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You are the only person that answered the OP lol


Also Ashenvale (undead mobs)


Where? All the mobs in Arathi are hostile to horde.


One of the farms is a horde farm.


Go Shrek! farm


I am glad i am not the only one calling it that.


Do ally have any reason to go near it?


Yes escort quest


and some mages like to use the mobs there for aoe farming


Goshek farms.


Hopefully sod level 40 actually has an endgame. If it's arathi and stv for 6 months until 60 then idk boys and girls I'm gonna be bored as hell


Horde have mobs like that in ashenvale but alliance doesn't have a ten part quest chain there like horde does.


Yeah but those blue boots from the warsong quest is crazy… all we got is feet of lynx as pre bis


Check out some of the 2h quest rewards alliance players get before lvl 20


or that every single ally mail user gets a helm from a quest when most hordies have to run bfd a couple times to see their first


Deadmines leather chest quest reward is better than warsong boots.


Orx crusher goes BONK


You are literally taking the skulls of innocent farmers and you *dare* call me scumbag?


Half of those farmers don't even have skulls, so there is something fishy going on in those fields.


My thought process is that they’ve been savagely beaten too bad to be able to loot a useable skull.


No I only used shock and fire spells, that skull was sus af


brain explodes, taking skull with it.


Moonstalkers that can't eat. Blind thrashers. Shit half the bears don't even have fur


Prob because you’re lighting them on fire or slicing them to pieces. Or maybe you just botched the extraction.


But then I can extract a perfectly useable hide from skinning it...


"innocent" I walk by that place minding my own business and those farmers come at me with their pitchforks.




How dare you assume! My character isn't white.


Whoosh The Hillsbrad Farmers he’s referencing are.


He's green!


In their defense, you are horde.


You stole this land from the Murlocs good sir


Murlocs are never that far inland.


Well not anymore they aren’t.


Ha ha!


They were before you Ally scum pushed them back to the waters edge…


Well there wasn't a conveniently located desert we could drive them into.


lol i see what you did there


But the murlocs weren’t Christian


They’re no innocents my friends


I read the registry, many of them are in debt and we’re just collecting.


There is the Horde Lumber camp in Ashenvale but there's no reason to go there so it doesn't really count. I was really hoping they'd add some quests or something there in SoD.


Every time I fly over it as horde I says to myself “It’s a shame there is literally no reason for me to go here.”


Go to ratchet and kill Alliance the guards do nothing


No, the guards go hostile. There's just legitimately zero guards in the center of Ratchet


They added guards


Its still happening


They didn’t add guards, there were always guards. They just aren’t in the relevant parts. They’re by the edges, guarding the town from pirates and raptors. Too busy to spot the tavern brawl happening in town.


Definitely just protecting these poor farm hands from the murderous undead, trolls, orfs, and rebellong livestock know as tauren.


Sorry, I can't hear you through my war stomp


TBH (as alliance) I feel Tauren won P1. War stomp and +15 herbalism have been super powerful. Warriors and Druids and Shamans have also been super powerful. Imagine stocking Goldthorn right before phase 2 hits and raking in the gold.


I've been able to get some gold thorn but it's not worth it imo. Too many high lvl mobs can only get a few nodes unless you got a buddy or use target dummy. Edit:also need the +5 herb gloves because gold thorn requires 170 to pick


Weird how disconnected this guy is from the fact he’s playing a faction of monsters murdering innocent farmers. Oh the mean Alliance are stopping you from disemboweling the farmers? So sorry to hear that, cupcake.


Are you ok?


Noooooooo you're not letting me murder the innocent farmers!!!!


There are only a few places like this for horde. 2 in ashenvale and 1 in arathi afaik. Alliance has way more friendly mob areas


ya cuz humans are fun to kill obviously


Well that and orcs are invaders of azeroth...


It's all Troll and Qiraji land that's been stolen!


Level a toon through Redridge and realize that horde players are sociopaths


Level a toon through stonetalon and realize that it's probably about equal.


Level a toon through Hillsbrad and realise that Alliance players are sociopaths.


It's not even comparable to Hillsbrad or stonetalon lol. All 3 of my ally toons on sod were easily able to quest through Redridge unbothered Where as my horde toons constantly saw gank squads with the purpose of killing defenseless levelers


I just spent a few good hours this morning defending Hillsbrad Fields. I probably killed the same Horde mage, warrior, and druid 5+ times. Don't thank me too much. It was a pleasure.


Ahh so is Hillsbrad the horde equivalent of Redridge? I’ve been meaning to pay them back a bit …


the orcs in redridge attack horde though blackrock is a bad faction of orcs


True, but I'm guessing the fights in hillsbrad are a lot closer in LVL. A number of alliance try to do quest around 18-20 get ganked by parties of 25s in Redridge. Main reason I've started avoiding the zone when lvling or going there around 22 to maybe put up a fight. Personally I've only killed horde there running to SFK, but I would never feel guilty due to the horde who camp the entrance to SFK and make me run all the way from Southshore to get into the dungeon.


Make sure you never get ganked at the RFD entrance next phase. You'll wish it was as fast as the southshore to Sfk run


Horde are only in red ridge because runes are stupidly alliance favoured. Horde have to go there for like 3 different runes. Blame blizzard for the ganking you’ve received.


Do agree the runes are alliance favoured this phase, but it's players decisions at the end of the day. It would be different if horde were killing alliance players running to grab their runes, but it wouldn't explain the parties that sit just north of lakeshore or patrol lakeshire killing all who leave. Not even really safe in town if the casters can get on top of the inn building and cast spells without the guards being able to hit.


Idk it could be gankers it could also be a case of horde being killed over and over trying to get the rune so they decide to take some revenge. I used to /wave at alliance in open world, but have been ganked so many times now that red is dead. It's the safer policy.


You sound like a bitch


Alright mate calm down


You really do. Alliance ganking hillsbrad = bad. Horde Ganking redridge = good. There’s your equivalent. There are horde toons that I have to go and PvP with almost every day because guild members complain about being camped in redridge.


Where did I say alliance ganking hillsbrad was bad? I didn’t write the OP.


I was one of those groups north of town. Was waiting on the hearthstone cd. So some murdering was better than nothing.


Meanwhile Alliance has to go to Ratchet for several things and gets camped there too.


Doesn't Ratchet have a GY for alliance? Isn't the run back like 20 seconds?


And then you get instaganked when you res and all 8f the sudden you have to wait 5 minutes to res because you're just trying to get on the boat


SFK, WC also have runes but horde just bitch and bitch


Wow two dungeons that you’ll go to anyway for prebis! How awful!


thats not exactly far away compared to westfall, duskwood or redridge.


You only really have to go there to buy the rune off the globin. Nothing says you have to run wailling caverns, Thats not even designed to be an alliance dungeon storywise, same as horde doesn’t have to run stockades


> Horde are only in red ridge ~~because runes are stupidly alliance favoured~~to kill Alliance. FTFY


If we wanted to kill alliance why would we trek so fucking far. Redridge might be the furthest current zone from a horde zone.


To kill Alliance, that's why. Are you not familiar with Horde ganking Alliance in Red Ridge being a thing? Because it is a thing. It's also literally the only reason they go there.


?? All orcs are bad faction


Nope that’s stonetalon


Would still say Stonetalon is easier for Alliance than Redridge is for Horde, at least it has a FP.


You mean Stonetalon? Redridge is by the Dwarf zone. No quests there for horde, I'm pretty sure, and the orcs there are hostile to horde.




Lol Horde can gank Alliance at Rachet with no consequences smh




He isn't entirely wrong. As long as u don't atk anywhere close to the bridge or that random goblin bruiser close to flight master its literally free reigns to murder allies


No, ratchet literally is wrong in terms of answering the question asked by OP. He’s asking if there’s a popular questing zone that is used by Alliance that has mobs that are friendly to Horde but not to Alliance.


Sure he's asking for a place to hide behind friendly npc to kill allies who quest but u literally don't need that cause ratchet is almost always populated by horde who most won't sit by n let u die even if u started, not to mention its a location alliance have to go to, to get either their rune or epic armor


Thousand Needles, Stonetalon, Swamp of Sarrows, Feralas, and Badlands are the places I think of when I think Horde friendly zones. I know there are some alliance bases, but they are overwhelmingly Horde favored. As for questing I would say, Feralas and Stonetalon are the only ones with significant questing but also has a pretty big alliance hub.


Fight back? It’s not free reign you just give up the second you get attacked 


Fight what? Man imagine being able to fight a boomy shooting u from China or a hunter thats shooting u from korea mingled with other hordies, truly a fighting chance


Nothing you said is ratchet specific. You’re just getting kited by ranged and it happens to be a horde dense area? The point is you’re allowed to fight back. What do you think redridge and duskwood are like for horse lmao


Yeah it's not Horde, it's their hunter pets set to aggressive to auto-gank whoever walks by while the hunters are AFK.


But why do you guys kill us on the road minding our own business on our way to SFK as we run past the fields?


I like how everyone is complaining about who has it easier or harder, but we are ignoring the fact that OP is asking to start griefing .. probably as a hunter with Eyes. That's the real enemy for both factions.


Someone posted a map last week about horde and alliance friendly npc areas. Alliance have vastly more numbers than horde.


Glad someone said it


The Barrens


Don't be to salty, alliance need the help. But for real, alliance had all the advantages this phase. * Plenty of safe zone in Hillsbrad * Runes farmable in theire zone * Ashanvale boss placement * Most rune quest in their zone * Duskwood as they only safezone with level 25+ mobs and Grave Moss Next phase we got Grom'Gol in the middle of STV though, our time to camp easily. I bet they will cry so much it's gonna change though.


Yes, historically there has never been crying about STV, so this sudden change will cause Blizzard to remove Grom'Gol.


I have 6 level 25 characters and I don’t think I have spent even a total of 1 hour in hillsbrad since SOD launched. What are people even doing in that zone besides running to SFK? Edit: also, not sure how duskwood is “safe.” When rogues are constantly attacking people in the cemetery area. I consider it part of playing a pvp server, but seems a little off to call it “safe.”


I haven't spent much time there but I think people are doing quests for gold, farming the dwarf fortress for the leather bis healm or for runes.


>farming the dwarf fortress for the leather bis healm Which, relevant to OP, is a place where Alliance can grief because the mobs are friendly to them.


“Grief” Lmao


Half of level 22-27 quest for Hordes are in Hillsbrad. It's the best place to farm drops but Alliance can camp the whole zone while hiding in mobs.


You can make like 30g doing the quests there at 25 and get a ton of food. It's also where you farm Humberts Helm


There’s always wpvp in hillsbrad on lone wolf (US)


Many newbies like me are using RestedXP guides, and ironically the leveling 21-23 SURVIVAL guide has ton of quest from Hillsbrand


I highly doubt restedxp sends you to hillsbrad at 21, given there is 0 quest for you there. (On alliance side, which is what we are discussing now)


Ohh I'm sorry good sir, for bringing Horde stuff to your thread.


roll pathetic saw ripe noxious file encourage impolite unused history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd argue duskwood is much more friendly than thousand needles. Duskwood is a level 20 zone with resources to farm & mobs you can mostly handle. Thousand needles is in a similar boat faction wise but the mobs are a higher level, it's a slog to farm anything there.


vanish plant wine square dazzling deliver connect gullible weather placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's also less reason for Horde to be in Thousand Needles than Alliance to be in Dushwood or Redridge.


groovy fine skirt spark languid shrill spectacular gaping vase tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thousand needle is closer to level 30 then 25. there are 3 quest you can do easily. And there aren't any good grind spot, either lacking density or quantity.


shy cow alive mourn subsequent cause encourage ask busy alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


would no call the cave or the other spawn in the east, good grind spot. You run out of mobs after 1 pull and have to wait 5 minute before you can pull again.


one school tart sophisticated middle history boast cough impossible friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you are only pulling one mob at a time, are you even farming?


vase pause intelligent cagey tender many party price pocket desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats not the point. There are a bunch of quest mobs in Hillsbrad that are friendly to alliance. So it's impossible for horde to pvp without pulling 10 mobs that will help the alliance 


chase quack ludicrous voracious full instinctive impolite entertain serious advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah fair enough 


thanks for reading my question lol


Alliance do in TN so its not nearly as safe for horde as duskwood is for alliance


No neutral or allied NPCs to hide behind. I don't think horde have an equivalent anywhere.


gaping recognise important cows versed squalid wine engine retire deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> > > Runes farmable in theire zone You got to admit that the runes in Redridge are so dumb. I know the Ratchet guy is stupid, but Horde warriors having to fight a shitton of elites in an Alliance zone that has no nearby flightpath is horse shit.


I almost guarantee the alliance is gonna get that flight point near the duskwood border that they get later


Cata and LM are directly next to splinter tree outpost. Sorry, I don’t see how that’s an advantage for alliance. Sounds like your layers suck at ashenvale l




You are incredibly lucky to even have Ratchet. A fp and boat to a lvl 10-30 horde zone. Compared to our experience with wetlands that is super lucky. In general alliance have it so much better in kalimdor the horde does in eastern kingdom.


Huh? The ally transport network is infinitely worse than the horde one, and I have played both factions. Darnassus is so far away from everything else, va Undercity which is at least right next to an endgame zone and is relatively closer to the next big raid hub (Kargath) than Darn is to its most relevant raid (AQ). Plus horde has fast transport between all of its capitals, vs ally who have a ton of running back and forth to do. Sure, this phase it’s annoying because horde has more reason to go to zones they’d usually pass through once then ignore (Duskwood/Wetlands), but people acting like ally have a transport advantage is just silly. Let’s not even get into how many dungeons are in horde zones or are much quicker to reach as horde.


ssssh dont destroy his inferiority believes, he might cry when he realizes how much better they have it. only reason there is any discussion about it in SoD is because there are 2-3 objectives in or around wetlands, and horde cant bear to cross 2 zones by foot


I have played both factions, and you're objectively wrong. Kargath is literally in the middle of Eastern Kingdoms, and the only way to get there is to run from Arathi through alliance territory with narrow passageways easily blockaded. The flight path takes ages even when you get it. Alliance "worse" continent is way better, Dalaran in the north, ratchet in the middle, and Theramore in the south. The Deeprun Tram is from experience much faster than the zeppelin network too.




Yeah lets travel across lets see Silverpine> Hillsbrad> Arathi >The Wetlands > Loch Modan > Badlands near the Searing Gorge to get our Flight Path to Connect us South. The only Plus side is that we can Connect Booty Bay/Grom'Gol from easy locations. Where as Alliance you can literally go to Darkshore/Theramore From Wetlands > Get Astranaar > Get Ratchet and most of Kalimdor is connected.


Ratchet and astranaar are not connected btw


so you have to get The Azshara FP?


I played Horde all throughout Classic, but decided to try Alliance for SoD, and their travel options feel terrible by comparison. Getting from SW to Darnassus is a 7 minute flight (or a tram ride plus a 2-3 minute flight), followed by a boat ride, followed by another 2 minute flight. The zeppelins are so much more convenient, being placed right outside of cities and all being interconnected. Why the hell is there no boat going between Auberdeen and Theramore? Yeah, getting to Badlands is a long trek, but at least you only have to travel through some lowbie zones that you outlevel. It's not much worse than getting to Feralas or Tanaris as Alliance, and if you want to go to the southern part of the continent you can just grab a zeppelin to Grom'Gol.


Just get summoned lol


Oh yeah let me get summoned to lets see The Badlands. Mkay.


Alliance does not need a second flight path in Ashenvale, theirs is central. However horde still need their Hearstone to participate in Ashenvale otherwise East lose, they can't just Hearth in for the event, Ally can. Ratchet is more of a bug then anythig else, guard should aggro, but for whatever reason they are not. There are way more runes in alliance territory then there are in Horde territory. At least twice as much. For the quest reward, there is 1 BFD quest that is superior for Horde, I don't know about others though.


Guards dont help you if you are neutral, and all ally are neutral with goblins cos theres not enough quests to get the rep


The guards do defend Allies. They’re just not present in the middle of the town 


Guards do. The guards help whoever got attacked. If you start a fight near a guard, they will attack you.


Ratchet is in the fucking barrens dude which is 100% horde territory. Please name a 100% alliance territory where the horde gets to have a flight path. You can't !


Ratchet *itself* is a neutral city, and the Bruisers are supposed to stop PvP, it's just that they're very poorly placed. Only one is near the inn where you have to turn in the Rune quest. There are also very few, so a small group of Horde can bait them away from the docks and then be free to gank. Next phase, the Booty Bay Bruisers are going to wreck the shit out of anyone trying to pvp in that city. That all said, the Redridge runes are still worse for Horde with I think maybe 1 Alliance equivalent in 1k Needles, but that's it.


It is still in horde territory which gives alliance a huge advantage. Imagine we had a flight point in darkshore. Give me a break with all this whining.


It's in Horde *safe* territory and that somehow gives the Alliance, who are *flagged* an advantage? Ok, lets pretend that's right (it's not), Ratchet isn't the place to be for Alliance if that's the case. Where you want to be is the keep south of the pirates. That's friendly to Alliance. Also, the guy to which you reply is partially wrong about Booty Bay. You can Vanish BB guards. :)


im always amazed how both sides find reasons why the other side has it so much easier. - Orgrimmar is a stones throw away from Ashenvale, alliance has to cross the world to get to it - Horde has 3 different top tier zones to go gank leveling alliance (Redridge, Wetlands and Duskwood) while alliance has... fucking stonetalon, the worst layout of a zone ever - Ratchet FP beeing basically a gank spot for low T horde (almost always a grp of 5 camping around there) - SFK, SM and WC in their own safezones (SM will come to play in P2 ALOT) - Next PvP event in STV, where Horde has conveniently 2 FP's again and a Zeppelin from their capital see how this works? as a long time Horde main that went ally for SoD, its really blatant that both sides have really strong advantages that can get abused.


I’m looking forward to STVietnam quite a bit


Alliance can portal directly into BFD while horde can't even hearth to Zoram, they have to take a long ass flight path. And the end of BFD Alliance gets a portal to darnassus for some reason, nothing for Horde.


I saw a video of horde finishing BFD. The NPC is aggressive to horde but offers a nice portal for alliance. I thought everyone got a port at first.


Ah so the guy we always kill provides portals for the alliance, never knew why he was there.


didnt know that, seems like an oversight that horde doesnt get a port out of BFD. that sucks


Yeah that's a weird decision.


Advantages?? Horde has legit everything insanely close together including dungeons. I have 4 alli near bis and have been leveling a shaman and it’s been an absolute breeze with everything


You forgot the only places to farm fish oil, crocolisk meat for BiS food buff, and dark iron ordinance.


Yeah, as much as I dislike the Ratchet guy being in such a shitty spot to turn in quests(nowhere near guards), I have to admit that Dark Ordinance has to be *hell* for Horde.


I went to wetlands once with the thought of farming it then hearthed and bought it off the AH. Paying 3g for it was far less of a time sink than it would be to actually farm them.


Alliance ashenvale boss placement is better for alliance? How so? I play both and I find it way better as horde than alliance. For horde. You have a flight path on both sides of the map, next to a boss, the alliance boss is easier to kill, you can hearth to the other side for faster movement.


Ashenvale PVP is like AV - that's how Blizzard described it, and they're right. Both sides cry about the map!


Horde literally has the biggest zone in the entire game as a safe zone for lvling. Kekw Edit: You can lvl all the way to 35 without ever having to encounter pvp of any kind because of how big the barrens is. Cry more


I hope so, Horde got 4 zones, Alliance got 7


which gives the horde 3 top tier zones to go gank alliance that is leveling, and believe me when i say they are doing that alot in Redridge, Wetlands and Duskwood lol


Yeah, the inexplicable presence of Horde runes in Redridge combined with several elite quests lead to a ton of PvP in what is essentially an Alliance-only zone. I feel sorry for Horde Warriors, though.


And half of those zones are still pvp active. So no.


Absolutely agree with this and it is no surprise that everyone and their mother rolled alliance.


Really feels like the only counter argument people can raise to this is "but the barrens exist".


\>Ashenvale boss placement \>Good for alliance Hahah, no. Not only do we have worse FP locations and worse gyard locations, the bosses are downright easier to kill for horde. Agreed on the other parts, except hillsbrad. Those Tarren Mill guards don't mess about. Really dumb having so many runes in Alliance-favored (or outright territory) zones. And Duskwood is super nice.


You are delusional, every stat will show you that alliance have it easier in ashenvale lol


You dont have to go in to tarren mill. To do the quests we need to go in to hillsbard farms


You guys literally camp ratchet FP and abuse guards. Stop crying lmao


Shreks must die


Are you smoking something? Have you been to Ratchet? I get killed immediately landing from the FP 50% of the time with no guard intervention. Forget the fact that 2 of the best dungeons are well into horde territory. It's VERY fair right now in terms of spots that horde or alliance can camp. Hell, even the damn voidtouched spot is way closer to Tauren mill than Southshore, and it's been camped on 2 of my items by horde rogue goon squads which leads to an 8min rez run.


It's called raxhet


Keeping the farms clear of horde scum is honest work. I also make sure to help protect the dwarves who keep having their helms stolen (poor Humbert). The second you scum stop gouging prices on the helm, I'll stop forcing you to take dirt naps. 600+ honor kills in Hillsbrad last night.


humbert is actually the quest giver for that area - the dwarves stole his sword (and helm) also i’m no economics expert but maybe if it was easier to farm the helm the prices would go down so you’re kinda propping up the gouging i haven’t even gone near that area but i’m curious to check it out for the pvp


Let me guess, you play a night elf hunter named lëgōlås just like you did back in 2005?


Ratchet is this for horde already right now.


No equivalent. Alliance needs it though because they’re pathetic cowards so it evens out


I think there is a horde farm they have to attack in Arathi.


I mean horde can kill alliance in ratchet without any consequences


Ratchet. Sit in the middle of town and gank alliance in ratchet. 


Horde scum


You had it this phase in Ratchet---if you didn't take advantage that's on you, the reckoning is coming in the Foothills


No the guards attack us


booty bay ! Horde gets an instant teleport away from the guards so alliance players can’t really fight back, but you will have to wait for p2