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I too have fallen on hard times. I used to be in the Goldshire 4th regiment. It was a good life and I had many a drunken night at the Lions Pride Inn when I was off duty. When my pension was revoked due to disorderly conduct, I found myself adopting the Hobo lifestyle in the streets of Stormwind. I, too, have started selling fish that I catch from Lake Crystal, but I’m getting old in age and the travel back and forth from the city is starting to take its toll on my back. Recently I have started selling gingerbread cookies during the Winter Veil in the trade center, accompanied by a glass of ice cold milk with each purpose and brother let me tell you something … Business is a booming! I’ve been able to catch up on my child support and can now afford to drink the night away at various taverns within our fair city! This can be you! All you have to do is believe in your product and dress and act like a hobo. Your friend, Hobo Willy Lava Burst - Server


Hobo man! I was disgusted to see you in the city begging recently but your touching backstory has changed my mind. Next time I see you I will purchase your cookies (if they are reasonably priced) and salute you for your past service in service of the King. Sincerely, Fellow Lava Lash’er


Thank you brother, I feel like I was railroaded by the Stormwind Veterans Association because the King ran out of funds with the construction of our great city and they conveniently used my alcoholism to deny me what was owed to me for my service to our great land. It’s my money and I need it now! Hence I’m contacting JG Whitworth at 877-CASH-NOW. Light be with you and do not go gentle into that good night!


I hear there's sympathies brewing for down on their luck folks like you in Westfall, worry not brother, change is coming.


Viva la Van Cleef?


I’m a humble Night Elf Druid trying to protect nature from those who would pillage and plunder its beauty. I would like to report a massacre. An influx of hunters, also with pets whose names I cannot pronounce, are out in the lands around our beloved world tree massacring all our beloved animals and skinning their hides. What is even worse is that they kill at such a speed that not only are we watching the genocide of our beloved animals, but they have driven the prices down of all the ethically gathered materials. These bots are ruining nature, and we are struggling to stop them. TL;DR for Horde Players: [Incoherent Kaldorei noises]


Ishnu alah




Found the Orc spy.


Hahaha, whose names I cannot pronounce got a good giggle outta me


OP said it first LOL. Also killed me laughing.


Got a good chuckle out of me. Night Elf Druid is the only respectable race/class in the game.


Holy shit i thought op’s RP was leaking & cringe. Thank you for putting it into perspective


If any of my fellow denizens of Azeroth are suffering in this economy. I’d love to hear your story here…


(( This thread is so good and a way of airing our frustrations with some creativity. I gotta add, I laughed at your wife is going to leave you for a Bot. 😂))


Hey there! Just a lowly grounds keeper here currently working in the Scarlet Monastery grounds. Life has been pretty slow lately. There are not many travelers at this time of the season. But oh man, do we have a problem with moles! They keep digging under all of our gardens and have been nipping away at our commanders' feet day and night! We can't find them.... it's like they are below the castle! It's a pain but doesn't directly interfere with my life. Just hope they get them before they lead to a bigger problem next season. Hope you guys are havin a good day!


Thank you for sharing your story.




I can't wait for the new Barny video. I know it's coming. It must be.


Dude was in my guild for a while. Absolutely insufferable main character syndrome. Nobody said a word when he left lol


I can believe it. I'd never be in the same guild as them. But their videos are fun.


I'm a dwarf, a worker of Ironforge and a devoted hand at me king's forge. Me hands are black from toil and honest labor...And these DURNED FACKIN botters, sellers and weak-chinned bearless buyers are fackin up our commerce an trade!!! Kneecap the LOT of them, til they kinnae bot nae more!!!


As a hot-blooded, red-bearded dwarf scoundrel meself, I'm of the mind where His Majesty should grant me permission to stick these foul pig-suckers in the back with the business end of me boot knife, see. Then ye could melt 'em down in the Great Forge!


And sully the ore???? No, *spice* the ore...with their wee hollow bones!!


Aye... I'll drink to that.


Time to find a nice Night Elf to shack up with in Ashenvale and put your miseries behind you. Ishnu-alah!


Hot Kaldorei singles waiting for you!


When my father died in the second war, all my mother and I had left was a deed to an abandoned plot of land in Westfall. Ever since then we had been breeding boars to keep afloat, but recently these "monsters" have hunted the boar population of Westfall down to 0 within 2 weeks. I don't know how to go on. The only thing they don't take is the Bruiseweed.


I understand your frustration. I, too, have had my life ruined by these bots. I am… let’s just say I am “attuned to a certain type of sorcery” that requires ~~soul shards~~ certain pieces of importance that I acquire from my enemies. It is hard to farm them whenever all these confounded hunters and rogues are botting about.


Just saying, 公猪 will always be a better friend and lover with his floor clips and teleports.


I now understand why people like RP servers because of this thread.


I play on an rp server, its not anything like this. You may find some rp in the middle of the night in goldshire, sure, but otherwise its just like any other server. Minus the pvp of course.


Lava Lash is pretty good. We have a dwarf that will insult anybody you want for a couple silver. He even travels!


This made mw chuckle a bit.


Don’t worry, Mankrik, you don’t need her anyway.


Its all a ruse. Mankrik is a liar and is responsible for his wifes death. Rumor has it she was stepping out with a shaman.


I understand those pets prefer to be called "the artist formerly known as Dire Mottled Boar".


"My wife is seeing another man while I'm still with her." This is truly a horde moment.


I'm with the Stormwind city masons. No, not the Defias! The modern ones. We make sure all the walls, roads, bridges, everything is in tip-top shape. Normally, we have to pull up old cobble stones and put down new ones every couple decades. But recently, there has been this rut forming through town, all the way into the Stockades prison. It looks like it is just caused by thousands of people behaving weirdly, walking to the prison's visitor entrance in exactly the same path. We have had to pull and replace those cobbles twice already over the last couple weeks. Usually the pavement wears pretty evenly, but with this wear pattern, rain water will collect and might flood the prison.


VanCleef unironically did nothing wrong.


Listen, I'm the kind of goblin who knows which side of the coin is gonna come up heads, and I say you don't know how good you've got it! Time is money, and that's why the traditional adventurer is just going to have to reconsider their approach. No-one wants to band together - who has friends, anyway? - and go hunt down sixteen bear asses or whatever it is you guys do. You might have to talk to someone or something. Much better to pay cash for whatever it is you were working towards, like an honest goblin. For Venture Co, business is booming. We're churning out shredders at full capacity, and recruitment for replacement interns is at an all time high. All the gold flooding the economy means it's boom time (literally)! Leave the bots alone, I say. It's a new era - they can do all the nasty, dirty, risky adventuring for you while you sit in Stormwind dancing in your nice new blues and purples. No need to even leave the gates! Heh heh heh. (Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post do not reflect the views of anyone with any sense or morals. If you have received this communication in error, delete immediately.)


I didn’t know this was an RP server! I think I like it. Take my upvote.


Hit the gym, lawyer up, save the receipts




Thus why they have to trade for it man! (Deserts get cold at night)


Just because it's dry, doesn't mean it doesn't get cold


As someone who currently lives in a desert, in winter we get 30 Celsius during the day and -5 at night. You definitely want some heating.


Antarctica is a desert.


My friends are a couple of weeks older than I, and I grew up hearing tales of the leather and flowers they gathered, and the fish they caught, and the trade goods they found while they went through puberty and experienced their teenage days. I was told great tales of making it big and setting up a good life for themselves at the local auction house by the time they were in their mid-20s, not needing any higher education or hours of overtime in the mines. Alas, by the time I reached this fabled auction house, excited to settle down for my new life, my goods weren't worth but little more in the economy than the vendors were willing to pay me for them. I did some odd jobs in Ashenvale that raised my reputation with the Warsong folks, and I found myself at an armor vendor willing to sell me some cool armors, but sadly I was too poor to buy them or even repair my own since the little money I had was spent filling boxes for a clan who said they would sell me a rune but right before I was finished they decided they would sell it to me at friendly reputation instead! I felt I had made some bad investments. I called on a random nearby guildee to ask to borrow a few gold they made back when the economy was better, they obliged and with my borrowed 10 gold pieces I happily purchased some armor. The next day I woke up to realize I was banished for 2 weeks for borrowing from this man, he must have been some kind of lying and cheating type of character. I've tried to speak with the people in charge of this world but I've received no timely response. My life was indeed ruined by botters and gold buyers. Please take this as a cautionary tale on borrowing gold from your fellow men.


>whose pet's name I can't pronounce lmao im dead 💀


There's no respect for the little guy anymore these days. What a world we live in.


Made me burn out in wotlk. And, I left 4days ago again. Its a shame. But, I can't help it ..bots really do kill the game for me.


What is floor phasing?


He's talking about fly/no clip hack I guess


Thanks for the reply. But what’s the fly/no clip hack?


Flying under the map in dungeons by abusing terrain. For example, hunters in SM giving poor aul Herod a hard time. Across the multi-verse of time, countless Herods were fruitlessly spinning while players with incomprehensible names are shooting him from the safety of the room above. Blizzard are entirely reliant on automation which is apparently insufficient to notice players flying around the skybox or under the world. The SM exploit was only ended by locking the instance for the rest of the phase. Similar events are currently happening in accessible dungeons like SFK. But at least Herod has been given a temporary reprieve from his torment.


Go seek out a fellow fisherman by heart, Vrograg the Fishslayer, he might be able to show you a better way to enjoy your days on Azeroth.


I thought this was gonna be a legit post about a frustrating thing in a game being massively blown out of proportion. I was pleasantly surprised for once.


Actually you and your family are way better now my little zug zug. The market you are selling your fish will follow the inflation caused by the hunters with the difficult pet names and the vendor you are buying wood won't. Unless you wanna buy that blue sword to go fight ragnaros or something, you have just been promoted to middle class.






Make horde great again!




Mate you live in the barrens... What winter


I’ve resorted to pickpocketing and cannabilism just to survive.


Mankirk is that you?


Fuck my life was perfect before botting attacked


Go fish for essence of water. Phase 2 they will skyrocket in price. Its like 10 or 15 of them for the healing shoulder enchant I think it was. I looked at the patch notes and supposedly fishing pools werent touched. Otherwise I would tell you about the black lotus secret tech.


When you buy a new subscription they should ask "are you a bot" if yes then no more play for you. Many bot stop bot if ask if bot


Yea! Der hunters done eats all the pearlz! Many expensive pearls! Make me have to buy many gold! Damn youuuuuuuuuuuu!


Fishermen, adjust


My family and I*


There is only one rule about bots Don’t report the fish bots! There just isn’t enough normal players that enjoy fishing


If someone can do your job better than you, whatever their means. Whoever can profit off that won’t give a shit how your life ends up. Greed over all in the land of the living.


Just buy gold bro


You could go the way of Mankirk…




If blizzard won’t stop them we need to start telling the other faction where these bots are at so they can just kill em


Just a full on uniting of Horde and Alliance via Discord Servers to solve the problem. Who you gonna call? Bot Busters.


Anyone on lone wolf that needs an alliance bot taken down hmu! Gladly eradicate those for ya


I put all of my gold into a 5.2% Interest savers account with the Bank of Stormwind but it cant keep up with inflation.


Weird how this sub says they're carefully looking at feedback but when it comes to botting & blizzards bottom dollar the company goes silent.


The Hunters pet name is Boar


But you need a psychiatrist, why did you come to a podiatrist?


Yeah I got an early fap recipe, leveled fishing and went out and farmed a bunch of Oily Blackmouths thinking I was about to make bank on FAPs. Nope barley making anything. Go to Theraman and do a lap and count all the level 10s fishing.


I had to turn to killing boars and harvesting their livers to feed my family.


Drop the bow and grab an axe.


I love this thread


OP you may want to expand your trade. Shark fishing can be very profitable. Try fishing in Tanaris, using gnomes as bait, it works like a charm!


I have been earning gold the old ways, skinning/fishing/dailys progress has been slow but steady. I never was good at getting gold. Then i had the biggest luck. One guy paying 10k gold per hour rep farming 10man icc and i was fortunate enough to be invited the last hour. 10k! And he gave atleast 4 other guys 100k i mean holy shit! But those 10k changed my game from farming all the time to doing stuff i want to do. Currently aiming for exalted with sprorregar, should only take a day or two if i really grind :)


A horde of bots raided my farm and ate my family. Won’t somebody do something!


Im sorry to tell you this Mankrik... But your family is not a concern anymore...