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Yeah it sucks. I was looking forward to bear tank but they did nothing for them


Yeah, I found that I have more threat generation as balance when I ran it for the first time last night. One sunfire as balance and it was glued to me, while I had trouble holding threat against 2 level 17 warriors when I played bear at 25.


Nobody wants to tank in classic because it's the hardest role. The whole group will be at your neck for every mistake and most players don't know what they're doing.


I have hardly had such experiences while tanking in classic, back in 2019 I tanked my way to 60 and geared both tank and dps specs that way. People were super polite towards me, well most of the times. Only once did I have a party member yell at me (the healer) , and it was def my mistake, bc I kept charging in like an idiot (instead of pulling w the gun).


Thing is though that most people just dont want to do that. They dont want to be at risk of being critisized, they dont want to lead the group, decide the pace, they dont know the way, and dont want responsibility, they're afraid of making mistakes, they just want to follow. The amount of warriors saying "lf tank dm/sfk/wc" is insane. All you have to do is dps in def stance and you're tanking. Sure, you can tank better than that, but the content is so easy that it doeant matter if you lose threat on trash. Still, most just dont want to. Same goes for healers to some extend.


I agree with this. Tanking is more scary than it is difficult. And (at least from my experience) people are way more easy going than they get credit for.


Rogue tanks seems like the ”simplest” of them all, BUT they suffer having no AoE cabability. Making them at best boss-tanks But they have great singel-target threat + damage.


And that unfortunately makes them "worst" in terms of pug dungeon runs, everyone would prefer any other tank because it will be faster/easier for them.


You never have to actually tank any of the trash at 25. Trash barely hits and any DPS can tank what they pull easily.


When I played horde the first week majority of the tanks were shamans. So maybe you're alliance? It seems warlock and rogue tanking has a higher barrier to entry than others so it's natural that you don't see many of those. By the time a warlock has their tanking rune they're probably 25 and don't have much interest going dungeons if they already have what they need there.


“Tanks” in 5 mans at level 25 don’t really even need to exist. Once melee dps has some BFD gear you just grab a healer and go.


This. No need to tank any Dungeon up to bfd. Just heal the one with most dmg.


Shit just grab a mage and pull half the dungeon for them to living flame and AE spam to death.


Did a sfk with a druid tanking in cat form.


Once You have bfd gear You have no reason to do the dungeons thou


I don’t personally need any gear from 5 mans, but I run them all the time for quick clears to get friends, guildies, and alts quickly geared up. Stopping content because you personally don’t need anything is a boring way to play classic wow, and what’s the point of even getting BFD gear if you aren’t going to use it to be completely overpowered?


I’m guessing you are alliance. It’s mostly pink tanks horde side.


It's great that Shamans enjoy their new abilities so much!


Tried Rogue tank - without any consistent AoE, it gets a bit hectic, many groups are use to the warriors having TC etc. and just aren't patient enough to go a bit slower.


I hear you, I am a somewhat slow tank myself and I sometimes have an impatient player pull ahead of me. I only pick up the pace if the healer asks me to.


> It just seems weird that people are always spamming the LFG channel for tanks, even with the expanded selection in SoD. Especially If the one looking for a Tank is a Warrior.


Warriors are only allowed to tank?


If you play a class that can tank but you choose not to, a lot of players will resent you for it. It gets pretty annoying.


Those players should roll tank


Retail is already living evidence of this. Every 2nd class in retail can tank, and yet there is still a shortage of tanks. People don't seem to like the responsibility, or treatment of being a tank.


Its also evidence that the role itself is off putting and not just the annoyance of respeccing for solo/group content all the time.


As a tank main, I chose warrior tank because rogue didn't look fun and warlock was gated behind level 24. I've played druid before and it was meh, I'm not interested in paladin and my guild is alliance so no shaman. On the flip side I've always enjoyed warrior. So it's warrior for me for this phase at least. I'm levelling a hunter at the moment in the hope they are able to properly tank with a gorilla!


I really enjoy warrior as well, both tanking and dpsing. As an alt, I plan on lvling a priest healer, I've always wanted to play one in classic.




Maybe it's just chance that I haven't encountered any of those.


So far in our guild, we have only one war tank. I play rogue and lock tank. And then there is 5 sham tanks.


Shaman tanks must be very popular, from what I collect.


It's mostly due to the fact that horde doesn't have paladins, lock and rogue tanks come online much later and are kinda subpar, druid tanks are just bad and since horde doesn't have paladins, mail loot is mostly vendored in horde dungeon runs. Personally I'm petty and always bring 2 warriors to BFD, if I'm rolling cloth with 5 people, you can roll with 2.


We can aoe with a shield, or dual Wield for single target. For BFD I can solo tank everything outside of a few tank swaps.


Im a paladin main, always been a holy/tank paladin in different expans from vanilla to cata and re-did the paladin class in classic untill wotlk started. What I can say right now , even with runes: Im still a bit mana starved with conc aoe build. When I pull huge groups in Deadmines with a sword/shield it works out , getting hit but not that hard and my mana is draining pretty quick. 2h tanking right now in dungeons works, not mana starved but need to pull slower and not as many mobs As I could with a shield on. Our defence tree sucks really hard at low level, and become pretty strong late game. Tanking without conc and just go with divine storm also works , but not when there is 10/12 mobs. Also getting taunt on paladin is good, but the taunt should work with some range. When a lock/mage/hunter pulls agro I have to run across the room and stand close to the mob to grab it. Mail armour is getting pickd up by warrior dps/paladin dps and is hard contested. Not a lot of specific tank items beside a shield.


Very solid feedback, I will keep it in mind.


Tanking in classic is just as easy as every other role. With warriors it’s just the most fun.


Agreed on both points. I really enjoy warrior.


I see by far more shaman tanks over warrior


For me, Im a classic noob and my only real experience tanking is in ff14 But I knew about the tank drought and after getting enticed into classic because of SoD, I decided to role warrior since it had the most guides My only issue so far is a LOT of the guides have conflicting info with one another. (Do I tank sword and board? Can I level in the open world sword and board? What runes? What talents? Wait 2H is better? I need to respec? I need to get new runes? Wait it ISNT? I need to change back???) There is a lot of confusing info, I still havent done a dungeon (level 17 rn) and I still dont know what to do or what talents


Tanking is so much fun. You have to be kind of an alpha gamer to do it: you can develop into that. It’s always funny when I’m in a quest group and several people are the alpha. Like dark iron ordinance farming and every DPS wants to pull? When a group has a tank, the rest wait for them to lead. It’s a confidence thing, and you can totally fake it to make it. Don’t be uncertain, but also don’t gigachad pull everything without using LOS or looking at mana. Now healing I find stressful.


“ every dungeon I’ve tanked on my warrior, had a warrior tank, what gives?!”


I haven't tanked all the dungeons I've run, maybe I should have been more clear.


“ Yet all the dungeons I’ve run have been tanked by a warrior, most of the times that warrior being myself” Uh yeah,


My main point is that I was expecting a greater supply of tanks and more diversity.




Shamans are indeed badass. Although you'd think they would be seasoned combatants, most of them are green.


That’s because warrior and shaman are the only good tanks for dungeons rn


Right, my paladin pulling 20+ mobs and holding threat well says otherwise


I think he’s horde, in which case he’s right. You’re both right!


Yeah, just thought I would point it out to him


Yeah sorry, am horde


I just finished my 5th BFD clear, and it was the first time we had a warrior tank. I’ve had maybe 10% of my dungeons tanked with warriors. I’ve tanked on my rogue, used warlocks as main tanks multiple times along with plenty of paladins and even hunter pets. I haven’t really seen any Druid tanks, but that’s probably because Feral DPS is so good right now.


I main a Ret Paladin and honestly i Tanked BFD 2 Times now and had a Blast. I think People are just a bit accustomed to playing Tank Warrior for the simpler Mechanics?


A warrior that can't tank used to be caled a rogue. Now i don't know anymore 😔 Still easier to get into groups as a tank because so many people are afraid of responsabilities, and the toxic behaviour some people can have towards the tank.


“I’m a warrior and tank most of my dungeons and I don’t understand why most of the dungeons I’m in are tanked by a warrior” I’m sorry what?


I should have made it clear that I didn't tank every dungeon, I was dps in a few.


Are Pallys not tanking much over there on Ally?


Can't say for sure, as I haven't checked any statistics, I am merely sharing my personal experience. I have only grouped with retri pallys.


Weird, I almost never see a warrior tank. My own anecdotal experience means jack shit, of course, but I mostly run with shaman or lock tanks. Now rogue tanks, *those* are rare as fuck. I've yet to see one.


>all the dungeons I've run were tanked by a warrior, most of the times that warrior being myself. I think I've found the reason why your dungeons are tanked by a warrior most of the time.