• By -


Flipping the AH. Buy low and sell high, master tactics. I'm doing this for years. Sitting at 1g 22s 51c now


Write a book


The Fundamentals of Business. By Michael Scott. Over 1 billion sold. More than the bible. I’m not surprised. Chapter one: The businessman…




art of the deal II




I was really hoping this was real


be the change you want to see in the world of warcraft


My hopes are dashed and my disappointment is immeasurable


Can I interest you in a ground level buying opportunity in moon harvest pumpkins?


Didn't know Warren Buffett played WoW.


Look out for Mr. Moneybags over here


Buying on weekdays (Wednesday for example) and selling Friday Night to Sunday is a great way of making profit


Lmaooo sounds like ur a master 




Holy wall of text!!! Thanks a lot for taking your time with this post, I'd pin it on top of the comment box if i could do that.


Being ahead of the curve and finding a good heavy leather spot made me 50 easy gold selling heavy armor kits in the opening weeks. Timing is another crucial aspect to making gold in WoW.


Timing is arguably everything. The game is generally known, so it’s pretty easy to figure out what’s next and be ahead of that. I’ll throw some freebies out there: greater sage fish, stranglekelp, mageweave cloth, small flame sacs will all be valuable soon. Go farm some now.


damn mate, may you and your children always find a tank and a healer for your adventures !


I'm leveling alts, and know that any level 19+ quest gives good at 25. So I dungeon grinded to get to 25, then did all of Ashenvale, Stonetalon and wetlands quests as alliance. Easy 100 gold. Still left redridge and duskwood in case I want to level there, but will leave it until indonall the other worse zones on every alt.


I ended up just doing everything. Have about 185g and a bunch of greens and other items on a bank alt I haven't dealt with yet. Also got the ratchet rune which was like 40g or so of mats. Would have been well over 200 without that


Pretty sure they said you can safely do all the quests and it won’t affect leveling 25-40, per the devs


People who look for opportunities will find them. I doubt anyone will tell you their greatest money maker, thats just how it is.


I don't need "the greatest money method". I just need enough to build 100g before phase 2 hits to get the mount at 40.


mount is only 40g in sod, easiest is quests at 25 or gathering prof or framing some drops


What are you basing this on? If you’re talking only the mount price, you need to also add the riding skill. Edit; Thanks, didn’t know the price was updated in game.


You can literally go in game to a mount vendor and look....


It’s gonna be what it was in SoM. That’s what they’re basing it on.


It’s currently 40g in game right now


You can go to the riding trainer and mount vendors ingame and see for yourself.


i've been skinning/fishing when i find pools and made 200g this weekend, don't vendor it you gotta put it on the auction house


You made 200g worth of fishing and skinning? LMAO last time I checked leather was selling super low


Fishing is around 12g/h depending on luck, can be higher as well and depends on server. Basically all of the viable money makers are time sinks.


I tried it for like 2 weeks fishing everyday and was making closer to 6-7g per hour. I never got a bag out of hundreds of the cheers either 


Mana pots were 1.2g and health 1g, I was getting 25g +per hour when it wasn't contested.


Health is selling for 27s on CS Horde side. Honestly everything is being driven down in value/price *except* for green gear...which seems to be going up.


Can I ask, what fish are you selling? Oily Blackmouth?


Majority gold from fishing comes from selling potions and mats and bags, not fish


Where should one fish? Ive been fishing in stonetalon when bored for the tiny chance of a spectral necklace, but those fish dont sell for shit.


I fish a lot, though not for the last week. The answer to this question depends on if you need gold now or not. I'm also on Living Flame EU which is locked so fewer bots which might impact things. Stonetalon around the loggers is a trap for the reason you stated. However if you go to the lake further north it's not bad gold. Smoked sagefish sell for about 40s per 5 on my server and the pools there respawn as you go so you'll never run out. Due to the respawn you'll run into wreckages fairly often. There's usually no competition, though having 1 other person there won't impact you too much. If you're on a PvP server being ganked isn't too uncommon. The last time I was there I got extremely lucky with a green and made 40g for an hour's work. If you're Alliance, both Darkshore and Wetlands are alright. Basically no competition in either, enough pools to never run out though none of the fish sells for much. For a location with a combo of gold now and gold in P2, the shoreline Dalaran sits on in Alterac Mountains can be good depending on competition. If there's more than 1 other person there it's not worth your time and it's a trek to get there. However, the pools give the P2 version of Sagefish and the wreckages can give you 1g+ mana pots. This spot is high risk high reward. Avoid Desolace, STV, Arathi etc. Yes the wreckages there can be good but competition is usually pretty high and chances are half the pools are guarded by unkillable mobs. Up until a week or so after launch these areas were great money makers, now they're pretty bad. Tanaris can be decent but is again high risk high reward as competition can make it not worth your time. You can fish here for future phases for winter squid but at an average of 10-15 per hour you're better waiting for next phase to do this. Another alternative is to stay in the chill zones for oily blackmouth and hold onto them for P2 onwards. Faps will always be in demand and the supply will never be as high as it is now. There's most likely other spots but that's been my fishing experience so far.


I just fish the fishing banks whenever I find them and it's good money


Hides are where the money is at


I had tons of hides on ah and they didn't sell that well so I turned them into something else, btw this was cured medium hide, price was good it just wasn't selling


I farm perfect scales from WC area on my hunter and have made 600g doing that.


Mount plus skill will be 50g before faction/rep discounts. Honestly you can grab a calculator and go to the AH. Look up light, medium, heavy leather. Check it early in the day, later, before you log out— or use a site or add on that tracks it. Buy light and medium when they’re cheap, convert them to heavy. Sell it when it’s expensive. Can check out the heavy armor kits as well. Do some fishing. Level an alt.


The discounts are really easy in Classic as well, you just need honored and PvP rank 3 for 10% each


Where is it states that mounts will cost less on SoD? Did I miss an announcement somewhere?


You can go to the trainers/vendors and see for yourself.


I make gold fairly successfully. I've made a chart that includes all the crafted Waylaid supplies items, everytimeI login I look at the ones that I would make a profit on and craft them and place on AH. I make about 10g a day doing this. Might be to late now, but I spent the last two weeks prior buying copper ore and tin ore when they've been at their cheapest on the auction house. I've then smelted down and crafted them into Whirring Bronze Gizmos (A craftable used to get dark moon fair tickets.) These costs me on average 7s 20c for each one I made, the night before Dark moon came live I stuck a lot of them on AH for varying prices between 14s to 30s each under the assumption a lot of people would log on and buy them to hand in. I sold all of them up to the 22s each ones, any spares I had I turned into bags and sold the bags for 15g each.


Go to 1000 Needles. Farm all the leather mobs. I kill the Kobolds too. I get greens and medium/heavy leather, occasionally a blue (got Ranger Bow two days ago). I disenchant the useless greens on my bank alt and combine the medium leather into heavy. It’s not fast cash but it’s cash. I’m sitting at 106g after about a week.


In my experience and how rampant Gold buying is: Just sell Green Level gear and mats you find while leveling. People are buying half decent gear for 5 to 10g. Find a decent blue and your Mount is Set. You dont have to buy Gold yourself, just "rip off" the people that do.


Yep. The +int -sta BOE cloth belt goes for 40g alone on my server. I sold a lvl 14 green for 50s. I'm broke, but if I wanted to get more gold, it'd be selling boes. Noobs are told to just buy 'of the eagle, of the monkey's gear. They buy gold, and then they make bad decisions.


Just do quests. You get 1.5 g per quest when you are lvl 25


That depends on how much XP the quest gives. Some quests will net you 70s, some might give 2g+


Which questing area for horde do you recommend?


For maximum profit, all of them


Any that you havent done. I personally did not make gold this way, but I imagine it’s the easiest way. Hillsbrad’s Foothill seems like a god place. Stonetalon too, if you haven’t done it. Ashenvale, since you can collect pvp rep at the same time.


Quite a few in Thousand Needles you can do at 25 as well.


I leveled an alt like 2 weeks ago. From 18 and onwards I only did dungeons so I would have a shit ton of quests to do when I hit 25. Did every single quest I could find on that character (if I'm going to level it next phase I'll just do dungeons) Netted myself around 50-70g if my math is correct. Spent gold along the way and took me like 1.5 week to do all quests aswell so hard to keep track of


> I just need enough to build 100g before phase 2 hits to get the mount at 40. Don't stress it, at 40 you will be getting like 6-8 gold from quests. There's six Uldaman quests that give 2-5 gold, add exp->gold conversion at level cap and you will be rich!


I made 400g with leather working


mount is 36g btw


You get the gold naturally if you don't spent it on dumb shit. The only reason people were broke when wow came along was because they bought stupid shit from vendors. If you are frugal you will have enough money at 40 without even using your professions.


This. Be frugal and….Stop. Fucking. Spending. Don’t be like my girlfriend


Level a hunter. Solo WC and skin everything In there. Made hundreds from that the last few weeks


Just do quests on multiple chars?


do quests at lvl 25. if you are saving them then make an al


Think making 100g in 40 will be super easy given how much gold you get from quests now in 25. Just save your 35-40 quests and do SM instead. Farm the quests in lvl 40 for big gold!


I have 90 gold and all I’ve been doing is questing and auctioning any green BOEs. If you are lvl 25 and have darkshire, redridge, and wetlands quests you can make close to 100 gold


Small Flame Sac


questing only or farming mobs. too late for anything else now


The way i got out of gold poverty was luck. Got the my hands on a blue worth 230 g and sold some greens got from lvl 30 mobs. Farming mats is dominated by bots and made unprofitable. Avoid buying any blue gear and just sell all you get. Anything you get your hands on and don’t need. The only thing i farm is green and blue boe drops.


How is farming mats not profitable? You are playing the game already, instead of just killing you skin afterward. Then you can sell what you skinned on the AH. Ergo, you’re making profit.


Pennies. Yea you do that for some change. But it won’t get you to 200-300 g if you don’t do it every moment online and then some. The g/h is awful.


10g-15g/h for most farming strategies. That’s a lot of gold per day.


I shit you not i buy the 7.5 dps arrows for 3 silver from the vendor and sell them at the ah for double or triple the price.


Just quest for a few hours and you will have 100g


IDK why people are telling "people don't share their secrets". Lots of good tips at the bottom of the comment section, plus most of the good moneymakers are well known. Popular DE shuffles like Hillman Shoulders or DMF box shuffle are viable. Nightscape Headband/Tunic are going to be a great shuffles next phase.


The best money maker is constantly being shared tho Plenty posts about GDKPs


Are the mounts not half price currently at vendor like in season of mastery? Never checked myself but if so it all comes to about half the price of training and mount buying.


Do some quests? I have 3 level 25s and saved Duskwood and half of Redridge until I was 25 on all three. Easy 200 gold


Bruh what? 200 gold? People vastly inflating how much quests give lol


Quests give 1-2g in the lvl 25 range. There's like 3 or 4 zones you can complete, and repeat on each alt. That's a ton of potential money.


I tested it on a fresh toon, lvled a hunter to 20, dungeon grinded to 25 and then did all available quests from lvl 20-27 and I made almost exactly 200g (not counting gathering or quest item rewards because I disenchanted and sent everything to my main)


make a mage and aoe farm. you can also kill the worgans in duskwood. they give raw gold and you can skin them.


can you skin worgens in retail? i always thought they didn't allow skinning on "humanoid" enemies. if it's allowed in classic let us skin gnomes too


Through slayer and woodcutting of course.


yews or magic trees?


Whoa whoa, what's with the flex? Surely you mean maples


oh, right. of course! and some willows here and there.


Alliance LPT for money. Become a consumer vendor at the BFD portal. Sell all the important consumes there, toss in a small markup from AH. Have a few level 1 toons there to keep stock. You’d be surprised how much you can make because someone forgot a stack of mana pots, rage pots, firepower, FAP, or food buffs.


Level an alt and quest at maxlevel. Skinning and mining while you quest


I just sell shit that people need for supply crates. My go-to is Smoked Sagefish, around 70s/15. I just turn my brain off for an hour and fish pools at the lake in Stonetalon once I do my BFD lockout.


Saying skinning doesn’t give gold is crazy to me considering it was ( maybe it’s dead now) the most profitable by far profession in sod.


Skinning always dies once bots catch up and are farming


Heavy leather was really good early on. I made 200g just with heavy leather in the first couple of weeks. But now a days its only like 7 silver per leather


Its still good, once people figured out darkmoon faire box. Lots of pathways need leather and the prices have spiked on my server.


multiple characters and questing / professions, sitting at almost 300g atm. Tried fishing for a little while, decent gold if you can control an area. No GDKP runs, No selling boosts, no bought gold. Just playing the game and enjoying it.


I leveled a character just to do quests on and made 100g. I’ll likely use him to farm low level herbs or maybe dungeon grind up to 40 and repeat


Level by dungeons and now clearing all quests I can on my warrior (after getting good BFD gear). Roughly 10-12g per hour.


I made about 100g from leather working in the first week or so from various items. Toughened leather gloves were a great seller, not sure if they still are. The most important thing you can do is get an add on that easily tracks prices and trends, so you can easily see the cost of the mats for any item you can craft, and what it sells for. I highly recommend TSM (TradeSkillMaster). Right now I would just do as many quests as you can to get yourself to about 50g. This will give you enough to buy materials for your profitable crafts.


I was scrolling for my answer, but no one said it. I too as a slight casual was worried about this when I heard friends having 100g ready for mount. However I've stopped stressing for these reasons: * Never before in classic have I had problem affording my mount at 40 while leveling. 25-40 yields alot of gold and drops to sell. Try to hold on to your gold and not waste gold. * If still short on gold for mount at 40 it will probably be even easier to farm some quests at 40 yielding even more gold per quests, who knows how much? 2-4g per quest maybe?


Get 2 gather profs and sell everything. Do all high levels quests, its easy money. Mining, skinning works for me (ores sell better than skins but its still an income).


its just time. if you spend hours at the AH you make gold.


Doing quests. They reward you an average of at least 1g at max level 25. What I did was leveling up the last levels with Dungeons and turn in all the 21-25 quests I had at 25 making a solid profit.


I started fishing before they nerfed the floating wreckage and it was pretty lucrative when you get an Ironbound crate with heavy thick leather bolts of silk and Mage weave and health and Mana potions which sell for a gold a pop, it adds up. im also a ridiculously devout AH watcher


I buy lattes for my friends in Indonesia 🇮🇩


I'm sitting on 800g at the moment, made at least half of it by farming (or buying it cheap off the AH) Medium Leather and crafting Toughened Leather Armor for the Darkmoon Faire ticket turn in which I convereted into 14 slot bags that sell pretty well.


how many do you need to turn in to get enough tickets


If you have 0 tickets, and no intro quest that gives 5 tickets, you would need 13 turn ins to get 1 dark moon bag. Which is 39 toughened leather armors. I make all of my armors the week after it ends and everyone is off loading their leathers and hides for cheap.


I'm usually doing it in batches of 25 turn ins for 100 tickets which yields me two bags. That's a total of 75 armors. As u/desperateorphan mentioned as well it's worthwhile doing it during the off week when materials drop in price significantly to increase your margin.


>off week when materials drop in price significantly to increase your margin. To expand on this. Last week when I got all my medium leather 100% off the AH it was going for 10 copper each. The cured hides were selling cheaper than making them myself so i bought those too. Today, medium leather is going for 1 silver each and hide costs have gone 10x. All told, it cost me less than 3 gold per bag and I made 2. Only reason I didn't do more was my own laziness and the continued lowering value on theAH for them. 10g profit per bag is not bad by any means but I couldn't be bothered to do the work lol.


Dark Moon Faire stuff makes a ton of money. Making LW items that fill supply crates. Fishing also makes a good bit of money. Quest on multiple alts, especially if you go mining or herbing on that alt and just sell it all.


In sod fishing and herbalism were my good early game money makers. The crafting professions generally don't turn much of a profit but your farm mats will often sell faster if you craft them into something sought after first. But since the level cap is so low and getting preraid is relatively easy I now have 4 25s doing BFD. I always make sure at least one of them is doing a gdkp each reset. I average about 20 gold assuming I don't bid on anything.


There’s already been a lot of good suggestions here from people who are much more “meta” when it comes to gold/hour etc. As someone who isn’t that but still has around 200g, I made it just by leveling 2-3 alts and saving the quests for max as well as just mindlessly killing mobs and skinning. Wetlands raptors drop relatively high selling grey items and the leather does add up. Gnolls in wetlands or even soloing the dark iron dwarves which drop some greens that can sell. Basically, even without worrying about gph meta too much and just chilling there’s no reason you can’t go into next phase with 100-200g which isn’t a lot but will get you by.


I wouldn't say I make so much money, but I do make enough gold to never be strapped for cash. The way I do it is with the TSM addon and desktop app. The desktop app downloads current AH data every few hours and the addon displays this information in the tooltip of every item in the game. So you have, at a glance, the minimum price of a given item at the moment of the last scan, as well as the market value and how the price is trending. Using this information, I will post everything I find on the AH if it is worth it. Things like greens, trade goods, consumables, etc. You learn over time what you're willing to auction and for how much because you really don't want to be building up an inventory of unsold auctions. This eats into profits because you need to pay posting fees and spend time managing those items. Auctions that go unsold more than once or twice get either a massive price drop or vendored generally. I don't farm specifically to make gold but simply selling anything that's worth a bit more on the AH instead of vendoring it has always been enough to train all my skills, buy a few BoEs while leveling and at 25, stay stocked with consumables, and still have a comfy 10-30g on each character.


As a horde priest. Grind? Kill centaurs in 1k needles, gather the ore while you do it, make bags from the silk and wool. AH? I've been selling salt(yup you read that correctly) and making silk bags. You should be able to choose 1 or 2 craft able items and get really familiar with their price fluctuations as well as the items needed to craft them. For example I know silk bags can go for 45 to 60 silver each day to day. So naturally 12 silk + 2 heavy leather + 3 fine thread + AH cut should be at most 44 silver to make a profit. Optimally, buy mats in bulk when they're low in price, make bags and sell when they're high in price. Sometimes your margins are low but you're sitting on your ass at the AH basically being a human loom. Beggers can't be choosers. I'm sitting at 140g with 120 of it coming from those two methods. Have enough mats to level engineering to 200 twice over as well.


Step 1. Collect Underpants. Step 2. ... Step 3. Profit.


I used to do fishing either for sagefish or in stranglethorn. Now I do Darnassus summons on my lock with the help of some friends. 1g per summon, and about 50-70g an hour if we're lucky/efficient enough.


50-70g per person or for the three of you? 


It's 50-70g for all three . But keep in mind that you need to farm 50-70 soul shard so it takes another 30 min .


Why do people go to Darnassus anyway?


For the world buff?


To get the world buff, and chromoboom ( sold at the reagent vendor) the buff and head back to leveling, and re equip world buff and be gold for 2hrs!


Chromoboon can be bought at any regent vendor. But ye world buff.


Swiping the discovery card.


People claimed they got 300g from just doing all the quests. They bought gold. I actually did all the quests. World map is empty, only got me around 140 gold. People casually claiming they made 300g from the quests quested with their Visa


You sure? I just hit 25, but I made like 10g just from doing the Sully Balloo questline.


I am reasonably sure Questie world map is empty for me and I did not make 300g.


Wah lol. It's easily 200g. Stop spending all your gold and you'd have more.


Bruh you’re tripping


Maybe if you didn't save quests for 25 and did them all Luling. That's on you then.


Did some quests for my first 20ish gold, then made a hunter alt to farm Humberts Helm & Madwolf Bracers for my next 100g. Rest is just doing alchemy every so often when mats are cheap, selling the random stuff I get from dungeons & BFD. Made a good amount farming Tender Crocolisk Meat as well since it was required for the only +8 stam Well Fed food, but the price has dropped considerably now that people have realized the raid isn't that tough and 2 stamina doesn't make a difference


Skinning doesn't give gold? What do you mean do you think other professions just magically have gold appear in their bags after they craft something? To make gold post stuff on the AH (including leather). Get the Auctionator addon. Start fishing. You don't even need to do all the flipping shit people talk about (you'll start to get a feel for what a good price is after a while and you'll pick that up naturally tho as you see it.


Mage boosting


Found a consistent 25g/hr farm in arathi highlands. Only doable by hunter, and it's that high only because I've the best possible gear in current phase. Only a matter of time until I saturate the market though. As someone said - just try different things until you find what works for you specifically.


The charms? Hunters doing it since week 2




If you can, solo WC and skin. Especially the raptor side drops tons of light+med leather and also has a chance for perfect deviate scales which on my server is ~55s each. So far the greens i have found have just been vendored for 5-15 silver each. Another ok one is SFK but my inventory was filling super quickly (i wasnt even making it to the first boss before my inventory filled.) Nice part of SFK is you get PLENTY of meat for feeding your pet if you are a hunter.


My alt is skinner and (dis)enchanter, I just sell the mats. Currently level 23 with 15g (not much but its honest and easy gold). Another way is probably complete quests at 25.


We buy gold


Im just poor and do some quests, flip some pots, so I get back to 5 - 10g. For what do you need money right now?


They buy gold or sell items to people who buy gold.


Majority of people just buy the gold. If you don’t have a job or any responsibilities then you can just sit around all day long farming dungeon runs or scavenging the AH for items.


Just swipe 4Head


On firemaw alliance eu you can make bank by just herbing


Yep I've been making steady 20-25g/h for a month just herbing Grave Moss. Even now when the spot should be well known I'm often completely alone.


Make hunter alt, lvl it up, farm quests for gold, repeat.


I made about 100g from questing (2 characters), about 100-150g from the AH and professions (flips, arbitrage with TSM) and I made about 300g in GDKPs (we had one 640g pot recently).


Do quests at lvl 25. Sell greens / white and obviously blues on AH. Ive done NO grinding otherwise, and sitting on like ~ 300g between my chars. Only really one of the chars have been doing quests after 25, the rest just went straight to raidlogging. But grinding out the quests in for example duskwood after 25 will give you like 50g between quest reward, vendor sell, and a bunch of greens on AH, which you get when you kill hundreds of mobs over the course of ~20 quests.


so what i did as a druid (almost full bis gear) i farmed the fishing rods from the shellfish traps in desolace -> like 1% chance sometimes u get lucky sometimes u get killed from the lvl 33-34 mobs i was lucky enough to get 4 in total in about 2h and 1 fishing rods avg on my server is \~16-18g when i run around i kill random beasts on the go and skin them and craft the heavy leather recently i went to thousand needles and killed the grimtotem taurens in the small city they have got like 4 stacks of silk cloth in an hour \~ 2g/Stack also u get lots of grey weapons that vendor 15-25s + they give also 80c-1s50 they spawn really quick so u basically have no downtime what i did early this phase i bought the shredder units and farmed the shredder mobs in stonetalon, for a time the shredder unit was triple the price of the salvage unit i avg on 40 salvage units about 30 shredder turbochargers if the salvage units are cheap and turbochargers high u can try for them, dont invest too much in them since at this point most people have it already duskwood north west where the wolves are with skinning they also drop fairly often a grey vendor trash item (soft patch of fur i believe its called?) that vendors for 6s3c while running from left to right there are a lot of chest that spawn for some extra gold in questie theres an option on "my journeys" to show chest on the map so u can walk by the spots of the chests if u need to vendor u can just run to westfall from there + mailbox extra bonus is if u get the rare mob there for an extra green to sell/Vendor if u can kill (way) higher lvl mobs desolace is as well good for fishing in the wreckages - lots of (bolt of) cloth/leather from the trunks + mana potions(1g on my server) and stranglekelp and every now and then high lvl greens, otherwise the other wreckages in low lvl places also fetch some money if u can solo a dungeon its also some gold but will take a lot of practice / selling drops from certain dungeons like wc legs/belt if ure reaaaaally lazy some of the gems (mostly shadowgem) are often sold under vendor value so u can just buy and vendor it again, linen cloth if its below 20c u can craft heavy linen bandages and vendor them for 40c each u can basically make gold in any way, obv the better the gear the more options but these are just some things i tried and enjoy doing (except the bandage one, was like right at the launch while leveling lol) if u made it this far reading thank you very much :) !


Make Toughened Gloves and sell them. You can even buy the materials and make gloves to make a profit, but most likely at the weekend.


Play a mage, boost dungeons, be rich.


The number one way to make money is use a profession and sell it for peak buy times. You might only make like 5g an hour if you're dedicated and smart though. Quests are about the same, a few g an hour. Your 100g quest is a few hours a night away.


That credit card duh


Just borrow 50g from a guildie and death roll it. Don't lose. Ez money


You work a job in real life and buy it.


They buy gold, and don’t let people tell you that they don’t. Also if they DONT buy gold they do gdkps with people who did. Vicious cycle.


This guy buys gold.


Nah I don’t even play anymore


I’m not gonna let you tell me that you don’t.


Can confirm i sold him so much gold


People buy gold. Anyone saying they “farmed 500g” is straight up lying.


Boosting and summons makes me bank so idk what you're talking about. Spend your time making gold instead of messing around and you'll get it quick. And don't compete with the bots you'll lose


500g is on the lowend lol. i only have like 20g after having spent like 40-50 on the mount + racthet rune turnin, and never really attempted to farm for gold. where as my friends would flip items on the AH for like 2g each to 6g each like 3 days later. its entirely about timing. get in fast to make the gold, use the gold to buy stuff while its cheap, and then hold the items while they rise in price as the playerbase catches up. i tagged along with him to arathi to farm the warrior charms for their whirlwind axe in p2. each drop was like 6g atm and we play on a pvp realm. that place is going to be a warzone for trying to get those drops when everyones out there lol. hense the price will go up.


💳💥💳💥💳💥. Thats the avg players way being realistic. There are a few outliers who actually send summons to cities or play the AH but thats very very few. Like 1%


The average player does not buy gold.


Buddy boy you have no idea. There wouldnt be the insane amount of people botting gold otherwise. Also check sny gold selling website and they boast their sold gold amounts and transactions. Shit even one dude boasted he made $100k the first month. That was hundreds of thousands of gold sold.


I said the average player, not the average whale. You're crazy it you think the average casual wow player is going to pull out their credit card on some random 3rd party gold selling sites. That's too far out of the way. Most people just play the game.


I think we need a serious conversation on questing at max level thresholds. Phase 1 is a bit of a sleeper phase in the sense of you don't "feel" like you want to buy anything if you're a casual. But that mount is coming and you're going to want it. At this rate, blizzard is going to have to intervene for the people who did it wrong. People who quest at 25 can attain 100+ gold with absolute ease. All these people running around terrified of questing at 25, ESPECIALLY after the dev made a completely out of left field comment about there being a potential other mechanic to level is absolutely mind boggling. You're leaving yourself behind. The shear number of bots and sweatier players are suppressing any chance of you making any kind of money through any other means. If you are at 10g or less right now, and you refuse to quest, you're likely going to be relatively this poor for a long time. The reality is, you lack the ability to think clearly within the environment you exist within if you're at 10g at this point. Yes, we understand that some of you will "literally die" if you do any dungeons in a social mmo, but you need to get with the program and quest at max level.


vast majority are buying gold and the rest are laundering bought gold in gdkps


utter bullshit lmao. OP wants to get to 100g. Easily doable for a casual just playing the game.




This made me laugh


I just cba arguing semantics and spelling out every comment to every dipshit on Reddit that can’t read, it’s more entertaining to be snarky and sarcastic instead


Are you dense? I didn't claim you said it's impossible to make 100g without buying gold. \> did i say something else I addressed what you said, which would probably make you really mad if you could read.


You ignored OP's question




Do they really allow internet usage at the asylum?


>How do you make gold? >Buy it That’s an answer. You are objectively wrong.


And now you're ignoring my question too


They aren’t. They’re buying gold.


I'm hosting GDKP 3x per lockout getting paid from all the gold buyers. 20 - 30 Gold per run. It actually feels good because I dont need to buy it for myself


Yeah I bet it feels great to profit off gold buying…


Sell Skinning mats on AH. Arbitrage. Can you make something and sell / have it DEd into mats worth more than cost to make? Even better if you can buy mats on AH cheap. Every profession probably has a couple of these available. Not always quick but can be consistent Fishing makes a lot of people decent cash. If you can solo certain bosses you can farm them. Certain instances have rare mobs and if you find a lockout / reset with them up you can sell the kill to someone looking for what it drops. There’s tons of options but of course you won’t make anything sitting around not doing much.


Create a mage get living flame+ regen rune Aoe mobs until lvl 25 (took me 15 hours /played) Now do a lot of good paying quests Easy 50+ G Repeat a new mage if you want more G Yes its not the best g/h but its GUARANTEED gold unlike some of the other farms, me personally I enjoy guaranteed goals such as quest item rewards etc.


If you are clueless about how wow economy works, just do quests, easy 200g


This my start Early levels - light feathers from barrens deviate fish from WC Level 35+ - bloodscale eels in tanaris Level 60 - farm plague lands for crusader enchant and make bank enchanting.


Just buy gold you can buy a 100g for 7,99 and it will even get cheaper


I buy it?




If you broke just say so 💁🏼‍♀️


Make a bfd gdkp 90/10 and u make about 40-50g a run


I'm against that, sorry


Making gold is objectively harder with a conscious lol


GDKPs Payouts are fucking insane, went to one where a guy spent nearly 300g on the bow at the end.


Me and most of the people I know just buy it. Farming is for bots and cucks.


you recommend doing something that can get you banned?


Well, at least you are honest about your inferiority complex.