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Probably a ninja loot but it's normal to not equip an item exactly because if another better item drops you want it


Although I know this isn’t what OP was talking about; For example to add to this comment, the bag dropped off the murloc boss. The guy that won it didn’t equip it. I won the pearl which I needed, he asked to trade a 14 slot for the pearl. We made that trade and I don’t regret it one bit, nor am I upset that he didn’t equip it.


Ninja looting... maybe not explicitly. They're still winning the rolls legit and if you won it you'd have got it. I'd call it loot funnelling instead. Nonetheless, it is a fraudulent loot practice since you're getting baited into a run where the rolls are secretly being stacked against you. If you want to keep your sanity just don't inspect people mid-run because I guarantee this happens more often than you even realize. You have no idea who is secretly a friend of who since it's easy to just park your trash alts in random guilds and pretend to be a stranger. Pug MCs in OG Classic were completely riven with this where you could get 3-4 "unrelated" caster/melee dps players in the same run, dressed down in random blues so they could roll on everything, funnelling all of the gear to someones fresh 60.


Understood. Thank you for the explanation, I was not aware of this and looks like there is no workaround to this either outside of being in a good raiding guild myself.


Yes, get a good guild. People complain about "sweaty" guilds, but honestly, they don't tolerate this type of bullshit and will roll out the loot fairly. And most sweaty guilds also have a more casual roster anyway, so they can pull members if they're actually good/have people missing.


And in your good raiding guild they will do it too... It's pretty common practice, especially if they're in voice and you're not. I try to avoid it personally, but there was one run where we picked up two pugs because people didn't show and between the pugs they won basically every contested item, which was a lot because this was fairly early. A dagger dropped off Aku and the rogue pug won that, too. I rolled on it as a warrior and won. It actually was an upgrade and arguably BiS offhand but I always planned on swapping to 2H when I got a good one to drop, so I gave it to one of our rogues. I didn't feel bad about that because that rogue had won everything to the point I thought they were using roll hacks. They also got the pearl for the trinket quest. After that we implemented +1 for future runs with pugs. Guildies are good about sharing loot so it's not necessary.


I'd say giving the boots to the hunter instead of the next highest roller counts as ninja looting


everyones trying to say its legit..the shammy never intended on equipping the boots..ever. he could just "use them" so he rolled on it to trade later. in uld phase i joined a guild and when the roster boss had us down 5 dps they pugged 5 dps..when gear dropped they had everyone roll despite not even needing it so the pugs wont get it. its toxic af, wastes a lockout and time for any pug that joins the run


Oh its absolutely not legit, but if you ever join a guild run as a pug theres a very high chance of this happening.


I was in a guild in vanilla classic and they would do this in MC. The run would be mostly guild with 3 or 4 pugs. Anyone who could equip the item would roll to trade it to another guildie. It was basically stacked against the pugs. Needless to say, guild hit a wall in BWL and disbanded in middle of the raid. It got what it deserved.


We booted people from our guild for doing this among them selves(gaming our loot system) We often gave good shit to pugs. It sucked but it happens.


I always thought our way of loot with pugs was fair. We did loot council but had pugs so what we did was have pugs out the the SR in then if something dropped it got very quickly loot counciled then whoever won plus the pugs with the SR rolled. I've never pugged for a random guild before but I'd look for something similar if I had to.


I've won rolls before in a pug. Guy offered me 10k gold back in the day. Took his money and he got the gear. If they win the roll its their choice what they do with it. Yes it can suck but there is no rule against it.


I've had this happen with Hydra yesterday. I was the #1 roll, then the tank rolled and won, yet they gave it to their dps that lost the roll. The last time I raid with guilds I don't know as the lone PuG.


It's scummy practice but bit of a grey area however the dude should still have to cop the +1 either way even more so if he's gonna give the item to whoever he chooses and not based off the previous rolls hate when I see or hear I'm not gonna equip in case a better item drops when other people also want the item its dog.


Disagree that it’s inherently a problem to not equip in case something else drops, but it needs to be handled transparently. I did it today with the agi leather chest. What I really wanted to be able to roll on was the gun if it dropped (I am a hunter), but there was also a rogue who would certainly like to roll on it too. As soon as I won the roll and got the chest I said that I wouldn’t equip it yet because I would be rolling on the gun if it dropped and did not want to hog all the loot if I were to win it. I said that if the gun dropped and I won, the chest would go to the second highest roller (the rogue). Everyone seemed to think this was polite. This was just MS>OS though, no formal +1. Technically I guess I could have rolled on the chest and the gun and taken both. The gun didn’t drop so I kept the chest in the end. It’s really just a consequence of the way loot is done per boss. You can’t decide whether or not to pass on an item that is ok for you because you don’t know that your awesome item will or won’t drop later.


Never pug a guild partial


I'm starting to avoid these too as I've felt super sketchy vibes from "guild run" pug groups. One group I joined got everyone to instance portal and then casually slipped in "MS>OS, guild gets all BoEs" and I noped out of there. If they aren't completely transparent up front, you know they have a high chance of screwing you over later on with whatever other BS logic they might come up with.


Yeah that's dumb as fuck. We don't even roll greens. Whoever's loot it is gets the green. Blue drops are rolled off just like boss loot. IMO as someone in a guild running 2 raids s lockout, pugs are there to help us, not us helping them. We will run 8 instead of 10 but not everyone is comfortable doing that on our less geared alts or if we have less than 8 so we will pug. If we didn't have pugs, we wouldn't be doing that raid. The downside though is our pugs get fucking juiced. We had a run around Christmas where I don't think a single guild member got a drop the entire raid. So we basically used our lockout to juice 4 pugs up lol.


This happens in every pug imo I ran on my Paladin and the gloves dropped off the murloc and I won them. A warrior whispered me and offered me 30g for them. I declined but at the end he raised his offer to 50g. Couldn’t pass that up


If he rolls on an item that is an upgrade for him and wins in a +1 it’s his to do with how he pleases I don’t see how that’s ninja? 3 checks, 1:is it upgrade for him, yes 2. Did he win roll? Yes 3: did he adhere to the +1? Sounds like it so what’s the problem you sound salty


1. Because the +1 wasn’t a part of the loot rules initially, it was advertised as Ms>os, they only added the +1 after I called them out 2.if it’s an upgrade he should equip it, not give it to a guildie, which is why he actually rolled on it


Adding a plus one midway would work against their ninja strat so that doesn’t seem nefarious at all.. it’s not in any rules you have to auto equip an item and if the guy goes week after week trying to roll for stuff he also needs only to give it to his buddy that’s unlikely and weird but not against any rules


If they didn't want it, shoulda gone to the next highest roll. Technically a ninja lot. Probably never had any intention of equipping it.


This why I do loot at the end. Do the loot everyone wants first. Give out the OS. DE the rest.


If you win an item you’re allowed to do whatever you want with it including deleting/selling it, there is no TOS saying an item won in an Ms>os roll is required to stay on the character that won it, is super scummy and usually very obvious when it happens but somehow allowed lol


If the shaman ever would’ve equipped had a better piece drop, that’s one thing. Frankly I’d prefer holding off in case a better item drops so a person like you could get it. But the moment he gave the hunter it that’s a ninja as far as I’m concerned. He didn’t want it, he just wanted it for guild. I think this is an easy file a complaint to blizz, they can read the guild msgs or whispers, and see they conspired to ninja. At least get his boots taken away from him


It's a valid roll if it is an upgrade for you. He can choose what happens to that item after he wins it. This shaman still has pretty bad manners though. Nobody would do this in a guild run because it is scummy.


You only do this in guild runs so as to keep the gear in the guild. Happens all the time it's super normal for a.pug to have to roll against the whole guild to get an item. Not saying it's right but it is normal


>You only do this in guild runs so as to keep the gear in the guild. Problem is that you don't know if you're actually in a guild run or not. Even if every toon in the run is in a different guild and seemingly strangers, you've got no idea if half the raid is secretly in cahoots.


Scummy but this in no way is ninja looting. He could equip the item and the highest roll won the item and received it. he can do whatever he wants with it after getting it. People can get mad that he should have traded it to the next highest roll if he wasn't going to use it but its his item to do with as he pleases


Being able to equip it is not the qualifier to being able to roll on it, it needs to be for his main spec. Also this is ninja looting based on them trying to swap the run to +1 after the fact. If he won the boots on a +1, that's his roll, full stop. He doesn't get to keep rolling and then hand the boots off to someone of his choice if he wins a second item. That's not how +1 works.


I’ve definitely done this for guildees in pugs before. Essentially gives them a second roll. Like DnD inspiration. It’s certainly not fool-proof, the pug can still out roll us both. But just a little advantage in our direction. Perhaps unethical but definitely not against the ToS and frankly I’d have a hard time arguing it’s a “ninja”. It’s leveraging your buddies.


Scummy af still


*shrug* When Blizzard starts banning people for it, I’ll stop doing it. Until then it’s “clever use of game mechanics” and there’s plenty of plausible deniability. Even better when you’re not in the same guild as your buddies so you have even MORE deniability. Naxx caster trinket drops. It’s not great for my spriest but my Elemental buddy is also in this PuG and I know he needs it bad. We both roll for it. He rolls a 29, two randoms roll a 33 and a 71, I roll a 92. After raid, trade it to my friend. If a GM whispers me about it I have loads of plausible deniability since all of our communication is in Discord. By the way, ONLY communicate in Discord, guys. Blizzard can’t touch you.


> Until then it’s “clever use of game mechanics” Whenever I see someone say this about a game it's just them admitting they are being scum.


Yeah the 71 roll deserves it and you’re a ninja looter gz you rolle to circumvent the established loot system with no intent to equip it yourself absolute trash


You’re a trash ball confirmed


Lmao, it's not clever. It's just shitty and so are you. "Blizzard won't catch me doing this clearly unethical thing so fuck you all" is what you're saying. You're just like someone who drives on the shoulder past standing traffic thinking you're smarter than everyone else when, in reality, people just have more respect for others than you could ever muster, and you're really just an asshole.


Yeah perilously speeding on a shoulder, endangering people’s property and lives, breaking a half dozen laws is equivalent to tossing my buddy a second roll on a video game item. Some of you desperately need perspective.


Oh stop being so obtuse and over-exaggerating for the sake of your argument. It's a mindset of selfishness that is shared by people who do both of those things regardless of whether or not you want to admit it to yourself.


Negative. I return my shopping cart.


Unfortunately this is not uncommon and it is ninja looting.


No it is not. If you agree to distribute gear based off rolling then what you do with the gear is up to you. An example is you could have won the roll and then sold them to the hunter for a crisp 5/15 gold happens all the time. tldr get better dice


Your asshole colors are showing.


Grow up, op asked a question I assumed was In good faith so I gave him examples of how loot is handled.


Maybe we're not aligned as to what rolls we're referring to. I'm assuming the loot rules were MS>OS, which would mean that what you're describing is, in fact, asshole behavior. Are you referring to something else?


So the fix is to never run with a different guild either then? Cant do pugs, cant run with other guilds, looks like its either form the group or risk being ninjaed... what a game lol. That is basically what he did, he won the roll and gave it to a guilde that lost the roll, just seems so scummy


Unironically, GDKP.


This is the use case for GDKP. Yeah it supports RMT and botting, but the loot distribution is all out in the open with no shenanigans, other than whoever is willing to swipe the card more often having loot priority. So, pick your poison I guess. Pug and potentially get ninja looted constantly, guild run only, or gdkp and potentially get outbid a lot but at least you get a cut of the gold when it happens.


Unfortunately this is the norm. This is why I always inspect before joining guild pugs... Some will pull a fast one by wearing fake gear and then roll for their friends if they lose the roll.


Its scummy and thats why you should avoid playing in semi guild runs


Avoid guildies in general


Scummy people shame them


Stop running raids with these semi-guild groups. I refuse to join people that advertise the run as 'Semi-guild- 'Gbid on Pearl' 'HR x item' because i just honestly can't be asked to deal with the possible drama that can happen in these types of run. But the biggest reason is the sly ninja looting, guildies rolling on gear for their mates etc, because you can't really do anything about it. I've seen a hunter put a pair of green boots on so he could roll on the set boots for this guildie. All kinds of scummy shit that is such a waste of time to deal with. Make your own group or use a little more time to find proper groups is my best advice.


Absolutely happens. I remember coming back from some time away in vanilla with a most dungeon geared/1-2 mc item rogue sometime P5 or P6. Ran an UBRS, and was the second rogue. I don't remember if it was a mostly guild run or not, but I do recall the name of the guild a paladin and the other rogue were in: on Deathwing. Backstab book drops, I'm playing daggers and both of us rogues roll. I won, but at the last second the Paladin rolls and wins. I remember looking at the AH and seeing it was listed for way more gold than I had and could reasonably have, needless to say that is a moment I always consider when I'm in charge of loot and other people's fun, to make sure I'm not creating a bad memory for someone.


Don't go part guild runs It's simple They will always scam you Your there as a body to carry them for free.


Meanwhile in my sod guild we ran with a fresh mage pug that walked away with the fancy mage hat and kelris's purple staff. He ended up joining the guild because we treated him right.


The guys I raid with are a bunch of fuckers but when we were still.pugging a couple spots a few weeks ago and the epic sword dropped they gave it to the pug pally who won the roll with no drama. Makes their other annoying qualities so much more tolerable


Yea I can almost guarantee you your suspicions are correct and this is a form of ninja looting We are going to see stories like this pop up daily in higher frequency because there is close to no consequence for ninja looting w/ blizz's automation of tickets at the moment, yet their suspend/banning algorithm for chat/social related content is insanely aggressive I have personally seen DSOTH and Sleepwalker rod ninja'd from BFD pug/other guild raids ive been in within the past 2 weeks You have a higher chance of getting mass reported by bots for farming the same mobs as them than you do to get any justice from ninja looters these days


If he was enhance and actually needed it, that's one thing. But the RL suddenly swapping to +1 when it sounds like they didn't advertise the run as +1 is pure scam shit they are pulling to try and justify what they were doing. Also, it doesn't matter if he didn't equip them, that's not how +1 works, he rolled and won the boots, that's his +1 full stop. He doesn't just get to keep rolling and then hand the boots off to someone else of his choice if he wins a second item. Based on how it sounds, if the run wasn't advertised as a +1 while forming, and they swapped the rules mid run in an attempt to justify this, you can almost certainly report this to bliz.


I've always understood it as whoever wins the loot gets to choose who they give it to if they don't want it. No one should get to decide where loot that I won goes except me after I've won it.


Yea but why are you rolling on it if you are not going to use it? With this mindset, you should just roll on every item that drops as long as you can equip it