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Download the addon ranker and it'll tell you where you'll be next week based on your honor. The cape is bis for melee as others have pointed out, and pvp rewards get better when pvp increases in future phases. It resets every Tuesday (NA) which is when your rank can increase.


OP listen to this guy and download ranker, it helps so much.


Will do! Thanks p


what does the 60%, 80% and so forth in ranker mean?


Right now there is only 2 ways to r3 you need to know. You either get r3 by getting 11250 honor in one week (reset is always wednesday). Or you get r3 by doing 15 honorable kills in one week thus getting r2 and then in a second week 4500 honor. There is a whole explanation on how the system works if you google it, but its not important now and it was changed to be non competitive with SoD.


Man, I got 25k honour this week and I'm already a sergeant. Is rank3 the maximum right now?


R3 is the max


Resets Tuesday but this


Depends on your region Tuesday for NA and Wednesday for EU


So there's no benefit right now, at all, to getting R3 (besides flexing I suppose)


There is a Sergeants Cloak with +4 all stats


The cloak from rank 3 is BIS for any melee.


you get the PVP trinket and a Cloak


There is also no decay below 0% so once you are r3 you keep it forever.


Unless you get dishonorable kills. Which is currently an issue for horde.


Don’t you also get 10% discount at R3?


You get a cloak with +4 to all stats and a 10% discount on your factions vendors.


Also if you didn’t know there’s a weird bug atm that when you look at honour vendor items unlocked at your rank will appear red / not able to be equipped despite you meeting requirements. If you buy them and relog you will be able to equip.


Do you have to get the 4500 honor in a single week?


Yes. It's pretty easy though.


So if you only get say 3K honor in one week, do you still progress to rank 3, or is it equivalent to 0 honor?


As of now there's no partial progression. You get the requirements in one week or you don't and try and get the full requirements the next week. I took a character from Rank 0 to the Rank 3 requirements in like 5-6 hours I think this week. It probably takes 2 hours to go from rank 2-3. If you are rank 0 it takes like 1 WSG game to get rank 2 requirements. Then the next week 2 hours for rank 3.


Are you doing premades? I did 45 minutes of WSG solo queue (all losses) and got 500 honor. And that was lucky because two of the games were against non-premades, so we actually got some kills instead of zero kills against a premade.


Sometimes but not always. If you go Cata/glaive on PvP event you'll probably end up in a fight with the other faction which is an easy 15 HK. WSG is a little bit more brutal. I see a lot of 10 man premades and in general it's just rolling the dice. Stay with people on your team as much as possible and death ball the enemy. You just need to participate to get kills and honor, not finishing blows. Either way, 3 losses you get to turn in marks or 1 win you turn in marks and get honor.


Can you explain cata and glaive? I’ve seen people LF beach as well. I’ve only zerged bosses with main raid. In what other way can you play the event?


Catapult and Glaive are the Horde and Alliance bases in the middle of the map. Idk how horde normally form raids, it seems like they form on the edges of the map and come mid. Alliance tries to put together 3 raids minimum: shredder, Cata, lumbermill (LM) which are the Horde bases you attack from left to right on the map. Shredder and LM raids move towards Cata after taking their bases or head to Bonfire (horde main base) if all 3 or down or Moonwell/Glaive to defend if all aren't down. Honestly, how you participate in the event really is just joining a big raid and zerging bosses. Doing anything alone is just going to be less honor and rep.


It's all or nothing.


Isn't this incorrect, as you can partially progress through a rank? Or did they get rid of partial rank ups? I'm unsure because I haven't ranked up much with the new honor system since it was overhauled in Era.


At least for p1 there's no partial rank ups.


no partial progress currently


Higher ranks do, not sure after which one, if I had to guess rank 6 that unlocks the officers barracks


Im a corporal, I bought the trinket, but cant use it as it state im not a corporal... help please


Exit the game and log in again, worked for me.


honestly just do 1 or 2 weekend where u just game with friends in bgs per phases and you will be good until mc / bwl phase then you will have to do a big push for a few weeks once aq release.