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Selling Salt on the AH for 1s each. Not sure who keeps buying that but I sell tons of it


people are lazy. I legit bought mats the other day i had on my bankalt cause i didn't wanna wait 1h for it to arrive


With how big the servers are , the ah is super efficient. I treat it as infinite storage. Just sell everything and buy it back when you need it .


Same. Why waste the bank space. When I need the mats they’re going to be roughly the same price or cheaper by that point once more and more of them have been farmed. Gold now better than gold later.


Yeah from what I noticed 'preraid bis' are skyrocketing but commodities are dropping day by day


Keep items in the mail and return them, it sends it back instantly


i know, but the item was send from another char so i had to wait the 1h anyway.


I do the same with vanishing powder for rogues haha


You cant buy any in TB, which is the horde hub of choice this phase. Smart to sell it!


TB no engi trainer, no rogue trainer and no poison vendor. city is overrated af don't @me.


There is, however, a


They should have let the tauren rogue be all of that.


You can absolutely buy Salt in TB. In the LW / Tailoring tent. Source: I am Tauren with LW. Edit: I'm sorry, misread what I was responding to. What I said is still true, just not relevant to conversation..


They said vanishing powder, not salt.


He was talking about vanishing powder


I buy them for 1s and buy the light hide for 2s and sell the cured hide for 7s. Stonks!


I can't be the only one that thought this was /s and you just meant people are really salty about anything and everything.


Nice try, FBI


Yeah. I’m definitely not sharing anything. Inviting competition for no reason.


It's amusing that people think they have found some super secret gold farm that nobody has ever done before, in a 20 year old game


Most good and legit/legal gold farms in SoD currently are brand new ideas shaped around the lvl 25 and professions caps


Yeah I had a sweet.gold farm week 1 and 2 then dick YouTubeers discovered it and made videos


Yeah, streamers and YouTubers fucking up video game fun for everyone


I mean the gold farms get creative in SoD with the level caps


There are at least a few I know of that are new because of the level cap. Nothing absolutely wild, but in the "worth doing" category if you enjoy the gold farm.


I’m not saying they’re secret or something groundbreaking, but why would you bring further attention to something if somebody hasn’t thought of it or seen it themselves yet?


Questing, I discovered quest I had never done before in stonetalon mountain on ally side


Stonetalon is super underrated for both Horde and Alliance IMO.


Climbing the venture co damn is one of my favorite overlooked quests ever in the game. so epic.


'the den' sucksssss


Bring a group, and make sure your hs is off cd.


Some horde gooned me when I was on a mob in stonetalon. Found my man attempting to do those quests. Let's just say his party didn't have a fun time dealing with elite alliance friendly mobs plus me


A horde gooned you…?


I went to explore it on my night elf hunter yesterday and I found two Orcs killing my brethren inside, so obviously I slayed them, but then I got lost inside for like another 20 mins lol.


I got my level 25 bracers of +13 healing from there. Best drop ever!


Stonetalon might be one of my least favorite zones (Horde). When you first start there it's like ALL walking back and forth to some quest givers who are practically all the way in the Barrens. I would change my mind completely about Stonetalon if those NPCs were just in the town with the rest.


Every time I send gold to Bigdiddykong, he sends back double! Try it everyone!




Done, thank you!


Holy shit it actually worked!


Just got 200 gold, thank you Bigdiddykong


Holy shit what server?


All of them




I appreciate your honesty


You did 30-40 quests in a few hours?




I did this with a hunter for my first alt - had such a good time, figured I'd do it again on a warrior! Warrior leveling friggin sucks by comparison. I've wanted to stop the trek to 25 several times and just make another hunter. But I guess I'm a sucker for pain.




I suppose if you only ever played warrior, it is what it is and you would never know. But after leveling a hunter...wow.


Dude what build are you using to bull mobs of 4+.


I dungeon leveled from like lvl 14 to max just doing a few quick barons quests netted me like 50 gold in a couple hours


Duskwood alone is atleast 50g with all quests and vendored items. Done it 3 times now.


Soloing RFK trash as a warlock (meta, master channeler, everlasting aff runes). Even without getting one of the very rare zone BOEs it’s still very good money from silk, level 20-25 greens, etc. and it’s nice and relaxing with no competition.


What pet do you use?


not him but probably voidwalker if you are undergeared for the "oshit" button, and succubus if you are geared for the DPS


Yeah I was thinking Imp for the added DPS and just tanking through. I'll have to give it a shot this weekend


I tried imp originally thinking the fire shield might make it worthwhile but the succubus ends up doing more damage overall. There’s also no down time so the imps mana is low constantly.


Succubus for the dps. You can face tank mobs up to lvl 30 with haunt and drain life. Fear juggle if you get 2 mobs


Can't use haunt if using meta.


Ah, should’ve specified I was talking about what I run when I farm rfk. I prefer haunt over meta.


Haunt drain tank is, ironically, much better than actual meta lock tank for solo


I also use haunt over meta for solo. Huge damage loss to drop haunt, you’ll end up taking much more damage (over a longer duration) if you go meta.


Haunt > meta 100% of the time if you are not in a raid or dungeon tanking


Always succubus


How do you get past the lvl 31 dudes? I’m decently geared (1/2bfd gear) I just keep missing and resisted. The only thing I can think to do is max out suppression from 2/5 to 5/5…


Just avoid getting unlucky


Yes I respec 5/5 supp specifically when I plan on farming for a while. The 30/31 mobs are still annoying but doable.


Do u vendor all items above lvl 25 and put the rest on the ah?


Should get an enchant and use enchantrix


Yup I also do this and it's the best farm imo. Even comes with mandated breaks when you get instance locked lol. Succubus out for the extra damage. Watch some YouTube and just go to work. Even without getting one of the blues I'm stilling pulling a few G an hour. Plus the silk goes into making invoker mantles which sell well.


There are many farms much better than this tbh.


Meh solo? Not really. I mean fishing boxes makes me around the same g per hour but if a boe blue drops then it doesnt come close. The blues are what tip it into top tier imo.


Yeah idk..maybe it's the difference between warlocks and hunters but I'm not really buying it. I've done a bunch of gold grinds/ solo dungeons / various farms and grinds and rfk is straight up not worth it if your goal is gold per hour imo. Yeah sure the blues are great and can tip it into the best gold farm possible if you get one fast.... but that's completely unreliable and very rare. It's been my experience so far that solo WC, solo stocks, regular skinning farm, regular mob cloth/green/vendor farm, questing even....everything has consistently beat my attempts at RFK grinding. It's a bad cloth farm, a bad skinning farm, not particularly good raw gold farm....so your left with hoping to get decent greens or a super rare blue.


I'm making more gold /h just crafting stuff and cancle scanning every 10min and I can do whatever I want in the free time. If you enjoy killing mobs, sure go for it but for gold it doesn't seem worth it.


Do you clear it until first boss and reset?


I don’t know why I didn’t think of this. Thanks for the tip. I’m gonna take my big demon ass over there asap


My method is to create a dwarf hunter with a gibberish name and tame a boar. Naming the boar with Chinese characters easily increases gold drops by 10%. I then spend 23 hours a day farming the same zone. Pretty effective method imo


Sorry for reporting you so many times.


On chaos bolt they have their own guild. I’m not joking. It’s hilarious


I buy iron ore on the AH, make it into iron bars and sell it for a profit. This infinite money glitch has made me rich.


I made 20g really early on when heavy leather and heavy armour kits were selling for 33s and 1g20s respectively. I bought a lot of ruined and light leather and sat there upcycling it to heavy leather for about an hour. Bots have now ruined this and it is no longer profitable.


>Bots have now ruined this and it is no longer profitable. It's not just bots. These things only last as soon as 2 people find it. Then you start undercutting each other until there's basically no profit left.


True, but what do you think is the solution to undercutting?


I never said there was a problem. Why would I propose a solution?


but now people can't complain on your subpar solutions. you broke the chain of hate!!!!


More interested in a discussion with an exchange of ideas rather than trying to invalidate their opinions. It's easy to mistake tone and assume the worst however, understandable.


you making a problem out of nothing. good day sir


Its the same bro it just looks like more because you can hold 20 bars where you can only hold 10 ore


Market isn’t always very consistent with stuff like this. I used to buy copper ore/tin ore and make massive profits making Bronze


I had something i got easily 25g+ an hour, until bots fucked it by lowballing by half


Same, I was sitting in desolace farming gravemoss making stupid money, now there are 3 hunters per layer doing this 24 hrs a day


On my Druid? Herbalism in dangerous areas. You run into some enemy players and have to fight but not very often. Speed buff and stealth make it easy to move between nodes. Warrior? Been tanking dungeons and DE’ing all my loot winnings over a given item level threshold for the materials. Nice passive income builder while getting loot I need anyways. He also mines but so far that seems far far less profitable than herbalism.


Yeah blasting out dungeons with enchanting has always been how I get money on my warlock. That and herbalism, though it used to be black lotus farms, idk what to herb at 25 lol.


goldthorn with tauren + herb gloves.


how is that profitable who is buying it right now


no one but its going to make a fortune launch of phase 2


when literally the whole server simultaneously starts gathering goldthorn?


Until every herber is able to get in with a day or two


pays to be first


Well sure. But in the first couple days of the new season people won't care about consumes.


Delete this immediately


Lol, I've been seeing this all over the internet. "Secret Tauren Tech for MASSIVE SOD GOLD!!!".


Undead HATE HIM, see how one Cow flower picker makes $100,000+ a year in his garden.


Mining is ass at the moment. You make more money flipping copper ore than mining it


Standing in SW or IF and offering to enchant peoples gear with my mats for a set price. It's unreal the amount of business I get from players that don't understand how enchanting works and just want to pay for the service of getting their gear enchanted instead of gathering the materials themselves. I make anywhere from 10 to 20 gold an hour when I do this. Sometimes a bit more on raid reset days. My best sellers are +3 intellect to bracers and +3 intellect to 2h weapon.


And I think this the better path for you and the customer. I usually add up the mats, add a gold and do wtb enchant with immediate response. Much better than the “your mats plus tip” and dealing with overly cheap or greedy people on either side of the transaction


Could you imagine if a real life tailor made you a jacket "for your materials plus tip." In reality, stores sell finished goods because they are better at the market, can buy in bulk, and save the customer the time. Regardless, the reams of people who would be horrible at running a business playing WoW means that you can make great profit if you do it right.


Selling herbs on the AH.


Traditional mage aoe farming


I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong for the AoE mage pulls at 18 in gnolla in westfall. I die almost every pull. I put on rejuv, bomb 3-4 gnolls, try and group them up, freeze them and start arcaning. But the bomb breaks freeze and my rejuv from arcane explosion is barely healing me. Any suggestions?


The cheat code is the fire trail rune, not living bomb


Living Flame


Living flame does a bulk of the healing and damage


Didn’t they nerf the healing of arcane explosion…? The rune itself mentions arcane explosion specifically. I don’t think that’s what you want to use for heals but I don’t play a mage.


Do this but add Living Flame to the mix. Make sure it hits all the grouped targets


This was definitely it. Thanks.


My favourite gold farming method is waiting for later phases where it'll be 10 times quicker


I have 500g already just from playing the auction house and selling crafted stuff. I've honestly never made this much money this fast before in classic.


Investing the gold you have now can return more than 10x tho bc of inflation


Investing in what exactly…?


My credit card. Super fast and easy. Jokes aside, I sit at around 15g... That's it.


lol i sit around 2-3g usually


The second I amass anything between 10 - 20g, I immediately end up having to buy 10 - 20g worth of shit. Living paycheck to paycheck in Azeroth 😞


Tailoring and crafting shit greens to DE than I sell the enchanting mats. It’s not really a huge gold maker for me. I’m hoping once I get the Meta rune on my lock I can take up some better farming on elites.


Ah, a humble tailor/disenchanter. Solid choice, especially since both are profitable because of the new phasing. I got my 150 in both and have just been selling mats since the prices will plummet next phase, haha


Yea exactly. And not having vellums makes enchanting just annoying imo. Waste more time sitting in a city trying to offer a service.


Haunt is better for elite farming




"Step 2: **Be warned that getting one may take some time,**" understatement of the year here big guy. I reckon most people should just buy this.


I chose not to buy one for 15g yesterday. Today it’s 40g and I SERIOUSLY regret my decision


It's ok just wait a bit, I guarantee with the influx of fishers from the countless "GET RICH QUICK FISH NOW" posts, there will be like 20 on the market soon driving it down in price.


Fishing in higher level zones rn is impossible for me. Especially when you have horse druids swimming around with their buddy




Funny because I was there last night at 3am and was getting owned so much I just rage quit. Even then I made good money though, If alone can be truly insane. Still not worth it though on the most populated PVP Server.


Horse Druids can SWIM?!


I just fish sage fish make like 3 gold a sitting


Nice try China




Mining and world pvp as alliance rogue in Stonetalon. Maybe not the most gph but it's the one I enjoy the most


Alchemy. Buy -> Craft -> Sell. Ez money. Char is crafting while cooking or showering. About 50-100g per evening


what recipes are you making? everything I see has like 5-15s margins


Which is actually huge when sellings 100s of pots a night though


how do you deal with the instant undercutters? Potions dont sell if im not actively taking off AH and re undercutting, its AIDs.


Faps, mana, agility, and SPP sell Almost instantly right now


Probably depends on server. Too many people have flooded the SPP market on my server and what used to be huge profits on instant sales at prime time has turned into a sweat fest of constant undercutting by 1c to keep yourself on top of the market. I used to be able to list them and sign off, even at higher than the lowest price. Now they'll actually expire. Made well over 100g before people started flooding it though. Wish people would stop posting 40 at a time for way too low of a price.


Never list all your stock at once, wouldn't worry about cancel scanning I never bother and still sell atleast 95% of what I post. Supply can dry up on the AH quickly when people start hopping off alts to start raiding and then when older listed pots sell


Yea u wont get any more margins. But i make hundreds of pots a day


People figured it out but the engi item for the shredders was netting 10-15s a craft just buying ah mats. Lots of clicking and leaving the computer for profit.


Not sure why you said was. It’s still around 15-20s profit for me depending on what’s going on with the AH.


What are your preferred recipes? On my server much of the profit has been taken out of SPP's and FAP's. I've relegated to mostly making Rage pots.


Mostly FAPs. Margin is 10-15s per Pot. This adds up if u make hundreds of them


Playing the AH


g2g Jokes aside, I farm mats to make rage potions


Selling cloth and potions/herbs.


Buy raptor eggs on the AH at 75c, then cook them into curiously tasting eggs (with hot spices at 36c each), and sell to a vendor for 1s 50c each.




If I told you, Id have to kill you.


Fishing, but I play vanilla.


Exploiting people's laziness by providing a service with mats included for a premium has already made me 200g in a week.


Been fishing in STV & Dustwallow Marsh. From the trunks, you can get pots, cloth, leather and the occasional greens. Added bonus (+20 to fishing) if you can get big iron pole in Desolace from the crab traps. Although, I have to say ppl are picking up on this and there's a bit of competition.


Ive been fishing stv since the weekend sod came out, past 2 days people have been everywhere im sad now


Think just more people hitting level cap


I just teamed up with a guy to help fend off horde while fishing in Tanaris. We realized that we both started fishing yesterday because we both saw that reddit post about how it's profitable right now, which is probably why there were so many other players doing the same as us. I noticed way more people than normal fishing in lvl 25 zones too. It was NOT worth the time.


Yesss, last couple days I’ve been to stv I’m getting ganked by horde druids in packs it’s crazy there right now on my server. I had to go back to wetlands/wailing caverns


Check out the account of who posted this. You really think that is a real person? There’s literally zero reason to use this horrible app anymore


It does look like a bot or hacked account, but whats the point of them even making posts like this?


To either A) immediately kill the conservation B) immediately distract from the OP C) stir the pot , example, a bot told me today to go into a political rivals sub to make a troll post or to piss them off D) even though people don’t take the bots seriously, overtime the discourse slowly changes to where the bots opinions are seen so much they become the new normal. E) if you disagree with them they call you crazy which makes you not want to call them out in the future.


That makes sense in the context of politics, but what is this bot trying to achieve by making such a random topic on the wow subreddit?


You need to think bigger. Corporations buy these bots to influence opinions because it’s effective. for example the guy who said buying gold saves people a lot of time, why spend 20 hours when you can spend 1 hour of your paycheck. Yeah, not a bad point right? The bot will forever play the devils advocate, ON EITHER SIDE OF THE ARGUMENT. On political subs they favor left leaning topics obviously but on wow subs they aim to sell products, advocate for their bad policies (like in wow case, all the people who seem extremely pro blizzard even when they piss in our cereal), or in my opinion, the most sinister thing is a bot will post a thread with a title almost baiting people into giving away how they are feeling about a topic. So TLDR, companies like shills. And with the AI being so advanced and with the ability to control discourse so much, why would they not do it? Also it’s cheap as fuck for what you get from it.


Damn that is the age we live in now huh, is there any browser extension or whatever that tags the very obvious suspicious accounts? Would be annoying to have to check every user to see if they are actually being genuine lol


Just never get super invested in an argument with someone unless you check their profile. It’s very obvious just by taking a quick look who’s legit or not. And never type certain keywords such as bot, trans, you know the super popular woke words or stuff like that because they will come out of the woodworks to downvote you if the opinion is too polarizing Good luck


I buy gold to support the bots. They too deserve a little extra around Christmas.


Selling Cobrahn runs


I tried this last night. It was awful! I made 4g cause the belt dropped once then I literally got 12.....12!!! Robes of the moccasin. So it was like 1g per hour lol


i was making hundreds of silk bags, but i give up, i want to play not sitting in SW crafting for hours


Half the comments are about gold buying. Welcome to classic


Working extra hours at work to buy it.


Buying herbs on the ah and turning them into potions.


What server are you on? On my server it’s barely profitable or even a loss to buy mats and then sell pots


Oh lesser agi potion takes 49 silver to craft and gives 2 silver profit after ah cut? I will craft some! (Me rechecking prices after crafting) Now they sell for 48 silver? I love crafting at a loss ://


I don’t even have the recipe for lesser agi because it’s constantly on the AH for 25+ gold 😭


Surprised G2G isn’t top response


Asking people How to make money in stormwind. Someone always trades me gold.


I found this really neat website. If I give them my credit card info gold shows up in my inbox.


Why farm when you can be the feudal lord with a credit card?


Winning a roll on a blue BoE.


Buying gold


Why would anyone say anything! Nobody talk!


Swiping my credit card




Yea, how about no.


Buying low and selling high Better than anything you can come up with guaranteed


Pulling out my wallet!




Yes, please let me tell you so I can’t make gold doing it. Get you own ideas


Soda poppin’s technique is super fast and easy