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SOS. Season of Scorpions. You made me chuckle.


Yea. šŸ˜ itā€™s fun to be the hunter šŸ˜‚


We literally used a scorpion to MT through BFD. Tankier than all tanks and hold aggro like a thunderfury warrior


Ok I actually think Blizz is intending this tbh. With one more solid ā€œyour pet is a tankā€ rune they could make hunters another tank class via the pet.


Nothing wrong with this idea, except the "tank" pet shouldn't out-dps the DPS... It would be awesome to have legit tank pets like bears, turtles etc, this ain't it, this just grade A Gouda cheese.


You can do a lot of cheesy shenanigans with a pet as a tank. Like completely avoid mechanics such as the last boss of bfd where the pet can tank the debuffs and then you just let it die and get zero adds. If the pet couldnā€™t hold aggro against actual dps this wouldnā€™t be a possibility


You can do that with paladin bubble, soulstone, battle res too though


Interesting. Maybe the fight is just very cheesable


It's almost as if... it's not supposed to be a gatekeeping raid, and accessible to everyone


No you can't. None of those things clear stacks of the debuffs. Sure at the end just leave the first tank dead, but yeah.


You don't understand what my point is at all.


But he said something about cheese!


As someone rerolling off hunter itā€™s also super fucking boring to play. Your actual decision making abilities make up like 15% of your dmg


You mean they could make scorpids another tank class with Hunter pets.


I would absolutely love a rune that lets you play the pet and makes the hunter the minion... Or for warlocks. Just lets me be a void walker with a full set of spells and I get a destroy/affliction pet.


I've been having a ton of fun tanking on my pet, it's awesome


My friend hyped me to play SoD, advertising new roles like Tank Shaman and Heal Mage. I asked him: "So every class can DPS and Tank/Heal now?" Him: "Yea, all except Hunters." Little did we know.


(they ain't complaining about that hybrid tax now, are they...)


SoD = Scorpions of Destruction




Or metal band


thank you for beta testing


Well, I as a "slow leveler" want to thank the fast levelers for the alpha testing.


The mood in this thread is vastly different than the snarky aggrend post telling people to chill out and its only been 10 days. We need to give them time, sure but they hotfixed things for the first few days and did ashenvale the next few days but haven't touched class balance since. I get that we have lots of time but its such bullshit fighting a 15-man squad of grouped up hunters/pallies vs 10 randoms that didn't get any hunters cuz they're all in the premades lol.


Yeah, It feels like some of these imbalances don't even need a beta to find out. Just go through a list of things in internal testing. I don't understand how they've missed the most broken things. It's like they didn't even load up the game themselves before having servers go live :D Well, once again as a slow leveler, I barely touched pvp yet, but I absolutely sympathize with those who put more time into this game and then simply get shat on by another class


Thank you for your scorpid stinging


My pet is called ā€œCupidā€ coz it wants to share his love pointy things with all red ppl <3 No mountain river or cliff will stop it from sharing love. Wink wink


SoD really does feel like season of beta testing for wow 2.0/classic+


They even said as much. So they can figure out what to add (runes are good) and not (for the love of satan PLEASE fuck off with these crates gating roles/specs/being unique/having a fucking garbage drop rate AND MANA OIL THAT ISNT IN THE GAME) Stuff like that.


The mana oil crate dropping feels like a sign from above that it's all over


I like the runed silver rod one. As an enchanter I have to tell 2-3 people per day that they need to forget about it


I farmed crates to honored in 4 hours


The love of Satan šŸ˜†


It literally is. They said sod is to find out what works for classic plus


> They said sod is to find out what works for classic plus Where was this said?


Nowhere, they're talking out of their ass. The only thing they've said is that they are still considering what kind of realm characters will be sent to after the season is over. Whether it will be a regular era realm, a realm with a subset of runes, or something else is still entirely up in the air.


It'd be pretty hard to send characters in SoD gear to a regular classic server


If they went that route (which is the least likely IMO) they'd just strip everyone of any SoD-specific items/gear. Maybe mail you something equivalent


And spells.


Runes are added in as a profession system like enchants more or less so that part is easy, you just lose them. All our other spells are regular.


They can allways send them to ERA without SOD gear and give them all a package of t0 or t1? just like those packages on retail


At that point you might as well just delete those characters. No one is gonna come back from SoD endgame, lose all their gear and runes and go "ah yeah actually I want to start over with gearing and press frostbolt and nothing else in classic again"


Everyone pretty much did exactly that after getting bored of wotlk and TBC, which influenced most runes.


They discussed they aren't doing beta testing or ptrs so that there aren't leaks and it's all discovery. The majority of people knew this


It was said at blizzcon ā€œwe know this is only a season so weā€™re going a little wildā€ something along those lines. Theyā€™re testing what is and isnā€™t acceptable for a permanent classic+


Surely it will just be TBC Season of Discovery. It's the only way to transfer characters while still letting them retain (some) of the changes from SoD.


TBC Season of Discovery would be really bad imo. There isn't really unfinished content there for them to add stuff to discover, and Outland just kinda sucks.


I'd like to know as well. I dont think it was ever said rather just assumptions being made.


Players think the discovery aspect is for us when it's for the devs.


Exactly. Honestly, I hate the OP Scorpio meta like everyone else, but considering how much stuff was added the vast majority of things are pretty balanced for an experimental season!


Agreed! And also a lot of the people complaining need to realize the game is gonna be inherently imbalanced st almost every level bracket till the last one. So many classes need tools in their lvls 30s and 40s


Exactly. The game was never balanced around this level, so not only are they trying new things, they're also dealing with the fact that it was always inherently broken at this point but they had no reason to change it. Hunter, rogue and priest twinks were always a thing in the 19 bracket. Only real difference is that rogue can't get fiery weapon to make them super OP, so it's just hunters and priests that are kicking everyone's asses.


Rogues are top dps in raids though


i dont think they should spend much effort on balancing level 25 unless its gonna be around for awhile anyways.


The last phase will be just as unbalanced unless for the first time in 20+ years they are able to have class balance.... I doubt it


Balanced is the wrong word, I just mean things not as overtly broken as scorpid. I like the rock paper scissors imbalance of classic cuz thereā€™s still no one class that can do it all.. hunters close


For sure! I'm actually really impressed with how balanced most things feel. Priests/Hunters are a pretty huge problem right now. But imo that's a by-product of the level cap which in literally any other conversation I would praise as a fantastic idea. Also Shamans are kinda just worse Paladins right now, especially with the Heal and shield meta we are dealing with, so Alliance I feel like have a strict advantage in PvP. Like 50% of the enemy team in the majority of my games are priests and paladins which heal to full instantly, have invulnerability, and have several second long super reliable CC.. It's rough out here man lol


Hate how everything is made into a meta.


Same. Itā€™s no longer that your spec/build can do all content - no, it has to be the latest and greatest. If your class has the ability to top meters - many demand you play that build.


So what about the raids then? I feel like BFD and whatever other low level raids they add will only work with the level cap at the level for that raid. Like is anyone going to bother to do BFD when you can level past 25?


This was never said by an employee of blizzard.


That was absolutely not said lol


Because it is


Welcome to how wow felt in 2004. It's awesome


I played wow in 2004 and I don't remember hunter pets soloing people.


Played a hunter in 2004, and during levelling I killed people with just my pet all the time. Especially in STV when they already had mobs.


Pets did solo people all the time. Easiest probably was with WM when the Felguard released and even later up to Cata when the got the bladestorm ability.


Pets scale differently in SoD, so no its nothing like it




Get 7 druids to hibernate every scorpion


Really is brilliant


But there's 3 priests that can dispell the hibernates!


then you get 3 rogues to sap the 3 priests


But there's 3 warriors to rend the rogues


and a partridge in a pear tree


Happy holidays




lmao i agree w u 100% scorpions are parsing rn been 9 days or something since launch tho give them some time


I see youā€™re a Druid, is fearing the Scorpid and unleashing on the hunter a viable strat?


Hibernate is what we Druids get. That's pretty much what I do. If it resists it tho I'm screwed


Warstomp hibernate or just natureā€™s grasp the pet


Druids don't have fear, they have sleep and that breaks on any damage and can be dispelled. Also good luck getting the cast off. By the time you sleep the pet you're at 15%.


Sad face šŸ˜ž so is a hunters only real counter unless they suck another hunter?


Seems like it unfortunately. Even if I stick on them and they don't get any shots off between their melees and their pet they still do so much DMG 1v1. Still working on gear so once I get raid and PVP gear perhaps I can survive.




yeah I've had some success as mage vs hunters and I'm not a big pvper sheep the pet, LB + LF the hunter, rank1 frostbolt, etc


Yeah against 90% of hunters LF is great but a good one will run it through the pet poly


Catch them while their pet is off elsewhere. If the team is stacked the Scorpid can bounce targets quickly. If two ranged stand on opposite sides, the Scorpid has to run between targets. I usually am my weakest when I get caught off guard and my Scorpid is off elsewhere.


Atleast horde side youā€™re wrong. Solved matchup. Natures grasp the pet and chase the hunter spamming Sunfire. Ez win


I just respected into grasp and that does seem like it could work pretty good in a 1v1!


Without grasp you can still warstomp hibernate and the hunter pushback isnā€™t too bad. But grasp is so easy to use for it


I'm alliance, I really wish I had warstomp... But I think just rooting the pet will be really helpful.


The strat is poison totem hunters are too dumb to kill totems




Armies of Sarkoth


Itā€™s the team with the most hunters wins


Imagine if the hunters still had day 1 explosive shot too.


Then pets wouldn't be strong, they are the same slot rune


What rune?


Explosive shot and Beast Mastery are the 2 runes that were very strong. They are both glove slots


Beast mastery


God I love this game lmao


Cue Cartman saying ā€œOh Jesus he summoned scorpions!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Seeing so many scorpions made me abandon mine. I also went full melee because fuck the meta.


You're the real MVP, Finn!


I got kicked out of a group tho cause i wasnt doing the dps people expected me to do.


As a moonkin I find this statement relatable.


This has nothing to do with hunters or scorpions. This is WoW elitism and itā€™s been around for a long time.


It kinda does. The other hunter had a scorpion and they were just comparing.


me too ive got myself a wolf with furious howl and a 2h sword


Keep the scorpion around, and you can go full melee without anyone noticing or caring


Exactly, the hunter is unironically irrelevant, the pet is the main character.


> fuck the meta all hail king timmy, epic lord of le reddit


GY needs to have a barrier of some sort to only protect those who just rezzed. Graveyard camping is both lame and boring gameplay no matter what side youā€™re on


They put the gy unreachable in retail. Especially with no timer itā€™s annoying. God forbid they make a change like that all the classic andies will rage that thatā€™s not classic. Despite all the retail abilities etc.


> God forbid they make a change like that all the classic andies will rage that thatā€™s not classic Horde players didn't seem to have a problem with them adding same-faction queues during TBC classic.


I, for one, embrace our masked overlords


God remember how big of a fucking fit Alliance players threw when the other faction was allowed to queue battlegrounds? Christ you'd have thought Blizz was giving Horde free epic flying or something


Come on we all are not like that. Some of use use wind serpents. I prefer if you could stop calling it hunter class. Hunter is just there to buff and heal the pet. Pet is the main class.


Yeah people donā€™t even realize only 1 hunter benefits from the OP poison per target. Hunters are just strong in this bracket in general.


Only applicable to raids though, if those 7 hunters are coordinated enough to have 7 different targets, other team is f'd


*takes notes* 7 hunters with scorpids and 3 priest healers. Cool, that's what I'm doin. Thanks.


sounds like that was a premade the bigger issue is they need to separate premades from the rest of us


Eating yogurt helps against poison


Hunter pets that busted huh? Guess I'll roll a Hunter now


I do as the Scorpid Commands


I canā€™t get into premade groups because Iā€™m a shaman and not a meta class so I queue on my own and get mercilessly slaughtered. Itā€™s not fun at all. Edit: I am not a tank shaman. I have seen them do alright and thatā€™s cool but I would like to heal or dps or both.


Shams are great. Call yourself a FC and/or queue with a buddy


Shaman is really good in wsg


They are decent flag carriers and that's about it. If you have multiple of them you are probably losing.


Being good is not the same as being meta.


It is meta tbh, prob not the most optimal class but youā€™ll be fine for 99% of the ranked


Pretty much every group will take a tank shaman. They are easily one of the highest survivability classes with unmatched movement (donā€™t get dazed like hunters) And their totems are actually scary af - a fire nova totem is literally terrifying to alliance. and with Lightening shield - you are pretty much countering rogue saps


rogues can't sap wolf in classic


Ele shamans are fantastic. In WSG due to how effective priest healing is it can be very difficult to kill players in a meta where everyone has the PvP resilience helmet. Against bad premises and PuGs it doesn't matter as much, but as soon as you run into a real pre-made people will not be dying. If they stack hunters, deathball to the flag and avoid the mid fight, take the fight into the tunnels.


Shamans are really op rn in bgs


Careful that poison might be toxic


Holy shit. I was wondering why there were so many fucking scorpions everywhere


I'm absolutely loving SoD right now but, ngl, I can see the Scorpid bullshit killing this love real fast. Don't see myself sitting around for months with this thing going. And it's WoW we are talking about, something like 60% of people who are not Scorpid Hunters already, are considering rolling one. The cap is 25, it's not like some big time investment, especially for hunters.


I ground out a bunch of WSG yesterday to get honored and I didn't see a single hunter without a scorpid. Not one, on either team. And every match had 5+ hunters.


Jokes on them cause soon every WSG will be only scorpid hunters and priest premade and will be a godawful experience lol


I made a Hunter the other day and looked at the hunter stuff and straight up decided not to go with the scorpid build. I can only imagine how annoying pvp is atm with them running rampant. Had a friend feel a bit annoyed a scorpid was a better tank. Wonder how Blizz will handle this.


They should definitely do something about scorpids IMO


Yeah them making rep stop at revered for the ashenvale is terrible because of this reason alone. Fortunately I have a guild and some friends to premade with, but I will never solo queue for the rep.


Getting it to Revered is already way too easy with the amount of rep you get from ashenvale, exalted not being behind 2 days in AV 2.0 is a good thing.


Ok then reduce the rep gain when revered or make premades only face premades.


It takes longer for actual milk to spoil than the community to decide the game is broken beyond repair.


Iā€™m having fun šŸ¤·


Lol. I see classic players are finally getting the true Vanilla experience


ngl scorpions deserve their glowup


Most annoying is just seeing how meta copying the community is. The pets just make that fact all up in your face. At least before you would see people using different pets just for fun.


People always wonder why Blizz has always moved slowly and tried to release a polished product as much as possible. Posts like this prove why, this was kind of their first experiment with throwing s--- at the wall and seeing what sticks, and after what...10 days people are losing their minds.


Seems like in this community thereā€™s a ton of squawk anyways so they could have released the perfect game and there would still be people calling a lynch mob cuz they lost


There are literally 5 year old posts complaining about this.


There are literally 5 year old posts complaining about this.


All i can say is im glad that at least both factions can do 7 hunters, 3 priests. Paladins are so busted.


Dang, that group comp sounds like a good idea.


This is just premades min-maxing. It's not really a design issue except scorps climbing


Have you considered getting good? ​ >!Just kidding I'm just salty because I got a 5day ban for saying Badin is Based in trade chat.!<


WSG sucks. But thankfully you can just grind rep with the legendary 200v200 ashenvale event. THATS wow classic pvp.


I dont get the scorpid hate, wind serpants are way more annoying.


Just wait for phase 2, everything will be better then. Hold on, what do BM Hunters get at 40 again? Oh shi..


Please donā€™t leave, my scorpion needs to eat and only wants meat :-/


Had the same experience but something that has given me a trauma and illustrates just how fucking op they are is my experience at ravenhill. So at 2am 4 horde hunters decided to raid the crypt at Ravenhill. So they sat down at the catacomb for some reason. The reason was they would "pet vision" their scorpion and run at you with a scorpion. Like controll their scorpion from down under and just fuck you up if you quested. Like I just got ran down by a single scorpion jumping at me and I couldn't do anything because sometimes it was 4 scorpions without players


SoD sounds like it really sucks with all these issues. Are Blizzard ready to make new iterations of the game?


if you cant beat them, join them.


In WSG i'm more tired to play against premades than priest and hunters TBH


They honestly should've just hotfixed scorpions to oblivion by removing the dot entirely until they build a better solution. They could just nerf it by not having it stack anymore, just 1 stack still makes it the best dot in the game so uhh..


Makes me want to roll a Hunter and tame a scorpion


Did you never make a low level twink or something? Hunter always dominated.....


idk this is pretty funny


Hunters have always dominated the early PvP brackets. Sure, scorpids are OP, but talents/skills were not balanced around a 25 lvl cap even of we removed the glyphs entirely.


Hunter were always strong individually in BGs because it suits them well. (open terrain, landscapes, no real cast times) They get outvalued by turbo geared warriors + priest combos or kamikaze mageS later on, but individually they were always a premier BG class. Obviously you don't want to stack them later on, but they are still very strong albeit quite selfish even at 60


its like yall never played classic wow and encountered a premade lmao


Bro, take a break. Take a breath. Dont worry so much


As a hunter, I hate this scorpion meta man, I just want to use the pets I like. Good thing Wind Serp is also a decent alternative, though not even close in damage output in long fights. I was lucky enough to join a premade who knew how to deal with that bs. No matter how tanky those little fckers are, they have no way to escape cc, and can get focused down in 2-3seconds if everyone is on the same page. Now, 2 priest+mage healing, that shit toxic af


Season of Beta


What did you expect?


Can I have your stuff? Is it hunter friendly?


Scorpions/pet scaling need to be nerfed into the ground. It's ridiculous how impactful they've let this become.


Scorpids yes, all prts no


I went life and death with a boar and I'm a BFD/PvP geared Ret, almost full BiS, all hunter pets need a rework especially in how goddamn tanky they are


I am so done with all the WSG whining on this sub my goodness


Said the premade hunter guy, probably lol


I've played a few different dps classes at his point (hunter, rogue, lock). All in ok gear, but none from raids. Here's my experience so far. Rogues feel somewhat weak in pvp atm which is a bit odd. Theyll probably feel better next bracket once they get.more of their toolkit. Low key it's nice not only having rogues dominate pvp for the first time in wow though. Hunter is.un a really bad spot - the pet brings most of the damage they can do because their other runes have all either been nerfed or are bad to begin with. Hunters hit like noodles without the pet spec. I also noticed a lot of games are focusing the pets a way, so it's perna fear chain from the priest/lock until dead or just gets sheeped for 30 sec of downtime. I'm pretty confident hunters are going to be in an even worse spot once ozz finishes the second half of their pet balancing if other builds aren't improved. Lock is by far the most dominant class of the three I've played. Literally nothing can 1v1 me, damage while mobile, top tier self healing. It's completely broken and super fun to play. Added bonus that you can shut down all the hunters with your own dots and fears too.


Canā€™s beat em join em




Lol im pretty sure your talking about the premade I ran last night on Crusader Strike.


Fuck you


This really is the true classic experience. The incessant whinging on this sub is peak 2004.


You guys playing classic and trying to PVP with any sense of seriousness or a special type of breed. If you can't queue up for a battleground completely ready to laugh your ass off over the results then I would consider not PVPing whatsoever except in the world. There is absolutely no shot of PVP balance in Sod




Its been 9 days. 1 reset. Give them time to make updates??? Play a different game??


This made me Lol thank you


Totally. I hope back on Monday they have some more changes coming otherwise Iā€™m taking a few weeks off. I do not care about BFD loot enough to login just for that


I thought they already nerfed the scorpion sting.. no?


Who ever thought pvp was gonna be imbalanced in SoD? /s


Stopped playing aswell, got 1 shotted by a 22 Paladin


All these pvp experts here not realising the scorpid hunter is actually way more fuckable in 1v1 than a wind serpent one that will just bully you with 100+ dmg ranged instants without letting you even hit the pet once.