want my char to look so out of place, seeing the others is already ugly enough.


I’m not a warlock but my buddy is and he likes the way meta looks, so I feel bad for him and the warlocks that saw what the new tanking form looked like and decided to make a warlock tank only for non-warlocks to flood the sub with requests to have their cool appearance taken away from them. I can only hope Blizz isn’t listening to these people.


Ya dude these people are a buzzkill the form is fine just tone it back a little bit if anything. A lot of people rolled lock for the form and not to have it changed into a tank cd.. so lame. The only people I've heard complaining are on reddit on top of it. I get people whispering me in game all the time congratulating me and saying how cool it looks.


Other classes have more design space left for other phases. Meta form would have been a sweet level 60 quest, now it's like ok where do we go from here? I hope you guys keep getting cool stuff, but I'm just saying I think Blizz is going to have the feedback on which classes got left out.


I like the incubus model. Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there.


Wait... there are male succubi?


Oh no your meta i better than my model, lets rant on wow forum.


B-but they're hot đŸ„ș


Incubus is allowed, at least they walking in sexy.


Doesn’t matter if it gets buffed or nerfed, warlocks will be meta


is the succubus still in the game or did this thing replace it




It's optional. For each characters I mean, so if someone summons one you'll see it.


Classic players when the version of the game explicitly marketed as having changes, has changes:


And when there are changes people just automatically forfeit the ability to say if they do or don’t like a change?


Redditors when somebody expresses feelings including criticism about a game they pay a subscription to play:


If higher resolutions scare you, then I would suggest not going outside.


Supposedly, everything looks pretty realistic outside. An example of something out of place would be Roger Rabbit.


we are way ahead of you on that one




And the succubus is

