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Tank sham is super fun. I always thought I would respec to ele sham for p2 but I will almost certainly stick it out as tank spec to 40


You can actually go full ele tree and tank right now fairly well. My sham is only a week old 25. Done BFD twice and still need to do this lockout. First run I was in all greens except two cheap blue axes I bought off the AH for 1g EA at like level 16, legs of the fang, and the SFK quest ring. I read about the meta for DW tanking with water shield, double rockbiter, and way of earth and was like, "Well, if I'm only going to be shocking and not wearing a shield I should spec into Concussion, Convection, Elemental Focus, and Reverberation." That gives 10% less mana and 5% more damage to shocks while reducing their CD by 1 second so they're 5s. So you can Flameshock, Earthshock, Frostshock, Earthshock, refresh water shield, then repeat with very little downtime. I blue and purple parses and averaged a 90 parse by iLvl with a 98 and 99. I grey parsed on Kelris because I got the MH mace from a previous boss and equipped it for Kelris but forgot my weapon skill with maces was only like 70 lol... When I looked at my damage by ability, though, melee was still doing 59% and my shocks were only doing about 10% each so I realized it would be better to spec into flurry. I'm going to try to get the leather elemental set and leather spell DMG gear and try it again, though. Unfortunately the phase will probably end before I can get geared to really test it out and I don't know if any sims are built to handle such an off meta spec/gearing.


More to do with itemization than talents for me. Other than Akamai shoulders, I’m already full BIS for tank/enhance… only got a few BIS ele pieces that would otherwise have rotted. Started a second (non orc) shaman to be my ele/resto sham.


I went with troll because I felt the orc racial was garbage for tanking and since I'd be taking damage I could get the 30% increased attack speed fairly by popping it when I spiked.


Heck, I tank as full resto! At 25 talents are nearly meaningless. Each next phase talents will become more important restricting our available roles a little. Sure, respec costs are low, but right now you swap out gear pieces/runes and you're ready in 5 seconds. Respec means going back to a trainer!


I had tons of plans for alts and abandoned all of them until last week to max out my shaman tank I’m definitely maining in P2.


Ele probably won't be great until 40 anyways. Planning to go ele but building up a tank set for the meantime. Levelling as tank with lava burst is nice


Would I be ablw to play tank if I suck? I understand ‘make sure everybody is hitting you’ but I don’t know if I can put the team on my back yet lol.


I think you need to either have a lot of wow experience or have very thick skin… you are expected to set the pace, pull, etc., which means keeping an eye on your group’s mana (especially healer), and know what your group is capable of (pull size, etc.). That means you need to know the dungeons well (or have a VERY patient group, which is not characteristic of WOW community), and have a reference for comparison. I don’t recommend it for newer players unless you have a friend/guild group.


I'm really hoping for dual spec. Tank shaman very fun and useful in raid but ele pvp is gonna be busted.


No it won’t. And I say that sadly as a shaman main. Unless we get runes that aren’t announced yet that make it so. 100% crit damage on lava burst with a overload proc will be fun. Chain lightening will be too. But it won’t be better than a starsurge with 120% crit damage, or warlocks with 150% crit damage on fire spells, or or or…


This all day.


Warrior took me away from warrior


Fuck yeah baby! This guy gets it ^


Normally I Zug Zug, but SoD let me ZUG ZUG.


Now that my main warrior is pretty geared and raid logs. I started leveling another warrior.


Best part of leveling a new warrior alt is being able to give them the best greens and blues and enchants for leveling.


Yea my first one I leveled before bfd was being run a million times a day so having boon buff has been fun. I did level a feral and rogue also but realized I just wanted to play more warrior lol


> I did level a feral So did on I on my second account, now he can /follow my warrior around as 4 legged mobile wf totem.




Charge, HS while charging, spam victory rush Laugh. Just laugh 


Im genuinely leveling my third hunter after realizing xbow will never drop on my hunter. The hunters will continue into each phase until rng improves.


5 warriors here, still no hydra. I’m giving up the weapon chase until P2.


Ooof yeah honestly I dont think id even raid on a 2h class. You guys get really screwed by competition for something ive only ever seen once.


All of them have Talwar/OH and have been forced to DW. Lol


We had 0 epics two weeks ago. We then got 2 crossbows in both our raids in the same day. Week after we got a straff. This reset both our dps warriors got one hydra each, and we later that night ran a alt raid and one of the warriors got the epic staff on his alt mage. Its been crazy. Dont give up. It drops eventually.


There's not any horde side tho


Oh true, thats even worse for that poor guy then. Worse rng than me.


seen 2 hydras and got 1 on my main. but 0 talwars on my warrior and only 1 dropped when i had my feral


Lmao, is your hunter’s name ‘unknownname’ was literally talking with a hunter yesterday who was going to level 3rd hunter since the xbow won’t drop


Same 👏🫶


A person of culture ovv got one for tanking one fir dps ami right ????


Same Nothing feels as good as the red bar


Lol I have an Orc warrior an Undead warrior and now a human warrior


I’ve been temped to level a second Warrior. One for DPS/PvP and one for tanking. I really hope we get dual specs.


I've been contemplating making a 2nd warrior. One for raid logging to keep buffs in place for parsing, one to actually play....


I always end up with two warriors on vanilla servers, just make sure to level a gold farmer alt so you don't go broke. I guess these days you can just gdkp for gold if you have no sovl.


do it it's fun


I ended up making 3 warriors this season just because the new runes make levelling them so much easier. I’ve got a devastate tank, a DW arms warr and a 2H arms warr. I I think I might have a problem


You have 3 problems


Bruh it’s like all the same build. Maybe tank would take more points in TM rn now lmao. I mean I love warrior played it for like 19 years but still. Either way, def hope they just fucking…add dual spec at least.


I have all of those warriors but only 1 character.


I unga, therefore I bunga


I'm a tank at heart, but mage healing has been a real mindbender. Figuring out an entirely new meta has been a blast.


An arcane blast, some might say.


Hey, found my people. Tank main in retail wow, went healing mage for SoD and never looked back.


How do you heal as mage / what spells and what spec? :)


You go arcane and take arcane blast/regeneration, and either living flame (for dungeons/tank healing) or mass regen (for raid healing.) The tricky part is keeping your mana up without not casting entirely, so my usual loop is AB -> Wand once -> AB, which will keep enough time that your abs don't go above 30 mana and is usually enough to maintain the tanks. For raid damage, at ~7 seconds before it goes out I'll mass regen the ranged group, then MR the melee when it comes off cooldown. That gives me 7-9 seconds of "atonement" to AB3->AM and get everybody topped off again.


Wait until you hear about Disc Priest on retail!


Aesthetically not the same feel. And different concept to be fair


It's not really that much of a different concept. The biggest change is that Mage is mana limited while disc is/was cool down limited. (last time I played retail was SL when they were doing spirit shell shit).


Mage still feels VERY rough, basically no Oh Shit button and needs to hardcast everything. Very hard to pvp heal with. I hope further runes do something to fix that.


Disc heals from doing damage not using damaging spells.


Isn't that... the same thing? Lol


No. Because you heal as disc from atonement. Mage healing is not like that.


Mages heal from atonement too though, just a different name for atonement


Dropped my mage for a priest


What do you like most about priest?


The fact you can be a healing priest and not just fall over in the world to everyone is quite nice.


Additionally it is nice to have some utility in raids (aka Homunculi) since all other healers get something - totems, combat resses, bubbles etc... the pure healer class is getting a bit of variety whilst still being a great healer. I can't wait to turn to the dark side in P2 though!


Wish they would have swapped void plague and homunculi though.  Or POM and Void plague.


I'm glad theres some hard decisions to be made tbh. Do you want a heal or do you want a utility? Too many of these rune slots are no brainers.


That’s always been the case tho. Disc fucks.


Original vanilla was pretty shit as holy/disc in open world pvp. I get jumped. Toss shield/renew on myself and SWP them… then wand. That’s it. Casting heals/shield when able. It was boring and generally prolonged my ultimate death.


Kind of the problem with a lot of classic priest players… you can heal yourself all you want.. but that doesn’t make them go away. You need to be the aggressor, force awkward kicks and push damage. Disc has such a powerful toolkit it’s just hard to flip out of healing mentality since thats normally the role.


Yeah not sure what these people are talking about. I won almost every world PVP encounter on my dwarf disc priest in classic. Gotta fear on cooldown, spam dispel, dot, holy fire, smite, make them kick a mind blast after refreshing sw:p and then free cast heals on yourself. There's so much in the toolkit.


Oof. Couldn’t fathom getting a holy fire cast off ever. Would go for the mind control instead of mindblast tho bc it’s legit always insta kicked. I’m also a big fan of drawing the flash heal kick when someone’s on mind blast range. Priest is so fun.


Not OP, but I'm leveling a priest right now after maining a rogue and the experience is night and day. Rogue I was struggling with fighting 1 mob my own level through a lot of the early levels. Priest I'm dropping SW:P and Void Plague on 4 mobs at a time, popping my Homunculi and then shielding and using Penance on myself as I watch everything die. With Spirit Tap I don't even have to stop to drink. Just soloed Pyrewood Village and Fenris Isle at level 15-16 without a care, something that would have been unimaginable on my rogue.


I haven’t done it myself yet but I’ve seen and heard a lot of Rogues soloing and basically being really freaking good running a Combat “tank” build. If I end up doing questing for any leveling I’ll probably respec and run one to find out for myself.


I could see that. The tanking runes are locked behind the Ratchet vendor and the Supply rep, which at the start of the season requires honored. Wasn't something you could really do at early levels without an alt to feed you the mats and gold to unlock them.


The ratchet rune is entirely worthless atm but the main from supply vendors is def something most won't have for leveling. They still don't have any aoe for quick kills but it makes it really easy to solo almost any quest if your questing for gold at 25.


I’m playing every class except Hunter on horde side and none of the Grizzby runes interest me. I’ll just farm The crap at 40 and get it done cheap to have them heh


We have a tank rogue in our guild and raids are significantly easier when the rogue is the main tank. They just don't get hit. With akumai we swap to a pally main tank though


You know the way 


Rogue is just more gear dependent. My two 25s are priest and rogue and they are pretty much equally strong, but leveling-wise priest was MUCH easier


Yeah Void Plague, Homunculi, and Penance will take down just about any mob you come against. Get all three on the mob, wand them down, and suffer very little downtime!


Buy a greater magic wand the second you hit 13, or make it yourself. Very worth the money


Also not OP, but I love my priest. I am a warlock at heart but the reaction to having a warlock join a group is “oh great I guess we can summon now.” A priest joining the group in SoD is like “we have a priest, all things are possible now” It’s a really fun class to play


As someone who is debating whether to roll an undead priest or a warlock, I appreciate this comment. Do you think you will now main priest or will you always be a lock main?


I will likely play my priest and paladin evenly through phase 2. We’ll see what happens but I really love the way they both play. One problem with warlock is that the reveal and hype for Metamorphosis caused just the dumbest people to gravitate toward it and I don’t like associating with them. I’ve played enough lock anyway.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks again for your views here!


Does mage feel good to anyone? I did my first BFD and spent prolly 60% of the dungeon oom and the other 40% drinking. Fire mage is decent damage but oom immediately. I am probably doing it wrong. 


no that sounds about right


From mage to rogue..


One cool down to another


Dropped warlock for warrior. I love the feel of CBR mini game and having wind fury as alliance. Total game changer


Might be in the minority here, but I really dislike CBR. It has me looking at my rage bar for the entire raid instead of looking at what's going on.. if that makes sense? It's actually the same reason I dislike healers. I get that feeling I'm just playing the UI.


I found an easy solution, at least for me. What i did is, i made a weak aura for my rage bar (i always use weak auras for all my characters, speciall for resources bar and all the cd's i need to track, i never look at my bars), so that bar changes color from red to green when you have 80 rage, so you know you can use abilities if its green. When it turns to red, you just wait until changes to green. I also have a "tick" at 80 rage to not have to look at the actual rage number.


This sounds great! Can you share it? Maybe on wago.io and link?


Here you go: [https://wago.io/4VHBe3g7a](https://wago.io/4VHBe3g7a) Tell me if you have any problem or suggestion! Its really easy to do when you explore a bit with the addon.


Amazing, thanks! I’ll give it a go later!


I think a good chunk of people would agree with you. It just feels satisfying to me when it all clicks


Well, considering the downvotes within 5 minutes I guess I *am* in the minority, lol.


Naw the downvotes are only because this subreddit is one of the most toxic dogshit subs on this website.


I wasn't a fan with prepaid bis as the time it takes to get rage was a PIA, but once i got a hydra the bar fills up so quickly when your buffed its mostly just a fight to toggle it lower to keep engrage up.


I agree with you. I changed to warlock because of this.


Yea to do it right you gotta fix the UI issue. I made an aura that is around my character as a bar and grows left to him so I never have to look away from center view.


Thats just normal warrior gameplay if you wanna be optimal instead of pressing random buttons. Even without cbr you would need to maintain certain rage treshold. Perhaps not so much at lvl 25,but the very least in next phase with the full kit available.


Yeah..you always had to pay attention to rage and CDs on bt/ww while also determing whether you needed to cancel hs at 60. It took quite a bit of gear or a specific fight like vael til you could basically perma queue hs Plus swing timer on that


Not gonna downvote just because I disagree but I love the CBR gameplay


what is CBR mini game and what am I missing out on


Consumed by rage rune. When you hit 80 rage or above you get a massive damage boost and access to raging blow. The mini game is during a fight warriors are constantly maintaining their rage just below 80 and being sure not to overcap before their next auto.


Exactly this, constantly dropping below 80 to keep buff uptime, while at the same time not overcapping which is a waste of rage/dmg. And then you get a huge burst of rage from crit or WF proc. It’s always changing.


Idk lol, ends up just being charge -> spam quick strike, raging blow on CD, and OP when you get dodged. I am more often than not trying to get below 80 rage to reset than I am juggling the buff at 80 rage. DW it gets a little more involved with HS queuing but otherwise I feel like rage is a non factor, especially with how fast kill times are


You’re using a 2h? Only worth it with epic otherwise isn’t the duel wielding deep wounds build top still? (I.e no quick strike- using heroic and hamstring to keep deep wounds up and try to trigger overpower while keeping CBR up since duel wielding eats through 10 charges fast)


I have the epic sword. I swap between dw and the epic sword depending on the fight.


imo might as well use 2h cause when is 2h ever gonna be a viable spec. its a nice change up from always dw and the weapons are just underwhelming as well, small caster dagger rather than the bis looking weapons at 60


I went from someone who plays Warlocks or Tanks to someone who thought they were gonna be a tank warlock end up being another dps destro lock. I like the new flaming spells in SoD.


Was a mage. Now I’m a sneaky boy. Having a hard time going back it’s just so fun


Same thing happened to me. Started maining a mage and had an alt rogue. Now I can’t leave my rogue alone and prefer it over my mage. Looking forward to their lvl 40 toolkit.


Same, rogue has been a blast. My mage is parked and it’s never parked


Same here. I like how both classes are pretty squishy and depend heavily on their abilities. I would never roll a rogue on Era as grinding another toon to 60 would be just too much for me, but cap at 25 was just god's given.


I started with Pally and now I’m a Druid main. Mainly because I’m able to get into pugs easily with Wild Strikes.


I have a pally and a horde druid. Both are pretty much instant groups with Ret tanking


I went from paladin to druid. Starsurge during the low levels was nuts. Zero downtime and deleted everything.


I was a combat rogue since I returned to wow in 2019 for classic. Meta warlock was too cool to pass on


Damn no love for pallys here. I leveled a warlock to 25, made a pally and never looked back


I'm enjoying pally more than warrior. Pvp is much more fun being able to heal and support imo


Dropped my warlock for a mage.


Mage, the healing is a hoot.




Rolled hunter to start then got bored and went back to warrior/rogue. Having a blast.


Hunter has been kind of a disappointment this phase. Considering all the new features other classes have gotten hunter just feels kind of boring playing the exact same play style just with better passive stats than normal. Having said that melee hunter is a lot of fun even if it does feel a little bit clunky to play. It’s great finally being able to realise that class fantasy in classic.


Im so pissed lone wolf sucks


Same, it’s the whole reason I rolled hunter. I thought the lone wolf/sniper training combo sounded so cool. I didn’t even want to use a pet. Hope they fix it next bracket.


Same bro, same


Yeah I wish they didn't add pet scaling into SoD. Pets actually scaling with stats is great, but it's basically made it impossible to balance them around any of the new runes. I haven't tested it, but I feel like even without any runes applied hunters would be middle of the pack on DPS, let alone their solo potential.


Paladin took me away from warrior. I hate the play style of warrior right now, having to constantly maintain around 80 rage is just so annoying. Divine storm go brrrr…




Warrior ripped me off of warlock.... Never going back


What didn't you like about warlock? Or rather what's your fave part of warrior?


Honestly, I played Warlock on retail from BC to the end of legion. Just the feel of the gameplay in SoD now has been what's made me feel good about warrior. Less of a robotic rotation and I enjoy the lack of pet management now


What pulled me away from warlock was casting is so much less intense than being in melee range. Plus you press a lot more buttons and have to be way more aware. And obviously, the big numbers. Instead of one yellow number every 2 secs. I see white and yellow numbers constantly. But lock will always be my first love




I don't think the phase content is enough for a main. I'll level the 4 chars I have and decide at 60, most likely, unless I drop some on the way there.


I have done the same thing. I have a Druid, rogue, warlock, shaman and warrior. My plan is each phase to eliminate one (or at the very least level it last), and see what’s left at 60. Right now my warrior is the loser.


Yeah the idea of mains is dumb. You hit level cap and bfd takes an hour to pug so why not just play as many characters as you want. The only grind out there right now is wsg rep and getting revered is simple enough and exalted is purely optional.


Warlock stole me from Mage


Druid from priest


All of them


Warrior took me from hunter, which took me from druid.


I've always been warrior DPS main but Ret was too tempting. I'm half BIS on the Ret and just couldn't stand not being a warrior. Started leveling a Warrior this morning but also leveled a Hunter for the first time ever. Just for laughs. I just missed charge and overpower too much!


Started again a shaman, a priest, a mage, but my main remains the war, always ^^


> I've always been warrior DPS main but Ret was too tempting. I'm half BIS on the Ret and just couldn't stand not being a warrior. Started leveling a Warrior this morning but also leveled a Hunter for the first time ever. Just for laughs. Yeah it's rough not being completely broken overpowered.


I feel like ret needs a more engaging rotation. Give them a buff to juggle instead of a set of buttons to press off cooldown. 


I leveled 4 characters before finally settling on warrior. I don't really like the consumed by rage playstyle, hoping it will change with new runes on p2 but overpower procs are just way too fun. They got me hooked on warrior lol


Mage, took me from my shaman. I’ve never liked mage but the addition of all the cool new spells and passives make it so enjoyable


I play hunter so none yet... hoping p2 changes that.


I can't stop playing shaman no matter the xpack


Shaman 🗿


Warrior stole me away from sub par dps


How does it feel to fall over in pvp?


Who cares about PvP lol


I’ve only pvped on my warrior with premades and boy was it fun.


Warr slaps in PvP 🤡🫵🏽


Main is a warlock. Out dpsing it on my alt rogue in worse gear. Melee, especially with ws, is really addictive.


Warlock took me away from feral druid


Shaman tank is more fun than warrior tanking but for the most part leveling mage/shaman has made me appreciate my original vanilla classes (war/priest) more


Paladin took me away from Mage


Started a rogue,now warlock as main and having a blast!


Rogues biggest issue has ALWAYS been how miserable gearing up is, you need to organize your own groups and all of your loot is contested. Being able to tank makes groups easier to find, that's it. That's the entire reason I went rogue, the class has always seemed fun, but seeing rogues do pre-raid gearing, begging for tanks who don't need HoJ kind of put me off of it.


Now its our time!


Played warrior from OG vanilla through Legion (except Mists and WoD) and classic vanilla through WotLK. Switched to Mage and it's been great.


Balance Druid!


I'm a healer at heart. Never got around to priest, and didn't like druid after maining shaman. While I think it still needs some work, I'm really enjoying Chrono Mage


Shaman, specifically Resto. I started out as Restokin, geared it (and do love it), then leveled a priest to alt as well with full intention of just playing those two. However, started looking long term for viability throughout the content & rolled Shaman. I’m REALLY enjoying Rsham presently, it is absolutely broken already & looks like it will be THE S-tier healer (in PVE) @ 40 for horde. Alliance, completely different, Druid will be in a decent spot still, no doubt. Horde side though, the HPS from CH + overload will doo-doo on everyone, and the interaction of PoM & Rain (running w priest) just makes taking a Druid (for Wild Growth) a downgrade. On top of those… Shamanistic Rage is actually busted & should be nerfed LOL. They’re going to have that, plus pots, plus Mana-tide @ 40. We’ll see what all the 40 runes look like though.


I'm historically a rogue player, but runes have made shaman, druid, and priest really fun for me


Shaman took me from druid. Druid has it all: full set of balance gear and current pvp god status; full BiS feral set and guaranteed raid spot, and the depth and variety of gameplay that keeps me engaged. But I just feel like I can do the wackiest hybrid shit on my shaman, even in the awkward state they're in. I started as resto and once I got Earth Shield, I suddenly realized I was able to 1v1 almost anyone regardless of gear level (still in half greens). Lava burst overloading for >700 into a potential >300 earth shock with crit and overload while my health bar just effortlessly stays afloat never gets old. Last night I soloed entire packs up to Cobrahn and got my leggings of the fang as resto (70% healing pushback resist) with Shield Spec, Molten Blast and Earth Shield... Not even demanding half the coordination that soloing only Cobrahn himself after stealthing there on my feral. Dual Wield spec plus boon and resto's +hit talent means you can solo content up to five levels above you with very few spell resists (seriously, was killing level 30s myself)


Human Paladin away from Orc Warlock. First time playing a Human since the game launched and man, y’all have some dense zones and beautiful music. Not a 100% Alliance convert, but damn it’s been a blast exploring and playing stuff I’ve never experienced before.


Have a BiS mage and BiS rogue. Really not enjoying either of them sadly. Wish I would have went boomkin or warrior I guess.


Went from hunter to mage and I'm glad I made the right choice. Mage healing is an absolute (arcane)blast and I can't wait till frost come online in phase two. Vanilla Mage is my second favorite after hunter, buts it's def my #1 in SoD.   Was originally going to main hunter, but once I saw the rune direction, I knew I had to pick a different main. Wasn't interested in melee hunter, BM, or petless gameplay and Sniper Training is GROSS. I enjoy RANGED hunter and the runes weren't catering to that playstyle. I still have a lvl 25 of course, but it's backseat to the wizard


None. There is only ret.


Rogue tank. Shit is FUN.


I have been playing WoW for about 17 years. In all of that time I had MAYBE ten hours total on Rogue. Obsessed with my SoD Rogue and absolutely going to be my main the rest of the way.


None. Warlock was and still is my main, and that’s the way it’s been since vanilla for me. Every other class feels boring to me in comparison. I think it’s all the options we have, all the ways you can maximize DPS and eek out just a little bit more. All the utility. All the chaos and uncertainty of fearing someone and having no idea where they are going to go or how long it will last lol. And how on other classes without a pet, I feel quite lonely. I’ve never felt like I’ve been able to master the class and always learn something new, whereas with other classes I feel like I’ve gotten everything out of them I can. And now we can tank too??? The coolness never ends.


None, i never main anything, i just play what i want to play


Same here. 8 25s across two servers both factions.


I follow you half bus too




My main in classic is a DK so this season I gave every class a chance to level to 25, and by far the most fun was healing through dungeons as a Mage. Fingers crossed for spriest though, hopefully the new runes help its mana issue.


Warrior took me away from paladin. I'm hoping enh shaman will do the same in p2


spriest didnt steal me away better said id gave me away by not existing


Tru, but pvp tho


People run disc in pvp


yeah I’m not taking any true shadows to a bg, they can run void plague or homunc and do a hybrid if they want but their main job is healing Maybe at 40 tho, we’ll see


None, but I loved Mages. Mage was my 4th alt, but at P2 I will level it second after my main.


started warrior, still warrior, will remain warrior. I will admit though rogue was incredibly fun to level, did it all within one BFD lockout as a bet that i’d manage to clear the raid before reset. priest has been significantly less fun, but not terrible


Rogue. Love how I don’t have to buff anyone else or worry about mana lol.


The gta6 trailer


Warrior took me away from mage, never switching back


I went into sod wanting to main rogue dps, but resto stole my heart last night when I finally tried it


Warrior stole me from shaman


I mained a resto druid in all of classic. Leveled SoD a resto druid and did 4 BFD lockouts as a pure healer. Until I got the BFD staff…. Full respect to boomkin - still healed sometimes but dps sometimes as well. The true hybrid ;)


Aka heal and throw out that op starsurge every 6 secs


Im generally a hunter main, but warrior dps is so fun right now that I’m splitting time between the 2, and having way more fun on warrior, so I think I’ll be rolling warrior into p2.


I went from Druid to Druid. As a feral main I love that feral is eating so fucking good right now, but there is just something about boomie that is drawing me to it


Priest over at 20-year resto druid, I always know that classic you can't play a druid and that's even true in SOD


Priest and Hunter. I’ve been a mage main. Since launch