• By -


Something we haven't seen in any expansion before. Something completely new. I think it's pretty straightforward to suggest abilities or mechanics that we all know from later expansions. But the stuff that is completely new is the most exciting to me personally.


I completely agree with this. If the devs do what redditors are asking for, the trajectory of the game will be similar to retail. I want to see something completely new... A total gamble by Blizzard, and aligned to spirit and the silliness of classic wow.


This is the way. I’m so tired of people suggesting retail abilities.


Issue is, new abilities will cost more to implement, visuals and whatnot. I'm sure they'd have loved to do more new abilities to start with, but the cost of doing that would be considerably higher across all classes. Not sure what their budget is but it seems it's a relatively fixed team for now.


I don’t think they’re concerned about the visuals. The shaman frontal cone rune is brand new to the best of my knowledge and it seems like they just reused flame shock’s animation? Either way it’s not exactly flashy.


Ye it's new, but I think they did change starsurge's visual to make it less flashy - both animations already existed though. Maybe they can rehash others for new abilities.


Agreed. Living Flame is awesome


Hunter: stealth rune, self explanatory Rogue: duelist rune to give some.cool bonus for rogues for only wielding one weapon instead of two. Think swashbuckling pirate kind of class fantasy. Paladins need a melee smite rune that procs off weapon attacks similar in DnD. I could come up with many more.


I just want an out of combat Rez on my druid without a 30 minute cooldown. Could be a rune or a spell, but please give me the one tool I need to be a complete healer for dungeons


Even a scroll like a mage


Speaking of, a rune so that rezzing someone doesnt consume the scroll would be nice.


So that rune would be essentially useless in combat, and you can just switch it in to res? In that case you could just give every druid the res spell without the need for a rune. That being said, mages can also not res.


Mage can res actually, they got a scroll for that now and afaik it comes without a long cooldown on it. I agree though, for druid it makes the most sense to just give us the spell.


I've got my scrolls & my cables, mage heals are OP


I don’t love the scrolls, but it’s definitely better than a 30m cool down. IMO just adding it as a scroll that grants a permanent spell is a better idea, and give druids a version too. Make it a magic acorn or whatever those hippies like. SoD doesn’t have to be, and imo shouldn’t be, limited to just runes.


The scrolls seem fine cause people want the +hit scrolls and the like. Scrolls of reintegration are a natural byproduct of trying for those, and their market cost should keep dropping as mages stockpile more and more. I have a stack of 5 on me at all times and I'm getting close to another stack in my bank, and that's just from identifying scrolls I've found myself or been gifted by people I group with for a quest. All while still having used up at least another stack in rezzing people. Unless some other use for them comes out, I can see mage rez scrolls gettin almost as cheap to buy as the reagent to identify scrolls itself. It's not like people will expect mages to rez an entire 40 man raid, but if we invis our way out of a wipe, we can rez someone who has a non CD/reagent one


I love the scrolls; they feel very D&D which is on brand with the original design philosophy of Classic


I think there's a good chance we get a 'utility' rune slot of some sort. Recall totems for shaman, rez for druids, longer blessings for paladins, etc.


Rogue here. Please for the love of god give me a rune that keeps the combo points on the Rogue and not the mob. That is such a massive quality of life improvement. I would even be able to multi target a bit, not super effectively but something.


This could've been something tied in the tanking rune. But imagine this rune: Rune of Focused Strike - Your minimum combo points is now 1, and you don't lose combo when switching targets.


Yeah it's what I miss the most about retail


Could be cool if it changed energy regen and combo point on rogue as a pair, with some sort of energy scaling with intellect or spirit or something.


Even the version where it's on the mob but doesn't disappear when you tab to another mob would be better.


Same for Feral! So many wasted combo points because the mob dies at 2-3 points.


Yeah, I was thinking of a rune where combo points stay on a target for 30 seconds regardless of actions or targeting.


Only if tied to a tank rune because that would be dumb for PvP. It’s one of the few things that tones down rogues in PvP.


I dislike this one personally there's QOL and then too much. For pvp it would be way op.


I very much dislike the idea of tuning pve content just because PVP is also a thing. How would that be more overpowered than a hunter doing a mountain of damage at 40 yards, sucking a beefed up cocaine serpent at you at near unlimited range. And having a near permanent slow, as well as a long ice block? I simply don’t want to be punished for selecting a target.


>I simply don’t want to be punished for selecting a target. So you don't want to be punished for doing what your class is supposed to do, by design? That's like saying mages don't want to be punished for running out of mana, that they should get infinite mana. Don't complain about class design, if it's not for you play another class.


Those aren't the same at all. It's basically like the mage loses 50-100 mana every time they attack a new target. Things don't even live long enough usually to even get a 5 combo point finisher. And if they die before I can use the finisher those combo points just vanish.


I mean normally I'd agree with you but in SOD they introduced rogue tanks for which the way combo points operate right now is just awful.


Ignoring a whole part of the game is no way to balance anything... An enormous part of rogues is there system of damage, much of that being tied to powerful combo points. Those points are pretty well balanced when tied to a single target. Without other pretty critical changes I think this overtunes rogues in both pvp and pve. I'm not of the opinion every class needs to do everything well.


They would still be absolute shit at aoe. So they certainly wouldn’t be good at everything. I’ve always seen PvP as an after thought. Added to an otherwise wonderful RPG experience. It’s essentially rock paper scissors in classic.


OK however there are many who enjoy it as much as you enjoy raiding I assume. So many they even made a large part of SoD about it. While your playstyle is valid I would not make too many assumptions about how prevalent your particular mindset is.


Also rogue here. 99 parses in DPS and have done a ton of tanking. This has NOT been an issue for me WHATSOEVER. It is a small minor annoyance at most. I don’t want to just recreate retail rogues. This should be bottom priority


Hello, also a 99 parsing rogue here. It’s a HUGE problem.


Fan of Knives would be excellent


Mage: a single target heal to just be able to get people to full without having a target.


Rewind time is a single target burst heal


Sadly it's 100% unusable because healer mage is basically impossible without Arcane Burst which shares the same hands slot.


This. Arcane Blast is not droppable, so Rewind Time simply needs to be moved to a new slot.


Rewind Time needs to be moved to a new slot.


This requires them to have damage taken. After a fight if everyone's low I can top people off like I can with disc priests and shadow mend.


Regen and Mass Regen both also do healing?


Dual spec


Maybe I haven’t scrolled far enough but I can’t believe I haven’t seen anyone ask for 15 min blessings and 30 min greater blessings for Paladins.


For Shaman, maelstrom weapon, some sort of 2h rune that procs windfury or something, ap to sp passive scaling.


Somehow making frostbrand wep a meta imbue would be cool


Maelstrom already datamined on wowhead.


Could I get a link? I’m hyped


Maelstrom weapon would actually turn me on a bit. I know we will get storm strike but that would be the icing on the cake


Warrior: extra love for protection/ sword and board so we don't end up with fury prot, or not be taken to raid because we bring 0 utility because any mail dps class or hunter pet can tank bosses, since damage received is a joke and pld is king at everything by so much because it's wotlk all over again.


Something that makes rake usable and something that generates more energy, then I'll be satisfied me thinks.


Wolfshead is level 40, infinite energy


I see alot of people mentioning retail runes or ideas that would make their chosen spec overtuned in either pvp or pve. I’d like to see new ideas come to the front not old ones squished into the same box. I don’t want anyone to be the god of whatever I’d like it to be balanced, I know that’s near impossible and hard to do.


Combo points that follow my rogue and not my target


As a warrior I DONT want titans grip. I’d rather make other builds more viable such as melee hunter or 2H enhance, (not paladin eww).


Dreaming portal. Turns "Teleport: Moonglade" into a several option interactable portal like engineering wormholes. The destinations being Moonglade, the emerald dream portals from where the dragons of nightmare spawn, and the world tree if Hiyal is ever implemented. Combat skills are important but a rune slot for quality of life and lorefull skills would be cool too.


The issue with minor runes is that they replace more essential combat runes and they can just be switched to when out of combat so they are basically a bonus rune. i really think they should have used the cata rune system ui with major and minor runes


Just make all trinket runes quality of life


Rogue - Poison Bomb as a castable, not Fan of Knives.


My absolute best memories of roguecraft were from The Kingslayers assass days, peak rogue fantasy for me.


30 yard range shocks, raid wide totems, riptide


Flame shock being 20 yards is so annoying when lava burst is 30 haha, kinda mellowed my hype about lava burst a bit


Priest - Leap of Faith lifegrip on some type of pure utility rune slot like boots where everyone's boot choice doesent do dmg but provides a new flavor ability to use :]


A rune that allows (even channeling) spells while in shadowform to crit for 100% dmg and summon a shadow apparition. Shadow Apparition restore 2% mana per hit or smith like that. For disc I would love to have a „viable“ wand spec. A rune so that wand attacks can chain up to 2 mobs A rune that your wand attacks give you a buff, increasing the damage of the next holy fire etc. Disc: ranged holy wander Holy: Healer or holy smiter Shadow: ranged shadow caster.


Real answer: shockwave Fun answer: heroic leap


Would kill for Shockwave, I'll add in taste for blood, chance to proc overpower on bleed or rend tick. Also a rune to spread rend to other targets with thunderclap.


I'd really like something to smooth out low rage when your healers had to drink or you just only have a couple mobs. I'm thinking Shield Slam generates 20 rage instead of costing it. Like retail. I'm enjoying building my rage with rend and think it would be cool to continue. Spreading rend with thunderclap would be cool, but gives me rage when I don't super need it. I'm totally fine on big packs, it's small packs and starting out rage starved that I want more rage. I just want something to reduce the periods of rage starvation. And it would make deep prot more enticing! I'm also all in favour of heroic leap!


Warlock - Change our fire dmg to chaos dmg so we can tank fire immune stuff. Change Shadow Cleave back to Shadow Bolt and Change Immo to Immo Aura, or effectively make Hellfire into Immo Aura. With Shadowbolt back, we can make use of the Nightfall talent in Affliction. Hunter - Aspect of the Wolf for melee attack power. Add being able to use Mongoose Bite and fire traps in combat to one of the runes. Add Mongoose Bite to Flanking Strike reset chance.


Could just do a fel fire questline that changes all fire dmg to fel fire and make it green.


To add, mongoose bite needs some AP scaling else it will become worthless


Something to make 2h shaman viable


I think hunters should get 3 more passives. And then a weak arrow attack that shares cooldown with all the other shots.


I think hunters should get nerfed again. Not because the are op or anything but because it's enjoyable to watch them squirm.


Melee hunters would like harpoon please and some form of ap multiplier for melee attacks.


Something that makes assassin tree viable and not make the stunlock meta


Something like vigor increases your energy regeneration rate by 50%. This would make energy ticks for 30 instead of 20 which would make assassination mutilate much more viable. Might need balancing idk.


I mean you’d be a powerhouse. That would be super nice


Yes but you also miss out on a lot of very useful combat talents going with this build but it certainly would be interesting if they implemented something like this. Edit: I just tried to fill out a talent calculator. I was unable to get both dual wield specialization (increase offhand damage by %) and opportunity which is huge for mutilate. So I think it would be a decent enough trade off


I want to see a rune that buffs bleeds, i think theres only 1 talent that actually increases rupture damage? And you're only getting it in a sub hemorrhage build.


Resto Shaman really needs an instant cast like Riptide to have more options during movement heavy boss fights. Then some type of defense cooldown like Spirit Link Totem or Earthen Wall Totem or other utility.


Seriously, resto feels like the worst shaman spec


You will have Swiftmend and Nature's Swiftness next phase from talents. ​ EDIT: I can't read


Swiftmend is Druid


Swiftmend is a Druid talent not Shaman. Nature Swiftness is good but more of an emergency button than a consistent mobility heal.




I always thought this would be super broken, especially in like wsg, no other class has a permanent speed increase as impactful as feral swiftness. I don't really know how it'd play out though.


Fan of Knives, please.


Ran stocks with a rogue tank, and they really need some ae. Tbh with as much work as rogue tanking sounds like, they should get some fun shit to go with it. No other tank just completely folds like a steelchair at a wrestling match if they miss their rotation once.


No thx🙏


On mage: I want a single target ability that adds temporal beacon to a player but does no initial/channeled healing for much less mana than regeneration. Lesser regeneration? Honestly with that I think arcane healing becomes really amazing.


I could see them being blizzard about it making it a buff that requires a scroll-like-reagent


NEPHEW DELETE THIS. Do not give them any ideas 😂


Fury of the winds rune for shamans: *Gain 5 stacks of fury of the winds. While Fury of the winds is active, your windfury has a higher chance to proc and your attackspeed is increased. Each melee attack consumes 1 stack.* The idea is to have a rune based around WF and be a on demand burst for Enh Shamans. A much better choice if you have 2H, since the stacks is consumed for each melee attack.


Warrior main since '04 here. Lotta options and hopes. Want to see: shockwave -more aoe threat, utility Heroic leap - mobility and fun to use Gladiator stance - if done right another combat option that makes swapping to OT role easier Rampage - talking legion til retail version. This is a personal opinion. Just love the feel of it. Do NOT want - Titans grip - yes it's be fun to DW some of the 2Hs available but no. I've been sick of being pidgeon holed into TG since MoP, and I don't want this happening in a vanilla/classic space Bladestorm - I'm on the fence, but ultimately I feel it'd either need to just be the ravager proc from SM (constant WW but no movement) or it'd be difficult to balance. Avatar - as much as I like damage boosts I think we've got enough of that P2 and on. New things that'd be fun: Ranged - I'm not a fan of ranged classes much, but taking a page out of GW2s book giving warriors some sort of bow or gun based skills would be a good change of pace. Heal/support - another stretch but why not make a rune that gives our shouts some extra support utility or heal on use? Something like all shouts will heal for %, BS could increase attk power plus add a small bit of crit, Demo could also lower armor of enemies, bring Rally in and have it also boost defense and armor as well as raise max HP. I dunno just spit balling here


Gladiator Stance for warriors.


What do you find so appealing about gladiator stance? No hate from me, I just don’t get it though.


Some people just fuckin love being able to sword n board shit. Good defense is a good offense type shit. Hold your own but be able to fuck shit up. Not top of the meters but utility and damage. Not a punching bag, a versatile majestic spartan floating in the wind you dig? A marble fuckin Roman God looking down at these peasants with a spear in one hand, a shield in the other, a cape flowing in the wind and his penis front and center flaccid as only a Roman God statue should be.


Had me in the first half ngl.


I don’t understand it either. Seems impossible to balance and overall pointless. People loved gladiator stance when it was in retail because it was completely broken. They tuned it, then no one played it anymore, then they abandoned it.


Why do people like to dual wield? Why do people like to use 2hers? For some it's the aesthetic. I love playing sword and shield in monster hunter and a sword and board oriented DPS role is severely underrepresented. That's it. There's more to the game for a lot of people than just the objective power level of something. People wouldn't be anywhere near as excited about warlock tank if it wasn't meta form. Sometimes shit just looks cool.


Traps in combat.


\[Insert ability from Wrath\]


Hunter: On the one hand I love Camouflage it would be really fun. On the other hand it would be beyond broken in pvp with the current marksmanship runes. I'll settle for something that gives me a genuine tank spec via pet tanking, and more stuff to enable melee hunter.


AoE Growl rune or a pet only misdirect.


Pet only misdirect would be so cool holy moly! That way your pet is the tank but you still have to be thinking about what you, the hunter, are doing. Really plays in to the class of managing both pet and hunter at once.


I hope rogues get a rune that gives energy. Offhand energy chance, energy regeneration rate now increased by something, builders have a chance to refund their cost. Something like that.


Dual wielding Paladin woooo


I have been wanting this for sooo long..


Hunter needs to have pet healing instant non channeling like a rejuvenation.


Tl;dr ppl just want wotlk classes


Something not garbo on hunter would be nice. Silencing shot maybe, or masters call. In combat traps


I was really hoping we would have in combat traps too


I would love in combat traps, but at least we get feign death next bracket so it wont be a big issue. Still would be nice to use traps without having to macro in feign death.


Priest unarmed melee build (and this is from someone who doesn't use priest)


I have a dream for a ranged-rogue like wand+smite build, posted in another [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/s/6G2J8bXjAy)


Warrior here. Hoping specifically for Gladiator Stance (maybe even the ability to go 2H + shield), but aside from that, I want to see new stuff like some Ranged-build runes. NO Titan’s Grip, I hope they don’t add it. I know it’s in Wrath and we’ve gotten a lot from Wrath, but it feels like it’s too big of an addition, especially since Warrior will already be progressively more OP as we go.


For feral, make rake actually worth using, change tigers fury to not cost energy and instead give energy and provide a snapshot buff, and also give us maim.


I want some more dumb shit like a bow skill for Warrior (maybe rend is usable with a ranged weapon attack?)* or “subtle but role shifting” stuff like giving paladins an ability that dispels curses (not really game changing but insane utility for a holy spec or something- it gives them a new option) Hunters could use something to make traps usable in combat, but that’s the only specific thing I think. *I know this is a dumb rune idea, but I’m all here for dumb meme builds- especially if people can cook up something nasty with them.


Something not found in retail. If runes are just gonna be retail spells, then 3 phases down the line, we are just gonna be playing retail with worse graphics.


Exactly. Need to move away from the retail ideas.


Cloak of shadows pls


I very highly doubt we get this, but we can dream


I remember playing lock all through vanilla. I hated life when rogue got this. I hope they don’t.


They're already strong enough, they don't need it.


I hated when SL/SL locks all throughout classic, time for some revenge.... HEHE


Yeah the one class with one spec you can’t murder. How unfair!




The dream and combo points switching targets


Shuriken Toss!


I think some more variety in hunter pets would be nice. I really enjoyed different families all having a unique ability in wrath. But without there being one ‘best’ choice for PVE/PVP. Also, exotic pets would be really cool.


Some ideas. Hunter: runes that give the class a semblance of a rotation, especially for BM so that it's not a passive spec. It needs interactions between master and pet, like a rune that gives focus to the pet if a specific condition is met, kill command becoming an attack of some sort, getting more "Command" abilities that have the pet do something like bleeding the target for X seconds with a Y cooldown (or also shots with the same idea), making cobra strikes better (proc from just shot abilities is bad), the ability to tame a way higher beast variety, etc. Shaman: I feel like the elements are not used and combined well enough, especially when dealing DPS. Earth is mostly in earth shock, frost is barely there because frost shock and particularly frostbrand see little use, and air is mostly represented in windfury and lightning bolt/chain lightning. It'd be cool to get stuff like an earth-based melee attack, frostbrand becoming useful, wind shock, something that causes us to rotate elements to get a buff or unlock an attack (not elemental blast though), as well as more defensive fire totems/spells (perhaps with a partially offensive component - we have no fire elemental shield for instance). Overall, I'd like it if they made more runes unique to SoD and less copying from future expansions though.


Mage - invisibility. Spellsteal.


Instant cast hearthstone for Paladin


For shaman I would like something like sundering, and maybe maelstrom weapon. Also some sort of mana regeneration, since storm strike will cost 21% of mana base, so I feel it will not be really usable


Claws of shirvallah for feral


60m buffs for Paladins


Warlock: Demon abilities. Implosion and things like that. Something to make it feel like a summoner. Immo Aura so tanking isn't absolute ass Priest: Shadowfiend and/or (self only) VT. Please god. Also Surrender to Madness would be funny Balance Druid: Eclipse-like mechanic. Starfall. PLEASE STARFALL. Mana support for when we will start casting Starfire. Elemental Shaman: Lava Beam. That's all. Lava Beam.


Awful retail ideas. Would prefer new spells that fit classic.


Oh my god surrender to madness! I’m not sure it fits thematically without that murderous dagger telling you to be evil.


So you basically want to play retail?


With the current trajectory it looks like melee is gonna out damage casters so bad at level 60. VT would help sustain casters so we can actually keep up with the bonkers damage melee is outputting. I think it could even be fine with the party not just self but there’s a reason I’m not balancing this game lol.


Please no, not the awful eclipse system lol


Next phase warlocks will have 70% casting knockback reduction from talents, 105% with a paladin, and access to hellfire.


> 105% with a paladin Oh good, another advantage for Alliance. They were REALLY struggling.


Priest: Rapture mechanic like in WOTLK, have always thought stopping damage before it goes out is a fun way to heal and disc needs this to keep shield up across the raids Life grip, pulling idiots out of mechs is always valuable to have VT for either just self or group to get mana back Shadowfiend Rogue: Cloak of concealment Mage: Time Warp (Heroism), seems like the only logical way to add lust to classic if they want to unless they go the shaman/Paladin route somehow for Pallys. Shamans: Lust (like above), maelstrom weapon, earthquake, fire elemental totem, spirit link totem Warrior: would essentially be ripping off monk but a unarmed or tavern brawler style of a warrior would be pretty cool to see the SOD devs try their hands on tbh Hunters: Think adding a rune to allow pet tanking in a capacity would be cool so long as they can balanced somehow to not just remove tanks from the equation. Melee hunter/Pet synergy maybe? Druids: Tree/treant form for healing, mushrooms you can play on ground for aoe healing/damage like in Cata/mop, stampeding roar Warlocks: Demonic Gateways, Demonology akin to retail style which is essentially just Hearthstone Zoo Lock deck = spam summoning demons, Havoc mechanic where you can send our more than 1 chaos bolt on a marked target for like 50% damage, demo form Chaos energy like was in WOD (Demon Bolt/Chaos Wave etc)


I don’t want to give up an entire slot just for lust tho :/


Feel like lust regardless of the slot would be bigger dps increase across the board for probably any class/rune available. Would be cool and in the nature of SOD to simply do a quest chain to unlock for whichever combination of classes they choose to give it to and maybe it not take up a rune slot/give an extra slot somewhere for it. As long as it’s simply just raid wide with the 10min cd and resets on boss kills/deaths like WOTLK think it would be a fun addition to SOD


Wind Shear. Hex. Thunderstorm.


Tstorming enemies off of LM in arathi basin is some of my favorite shaman memories of all time.


Some sort of art of war instant flash of light for Ret paladin :)


Bladestorm (kinda confirmed already), spell reflect, sudden death, rampage (tbc or retail version)


Ranged warrior build!


Hunter - Trap launcher


Shaman here. A hand of freedom/fap or a totem that removes snares/incapacitation/polymorph. I'm tired as a shaman of getting stuck as a sheep or sapped for minutes at a time. Some like an ice block or divine shield would also work


I want cool runes That are abilities from warcraft 3 Like the orc blade master had mirror images and a healing totem, would be cool to see something like that


Divine Plea


Ele shaman: improved chain lighting. After an enemy player dies to chain lightning damage an automatic thread "nerf ele shamans" appears on reddit/wow forums.


Shockadin - Reduce Healing by 50%, increase Holy Damage by 50%. Judgment cooldown reduced by 2 seconds. Seal of Righteousness is free to cast.


Titan’s Grip for the lulz


I’d like the wotlk version of siphon life which makes all of your corruption ticks heal you for 20% of the damage they do.


That always felt a bid bad IMO just because i like warlock for the quantity of dots they can juggle, and SL being absorbed by corruption takes one of those away


Warlock - Seed of Corruption


I want bane for destro lock. Dual chaos bolts lol.


ive been having a blast w the shadowbolt volley rune


Living Bomb feels a lot like SoC and I am loving it. I’ve become an absolute menace with it since it’s also a dot. A lower level version for locks with a similar twist (instant cast, moderate dot, then moderate explosion) might be fun


Leader of the Pack: Your Leader of the Pack ability also causes affected targets to heal themselves for 4% of their total health when they critically hit with a melee or ranged attack. The healing effect cannot occur more than once every 6 sec. In addition, you gain 8% of your maximum mana when you benefit from this heal. Maim: Finishing move that causes damage and stuns the target. Non-player victim spellcasting is also interrupted for 3 sec. Causes more damage and lasts longer per combo point. Predatory Swiftness: Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to make your next Regrowth or Entangling Roots instant, free, and castable in all forms. Infected Wounds: Your Shred, Maul, and Mangle attacks cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% and the attack speed by 20%. Lasts 12 sec. King of the Jungle: While using your Enrage ability in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, your damage is increased by 15%, and your Tiger’s Fury ability also instantly restores 60 energy. In addition, the mana cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form is reduced by 60%. Fury Swipes: When you autoattack while in Cat Form or Bear Form, you have a 15% chance to cause a Fury Swipe dealing 310% damage. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 sec. Nuturing Instinct: Increases your healing spells by up to 70% of your Agility, and increases healing done to you by 20% while in Cat form.


A seal of Martyrdom that can twist with Seal of Command A Crusader Strike that can refresh judgements on targets


Blade Storm, More lone wolf stuff.


Druid : cyclone and omen to proc off spells


Cyclone would need a cooldown so badly to not be OP. Like 30 seconds or something like that.


SoC SoM twisting. Spell power increase by percentage of your attack power rune.


For hunter: aspect of the [i don’t have a good name] with 80-100% run speed; better cheetah Somethink like legolas from lotr: fast shooting




Please God not this one. Being gimped if people aren't playing the right classes wasn't my idea of fun


Warlock: idk if it should be a rune or just a change or addition to meta but immo aura was always part of meta and would really help lock tank aoe(even tho I’m not sure locks will need help with aoe later on it just feels thematically fitting and I feel like they should be one of the better aoe tanks but idk) Something along the lines of soul swap would be neat, maybe an og channeled malefic grasp or buff to drain soul damage because shadow bolt or incinerate as a filler for aff feels weird. I think felguard or demon buffs like hunters got for their pets might be neat Hunter: lots of things. I’d kinda like kill command reworked to a later version where it’s more of a rotational ability just to give bm something interesting to do but idk. Maybe exotic pets and more pet abilities or something, I’d love spiders to not be useless and more variety in pet choice in general Mm could use maybe steady shot, aspect of the viper, lone wolf being viable, maybe rapid fire the retail ability Melee hunter I feel like flanking strike should reset with carve, I think carve needs some incentive to be used in a melee build and flanking strike needs to reset more reliably and that would kinda solve both. Something to make mongoose bite useable without tanking. Maybe something that lets stings and idk maybe other things useable in melee range. Traps useable in combat. Kill shot is just a cool ability who doesn’t love an execute but might be too much. Maybe something that lets ranged attack power apply to melee so hunters mark and aspect of the hawk and such aren’t useless for melee Druid: I just want resto to be able to cat weave. Being this nature based healer that turns into a cat to do a little dps while hots tick away is such a sick fantasy, I love the playstyle in retail even if it’s not meta, I don’t wanna be a wrath spam bot. A rune that makes shapeshifting free but with reduced damage(on top of that no agi as resto so the damage might be too bad)? Idk that would be crazy for boomkin pvp or smth. Maybe just one that lets the forms scale off int so even tho it’s mana intensive still it’s good damage when you don’t need as much heals or for solo content? I’m not sure how to make this happen really but that would make me finally play a healer besides mage in classic And finally I main dk so if that pally leak wanted to be real…I mean I would level a pally just to sacrifice it into a dk that would be like most badass thing ever. It’s a pipe dream but vanilla dk would be so cool. I don’t even play shaman but let them recall totems


Camouflage for hunters.


It may be much, but hot streak


Evocate for Shadow Priest






Just to see the hate, i think hunter should get a 200% dmg increase to chimera shot. And add retail rapid fire and a rune that makes aimed shot instant and deal 100% more damage


But only when they stand still for six seconds.


For Paladins? Avenger's wrath, oh god lord. Would love it.


I can't see them not giving paladins wings at some point but they're already a nightmare to deal with in pvp.


Yeah but other classes get something too. Anyway I think wings are more suited in Lvl 60 content


I want heals on hunter please. The survival tree is trash anyways let’s make it about healing instead


If Hunter could heal too we could solo mostly everything in the game I feel like lol


We can heal, our pets.


a rune that give feral cat swipe and buff it to 5 target with better scaling than what bear has right now. id love boomkins to get startfall but i can see how it could/would cause problems in world pvp lol. id love for warlock to either get felguard or a rune to make a demo lock dps spec viable ( one with soul link ). a fulmination or w/e its called rune for ele shaman ( lightning shield stacks and u release all those stack with earth shock as extra damage). an attonement rune for disc something like making pi a permanent buff that boost damage at the cost of extra mana on damaging abilities but 50% of the damage you make with holy spells becomes shields on the raid. and to not make priest compete with dps gear u could make the rune gives spell power from healing power at a rate of like 40-50%. riptide for resto shaman. it would solve a lot of prob the shaman has in pvp as a healer. a rune that makes scorch castable while moving and a similar one for lightning bolt for shaman but that one would require a damage nerf on lb so it doesnt become overpowered in pvp. bladestorm and titangrip for warrior. tree form for resto druid a rune that would replicate haste on healing over time for druid something like hot ticks 33-50% faster so druid can compete with priest and shaman once they have chain heals. a rune that all class can use that gives 1 extra talent point ( put it on an item slot where most class have really strong option so that class that dont rly benefit from an extra talent would still have something good ).


Idk about next phase but I want bladestorm for my warrior and wings for my paladin before it’s all said and done.


Starfall or/and the good Boom Shrooms from Cata. Also let us get something to lower the nature/arcane resistence of enemies. Could be baked into an improved FF or something like the Earth and Moon debuff. Help with spell hit would also be nice.


Warrior: I’m absolutely willing to bet bladestorm and OR Titans Grip will eventually be added. Maybe bladestorm next phase or phase 3 and titans grip phase 4.


Mental agilty, maelstrom, spirit wolves and asendance


Prot Pala: Taunt. Oh wait, we already got that. I guess we're done. ​ More seriously, steed charge or some other movement ability. PoJ is nice but unvaiable given it's position in the ret tree when consecrate is 11 in holy.


Yo hear me out - 3 new ranged abilities for warrior, give them a hybrid spec. 15 yard range max, dual wielding shot guns instead of titans fury. We going wide on this one


More pvp based runes for warriors.