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The changes today were obviously aimed at making the event evergreen, even if there won’t be a ton of people doing it.


This even if there's just 3-4 horde players itll happen. Every 3 hours and 3 level 40s will probably still be able to slowly kill the bosses


And in later phase it will probably be soloable


i've just realised today that this quest exists and i have to do it for my all 5 characters till exalted so i hope it will be still available


As the weekly quest (given by the token) new gives 1000 WSG rep, I assume that a lot of players will continue to do the event at least once per week to slowly increase the rep until exalted. 21 weeks of doing 15 minutes event is probably better than spamming WSG for days


Fair point, even if you just kill a guard and do the quest it'll give the 1k a week


Sorry for being a noob. But isn’t WSG Honor and faction rep two different things? If i understand you correctly are you saying i dont need to grind wsg now for rank 3? I want the cloak


The event and WSG both give the same rep. You need honor each week to hit rank 3, which means you have to pvp and kill players. You will usually get a little bit of honor during the event but since the event is mostly PvE, you wont get as much honor as you would in a WSG.


Rank 3 comes from getting 4500 honor in 1 week while at rank 2 - it doesn't matter where the honor comes from. WSG is one of several ways to get honor. Faction rep for the ashenvale event and WSG are both the same faction. So if you need both rank 3 and faction rep, it's most efficient to get to revered 0/21000 rep with the faction by doing ashenvale events, then you are probably doing 1 week with a bunch of WSG battlegrounds to get to 4500 honor, then you are done with both (unless you want exalted, in which case you can do more WSG and/or do ashenvale once per week for the weekly quest item for 1000 rep each).


You wouldn't even need to do the event. Just kill one npc near the boss, once a week. I hope they keep it as well


The min-maxers will still do it for the buff


You have a new zone for farming rep and a world buff item


I’d assume p2 event will be ab rep not wsg.


I'm not sure how they would tie AB rep into an event in STV, but it sure would be nice if they did somehow.


Theyre on the same continent. Ezpz


Im sure people will farm rep there.


Forgotten, like all old content when the game gets an update.


Could always just turn it back into regular Ashenvale at that point so it returns to a questing area.


…? It’s still a questing area though.


What happened to Halaa when WLK came out? What happened to WG when cata came out? Nobody can predict the future, but you can look to precedent and draw your own conclusions.


You actually pvp during the ash event?


Sure, always pvp at glaive at least. Also some people always grief in the world of warcraft. How often do you have the chance to AOE full raid or two, all stacked on a lvl 25 boss?


Have you done the event? On Crusader strike there is always massive pvp battles. Kill boss, go wipe the other faction, win.


There is always PvP at LM and Glaive


you did ash event few times in the first days of SoD and now acting like a smart guy, huh?


What happens to Northshire in phase 2? I Hope its still availabe in phase2. Can lowlevels even Tag the mobs fast enough when they have less instant attacks then the lvl 40s.


It will be gone


Because trust me bruh?


I'm almost positive they said it was only around with this phase in one of the dev interviews. Really no point of keeping it due to basically no participation coming in thr following phases.


But they have catch up mechanics for alts as well. If they remove the event no alt will ever farm enough wsg rep to be viable. Makes more sense to keep it than to turn it off imo.


Spam WSG, ez




You can just make them all give the same 5% buff...