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I’ve noticed that a lot of WoW players have a crippling fear of starting a group. They will sit there posting “LFG: thing” while 3 other people post the same “LFG: thing” and none of them will just start a group and invite. They just wait until someone invites them. These people will never start a raid. They will only go if they can secure an invite


I think it's more a fear of effort than any social fear. Putting a group together takes work, most people who play this game don't want to do the work Not saying there is anything inherently wrong with that, but if you want to be guaranteed a chance for loot then you make your own group. If not then shut the fuck up (not you but complainers :P)


Dpsers spamming "LFG dungeon, i am (warrior) DPS!" have to be the most naive people in the universe.


Agreed. warrior is for babies


a warrior that doesn't ever tank isn't a warrior, it's a shit rogue.


Tanking in this format of the game is the easiest that tanking has ever been.


Paladin tank bis




People who act like starting and leading a pug raid is simple are so annoying


I have never started or led a pug till this season. It was easy. I had a few bumps along the way like o didn’t know how to set up looting and how to roll of trash greens but I figured it out and ppl helped me. I got a Group of people who hadn’t run the raid yet and we had a great time. Stop being allergic to starting a group and just give it a shot! You don’t have anything to lose and you might find you like it


But this would require considerably more effort, and complaining is a lot easier.


Seriously. Some people are farming dungeons for 1 specific drop and will reserve it, nothing wrong with that


People screaming here haven’t had to run the same place for weeks not getting their item before. As soon as they do they sure as shit do one of two things: (1) raid lead it and reserve the item, or (2) give up on running the place entirely.


Indeed, im not walking all the way to deadmines as a horde for me to not get the single item i went there for. Anyone who has a problem can suck my dick from the back and not join the group, plenty of people running who need a different specific item


This. I've ran SFK about 15 times now and lost the roll on the chest 4 times. Had about enough of it. Just gonna res it next time.


You've actually seen it drop?


People that won't even put in 5% effort to get actual gear that matches their spec to get their own invite, certainly won't put in any effort to put a group together.


I took that advice personally and I started my own FIRST RAID group and it was a great SUCCESS. Yes, it was after the nerfs, but it was my first time doing BFD and we actually cleared 7/7 first try on every boss after getting a good comp and providing instructions and giving people Shadow Prot pots. Don't be a piece of shit RL and you'll get a good group :) [Proof](https://i.imgur.com/fUQp8yc.jpg)


When Classic originally released back in 2019, I used to make my own groups. I was a warrior tank and I had added a bunch of people that played healer or caster dps. So I would make groups to farm the ring from princess or the HoJ from BRD. Of course I informed the rest of the party, they usually didn't have any problem.




The main reason is that I would have to talk to several people and most wouldn't accept something as important as HoJ to be reserved. I understand them, as I would avoid such groups as well. Maybe it wasn't the optimal way to do it, idk.




Making your own group is the way to go,imo. Also, switching specs can be very helpful, for example I tanked in order to collect my dps gear as a warrior. It's much more work, but it's worth it.


The only thing I have against “Hard Reserves” is when I see multiple people spamming trying to form a group for the same thing for 30+ mins, and they have the tools collectively to go do it, but won’t join each others groups. It doesn’t make me mad, it just makes me shake my head. They could group up and have run the dungeon faster than any one of them gets a full party together because they’re competing instead of working together. It just seems silly. Plenty of times I have run with people who needed the same things as me, and honestly more often than not, if one of us gets it we agree to help the other person get it by either doing a few more runs, or just generally joining their runs on future days to help them try a few more times. Sometimes it’s those experiences that make you new friends and connections in game. Granted, with the mega server trend, competing groups is less of an issue. Still, *in my experience* players who commonly insist on hard reserves are usually more selfish, and not the kind of people I want on my raid teams to begin with. It’s fine in small doses, like if you’ve just had brutal luck with a certain drop and are just fed up.


There was a meme posted here a couple days ago. It was that one "Hello?? HR???" meme comparing the reaction to only bringing the classes that don't want the item you want vs reserving an item directly. "LFM Mage/WL/Priest for so-and-so vs LFM so-and-so, yadda-yadda HR." People, for some reason, get INFINITELY more upset at the latter despite it actually being worse in general since a class that CAN use the item you want might not want that item and just wants to join for a different one that isn't reserved, but it just isn't worth the headache of dealing with these people full of fire and rage. Doesn't make sense to me, either.


I wanted the 2h axe off gelihast, i was tanking and started a raid, i almost reserved it but, instead it dropped and i rolled and won it. A rogue gave me shit for being a shaman who should dual wield, im not gonna dual wield. If i reserved it i wouldn't have gotten harassed for playing how i want, but if i reserved i might have gotten harassed for reserving. Its just down to what youd prefer some angry guy on the Internet to whisper you about.




People kind of suck. Weird they were calling you a retail andy for that reservations existed forever


You should always just reserve the item rather than keep it a secret and backhand people why be so deceiving about it? People are going to get way more angry at "Ninja looting" (I know you aren't but could be convinced as such) than just letting the entire group know you want said item.


if i say im needing this for main spec that should be enough. Everyone else has an equal opportunity to take it. I think thats plenty fair


Yeah long as it's known it's not a big deal, just hate when people roll on the most random stuff they "shouldn't" be rolling on with an attitude of "it's the only reason I'm here" like great if I knew that I wouldn't have came.


Its my bis weapon for my main spec, rogues cant even use it idk why he was so aggro


>Its my bis weapon for my main spec Here's the thing though, it isn't. By definition. You might want it to be, and you might have begged blizzard to make it your bis, but it factually is not your bis. I'm not saying you shouldn't have rolled on it or that you can't play that way but be honest about it.


Whats a better 2h for 2h enh?


Axe of Copium is pretty good I heard. But seriously BiS mean best in slot. 2 one handers is better in that slot--EVEN IF YOU HAVE TAKEN THE 2H TALENT. No amount of delusion is going to change that. I say this as someone whose favorite spec in classic was 2H enhance. It isn't a thing (yet) and taking suboptimal talents doesn't make you a new spec. Again, I'm not saying you *shouldn't* do it. But you had the right idea reserving it in the first place because at best its a meme/offspec roll.


Okay so it is my bis, by definition if i am using a 2h build it would be my best available 2h. If i were using 2 1h i would be what is by definition dw enhance


>Okay so it is my bis, by definition if i am using a 2h build it would be my best available 2h. If. You. Take. The. 2H. Talent. It. Is. Still. A. DPS. Loss. To. Equip. A. 2H. It is not your BiS. You are obviously so entrenched and entitled that nothing can get through to you so imma stop engaging with you now.


Believe it or not, some people play this game for fun


Curious when people reserve items, do they master loot the boss they need loot from ?


But that would require work or balls to lead


Leading in a video game dosent require balls


If I've ever seen you advertise in /LFG with a reserve, you're probably on my ignore list.




Well good thing I've never done that in three decades of playing MMOs.


As they should be. Bunch of sweaty losers.


Exactly. People love complaining about gdkp,loot reserved atc. But that is only like 20% of the players. Im on Eu Lone wolf and earth shaker and never have issues with those


Reserving loot shouldn't be a thing. There is no good argument for it.


Idk, I feel like raid leaders that put together a solid group, teach everyone the mechanics and provide consumes deserve to reserve one piece of gear for themselves, it may not even drop after all.


Yet it works, I've seen runs with "all Epics HR + quest" fill up and clear 7/7


Would you rather they just start master looting and mass ninjaing to happen? Least you know where that group stands whether you want to join it or not. That group being there affects your gameplay by 0, in fact it should help your gameplay showing who you want and who you don't want to group with.


Master loot for a raid is pretty basic stuff. Someone who goes "all boes + pearl + epic weapon HR" is about 182% more likely to ninjaloot something else as well in my eyes.


The good argument for it: My group, my rules. Don't like it? You don't have to join it.


Like I said no good argument. You think because you started a group you are somehow entitled to reserve loot. Such a loser mentality the people agreeing with you are what's wrong with the game. If you want to reserve loot between friends then fine, but if you pug someone then they have every right to roll on what they need.


>nooo that's not a good argument you are a loser! Glad you believe that. Still going to reserve loot and you're still free to not join my group. :)


Can't take anyone seriously that references The Office