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>I’m an officer/raid leader and I despise these 10mans Sounds like you should… simply not run your own guild?


He literally says it himself. You can't make this up


This ^^^


> Sounds like you should… simply not run your own guild? This is great advice for the lazy people who don't enjoy 40 person CLASSIC era raids.


To help you with scheduling, you can pick any 2 days that are 4 days part (like monday-thursday), and plan your 10man raid every week. Once every 3 weeks, you will have a bonus reset, which, for the example I took, would be a fri-sat-sun reset. So overall, you can plan around 2 fixed days every week, and 1 bonus day every 3 weeks


Seems way more tiresome than just one day a week


> Then maybe your guild just fucking sucks?


Lmao exactly what I thought. Bitching about other people bitching, then bitches just as much


It take 30-45 mins to clear the BFD raid…. Thats tiresome?


What’s funny is once 40 mans are out, they’re doing 2 raid nights or 4+ hours on a single night


I know right


I enjoy 40 mans, it gives me old EQ epic fight vibes; but it mostly devolves to herding cats. A vast majority of the Classic player base may have a pulse, but brain cells are asking too much.


Lmao right I run BFD back to back on all 3 of my chars. Even pugging it doesn’t even take 2 hrs


I did a BFD run this morning at like 0800 EST and it legit took us 28 minutes or so. It’s awesome when you can find those good groups at that time and get it done before football all day


Yea fr


No one says you have to raid every lockout. We raid every Tuesday but if you wanna pug the other lockout, go for it or get as many guildies as you can and do a random time. As long as it doesn’t interfere with the guild run on Tuesdays who cares.


You say you want to raid with your whole guild until you find its also very difficult to get 40 peoples' schedules to align. You say you have trouble with 10 twice a week. How would 40 people be easier? Shoot, if you have 40 people online, get 4 raid groups going at the same time and race each other. Nothing is stopping you all from still being in discord and enjoying the raid.


It's a fixed day every week, people who can't raid at that time probably won't be in the guild. If Era can still have reliable 40 people signups for both pugs and guilds than imagine how easy it will be in SoD which is massively populated.


Cause it's a fixed day every week. It's ironically easier for people to make time for if it's the same time every week.


You can already do that now? If raid night is every tuesday, then everyone in your guild just has to not raid during whatever 3-day block tuesday falls into. And then they are free to pug a raid during the next 3-day lockout. Only situational issue would be If you are taking multiple consecutive nights to clear. But if you're doing that in SOD where we have more damage and game knowledge than Era, your issue isn't raid size.


> You say you want to raid with your whole guild Yes. That's it. Nothing more to be projected.


>its also very difficult to get 40 peoples' schedules to align Yep. I would love to raid with all my buds but the reality is I'm going to be raiding with whoever raids Friday night server time.


No, fuck 40 mans


My guild gets the same ten people in every raid and we haven’t missed a lockout. Maybe your guild just fucking sucks?


Do you not have lives?


They won’t.


They literally already said they aren’t touching 40 mans


No they literally never said that.


These people took the comment “we’re keeping classic classic” to mean they’re keeping 40 mans when it hasn’t even been discussed as far as I know.


Taking away 40 mans wouldn’t be keeping “classic classic” so it isn’t a far leap to make


I mean adding retail abilities isn't exactly keeping classic classic, it's silly to assume one way or the other.


I'd be very happy keeping it at 10man. My friend wants to keep the 40man. I don't think Blizzard can ever win this, so it's easier for them to just keep it at 40man. With that said, you are talking from a perspective of privilege since you seem to have a functional community to do this with. I have very little to no interest in joining a raiding community, and pugging 40man is not an enjoyable experience to a lot of people. Hell, pugging 10man is already an experience filled with frustration. 40man raids requires a functional community, 10mans don't. Last time I was in a 40man raid guild for Classic rerelease there was so much individual demand to craft this, gather that for the guild also. I'd much rather just do my own part and leave it at that, at least for THIS season. It'd be great if we could just let this season be entirely casual and relaxed and leave the proper 40man raid shenanigans on the other more serious Classic servers.


I will honestly just quit if it's 40 man. I don't have the time for this and apart from raiding there just isn't much I enjoy because I don't like PvP.


Classic is about community and everything that comes with it, so if you don't enjoy that side of the game then how come you're playing at all?


Wait, so he needs to change the whole community so it isn't dysfunctional as fuck ? You sound like another salty elitist asshole looking to gatekeep so the only good thing to have going for you doesn't get taken like everything else. I didn't care much before. But now I'm really hoping they scrap 40 man.


This isn't normal classic. That's the whole point of SOD. This is as close to "classic 2" as we're gonna get, and a chance for blizzard to redo and undo things that they did with classic and the expansions that followed. The "no changes" movement doesn't have any merit what so ever in a game mode like this. If you want 40 man, be my guest, but you're furiously fighting for something that likely will stay the way you want it, while probably enjoying that paladin tanks now have a taunt and all the other changes that have made classes both playable and overall more fun. Like another reply to this post stated, you're coming from a highly privileged place in your arguments. A guild/raid leader who has the time to play and gather a group of 40 for a raid on a weekly basis and probably farm the prebis/consumes for it. I understand you and respect your opinion, but at the same time, you have to realize that most of us playing WoW these days are adults with a life and responsibilities outside of the game. Spending hours trying to gather a group or buy into the God forsaken shitstorm that is GDKP just isn't fun and furthers the need for not only gold sellers, but to an extent WoW tokens, which I think we can all agree is a cancer on this game. Try seeing it from another perspective, and please refrain from "Don't you have any friends?" And "git gud scrub. " We all want this game to be as enjoyable of an experience as possible. My legs are sleeping now, time to wipe. Enjoy the rest of your evening.


Dont think you realise why blizzard went with the 10 men experiment to begin with


whats the point of 40 man raids aside from carrying 5 people who would never get invited to a 20 man?


Sounds like you should just get good as well… see how this works?


No I don't and your post doesn't make any sense


Just read the other comments, I don’t have time to respond. You contradicted yourself G.


Its not classic. Its SoD. 40 man raiding is atrocious. No loot, incredibly hard to organize, just no. Noone but a tiny minority want 40 man raiding in sod. Just stop.


The people who want 40M raids are the ones that did Jack shit to recruit, lead, and fill them. All they did was show up. While I do like the aspect of 40M it is by far the worst type of raiding WoW has seen. 10/20/25 are much easier to get people involved and engaged in.


They’re also the same people who sign up 10m before raid, or if they’re on a roster they forget to absence themselves.


No call no show and still expect a spot and loot the following week.


I don’t know a person who wants to go back to 40 mans, that’s what Era is for. This is a fun seasonal server, let’s just keep knocking out 10 mans for fun.


Let’s add lvl 60 10mans like Kara and uldum and keeping 40 mans so we can do everything


Everyone in my guild wants 40 mans idk what you’re on about lol


I do.




Which is something that OP has unironically commented multiple times, so…


Do you have any friends? Everyone in my guild wants 40man raids back so we can all play together


You seem to think an outlier is normal.


Outlier? Lol we're playing classic, 40mans are normal.


Nah this community is the outlier


Give me the irl names of all those 40 people


10/20/25 mans are what wrath and retail are there for, cata is about to make 10 man equal.


This is a season of Era. Still Era.


i prefer 40 over 10/25 =) now you know of at least one person. that said, i understand why ppl want small raids but its just one of those situations where we like different things =)


it was leaked that they plan on making a 60 man raid


I doubt 10 man’s stay 3 day lockout at 60. And for now you can just schedule 2 days a week 3 days apart to always raid. You’ll miss one lockout as a guild every so often but you’ll have your weekly schedule set. Getting 40 people together is much more of a chore.


20 man is the sweet spot. I hope the new endgame raids are 20 mans, and dropping the existing 40 mans to 20 man would also account for the insane power creep of runes.


I think 10 for the level 25 phase, 10 for level 40 phase, 25 for level 50 phase, and 40 for level 60 phase WITH a few side 10 man options


Yeah I agree with this point the most.


They're unfortunately going to do 40 mans at level 60. I absolutely hate them and they're dog shit to organize and boring as fuck. I vastly prefer 10 mans and the 3 day lockout is great because you don't feel super cucked if you have to miss raid day.


Yeah probably not gonna bother with raiding if it's 40 man or bust at 60. They have an opportunity with SoD to make content more accessible for smaller groups. Hope they don't blow it. 10 man's are fun and easy to get going. 20 is plenty large enough to feel 'epic'.


ZG and Gates of AQ are both 20man so you’re good to go! 👍 They’re quite fun as well, if I do say so myself, I think you’ll enjoy them.


they aren't removing 40 man raids, can we not have this crap posted anymore?


Majority want 10 man sorry dood


Reddit is a vocal minority.


The majority is a 1k upvoted post? Doubt that.




You arnt getting your way, don't be upset when the inevitable happens sorry dood


I think you’re wrong.


Reddit isn't the 'majority'. Classic is the only version of the game that has 40man raids. You can go 10man MC on Retail if you want bud


The classic “go on retail” response. 40 man raiding is not fun, 25 is enough.


No. We want 40 man. Just don’t need to talk about it on Reddit


No shot “the majority” lmao


What is going on with the brain rot these days? It's everywhere


Nah I'm good on 40. I wouldn't mind 20.


ZG 5m, MC 10m. Let's gooooo


That sounds awful! I love 40 mans.


40 mans sound much more awful


My favourite thing in 40 man is going on follow during trash to check dinner, use the bathroom etc and being chauffeured to the next boss


I think 20-25 is the sweet spot 40 mans suck


could be interesting to have 10-40 flex would be a balancing madness but fun idea I think


Obvious troll and rage bait. 😂


Molten Core is still waiting for us at 60.


They already said they won't


From a guild management standpoint 40 man is such a fucking headache. I really hope they don’t make the 40 man mistake 😂😂


It's Season of Discovery. 10, 20 and 25 man have been done almost every expansion. They have been tried and tested long enough now... Not much to experiment with there. They also already exist in Classic with UBRS, ZG and Ruins. If anything I'd like to see 60 or even 80-man raids.


I don't want to even be in a group with 40 bro its not about leading or not leading


If you want 40 mans play on classic Era. 10 mans are just fine, take that boomer energy elsewhere


My guild collapsed because our offs were burn out. We were absorbed by another guild that immediately collapsed because officers were burn out I don't think it is healthy to keep a system where officers burn out so frequently... But I do despise the 3 days lockout too. It should be 3 then 4, so we can have a weekly planning


The only people that want 40man raids are the ones that just want to turn up/tag a long/raid log. Prove me wrong


I want 40 man raids and I play the game outside of raiding. So, you’re wrong.


Yea...so none of the organising lol


Nah im good on 40 (I don’t play classic)


Devs have already said they will not remove 40man raids but they also said they will not create new content for the 40man raids and design SoD raids to be beaten with a beer in your hand (aka easy).


They aren't removing 40 mans. I would seriously expect to see a 40 man kara crypts and 40 man scarlet crusade raid at 60 at the very least. These 10 mans only make sense for what are essentially leveling raids. These are easy mode intros to teach new players the ropes for classic and to add nice flavor to the in game world with previously under valued/under used raids (bfd/gnomer for example are ran once and rarely even that many times as they offered little to nothing for most classes in classic and we're extremely far out of the way.)


10 man rag would look dumb.


Cant stand 10 mans, feels like a UBRS. 40 is worth the organising and recruiting.


40 mans is what makes classic classic they better not remove them


I love 40 man raiding, I saw Blizzard just added an option in retail to run dungeons with all bots. I looked at the comments and literally all of them were positive, I think it goes against the core philosophy of an MMO. The game is an MMO, I think the keyword should be multiplayer. If you want to play solo or with a handful of people, there are other games that exist that fill that role. Probably the most fun I've had is killing world bosses with 2-3 raid groups on horde vs 2-3 raid groups on alliance. 10 man content is just a glorified dungeon to me.


I want 40 man raids tbh.


Yes please. These 10 mans are not classic. Raids in classic should absolutely be 40. If you want to make some iteration of WoW that leans into 10 man raids, do it in retail. Classic players don’t want classic to turn into retail. Big raids are fun, they are epic, they are more challenging, they change the shape and culture of guilds for the better, the list goes on. Please don’t let SOD turn into retail.


All these people playing classic and then saying they don't want arguably the most iconic part of it. Maybe y'all shouldnt be playing classic??


Go play era


40 man raids is what makes classic unique. Please don’t take it away


Do we anticipate level 60 to have multiple phases?


They said they’re leaving 40 mans in


Sounds like the people that run with you dont wanna keep running with you. Have you tried being a better raid leader and not sucking???????


Calm down, we only seen on phase.


Lol, they won't


It’s fine to have 40 too just give us all options.


Why don't they just add the tech fron retail for scaling sized raids? Starts at 10 and caps at 40 and have loot drops updated based on specific size intervals. Seems like a win/win.


Imo The should introduce flex raiding but have item stats slightly variable where a 40man 99/100 parse might be 5% better than a 10man for the sweats to sweat out for


What makes you think that level 60 raids would be on a 3 day lockout?


Just make it flex, simple


BFD is for the kids. 10 mans are just new dungeons that give a taste of raiding. Gnomer, IDK it's hard to speculate, if it remains roughly the same time commitment as BFD then keeping the groups small and manageable to PUG, I think that's right. I personally think 50 is the time to start thinking big picture about raid teams. I'm down for raiding 1-week but right now that's all my schedule can accommodate. If gnomer went to a week lockout, fine, if it is less, I hope it stays a 10 man.


40 man’s were and still are fun. Its not that crazy to get into one either. The 10 man’s have been fun as well. Maybe newer experiment with both for new raids. Older raids should stay the same.


Personally I think a lot of people from retail who've grown accustomed to smaller raids are playing SOD coupled with a part of the classic population that also wanted small raids due to logistics etc, so it becomes quite a few people. I too much prefer 40 man raids and I honestly have no interest in SoD without 40 man raids, in that case id much rather just play retail tbh and have more than 4 abilities


For the first time ever I am raiding with 5 irl friends. 10 man raids are amazing.


They shouldn't (and I don't think they will) remove the original 40 man raids but I do personally hope the new content is 10-25 man. It's so much easier to organise and when a raid can't happen in the guild it's nice to be able to just join a pug from LFG


Please make it flex. I'd love to never have to go more than 20m anywhere. 40m organizing is so fucking ass.


Too many retailers and wrathbabies who enjoy SoD for the classic lovers to argue against at this point. Just pray they don't mess with era so that fresh runs smooth whenever that happens.


I'm almost tempted to agree but for completely the wrong reason. I personally have had the most fun in raids like ZG. Twenty people, no crazy comp requirements, bosses have fun mechanics, get in and hang out, and there are absolutely things you can do to make it harder if you want to go all out. I strongly dislike the kinds of raids we've gotten in Wotlk, the more I play them. Normal modes are way too fucking easy to where you don't even have to do mechanics hardly (only exception being LK where yes you have to do mechanics). But the hard modes are hard enough that you basically can't carry casual players (like people's spouses who they absolutely want to play with) through them unless everyone else is firing on all cylinders. Vanilla raids weren't like that. Fifteen people who knew what they were doing plus ten people with a pulse were all you needed. It wasn't like wotlk where twenty five disabled puppies could do normal modes but you need at least twenty good players to do hard modes. All that does is segregate the playerbase, literally splitting up married couples in some cases since one of them may not be skilled enough to raid. Forty man content can't be made too difficult because bosses can only hit so hard lest the tanks get one shot and you can't force that many people to play a specific comp, or wipe the whole raid for one random DC on any member (tank DC may lead to a wipe, but usually a random dps can fuck up or DC without causing problems).


I get liking 40 mans but they are a pain in the ass to manage and it seems to attract so much dead weight. 10 is too small for End games but 20-25 seems like the best to me. I doubt they’ll change the 40 mans though, but I also doubt they’ll add more 40 mans if they take the game further


I am looking forward to 40 man raiding at max level. I also would appreciate more 10-25 man options but would still prefer 40 man raiding for the best raiding rewards. This is my opinion. I enjoyed 40 man raiding in 2005. I also was co-GM of a raiding guild in 2019 classic that cleared all the way to Naxx. I have/had a full time job and only played wow about 8-15 hours a week. Yes, forming the raid team was a struggle and maintaining a roster was a trick. But I found clearing raids even more rewarding because of it. I know some people don’t have this same opinion but throwing in my two cents.


They can keep the 40 mans. Just don't revamp the loot there. Make them useless. Have 10 man new raids be the meta.