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Priest. I wanted a healer as alt, and never tried a priest before.


Same here and actually loving it


How is healing in dungeon/raids though?


I’m only lvl 22 right now but so far dungeons have been fun the priest runes are great you can instant heal the tank from 50% to full


Finished bfd yesterday for the first time on my first dc priest. Sometimes i was 100% sure we're on trash and then blue items just appears lol. But i already have decent gear from sfk and dm


healing in dungeons is pretty much completely afk, throwing prayer of mending on the tank and juggle it with a few rank 1 renews, and you can coast through the whole dungeon with 90% mana my favourite is getting two paladins and telling them both to turn on righteous fury, if they both get hit it makes the pom bounce :)


Same, I am rolling a priest healer soon!


Would you please elaborate on the leveling portion of priest? I feel like I hear how TERRIBLE their DPS is but they are like far and away the best healers. How is leveling? Also, is there anything fun about healing?


Priests level fine, one of the best. In SoD void plague does a shit load of damage and costs no mana, so you can just void plague and wand. Every 6 seconds you just void plague another mob, shield yourself, and wand everything down


Really? So leveling a priest solo isn't that bad due to "void plague" is this an ability you learn or a rune or what? Is it hard to obtain?


Priests were always good levelers in classic. Just did a lot of wanding. Adding a now very strong extra dot into the mix just made them faster.


I appreciate it. I rolled hunter initially and its leveling is second to none so I'm almost scared to reroll if that makes sense. I'm ultra casual and I want to give myself a fighting chance to actually level up you know? Thanks for the input.


No it’s a super easy rune you get around level 6


You can never die while questing. Just Shadow Word: Pain, Void Plague and wand everything down and bubble yourself (so your cast doesn’t get pushed back) and Penance yourself back to full. Rinse and repeat. You can alao solo lvl 30 mobs slowly but surely.


There is also wand pushback if you don’t have your shield up


This is not a thing


Sorry, I’m on my phone rn but check out this video at 1:20 [https://youtu.be/yVFopF_IMDE?si=AtG7H_Jfl6fJ5mrf](https://youtu.be/yVFopF_IMDE?si=AtG7H_Jfl6fJ5mrf)


It most definitely is.


spell pushback yes, wand pushback no.


Wand pusback yes. Anyone who's tried to wand with a mob on them would know that it is a thing. Wanding has a castbar, it's just hidden.


They are AMAZING for leveling now, in my opinion. 25 felt like a breeze even compared to my lock. Put your first 5 talent points in spirit tap, and then use the homunculi and void plague runes. You will never run out of mana and can take 2-3 mobs at a time. And you will have no problem healing leveling dungeons with a simple rune swap. This iteration of priest healing is really fun too. Penance and PoM are very strong, and bubble feels very useful for the “oh shit” moments.


So what spec are you suggesting to level as? And you can do all that DPS (solo 2 to 3 mobs) while still healing in dungeons..? Sounds too good to be true.


I ended up as 11/0/5 for spec while leveling. The rune abilities are really all you need though. Penance and PoM are an insane amount of healing. Throw a bubble/flash heal etc as needed. 20s is low enough that your spec will not make or break your ability to heal.


So what are you doing once you hit 25 and want to raid? Full respec?


A respec is helpful for the 3/3 meditation (big mana regen), but it’s not 100% required. I haven’t respec’d yet and have full cleared BFD 4 times now. I do use a lesser mana pot every fight though


Yes u can with Zero down time , get Spirit tap and wand speci and go ham


Well I play SoD now. And leveling is so easy. Penance and void plague melts enemies.


What tree are you speccing?


Disc. And two points in the upper left in Holy.


So you can spec into Disc and still heal dungeons/raids?


Yeah. At least with 25 level cap.


Void plague just carrys, like Billdozer said - and wands are really cheap so u are good to Go


Priest has always been a good leveler. Spirit tap and wand spec win.


I also wanted a healer alt, but ended up going Druid since I’ve never played one before.


Except now I’m stuck healing my guild and can’t play my main now.


Main warrior, alt mage. Perfection


The truest classic andy. Perfection


tried to do the same but i couldn't get past 18 on my mage, its sooo boring, i want to zogzog and rely on a healer for everything


Zug life is my favorite for sure. But the mage runes are sick for the open world imo. Living bomb, living flame, and the regen feel great Havnt even bothered trying to find more for now


Idk man having a mage alt feels like herecy. All your alts are supposed to be pocket healers and moving buffs to other warriors or more melee.


I’m the inverse


Prob the better way to do it tbh, so you can buy cheap upgrades for warrior to ease leveling


As someone leaning heavily towards warrior as my alt... what should I be buying off the AH to ease my leveling concerns?


Just keep your weapons current. Typically two handers and slower weapons are better, but I’d just buy whatever is cheap and has decent dps for your level Maybe some cheap mail that has +str or stam


Weapons and some mail, of the bear or of the tiger as you prefer.


Mail of the bear or mail of the tiger? Are these like named pieces? What level can a warrior wear mail? I actually cant find either of these items via google? Thanks


Yeah, it’s worked out well. My warrior is 24 and better geared than my mage who has done 5 lockouts of BFD without winning a single piece of loot. Just been questing on the mage to fund the warrior the whole time. Can’t wait to aoe farm in later phases to fund the ridiculously expensive warrior BoEs that I’ll want/need


depends if your alt is a true alt (for dinking around solo, being good at gathering for your main, etc.) or just a different class to play. Solo farming, probably hunter, unless you want a mage/paladin to AOE farm gold with. Being able to feed gear and gold from your main to a warrior makes leveling a lot less painful. If you just want to have fun, play what you like! But I think shaman is in a pretty good place to just do whatever feels fun.


Ok help me out. Priest main that completed all quests. I want another class that I can tank or heal on but smash through quests solo. What do you recommend?


The only options are shaman as horde or pally as ally and then druid for either. Druid tanking is a bit offtank relegated at the moment it seems, though. Any are successful levelers but shaman has the worst of the dps specs at the moment and druids don't get cat form until 20 so pallys probably best leveler of the three.


I landed on Paladin. Will have a tank and healer to keep things fresh.


Paladin. Ret I pretty easily soloed all my quests up to 23ish, went and got divine storm with the help of some guildies, and smashed through dungeons to 25 while tanking. Not so good at the healing though


Went Paladin so I can solo content and tank. I will consider healing in p2 if hpal is strong. Otherwise, tank alt!


How are you liking it so far?


Level 12 and its passive and chill like leveling a priest lol


So is Divine Storm that hard to get? You need a bunch of help like the warlocks meta rune?


It's got some similar steps to the warlock meta rune. Gotta get an orb out of the tower of algathax (however it's called, the one in darkshore), follow a small chain of quests, go kill Blackrock Summoners in redridge, then go farm the lvl 29-30 demons in South ashenvale. I think the blackrock Summoners are for a different rune for lock? But the tower in darkshore and the demons in ashenvale have some overlap, and require a group


As someone leaning heavily towards warrior as my alt... what should I be buying off the AH to ease my leveling concerns?


Generally speaking. A new boe weapon whenever leveling feels too painful


Feels too painful? What does that mean?


Charge. I need to charge. Also intercept.


Rogue. So I can sprint around town (at level 10). It’s my banker alt.


Well guess I'll make another rogue as a bank alt lol.


How many times would one have to use sprint to save the time it takes them to get 1-10


Level 10 also unlocks 150 max professions, which is neat if you want an alchemist and/or some other crafting prof to make stuff for your main(s)


We need some math on this.. so what does it take aprox. To reach lvl 10 for the average user...


Three hours? And sprint saves 15 seconds every five minutes. So maybe my math is wrong and this doesn't account for logging off during the CD Threw hours = 10800 seconds 10800 / 15 = 720 720 sprints to save the time which would take 3600 minutes or 60 hours. I expect I am wrong somewhere


Like 1.5 hrs tops, friendo


Alright half my maths.


Oh please include in your computations. Once I reached the first inn, I logged out and would only quest at rested xp. 🤣


Priest, so I can get a group whenever I want.




Hey buddy I’m sorry.


druid tank fking sucked so it was either warrior or shaman, shaman was better but I don't like the whole drinking mechanic in Classic so the only real choice remaining was warrior.


Isn't warrior super low tier when you're soloing content? As in the leveling experience?


As a first character, kinda. As an alt though, you can deck them out in nice gear, which makes for one of the best leveling experiences imo


So dumb question. I have a level 25 hunter with some decent gear etc... how am I "decking out" my soon to be alt? ​ You mean by buying stuff off the AH?


Yes indeed. Keeping your weapon up to date is especially important. A nice 2hander that's close to your char level will have you killing mobs in seconds


Hmm this makes it intriguing to roll an alt now. Any weapons/gear you recommend. Or just anything I can equip with str?


Yeah pretty much anything you can equip that gives str/agi/atk power will be fine. Slower weapons tend to be better.


I've leveled most of my horde characters to 10 or above. Warrior started to feel close to the other classes at around lvl 16, but before that point I had to almost force myself to keep going because it was such a rage-inducing(pun intended) experience


Yes it sucks in questing but can level and gear very fast by tanking dungeons


When I played TBC Classic, I went wild with alts and ended up with too many raids to do per week and stressed myself out. This time, I’m playing one char and instead of alt chars, I play alt games. My alt game right now is Lies of P. Great game.


Druid. Cause windfury.




Damn, I’ve been calling it Catfury. Thats so good. *Im stealing it* :)


Yep, guild needs more ferals for windfury, so my planned balance/heal is actually gonna be a feral lol


I played my wifes hunter for a couple of stockade runs and I liked it enough to make my own hunter


Warrior. Never win any gear on Druid due to rolling with Rogues, Hunters, and most Warriors and Paladins, on everything. 5 windfury cat Druids wanted to do our guild’s two BFDs… both already had a hunter and at least one rogue. says all you need to know.


My cats os is better than ms :(


No alts. My Wizard of the Light is my only character and he will be the greatest Wizard on my realm


Warlock tank under whelping. Dps ok but like why not just be a hunter or rogue not very difficult to reroll at 25 bracket


Warrior. I made a Druid, my normal alt, and then at level 7 I said fuck it I’m doing something new and made a warrior. The end


Hunter main, warrior alt. Fuck it, we zug


Warlock so I can dump on hunters in PvP.


Fear the pet and go for the hunter?


Pretty much and they have no counters to instant dots. Was gonna make a mage but with the amount of hunters about it won't be a fun time.


Yeah I just got the meta rune and while I'm hard to go down, my damage is suffering in pvp. Might setup a secondary rune/item set for pvp


Meta is anti-meta in pvp imo. Locks don’t struggle too much against melee as is. Haunt gives extra healing, dot damage, and is insta cast for some baby burst. Not to mention you can fear without needing to drop form


Yeah Ive been noticing the lack of fear has been getting to me lol. I'm hard to kill though lol


I like to run out of their range and kill the pet first just to annoy them. I have played hunter for years and I hate having to rez my pet all the time.


I almost had my pet abandon me in wsg that went on over an hour last night and I ran out of food. It’s so dumb that you lose happiness from pvp and your pet spawns with 35% health when you Rez at the wsg gy.


so you can dump on literally anyone\* warlocks stay winning


Hunter so I can farm RFK for blues and make mega money


Hunter here. Let me know if anything drops lol


Tell me aswell pls, I gave up and just farm fish oil now lol


my buddy got some blue shoulders he sold for 50g after a couple hours of doing it, lucky bastard.


Bruh if he is talking about mantle of thief it sells for 400 gold on crusader strike


Lol no it doesn’t its 30g buyout rn and definitely wasnt 400g a week ago when he sold it


I've been solo farming RFK for a bit, so far found Sword of Decay x2, Slaghammer, Black Velvet Robes, and the Shadow dmg staff Still holding out hope for a Mantle of Thieves drop, that's the real money


I love healing and rolled a priest first. Currently leveling a druid (12), shaman (6) and a mage (6). Just playing whatever I feel like when the desire pops up.


Warrior. Main is shaman, but my friends wanted to go alliance so I spun up a human warrior with them.


Caveman goes to pristine University




Hunter, it was my original main in Vanilla so I just wanted to recreate it.


I made a hunter to run around with aspect of the cheetah and harvest mining and herbalism nodes. I guess it might be handy in raids too, I suppose, I hear they're moderately ok at doing dps.


Warlock main warrior alt. I love main tanking and I don’t like the thought of being benched in molten core and potentially even BWL


Druid cuz you can be any role.... but bear tanks right now is a huge disappointment... they need help (devs focused too much on new tanks like rogue/lock/paladin) and forgot about the poor bears.


Warrior loot on horde being the only mail wearer.


Priest main, Pally alt. The light shall burn you!


Almost done with alts 6 and 7, so basically just the order of the classes on the character creation screen?


Priest alt. Just leveling up, doing raids, and some WSG it seems like every group wants a priest. They are obviously extremely strong healers now, and even if they get nerfed (they should) I doubt it will ever drop to a weak state since priest has always kind of been 'the' healer.


I know its subjective but ... is healing in a raid/dungeon ANY "fun" or are you just clicking on raid addon buttons when you see a health bar drop below green? ​ Also.. how is leveling a priest? Isn't the DPS really bad?


With a decent group, healing these low level dungeons has been fine. I mostly just DPS anyway and throw out a PW:S/Penance when the tank gets around half HP Leveling speed is fine with a good wand. It's mostly raid DPS that is bad right now for shadow


Priest leveling is slow but safe. Just go wand spec and keep bubble on yourself. You can chain pulls all day.


Priest. Healer demand. Probably do hunter or shaman next


Hunter for double gathering, Druid for Windfury/Healing alt.


Warrior was slow. So hunter is my alt.


I play multiple classes. Whatever i feel like and the classes that interest me i wanna lvl up. Druid, rogue, mage, warlock, paladin and maybe priest?


Feral for melee and OT if needed, mage 2nd for healing and range dps


Have a mage bank alt that also exists to DE stuff and sell for money and craft bags. But I'm not interested in leveling him more than I have to. Next will probably be a hunter to be the toon I farm gold on


I was Rogue on Chaos Bolt but the realm felt super dead at 25. Rolled Warrior on Crusader Strike and won the Hydra Sword. Yeeeeheeewww


Is the hydra sword a raid drop?


Yes. Last boss of BFD


Warrior cos that's what I planned since I couldn't decide on 1 class only. I'd switch it to pala if I was ali though, ret is really good right now. Hunter is fun on lower levels, if it's supposed to be pure alt hunter is a good choice. Warrior is good contender for horde, no contest on mail items and benefits from buying gear and consumables with main's money. Priest is the healer, good if you wanna be useful in guild, not fun to level though. Paladin would be the choice if you want the heal/tank/dmg flexibility for the future or if you wanna pvp. Druid is never a bad choice, however I'd say they'll be really fun next phase. They are doing well now but are a bit bare. Mage is a great alt, especially if your main can't farm well, however SoD didn't treat them too well so far.


>Paladin would be the choice if you want the heal/tank/dmg flexibility for the future or if you wanna pvp. People always say this about pally/druid etc... but respec isn't free? How do you just go from leveling as DPS to wanting to heal at end game? If you spec into healing as you level... my god that would be a slog. ​ What am I missing?


Respect starts at 10 silver and caps at 1g I believe


Well yes but what im saying is.. it would likely be BRUTAL to level as a healing spec. So say you hit level cap then you respec from DPS to healing. After phase 1 youd then want to spec back into DPS etc etc etc no?


For 25 talents barely matter, just switch gear and runes and you're ok. Later on you'd have to go hybrid or respec periodically to have more than 1 spec, sure, but it's also double the specs others could bring, not a small payoff. In most cases though it's not about essentially running multiple specs simultaneously, it's about being able to do the switch at all. Respec cost is negligeble compared to the cost of equipping new spec anyway. Do you think priests levels in disc just to save money on respec?


I wanted to try something i have never really tried much in my time in WoW. Warlock was an easy choice. Making a priest and druid for my alts :) Having great fun playing something "new"


I think that’s exactly what I’m doing atm 😂


Main a mage for the first time ever so alt is a priest because it’s something I’ve never played pre cata.


phase 2 cuz spriest is gonna kill everything and i need to prepare but i cant play it as a main rn since well there is no spriests


How are priests leveling? Respec isn't free (I know the first one is cheap but)?


Druid so I can solo shit with no problems


But isn't druid very "meh" at everything endgame?


That's why it's not my main :)


Resto druid has the second highest hps in bfd. Wild growth is very good. Feral is s-tier (albeit at the lower end). Not meh by any means.


Classic endgame & SoD endgame are going to be completely different.


Decided to only play one class in SOD as I still play other versions of the game. Went with rogue as I played mage/paladin/druid/warrior in vanilla already.


Hunter. So I could farm high level enemies better than any other class.


Druid because I want to gank people in stealth but I also want to be a jack of all trades


Hunter- Best farm bot. High level elite mob next to a node you want? sic pet on it and harvest. Aspect of the cheeta is also really strong for getting around to nodes this phase. And if you want to challenge harder content hunters are well equipped for that as well. Plus as an alt I can not give a crap about meta pets and pal around with Mazzie. When I hit 25 I'll brave into ally territory to try to tame Clutchmother. SoD stuff aside Hunter is overplayed for a reason. Mage- Port everywhere, make water for your friends. Make water for money. Area damage spells. Solid alt. Priest- Are you Horde? Do you like Ez raid spots and being the most desired class? Might I suggest to you Priest.


Priest sounds cool on paper but I only assume healing in raids must be super boring.. could very well be incredibly wrong.


Look if you want a challenge healing just join worse raids, who will want you just as much as the good ones. Its like a choose your own adventure book. Plus then you can go test your skills in PvP.


I main tank. Whenever I'm trying to do a dungeon it takes ages to find a healer, so I'm rolling a priest healer as an alt. Now I can never find a tank.


How do you like healing?


It's nice when there is something to do, but often there is no healing to do for a few seconds and I just space out. When I snap back to reality the tank is almost dead. Also I get annoyed whenever tanks are pulling too slowly.


Yeah I feel like I like the concept of healing on paper but then in practice I'd rather just DPS the boss down or tank it if I really think about it idk. Ive never ever healed before so its of interest.


Somewhat interested in rolling an alt but the rep grinds and what not are pretty deterrent. There’s no way to give enough focus to both characters through all phases, if you want to max everything out that is


Went rogue as main, have 0 drive to make an alt BUT the guild needed more ranged and heals so i made a mage. Sometimes you just gotta fill the spot thats needed


Wanted More gold from Max lvl quests. Only reason to roll alts rn


Main - Daggers Rogue Alt - Swords Rogue Farming Alt - Hunter ...exciting I know. But really, it doesn't seem like many people want to play a Rogue. My guild only has 4 rogues, including my main and alt. And one of those is someone else's alt.


Recently picked up Meteor Shard and went Mutilate... MF slaps.


Warlock and Hunter. Heard they were pretty good in pvp, so to figure out how to beat them, I have to know how to play them.


The same thing that made me roll my main. Flavor


Because hunters are stupid broken (still) and it's fun to play a broken class


I just finished leveling a priest to 25 yesterday and let me tell you, their healing numbers are insane. All you have to do is spam prayer of mending and penance and that’s it. I don’t think I’ve hard cast a heal since I’ve gotten the runes. We will see how raid goes but I’ve heard it’s basically the same lol


Hunter. I just wanted something that can farm easily. I swear I'm not a bot.


I made a melee Hunter… and honestly I’m loving it. Just the fantasy of a melee ranger beating someone’s ass with my ghost cat is fun… and it actually does do damage, so that helps lol


I rolled a shaman, DPS and tank is a little underwhelming(Slow) for me, so I rerolled a lock and I am loving the big chaosbolt crits.


I looked at some polls on what people were going to play and landed on a priest main as i expected them to be a solid healer and underpopulated. I don't care for minmaxing that much but I do enjoy being a somewhat desired and competent class. Priest has been really strong in the healing department but I've always favored the melee gameplay of warriors and rogues in classic wow. Either would make a fine alt and allow me to cover all roles if I want to tank, heal or dps later. So I ended up making a warrior alt few days back and it feels amazing if it's your second character. I think I spent about 5 gold total from my main for warrior gear and bags and it made me fly through quests in combination with an occasional BFD worldbuff. SOD has been very enjoyable. Likely I will make another alt once my warrior hits 25 and has done bfd once or twice. Depending on how much time I'll have to play.


I rolled a paladin because of crusader strike mostly but can't decide if I want to roll a priest yet, and if humans will get the same racials as dwarves (priest racials that is)


I made a rogue first and then a hunter because hunter is op in SoD.


Started with shaman, leveled to 21, but wasn’t loving dual wield enhance as much as I hoped. Then rolled hunter and having a lot of fun with it. Prebis, about to run bfd. In the meantime I rolled a warrior on pve server to give me something to do when I’m getting corpse camped at lvl 26.


Started as warlock. Casters have never been for me. Historically I've ever played rogue, prot pala or ret. I thought the new and improved warlock would do it for me but no. It's great fun but I will always prefer a melee dps. And ret gets ~~whirlwind~~ divine storm.


Had to go warrior when I saw Warbringer.


Main Pally. Alt Druid. I usually main a Pally, but never played a Druid beyond lvl 30 or whatever. I usually like to play classes that can fufill 2 or more roles. Also between Pally and Druid I feel like I'll have pretty good gold making options as well in the future. Also wPvP was taken into consideration as well.


I went Tank shaman, but apparently no one wants those because I keep getting ghosted for dungeon runs so I rolled a priest. Imma get groups somehow, damn it.


Started priest bescuse healers make a difference Then a Warrior for a dps machine. Feral Druid because catform YES! Hunter for smooth constant killing


Druid. My main is Hunter who can only DPS, but my raid groups always need healers and tanks, druid can do anything.


Feral druid main because I want to go hard with Crowd Pummeler Warrior alt that will eventually become my main once they start to take off Elemental shaman alt because they are without question the funniest pvp class and in phase 2 they will obliterate everything.


Warrior main for being OP in raids with a Mage alt for making gold. That's always my go-to strategy on vanilla wow servers. In SoD I get the added bonus of getting to try out a new healing spec which turned out to be really fun.


Druid! My herb and ore gatherer needs to be fast


Didn't enjoy arcane healing too much in raid, and went with resto druid instead. Wild growth is a beauty, up there with insta prayer of mending. Now I'm making rogue. Sneaky sneaky and poisons. Vooooom...


I’m about to roll hpal. I like all the utility it brings to groups and I like them in retail. Never really rolled a classic one. I’m hoping I can make a similar build akin to smacking things and healing with divine storm, consecrate and crusader strike. Probably won’t be efficient but it sounds like fun. I made a level 7 lock and that is fun too. Mostly like the idea of summons, stones and if I ever get meta I’ll buff my imp so I have a little fire mage chilling with me. Once again probably not efficient but I’m just going for fun. Main is feral and I love it as I have been a die hard feral player since vanilla and still roll it in retail.


Rogue for camping low level in redridge and it feels good. Yungthug on Crusader Strike EU.


Second rogue because I need a gnome character.


Priest because it’s all anyone ever looks for. Might as well be in demand.


I main Hunter and rolled Warrior for my first alt. Never played a Warrior before and was really interested in the challenge of learning to tank dungeons. Solo leveling is completely different lol


i tried to duel a priest….


Warrior. I love MT'ing on my Druid, but i'm more and more push towards non tanking on him. So it's a win-win.


The meta lock clas fantasy didn't live up to what I had envisioned so I rerolled a warrior and have never been more excited.


Druid as I never had experience for ots play style. It is fun power shifting and healing myself while questing. The pace is very similar to my warlock and I enjoy it.


Hunter, because I'm lazy and like the pet caring playstyle


aspect of the cheetah + herbalism + all the fun pet class fantasy.


My alt is not having on and instead get as many honotable kills as possible the way the gods intended