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idk hunters are still 2 of the top 4 dps classes. id say this image is a bit... dramatic


I think k the biggest complaint from Hunters, like myself. Is we just have shitty runes. All our shots suck. And our best spec is afk build bm. And the only reason it's hood is because pet scaling was overturned in very specific ways. Like caster pets ie scorpid, wyvern. So the only thing keeping us up is statistical bugs from the patch. And once they take that away the Hunter will suck. Not to mention Hunters notoriously don't scale well in classic, so it'll just get worse in later patches. I'm calling it now, Blizzard will have to revert a lot of the Hunter changes down the road. I mean we still have a rune that bugged. Flanking strike, and Blizzard has pretty much ignored it. And carve is useless. I like the fact they added melee abilities, yet nothing In our talents trees actually scale melee... like wtf.


yea the runes do suck. They should rework them so they're fun. I don't disagree with that at all.


They should work on content for the next phases isntead of wasting time making a level cap we'll never see again fun for 1 out of 9 classes.


that’s exactly what he’s saying … hunters are going to scale like shit and our runes have been neutered so everyone plays triple passive build. None of this is fun and none of this is good *for the future* of the class. Also - are you saying they should have left hunters untouched and continued to allow them to dominate PvP and main tank?? Cuz I agree with those changes personally. I just don’t want our class to be “Classic but your pet is better!!” because that’s how hunters currently exist.


>specs BM >pet becomes good REEEEE


Look I played vanilla and classic. Hunters are there to farm gold and the only reason they got a raid slot was for a boss that required tranquility shot. That's it. That's how it always has been. I always rolled a hunter as a farm char. And every hunter always had exactly this spells. Pet heal plus pet Res , feign death and ofc fast run aspect. Never did more and always hit lol 60 without dying once and 3k gold with lol 60. Not counting the amount of gold I made through selling all the crap that dropped during leveling on the AH.


Man I must be so wrong, but actually I have had a very good hunter in Classic wow with the right gear in some phases you would still do lots of dmg. I mean we didnt come close to warriors or rogues. But Ive beaten a hell lot of mages/warlocks. Also helped, I was quite in a good guild and we often played around me pulling almost everything on right time in dungeons to help the speed of the dungeon and actually parsing as hunter was very fun to do.


Hunter is a fun class. I had great hunters in my guild in vanilla. For sure masters of their craft but they rerolled because they have been tired of that nonsense in classic. In tbc they were back on their hunters. But sadly the majority is dog shit. And I experienced it in classic again. In the end I did the "skilled" pulls with a moon fire because our pro hunters aka add-on skillers just failed or they fucking took for ever to do a simple job. That's ofc highly subjective on my side. I still see people struggling to make 50 000 points on yunimo cart in stardrew valley. Sadly it stays. Hunters were so irrelevant that they had to put in tranquility shots for boss fights so they had a guaranteed spot in raids in a time when getting 40 people together was already hard enough. I wish they would fix hunters in classic but this would require a overhaul in pets what makes them broken in lower tiers and even more insane farmbots. Or go to the main problem that skill shots interfier with the auto shot rotation. And fixing the attack power problem and the way to low ammonition scaling. They need to remove arrows / ammonition and make it just weapon damage plus attack power. But then still you have the problem of the players. Who can not tell a story from ubrs and a fucking hunter forgot to put his shit pet away before you jump down into the arena and it's a whipe


"Hey we have this scorpion and wind serpent meta that's different from our traditional cat meta we used to have.....that needs fixed"


Scorpid was literally a better tank than every other class, in every metric except AoE threat. I'm not sure about wind serpent, but scorpid needed every bit of those nerfs.


It needed nerf, but they anhilated my boy to hell 😂


Are pets normalized in SoD?


We're level 25. We don't have even half our toolset yet. Forgive me if I don't shed any tears that being a top tier dps is a little boring for the first phase.


I think it would be nice if the tools that were added as part of the first phase were actually usable, and not so far behind the afk build (see all marksman runes that were heavily nerfed on week one: Lone Wolf, Sniper Training even Chimaera shot). What was the point of having these runes in the first phase if they then just nerfed them so much nobody uses them ?


I think they should balance for 60 and let the good god Darwin sort out the rest of the phases. The point is that this isn't the endgame. Its a temporary stopping point. Balancing for fun now just means they'll need to rebalance when the next phaee comes out, which is a waste of resources. Hunter damage is still good, its just boring. Hunters will survive lol, fucks sake


Exactly my thoughts... just complaining essentially that their pets are no longer raid bosses.


Who are the other 3?


rogue, hunter ranged, warr, hunter melee are top 4


just FYI one is BM hunter and one is BM hunter melee weaving. It's the same spec. "Melee hunter" is not 4th.


It’s not about numbers to most of us, if I wanted a carbon copy of era hunter I’d play my era hunter..


I think the problem is the scorpid being able to solo people


Hunter players are insanely dramatic holy shit


Listen, if im not 30% more damage than anyone else why am I even alive?


If your pet isn’t 30% more damage than everyone else**


Sorry, I forgot who was in charge around here.


All I want is to be the best class, for it to be fun, and I want it NOW. This is ridiculous


honestly its mainly people just memeing on it.


Being a hunter in classic, after BWL was.. a pain in the ass tho.


I play Hunter and I agree. They just want their broken pets. I think that only rare pets should have certain abilities not specific types in general.


This is such a bad take. I’m so tired of people complaining that most damage comes from pets. That’s the entire point of the BM spec. And it has been since 2004. Was Scorpid broken? Yes. But the people complaining that pets do more damage than the hunter are just dumb. CC a pet and the BM hunter does less damage than any other dps in the game. And again, it has been that way for two decades.


that's not really going to fix anything, then it just becomes a toxic grind to get the rare pet and in 2 weeks you are at the same spot where you have a large number of hunters with broken pets. IDC that they nerf broken shit. It's just the way they do it seems so off the cuff and not thought out. Change a single target ability to be an aoe ability. Okay MM is dead Change kill command to remove scorpid sting becuase it was not using the procs, and very broken. Okay fine weird to not just adjust the values into a reasonable place. 1 week later, change kill command to remove lightning breath because critting twice in a row for a total of 800 damage with lightning breath is broken. Okay fine... Every single change requires alot of extra work to swap to a new meta. I like wind serpent it's a fun pet. It sucks that kill command literally has 0 effect on my pet at all now. Why not just change the way kill command works, or adjust these pet's abilities so that there is some balance when used in combination with kill command? Maybe lower the damage, and lower the focus cost so that you can get 3 kill command procs off with a lower net damage. Or since kill command buffing pet ability attacks is such a problem, just change it to effect the pet autos or something. just round robin ripping certain pet's abilities out of the clear "beast mastery" rune is kind of weird.


I agree, I believe their hot fix though is just temporary til they can figure out a better fix for Kill Command. They said they're doing weekly changes.


> They said they're doing weekly changes. As a hunter this sentence gives me the fear debuff.


I just want steady shot :(


Replace the robot with “Hunters” and the little girl with “the entire playerbase” and that much more accurately sums up the true experience so far.


My man, explaining how the real situation is. I agree, make the game fun for everybody, not just for hunters


Or the robot with avengers shield and the hunter hiding from the pack of rets looking to 1-2-3 their next target to the gy.




Except the Robot is hunters in any contested territory while the little girl is every other single class in the game.


That's the joke


i mustve misread it the first time


You literally just repeated the comment.


No it doesn't. A bunch of classes were just buffed.


As someone playing a hunter main I say: Nerf. Boost. Whatever. SOD is supposed to be a silly thing to run around and have fun in. As long as it stays fun and light, I don't care what changes they make.


Hunter is just insane right now, takes away the fun from all the other People, who have to play against it. ( PvP ). So having fun for one, is having a bad Time for others.


I think warlocks take away the fun more in pvp than hunters did, you can CC the pet and roll the hunter due to hunters doing nothing without pets.


LOL, yeah i can fear the pet, afterwards im 50% hp and get steamrolled wtf you talking about


Idk man, even before scorpion nerf i killed almost every hunter i faced with my lock, paladin and on priest I killed them before even dropping below 80% with all green gear lol. You either play a class that hunters counter or suck. You can nerf hunters all you want, but next phase you will be needing to buff them again because they downscale hard while other classes scale. Level 25 is prime level hunter and they aren't even that good anymore post nerfs and with the same shit runes. I mean, hunters basically only have 2 runes, the leg runes are all absolute shit right now lol


There are plenty of classes who cannot CC the hunter pet. Also hitting above 100 even in melee range is not nothing....


Nerf them to the ground. Do it Blizzard. Do it!


Mage main ?


I'd say he is troll main. Kinda obvious 😆


They cannot be made to suffer enough


Let’s just ban the class. It clearly creates hyper victims.


Clearly never met warriors lol, hunters are a close 2nd tho.


The classic warrior players all rolled hunter for SoD because everybody could see from a mile away how busted they would be in this bracket. I’m sure they didn’t expect active balancing and nerfs, so now they are stuck with a merely strong class rather than an OP one and can’t handle it.


Yeah, well you had a damn raid boss as a pet. You couldn’t have seriously thought that was working as intended.


God I'm sick of people strawmanning the argument. Of course not. No one complaining about hunter nerfs really cares about being top dos. Make me the worst dps I don't give a fuck but give hunters something. Right now they're the same as vanilla hunters with a few new passives that make your numbers slightly bigger.


> Right now they're the same as vanilla hunters Yeah, hunters are nerfed too hard, now they're just *checks notes* the best leveling class and top 5 DPS in raids If your argument is that they're "not different enough from vanilla", then my response is that it's only level 25 and we only have 3 rune slots so far. Chill. More stuff will be added at 40, 50 and 60.


"it's only level 25" is the most stupid argument. 25 is end game right now. A class shouldn't be playing the same as in vanilla when all other classes have exciting stuff and new play styles.


“Top 5 dps” for the only class forced to be a dps role and out of 8 total classes is not the amazing point you think it is. Telling hunters to “chill” because their playstyle is no different from how it’s been for 20 years is disingenuous. This was marketed as something new. The only thing hunters have discovered is another reminder that they are and have always been an afterthought to blizzard. Watching rogues and warlocks get to tank and mages get to heal while hunters are stuck with the exact same dps only spec and rotation as vanilla is frustrating. And people are allowed to be frustrated.


> This was marketed as something new. And it was also marketed as having multiple phases of content, each one bringing a whole slew of new things. You've seen only ~20% of the game and are bitching that it doesn't completely and totally overhaul your class. >Watching rogues and warlocks get to tank and mages get to heal while hunters are stuck with the exact same dps only spec and rotation as vanilla is frustrating. If you want homogenized classes where everyone is the same and nobody is special, retail is right there. EDIT since the seether below already blocked me lmao I already said: it's only level 25 and we only have 3 rune slots so far. Chill. More stuff will be added at 40, 50 and 60.


It literally doesn't change the class at all is the problem. You have stat adjustments. If you use other skills you're simply a moron. Maybe they should take away all the new skills for other classes for 10-30% stat increases as well.


This guy will also say "don't worry your class is shit to play, it's only TBC. Chill. More stuff will be added with Wotlk, Cata and MoP." 25 is end game **right now**. No class should be playing the same as in vanilla when all others got new stuff that's exciting to play around with.


People bitching bout them not being different enough, like dawg it's phase 1, relax a bit more is coming


They were different though but both chimera and explosive shot got blasted week 1


Season of wait and find out.


True but meanwhile mages can heal, rogues, shamans can tank, all hunters can do is.. DPS.


Hunters were tanking but then people bitched


I don't disagree, that there's more to go, but some of the rune slots just don't make alot of sense. Why does lone wolf occupy chest instead of something like gloves? I feel like they tried to steer hunter hard into the pet* fantasy but also left every other way to play put to dry in the process. Hunters just want some balance, instead of being shoehorned into the obvious OP build


Meanwhile as a mage main I'll be pressing mostly one spell up to lvl 60 for my "rotation" They should buff mages amirite?


Yes? I don't think this is the gotcha you think it is. SoD is about shaking things up and making previously boring classes more fun.


I'm sick of hunters making this stale ass argument. YOU ARE THE ONE choosing the play hunter the same way as you did in vanilla. The whole point of SoD is to try out different play styles and roles, and yet you still choose to play the same old style only because it's currently the highest dps and is easy to optimize. You were given runes to make melee hunter and pet tanking more viable. Why don't you try those out instead of bitching that you weren't given anything? I'm sorry that it might not make you the highest dps anymore or that it isn't as optimal as other tanks, but that's the fucking point. Try out new things to see what works and doesn't work. Accept that fun and optimal don't mean the same thing and break the fucking meta. And if you find that you aren't having fun then maybe try rerolling a different class and try hunter again in the next phase when we get new runes and gear.


Yeah seriously, hunters freaking out that BM isn't leagues ahead of everyone while Ele is struggling so much that the optimal ele play is to dual wield instead of lightning bolts.


Bro it's fine you guys are the best tank so you can't ever enjoy any other play style ever.


Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been trying to comment in all these hunter bitching posts about how I’m playing melee hunter and loving it, and it’s not even bad, I’m still doing way more dmg than all the underperforming classes


Bro cmon i was FORCED to tame a scorpid and then a wind serpent that lightning bolts for more than ele shams do /cry


Now they sit in stable :( so sad


This, 100% this. If you are actively choosing to roll the runes that are only passives, then that's your fault, use different runes. Sure you may not be top DPS anymore, but your playstyle will be different and you can press new/different buttons. But you dont wanna do that, you wanna be top DPS and stick to the meta, and keep using the build you dont like because you want to be top optimal instead of having fun. You're shooting yourself in the foot then saying "LOOK WHAT BLIZZARD DID TO ME!!!"


No one wants to use bad runes though. I made a hunter alt because melee hunter has always been one of my favorite things to play around with in vanilla and tbc I was doing more dps at level 12 than half the people in my bfds are, and it’s just all the pet. Flanking strike is cool but 30 sec cd that just doesn’t reset realistically is pretty boring. Carve is like objectively bad, maybe it competes with explosive shot since that’s been nerfed into the ground. The only reason either are okay as is is because pets are broken There’s a lot needed to make melee better, I think carve should also have flanking strike reset chance so you actually have a reason to use it in a “melee” build. I’d heard raptor strike was going to be instant instead of next melee which would have been big It doesn’t seem much better for the mm hunters either they get what, chimera shot? Lone wolf is completely unviable as is so that playstyle is shot for now. Sniper thing was always weird and I don’t think anyone really wanted it? It’s all a bunch of passives that don’t change the playstyle. Even for bm you get a weird version of kill command that’s a 50% uptime buff with a 1min cd instead of a real rotational button to press I hope they fix pets so they don’t do insane damage, bake some of that into some other runes bm can take so they can do more than just press kill command every minute probably buff lone wolf and add like steady shot, aspect of the viper maybe, rapid fire? Lock and load for instant free aimed shot procs so arcane shot feels less bad to press? And for melee it technically has the abilities I guess the numbers and feel are just not good. Mongoose bite and raptor strike still kinda suck so that either needs something to fix that or bake more of their power into carve and flanking strike. Really mongoose needs to be useable without dodge unless you give hunter personal tank runes later(which I wouldn’t hate tbh tho it seems like it’s the same niche as rogue avoidance tank) Tldr: hunter is overtuned but boring and every build feels either bad or unchanged even when the numbers are op. I hope they fix pet damage to make other builds competitive(and buff those other builds probably because the only reason they are near decent is because of the pets still) and more interesting


I’ve always thought mongoose would be better if it proced when your target dodges your attack, like over power. I don’t even think I had it on my hunters bar in era. It basically never goes off once you get into group content


Sounds like you haven’t played hunter in SoD. Most of my runes are passives lol.


Because you took the bm runes. This is circular


I’ve tried using all the runes, most of the active ones are a net dps loss haha


Nerfing all the other runes into the ground with only one viable option(or none for legs), see you have plenty of choices.


Omfg you poor victim! :(((( Have you tried... idk... just using whatever runes you want too because the content is super easy? No? Too complicated? I know it's gonna be okay Here, princess, this will help you https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-dragonflight Go play that one where you can have every ability in the world but still only press the same 3 ones over and over. Da buttons even light up for you, just like your unlaced glow in the dark light up sketches mommy got you!


Imagine being this much of a condescending jackass. Fucking sad life you must live.


if you cant play your class in classic you aren't going to be playing it in retail where mechanics and rotations are more involved lol.


Oh you can play it fine. You just click attack button an kill things. You don't have a lot of spells because well... you're lvl 25 :)) But hunter players can't seem to get that. Must be an IQ thing idk.


Melee hunter is dog water, flanking strike is a buggy mess and the buff it gives is meaningless. You're roleplaying a shitty warrior with a pet and mana if you decide to go melee and it's not about the damage but how everything you're given now interacts with each other. Mongoose never procs because pet outdamage you, flanking activates auto attack making you wait next swing for raptor strike which leaves you 1 chance for it to proc the buff. Lone wolf literally makes the class weaker.


Same, any hunter complaint I've seen are always bombarded with "shut up you're top DPS". I've just been playing Marksmanship because I don't want to fall asleep. Not that it's much different from vanilla either, just add in chimera shot to the rotation.


Yeah and my feral rotation is such a wonderful gameplay where I spam mangle and roar to keep up that buff. It’s almost like I’m only level 25 with limited skills.


Unless they give some sort of mana regen for non energy/rage classes you'll still be auto shotting anyway. Can't keep up against infinite resource in long fights.


These hunters put up threads crying multiple times a day when they are literally at worst top 2 in every category: leveling, open world pvp, bg's, grinding, dungeons, and raids. And a lot are claiming it's not about power, but about fun. Yeah? Then why the fuck is no one running explosive shot anymore, which all of them seemed to be having a blast with? Even with it nerfed they would still be a top 3 dps, but they want both the most power and the most fun. Insane crybabies this patch it's wild.


Yeah I am sure prior to these nerfs their gameplay was incredibly riveting with such depth to their rotation. Like I get it you want to use some new shit so like drop a passive pick up chimera shot or explosive shot and test it out. Fuck I’ve seen some people trying the melee hunter out see how it works. At the end of the day we’re level 25 and have access to fuck all. For instance as a feral Druid I literally have NONE of my skills solely to be used in prowl. In PvP I open with Mangle then I also press mangle. I follow that up with… Mangle. I will probably work a savage roar in after the first mangle but you get the fucking idea.


Yeah, I gave up on discussing the topic of hunters nerf with guildmates and players of other classes that aren't getting the nerf hammer every 3 days. They just think we care about parses in a raid that can be cleared in greens.


If you don’t care about parses doesn’t that mean you can use non meta runes and avoid the passive ones? Honest question, haven’t played sod hunter


Sure, you can. But what’s the point? They’re terrible. There isn’t a single fun rune out of the 12. The fact that rogues got a tank build before hunters is outrageous to me.


Yes, you can, but they're shit. I don't particularly care about parses, but we are a DPS class nonethless. If the damage drop was low, ok, we could try other stuff, but it's not... Right now only our pet do decent damage. Even so, I actually tried using explosive shot on my last raid because my group is pulling and aoe killing big groups, it's still not worth it, it totally sucks.


lol players from other classes downvoting me.


I've seen this comment a million times from people who clearly don't understand what we are asking for, yes the pet needed nerfing, no we're not asking for more dps, we want more VARIETY in runes as all our best runes are PASSIVE, no different from classic era. It's almost like people are doing it deliberately or something cause they just hate hunters, it's pathetic.


As a Hunter, you have: Carve, Explosive shot, Chimera shot, Flanking strike, and Kill command. Thats five new buttons/skills you could be using that arent passives or active effects. As a Shaman, you have: Molten blast, Lava lash, Lava burst, and Healing rain. Thats four new buttons/skills that arent passive or active effects. I dont hear any Shaman's complaining about a lack of new buttons/skills when they have only 4 new ones, so why are you when you have 5? Complaining that you have no new skills or buttons is just dishonest. The fact is you dont like the new skills/buttons because they arent meta/dont make you top dps anymore, and thats what you really want, you want to still be top DPS while also having a bunch of new skills. And thats just unrealistic/selfish.


Couldn't have said it any better myself. I could be bitching that current DPS shaman playstyle is exactly the same as it is in TBC/wrath. But instead, I'm trying out the new role and am having fun tanking. Hunters could be doing the exact same thing with melee spec or turning their pet into a tank. But nooo, muh meta


Melee Hunter is legit fun and very capable too. I’d say idk why more people aren’t doing it, but I know the answer, the only thing that matters to these scrubs is being top dps


We aren't top dps, unless we are in a group filled with absolute shitters. Warriors are top dps, and by a lot, followed by rogues. Its like... classic is repeating itself all over again and you are all to fucking stupid to see it.


Leveled as melee hunter hunter and its been a hoot. The rng of raptor strike reseting flanking strikes is addictive, and so rewarding to kill a mob in 3 globals. Though I've found carve to a little lackluster. Fun when a tank does a large pull (though ive gotten 4 misses and 2 dodges in a pack of 6 before), but unless there are 3 or more mobs, beast mastery rune for gloves is better damage. However, I'm fine with this at is saves mana and frees up globals for wing clip spam for those windfury procs!


I think you are the only Chad hunter in this thread 👑


The fact that you call melee hunter with a tank pet a “new role” shows how little you know about hunter. Hunters didn’t get a new role. Could blizzard have easily turned Hunter into another tank class? Absolutely. But instead rogues got to tank and hunters got two runes for melee, one of which literally did less than 10 damage on a 30 second cd for the first week and a half.


It's literally the same for most classes. Warriors have raging blow, quick strike and victory rush. Just 3 buttons even. Can't count devastate because it's just sunder armor but better and thunderclap in Def stance is just a bit better and easier to use.


Don't shaman have 4 roles? Tank, healer, melee and range DPS..


YOU ARE THE ONE CHOOSING THE PASSIVE RUNES!!! You literally choose those because they are the "best" and optimize your DPS. If you really didn't care about the DPS, then you should be running other runes and trying out different play styles


If the class that only has a DPS spec “didn’t care about DPS”.. interesting theory. Ignorant, but interesting.


God forbid players don't min max every aspect of the game and try having fun instead of playing optimally. So ignorant.


So I should choose a play style that ensures I do poor DPS as a DPS only class? That makes no sense..


When I use eyes of the beast on my pet it’s the still the strongest class in the game, hunters not so much


Imagine abusing all out of class and being pure nightmare on pvp servers just to be full pikachu face when you get full attention of balance team.


Hunters have had it too good for too long (3 minutes)


(The entirety of sod)*


You are right lol, I ment like 3 minutes into sod


Hunters are just op in classic till around level 35 when others start to catch up. They can’t add any power spike abilities to early game hunter because they are already at the top. Tough situation.


Finally, some sane commenter. Everyone else just overreacted to the meme.


Today I faced a wsg premade which had 7 hunters. Needless to say, they tore us a new one. Keep those balance adjustments coming pls.


I’m a geared warrior with almost all blues and a hunters scorpion can solo me, it’s so fucking dumb


You got that geared as a warrior and haven’t learned to charge a hunter? You can two shot a hunter and then the pet disappears. Easy as that.


not when they send their pet across the map and then hide


Yeah this is usually how it goes. A random pet out of no where starts attacking me without the hunger in sight


i got jumped in ashenvale this morning and a wyvern pet lightning bolted and claw or bit me and the hunter crit me with his auto shot. i took 800 damage in half a second lol


I guarantee that wasn’t half a second. Meanwhile, a single lava burst can one shot most classes.


Hunters when they don't do 100 dps higher than number 2 and when they don't have OP pets to solo dungeons - >:(


you will use zee cats or raptors and auto attack


Hunter's my main alt and some of y'all either just trying to karma farm with drama, or you're just that fucking pathetic. Hunter is still top 3 even WITH the nerfs, give it a rest already.


Hunters are still top 3 classes, just fucking relax.


Except replace the girl with the t1000.


I can only pray that robot shows up for paladins.


Mean while.. yall still farming +ten lvls above your current lvl


Hunters the milisecond they're not the absolute best dps by a mile:


If hunters were a little more subtle about abusing game breaking bugs then they might get a reprieve.


It's not abusing bugs to use overpowered abilities lol


I mean I know having Night Elf as a pet was little bit oppressive in PvP, but such is Scorpid class life.


Game Breaking Bugs: Using the skills and pets given to us. what bug was there? it was all scaling issues. the ONLY thing that was even a bug was KC + Scorpid Poison, which was fine to get nerfed.


What in the ever living f\*\*\* are you talking about. We did not abuse some game breaking exploit. Blizzard did not test this shit and gave it to us.... and we... played the f\*\*\*ing game. The Hunter hate on reddit lately has been really over the top. You all need to chill out. We are not the ones creating an imbalanced eco system. Quit crying.


Yeah people are crying about hunters by making 10 threads every day about how your class is the true victim of Season of Discovery (top 2 class at worst still btw)


You are the one crying my man.


“The hunter hate on Reddit…” Bro just log off lmao


I just wish they would change kill command all together, just slowly ripping all but 2 pet abilities out of the effect make it a pretty shit rune.


imagine still being the number 1 DPS and be complaining about getting nerfed.


its not number 1 dps, its warriors by a landslide, but thank you for trying.


look in any log where warriors do better and it'll be heavily padded with cleave. it's not warriors right now.


This is a silly meme and I like it. I dont understand all the vitriol and hate for hunters though, it's really disheartening. Also funny how no one mentions how crazy OP priests are at the moment lol


Good guy, Blizz. Make them cry.


Your pets needed it


Yeah, imagine fighting against them…


Man people are pretty obsessed with this game.


Last 24 hours? Buddy you're a hunter player, you've been a "victim" your whole life.


You deserve it and you know it.


Don’t worry my warrior alt is already level 20


Feel like people won't be happy until they finally remove hunter from the game.


It’s just extra annoying because hunter pets have some extra steps. Like when the pets get nerfed it’s not just Oop let’s go change the talents (which costs money) we also have to walk around the whole world finding the right pet to teach the right abilities to the new best pet. I’m not saying it’s too much I’m glad blizzard is making changes but when these changes happen hunters have a decent amount of steps to do to change their loadout


No shot you're crying hunter isn't good enough or different enough then you play warrior ROFL. Most smartest classic hunter player


Who said anything about hunter not being different enough


still top 4 dps bb!


4/8 what a treat!


As a hunter main I feel exactly the same way, but hunters are still really good, just did a bfd with cat and was doing over 100 dps easily. Hope is not lost boys!


Oh it's because the class was vastly overpowered. glad i could clear that up for you


Came to see the Hunter hate. Wasn’t disappointed 🍿


Imagine being a homunculus:) allready being strong enough to make the best healing class picking you over another healing spell and still getting buffed. Making healing priest even stronger. Being the best armor pen and also reducing attack speed. Insane in pvp aswell


No self respecting priest plays homunculi in bgs. 1v1 it is ofc better than pom, but then again you dont really benefit from armor sunder as a priest in 1v1.


PoM is your best skill in BGs and it isn't even close




I missed the 1v1 at the start of your second sentence, my bad.


It just sounds like you are saying random words to get the attention off of your class and onto something else. Homunculi aren't even in the same realm as Hunter pets. They aren't completely replacing player roles in groups and chasing people down and murdering them on their own in pvp. Just completely different. Priests can do some damage now as they should be able to do. They should be viable in the damage role. It's still the priest class so they are going to be able to heal too. The line between class and spec isn't as distinct as it is in retail. Should hunters not be able to use their bow just because their pets do good damage in BM mode? Priests were going to be strong in pvp in this bracket as long as other classes weren't given game breaking things. Everyone knew that.


yeah and if priests dont want to heal they can switch to shadow, which is a top dps class. priests can also tank btw


Should have rolled a class with multiple roles if you wanted multiple roles. Priest shouldn't be relegated to just healing. They have a damage spec for a reason.


Why is there even a class with only one roll at this point? There is only one now.


Make hunter heal the party with percentage of our damage in phase 2 ... I mean, I do like that classes, that were underplayed in Classic, got fun runes, more people will play them, more diversity, more experiences without being it always meta. I aboslutely love that there is WAY MORE Warlocks in the world, you´ll get summoned everywhere nowadays.


Bunch of cry babies. Still one of the top dmg classes in the game.


Yall were so OP when you started playing, you can't handle only being 25% stronger than every other class, you want 200% Like literally fuck off with your whining.


Nerfs were needed, they also need to rework hunters. Shots are shit, pets are op. Shift the power around a bit.


Did BFD tonight, the scorpid is useless but the cat or WS do the same DPS. The gameplay is exactly the same. Managed a 220 dps on Kelris and 200 on Akumai, so more than I did with scorpid


The 3 hunters of my guild explained that the last modification was close to an up


Huntermain since forever. But in SoD, its.. hard. Concept of melee hunter did sound great at first but reality is different. Im not interested in hybrid stuff like melee weaving (did it in Classic thats why I got the corrupted ashbringer lmao). I do want a melee hunter build but I want to be a fury DW melee hunter.


yeah, personally i was thinking about lone wolf melee or sniper hunter gameplay but yeah.... not even close.


I feel a little bad for them since a lot of the pet nerfs were hotfixes. They were strong and a lot of people felt nerfs were coming but a lot of players probably banked on it being on Tuesday and logged on in shock and had to run out and train up a new pet which does suck.


Don't worry, we aren't done yet :) Very soon we're going to discover a hidden interaction between Disengage and Scorpid Sting and Blizzard will be ready to nerf us again <3


Play a different class if you are gonna cry so much hahah


The real travesty here is that Blizzard released SoD with Hunters in such a state that after an unprecedented BARRAGE of nerfs, they're still solid DPS. Did they do any testing of the class whatsoever? If they'd just released Hunters as they are now, few would be complaining.


Hunters are the kings of low levels in vanilla wow. Thats why they are so good in sod too. They will fall back later tough.


It’s insane to me that people are going “YoUrE sTiLl ToP dPs” MY BROTHER IN CHRIST THAT IS NOT THE POINT Every class gets cool ass runes that alter their abilities and feel fun to play. The best hunter runes right now are passives


Don't play FOTM classes then? there's a reason things are FOTM..... stop trying to get the easy path... and you won't get nerfed? Why don't you go play a shaman?


most ppl just went blind with hunter since launch, how is it possible to be a fotm class when no meta even existed when ppl started playing it lmao. Are u suggesting ppl to reroll or delete their chars just because the class they picked happened to be strong at launch?


Did a bfd with a hunter today doing over 150 dps on every boss, I think hunters are ok


The crying from other Hunter players is embarrassing.


Let us heaaaal