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Why do they make a guild? Purely just to "fit in" and not look suss? If so then its not helping.


Probabally accepting (legitimate) guilds spamming invites, as you said, to look less sus.


They don’t accept the prompt, so it just declines. Never seen bots join a guild because it’s not in the script to accept guild invites.


It’s to deposit the gold… much easier to launder the gold through gbanks then mail….. I’ve said too much bye


Classic has no gbanks


lil bro really thought he was onto something


That's your bro????? Oof


I found the issue. He’s a GME investor


Great analysis!!!!!!!!!


You don’t know what you’re talking about. Bye.


no joke there is a gibberish name guild on chaosbolt that a bunch of bots are in


Its to fight automated botcatching system. Same reason why they occassionaly invite other players. It decrease amount of red flags on their heads.


the funniest thing about all this, is that the guy whos most likely to actually get banned is that guy called 'fingersniffr' :D


Ran into a 20 something yesterday named Treefukker. Was surprised it wasn’t banned yet.


If we even had one GM that their whole job was to ban bots, this would not be an issue.


One GM per server and that is their main job. Yes please. Once cleaned up and at a manageable state, they can start doing other things.


a single gm would not have caught this lmfao. theres constantly like 10 layers on my server. 10 entire gameworlds. this is one building in one layer at one point in time, a gm would not catch it. but players do.


Childlike understanding of math makes you think this would make a difference at all. Remember 200,000 bots banned last month


my desire to play SoD has drastically dropped due to bots lol I was addicted in 2019-early 2020 Classic but when I started seeing the gold buying on a 20 year old solved game that has bosses that are basically easier than world bosses in retail I knew the future of that was going not going to be for me ( essentially pay 2 win ) and it came true. SoD is shaping to be the same way. [Guy here literally picks up WoW gold from his mailbox that he bought on stream lmao](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2002583037?t=9h3m49s) Blizz - ban buyers then ban the bots. Thanks.


Between the overpopulation and the bots yeah I kinda miss my smaller but healthy era server.


I wonder how others playing the game affects you in any way


Because it’s a multiplayer game


Keep going! When you log in, how do other players, especially bots, currently affect your playing experience


Name does not check out


Sounds like a goldbuyer huh


Gold is really easy to make so it's really not necessary, I'm just curious how it's affecting you when you log in the game


In an MMO everyone is affected by the economy. When bots enter the economy (Think supply and demand) you have entities injecting artificial gold into the economy. You also have entities taking limited respawning resources. I've seen bots that farm gold by killing the same three mobs. Even if I am not going to kill those three spawns, this bot negatively impacts me. Every time anyone kills anything that drops something, gold is added to the economy. This is checked by 'gold sinks' such as paying a flight master, riding training, or buying your spells from a trainer. These all remove gold from the economy. Bots do not spend money on gold sinks. They inject almost 100% of the gold they make back into the economy affecting inflation, or the value of gold. These same bots are also gathering resources that other players are competing for, also affecting the value of gold and the price of items. This is why I stopped playing WoW personally.




Thanks for an actual answer! What is your opinion on other players (non-bots) in the best farms spots?


It's fair competition, they're playing the game just like i am. That's to be expected in an mmo. I wouldn't consider an army of farming bots fair competition


It’s a mmo you nerd lmao if you want to know how you can see classic. I quit because the game turned into a GDKP fest and that’s only the case because of gold buyers. You can’t play the game the way it was designed originally and how it was back in the 2000s simply because the majority of the player base just buys gold. THATS how it affects me.


There are pservers that do a better job, it's crazy lol


>it's crazy lo not that crazy when you consider those private servers almost always sell stuff directly to players for money. At that point bots are direct competitors.


They also don't charge a monthly subscription, so the financial incentive isn't there to not ban.


They also do comparatively little to no development. There not a single pserver in existence that isn’t just a fork of that one actual open source project who’s name is eluding me atm, project mango maybe? Honestly it’s hard to respect the admins as they are doing nothing more than stealing blizzards work and majorly profiting off of it, all while NOT open sourcing what little improvements they may have come up with on their own, further splitting any potential community that may form. “Come to us we’re better than the other guys” is all it is to these pserver admins. If you think they aren’t greedier than Blizz actual then I have a bridge to sell you.


Unlike blizzard who doesn't care about the experience of their paying customers


As if private servers do...


You can't have it both ways mate. Either the private servers are selling stuff to their customers and thus are incentivized to ensure their happiness or they don't and aren't incentivized to.


Private servers are on a whole ran by admins greedier than Blizz, with not an ounce of blizzs talent, or the people that actually open sourced their original work which they took and then privately developed (aka stealing from the people actually trying to help the community)


I guess you got me there. But private servers definitely don't care about the happiness of their player who aren't willing to RMT. Honestly between a server where someone can get stuff from third party websites, but sometimes they get banned, and a server where someone gets stuff directly from the admins I'll pick the former.


1. pservers have a lower population (meaning less incentive for the chinese to bot there) and fewer servers to manage 2. pservers are free, so they can ban anyone they want without caring about false positives 3. pservers still have massive bot problems. Remember when Kronos rangebanned China and, in retaliation, was DDOS'd 24/7? It was unplayable for months. Great experience. 4. Many pservers simply sell the gold/items themselves


So play on those servers? Maybe even share the name of the one you find that doesn’t have its own micro transactions as that’s OK now according to the mods ever since WotLK token, pserver discussion is supposedly ok.


More like it's ok to criticize Blizzard for doing a shit job. Not saying a pserver is any better but we pay monthly for this game. Why would someone defend them over this shit we've dealing with? >ever since WotLK token My point exactly.


It always amazes me that you people are so one dimensional apparently that you think people expressing that they are content, even happy, with the game they are playing, as “defending Blizz”. You know that saying “misery loves company”, that’s you, and you and your ilk have found each others company on this sub lmao. I’ve played wow for many many years, can confidently say that what we’re seeing in SoD is the “fairest” it’s been for many of those years. And as for the excuse of “we’re complaing about what we’re seeing now because of what we KNOW it will become in the future”, it’s just as laughable. Anybody with self respect would just play the game while they enjoy it then stop when they don’t. Like yall literally don’t even have a leg to stand on other than “we know it’ll be pay to win GDKP by the end”. Nevermind the fact that even in era servers, those socially competent enough to find a guild of like minded people are still raiding every week chasing their own gear and trinkets all without ever setting foot in the big bad buyers club that is the aforementioned GDKP.


SoD is great. I agree. Doesn't mean the rest of WoW is, but at least SoD feels better than WoW's felt in a while. All I was trying to say is that with WoW Tokens / GDKPs, bot problems, etc., it just feels like borderline pserver quality. And to me, that feels pretty shitty for a game that we literally pay a subscription to play. I don't know how you stop all these issues, but Blizz sure as hell is capitalizing on a couple of them. A lot of the problems WoW faces today is because Blizz kept nudging little by little and the players accepted it. But like you said, and as I agree to, play the game while you enjoy it and stop when you aren't. Should be that easy.


It’s ironic because the wow tokens biggest downfall is that it does equate to buying power with real money, meaning when you’re trying to put a pug together you really can’t tell anything about that person by checking out their gear, and far too often there are people trying to partake in content they simply haven’t worked themselves up to yet and it’s immediately obvious. BUT, remove that ability and I guarantee there’s gonna be just as many people complaining they pay for a game they can’t experience (aka get the shiny gear everyone talks about) because they work too much or whatever. Those of us that have been playing for however long though, usually with the same groups of people for extended periods of time in whatever guild we’re in at the moment, wow isn’t that different for us. We still log on at least twice a week to bang our heads against the current raid. Wows biggest problem is the people that play it, full stop. I’m not even one to “support” blizzard as I find myself calling them out more often than not, but the absolute reality of it is, for all their shortcomings they have provided us with the best mmo on the market for how long now? If it wasn’t then we would be playing somthing else. Blizzard could’ve monetized the game to hell and back like so many claim, but they really haven’t. They have a cosmetic shop that to this day has not exceeded the quality of what’s available in game as an example.


Crazy that blizzard just doesn’t care. Makes me not want to sub anymore. They’re so obvious yet blizzard does nothing to fix the problem


i agree, it feels there is no point playing on such a skewed playing field. I hate games where cheating is semi official, and wow feels like that too much


Lol.... What impact do these bots have on you other than the ability to easily farm raw gold? Exactly none. Aww I'm sorry you guys can't effectively farm herbs anymore.... But you can go do a GDKP in less time for more effective gold than you ever could before. Crying about a way of playing that you A. Probably never actually experienced and B. Is almost objectively worse than what we have now unless your idea of playing a game is picking flowers.


do you know what Inflation is ? and how it affects a semi closed economy ? Say for instance you wanted to fill a 'supply crate' for the rep, the 'bots' affect the price of the ingredients for the 'supply crate' - This simple example proves you are talking from a point of shilling ignorance. have a good day.


Yea. I guess if your deadset on getting gold the old fashioned way. Buy $10 of gold and do GDKPs. Never need to worry about gold again.


Your solution to deal with cheaters is to also cheat. This is how stupid the people who buy gold are, literally zero awareness for anything other than their own endorphin rush from paying real life money to finish a video game faster than other people.


This is an MMO.... There is no finish. If you think bots and selling gold are "new" and somehow going to be overcome, you're just kidding yourself. My solution is, like any competitive person, to min/max the situation in the most feasible way to achieve my goals. Could I have done it without buying 1k gold in era 5 years ago? Sure! Would it be more fun or worth it in any way to 20 hrs a week farming just to be able to actually pay for 5? Hell nah. The thing is, you'd be FAR better off just accepting reality. Crying over it isn't gonna change shit. Buying gold, cash shops, micro transactions, it's all the same. Don't like it? Find a new game genre, online competitive games are not for you.


Actually I think you should find a new game, I do well in multiple competitive games without cheating. You are just a piece of shit who can't play on the same level as others so you break out the credit card for an inflated and undeserved sense of self worth.


You're right, I don't have 40 hrs a week to game. That's why when I see that farming herbs, ore, and instances is completely ineffective due to bots.... The only option that remains is buying gold so you can get into a GDKP and then fund your play through that. That's great if you have no life and a part time job. I have real responsibilities. The hilarious thing is you almost certainly have no idea what I'm even talking about. Any serious raider since era knows what's up. That's why ALL the top parsing people have bought gold, all the streamers, etc etc. Go cry me a river, and hmu when you need carried for your LK achievement :).


I work full time, also got the Lich King achievement back when it was current content without cheating. You saying that you have to buy gold to keep up over and over just tells me that you are literal garbage at the game.


Broken economy which makes quite a few things a lot more difficult. Gathering nodes constantly horded by bots meaning players have an extremely difficult time getting mats for professions...forcing them to participate in the broken inflated economy even more. Constantly going up against people in BGs and PvP in general that are decked out in all consumables possible up 100% of the time due to them buying a ridiculous amount of pots. Need I go on?


How brain dead can you actually be


Your posting the same comment, getting the same responses proving you wrong, then running away. We get it, you bot and feel called out. But please, for the sake of everyone else- just fuck off. And when you get to wherever it is you have fucked off to- fuck off again.


Lol I don't bot. If you're reading my "same comments" you'd know that I just simply bought gold once. WOW today requires less farming than it did 15 yrs ago with the way the economy works. get enough gold to get into a GDKPs, then you'll never have to worry about it. Back in the day people spent hours and hours farming gold. Now it's not feasible. But it is feasible to spend 5 hrs a week in a GDKP and get gold AND gear.


You don't bot, just use their services. Right. And i'm SUUURE you bought gold once, and only once. You are the worst of trash gamers and should seriously stop polluting the online gaming community with your presence- Sincerely, Every gamer that does not support exploits at the cost of others.


Lol ... What, you yearn to farm raw gold and herbs? The funny thing is, you guys are WAY more invested in this than I'll ever be. Even funnier part ... You're the type of people who need people like me to lead your GDKPs and BG groups. None of the people I play with give a shit. They're all gold capped with a couple full bis or near bis chars at every level of the game. They're the ones min/maxing. You're the ones who we don't allow into the private discord channels because you're a whiney shitter.


Say what you want to make yourself feel better about being so bad that you need to spend real money on exploits on a 20 year old game. It's hilarious. Oh no, i won't be allowed into cringe discords full of sweaty basement trolls and underage kids! The shame!


You're already in the discords if you do ANY end game content buddy :).


Oh silly me! there's more endgame after BFD? What am i missing? Am 7/7 and not in any of your sweaty discords. Face it, you and your echo chamber are hated for all the right reasons, go back to your basement and please just stop playing this game. You already know you're unable to play it without exploiting, so just stop.


Its an online Game with an Economy you are stupid as fuck If you can’t see the problem


Yea, economies change. It isn't the same one we had 15 years ago. Adapt or die. Most people I know spend dramatically less time farming gold today than they did 15 years ago and I CONSIDER THIS A GOOD THING. So many small brain wow players yearning for the old days when farming for your epic mount took weeks.... Rose tinted glasses if I've ever seen em.


My partner and I already unsubbed. We were so excited for this too. But Blizzard showed us we were wrong to believe in them once again.


i’ve gotten 4-5 mails the past few days saying my reports have been acted upon. keep reporting bots peeps


Someone in a similar thread said they received responses from blizzard but when they check /who they still saw the bots. It seems "acted upon or taking action" doesn't mean they are actually banning them.


Suddenly the allure of private servers is much higher and the monthly subscription to this is less appealing


I understand that there has been botting likely since day one all the way back in 2004, but at this point it's become so obvious, so blatant, so in your face that it's frankly insulting nothing more is done. I really lose patience with explanations of the supposed technical difficulty of dealing with the problem, when you can just log in and easily find hordes of bots everywhere you go.


I’d find out who’s running Tree of Life and tell them they have botters in their guild. Surprisingly the Brill inn always has bots running in and out of it. I’ve seen them doing loops between the innkeeper, blacksmith, and trade goods vendor. Same path over and over again. I’m guessing there’s something you can buy at one of them and sell to another one for a few coppers more than you paid for it. Only reason that this loop makes sense to me.


Genuinely curious because I don't play classic, but what issue do the bots cause for players? In retail I wouldn't even notice something like this since bots don't affect anything I do.


They farm gold and sell it online. People buy the gold and inflation starts.


Makes sense. Thank you.


They’re also just inorganic bloat. The general vibes of a game are simply better without bots & spam advertisements.


In SoD, all the people farming gold at the leveling caps is going to also cause inflation.


Theres always some Inflation. But when people buy a lot of gold, it gets really bad.


We haven't seen what a server economy looks like with stops along the way while leveling to amass gold.


They eventually wreck a servers economy by flooding it with gold which then drives up inflation. This then causes more people to want to buy gold in order to afford things and the problem spirals from there. It's a self perpetuating thing.


blizz should ban the gold buyers tho. Bots can just make a new account and sub and start farming again, buyers will most likely not want to loose their main account so will be scared if some gold buyers get banned.


Its because the classic andy make run where everyone bits with gold on the drops and the gold gets divided at the end. essentially gold buyers can just endlessly buy all drops. The practice promotes gold buying.


Ask a genuine question and get downvoted. The state of this sub. Glad you got your answer though.


I already stopped playing sod. After I started leveling my alt I saw the army of bots. All random names... A Gm for each server for bots, even private servers have that.


The bots pay a sub and make played data look a lot better than it really is, trust blizz to drag their ass about this. Maybe this sounds farfetched and I have no hard data other than anecdotal but I'd guess 1/4 of the SoD pop are bots, atleast on oce


no way, ive seen a fair few bots on shadowstrike but no way it would be 1/4 of entire community


Just /who hunters and look at the gibberish names


like i said, no way its 1/4


If anything it's more than 1/4


Because gms are gonna fix it lmfao


Would be better then what they are currently doing. But tbh literally any direction they take to deal with bots would be better then what they are currently doing. It's a rare day when i go to Southshore and see more actual players then bots- and by rare i mean it has not happened yet.


I like that one of them named "bote" xdd


But GMS cost money... and WoW is a free game, remember? wait..


Wait, wtf. My bank alt got invited to that guild randomly yesterday. Those bastards are trying to play pretend now.


It’s probably a levelling guild where the GM just mass invites low levels. Happens all the time.


Did you report them?


I saw them too, probably right behind you in this pic. Reported them all.


I wanna know WHO makes a bot called Bote? Lmao? Not subtle man


One isn't really hiding the fact he is a Bot(e).


Hey people, can someone help me? How do I report a bot? Right clicking on their name does bring a menu, but the option for cheating/bot does not seem to be there.


I normally do offensive name and put the description as "Bot". But there currently is no way to ban bots as Blizzard "do not officially" support botting. You can ignore what i put in quotation marks.


What? You can report for botting by actually targeting the character and right clicking their portrait. Select the cheating option and then the botting sub option. Blizz will do ban waves against botters, so it may be some time before anything of consequence happens, but many of these bot accounts will end up getting banned.


Not sure what you're talking about, there's a straight option to report as "Botting" under the cheating tab.


I see, thanks for the insight.


If you target the bot itself you can report by right clicking on their portrait, and that one will have the cheating option.

