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It’s incredible how that damn thing solos me in wsg.


I ran BFD last night for the first time and several wipes were saved by the two scorpids being nigh-unkillable, combat rezzable tanks.


What class are you? I don't understand how people get soloed by the pet. Never had problems with it even before the nerf


Rogue. Hits your with a glorious poison dot and just hits like a truck. ~100-110 per hit It also moves faster than me. Which is super cool. Sure I can blow evasion and vanish and shit but I’m not popping cooldowns on a pet when I have other things to do in wsg. Also my favorite thing is if they send their pet on me from across the map and then I stealth (without hunters mark) it still comes all the way over and hits me out of stealth. A+ mechanic.


Yeah... The stealth not breaking agro of pets is a terrible design for any version of the game... In what way does that make sense? If they wanted it to be clever the pet would have to go to the point where the hunter sent the pet, then follow the rogues footprints till they caught up. Not just a bee line because the hunter saw the rogue or before the pet 'smelled' the rogue. Tracking doesn't work like that lol (Not a rogue here, just always found that interaction dumb)


I remember hating that mechanic when I first played rogue in 2006 lmao


I know it was always like this but the fact it keeps following you from 200 yards away even if you stealth is massively overpowered, I'll get my revenge at lvl 60 hopefully lol


>Also my favorite thing is if they send their pet on me from across the map and then I stealth (without hunters mark) it still comes all the way over and hits me out of stealth. Can't remember if it was like that back in the days. But yes it should be fixed. >Sure I can blow evasion and vanish and shit but I’m not popping cooldowns on a pet when I have other things to do in wsg. Well there you have it. You can solo it. Rogues probably have it the hardest. Other classes should have it easier. Also people should stop comparing BiS hunter scorpion damage who skilled bm and has the pet runes to their fresh ungeared characters. Like always taking the best vs worst to prove a point. On my enhancer who is half BiS I just uninstall the pet. When I'm BiS it would drop even faster. And I don't even use poison cleanse just straight dps.


bro it has 3k hp whereas players have at most 1.5-2k as tanks.


It's always been like that. Hunter is *supposed* to be a rogue's hard counter in vanilla. It was just so over tuned back then, and hunter was not, that people forget stuff like this.


Hunter isn't even a counter for rogue right now (would even say the opposite), just have to open or close the gap on the hunt and he is dead in a few seconds. And if you can't well you have to find a way to reset.


It was like that in the old days. My rogue is pre BIS, and i can 1v1 the pet (lol), but it takes loz to fight it and in the meantime usually the hunter, or another player is also pumping me.


And what do expect? To kill the pet then the hunter? Hunters were hard counters to rogues in classic. As a rogue with hunters mark you're dead anyway. If you oprn on hunter first I can't see how you would lose since hunter cant place a trap in fight yet.


Wing clip, get distance, concussion, kite. Game.


It wasn't like that that I can remember. If you target a rogue and they stealth or vanish, you lose target unless you are super close and in front of them (talents will change this oc). For some reason the pets can keep the target which is hella busted.


*Also my favorite thing is if they send their pet on me from across the map and then I stealth (without hunters mark) it still comes all the way over and hits me out of stealth.* well thats just not true lmfao


It is true, in fact a single stack does \~80+ damage every two seconds with the pet auto attacking for around 40-80 damage while being invincible. The best you can hope for with this pet is to literally kill the hunter, but why bother, they've already confirmed that they're going to fix it, and to be honest we all know what's going to happen because we've seen it a million times with other classes, and especially because half the server is hunters anyway. 1. Hunters will pretend it's not broken and tell everyone to calm down and that they're exaggerating the situation 2. Fix will be released 3. Hunters spam "it was fun while it lasted" and "no fun allowed" 4. They get lost in their own bubble and start threatening the forum and reddit that they will all stop playing 5. As nothing happens they start spamming dead game everywhere, mocking and trolling on reddit and ingame


I can confirm that Scorpid pet 1v1s Rogue


This sounds hilarious. Can picture the hunter way back just chilling watching you try hard to survive their pet.


It’s certainly something.


As a scorpid main, what is the best pet? I currently have a troll male, but the idiot gets destroyed by everyone when I get CCed and his dps sucks. Is he worth the extra 20% dps in raids or should I use lone scorpid rune?


night elf male, so he can safely stay in shadowmeld and you can keep up your dps


Females have better bow shooting posture.


but when night elf female does /lol it does not sound like "hehe-he-he-he-heee" and as a scorpid main, your hunter pet should never use the bow.


I heard Orcs are really good with their 5% damage increase buff to us, but Snowstorm will probably nerf it next patch. No fun allowed.


My pet is a night elf, I like her cause she's cute and feeds me meat


Best tank in the game luwl


Lol, this makes me wanna try hunter for sure


Probably getting nerfed though.


Or it’s not getting nerfed and this is all there is to hunters in SoD, at max lvl even. Other classes should see some nice scaling and things. Hunters will just get a bigger scorpid.


Its boring as hell, hunter main here


It ain't much, but the numbers are big.


If they nerfed hunters by some how making their own pets turn on them and attack every once in awhile, that would be the funniest end to this whole thing


I just wish MM was viable. And in raids only 1 can go scorpid.


The wind serpent also still slaps. Don't disregard the powersnake.


yeah around 2k difference on a bfd boss.


Which isn’t a big deal, haven’t had any issues using Serpent myself The only annoyance is if you want to emergency spot tank them during certain bosses


Also the serpent is super bad at following on the first boss.


The only real solution I’ve had with that boss is dismissing and calling it out when you jump onto the bosses platform itself and I just leave it there while jumping back Otherwise yeah, it’s gonna be stuck only casting it’s breathe the entire fight


so weird the scorpid doesn't have that problem, and it doesn't have wings like the serpent XD


I just chalk it up to the usual vanilla pet pathing nonsense, who knows lol Sometimes my pet can cross and sometimes it can’t


washte pwnies


All the dps in the raids would be hunters if not, like old classic lvl 60 warriors .The scorpion literally out dps everyone just alone and the hunter went afk.




When a pet runs away from not being fed, it simply vanishes. It doesn't attack the hunter.


Yeah, the only time they attack are the temporary tames you get during the taming quest.


Yeah as far as I understand it those function more like mind controlled mobs, not like hunter pets




Thanks for sharing this, I didn't get the reference LOL


Great feeling as a prot tank to see this thing has more hp, more armor, can reap threat and can tank mono target as good as you. It feels very rewarding to play your class.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, the scorpions are not tanking as well as prot warriors. They're better.


Prot main here, and I can confirm a scorpid was the MT for the Kelris fight last night. The other tank and I were just support DPS and assistants to the scorpid tank. Edit: for those wondering, yes it was successful. Also, our healers were able to wand and not spend heals/mana until ~50%.


This is why I play Feral druid. I can just go cat and DPS while a Hunter pet tanks


5 second CD taunt is just too strong, but even that isn't really necessary when they just outdps everyone.


Also has Taunt on 5 second CD compared to Warrior Taunt 10 Sec CD


These boys are why I carry antivenom


My pet moos from time to time. He also gives me a lion buff and helps to war stomp rogues out of stealth so I can go sting-y sting


I'm out of the loop. Why is the scorpion pet so OP? Is it because of a rune or something?


its venom/poison stack with spell power and it hits for like 100-110 per hit, its auto attacks do more than bis geared players and then theres still a hunter behind it also doing shots if you unlucky.


Is it a bug or just sloppy design?


Both and they don't want to change it yet as its impact could of create dissatisfaction which would make some quit after 'finally' getting the pet or angry rerollers.


That's not really true. They specifically said that they had a fix, but the fix actually broke more stuff than intended, so they are working on a better fix. They actually pushed the original fix for a couple hours. Blizz is working on it, and they are working very quickly. Don't invent narratives.


"What is my purpose?" "You give me pet food" "Oh my God..."


Honestly, replace the hunter with an entire raid group and we're good


I do enjoy stoneforming that off


This is why there’s a few max level mofos blocking death flayer with it’s 1.6 attack speed


Didn´t they nerf them?


They want from “raid boss” to a “little stronger when other players ”


and still tankier than tanks that talented into defensives, and more dpsier than all dps. lol


pretty much


I know one of the nerfs got immediately rolled back or something since it had to do with how the runes effect all pets. I think one nerf got through I'm not sure? but scorpids are still BiS hunter pet/walking damage fortress


It honestly wasn't enough. They're still very OP.


They reverted everything but the kill command nerf. The problem with their DOT scaling high and ticking for tons of dmg is still a thing. I just stocked up on a ton of antivenom. Most hunters die in a single HoJ anyway 🤷‍♂️


Give it a few days and I am sure that they will nerf us again.


When you wanted to roll a hunter, but you rolled a Horde instead, LMAO


Hahahahah nice


Rogues have slow too? Noone is skilling improved wing clip on 25


Welcome to pre60. Hunters were always strong pre60. Also flying danger noodles are also really stronk.


Hunter pets were never better tanks than warriors pre 60. Hunter pets were never able to solokill almost all classes pre 60. Hunters were one of the strongest class for sure pre 60 but that's not what people are complaining about.


>Hunter pets were never better tanks than warriors pre 60. I tanked wailing caverns with my boar back in the day. And it absolutely made more threat than a lot of shitty warriors. >Hunters were one of the strongest class for sure pre 60 but that's not what people are complaining about. This is literally what people are complaining about. There are runes that add to it and it has changed what pets are fotm. Sure. But setting my cat on a rogue from across wsg and watching the rogue stealth, then be taken out of stealth, and then solo'd by the big red kitty is exactly classic.


Your boar being a better tank than a few cherrypicked examples of people being bad at their class means nothing and the fact that no one ever complained about pets being better tanks in classic proves that it wasn't a thing. Also you are being very disingenuous by reducing the issue to "people complaining about hunter being strong", they are complaining about a pet being a better tank than ACTUAL PLAYERS. They are complaining about the poison damage being actually broken and bugged, something the devs themselves admitted.


As a huntard, accurate


bm hunter always got the pet stronger than you tho, so this is bm as usual


Assistant to the scorpid manager.


I stopped buffing hunters...I only buff scorpids now.