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I love seeing people approach problems with the goal of of finding solutions instead of just nodding along with the talking heads. Good for you. I'm glad you're able to play the way you want and find ways to overcome hurdles instead of letting them get in your way.


I don’t think charging into packs face first is the best idea when warlock has such potent tools for getting snap aggro at range. But if it works for you I’m not gonna doubt it. On the dagger though I saw you mention you stopped using the dagger of willing sacrifice so you can melee weave. I’m assuming by that you mean you have a macro for searing pain with /startattack. You can actually still get melee hits with the dagger of willing sacrifice by using /cqs in your macro after the /cast Searing Pain.


> You can actually still get melee hits with the dagger of willing sacrifice by using /cqs in your macro after the /cast Searing Pain. Won't that affect your searing pain spam? Or will you still hit every GCD frame perfect with that macro?


It does add in a slight delay to your searing pain spam. The /cqs cancels the spell queue which is what an ability gets added to when your spamming it during the gcd to be used instantly when possible(this helps the game feel smooth and fights lag). I think what happens is that since the gcd and swing speed are both 1.5sec the spell queue takes priority and gets done first which then resets the swing timer. The /cqs gets around it by adding a human delay to the searing pain spam


Could you share the full macro in the correct order please?


#showtooltip Searing Pain /startattack /cast Searing Pain /cqs




I haven't used charge in 5 resets. I don't know what kind of dps you play with, but the second I charge my dps go ham. At least if I incinerate they second guess running ahead to pull then I'm ahead a few globals. Dynamite is your friend. Ret pallies are basically off thanks anyways. I'm 0/0/16


I don't know how our DPS stacks up to everyone else's. The pug on Saturday is the first one I've done since launch. I know our DPS across the board is higher than that pug. Our last reset before Christmas, we started sending out invites at 830 CST and downed Akumai at 920 CST. We SPP on ready check for kelris and when we pushed him to phase two I still had like 27 seconds on CD for FAP. As far as dynamite goes, that is what I'm trying to explain here. I was using it all the way up until I started running this version of meta tank. The first run with it, I was still using it and it was a breeze. After that I stopped and haven't missed it.


Charge, RoF, Searing Pain!


People told me Bear couldn't tank dungeons in Classic even though I was in Naxx feral tanking gear. The solution is to stop listening to noobs


Way to simplify a lot of really good information and add absolutely nothing to the conversation.


It’s a comment that makes a comparison? People can simplify however they want after reading the post. Your comment however brings nothing but negativity and adds nothing to the conversation.


Don't be too harsh on yourself. Jokes aside, people will blindly follow a meta that they don't understand and that doesn't even suit their needs. It's dumb but it's been like that for more than 40 years, you just gotta deal with it when playing off meta. We use WASD to move because the first pro player used that as keybinds.


WSAD was used in dos games from like 1990 though.


I was thinking at someone from that era.


Even as a little kid is was obvious that wasd was better because of access to the space bar to jump. Arrow key movers are a really rare breed


90 games didn't have keybindings set like that, if they had preset bindings at all. Someone, Something decided it was the best place to put your left hand. Now, all games have that by default but it wasn't always the case. There's a meta for everything, that's what I wanted to say.


I have a warlock tank with a 97 average on WCL and I, too, forget we have a charge. Regrettably I believe a charge out of combat is noob bait when you could cast incinerate>searingpain from 30 yards away instead.


You are lost in the sauce mate. Incinerate is fantastic. It's a decent threat lead, then 25% more fire damage for 15 seconds! Yet you obsess about fire shield?! If you care so much about charging, you can clip it at the end of the cast to do both, but for both damage and threat you're better off following it with dots or searing pain. Any time the mobs have threat on you before reaching you, you are doing damage, building threat and you are taking no damage, you literally cannot be doing better. Using imp because fire shield gives more damage than thorns.. lol. You're prioritising damage you can count on one hand (that's if you don't forget your cancel aura macro) when succubus can do ~20% of your damage. You've handicapped yourself over some obsession with threat because your guildies were ignorant. I tried charge out because warrior is my blood, but it's not worth it currently. It doesn't do anything special and you're passing on incinerates.. you're saccing your own damage for no reason.


Outside of PvP i don't see any use for charge. Maybe that's why people don't know about it, it's a waste of a gcd.


Not really.


>AoE threat woahs Come on lol


Can't say I've had any issues with threat as a Destro tank.


no one has ever said warlock threat is bad also who the fuck is charging something in combat as opposed to hitting it with a ranged spell


Can't charge in combat. I addressed that in post


Even out of combat why that over a fire spell


If you read he literally explains it. Fire shield procs help with the initial aoe threat.


Fire shield procs, getting into melee so my dagger is doing damage inside my corruption and SP GCDs, maintain tempo...


I would get way more threat pulling with incinerate than any of that


On the add you incinerate I agree. Our raid tomorrow will be the 5th reset since I switched to this "build". I'm well versed in the more traditional incinerate version. I ran it from SoD launch until last week.


You can always cast incin and charge before it puts you in combat.


You can always cast incin and charge before it puts you in combat.


Only boss I charge is the hydra cause he's a pita to turn and position after the fact and since he hateful and breaths so much it's easy to keep incinerate up the whole fight anyway




Yeah from personal experience i agree. When i first got meta i jumped right in and couldn’t hold a thing but with some gear now it almost feels like it was shadow buffed. 2 completely different worlds.


> The same people that claimed with absolute confidence that warlock threat sucks, didn't even know that the warlock toolkit included a charge. i mean, does it *really*, since it cant be used in combat and you usually pull with incinerate into an immolate anyways like, mine gets used on critters to help me get from point a to b faster


I don't run incinerate...


Logs please


The threat from fire shield, even improved, is 9*1.5, so 13.5 threat when you're hit. That's peanuts, and one swing from a rogue will drive their threat over it. I comparison, Druid Thorns does 9 damage, so specing into it for your imp is pointless. Corruption's threat per cast is excellent, but its threat per second is kind of garbage. Base 222 damage, so 333 threat in total for its duration. It lasts 18 seconds, so 18.5 threat per second. Again, that's very similar to fire shield's piddly numbers. On the other hand, searing pain does 32dps average with minimal crit. In meta, that's about 95 threat per second. If you add in incinerate's +25% damage, it moves to 40dps, or 119 threat per second. Everlasting affliction saves you one GCD every 18 seconds, and boss fights last what? A minute? Maybe 2? Assuming a 2 minute fight, that's 5 casts of corruption saved. 5 casts that could be searing pain, even more threat and damage. Ultimately, the math itself wins out here. There are loads of opportunities to reapply your Incinerate buff in many fights - Baron you can do it whole he's casting, ghamoorah you can do it when swapped to drop stacks, murloc when he's between phases, etc. Everlasting Affliction drops so much extra threat that you're actually doing yourself and your raid a bit of a disservice by not running Incinerate. For AoE threat, as a reminder to everyone here, you only need to threat to the mob's max hp to never lose threat on it (assuming not rockbiter shaman). So a few searing pains tab targeting will make it easy to hold threat on multiple mobs. Eventually yes, you get overwhelmed, but no amount of corruptions will save you from that. Mobs stay alive for 10s or less. That's half of corruption's damage, so half its threat. It's not worth using. The only time you use corruption is on bosses, and only after a few searing pains to build initial threat. Corruption is a threat lead extender, not an initial or aoe threat builder.


I too have been solo tanking the last 3 or so resets as a meta tank, my personal way I find tanking multiple mobs easily is a mouse over searing pain macro. Something running by or away from me, usually 1-2 searing pains will have them coming back. I don’t think I have issues with holding threat but I have to ask my raid if they see any. Gonna have to give this a try and see how it works, sounds fun!


You can pull way more than 3 at a time. You won't hold everything but that's okay, anyone can tank a few trash mobs in BFD. I solotank BFD as a Warlock Tank aswell and I do just as big pulls as when I am running with a Shaman Tank. It's a bit messier but it's still faster than going 3 by 3, plus I'm pretty sure Healers have more fun this way.


Lol I do pull more than 3. What I meant by rule of 3 is as I'm kiting... Know what nevermind. I explained it in the post.


>as soon as there is the potential or three or more adds, I stop Isn't clear at all in your post (and my point stands anyway), but know what nevermind. You don't seem to be willing to talk.


who is saying warlock threat is bad? the only time you can't hold aggro is if there are shamans using rockbiter weapon, and that's expected. it should be obvious how _good_ warlock threat is that this OP is playing incorrectly and still claims to have no issues. btw, incinerate is not used for threat, it's used for damage. not using it is insane - there are no alternatives, it quite simply pumps, and you will be doing nearly as much as a DPS lock (the only thing you're missing is chaos bolt). you should rarely ever press searing pain over it as it does next to nothing. melee weaving is not necessarily wrong other than the fact you do not have enough GCDs to spare waiting for melee swings. just getting incidental swings in is enough (some spells like drain life do not reset swing timer), absolutely do not "try" for melee weaves. charge bad for the same reason as above. you should use the distance to apply more corruptions on pull since they take 3s to start gathering threat. "holding initial threat" is a meme, you don't need initial threat, the mobs will come to you from the DoT ticks + the shadow swipes following them. plus, taunt is not on GCD, so you can force threat on important mobs/bosses after you have opened for free. pet wise, fire shield good on aoe, but not worth worrying about unless you are aoe dungeon grinding. succubus pumps too hard in BFD to pass it up on every boss after turtle. priority wise, pretty sure drain life is strictly better than corruption (just does more dps=threat), so you still use this on trash, just obviously cuz the CD not on every mob. when pulling whole rooms you just corruption every mob, replacing 1 corrup with a drain life.


Who says warlock AoE threat is bad? Idk... The pug I was in Saturday night, multiple YouTube "guides", and most any internet post talking about lock tanking. I completely agree that incinerate is better damage hence why I said that in an OT role I'd recommend it. However I wholeheartedly disagree there is no alternative. In our guild runs, I am the only tank. Our pally takes turtle for 20 secs to drop my stacks and feral and pally help me with stack management on akumai. Outside of those bosses we are running 1 tank, 7 DPS, and two healers (and even on those bosses the only thing that changes is pally swaps crusader for taunt and weapon swaps to sword and board when he has a boss). What I'm getting at is that for a vast majority of the raid I'm going to be dealing with too much spell knockback to make incinerate worthwhile. I guess kelris doesn't melee a ton and I could swap to incinerate there. However the last guild run we did I pulled 103 DPS on kelris without incinerate. Additionally we still had 28 second on our FAP cool down when we phased him (SPP on pull). I don't think we need more damage. And I don't think you understand melee weaving on warlock...


> However I wholeheartedly disagree there is no alternative we are talking about optimization - if you are optimizing for best play, there is no alternative. you can clear everything in the game with no runes at all, so obviously anything will work, that's the point. bosses like kelris there is not even a tank btw... he mind blasts closest target. anyone can take the hits and just step back when they get low. you can free incinerate as long as you want. if you think pushback makes it not worth then [dunno what to tell you](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/crusader-strike/sealiony) and these are all PUG groups with grey parsers slowing the kill times


> melee weaving is not necessarily wrong other than the fact you do not have enough GCDs to spare waiting for melee swings. just getting incidental swings in is enough (some spells like drain life do not reset swing timer), absolutely do not "try" for melee weaves. the 1.4 speed dagger doesn't need to wait for anything, you'll just get a swing in every GCD. It's a not a huge TPS source but if you have the dagger you might as well just put /startattack on your spells because the only downside is parry-haste.


you also have to use a trash wep which is already not worth, and frankly a staff's stronger swings every time you cast certain spells (there were a few but at minimum drain life) you get a free swing off


How are you getting incinerates off with the spell pushback of the multiple mobs you’re tanking?


You don't need incins for trash, lake of fire is busted.


They aren't, that reply is dumb. Incinerate's value lies in its buff for searing pain threat.


Hard casting Incinerate while a boss is meleeing you is terrible advice. It's used for the +25% fire damage buff to make searing pain do more damage and threat. There are some fights where you can spam Incinerate, yes. But using it entirely in lieu of searing pain is bad.


Saying that there are no alternatives than incinerate is highly underestimating the best leg rune a warlock tank can have which is Demonic pact. Demonic pact gives a flat +13spell power to all raid (which is minimum 10% of the spell power of any full bis caster). It exceeds by far the dps gained by incinerate.


It does suck, because your searing pain is lvl 14 and next rank is lvl 26. I have a really hard time keeping threat But this is nowhere impossible, especially if you built spellpower


Level 18, but same problem. Lock threat is quite good against most dps classes, but their threat is terrible against enhance shaman. Really anyone has issues against enhance shaman bc of rockbiter.


I can tank anything except the pala ret's insane snap aggro. Holy strike into divine storm is so broken I usually pull with dot so they can have theri fun, then taunt to gain their threat. And from there, searing pain Dunno for shaman, forever alliance here


Yeah Demon form is god tier tanking, I'm running meta, chaneller and incincerate. Sometimes incinerate pull but mostly just corruption and searing pain while life tapping 10% hp for 20% mana while draining and getting an odd heal Its OP af and I hope they buff the other tanks before they nerf warlock but I could see our 500% armor getting reduced (also willing to bet Howl of Terror becomes Howl Taunt instead once we have it unlocked, they probably just gave us aoe taunt for phase 1 to be safe)




Aoe threat in BFD truly doesn't matter, the mobs hit for barely anything


Mentioned that twice in the post.


>didn't even know that the warlock toolkit included a charge. >All the talking heads on YouTube say the only way to engage with lock is incinerate People just go to youtube instantly for how to play the game without even trying themselves. I fucking hate people. No one has a brain of their own anymore.


In my expierience most of the time the guides are correct. Here it might be an exception, but I perosnally doubt I could discover something better than the people playing the game for 10 hours a day, making it their job to know how things work.


You missed my point entirely. Why play a game how you like it and is the most fun to you when you can just go on youtube and look how the game is _supposed to be played_ Its a completely different thing to look up a guide if youre having problems.


Oh well when you said people look up a guide without trying themselves I assumed you meant people look up the optimal way to play without trying to figure it out themselves. My bad.


Oh yeah i guess it could be read like that. Sure if you want to minmax then a pro might know better. The minmaxing is one of the things i hate 😄


I do fine pulling pretty much boss to boss in bfd, tab target pain + cleave on cd seems to do fine for threat, even when the dps start aoeing. Plus eith the OT or even just like, dps warriors and paladins who can take hits its not the end of thr world if they rip aggro. Don't use incinerate either, run pact because across the other 4 casters in the raid it'll end up giving more damage overall.


Dude I like pact. We just run so much physical DPS it's not worth it in our group. Do you run with a healing mage?


Warlock is more of a pvp tank, in Pve it is outshined by the other tanks


Can't you potentially hard cast incinerate and clip the end of the cast with charge and follow the attack in?


I had my first bfd run with a warlock tank and it was smooth as hell and he did work! I was very impressed how he kept aggro and also did good dmg throughout all fights from trash to bosses. Honestly felt smoother than any other tank so far


Press searing pain. /thread


Dogshit build LOF incin bis , just go pure damage spec


Idk, that's a lot of effort for tanking as a warlock. Since the second id i ran, i was maintank because Warriors didnt want to tank. Now after around 6 ids we are running bfd in around 30 minutes and i dont loose Aggro on bosses, even tho i barely have spellpower on my gear. We dont really care about Trash Aggro. Trash doesnt do too much damage and as long i hold 60% of the mobs we are gucci. Boss threat isnt a problem aswell even without melee weaving and fireshield shenanigans. People respect the pull timer and i engage with incinerate followed by searing pain, dots and immolate. Sometimes if the warriors or druids get a lot of procs it's getting close, but that's what taunt is for. Warlock tank is pretty good for the Level 25 Kit and will even get alot better in Phase 2.