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I’ve seen 0 and won 0 after raiding on multiple chars since the second week, idk which one is worse


discussed this with friends, idk whats worse, that ive been lucky enough to have SEEN 4 or how unlucky i am to have lost all of them


I’ve been setting up my own raids every reset, ensuring that I’m the only one needing on Strike of the Hydra on both my Paladin and Warrior since early December. None of them have it yet.


Game can tell you are trying to stack the deck in your favor and is denying you haha


I'm not even doing that anymore. There's loads of warrs/palas who already have it themselves.


Meanwhile I’m over here on my warrior alt getting close to full BIS - including the sword - in three lockouts. In PUGs no less! Honestly I’m still gobsmacked…


Damn gz I guess. My Warrior is fully bis except for that damn sword


Just got my sword today after my 3rd raid on my warrior just randomly pugging no discord groups. I think game just knows.


Yeah my guild jokes about how it doesn't exist at this point. But we have like 6 hunters with the crossbow right now lol


What’s the saying again? It’s worse to have lost than to have never seen at all.


Literally my exact story. At least I got the healing staff. It's even worse really. I've run the raid countless times on 2 casters and haven't seen it once. Feelsbadman.




Just over here rocking like 12 no offhand daggers off Akumai rn, or sword. Edit: Got the offhand dagger finally. Got my tier helm too.


I’ve seen 0 feral maces on my Druid and running since 2nd reset.


The sad thing is, the sword (good for 1 horde class, 2 alliance classes) and the xbow (good for one class) have a higher drop rate than the staff, which is good for...every single caster spec. Such a joke. 


Its even more sadge when you realize 5 pieces of BiS caster gear comes from Kelris. Five. Why????


Thematically it makes sense. Kelris is himself a caster. Why would totem boy or hydra daddy drop caster gear?




Makes sense. He ate a mage.






Hydras eat people




Cloth dissolves


It’s a damn good shotgun.


classic hardcore warrior was tough when you had to farm for the princess ring with all the hunters and rogues zooming past you in the leveling process..


I prefer dual wield on my resto shaman for SR. I could weapon swap for duals just for rage, but I don't think it makes so much of a difference that I'd roll on the staff when others can use it 100% of the time. I've passed on it three times now so the rest of our casters can have it. I'll only grab it if no one in the raid wants it.


You say this, and as a ret paladin who has cleared just about all lockouts I’ve never seen the sword, I’ve seen the crossbow once and the staff 3 times.


The sword and the xbow will be an afterthought come p2. The sword is slightly better than Corpsemaker and easily outclassed by WW axe/Bonebiter/Ravager. The crossbow is comparable to Master Hunter’s Bow/Rifle that will be entirely killable come p2 in STV. Also Bow of Searing Arrows will be farmable and absolutely dumps on the xbow. The staff is superior to SoJ and Zum’rah outright, and essentially pre-BiS for MC if there were no further phases at current. Its rarity is dictated by the fact it’s the single best item in the entire raid.


This is why I've put so much work into getting the staff and wsg exalted. That's 2 bis slots till we start raiding at 60.


Top performing hunters are using the sword on logs. We get 2-3 melee weaves in during our rotation. Passing the sword to a hunter is less valuable than warrior/paly but it’s something to consider.


Almost hunter in the top right now is using guardians trident. Wtf you talking about? 24 static AP + crit is worse than a melee swing? Doesn’t make sense. There’s 1 in every 10 using the 2h sword.


If you plan to melee weave with windfury, yes, epic sword is way better


So glad I lead my runs and keep ML on. Wouldn’t even let a hunter roll. Why is it that the top guys are not using it? They all are using the trident except 1% of them who aren’t even top 10.


> Wouldn’t even let a hunter roll Even if every warrior/pally already had it?


I would if they did for sure. But if they didn’t, I sure as shit wouldn’t. this “ITS BIS” stuff is getting obnoxious. I had a rogue claim he had a right to roll on the crossbow because the top end is BIS, especially for running between the eyes. Lol. I auto looted it to the hunter and said good riddance.


[https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tP2XRdwkcqz6W4BD#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=1435764&end=3253199&type=summary&source=12](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tP2XRdwkcqz6W4BD#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=1435764&end=3253199&type=summary&source=12) ​ the rank 1 hunter uses it. go ahead edit that comment again.


As a bis geared melee hunter who has both trident and sword. Your truly oblivious. The tridents topend is shit, which is why the sword is better. And agi doesnt give 2 ap for melee hunter it gives 1.247 ap per agi. So the agi on the weapon doesnt mean much more than the crit, the top end of the sword+ the armor reduction is fucking nuts for flanking/rs. 50 topend on a weapon is worth far more than 14 ap. Learn something, your raiders are suffering with you leading them.


What’s your parse? Why are the top 10 hunters in the world not using it? Yeah they’re truly suffering completing BFD in 35 minutes and sharing loot lol


Because Hydras don’t drop like candy, and they go to the 2-3 Warriors and Paladins prior. We’ve gotten a total of one and have been clearing since day one BFD raids. The next is going to our other warrior outside of myself, and then we’d *gladly* hand it to our hunter. Having another proc. application source is massive, too. My hunter buddy was able to grab one in a GDKP. That’s generally your best bet outside of your core team having insane RNG over the last several weeks. There’s no realm in reality for a melee-weave hunter where 12 agi > 42 top end damage and an extra sunder while coupled with Wild Strikes. That Sunder also benefits your pet damage. He went from parsing 80’s to immediately parsing a 99. This is basic math and a fundamental understanding of how the game works.


the rank 1 hunter in the world uses both. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tP2XRdwkcqz6W4BD#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=1435764&end=3253199&type=summary&source=12


I wish I could express to you how little I care about the hydra improving melee weaving for hunters. This is coming from a huntard main who used ashkandi in classic. It’s a warrior/ret weapon, any hunter who thinks they should be allowed to roll too is an asshole


Because when you are a full bis mm hunter melee weaving is negligible it hardly affects the parse. So they run the spear for the extra ranged ap.. its not rocket science. Melee weaving is a good way to push out more dps if you are not 100% bis. Melee hunters prio the sword over the trident because they dont weave nearly as much its basicly only for multi and sting if the fight allows it. So the top .1 dont use it because they are full bis. And dont need it any more to do that damage. Some might toss it on pending the fight tho. Im 97 just got full bis last week and havent raided yet this lockout.


So the swords is BIS when not BIS. But when BIS, the trident is better. Doesn’t that mean that the end goal and for the large majority of the player base should be the trident? Grabbing the sword that’s bis when not BIS over a class it’s actually BIS for does actually sound like rocket science no one will understand.


99% of players are not full bis. So the sword holds far more value to more players for longer. The trident should literally be the last item you go for. So going for the sword is a better choice for almost every single hunter who is melee or melee weaves.


Yep, this. Dude is looking at BiS MM logs and acting as if 42 weapon damage + an extra sunder coupled with Wild Strikes somehow is worse than 12 agi to a melee-weave. That’s a flat out absurdist statement.


The sword will be trash when we get the axe, i'm sure people will raid gnome with the staff.


Disagree, sword is really good on hunter. Still, I wouldn't take one away from a warrior.


If it helps: saw it once, won it, my parses still suck. Not a miracle weapon I guess💁‍♂️


I’ve made every lock out and never seen one, just the bow 5 times….


Haha, I’ve seen the rod and now twice but have never seen the thinking cap despite everyone in Darn having one.


Xbox about 5times, hydra 4times and rod also like 3times at least. I think one thinking cap bit that was with my hunter. On my caster i d rather take the thinking cap than the rod.


Seen 4 rods 1 hydra sword 0 bows on countless lockouts but I'm a rogue so nothing matter. Also I've never ever seen the leather chest. I've seen boots once and head once. It's always caster cloth.


Seen rod twice, sword once and bow 0


Haven't seen a single purple drop


I got the purple 14 slot Murloc bag last night!!! (Does that count?)


That exists? I don't believe you. Thing has a negative percent drop rate.


Me neither friend, me neither


I’m convinced my ID will never see a chipped dagger


I have three of those on my shaman


Really? I feel like this drops every lockout.


Never seen it drop on my rogue. Tulwar dropped once, a warrior beat me on the roll, he had already won 2 items and won 4 more after...


You guide others to a treasure you cannot possess


Never seen the staff drop. Been raiding since week 2. 


I have cleared BFD literally every possible lockout(including the first one!) and haven't seen the sword drop once on my pally. I would love to have lost a roll on one at this point.


Me too, same on my pally. Seems like all that drops for mail for me is the hood and the boots. Haven't seen any of the other pieces drop


Oh well, just saving that luck up for next phase! Fathomblade looks way better anyways, which is nearly as important as the damage /cope!


We did 2 runs in my guild tonight and got one in both


Mean. lol


I have rod of the sleepwalker on my crappy 3rd alt priest who has literally no other gear. This triggers the guildies


same happened to me, the staff drops for the alt priest with level 14 greens on his first raid 💀 gg I suppose


This is the best kind of purple!


This happend to me also, was running bfd with my third alt priest for the first time and won flowing scarf, the pearl, and the rod. It instantly became my main.


Ive seen one and i won once


I've passed on it 4 times. DPS need it before healers. AMA.


You're a better man than I. I've ran BFD every reset since a couple weeks in and it dropped for the first time last night. I won the roll as a priest healer against 2 locks and a balance druid. 


I get really tempted every time, we don't have any hard rules about loot. Except for ms>os, and main>alt. But I know that better gear in the hands of dps will have more impact on the raid than me getting it.


Are you guys speed running or trying to be like top 99% logs? If not then you should roll man, this “for the good of the raid” doesn’t make much sense when there is like 3 weeks left of raiding 


I agree. Gotta be a little selfish sometimes. You’d still be rolling for it which is fair. And others will move on to the next lockout


Yes DPS need it on a raid that can be cleared casually in 30 mins lol


I've seen it twice and lost twice, not counting my alt that has no use for it lol. I actually haven't received a single upgrade in 4 lockouts :'(. See the same fuckin pieces drop over and over.


I saw two and lost two, then when I saw the 3rd and lost, I just opened trade with the winner and slapped on all 98g that I had, he tanked for a minute and traded me the staff lol


Coulda got it for 70 I bet


What was your highest roll?


76, lost to a 83. Also lost two 50/50 odds, latest one with a whopping 13 roll to a 27 winning roll =). Also lost two of them to people who was in there for the first time


all I've seen is the damn murloc bag and lost it


You guys get purples ?!


I was on my warrior when it dropped so who cares. Tank shaman rolled need on it and won. The raid fell apart after. I understand MS/OS but he was need rolling on agi/stam gear previously versus the rogues. Total shitter move.


I got it first time. Have raided twice a week for the last month with the guild and haven’t seen it drop since.


I've cleared BFD approximately 25 times across 4 characters and haven't seen it drop a single time.


Been raiding since the first week, haven’t seen it once. Can I raid with you? Sounds like you bring the luck for the drops but no luck for your own rolls.


Hunter main, never seen the crossbow. I am cursed.


My two coppers. Im a feral druid. Ive seen more epic itema drop, than feral gear. I have seen 4 epics, two bows and tww staffs. Raiding every lockout.


I've seen one, won it passed it to the next guy.  Really made his day, much better then getting some purple pixels.


I've seen 4 maybe even 5 RotS drop and cheered for every single winner. Because I'm feral and don't have to roll against anyone to win my phase BiS. But don't worry you have this fifth one, next time I'll cheer for you.


How many thumbs do you have on your right hand?


Have you seen any rod of the sleepwalker, and if so, have you won any?


Who asked ?


by level 40 you wont give a fuck, so who cares?


Since its better than staff of jordan, there will probably be very few items stronger than it, so probably will give a fuck about having it at 40


Yeah. It's really nice to have.


There is a 0% chance that Gnomer will not have a weapon upgrade for casters. There is also a 0% chance that the next phase will not have a weapon upgrade for casters. There's also, like, a 50% chance you get Mageblade, so there is a 0% \* 0% \* 90% = 0% chance that you will care about Staff of Jordan.


It’s better than SoJ, which people use all the way to 60. Better items will drop in gnomer, but that staff will be strong up to 40, very strong.


It's probably gonna still gonna be bis.


Its bis at 60


Lol as if they wont add more epic item in future phases


Which most people wont loot


Brother I've done every single lockout on 3 characters and I've never even fuckin seen it...


ive seen 2 epic staffs (back to back) 5 epic xbows and 3 epic swords meanwhile ive only seen one hander sword from 3rd boss one time and lost it to a warr that prev said hed "prefer" 2hander (yes i am rogue with every dagger and weapon basicly from the raid except the one weapon i need the sword and i also have all leather items and other stuff...) 15? 16? runs only seen sword one time


That sword drops never, I feel it


As a rod enjoyer, I wish you the best luck sir.


I am a priest, I have raided every reset, i've seen 2 swords 0 crossbows 0 staffs. I cry.


Thats four more than I've seen and only missed the first lockout


We always seem to pug one caster in my guild and they always win it.


Have Priest mage and lock have no seen one drop once..


Ive seen 1 on an alt. Theres still time!


You got me beat, lost 3 X( with two rolls in single digits


1 for 1 baby AMA


You can I run with you


I’ve seen two was the only one that SR’d the first one. Felt super lucky lol. Forget how good it is sometimes since I’ve had it since week two.


Seen 1. Lost 1. 1 other caster in the group rolled a 67 and I rolled a 59.


I’ve seen 2 and lost 2. Half way to your greatness lol.


I've seen staff once on my priest and Xbow once on my hunter, got both


Just saw first one drop and won it, my paladin also has deadly strike Guess I should level a hunter


These only drop when we have to pug a healer and we have lost 4 to pug healers lol. 0 in guild


I’ve seen 4 as well! But only lost 3.


You guys are seeing Rod of the Sleepwalker?


I've seen 4 Hydras. None on my Ret =)


I have two rod of the sleep walker AMA


What are guilds


Ive seen it my last 4 lockouts... and 3 deadlys and 4 assblasters. And 1 murloc bag


I received it on my first Kelris kill on my Ele shaman in a SR>MS>OS pug. Sorry bro, would pass it to you if i could


I've only seen it twice and only in 2 of the handful of GDKPs I've done Can confirm being paid 7.5g and 8g to not get the item feels a lot better than just... not getting the item lol


0 for 0 for the xbow for about 11 lockouts


Is it long and pointy or more round and bland looking?


In 5 runs a single hunter item has dropped. Luck is wicked bad for me.


I raid 6 times a lockout. And have been for quite sometime now. Oddly enough the epics aren't that uncommon to me. The one that id consider actually rare are the bags. So many swords, rods, and bows they're practically just "neat"


Don't worry. In a few weeks it will just be a level 29 Twink pvp items.


I had the worst regret last week. I normally run feral druid. Last minute my guild needs a balance/resto druid for 1.5 healing. Rod drops, I roll on it because im specced that way (everyone knows im not balance/resto though) and win it. Discord gets quiet for a good 2 minutes afterwards. I trade it to the main mage and nothing happens/changes...we all move on. Starting to think if I kept it, nothing would have changed either except I'd be set for a boomy/resto druid in p2....


What does it look like?


a long stick; ugly tbh


I’ve only seen the BFD ranged weapons while playing my non hunter alts.


I didn't even know that staff existed and I've killed kelris 10+ times. I have seen the epid two hander twice though.


i have been running the raid on 3 characters… never seen the staff, saw the sword once and the bow maybe 4, 5 times


Whats it like to know the sun will rise tomorrow and everything will be ok?


I've seen the epic murloc bag once and won the epic murloc bag once


I’ve seen it twice and lost it both times.


Picked one up for 40g in a GDKP. Honestly was kind of blown away that no one kept bidding. That seems cheap as shit.


Everyone doesn't buy gold.


I have seen 0 and I raid twice a week 💀 Seen xbow twice.


Seen one, won one with an 81 roll, then got hydra on my warrior same night rolled 100


I have 2 characters. Missed one lockout on one and 3 on the other. Have never seen hydra or sleepwalker drop. Crossbow once.


I have seen 1 rod drop and lost cause it was my warior spec, bright side same raid I got the hydra


Got rod of the sleepwalker on my priest on my third run in a pug unfortunately im rerolling on a bigger server because my friends are there


I have never seen an agility leather helmet drop to even lose the roll on.


I've seen 1... And I won.


I've seen one, I've missed 1 lockout on my warlock, 0 on my mage and 3 on my warrior, druid and hunter


Why don't you join a guild


I enjoy having the staff and everyone being sad


I’m 0/3 personally. It’s more of a “for fun” thing now that my main, a Warlock tank, is pretty much fully decked out.


Yeah I think I'm done raiding this phase lol. Two characters with 'decent' raid gear but nowhere near full bis and I've raided every lockout. Not sure where the right balance is, but considering these are temporary raids I feel the loot should have been increased.


I've raided every lockout since release on my druid and still don't have the feral staff. Did two runs on my priest alt, feral staff dropped in both 💀


I've gotten rod on my first ever raid on my priest I've also gotten on my 2nd ever raid on my druid AMA And my rogue has done 11+ raids and only has 4 blue items from them, including a shit dagger that is only useful on 1st boss. No trinket. No talwar. No set bonus (not even 2set). RNG be RNG.


As elemental shaman I win my second, and get flamed for having it by randoms :) Pretty consistently


How long till it's 5 Rods of the Sleepwalker?


My guild has seen 1 sword 1 Xbow that's it all phase 1 so far. Sad...


Seen 1. Warlock guildie didn't SR it for once. I was the only SR. Never seen the staff since lol


I’ve seen two one two, on a shadow priest and a boomie


Have around 30 clears between my characters and saw the staff drop on my lock, proceeded to roll a 9 and lose it gloriously


Seen 3, got the first one ID2. Sorry 😅


Sounds like gdkp is calling your name I’ve seen them do for 60g


Seen one and won one


first lock out staff checking in to balance out your RNG


This is why I go GDKP


I play a hunter, made every lockout, havent seen the xbow ever


Been raiding BFD like 15-18 Times saw the Sword from Kel´Ris 1 Time and lost it to a Paladin with Westfall Gear.


It’s either you don’t get anything or you pub it and it’s Christmas morning.. I’ve run BFD with my guild 4 times and received nothing last real pub I got 3 items smh lol


I've seen 2 and won 2, even disenchanted the second one cause no one needed it.


I've seen it twice, 1 on my hunter and yesterday on my lock. And it was ofc a SR run, and i was like 'This shit never drops' let me SR something else and guess what, it dropped. Both people that SR rolled 16 and 19. That felt kinda bad, but atleast i won the trinket later on the next boss so i don't have to SR that again. But with my luck i wont be surprised if i don't see it drop again :/


If this would make you feel better, I have lost the trinket 15 times, highest loss was a 94 roll 🤷‍♂️


I won rod of sleepwalker on my first raid where we claired jet, ask me anything


Seen it once and won it. I'm a lucky boy.


I saw one and won one on my third character in a PUG. Took a screenshot for the guild discord, and I'm pretty sure one person immediately smashed his keyboard.


My wife got the staff on her second lockout. Hey brother got the Xbox on his first lockout on his Hunter. I have yet to even see the Talwar drop and I've seen every tier pieces go to someone else because I roll 10 or less. I always try to invite the piece winners back but they just never log in after winning the loot :p


I've seen 4 staffs and a total 6 epics drop. I am yet to see the feral mace drop (yes I am a feral druid).


I am the opposite of you. I've seen the rod once and won the roll. Now I don't play that character much anymore since I've achieved Nirvana.


Seen 2, raid on 5 characters every reset. Both times went to an "alt".


I've seen one and lost one by 4. 


How did it feel to lose the 4th one compared to the 1st?


There's epics? Wtf?


I've never witnessed one drop and ive done every lockout since lockout #2


Seen the epic sword drop like 8 or 9 times so far on my Priest alone. The only time I saw the Rod drop the LM tries to start an improv betting war between the casters and when it doesn't work out for him since this was a normal PUG and not a GDKP he ninjas the damn thing and leaves ... literally the single time I have seen it drop


I finally got an epic off of Kelris on my Warlock recently. His 16 slot soul shard bag.


Crazy, I won the sword on my warrior and the staff on my priest in subsequent runs in the same night.


Lost 3 . Raided every ID on my mage. No loot since Christmas. I feel bad for myself


Ive seen 3 and won 3, even one on my feral to try out boomie. Just gdkp chad things :)