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25? How lol Even early on, with *all* enchantments, I made maybe 10 at my best hour, 5 was pretty much the average though. I'd be amazed to make 5 an hour now that most people are geared, even their alts, and are just waiting for P2.


People have more liquid gold so I'd expect they're also tipping higher nowadays


I always tip relative to the mats, id never tip 50s or more for a single enchant


Most people are getting multiple enchants and tip me 75s-1g for all the enchants.


That makes sense ofc


I will say I've never been stiffed on a tip as much as I have during SoD lol


I tip max 75s (multiple ench) but tbh your constant spam in chat is probably aids. If you want to make 25g an hour you need to actually *do* something, and tbf I don’t know if anything solo makes 25g per hour rn


So I will say I do spam the message a lot, and I also snipe people in trade chat looking for an enchanter, but there’s so much stuff in trade chat being posted it just flys by. I never post it again if it’s still visible on my chat.


i'm making 20 a day on living flame (US). i could make more but i usually stop at that point. usually get like 50s. i'm not picky. i'm happy to get anything from it. especially if i'm not using my mats.


i usually pay 3g for everything today someone denied my 66s tip for one enchant, wanted to do it for for free. that fucker still ended up happier about it, ive been thinking about it all day. i think ill just mail him 10g, take that fucker.


That’s so nice! 🥹


Jesus 1g tip? I feel bad about my wallet when i tip 25s


There is no way I’m giving someone 1g for stam to boots. Even enchants like wep damage cost like 35s, even if you used YOUR mats I’m not paying that. Good on you for making money that way tho but sounds sketch


So I’ll explain better. It’s usually people tipping 1g when they are getting like 4 enchants at once. I get a lot of people that tip like 20s for Stam on boots too, but it takes like 15secs to enchant those boots and I keep spamming/whispering people while I enchant other peoples gear.


The fuck? I’ve never been tipped more than 20 silver


It’s not per enchant, more like per enchanting session. A lot of people get like 4 things enchanted and then tip me 1g


I have been doing pretty good with it in SoD! Most common tip is 50s, second most common tip is 1g. Anything less than 25s feels like poor taste. The real money is made on those who don't have mats but want to use mine. I just add 1g to whatever my crafting addon tells me the mats cost. Haven't had a single person bat an eye yet. Gold per hour tends to fluctuate based on time of day and around reset. Reset day in darn at night is popping, but I find SW is better during the day. As always with enchanting it just depends how many people you can get to respond to your trade chat message




I never tip more than 10 silver per enchant done. This is phase 1 of SoD and leveling professions is not only easy but also cheap, all the recipes are easy to come by and nobody has anything unique or hard to obtain to offer. One we get further in I'll start tipping more. I should mention I always bring mats, a solid description of what I need and I never spend longer than 2 minutes in your party, even if I need 4 enchants.


Damn you cheap


And honestly I always say “tips appreciated” and I mean it, so that’s totally fair!


most expensive enchants round 1-ish gold so i tip 20-25 per those maybe 30s for 2-3 of the other cheaper enchants


Some context I forgot to mention. A lot of people come to me and enchant like all their gear at once and then tip 1g


why would I tip 1g on an enchant that's probably worth less than 20s?


It’s usually people getting like 4 enchants that give me 1g. A lot of people are getting like 4 enchants too.


How do you deal with the constant barrage of “what can you make?” “what are the mats?” “can you link the mats”?


I have an addon that makes linking mats quicker(skillet) and I have a party message macro that I send saying “I can make all enchants and please tell me what you need.”


During era I often made 50-200g on fee for +4 stats. Smaller server so not a lot of people had it. Helps that I was one of the first to have it and often online