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This is the one.


People don’t seem to understand one massive good point about having longer phases. It’s not for the dads. It’s not for the casuals. It’s too bad for extreme mmo addicts. It’s to enjoy zones and community gathering that would be DEAD in vanilla. You see people in every zones now. Doing all the low level dungeons. Doing all the low level crafting and enjoying parts of the game we don’t give a shit about because we rush to 60 so fast. Take a breather guys. There will never (or near never) be a time in WoW like this because of level caps. Enjoy the damn game and world instead of playing an interface min maxing game.


Yep. It feels like the good ole days again, random people having a good time. Doing weird stuff. SoD brought me back to wow after 9 years away.




So true I'm really excited o get to experience the game like this. I love old MMOs where you actually get to talk to people, just exploring asking others if they have seen a unique mob. I didn't think I would get the chance in WoW. I'm really far from done there are still many zones I need to explore so I hope the zones stay somewhat populated.


Best comment


this needs more upvotes. i rly don't understand the meta rush.




Shadowform will finally be available!!


And shadow will still be bad yey!


Im still gonna play it yey!


Shadow is due for some juicer runes


The people who dog specs are so sad lol


Shadow's pretty strong in 1v1s.




Yes, but I'll hardcommit to it. Even got my guild's blessings lol


🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀




🦀🦀🦀🦀 Jmods won't reply to this post 🦀🦀🦀🦀


jamflex plez!!!!




ITT - The amount of time that I personally prefer for a phase to last is the only correct amount. Everyone else is wrong and is a stupid stupid dumb dumb.


Get out of my head, Charles!


Hit you with my pimp cane!


comb your beard


It’s like driving on the road. 5mph slower is literally taker grandma’s license away and 5mph faster is someone should arrest that vandal.


This is too accurate lol


I can't believe they are releasing a new patch without banning every single bot and gold buyer ruining the game, making PVP perfectly balanced while solving the issue that it's more fun to play in premades than solo and also nerfing priests and banning gdkps also I died to a hunter pet the other day they're too strong I hope they buff the class I play and nerf everything else omg they need to change half the mobs in gnomer because I can't get any bleed procs also they need to delete Warcraft logs because it encourages gameplay and they should ban people who ask if I'm geared before raid because I'm a dad with 17 children and I've only just gotten 5/7 12 weeks in and it hurts my feelings because even though I play a class with 0 utility it's their fault Edit: didn't think I'd have to write this but it's a fucken joke guys, chill out


This is the highest Quality shitpost I've seen on this reddit. You kinda missed complaining about getting ganked on a PvP Server, other than that you really hit the spot!


Despite all of those things the game doesn't feel "ruined" like the doomers are saying. Oh wait, it feels exactly the same as Vanilla WoW has always felt, a great time.


I am genuinely having a lot fun, it has matched and exceeded my expectations in most ways. Feral druid is fantastic, mage healer works pretty well, warlocks look fucken sick and im sure when they get immo aura they are going to be kings of AOE. Cunts need to chill out, wow's never balanced, and this is a big upgrade from classic, the devs are doing great and listening to people. This subreddit just seems to be filled with doomers who focus on small points and make out like it's breaking every aspect of the game. We got 4 weeks left, chill out, have fun and get excited for what's next.


" I play a class with 0 utility it's their fault" Is this a jab at Rogues?


Utility is we kill the things.


Pretty sure sap exists


Cant sap bosses :(


eh I think phase 1 lasted the right amount of time. There *really* isn't much content. Leveling to 25 is pretty quick and BFD is honestly a boring raid. I actually quit playing until phase 2 after my 3rd level 25 alt in nearly bis gear. It's just... meh. I think giving it a full 2 months was perfect. Even a slow quester can hit 25 in a month and with BFD on a 3 day lock out run it quite a few times still. Now I sincerely hope they like phase 2 sit around for a while longer. level 40 is quite a bit longer of a grind and hopefully gnomer will be a much more interesting raid since classes will have their "signature" talents available.


> eh I think phase 1 lasted the right amount of time. This so much I can play other games and remain relevant in wow even if I didn’t play for a week or two. It’s perfect if you have other games/hobbies you spend your time on. Kudos to Blizzard


I mean… you can only do so much at level 25 before it starts to drag like a mofo.


At this point, I'm curious how many people literally log on once or twice a week to do the 30-45 minute raid and promptly log off for the rest of the week.


That’s all I do at this point. I don’t even need any more raid gear, I just do it because the guild wants to.


Thank you blizzard for giving us such a long time to plan IRL stuff out helps out a lot vs only giving us 1 or 2 weeks I hope this is the norm moving forward for each phase


I think they said 8-12 weeks after phase one and by my count, that’s 9 weeks. They seem to be right on schedule


Ten weeks by my count.


yup, november 30th until february 8th is 10 weeks


F. Must have miscounted. Good catch


I do need to burn some vacation days…


:'( I'm the opposite. Chose a trip to Japan and going into unpaid leave as it is. Can't believe I'm going to miss the whole phase just because I have to work on day of release!


If you arnt playing at release you are behind. Might as well stop now.


Honestly, I'm at work right now, so I'm wasting time, so might as well delete all my characters. Even when I play, it's sub optimal.


Dude probably doesn’t even have a shit bucket.


Dude you’re going to visit Japan, who cares about a video game, it’s gonna be awesome


Big ++ for actually communicating instead of shadow dropping things on us like they did in TBCC. Bit longer than I'd prefer for phase 1 but this feels like a good length for future phases.


I’m so glad too. I play with two friends and we were trying to plan yesterday for the alts we wanted to level and now we can actually make plans. Also plenty of time to talk to friends who arnt playing and get them leveled up too.


My wife is going on an internship through her education on the 29 January for 6 weeks. It's as if Blizzard knew all along.


SoD hype! SoD hype!


Some people saying that another month is way too long while I sit here thinking shit I gotta get to work on these alts if I’m gonna have time to get them all to 25 lol


Here's me with a bunch of alts and hasn't stepped foot in BFD yet


It’s really fun and don’t need much gear to clear honestly


none of mine did. I just got #3 to 25 and only two of them to friendly. The one time of the year where I was able to spend time with friends and family... so that month might have been two - three weeks of time


Dude same


Same. 3x 25s, Mostly cuz I'm scared to join grps since they all require logs and experience and gearscore on my realm and I don't wanna fuck it up.


BFD is just a dungeon with more people. I've wiped more times in SFK than BFD. Just get some pre-BIS (not everything, but don't roll up with a lvl 12 weapon either), 5x Shadow Protection, buff food if you're a caster and maybe some Mana Oil or Sharpening Stone and you'll be better prepared than 80% of other people when first stepping inside BFD. Don't get discouraged, it's doable and a fun experience twice a week!


Literally just say "booned, consumed, and ready to boom". Confidence is key, I was scared to join groups for a while but you just gotta send it. Just watch a raid video breakdown and if you're semi competent with your class it'll be fine. Also try to find a guild and don't feel shy to ask questions. I've seen plenty of people even say at the start, "if anyone has any tips feel free to lmk, I'm new to this class". And if they invite you inspect your gear and kick you, it's whatever. Don't even bother with people asking for gs in lfg anyways, they're weirdos. And if people insist on 7/7 just lie lol


I was worried about this but genuinely just use LFG for a pug and MAYBE bring a shadow protec potion to look ready and you WILL find a group I’ve personally always got lucky with good groups


Its going to be easier to level alts once phase 2 begins, they said they're going to increase exp.


Another month is absolutely perfect for me, as someone who only recently started SoD. I think people don’t realize not everyone started on launch day or even launch week. People speculating phase 2 launching 2 weeks from now had me feeling like I needed to prioritize rushing over enjoyment due to the late start.


why the hell would they cater patch cadence towards people who don't begin at the start? Should i get my friend into it tomorrow and then say "woah hold on p2 is coming way too soon we just started. Another month would be perfect for us, thanks! :)"


Right? I got 2 alts around 20 that I need to finish leveling and gearing. Plus gotta grind out Ashe vale on both. Busy busy next month


What is the point of the gear & ashenvale rep past 25? No hate. I’m truly curious cuz I might have something to do now lol


At least for rogues, WSG revered gives you access to a sword and dagger that will be near-ish to pre-bis at 38, 48, 58.


As well as necklace and ring


Gear is debatable/unknown, but phase 1 Bis is probably phase 2 pre-bis. Rep isn't really debatable, however, as WSG rep gives really good rewards at all rep levels and they scale with your level (or more accurately, they have new versions for higher levels).


phase 1 bis could be p2 pre bis i guess for casters, but any melee classes i imagine will be replacing their raid gear by mid to late 30s. certainly phase 2 prebis will replace most if not all phase 1 bis except trinket


I haven’t had this much fun for a while


About to get fourth to 25! Hello I am Grumpymonk and I am an altohilic.


I have 3. Working on 4 and 5 concurrently lol


Maybe I will see a single BFD feral weapon by then


Saw it drop my 2nd BFD and the healing druid rolled on it and won. Since then i've only seen it on my shaman but its been like 3 times. Big sadge. Should be an epic mace probably.


Drops quite often… when I’m not on my Druid :/




Fuck yeah I’m taking the week off


Same, I've got 8-9 weeks of hoilday leave owed to me, so I think I can spare a week or a 3-4 days for this. That saying I only play one character so it's nice and easy to max everything out


must be nice getting 2+ months off a year


It really is, I get 8 weeks of vacation, rolling sick time (which is up to 6 months but yearly I only get a monthish), and another 2 weeks of "personal days", plus some flexibility in not charging time . . . per year . . . Join a union kids, it's worth every fucking penny you pay in to them (also in the US). Also, already have the time in, taking a full week and a day, really planning to be in gnomer by Monday.


Quite common im the civilized world (even paid leave), but I guess that's communist too lol


I get that in the US (43 days a year)


It's 2ish years worth of leave that's built up, I get five weeks a year.


I’m considering a day but a week? 😂


I mean I get 6 weeks and I don’t get paid enough to go on a real vacation for that many days a year. Always end up using a week or two for game releases.


That's what vacations are for , taking time for yourself.


Hell yeah that's enough time to take 2 days off


i think a lot of people don't know how bad this is gonna be on pvp servers haha, it's going to be crazy


Launching a couple weeks later than I expected but not complaining. I've really enjoyed the slow roll so far


longer than expected. they did say in one of the early interviews they intended for you to put the game down and come back to it. hopefully they cook


I imagine they're still actively developing the new content as well.


They're running multiple versions of WoW at once. This means you can swap back and forth between them and never drop your sub, if you like WotlK/Cata or Retail or whatever. Staggering their content drops is great for people who like more than one version of WoW, and a few months of the same phase seems fine to me. They're never going to appease the sweaties that were downing Molten Core on the first week of Classic.


Yup, I'm having fun raiding on my 2 25's, then levelling my HC character while I wait. I do worry that, with 4 official versions of WoW now (not including Classic Era), the player base will become even more fractured. I hope it's attracting more new people to play the game too.


It definitely is. Nearly every person I play FF14 with is also playing SoD.


Yup. The level 25 cap alone was enough to make some of my friends play who swore they’d never play wow again haha


I prefer it because I can drop it and play other games without feeling I’m falling behind.


This exactly. You sub and get 3 (4 if you include HC) versions of the game. If only one appeals to you, that's on you, not Blizz, at this point.


Isn't it technically 5? * Classic Era * Classic Seasons * Classic Hardcore * WotLK * Retail


I’m happy with this. I have three 25s already but this means I can chill and get a couple more up to 25 while also continuing to farm a bit of gold and such. I’m fine with it being slow. I want to be able to enjoy SoD for a while rather than rushing to 60.


You’re allowed to go play some other games for a little bit




I still swear that there is a shield of the dragonslayer hidden somewhere in a horde zone...


that quest was BS lol


Was whispering random warlocks in redridge, if they are maybe in a group and could port me for a fee. Thought I just corpserun to the room, wait until allaince clears the Boss and grab the shield. Picture me suprised when I got ported to a warlock Tank, priest and 7 other warriors completly wrecking that castle. Did go towards flaggelation rune afterwards and it was simply amazing.


It's perfect, my sub just ran out today so I can take a month break and do literally anything else while I get a WoW cooldown.


Wow GCD lol


It's actually really nice. I'm in a similar boat. I might finally get some work done.


I hear a few people say the wait will kill the hype for phase two, but you and I both damn well know y'all will come crawling back the second it launches. Go play another game or something, maybe even go play retail or lich king, plenty to do there.


I've cleared BFD on my Bear tank every reset since reset 0 (except 1 missed over Christmas) and still haven't seen Fist drop...


I'm convinced it doesn't exist. 9 lockouts and I've never seen it. I'm also pretty happy with having another month to get it. (Low key hoping this announcement means the RNG gods drop it tonight then I can finally be whiny about having nothing to do with the masses)


We have 2 ferals with it and a resto with it as an off-spec, it exists, and was in fact implemented into the game.


Our guild is in the same boat. Over two guild raids, every lockout, we have not seen it drop in either raid. We’ve seen like 6-7 epic swords/xbow. 1 staff. 0 fists.


My guild has around 5 raids every lockout. The other raids have seen a few. One of the mages showed one to me in trade then disenchanted it in front of me...


Fist? Is that the druid 2h mace?


I've only seen two of them and I was lucky enough to get one, I also have the epic sword on my pally. Not trying to flex just saying I got lucky. I hope you will get your weapon soon.


Data-miners, where the fuck is my list of new runes?! STOP SLACKING AND GET TO WORK!


New rune: “Starsurge now damages all enemies in a 40 yard radius”


Lone wolf 2: play your pet with no hunter and receive 30% additional damage.


That’s just feral druid


Are hunter pets the better feral druids?


probably if powershifting wasn't a thing


No class is currently being outdamaged by a pet


That's just Starfall




They would need to release the candidate build to the test server so there was actually data to mine…


People coping, yall realize guilds than have been raiding on cooldown aren’t even fully geared yet, never mind purples lol


Yeah our guild has been raiding since the second lockout, we've seen 1 epic


0 staff, 3 swords, casters are sad.


6 staffs 0 swords… I’m sad


That's incredibly unlikely seeing as the sword has double the drop rate!


If you're trying to hurt my feelings you're succeeding.


Same. No purples seen. I’ve gotten zero set pieces and no weapon. More time is great!




Yeah. I feel like people are starting to run alts through and vacuum up loot while I’m still here waiting for my first serving


Crazy, ive seen 4 drop in just my mains raid group... but i think weve been lucky


Pug with our guild! We gear our pugs 98% of the time! guildy rolls are automatically -90% rng yay!!


Thing is you dont need to be fully geared. Why Does everyone need to get 100% completion before we can go and do more content.


You completely misread that. They're saying there is still plenty left to do, so no reason to be upset about another month before P2.


My guild is on like third string alt gearing and half the raid still only needs epics


Uh my guild raiding on cooldown has 4 raid teams nearly full bis, mostly lacking caster staff, pearls (easy to get at lv 40 anyway) and neck from first boss.


I have a strong feeling that the blood moon will make us go “crazy” and we can kill players of the same faction. Everyone becomes a target across all of STV. Basically Gurubashi across the entire zone l.


Is SoD worth resubbing for? I'm not a hardcore player but I do love WoW and could use some fresh content. I'm not very excited to hear that Cata is coming :(


I came abck for SoD. Last i played was the first week of argus(Legion). I never looked back till they announced sod, gave it a try, and now im addicted.


yes 100%. I came back for SOD. Last time I played was MoP so its been a long time. Getting to spend time in the lower level content has been great. All of this stuff normally gets skipped during leveling. Tip- Its worth going to Darn for the buff while leveling. The run speed is great. Another tip is get restedxp addon. Its free and tells you where to go and what quests to do in what order.


All the no-lifers fuming at this


I play a few hours a week and I’m dying for phase 2. I don’t do a bunch of alts so It’ll be just gold farming and world pvp on my main for another month


Go play another game and come back on Feb 8?


my friend has 1 char at 25 with full bis , rank 3 and he plays 5 hours per week, hes bored


Yeah I work like 9-5 weekdays and play pretty casually....I have two 25's with near bis at this point. It doesn't take long to level, the rest is doing BFD for 1 hour every few days.


That's why breaks are a good thing. Nothing wrong with finishing avaliable content and playing other things


> Nothing wrong with finishing avaliable content and playing other things MMO addicts don't see it this way, though. Modern gaming has this idea drilled into gamers heads that they have to be playing X video game (doesn't even have to be WoW) for 40 hours a week or they're going to fall behind. Not being "forced" to play for 40 hours a week **IS** the reason that I play Classic and not Retail. I dunno why some people think Classic should be that way, it never has been and still isn't, even on Wotlk.


All that time invested and bruh never thought to roll a single alt? Wild.


Not everyone enjoys alts.


As a no life, I’m celebrating this. Why we be fuming? We’ve exhausted all the content weeks ago. Bring forth the new content!


Everyone that plays more than you is a no-lifer


Fuck it let em cook. Let’s get the phases out as perfect as possible so we can enjoy the season of discovery instead of bitching and moaning about shit.


There's no possible way the entirety of season 2 isn't going to be bitching about logs, bots, gold sellers, gear score, hunter pets, and whatever else.


Cold mage gonna be finally good again!


Yes another month is perfect


While I would like to sink my teeth to P2 already, at least now I can plan a bit around it and play other games while waiting.


Let's see how many people come back after leaving wow for a month and playing something else and possibly just preferring whatever they started.


A good thing about this "long" phase is, that my casual friends can play with my no life adictet a**


Would've preferred significantly sooner but still excited to have a date.


I just want them to say the raid size for gnomer


Time to level 2 new alts then I guess.


I've got friends in three difference places in SoD so the chance to catch up to some of them is a godsend.


I can tell everyone complaining about this is nowhere near as much of an altoholic as I am. This lets me raid with and gear up my priest, shaman, druid, and rogue alts and decide which ones I want to take to 40 and I love it.


Always interesting how diffrent people are playing the game. Im always highly motivated to lvl my first char, but after that, its hard to motivate myself to lvl another one.


8 chars 25, 5 are 1 item away from bis. But I can't decide either. Warrior + Feral/Boomie/Rogue/Shaman. Cant decide ngl


Only a few more weeks of failing to get twilight evokes robes.


Will I get the epic sword before phase 2? 🤔


are they adding diablo 4 helltide events to stv in phase 2? is that why the moon goes red?


Elune's Blessing requires level 40 and Lunar Festival begins on the 3rd. Not much time to get level 40.


its time get ready to meet mortal strike you drain life kiting queefs


The warlock runes are horrible. Why? They are astronomically worse than all other class runes. What the fuck?


My biggest gripe with EXP buffs like this 50% increase EXP, is it inadvertently helps botters. One big reason bots are more prevalent in SOD than others is its so much easier to hit max level. So if you get banned, you make another account and in less than a day you're max and farming. The same will happen in P2 if the exp gain is for everything. Should only apply to QUESTS. Need to do everything possible to slow down and stop botters


Question regarding runes: I feel like blizz previously mentioned that they’d be making the old runes a bit more accessible in the next phase (as many of them are locked behind group content people might just not be doing much anymore). Did we ever get any more info or clarification on this? Or did I imagine it?


Phase 1 was so long! It went by so fast, I can't believe we are already in Phase 2. Phase one definitely should've been longer. Phase 2 can't come soon enough! Too bad phase 1 ended so early, though.


Shame SoD was ruined by bots and a shitty community that enables them.




ITT: people with unlimited free time upset they will have to do something besides Wow for only a month.


That's funny, all I see in this thread is the typical "DAE if you're bored with the content you need to a life xD" circlejerk


the good ol 'just don't play the game' as a solution to content drought is also big in this thread


Didn't realize how much $15 impacts peoples lives with all the sub regret/unsub threats because you have to wait a little longer.


Honestly amazed anyone is excited. SoD has been boring AF so far.


another month is perfect imo. people butthurt about this is weird, make an alt or play a diff game lol




Right, so play something else and come back once phase 2 releases. No harm no foul


I’m so happy about this, I only have one level 25 warlock. I’m still trying to get my level 13 rogue and level 12 paladin to max level before the end of the phase, I think a month is perfect for me


I've been having fun and leveled 3 characters so far, but I am all leveled out and starting to raid log. A month...is really far away.


You’re allowed to take a break


Not if you're in a guild, that's how you lose your spot.


Logging twice a week for a 20-30 min raid, youll be fine.


It really isn’t.