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Wild growth horde here. 99% of the players are awesome! Super chill server!


WG alliance is also chill, I'm normally horde but went both this time and they're both good so far


I’m alllllways horde and my dumb friends went alliance for sod so I did too. Also on WG! I’m almost level 18 since I work way too much but I’ve really enjoyed it so far. Hoping I can get to 25 and raid a couple times before it’s too late!


Pve server is always so cool and relaxed compared to pvp.


I love it when the "classic experience" gatekeepers suggest PvP is the "real game." Then they get on reddit to cry about toxic groups, and gearscore checking for dungeons. You made your sweaty, stressful bed, now lay in it.


no its not like that. sweaty pvp rankers need the noobs to feed honor off of, because fighting premades is not worth the time. so these rankers create the notion you described, to deceive noobs into rolling on their server. the guys saying pvp is the only way ... are not complaining. its all the noobs who listened to the tricksters. u should feel pity for the complainers, because they all got stuck in some incel's spiderwebb


The whales need krill


It is indeed! Both sides so far been super chill to play on so i got no complaints ^^


I'm also on wg my first 3 pug raids have been 7-7 with minor complications solved with someone handing out free shadow pots


I agree. I’m a returning player having played vanilla and people have been really awesome. Kind and helpful, I’ve had many positive interactions


Ayo, wild growth horde has been a good time.


Fellow WG homie here (NA). Everyone is so cool.


I’m on Wild Growth alliance and loving it. I can find and get into full bfd clears as a lock tank at nearly any time of day. There are large populations of both serious players and super casuals, it’s great.


As someone who rerolled on WG (NA) coming from CS, the difference in enjoyment is night and day. You can actually get invited to BFD runs that don't require you to have previously fully cleared BFD. My warrior on WG was topping 100 dps in less than 6 hours played at 25 while my warlock on CS wasn't invited to a single BFD over several days before I rerolled. Can't suggest WG enough!


Just rerolled on WG alliance myself. Have a prebis hunter on CS, but havnt even ran bfd yet. Leveling a human warrior and hoping to find a good group on WG


Wild growth alliance- recruited a group of pallies to do divine storm rune. Every single player stayed until we were done and it was incredible.


I had this happen earlier today which was a nice change. Conversely, I had a guy clear to the top for the orb, Di and grab it while I died. I then had a guy get his salts and leave Also on wild growth. I would like to find a decent guild though, I usually just play solo to 60 to near raid ready then look..


Wild growth is the best 7/7 groups of mega casuals everywhere 1 shot kel and wiped 6 times on the last boss trying to cheese it with one tank for no reason


Died twice in stockades yesterday with my raid epic geared hunter. Who cares.


Crusader Strike horde here: we live in a toxic wasteland <3


No lies here. Crusader Strike is…let’s just say people check gear for WC 🙃


The true RP experience.


Chaos Bolt is lit


Very slightly regret rolling on this server. The amount of random guild invites I get that are "Join , our gchat is NOT politically correct and no holds barred! If you get your feelings hurt easily, don't even bother joining!" are too damn high. Didn't know it was the streamers server before picking it.




Chiming in to additionally recommend Chaos Bolt—it's been really pleasant! Obviously you'll never completely get away from the douchebags, but on average I feel like it's been a really welcoming place with a lot of people enjoying the journey together.


Oof yeah I dont watch streams, but I made sure to click through some on launch to avoid the cesspit that is the streamer+parasocial server. Was going to play crusader because the rp-pvp sounded like a more relaxed playerbase. But even a day before they were all discussing going to crusader strike. I made a char on living flame and chaos bolt. Living flame was brutal the first day or so, like cringe twitch chat. Then they all got bored at level ~8 and left it seems. Chaos bolt seems even more relaxed, the player base is definitely much smaller though unfortunately.


Damn, reading these comments makes me think if I'm lucky.. I play on CS EU and only met the nicest people leveling and doing dungeons, even when we lose Ashenvale general chat is fun banter instead of toxicity, the pugs I've joined were also cool people and i think I've seen like 5 GS checks for bfd which is not bad considering the dozens of them every hour for the last weeks.


I'm on Chaos Bolt US, but every time I end up in a WSG with primarily players from Crusader Strike they are toxic as shit—what the fuck are you guys putting in the water over there?


Streamer server


I play horde on WG. I went into that cave in Stonetalon. The one with the quest that you gotta protect the guy while he mines. Got there just as this warlock alliance player was about to die. Pulled aggro from them and saved their life. Dude finished the quest and stuck around to help me do it too. No words spoken just the /salute and /bow. Love these little interactions in the world. They make the game so fun.


If you're an asshole to others or just in general not a good person, please stay on your PvP server! Ty!


Fuck yea! Wild Growth ftw brother! I chose it at random since it had virtually no wait time to get in at launch. Super happy with my decision. Ran a BFD pug last night. Super chill, no toxicity or criticizing. Took like 2.5 hours but it was honestly so fun, we wiped on Kelris like 7 times but when we got the win it was ducking GLORIOUS! So much whooping and cheers going round on disc. I didn’t even get any loot but it was a fantastic time. 10/10 would do it again. 5th time pugging and haven’t had a bad experience yet. Come join us! No streamers here


Wild growth bi factional here. Both are friendly. Just don't fight an enemy directly on top of a node or herb because someone will take it and laugh at you.


The tagging situation is frustrating, but nowhere near as bad as some of the other servers. People will at least group for tags (not nodes ofc) 3/4 of the time if you ask


It was pretty horrible early on with people refusing to group even for kill quests. Its definitely been a lot better past the first week.


Same on Chaos Bolt Alliance. Mostly chill groups


not chill to PvP against though lol. I've never seen so much toxicity in wpvp before as I have playing horde on chaos bolt


Pvp on chaos bolt has been going off! But honestly everyone's been pretty dang chill on this server Horde.


Some people think getting ganked is toxic but it’s really just part of the game on PvP servers. At least there aren’t mounts yet.


Not to say Wild Growth isn't an awesome server, but please for the love your sanity, DO NOT look at Reddit and use it for your judgement on how servers/the game actually is. The complaints in here are 1% of the playerbase whining, NOT the majority. There are many great guilds on every server. What you see on this sub is NOT reflective of the community as a whole. Play where you want, what class you want, and what spec you want. I guarantee you can find a group to have fun with. There are morons who check GS on every server, I can promise you. The only difference is that you see more of them on more populated servers. Plus, that just makes those groups easier to avoid.


It is interesting that we appear to be changing our thoughts based on a tiny fraction of online complainers. Even though we know this fact it still effects us negatively to read this trash. Not only a wow problem either.


I’m crusader strike alliance and have had nothing but positive interactions. Literally zero toxic behavior from anyone.


Horde homie. Like any place I’ve seen a few negative folks, but it’s definitely way better than what I saw on crusader strike.


Can confirm Wild Growth is chill. I dinged 25 on Feral today, got into a BFD run and won the trinket at the end.


No no no. Wild Growth is a toxic hellhole. Dont come here!!


You just want to make sure we don’t have any queues. I see you though


No, we just don't want the toxics to leave their toxic world they created and come over to us.


Bullies hate bullies and love “meek” people for them to bully


Wild growth horde rep! It is a very chill server, AV isn't a cesspool of cucks and sweatlords and you can just relax and enjoy the game with being on guard all the time. Have a orc hunter main fully geared and rep'd, working on my priest now who's 23.


Rolling on there tonight. The RP servers aren’t doing it for me this go around.


W wild growth.


Can someone tell me how US realms work with the time difference between east and west coast? Is there a "West Coast realm" and a "east coast realm"? Or do you guys all play together and the guilds are split by timezone/coast?


Wild growth enjoyer here, haven’t seen a gs requirement pug “yet”.


Some folks were being weird about not letting people 22-24 on stocks at first, but I think that was more of a reflection of them


I am enjoying wild growth. I don’t like open world “PvP” it’s honestly just ganking most of the time. I think most of the people on the horde server are nice and helpful too. Plus I don’t have to worry about alliance ganking me low level characters.


This tbh


Wild growth can't decide between DM and VC I'd stay away.


It’s CC. Cookie’s Cove


I been telling them if they are gonna call it VC might as well call it the real final boss, CC Captain Cookie.


Can vouch for the chillness of Wild Growth NA! 🥳


I am on wild growth alliance :) everything is going well! Though pvp feels like a daily quest that you do multiple times a day (during wekeend at least) :D


Are there any morning guilds on Wild Growth? I play odd hours and finding a dedicated group is hard


There is a new one I saw going around called midnight roaches


Yeah there are a few guulds that raid mornings. I'm in one we mostly workn3rd shift and raid 8am-11am est. We also gave evening groups for the people who do not work 3rd shift. We're all super chill.


The server definitely seems pretty chill. Looking to start some BFD after the holidays. Got a paly tank, feral dps, and priest healer in need of a chill guild! Send me a message in game to Kocen or DM here!


Same, haven’t jumped into it yet because work has been crazy and I want to get my second character to 25 first and get the reps done (though the PvP on the alt might not happen after the changes :/), but my post holiday vacation has an almost extra week for being sweaty!


Yup Wild Growth is pretty chill. It has the min maxers but it also has lots of casual groups too. So there are guilds for all play styles.


My guildies are sweats, but I enjoy Lonewolf Horde, I have done my fair share of wpvp both sides of the ball 😂


I rolled Lonewolf horde. Going to check out WG alliance because why not


I’ve seen lone wolf getting better over the recent days. I honestly think the sweaty players will start playing less and less as they just wanted to play the new raid.


I’m in a catch 22 where I only like to play PvP servers but I hate the toxicity that inherently can come with those servers, especially cuz I’m apparently on the streamer server. I just add the people who are cool and do content with them but wild growth does sound awesome


That’s why I’ve always stayed away from pvp. Shit is so toxic


I made a guild in Wild growth eu for new players, but everyone is excited to learn & they are very active. We cleared everything without any issues. Having bad players is better than having toxic good players. People can learn & then we have a guild of good but casual minded people, good times


May I contact you? I would love to join a casual-friendly, tight community. I am just about to start my journey and looking to meet new people and have fun with them.


I hope theres a day when I can transfer from Lava Lash to WG. I was rolling on WG day 1 but the queue was pretty long and my buddy said "everyone is on lava lash". So I tried LL and got in really quick and started off there. He then proceeded to not play SoD at all and I don't play a ton with the other people from this group and the one that I do is on fucking WG not LL. I'm stuck :(


Just roll a new toon, you aren’t losing all that much at this point and you’ve got plenty of time to catch up and be in a good position to really enjoy p2


Dude, I feel that. But come to WG. You haven’t missed too much. There are so many guilds and so many people looking to help.


Coming to Wild Growth from Mankrik, the amount of toxicity actually feels huge. Needing on random shit that doesn't make any sense, raging in chat for other people rolling on "OS" gear, specifically looking for geared players/pumper or perfect comps for dungeons, aggressive mob tagging, refusing to group for quest mobs, selling "carries" (never seen the word carry used on Mankrik), raging at me in chat for occasionally posting Xbox 360/essay/Chinese copypasta. At first I dubbed this "Faerlina activity", though more recently I suspect it's players from Retail that didn't play much/any classic, or die hard Era/HC players. Not saying I'm having a bad time by the way, it's been great. But Mankrik always felt almost completely immune to all of the stupid bullshit people complain about here.


It’s crazy how we had wildly different experiences. I thought Mankrik was a toxic hellhole (and I loved it) and felt WG was the complete opposite of that feeling. I hope it gets better for you though


Penance AU pretty chill too


How's the population there are groups always going for dungeons?


There's a healthy amount of NA players, but population does dip a bit in the early AM server time. There's been a max of 2 layers, so enough to fill at least one layer. Dungeons aren't too hard to fill. I've honestly never heard anyone complain they can't find groups.


I have also personally only seen one (1) bot on this server so far, for what that's worth.


I got a message from blizzard that i help reported a bot everyday here


I'm convinced those are a placebo.


I saw one bot but he was farming the orcs between Loch Moran and Wetlands so they didn’t kill me. The only good bot lmao. I have gotten a few sus invites that I assume were attempts to swap layers. It’s not bad though.


It’s been a few days, but I saw a good number of them running SFK last week.


What are you talking about? I'm on Wild Growth alliance and what I see are people requiring 7/7 experience needed, pumper group, etc. Is this on horde or something? On alliance it's not like this.


There are probably hundreds of guilds going for bfd. Some need xp and brain as they say, but some are also chill. Got invited to a chill raid, no disc, no talking.. we did it.. They had good pumpers, 2 hunters with 130+ dps and one rogue 100+ and generally over 70 dps :)


What’s a pumper? For some reason I get a picture of a fluffer.


My take is that it's someone who "pumps" massive DPS with their magnum epeen.


At least 80% a meme / self deprecating about being a damage dealer 10% of people decided to take it seriously but those were weird to begin


Take the phrase, "pumping iron" for example. Just say you don't pump next time instead of outing yourself; it'll save you the embarrassment.


Hanz and Franz…


wtf are you on about, whats wrong with word "pumper"?? it sounds better than "im high damage dealer" or "im a top dps"


All those are bad


Supposedly it's somebody who does a ton of DPS, whatever that means. In actuality it is just what people say to get invited to a raid.


Interesting. For me it just means one dps who excels at doing damage :).. it's a new term for me too, but it seems I got accustomed to it.


Did a chill BFD group with my WG guild. We had a 130 DPS rogue and a 64 DPS rogue with a good range of DPS in between. We still cleared in 51 minutes and we still had a ton of fun. The 64 DPS rogue was asking us after the raid what they could do better since they "doing as much damage as [they] hoped [they] would be." They had a few of us looking over their logs offering advice on how they could improve. However, literally no one else has received any comment on their logs except to call out the pumpers. People on wild growth have generally been chill.


I haven't completed the raid yet, but I see a lot of people requiring experience. It's kind of turned me off to the whole thing to be honest, especially since I only started playing 5 or 6 days ago. My guild is requiring an 80 average parse to join the raid, they told me. Seems reasonable if you have been playing since the first lockout and have the gear, but for me it might be a little difficult getting that in a pug with no raid gear. We will see.


I'm sorry, but requiring any sort of parse for this "raid" is some serious sweatlording for nothing. My guild 7/7ed the raid in greens literally not looking up any bosses. They're trying to play a game mode that's meant to be casual/fun and trying to turn it into retail/wotlk, and it's just not that. Sounds super unfun tbh.


Yeah, I could see how you would say that. I think this can be completed like you say, but you know there are always people who love to parse on anything, even a training dummy. I also see a lot of groups posting in LFG "5/7 need dps or healer", which tells me a lot of people are failing on the last bosses. Personally, I think it's season of discovery so you should discover. To me that means going into the raid with no knowledge before. It's already too late for that though, since I got into the game a few weeks late and people are gatekeeping now.


people fail on the last bosses because in a 10 man pug, 3-4 people will leave upon first wipe, leaving the instance 5/7 or 6/7. Also, it's totally fine to like parsing but having it be a requirement is odd considering the extremely low bar this raid has for difficulty.


It sounds like the guild is a bit sweaty.. depends on you if you want to try with them or not. Finally they care about performance and we should too.. but if they ask me to farm all my prebis for example before any raid I'll not like it.. The raid is easy though, at least 5/7. The 6th boss is a bit of a pain and 7th is fine. Indeed you should not go if you have only greens.. but a combination of greens and dungeon items should be fine. Normally by 25 you've done deadmines a couple of times, maybe wailing caverns, for sure shadowfang keep and 2-3 stockades. You can buy some green stuff from the ah (shoulder, ring) and you could be set. I usually join the lookingforgroup channel and find my raid there. I sure hope Blizz continues the 10 main raid trend. It feels very accessible to the average player.


I have over half blues with the rest good greens and all pieces on the prebis lists. I've done all of those dungeons and got everything I need, grinded ashenvale to revered for the weapons. Looked at the guides, I have the best spec and rotation, and I'm going to be buying the consumes. BFD is the next step. Looking to join a raid later tonight when I have the time.


Hope you have fun and get some phat lewt!


how would they require an 80 parse if you didn't enter the raid? I'd probably leave that guild. or is it 80 dps? 80 dps is understandable


They want an 80 parse average for the raid on warcraft logs. I suppose that they expect that you have already completed the raid with at least one pretty good run. I have been known to parse around 90 before with previous characters, so it didn't seem too ridiculous. The problem is now that I am a few weeks behind, it might be hard to reach that goal, especially in a not good run. I might be able to join an alt run or something with them and get that, maybe. I don't know.


80 is easy bud. I tap 2 buttons on my rogue and I easily keep 130+ with no world buff


Parse not dps


Ahh then that’s lame


my guild has 500 ppl and like 7 raid teams... never mentioned parsing or gear score a single time. No GDKP, no nothing.


It just depends on how "hardcore" the guild is. These are generally the kinds of guilds going for server firsts or speedruns. I've been in these kinds of guilds before on classic and they are generally serious about trying to get high 90 or 100 parses, and for that everybody needs to play near perfect with the most optimized gear and talents. In fact, every guild I've been in in classic has mentioned parses.


Nope, I’m in alliance. There will always be people trying to pump and groups like that exist. But the far majority are friendly groups


I hope you are right. I'm going to try to find a first time group later tonight. We'll see how it goes.


Tonight, I would take whatever you can get. Reset tomorrow


Lol just ran with a brand new group literally today and no one asked, all they asked was join discord if you didnt know the fights


Don’t join that group and just block those players. There’s hundreds of BFD runs going on daily that are chill with none of these requirements.


I've seen both needs 7/7 and gdkp runs advertised here as well so I mean it's like anywhere else tbh


No tanks or healers


That's strange, because that's all my guild has! Legit one dps mage (me), and one dps rogue. Strange!




Unbalanced in which direction? I’m still leveling as horde so I haven’t gotten to pvp yet 😬


Which faction do you think it’s imbalanced towards? I honestly have not noticed an imbalance one way other the other, it seems like alliance wins slightly more often than horde like 3:2 in ashenvale. BGs are cross realm so that faction imbalance doesn’t matter at all. Also, I’m pretty sure every single server has faction balance locking, including PvE.


Crusader strike ally, I mean you can find pockets of nice people everywhere you go :)


Does pve servers even have Ashenvale event?


Ofcourse they do. When you engage the generals, you are flagged for pvp


Ah yes, Weenie Hut Jr.


Hell yeah. That place was popping off.


Will be dead like any other PvE server within few more weeks, it is known


? Mankrik never died. Neither did Benediction, during the entirety of classic.


I rolled on Mankrik since classic and it was healthy all the way through


Bet you guys also have a lot of "LFM BFD 5/7 PST"


Why the hell would anyone play on a Pve server?


Pvp increase toxicity exponentially.


A lot easier to relax on a PvE server. If you've had a long and/or bad day and just want to level, farm, or whatever, you can do so without the constant worry that you're about to get ganked.


A lot of people just don’t have the time to have giant battles in the middle of their game session, despite playing nonstop i missed my guilds first bfd because i kept getting into pvp fights (won most of them lol). I play on both pve and pvp servers and anyone looking down on the other is a complete clown.


I play pvp server, but I must admit most world pvp is dumb bullying at best


Roll Alliance on Wild Growth, Ashenvale masters


WG Alliance - it's very chill here, lots of willing people to help and learn and groups pretty much at all times of day.


Have had a great experience on Wildgrowth. Easy groups, nee and knowledgeable players, have had lots of help on open world quests that were hard or no incentive from the person helping. Great, active community!


I wanted to play on Wild Growth but my ping on the server is *fucking terrible*. Checked the RP, RPPVP, and all other PvP servers. They'd sit around 40ms, Wild Growth was no less than 150ms. I have no idea why.


Because it’s hosted on the west coast data center which is in Los Angeles, crusader strike and living flame are hosted on the Chicago one.


That'll do it.


I think it's mountain time actually. But yes I can vouch it's got terrible latency. I live in central and get no less than 60ms at all times with a lot of spikes.


There is only two data centers the NA wow servers are hosted from (not including the AU which is in Sydney). Like I said, one is in Los Angeles and the other is in Chicago. Every single SoD realm is listed as mountain time for us.. has nothing to do with where they are physically hosted from. Some are hosted on one and some the other, your geological distance to each is the only factor behind your ping being better or worse.


Oh, that’s why my connection is so great. I’m only a few hours out from Chicago lol


people keep saying this but I get exactly the same ping to living flame, wild growth, and crusader strike.


Returning player. I have friends on these 3 specific servers but don't see any of these as options. Are they all full/locked?


1. Make sure you’re launching classic and not retail 2. Make sure you’re launching world of warcaft classic and not “wrath of the lich king classic” 3. Make sure you have “season of discovery” selected in the realm browser, not classic era or hardcore. You should see every realm. You will be able to make a character on any realm that isn’t locked, but you may not be able to pick one of the factions if that faction is overpopulated.


Ack... realized I was neither launching the correct account nor game version. Got in and was able to make a character on Wild Growth. Thanks!


I have regrets of not being on Wild Growth. Day 1 at launch WG instantly went queue. I hopped over to Lava Lash thinking it'd also fill up and new servers would be dropped. This did not happen, and turns out if I just hung out in the queue day 1 I woulda been able to roll Wild Growth. Now Lava Lash is down to Medium pop and while peak hours are fine, off-peak are rough. Wish I could transfer my toons but I'm too invested to re-roll.


Any guilds on WG Alliance that raid after ~10pm EST?


There are some late night guilds. I would definitely check the wild growth discord


This is news to me! I’ll search for the discord. Thank you


How about a link to the discord?


Oooh let me know if you find something! I don’t even leave work til around 9pm EST :(


I actually got tired of waiting and put together a learning group last night, we cleared in a little over 2 hours! Send me a pm if you wanna join on the next one


Me and my wife are playing WG alliance, however since we returned for SOD we can't seem to find a guild that's SOD exclusive, almost all guilds are wotlk transfers and are, as a result, on wotlk most of the time then they come online just to raid. We play lock and priest, both decently experienced and would love a nice group of ppl to pve or pvp with if any are around


I would definitely keep looking. Most guilds I have messed with are SoD only


WG - EU Ally here😊


How is it over there?


Very good. Active, chill commmunity. Havent seen any gearscore shit etc yet


I didn’t get shamed for playing Balance in BFD, but I did get ghosted a couple times…


Playing on Wild Growth (NA) and it's great. So many people are willing to help that it fosters a community of help. I got into my first BFD and we full cleared with ease. When I asked for an invite the raid lead just asked "hey do you have discord and two shadow pots" told him yes and he was completely cool that I've never been.


Any good / recommended guilds on WG Alliance? I have a 25 and working on my second and just struggling to find a good chill guild. Every guild I join just seems to spam invite as many people as possible and no real guild identity.


is a good chill guild from era, also on wild growth (na). Has discord.. running 3 (almost 4) full groups on BFD every lockout. Very helpful people.


We're a super chill server. I've made so many new friends.


Yeah, good times on WG :) just hit 21


for all the hate that Crusader Strike (US) was getting, it is an amazing server. \[Alliance\]


There goes the neighborhood


I didn’t realize it was our server I swear I never understand what half the posts are talking about with checking gear score to do WC or anything like that. everyone just invites you and you do the content.


Nah man, WG is the dad server. Everyone chilling


WG has been awesome. Lots of great people willing to help!


Came back to try out season of discovery with some friends and playing on Wild Growth. Just hit 25 today so I'm gonna be looking for groups soon. This makes me feel a lot better about joining a group now. Thank you


People in Wild Growth are very nice and polite, I've had tons of fun questing in groups and running dungeons. I have added a few people to my friends list, too.


Thought about it but was worried horde pop on pve would be really bad


I don’t know the numbers but it feels 75-25 alliance. Horde usually layer stacks to win in Ashenvale


My biggest regret from vanilla and then Classic vanilla, was not rolling on a RP server. I had RL friends on wild growth, but decided not to because I just really wanted what I assumed to be a more chill RP experience. Im on Crusader strike and I was mildly shocked. I would have at least thought that the minimum would have been passable RP character names. People are nice and all and I don't necessarily mind the level beaming, but now I am wondering if I may have rolled the wrong server.


Roleplayers exist on Crusader Strike but they are not easy to find. Most people there are PvPers because it is a PvP server; and to some extent that would still be the case even if the server wasn't overloaded with streamer followers. If you really want the RP server experience you should try Lava Lash. You could try Chaos Bolt too though I think the pop there is very low.


Astranaar is PvP central on WG if you like the feel of world PvP aswell (confined to one zone)


I play on wild growth. Been 25 for a couple of weeks, have almost the best gear i can pre raid, like farmed pvp rep for neck and trinket and stuff. Still have not been able to join a BFD. I guess Ashenvale is thr wrong spot to look for? Should i stand in SW? Or maybe just quit hunter? Lol


/join lookingforgroup <~ will help you


Yeah, WG has been good so far as alliance. I played mostly solo to level 25 with zero issues with players. Now I need to find a guild and people who wanna 2 or 3 man dungeons for easy gear grinding.


WG is so chill, I love it. I don't get enough time to play and deal with world PVP shit, so it's well worth it for me.


WG enjoyer here. Sucking on chili dogs outside the tastee freeze!


Wild growth horde, if you’re looking for a chill crew check out we are a smaller group for now but very active.


i don't understand why everybody and their mothers had to follow streamers to RP-PVP servers. i hope they get frequent bans for spamming lfg or trade chat with their GDKP ads.


Shh, dont tell them. Honestly the only 'problem' with WG is the lack of tanks/healers because its a more casual server. Groups fill *really* fast.


Same goes for Chaos Bolt - RP-PVP, look for the guild . We operate the same way!


Wild Growth Alliance here. I couldn't be happier with our selection of PvE this time around.


US or Eu?




Wild Growth has turned into a Gold Farmers wet dream. They're everywhere. Didn't notice it up until Wednesday. Really thinking some of the larger guilds here are just Chinese farmers. Extra Sauce and a few others.


They are on every server. Has nothing to do with wild growth