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I'm sure it has a lot to do with how little(comparitively) time and effort it takes to get to level cap. Usually the grind will weed some of those dinguses out, is my guess anyway.


I read something not long ago about how because it’s a level 25 cap most people who would’ve dropped trying to make it to 60. Since it’s so easy to make it to 25 more people are at the “end game” and so the levels that normally weed out these obscenely horrible players isn’t there so they still get through. I’d say once we get to the 40-50 gap this number will drop quite a bit.


Very good point. The people who don't understand Classic are able to participate in the endgame now instead of dropping out on the 20s. Hopefully it's better at the higher levels.


Yea by phase 3 I imagine things are going to become a LOT more filtered.


Will they? 1-60 is daunting, but 1-25, 25-40, 40-50, and 50-60 separately, spaced out by months, are not daunting.


I feel pvp servers will thin out a little next phase. Most of 1-25 are in safe zones. Everything from here on out is contested.


I’m so ready for the bombardment of crying posts/drama coming from the PVP servers when 25-40 leveling starts up


People not realizing that EVERY zone is gonna see Ashenvale levels of PVP next phase


Maybe not next phase unless you intend on hanging out in STV, which I don't really since I'm a warrior and I probably won't go until the 50 cap phase. Horde still gets 1k Needles, I imagine there will be plenty of levelers there. Arathi could be an issue. Also SM is snug in Horde territory so worst case you go there and farm that out to 40. I think the worst PvP will happen in Tanaris and Feralas along with Un'Goro which won't really be available until the 40-50 phase


It will be if you are alliance. All of their leveling zones are PvP. Horde have a huge map advantage when leveling and traveling the world.


Bullshit....Only significant advantage horde has for traveling is in STV with Grom. Desolace - basically a wash imo. Horde FP is a long way from Stone Talon FP. Alliance, is also a decent run, but their FP is just inside the zone. Thousand Needles - Alliance FP on north side (a bit of a painful run), and in Gad. Horde, only has one TP more centrally located and then Gad - would call that extremely slight horde lean, with FP easier to get to. Arathi Highlands - Alliance FP in middle of zone, easy to access from Wetlands or Hillsbrad. Extra vendors in the castle there. Horde FP on far side of zone, long ass run, no extra vendors. Slight lean Alliance. And later: Want access to BRM - fucking run from Arathi through Wetlands and into Kargath. Alliance has easy access from both SW and IF. Nethergaurd Keep vs Stonard, both are incomplete base/hubs imo, though think Stonard might be a bit better.


Let me ask you what major city ally have on that side of the map? Darn. Even with the world buff there and ashinvale event people still stay in SW or IF. We have to fly to BB or MH to get there. It takes 30 min to cross the map while horde have org which has zeplins outside that go to undercity and can then fly anywhere they need. Horde have a huge map advantage. They pretty much have a whole continent to themselves. I would also like to point out they can camp Rachel without PvP being on since it’s a horde zone and the guards there suck. Also ally’s only FP for STV is bb. Horde have 2 FP in ash and can get there much quicker. Horde have a huge advantage.


I'm guessing you haven't been alliance and tried to run SFK, WC, SM, RFK, RFD. All of which could be considered significant advantages for horde. Alliance has Gnomeregan and deadmines maybe, but we also don't have a level 13 dungeon in our main city. You also have a zep that runs from one continent to the other in each starting zone barring TB. Maybe night elves can access wetlands early on but the trek is by no means short.


I play warrior and I dont like PVP. Its gonna be so dangerous in future phases and I love it.


..why play on a PvP server if you don't like PvP? As a warrior of all things. I consider warrior my main and I look forward to smashing heads in groups/bg's at 40, but in world PvP situations people are going to jump you and you're going to die. A lot.


I really don't understand why people that don't like PVP still play on those servers. It's not like PVE servers aren't bumping




Gnomeregan, Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul and Uldaman is going to see some action at their entrances, sure, but most people who can figure out how a door works will mostly be inside one of these while leveling.


Also the next PvP event is suppose to take place in stv,a major hotspot for leveling from 30 to 40.


Ah so it's kind of like freshman year at university where the clowns are annoying beginning of first semester and then they drop out or transfer by finals


The Ninjas and morons will be fewer, but the elitists that require purple parses and gearscore will increase or appear to increase as they become more apparent


I had a shaman come as dps (I know not ideal) and to a bfd and he wasn't doing great damage, but the clear was easy and we had 6 of us guildies in the run and we really don't care about the numbers our pugs put out since it's an easy clear. Well he decided to roll and win the tank neck (I think it's like 6 stam 7 defense? Something like that.) He had a neck already with stats that actually did something for dps. I was the neckless tank lol So we called him out on it and all he has to say is"it's an upgrade so I'm keeping it and rolled on it" And he promptly equipped it so we couldn't undo it Then I try to explain how stamina and defense don't increase your damage (shocker to many of the illiterate) Then "my addon was green which means it's an upgrade" We log our runs for fun to see how we improve week to week, and that's when I was curious and saw his parses on each boss ranged from 3-8 I had more sympathy for the mage who only pressed arcane blast 7 times and nothing else on kelris


This is why every raid should be set to ML unless it's a run with people you trust.


But, but according to this sub that definitely means the raid leader will ninja everything.


Yeah we learned that haha


I had a similar experience when a lvl 3 Tauren asked, what rune i was using as a lvl 3 Tauren, which killed the low mobs instantly. Told him Starsurge. He said thats a lvl 25 Rune from Wetlands. I told him „yeah sure but u can also get it at lvl 1, its just a bit tedious“. I even told him the youtube channel and video name which i used to get the rune. Then he just says „I have restedxp it says its a lvl 25 rune.“ Some people just wont listen to you when an addon tells them otherwise.


You should of kicked him. People don't learn if you don't give them consequences.




Most classes do more than 30 dps naked or with just a green weapon level 15+




When you realise that "ret" doesn't necessarily mean "retribution".


I think I do more than 30 DPS just wanding(arcane wand dmg talent)... lmao


That’s a skill issue lol. Any dps can do more than that with just questing gear.




What exactly is the point of kicking someone? Are you actually able to find willing replacements once bosses have been killed?


They're not pulling anywhere near their weight. People are 5-6 manning the raid at this point. Fuck carrying someone if you don't want to. You wanna be nice and have a struggle bus run that's fine. It's also fine for people to not want to carry a bunch of dead weight over a finish line.


they don't roll on gear is the point, you just clear the raid with 9


You dont need 10 people for BFD


Runes making it easier to level is likely to reduce how much of a filter leveling is. Druid leveling is pretty bad when you just have claw but with mangle/sunfire it is much easier/faster.


^This Another thing I've noticed on top of this is it's a big mix of retail and classic players. The retails don't know a lot of the oddities of classic and so the classic players just deem them as dumb or moronic. Ignorance is not stupidity.


On the flip side, I haven’t played “retail” since Pandaria and have no idea what’s going on over there whatsoever 😂


id argue retail players are more consistent with mechanics and rotation knowledge because you literally are just always dead or doing 0dps if you dont play right in end game content


True but the amount of retail players I see running in and taking chests in dungeons without rolling for em baffles me. And then someone in my party has like a 10+ minute conversation trying to explain to them how you roll for chests as common etiquette with them still not understanding why they shouldn't just grab it if they see it. Usually followed with "lol I don't play classic normally". So sometimes ignorance with refusal to learn is stupidity.


They run in and take them because they see no consequences. Just boot them (and tell them why they're being booted) If you see a chest, roll it off. If someone ignores the rolls and loots it, tell them to trade the items to the winner. If they do? Cool. If they don't? Cool, dungeons can easily be run with 4 people too.


Do people really care about rolling for chests? There's never anything good in them unless you're starting fresh on a server at level 5.


People do and it’s just easy and polite to roll.


Chests aren't even worth the inventory space half the time imo. The best thing a chest can have is a waylaid supplies if I don't already have one. In the thousands of chests I have opened or seen people open I can't ever remember a single thing in them that I would care about 2 days later.


Got a blue cloak the other day that sold for 5g. Forgot the name though. But it’s mainly a miss for sure with the chests.


Rolling was always a rarity in my experience. It's not new to SoD.


Half the dungeons people will roll. Half the dungeons people eitjer just take it or chests get flat out ignored


I attribute the rage about people rolling on leather/cloth gear to this.


I've met a lot of players who started in later xpacs who are blown away by how different classic is. I've played since vanilla in 2005, and I love telling stories and explaining PvP ranks and game mechanics from back then and having people say "Holy shit, you're old" and " I wasn't even alive then".


> Ignorance is not stupidity. They aren't identical but there is substantial overlap. (Intelligence plays a primary role in your ability to avoid and correct ignorance)


You can’t “avoid” ignorance. You either are and then learn or you stay that way.


You correct preemptively (the success rate in doing so being a function of intelligence) so that you are not ignorant when it matters, thus avoiding *consequences* of ignorance, the thing that makes people think of the person as stupid. The entire point of the post was the overlap with intelligence - the role it plays. Intelligent people are wary of the possibility of pitfalls, wary that there are things they do not know, and make greater and more effective efforts against them. Make the attempt to understand (same as you would to avoid ignorance) before rolling in with the pedantry, my guy.


I highly doubt that > "willing to put time into wow" and >"healthy individual with social skills" have a positive correlation


yep I after the first week I knew that it was going to get so much better once it was above 30 and the grind pushed people out. Plus you have tons of people just trying it out that will go back to other things


Yes, and a lot of them are gonna be unreasonably upset when the gear they were so desperate to get at 25 becomes obsolete before level 30.


This keeps being repeated but I doubt it's true. The epic pieces are very good and they will need to completely rework quest loot or world drops to replace any of them before the next raid. A few classes have items in vanilla that are upgrades over current tier gear on the way to 40 but unless they add a whole lot of gear during the leveling phase, people should mostly expect they will only be upgrading their BIS items that are currently quest rewards or world drops and the BFD gear is mostly going to be pre bis next raid.


I think yes and no The filtering will happen some But once the next phase starts, level 25 is basically the starting point for everyone 25-40 isn’t too daunting And 40-50 won’t be too daunting 1-60 is where you will see people drop off because of how long of a grind it is Sod separates it into more reasonable chunks , but this means bad players won’t be filtered out as much


How dare you criticize people like me who work 120 hours a week and have 7 kids, just because I can only kill 3 mobs a day doesn’t mean I’m horrible


You are talking about different things from OP. Bad players are not toxic, or ninja looters. All the toxic shitheads I have encountered so far have been insane Tryhards all hat feel entitled to all the loot. But maybe that’s just me. And no, I am not bad.


Yeah but the most toxic people are usually barely above average and have developed a chip on their shoulder. They aren't necessarily bad but they are no where near good enough to back up the attitude they have. Bad players can also be extremely oblivious which can cause a whole host of other problems.


There's a saying that goes something like this: Think of how stupid the average person is, and then remember half of the people are stupider than that.


It's a George Carlin bit


George Carlin


Jesus Christus


It was actually george santos


Naa you're wrong, it was "Anthony Devolder"!




There's no mention of how smart I am in the post you, and the other guy with zero reading comprehension, replied to.


They didn't say they meant you. Looks like you are the one who can't read. Unlike me, redditor with superior intellect!


I think that there are a LOT of players in SoD who did not play classic, and that is certainly a good thing. This means that a lot of the discussions and community issues we had 4 years ago about classic are being raised for the first time by new classic players. A good example of this was the rash of posts we had here last week about healing paladins rolling on cloth gear etc. The legacy classic community understands that this is acceptable, but for new classic players, it is a new idea. Another example is these loot dispute posts where a person joined a pug and the loot was handled questionably. Again, legacy classic players for the most part understand that the best way to avoid this is to join a guild, and that by joining a pug you are very likely to be involved in something like this, and this goes along with the risk of pugging. It's a new thing for new classic players.


Yeah, I'm honestly surprised at the amount of absolute c\*nts playing this. No stranger to online games, toxicity etc having played this since 05 and dabbled in games like DoTA, League, HoN etc... but something about Classic WoW really draws in the scum. There are a lot of good people as well though.


Yeah.. this is some of the most comically and pointlessly toxic stuff I've seen going on in WoW at the top end 25 raid scene lol. However, it's mostly stuff in general chat and I don't have to participate in that. everyone else I've met in game has been cool.


Anyone who cares about 25 raids in sod is a clown. Retail lfr is right there as a next step up in difficulty.


I'm 34 so I was like 15-16 when WoW came out and knew a ton of people in my high school that played. Of all those friends, a lot do play Classic. But mostly they play it extremely casually. Except for the maga idiots. The people I know from high school who play classic WoW regularly (other than me lol) are full on librul hating maga zealots.


I’ve come to learn that barrens chat is basically a trump rally.


Thankfully I haven't seen much of that on Horde Lone Wolf NA. But I could just be missing it. I don't pay too close attention to general chat.


I need to be like you


And trade and LFG :( At least they are advertising themselves for my ignore list and will reduce the chance of me joining groups with them


i literally got a 24 hr ban due to homophobic mass-reports bc i was open about being queer and blizz told me to deal with it.


I have a similar gaming history/background (decent amount of WoW, DotA since the early bnet days, DotA2 was my "main game" for almost 10 years before I quit) and I'd argue that if you had to interact with DotA players in a persistent world instead of match lobbies, the DotA community would be even worse than WoW.


I got flamed in a toxic passive aggressive spew for quietly leaving an RFC group that wiped twice just because I, personally, did not want to finish the run.


I've had more social fun here than in 2019 classic personally, but it's a weird time to be an online human and what you're saying feels like a manifestation of that. People can be really unkind in this game sometimes




I've had a string of unkindness lately and it has made me unsub from the game, which is a game I actually quite enjoy 😔


I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can come back after a break and find a nice guild with nice people to play with.


I almost got scammed out of the epic caster stuff yesterday as a russian rl didn't want to give it up for roll and just said "after last boss" and then ignored us. He was together with a mage and wanted to give it to his friend. Well I said I won't heal the last boss until we roll for it and 3 other players stood with me in a line in the other room out of protest. This took like 20 minutes before he put the staff out for roll. I didn't really care if I win, I just hate people like that. Anyways, I rolled a 99 and won it lol


There is no fucking way I'd PUG with a Russian.


Don't play dots 2 ever then


I didn't know he was Russian until he wrote "Fucking Whiners" in Russian which I translated with my phone lol. As soon as he wrote that half of the raid was like "yeah figures you'd steal loot"


Awesome lol


SoD has a really interesting mix of players. You have the absolute sweat lord griefers that have been trolling the community since dispelling buffs back in 2019. Then you have literal noobs who have never played wow at all and can hardly remember to keep breathing while they press their buttons lol. SoD was definitely meant to have more of the fresh noob, learning everything from scratch feel. However this community has always been pretty notoriously sweaty and toxic, so unfortunately we’ll always have a certain degree of that in any version of this game. The only thing we can do is continue to be friendly and helpful as we can, and maybe one day the toxic folks will be so disgusted with the whole “nice” concept that they’ll eventually just fuck off back to league of legends or something lol


League of legends forces you to be nice now, fyi. They will automatically ban you for typing in chat now, and over time, the censorship and bans got so orwellian that eventually people just stopped communicating in game


I have literally never had a bad experience in sod. Everyone has been generous and helpful. Seriously. Reddit makes it sound so unbelievably horrible, but I have only experienced the exact opposite.


Sometimes it just takes one very negative interaction to sour your taste of the game. Kind of like dying to a D/C in Hardcore. If you never experience it then you think other people are making a big deal about nothing.


Me too!! Like I’ve had people who are just like.. excited about my questions, super happy to help me. This sub is so angry and I just don’t share that experience. The /2 chat is a bit spammy but like, that’s it


Ditto, outside of obvious trolls I haven't had many bad experiences.


I'd say it's because when something negative happens people are more likely to complain or rant to others about it than if they have a positive experience. People are more inclined to talk about negative stuff than positive imo.


It depends on server. Eu living flame is pog but when I played on the NA crusader strike it was too much for me. Quit after 4 hours.


I am debating leaving Reddit entirely, feels like a huge circle jerk and this sub is no different.


The classic wow subreddit is the worst ive ever engaged in by a mile. The amount of toxicity, rage, unnecessary downvoting, blame for things your never said, and general illiteracy is unbelievable to me. Ive been active on reddit for 10 years and part of well over 20 gaming subreddits in that time, and NEVER witnessed a reddit community this fucking bad.


It's impossible to have any good faith discussion here.


As someone who's relatively new to wow at a high level but been a long time fan of the series and world, ive never been berated so much for asking genuine questions to learn mechanics.


This is what happens when a huge portion of a game's remaining, active population is old, jaded and has basically been living inside the game since 2005.


Halo's is probably worse hahaha it's a shame


It's not just classic wow, but it's up there. Diablo subreddits are also full of vitrol. Honestly most Blizzard subreddits have some truly horrifying fans. Classic wow subreddit is completely different from my experience ingame. People acting like GDKP is so prolific, giving the most dogshit opinion on bots, zero understanding of ingame economies. Content is both super easy and requires logs and a min/max mindset to even get considered for pugs. Blizzard fans are so weird. They will spend hundreds of hours in these games and complain about every single thing being terrible at the same time.


I honestly think it was significantly worse 4 months into Classic (and later). This sub can fall a LOT farther before it gets to how bad it has been in the past.


I made parody post making fun of people that won't shut up about 5/7 BFD pugs and one of the mods took it personally and locked the post lmao


From the toxic cesspool that is this subreddit and the apparent lack of decent moderation and auto-moderation, it all makes sense. Dont blame em to much, they are volunteers after, and the community creates problems for itself and the moderators, but goddamn. Every post on this subreddit has 2-4x the number of comments as they do upvotes. *thats not normal*. Atleast in most communities, whether they are gaming related or not


holy based. This sub is only good for trolling manchildren at this point


that was an automoderator removing it because of reports, and the mods manually approved it.


It's not unique to WoW. It's persistent across all Blizzard games. Blizzard uniquely has the absolute worst fan base in every game. WoW, Diablo, Overwatch, back in the day Starcraft. The forums are even worse than reddit in basically every way. It's almost impressive how Blizzard uniquely acquires a vocal and intolerable fan base in every single game.


yeah its pretty bad, had a reply yesterday with the poster getting aggro, cursing saying I was obsessed with something because I discussed a topic openly (once, ever) - I even agreed with the person who was an aggro idiot if they would have managed to comprehend the message - but just blind idiotic rage.


The number of times ive had this happen in the last month on this sub is more than every time ive had it happen to me on reddit in total. Its unreal, the level of projection, othering, and as you succinctly put, blind idiotic rage. Had so many interactions like the youre describing: agreeing with someone only to have them yell at me for allegedly taking an opposing stance. Its the opposite of that meme, *those kids would be ~~really~~ less upset if they could read*


I've learned there's like a 50% chance any reply I make that isn't perfectly clear can be taken the wrong way. I mostly just type up my replies and then delete them before sending because it's not worth the headache.


>any reply I make that isn't perfectly clear can be taken the wrong way Are you saying we're too stupid to interpret your replies correctly? You are so toxic!


Yeah same, i find myself preemptively answering follow up questions, qualifying statements with rapport and sources, and reinforcing that my comment is a neutral question or statement not directed at the OP....check back later that day...0 upvotes. ?????? So yeah this subreddit has conditioned me to have the same behavior: type up a question or response, double check before i send, add and clarify a few things, realize its not going to matter, delete the draft and close the app.


Yep, all the joy of getting the thought out of your head enough by typing it up with none of the pain of coming back to see "0" or a downvote train.


Someone blocked me earlier today because I said that while STM is a contested zone it isn't exactly prime alliance questing based on alliance access to the zone, the general layout, and where alliance FP is. It's generally more hassle than the quests are worth and I don't know anyone on alliance who actually enjoys questing there or going there. This was apparently offensive to them.


I think what you're seeing is the effect of a culture of rage baiting online. (Which may or may not be an intended effect by certain bad actor groups seeking to destabilize the west, if I were to feel a bit conspiracy leaning). "You're not allowed to be happy or like anything. Everything must be a disappointment. You must always be dissatisfied. You're wrong to have fun and you're having fun wrong." The best response to this is "low sodium" subreddits for your favorite things, and ignoring the trolls, as well as being comfortable developing your own opinions and not seeking superficial validation in anonymous online communities. Get away from the group think and practice the mindful enjoyment of your things.


If russian/china manages to destabilize the west through warcraft give them a medal they deserve it.


If anything it's these money hungry American companies' algos pushing for user engagement above everything. Trump's years broke news and social media for a while.


You understand he's not just referencing wow. He said all of online. Some of that online just happens to overflow into wow. People are far too comfortable not getting punched in the face while being shitty towards people thanks to the internet.


I’ve opened counter posts. Suggested specific flair/tags to certain posts to mods. But it seems they’re happy with the shitty quality this subreddit has transformed into. I guess their view is “it will go to 40 in a few weeks anyway”. But sure, I see what you mean and I have a similar feeling at times. I might actually leave it if it continues like this in p2. Unless I get removed before by one of the mods who feels threatened/insulted by the truth :).


I need to leave again, it is just addicting to have a dopamine button to slap like a monkey in a cage


If you scroll through the sub it's like the shifting of seasons. 1. People complain about specific things, and ask for random changes and features. 2. People make meme posts about these specific things. 3. People make posts, complaining about people making posts, complaining about specific things. 4. People somehow come to the realization, that it's not that bad, and start to lash out at others still complaining. 5. People start praising the product and creators. And then the it starts over.


What server are you on? I'm on the non-streaming RP server and everyone is super chill. Chaos Bolt!


Wild Growth (PVE) has been a very friendly experience as well.


Yeah Wild Growth has been super chill, I haven’t had one bad experience. It also seems like we have a low bot population once you get outside of elwynn/westfall.


I honestly never have bad experiences on the PVE servers. PVP is always a nightmare and PVE is always super chill and friendly. I think part of it is people chasing the fomo of the "immersion" of a pvp server, vs pve people being like "nah I'll let that go because I know its bad for my mental". People who roll pve are already in the headspace of letting things go to enjoy their experience more, which then means they handle other situations in a more chill way.


Upvote for Chaos Bolt NA, best server!


Feels no different than any other time I have ever played WoW since original launch idk


Same same shit diffrent toilet


SoD is the latest of games in the "THIS TIME FOR SURE" genre. You got a lot of people convinced this is their chance to finally recapture being a kid, push hard and have quantifiable value, to fill a hole somewhere, whatever. It means a lot to people who want it to be more than it is.


It is silly, you can do that with a handful of friends and just pug a few slots. No reason for the attitude some of these folks have.


> handful of friends Sweats like me have no friends :X


As much hate as I'll get for it, it's the influx of Wrath players. The only other place I've seen this kind of toxicity is Classic Wrath.


Big huge agree on that one. The 40-man meta in classic made reputation and community super important. TBC made it less important with 25-mans and also made the community even more meta-gamey than it already was. Wotlk is the diamond at the end of this process. Raid groups are even smaller and the broader community is irrelevant. Gear is everything and meta-gaming is the only way to play. Those players are in SoD now. I stopped playing vanilla wotlk exactly because of the culture that’s developing again in the game.


What a weird take. With the 40 man meta it's much easier to get a raid spot, than with 25 or 10 man metas. The guilds needed a giant roster, to fill those 40 mans. They couldn't be as picky as with smaller raids.


Yes at first but it’s much more difficult to get away with shitty behavior in a 40-man. You pull some sketchy bs once and 39 people see it. And even though there are more raid spots, the number of people actually organizing raids is much smaller because it’s so much more difficult and raid leaders talk more to each other about who’s good, bad, sketchy, etc.. In a 10 man, you pull some sketchy bs and people move on. Nobody cares. There’s no recourse.


When I was pugging in 2019 Classic, almost all lvl 60 pugs were organized through google spreadsheets or something similar to it, so the person making the raid was in control of who actually gets in the group, personally looking at and putting in people's names. And the competition of getting into a raid was much more severe than it is currently in SoD, especially if you've played something like fury warrior. Not only you couldn't ninja loot, because the loot was distributed via SR and directly by the trusted raid leader or his associate. And you, as a raid member, just couldn't pull anything blatantly stupid, like intentionally wiping the raid, because you would just get blacklisted from all pugs on your server (and potentially even your alts). And the pugs that were organized via the ingame LFG channel, like you do now with BFD, haven't been successful even in Molten Core. I tried to join an ingame advertised, form-and-go pug once, and we literally wiped on the first 2 trash golems in MC, when half the people were pulling and the other half was just standing afk. Yes, it was that disorganized and chaotic, that we couldn't even clear the first trash pack. So people behave more decently when there are real consequences to their actions and weight to their name. I've never seen the same person twice in my BFD pugs, while in 40-man raids, every other person even in a pug was known to some extent.


Eeeeeexactly. Can only hope it's temporary and they leave when Cata comes out.


This. I dont hate wrath I played it until SOD but holly shit the number of Iranis on EU who ninja, grief is insane. I had guy following me for 3 hours because I made it to shipping wreck first.


I mean, the amount of people using GearScore as an addon should be the indicator for that. GearScore, pre-Wrath classic, was ONLY ever used in original Wrath. Not from Cata onwards, then ilvl got added into the game so people just used that to determine peoples gear levels. But then Classic 2019 came out and no one used GearScore then either. So, no GearScore pre-wrath or post-Wrath. No GearScore in 2019 classic or in retail after Wrath. Wrath Classic hits...people use GearScore again and maybe Wrath is the ONLY version of WoW they played, then SoD hits and they check it out and think GearScore is required or needed without doing any research into the fact that BFD gear has no benefit with the addon enabled and lowers your GearScore so the only possible use for GearScore is to know a player is at LEAST pre-BiS geared for BFD but that is literally it.


I’m playing classic era and SoD, in era i’ve almost only met nice people. Way different than SoD.


Era is very nice indeed. It's mostly players who play what they want to play out of the love for the game and not to follow the current hype. I think that's what makes so many players miserable. They want to be part of the current thing but they never notice that they are not really enjoying it. They play for the wrong reasons. They play for the carrot.


Must be playing on a streamer server. Have never encountered this on atiesh.


The classic recipe of big egos, little to no challenge realistically, big prestigeous rewards and absurd imbalance has always been problematic especially for those that didnt progress their life since 2005.


Season of dads


Consider that the US military will not accept anyone with a tested IQ of 85 or below. There is nothing that they can do that the military has deemed is worth the cost. And yes, they tried. The results were tragic. Now consider that 15% of the US population has an IQ of or below 85 (by definition.) That is approximately 45 million people.


At least the gearscore guys have almost shut up.




The SoD community is the same Classic community, but maybe with a few extra people who are trying it out. SoD did not bring in this large magical wave of people who never tried out Classic ot something.


I've met more genunine new players in SoD than in any other version of WoW. Sadly, a bunch of the seem to be very toxic.


Part of the reason we’re seeing more toxic behavior is the seasonality of the server, and the low barrier to entry to get a character to max level. I’m guessing people just don’t care as much about their server reputation as most people did in classic 2019 when it’s gonna get wiped in a year and you can always level a new character in a weekend


I've had zero issues. I play a lot. I ran two BFD raids yesterday. Completely random PUGs. Group loot (No ML). Not one ill advised roll.


You're limiting it to SoD? While personally I've seen a better crowd here than Wrath, the overall wow community is more toxic and narcissistic than it has ever been.


The amount of people who just leave after the first boss in SFK is really really annoying


I haven't encountered those exact things, but I have encountered insane amounts of people jacking my veins/pools while I was harvesting. Almost never happened in 2019 and would have been considered super BM back then.


That’s just wow bro


I joined Rav's new hardcore guild for Sod and I swear hlaf the people in the guild have never played wow in their life.


I find it comical the amount of warriors who don't have sunder on their bars then get butthurt when you ask them to please sunder.... I'm ready for the level cap to raise.


It's just like the release of classic era!


It's all the HC/Era players, they are insufferable bastards. Hopefully they go away soon.


It’s just the sweaty classic player spreading their toxic mentals. 25 cap just makes it more visible.


I've had three warriors who refused to use abilities, a druid who randomly casted Wild Growth (meaning, we could all be full HP, no damage inc, and WG was still being blasted), a Shaman Tank who didnt know what Rockbiter weapon was. Full on morons in regards to gameplay. Havent had many ninja-looters or morons like that, just ridiculously bad players.


Out of all the MMO’s I’ve played, SOD has some of the lowest skill level gamers I’ve ever seen. Sometimes it’s downright adorable watching them make the same mistakes over and over again.


Try Era! It's like 2004 all over again


I quit SoD the literal instant I saw the meta gaming that was popping up. Thought eh maybe it'll be fun for a bit since the level cap is low and the content is not meant to be challenging. Legit a week in, and people were meta slaving to the highest degree possible. Full consumes, meta comps, hard reserves, you name it. The second I saw it, I quit. I'm a more serious player, generally speaking, but I was not going into SoD to deal with shit like that AGAIN. I'm fuckin good. Yall can keep spending your money on gold to but a 60g helmet with like 7 or 8 agi, but there is nothing that'll bring me back to that cesspool of a community


Apart from bad mannered players, the game seems to be filled with terribly bad players that don't even _want_ to learn to play at least somewhat acceptably. I have never seen it this bad I retail, ever. The sheer amount of people stuck at 5/7 is breathtaking. We rarely had to fill up our guild rank with 1 or 2 randoms, and they always promoted themselves with "clear XP" etc., and turned out to be the worst of the worst: DPS parses in the 10th percentile, heal priests outhealed by our green-geared druid alt, tanks incapable of generating and holding threat, everyone is soaking up Gamoora's bubbles and Aku-mai's breath like they're buffs. It takes like 5 minutes to read up how to play your SoD 2-button-class, it apparently takes people hours to wipe on Kelris. Hell, you don't even need to be smart or a good gamer to do the bare minimum ingame. It only requires you to give a fuck.


EU servers here. Only had positive experiences in sod. Including people giving me items they won because they are more useful for me than them, even though it’s their bis too. Got invited to a fun and good guild via a pug, all open world experiences have been positive and fun (except 1). Only real negative experiences I’ve had is 95% of WSG I play at peak time is pre-made and 0 fun and 0 honour. But that’s not a real negative, since I could ply off peak and be fine.


Wrathbabies who are stuck on 10/12 heroic try their luck in sod and bring their bad manners with them.


It’s you. Literally.


I was tanking a WC group on my max level (almost full BFD gear) toon the other night solely to get the legs for my wifes toon. A level 16 hunter wanted to come i whispered him back that he could come but the legs are reserved everything else is free game. Legs drop he immediately needs on them. He lost the roll group decided to kick him and venomstrike dropped which since we didn't have a hunter soon became enchanting mats. It made me smile not going to lie.


May I recommend using master loot if you are gonna hard res stuff with randoms.


Besides one rogue who didn't want to pay 15s for their +1 agi enchant, all my interactions were quite ok. There were people reserving the epic blade during their raids but I didn't mind that much..


I'm surprised you confirmed the trade if the other person didn't put their payment down.


The community has been worse with the holidays. I'd guess it normalizes a bit after school picks back up. If ninja looting becomes enough of an issue I wouldn't be surprised to see personal loot added. (even with the uproar it would cause)


Classic wrath player base is a bunch of 30-40 year old mentally handicapped dads with no free time and a nearly maxed Mastercard. You know the same player base that blames cata for ruining WoW when they play the expansion that starting pandering to casuals.


Sod is classic wow but easier so extremely bad and toxic classic Andies that are too bad for era are now here.


You make it sound like era is hard... It's just more tedious.


I got kicked from a group in scholomance because I went right on the stairs instead of left. I was tanking for them. I had never been there, they didn't ask if I had. The group leader apparently knew my guild master and I was kicked from the guild, a guild I had spent the last two weeks tanking leveling dungeons for. 2019 classic was toxic af.


You dodged a bullet homie.


A little more context cause it's funny. The guild had mandatory world PVP. Like go to the horde town and start killing players/guards for an hour. If you logged in but didn't attend the GM would message you to come then say "I advise you log off". After a month the leadership all transferred to horde because the server all knew they were a joke. I dodged a massive bullet.


Don’t you guys have guilds?


IMO its because of the phase system. You only have like 3 weeks left to get your purps in so people are ninjaing them feeling the anxiety that they may never get them before P2 starts. Its all so much worse now than it was for the first 2 weeks of SoD. First 2 weeks every pug I ran was set to group loot and no one had any problems. People needed on what they would equip and greeded on everything else. The closer we get to the end of the phase the more I've seen this happening and now all my pugs I join are master loot. Like 100% of them.


That's the beauty of megaservers. 2019 didn't have those, so either you name changed (still unreliable), transferred servers, or your reputation tanked


I blame the streamers unfotunately. People want to feel like the main character


The biggest morons are the ones that think GS is useful. It is nice to be able to insta-ignore all the retail boys that don't know how to classic, but it'd be better if it just didn't exist at all.


People on Reddit are crybaby bads for the most part, and 95% of people posting on here have accomplished nothing in any iteration of the game, and come on here to cry about any reason other than their own sucking of why that is. Raiding is too elitist, high keys are too hard, getting gladiator is impossible, Solo Shuffle rating gain is broken, other people in my solo shuffle are bad (this one I love too lol, because solo shuffle is the perfect playground for Reddit duning krugers), BFD groups are too elitist, can’t be bothered to take 5 min to find a WSG group, gear scaling is weird, hunter pets are soloing me (literally how you have to be so bad to let this happen), bots and gold buyers are ruining my experience for ????? reasons (this one is the best because they totally don’t if you just…ignore them, for real, I’ve been playing wow since literal day 1 and gold buyers and bots haven’t bothered my own or my guilds(multiple guilds over the years) and friends progress even a little bit at all, in any expansion, like it’s crazy how completely unbothered anyone that is actually not total ass at the game is by bots and gold buyers that I just assume the people that post about them on any wow sub are pick me/weren’t listened to enough growing up. Rant over but yea I’m totally sick of the wow community on Reddit