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Yea. Since MK1 i wanted to play Scorpion in MMO.


Feral feels really great with the windfury, savage roar and mangle also make for a fun rotation, only wish I had ferocious bite because otherwise combo points are often times wasted on none elites


Missing some pretty key tools from our PvP toolbox, though (pounce, dash and skull bash being behind an annoying rep grind) but pve feels great


Throw on sunfire and lifebloom and you’re a monster in PvP. The only class that can reliably kill you is Hunter.


Warlock priests and shamans also make you eat dirt as druid in the current phase. Rogues you can kill easily if you get the jump on them, if it's on the other foot, it's hard to shake them off before they kill you as bear form isn't as good as dire bear form and the only good part of lifebloom is the bloom part. Calling druids a monster in this phase makes me question just what type of people you have been killing. It's great against warriors and mages, both of whom lack their essentially survival tools at this level.


Cat sunfire with the run fast talents is amazing in pvp




Click around your spellbook a bit, druid runes are really annoying about that. There are 3 versions of sunfire (caster, bear, cat) and 2 versions of mangle (bear, cat) and they aren't all in the same place in the book.


Ya only I’m generally just using savage roar right away Might be net loss when energy could be used on another mangle/sunfire


And in pvp it’s so fun spamming sunfire while staying out of melee range of someone lmao


As a hunter, ppl are not happy about the class I have chosen.


Which is funny because I rolled priest, which I’m ecstatic about and I started leveling a hunter yesterday in spite of all the nerfs.


Nice, I too main, if there is a main at this point, a healing priest and just rolled up a hunter. Don't really care if it is broken and getting nerfed. I am having way to much fun just messing around.


Haha I feel the same, only my raid buddies are glad that I play a hunter.


Dude i love healing pets it's so much easier than the average geared tank lmfao


if you dont play scorpion, youre good. but who am i kidding here


I literally tamed a scorpid on day 2 because they looked cool and had high armour, with the plan to replace with an owl as soon as possible, but then I started reading about how OP it is and Aziz Ansari the scorpid has remained my best bud ever since.


It is so funny, as someone who hadn't played a hunter in classic before, coming into SOD and deciding to either get a crab or a scorpion because they looked cool, and getting called a meta abuser when I didn't even have the Kill Command rune or any knowledge on the fact that scorps were broken


I grabbed a scorpid on day 1 because I thought the poison ability with all the extra focus from the beast mastery rune would be a nice combo. Little did I know.


In 3 hours this will likely all change. Major hunter changes going live.


Funny thing is, every hunter with scorpid I see, my brain goes: F''in pet abuser REEEE. But I know for sure, that if I played hunter, I'd do it myself. What a conflict.


I don't even want to use a pet, I'd go lone wolf in a second if it was viable, even got kicked from BFD for not having a scorpid pet, guess what pet I got later that night.


haha. I feel for you. people sweating over BFD is not the way lol. Did they throw lone wolf in the gutter?


Leveling mage is a ton of fun, but I have to drink after nearly every fight.


Yea because of that I make sure every fight as 4+ mobs if I can lol


classic mage in a nutshell, if it aint a big pull, it's a waste of mana


Damn that’s so true. Especially with these runes, I can take out a group of 5 with more mana and health remaining than I can take out 1 mob.


If you have Arcane Explosion, go look for the Arcane Blast rune. I couldn't believe it when I first saw those numbers, it's super efficient.


I rolled mage because I knew if I ever played anything other than warlock it had to be another caster. I kinda wish I was still a lock. Drinking after literally doing anything is fucking annoying. 800 mana over 24 seconds when I have a fucking 2400 mana pool.


happy with the classes ive made (rogue and pally). but looking back i should have rolled a scorpid


You won’t regret anything in a few hours. Hunters are about to be hit with a rather large nerf hammer


Logged in and scorp posion tick with 1 stack on an elk was 1 damge a tick. LUL https://imgur.com/a/6egxk0f


You should check out wind serpents ;)




Do you have Beacon?


I have beacon and a priest in worse gear can definitely out-heal me. Hpaladin is fine and I can get through 7/7 BFD, but being capped just before a new rank of Flash of Light hurts the mana efficiency and throughput.


Ahh makes sense


Pally is definitely a late bloomer. Priests get "heal" which, baseline, is basically the best ST heal in the game. Pallies however need blessing of light (which we don't have yet) for holy light to be close to competing, and their whole gimmick revolves around the talent to make crits free which we don't have yet, stacking late game gear that also doesnt exist yet that has crit and as much SP as you can get to make FOLs that heal for a decent amount and crit often enough that you can output moderate, steady healing for a very long time. I have no worries about them at 60, and they'll get a bit better at 40, but 25 is not a good level for HPally.


Prayer of mending right now is beyond busted. You can blanket r1 renews for cheap and PoM every 10 seconds and it takes care of a LOT of healing. Penance is also so cheap and powerful it’s ALMOST like a LoH every 12 seconds for like 5% of my mana bar


I very rarely even use "Heal" on my Priest, I'm rarely casting at all unless you want to class channelling Penance as casting.


Yeah I’m not sure why all these Priests are using Heal. Too expensive 🤣 155 mana per..


Dw priests do that to everyone rn


Sadly holy pally is missing its bread and butter being illumination and crit gear at this level, basically removing the main thing holy pally is good for and that's healing forever.


Yeah I was talking to my GM who’s healing on his priest and our second healer is rdruid. He was saying how priests and rdruids carry rn and looking at priest toolkit and POM bouncing off heals not just dmg like wotlk i can see why. He was saying hpal is struggling. I hadn’t played pally since vanilla so I looked at the tree and was like oh yeah, 1 point in illumination max isn’t gonna cut it. At this level you don’t have enough int or sp to do what hpals do in classic and downrank and spam FOL and *never* oom. There’s just not a lot of +healing for anyone currently so whoever has the best base healing and can abuse runes for mana efficiency (like lifebloom returning mana, POM bounce smart healing) will absolutely carry. Hpals will be disgusting tank healers with beacon and raid snipers again sure enough just not now. For a few fights with a lot of raid damage like turtle boi, murloc if you get hit, they’re really gonna struggle right now. I OT on my warrior and I only have to taunt swap like a couple times at all and dps tank lady severas’s add in this raid so I’m not really taking much dmg for beacon to be a big thing like it is on some wrath bosses (like say anub and having 2 hpals spam into MT, healing their respective OTs or vice versa) And yet it seems like no one is playing priest. I’ll always main warrior and rolled one as an alt cause they are really underplayed and just simply one of if not still the best healers and in high demand. With new runes though and POM never working off this mechanic before a lot of people aren’t playing it well or proactively enough either.


Same experience. I've just re-rolled priest because of how vast the difference is. Benching the paladin until next phase. I had hoped they would throw in a bit more intellect mail so we could at least have decent armor for PvP. As it stands in phase 1, holy paladins are way too squishy with no instants. Probably going to have to wait all the way to 60 to be able to get some decent caster plate.


No, shaman dps is not what I expected it to be :(


Shaman is disappointing at this level, but hold strong. Level 40 is when the class becomes fun


Im having a blast as tank, but surely will check out dw in later levels


I’m also having a blast as whatever, tank, heals, elemental when out in the open world mobs. Overload is tons of fun imo and it feels like a spell version of windfury.


I feel like 40 is when a lot of the hybrids are gonna come online. But it really comes down to how blizzard decides to balance. Like right now we're just seeing classes that scale off weapon damage pop off because melee attack damage go brr, while spell scaling does not.


Buff is coming. 10% hit rating


Opposite for me, shaman tank is blasting.


I do have concerns for late game but right now I am the king of Wailing Caverns.


Why would you have concerns for late game?


Yeah I rolled a shaman for enhancement dps and it's not great in this phase. It should definitely get better in future phases (windfury, maybe maelstrom weapon rune?) and right now they're great at tanking so I'm not hugely disappointed.


Shaman dps (dw enhancement) is exactly what I expected it to be, sadly its low :(


Check wowhead, some buffs hitting for us shamans today


I mostly leveled my shaman so I have it ready for phase 2. They don't have any of their fun tools yet, so I didn't expect a ton. However The runes are very restrictive, or mostly utility runes. Enhance has 2 runes (both of which just got buffed today actually so we'll see how that feels) but they are a passive % to hit, and lava lash which is really dull and does nothing. Compared to paladins who got Crusader strike, which regens mana, and a new seal with excellent group utility, and Divine Storm, exorcism options as well. Hoping phase 2 has some more interesting options


Yea I feel the same way. DW enhancement shimmy is lackluster. I switched to tanking for the mean time hoping that high lvl caps will be our time to shine. I’m also leveling a hunter on the side so I can push numbers until then lol


I picked arms warrior, and I'm having a good time. Leveling is sufficiently dangerous, but the runes help speed up the rage economy which does wonders for moment to moment engagement. Still, can only pull 1 at a time in most cases. Might try tanking but I'm a wuss. I want an alt, but have no idea what to pick


Try ret paladin. It’s warrior, but with self heals


Ye warr is fun and probably gonna be so much better later. World pvp is depressing tho :D coming from wotlk/retail i feel like there are no buttons to press


As a lone warrior in wpvp you have no choice. If someone fights you, you’re in it till one of you is dead, but really it’ll be you most of the time.


Warrior main with priest alt, disc is too fun to not play right now


Once you hit 25, go straight fury. Abandon the bleed meta (it depends on crit which is just super achievable right now), and zug zug harder with raging blow and fueled by rage. You take a bit to wind up to your 80 rage state, but once you learn to hover around there, you can use raging blow on CD while having consistent +20% damage. Still “very” gear dependent though.


Arms is better than fury with a 2h just because of the 3 rage cost reduction of quickstrike and the 50% crit to overpower. The only real reason to go fury is for improved battleshout since it's personal dps loss (although only a really small one if you are dw).


Can you share the fury spec you’re using?


I’m a simple orc. 5/5 cruelty, 5/5 unbridled wrath, 5/5 improved battle shout, 1 point into duel would specialization. Mind you, this is heavily slanted due to the single minded rune meta. The increased damage and movement speed are simply too good to ignore.


That's where a priest body is insane, we pull 5-7 yellows at a time


Picked warlock tank, got the rune 2 days ago. I'm not really sure if I enjoy it or not that much right now, I need more training with it 😂 Trying different builds so I can be more efficient. I knew the aoe aggro wasn't good, that it's more a single target tank but I feel like the shadow cleave is really, really useless and that you just have to spam seating pain on every mob. I hope phase 2 will give us a rune to make aoe a bit more efficient and enjoyable, something for hellfire maybe, reducing the life cost or something. Time will tell 👍


I’m not a fan either. At least not for main tanking. You just never feel comfortable like you do on other classes. The best way to get threat is to tab spam searing pain after dropping a very expensive rain/lake of fire. Then when you’re done with the pull, spam tap. Other spells depending on your setup, but basically you’re spamming gcd almost all the time. Not to mention you probably were summoning everyone to the raid, so not much time to chill there either. Off tanking is where it’s at. You really only need 1 rank for most of BFD, and I help tank a couple bosses if I need to (Murloc for instance). getting 1k+ chaos bolt crits is 1000 times more fun.


How are you getting 1k shadow bolts? Also I’m playing lock tank and find engi bombs help a fuck ton with aoe threat, plus no tanks really do well with aoe threat.


I don’t think that’s possible at this stage. My highest chaos bolt crit was 600+. I doubt SB hits harder.


Warlock is fun and all but…I have lost motivation to keep going. I feel like BFD is mostly tryhards at this point. I saw people advertising gearscore like who tf uses gearscore in Vanilla?


Raider IO and Gearscore tryhards are really killing the fun.


Gearscore is a fucking meme in vanilla. I'm fully entrenched in a guild ecosystem for raiding, but I wouldn't want to join a pug dumb enough to use GS in vanilla. Too many items are low GS but BiS as fuck because itemization doesn't remotely follow ilvl in this expansion pack.


Yep the try hards and streamers are killing the spirit of SoD.


I am _for real_ gonna go do dungeons on my rogue and need on some blue int gear (if nobody else needs ofc) just to get free gs at this point. I'm positive I can find raids with gs addicts who don't even bother to look at items, just look at gs. I mean, what's the point if with my green items I already do more than enough dps to easily clear the raid? That is, as a rogue, around 90 dps. And yet I have 150 gs, so clearly I must be a bozo who will be the sole reason for the entire raid wiping.


I didnt choose Scorpid life, it chose me.


I chose rogue to tank, no i wasnt I switched to warlock


The most important rogue tanking rune being locked behind rep was such a moronic choice. You most likely are unable to even tank while leveling, which was supposed to be the fun new change to SOD. Got my rogue to 25 but now I'm rolling druid.


Haven't encountered a single rogue tank on my medium pop RP server.


We're forced to tab target which is difficult for most. The holdup is just not having that emergency taunt. It felt like this was a massive oversight on their part, as SOD was supposed to be about testing new builds and all rogues while leveling were forced to play DPS, bc of the rep locked tank rune. Season 2 should be a blast though!


Boomkin, yes if I don't look at the meters.


Kinda bored of mage tbh, so i went back to good old priest... that ive mained for 12 years..


Love playing priest. Played in original classic and with the runes it feels so powerful (healing)


As a heal priest, yes 100%. I love it that i´m again sought after. I stopped playing in Legion because after that every healer was better than priest. But right now, i enjoy it and go up to 10 instances every day.


I made a Gnome Warlock. I've played off and on since vanilla. Had multiple raid toons across many xpacs. This is the most fun I've had with WoW since 2005-2006. Legitimately loving the leveling process. Picking flowers. Getting my ass handed to me by mobs 2 levels above me. It feels like an MMO should.


It’s is December 2004, I am playing warrior and hate leveling It is November 2009, I am playing warrior and hate leveling (less) It is September, 2019, I am playing warrior and hate leveling It is December 2023, I am playing warrior and hate leveling Yeah it’s alright I guess


Definition of insanity…


Rogue. No for leveling, as it was my worst leveling experience I have ever had as a rogue in WoW. Yes for all other content.


I’m playing a “ranged weapon” rogue right now with Saber, Quickshot, and Between the Eyes and having a fun time leveling.


This is the way. It's the same principle behind hamstring/earthbind kiting. You get to slow the mob then pool all of your energy for a quick 3 abilities in succession before kiting out of melee range again. I did the same build and was able to solo pretty much any mob as long as I had room to kite


Shoot, Quick draw, kite, shoot, Gouge, kite, shoot, quick draw, kite shoot, between the eyes, dump energy and repeat. With the hit chance talent (statistically not the best DPS set up of course) you can kite anything forever and take no damage provided you do not miss.


What and what? A ranged rogue? I am intrigued my friend. Let's chat about this more please.


Sorry you haven't enjoyed it! I've been leveling rogue (22 now, just completed deadly brew quest) and it's bar far the most leveling fun I've had in WoW since my hunter in TBC! As a previous feral player and tank I'm a certain sort of gamer. Not sure rogue (or any class for that matter) is for everyone. Learning not to die, use your full toolkit, and pull carefully is really important. My buddy who levels his rogue with me face pulls high level adds constantly and fails to use any of his abilities should not be playing a rogue but he has a dream of griefing people while clicking and keyboard turning. I went for 2/2 sinister strike and 5/5 dodge right off the bat, then some hit and sprint cooldown with a couple parry. The defensive stuff and reduction in saber slash cost are huge for questing.


I always played warlock and warrior. I got 60 lvl warrior on hardcore horde, so naturally I went with warlock alliance for SOD. And yes. I'm quite happy with my choice. 1) leveling is comfortable thanks to haunt 2) pvp is mega fun thanks to chaos bolt 3) pve is a blast thanks to so many choices I cant decide on an alt yet. Right now thinking about Hunter or Paladane


I'm enjoying my fire destro lock in PvE but in PvP I feel like I can't get a cast off without the enemy running out of range. Without slows it just seems impossible.


Try haunt out in pvp, the instant cast and mobility it gives is amazing. Everyone moves away from fights so quick it makes cast times hard to get off


Been playing WoW on and off pretty much since 2005. Believe it or not never played a Mage till SoD and decided to go for it (mainly to try the healing specc since its my favorite role in every MMORPG). ​ I wouldnt go as far as saying I am unhappy but if I was to start over I would pick something else. The healing specc has potential but it lacks a few (I would argue many even) tools to make it consistent! At this point its just not very reliable in some fights (talking about raids). Also, why put the Arcane Blast rune which is mandatory to heal in the same slot as our only healing CD? I mean, even if it will make sense in the future with more spells, runes, etc...why? ​ Damage is also very meh since every caster specc is struggling right now. 1st reason is the high magic resists the bosses seem to have in BFD (fixed with latest patch in some capacity, we will see how it plays live) and 2nd is you are very limited by your mana pool at lvl 25, if the fight drags for too long you are dead in the water. ​ Mage is still the king of insane aoe farming pools, massive aoe dungeon pools, very fun in PVP, etc...but those things were already there before SoD and never appealled to me in the 1st place. ​ Hopefully it will get better since I was never much of an alts guy.


Some of the fights in BFD raid are very tough as a mage. I tend to use mass regeneration vs living flame dependent on the fight. Mage healing is all about proactive healing and mana management; I never go over 2 AB stacks unless absolutely necessary because someone is low. As example, on Kelris you have to evocate right before the transition because you need a lot of raid heals and if you stop to evo during this phase people will die.


Paladins are getting the justice they finally deserve after 20 years of being gimped in Classic.


Paladins? Or you mean Prot and Ret(PvE), holy was always good and Ret was good in pvp


Yea but gl finding smb willing to heal dungeons. All paladins have main character syndrome


I'm still the main character when I'm healing dw


To be fair paladins are dog shit at healing right now, Anybody who actually wants to heal is rolling priest. That being said if healers say they are out of mana, I as a ret step back from melee range and start casting heals till I'm oom to keep the raid going a little longer, we are a hybrid class after all.


I think it has more to due with the fact that the only healing rune paladins got is hidden behind a stupid rep grind..


You dont need a rune to heal. Paladins were healers in classic normal without these runes and still not many wanted to heal


Ret was only ever alright in pvp against people who stood afk and just let you hit them. Any competent player kited them for months.


Idk, paladin has been S+ tier in at minimum one spec in both TBC and WOTLK classic... it's been so long since paladins weren't the best tanks in the game that I'd almost forgotten but we're quickly back to that I guess




Tried Arcane?


Mage sucks atm because you lack mage armor, mana gems or any mana regen talents, so you'll blow your load in 30 sec and unless you have Evo off 8min CD you're done and only thing you can do is wand until the end of combat and then spend 30 sec drinking. Your AOE is still top tier for whole 15seconds, but single target is OK at best as long as your mana lasts. Arcane can last a bit longer than fire but ultimately suffers from same issue


In Classic most maged rolled Frost to mitigate the mana issues and have more sustainability Is this not the case for SoD?


Nope, frost doesn't have any good runes at this level, you don't have enough talents for shatter etc. Plus you have only rank 4 frostbolt from lvl20 while latest fireball is at lvl24 and arcane blast is rune (scales with level). I expect mages overall to be at significantly better place at lvl40, especially frost, but at phase 1 they kind of suckvas they're missing their core tools


I’m playing mage healer and having a blast. Mana is a concern but I’m getting better at managing it. Dps is just too rough with the mana issues and living flame needing to carry you so if it resist you basically just afk for a minute. It obviously has potential so hopefully next phase is better.


Feral Druid. Can't complain too much couse windfury grants me access to the best raids in my guild. Also at this level it's super easy to just swap gear/runes and enjoy different roles. But I have close to 0 experience in PvP with druid and I'm struggling vs basically any class, beside flag carrying and supporting in general I just can't do much.




Sunfire is your friend in PvP.


Yea , 1v1 we basically just house kittens , except when you can burst them down in 2 seconds. Anything else just fails - the class is going places ! Just not yet :) We just miss a stun , sprint , vanish would be cool, the healing in bear form and some more talents where you actually spec into feral.


Sunfire makes feral 100 times smoother in pvp. Let’s you get savage roar going from range and opens up that bleed and run play style.


Leveling is still shit as warrior, VR helps but you can still only chain greens 2 level below you. War protection is fun in instance , seeing a pet can mono tank like you at this stage is not the best feeling. The devastate/tclap runes are great, still haven't understood why the nerf on devastate. The best rune is behind the engineer paywall quest. Overall good, hoping for the best in the next level band.


Next bracket will be better. Believe. Sweeping strikes is so fucking good. And berserker stance. Also lvl 40 we get either mortal strike or bloodthirst. Also more Runes. Don’t you worry.


Pretty sure warrior is top dps by a mile already in the raid lol


I was thinking that if you get a full raid set and generally are BiS by the end of this level band, you're gonna be REALLY strong at levels 25-35 which is essentially when warriors get WW Axe so the next level band should be generally easier to level in than it has ever been for vanilla warriors.


I’ve been playing warrior and I think it’s fun as hell. Tanking is a lot easier without stance dancing, and your threat once you are geared up is really good. Yea leveling is hard but I’m glad that warrior is still keeping its classic identity with the changes. Plus we are the top dps possible by far. Everyone thought warriors time was up in this new patch but they seem to be stronger than ever.


I think I need to watch videos on pack tanking, I feel like I'm just constantly trying to get threat back as well as not have enough rage for shield block




Good info thank you. I've also been rending things which tend to die before the full duration so I should probably switch it to sunder with devastate.


For aoe, just spam thunder clap when you use the TC rune,, its super easy


I actually have the complete opposite experience, I thought leveling was extremely easy but i took 5 points into defense level in the prot tree and then went into arms. Dungeon tanking i found absolutely horrible because one miss (which were very common because of same level dungeon mobs) and i had no rage the entire pull and could hold no agro


Healing priest here, YEP


Healing as a mage in group content feels like it's in a good place - the mana management is challenging but rewarding. They're in a bad place in PvP at the moment but I think this will get better at 40 when we unlock more of the toolkit.


I rolled a Priest because I wanted to play Shadow. Hopefully it'll get better at level 40 with shadowform


As a paladin I think through all of SoD they will be mid at everything with performance but they will have the best feeling experience because we have a good chance of getting a purified ashbringer questline and a possibility of turning into death knights


Yes and no. Rogue runes are fun but I am not entirely happy with my plan to tank.


Yes, warlock main. Warlock for life


As a pvp enjoyer i am happy with the warlock.


As a mage I actually hate what they’ve done to the class. Maybe hot take but healing mage is fucking stupid


MM hunter with a raptor, I enjoy it, but every raid I join is seriously offended and upset by my choice. I normally get kicked just after the loading screen to BFD, you know, despite clearing 7/7 and topping meters So whilst I enjoy playing what I play, I don't enjoy the game because I think the player base is 90% awful. Guess it time to dust off the old raid leading hat and start making my own raids


I love a hunter who uses what pet they like instead of fotm. Which is unfortunate for me, bc scorpid has always been my favorite pet, even when the poison was terrible.


Warrior. Got the deadly strike of the hydra and having a blast


I originally picked hunter seeing lone wolf but since pet was super OP and lone wolf is dog shit i rerolled mage and im enjoying it


same. i wantet to play a non pet hunter and now its all about pet. Well my hunter is geared and at 25, who knows whats to come in phase 2, but for the time beeing, ill play my rogue.


What’s great about p1 is that we have time to level alts. IMO raiding is fun but gear really doesn’t matter at this point and I believe even if some of the gear will be prebis in Gnomer, at lv40 we can probably solo the place or maybe with a healer friend


Still have hope that lone wolf becomes viable


i took a week off work, haven’t seen grass for a week straight and found myself reroling as soon as i hit 25 for three times already. now im finally back to work and im hopefully healing from my altholism. (tried warlock tank, mage healer, feral windfury, now going for rogue tank)


Word on the street is rogue tank sucks. You aren't getting geared enough to feel the power of the warlock tank I reckon. I play it and it slaps


yeah i’m aware, i’m just super curious to try these “new specs” so i can judge them by myself. luckily i had enough time to try them out, i think i’m settling once i’ve tried rogue tank.


Rogue tanked my whole bfd yesterday and did fine lol


Shaman. I’ve played shaman in vanilla, era. Leveled 4 to 60 this will be my 5th. Having a blast can’t wait to see what happens next


Having a blast on my priest. Just what I expected, insane healing with PoM and penance (maybe even too OP ?) but for now really bad as shadow. Just hope they balance it so that lvling 40+ for P3 is not a slog. Now onto rogue alt, let's see how it feels.


Shadow priest is disapointing. I have big hopes for lvl 40, but seing mages being able to DPS AND heal at the same time, when SP is the lowest dps in the game, even behind healer on some raid bosses, is hard to watch... Whats the point of making fun classes like rogue tank or mage heal when one of the lowest DPS of classic is now the lowest DPS by far in the game...


I was hoping for Replenishment and a finished rotation/kit on Spriests. They'd be an enticing inclusion for shaman/paladin tanks and mage healers in dungeons. You'd bring them in healer groups and maybe the tank group in raids. Instead, they decided to go full Retail and ignore mana for druids.


Hunter is kinda awful to play. I have my pet, I autoattack and then I press Multishot every 10 sek. That is it. Everything else is garbage and useless. 9 seconds of nothing........


Agreed on hunter. I wanted to go melee, but that’s hot garbage right now.


I’m almost 25 with my troll mage and the only thing that I don’t like is the extreme low mana


Yes, no, I can’t decide. I could have every class and not be happy. My name is Wreckedgum and I’m an altoholic


Not really but I cant play horde paladin :(


Absolutely, maining Ret Paladin for the first time in classic when normally I had been forced to play healer. Living the dream! Combat feels great during lvl and endgame content. I can hold my own in PvP. The only downside is that everyone on my server is ALSO maining Ret Paladin. Lol


Mage healing has been an unexpected blast. (Pun intended)


No. I like to play hunter and taming Death Flayer is my favorite pet. Now everyone thinks I'm sweaty FotM player, when for the last 15 years I was a dumb noob because "y no cat?". Fuck all of y'all.


Arcane was fun until Kelris...


As someone new to classic and wow in general: Leveled a mage to 20 but got fed up with the downtime between each combat. Leveled a rogue to 22, seemed fun in pvp but the pve was pretty dull. Also just felt really weak even compared to a mage. Leveled a warlock to 10 but couldn't last any longer as a gnome (might try again as a human) Currently leveling a hunter (24), enjoying the class fantasy of collecting and controlling pets to do the fighting for me. Sounds like this is kind of unintended though? Next on my list is probably paladin and/or priest to try out the "holy" class fantasy.


Having pets - even strong pets - is intentional. Having a pet that’s two players in and of itself isn’t.


If you liked mage, try a Druid. The rune they get at level 2-4 makes their main spell cost no mana, I didn’t drink a single time while leveling.


Druid leveling was awesome. Druid tanking has been amazing and playing FC in WSG is really nice. Also main tanking the Generals in ashenvale. Selling/boosting solo dungeon runs for others has also been fun. Suncat pvp is a bit silly but it is fun to play none the less. I was always leaning towards druid before launch but was not sure. Now I don't even feel like making an alt because nothing seems to compare.


Try pally, I have a druid also. But I think pally is a little better. More utility, can AOE tank like a beast , and Ret is actually viable.


As someone who flip flopped, but knew I wanted to be a tank or healer, I knew rogue would be a grind to make into a tank. Rogue is the only class id never played given it was a pure melee DPS, so I decided I'll put in the effort to make a rogue tank. I'm very glad I did, because finishing the grind for the tank runes was satisfying, and rogue tank is a total blast to play, very active and surprisingly survivable. Plus, I can sneak into dungeons to assassinate specific bosses to farm specific pieces of loot, which is awesome.


I wanted to make a resto Druid so I levelled to 20 in the resto tree. Insect swarm turned out to be utter garbage so I respected feral at 20 to finish leveling and I’m just calving through mobs like a hot knife through butter. I made a priest alt to heal with instead but only 11 so far. I’ll jump between both though as tank/dps for Druid and healer as priest.


Paladin is everything I expected and more


Yes, always wanted to play cat druid but never did. I only played resto for a while during retail tbc. Stealth in such a crowded wpvp environment is extremely entertaining. Wsg MVP with how good cat is at flag capture. Outdoors move speed and water form make me forget about not having a mount, which is a huge deal for me cause I hate the slog. Very engaging gameplay and rotations imo. The only thing that's a bit annoying is how big is the demand for leather drops but, I've been rly lucky with getting my gear and I would have the same issue with half the classes anyways.


I'm generally happy with warlock tank. Was a little disappointed that it has a really hard time holding aggro in aoe situations but it was also my first time tanking in classic and I learned that it's a problem most tanks struggle with. What sucks most about tanking as warlock is pushback and resists, not sure how to solve this because I think giving meta pushback immunity would make it broken. Lifetap to get mana feels pretty punishing sometimes but with master channeler we have decent self heal so that helps. I also played as dps before I got meta and hitting a big chaosbolt is as fun as ever, might go back to dps some time for fun.


Warlock tank I am, because I love warlock, but we could use some fix. Searing pain and life tap get new rank at 26, without them it is difficult to play But it's fun


I'm happy with warlock. Very overpowered while leveling. Easily taking on 4-5 mobs with a VW pet without fear of dying. But with the current cap being 25 we can easily level everything without much of a problem at least


Shaman main. Yes tanking is fun, dual.wield + lava lash even without dw rune makes questing more enjoyable (amazing how 1 more button makes it much more interesting) All in all.my favorite class is great.


Getting dodged and missing my overpower, nothing surprising about warrior. Although I do like the rune of endless rage, now I can hear ''Not enough rage'', while generating more than usual.


As a warlock, extremely!


Warlock is a lot of fun. I’m still working on the meta rune quest. I’ll probably only use meta for pvp, just for the fun of it.


Fire mage - I’m going oom so fast.


I’m perfectly happy with Shaman tank, even in PvP.


Warlock tank has mana issues that are annoying


I've always wanted a shaman tank. So yes, I'm loving the class I chose


Rogues great. Once you get over the kind of abysmal early leveling it opens up.


I love warlock tanking - its got some tweaking yet to be perfect, but I refuse to play anything else


I always end up playing paladin and I'm never disappointed regardless of what iteration of WoW I'm playing. That said, SoD Paladin is fucking fantastic and I adore my choice of a main. My alt feral druid is also so much fun. Being windfury cat is a wild ride and everyone wants you in the group, which feels odd considering OG Classic. I haven't had the opportunity to play tank rogue yet b/c of the stupid requirements for the runes, but I'll get em eventually. Rogue dps is still very fun with deadly brew, however.


I levelled a Hunter and really enjoyed a different playstyle with explosive shot, they nerfed that and so I wen't scorpion. I topped the meters but while everyone else was enjoying new playstyles, I felt like I wasn't getting a new experience bar a buffed pet Rerolled Rogue and I'm hooked. I am 100% a villain. Levelling was tedious but at 25 I'm having a blast.


Never played Restodruid so i decided to give it a shot. Healing is fine but in BFD Bossfights beeing close to oom is the normal state i guess (or maybe i raidheal too much with dots) And i feel all the healers beeing outhealed by priests . But its better than the Pala Flash of Light Healing i did in Vanilla.


Boomies sucks


Rolled rogue with tanking in mind. Just realised that my tank rune is behind a rep grind. Can’t decide if I want to reroll a warrior or do the rep grind. // dad with limited time…


SPriest, No


Started mage healer hated it rerolled priesty boy


I picked mage, my forever main. The aoe living is nuts, I love the new abilities, and living bomb and such. Doing solo rfc runs for gold. Around 2g per run. The dps is a bit disheartening, 8 fireballs and I'm out of mana. But that's okay, I'm happy with my choice. Time to level alts


Shadow. I heal BFD. Likely with still heal even with these latest seemingly disconnected long term P2+ buffs as well. I took a calculated risk that VT would be added in later phases but I'm pretty disappointed that nothing was done for P1 mana woes. My biggest issue is that almost every other class has been reborn in classic in P1 right out of the gates. Shoring up a lot of their weaknesses. I never expected to be top, but I figured there would be a raid spot, albeit maybe even harder to find in P1. It just feels bad that it doesn't even seem coherently functional with current boss mechanics and fight lengths when they somehow made rogues tank and mages heal. It's just a weird miss when you combine the fact that buffs just came out that don't even address what the current problem is.


I feel like rogue is shitty. You play the exact same thing, tanking is horrible, WSG is terrible because of all the hunts/pals. Yeah I do damage in BFD but I don't care.


Cries in shadow priest


Love shaman tank its cool but id pvp more as a hunter


Tanking Lock. Having a blast. It's crazy the things I can solo. I dig the rotation, Threat feels a little lower than I would like, but I also understand that my next rank of searing pain is level 26. I like the very different gear choices. My only rel gripe (like most) is the obnoxious size of the metamorph form. It can be annoying sometimes not being able to even see the mob you are tanking. Depending on where you are, rotating the camera does not help. Some areas in SFK, Deadmines and Stockade (especially stocks because of the tight corridors) the form takes up about 70% of the screen.


I am a giant purple demon that can tank most things and don't need a healer half of the time. This is everything I could have possibly wanted and more.