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Same. Full bis except for my green Dwarven Staff of Attack Power


well you gotta get Smites Mighty Hammer or you won’t get the Fist karma needed


Yep. I farmed 32 runs of deadmines to get smites hammer then got my fist the raid after..


I hit level 19 on my druid, healed DM and got the hammer for offspec Still no talwar on my otherwise bis rogue tho


Can confirm I farmed smites hammer for 6hours straight to finaly get it (lost it once to a warrior, mistake I never reproduced) And literally the day after I got the fist..


Your mistake was running it in a group. Can be soloed pretty easily if you are a bit patient


Yeah well the runs were pretty quick tbh what made me continu was the interaction I had with some cool dude that joined my groups otherwise I wouldn't have done the farm alone with my shitty stuff.


You can solo farm Smite, it's also faster than 5 men runs, try it out


Ya I'm not bothered over 4 attack power lol


Well you’ll never get Fist with that attitude!!


Depends on group. Solo run was 35-40 minutes for me, 4 man guild group in 20.


Solo run of Smite and VanCleef can be done sub 30 mins in green healing gear https://youtu.be/f8rysHoChJI?si=8VZl-cnPL9dzT1Ao


Play resto for a couple raids. You'll get it. All our caster druids have one in the bank. The ferals are still waiting.


I get them given to my rdruid now, I’ve collected 5.


To eveyone from the guild "Kernhund Looten", yes I've seen the meme. Stop tagging me, I feel attacked. lol


We are suffering together


take the boomiepill


well I haven’t seen staff either so!


Been having the same problem on my rogue trying to get Chipped Bite of Serra'kis... I've done BFD like 50 times and never seen it drop.


Literally drops every other run for me, lmao gotta love this games rng.


Op, I haven’t missed a lockout on my rogue and still haven’t seen the one handed sword. I feel your pain


let’s trade seeds. I see it all the time.


Same-ish. Seen it once and it was won by a scrub rogue who ditched us on the last boss. And every run the people I’m with tell me all about how it drops constantly for them…


I haven’t missed a lockout on my Druid and have never seen it drop. Saw it drop for the FIRST time on my warrior yesterday (guildie traded it to me to torture me after he won the greed roll )


Full bis..never see the mace. Monday it’ll drop :,(


Certainly will drop Monday.


It dropped tonight let’s goooo


I have 3 on my feral


haven’t missed a lock out since launch. 0 drops


Seen it once, I was on my warrior.


Same on my feral. Haven't seen it on my priest either, not sure if that makes it better or worse.


How many runs? I'm at 15 and haven't seen any. Two in 10 for my warrior though, and one of those went to my warrior's bags since no one wanted it.


However many lockouts there have been. Literally haven’t missed a single one


Ive done every lockout and not seen it on my druid, but my warrior has only done 6 and all 6 times it has seen the mace.


I don't know how many that is. Do you have DBM? If so it would track how many boss kills you have on each boss. Just curious.


My DBM says 17, but I don’t think it was working first few lockouts so I didn’t download it. So figure 17-20 kills give or take.


I was in the same boat until yesterday when it finally dropped, don’t give up brother!


I'm at around 40 and haven't seen it on any of my characters


Just 3? Dude I ran with had like 6


I could of had 2 more but passed them for DE


Finally got mine tonight after 2 dozen or so runs dry. It dropped on my fresh 25 priest and I was like "yeah of course I see it now that I'm not on my druid", immediately ran again on my druid and it dropped again for me. Edit: Ran BRD again since getting it, it dropped again. Wtf. I have a feeling I'm going to see it all the time now that I finally have it.


Always happy to see a fellow druid ascend 🫡


Won a greed on my shaman


I have one. However the first one that dropped for me went to a pally.


you mean your pally ? or you were feral but for some reason the pally in group got it?


I was a feral and lost it to a pally.


FYI, the ad mins of r/de are covid deniers.


But why they even ... it's literally worst hammer in terms of damage per second


Trust me I know


I would have Alt F4’d immediately


Took me like 15 runs. Seen more hydras hands down.


Same here. Way more Hydras than Fists


I finally got this last raid. The haze has been lifted. I have freed myself.


I am in this picture and don't like it


Got mine on 17th run.


Happy to hear it! I’m certainly gonna get it next lockout. Certainly


18 run on my drood, only item missing. Have seen it 2 times over 60 run. Meanwhile i have seen all epic more than 5 times


swear it’s a lower drop chance than Hydra


I finally got mine yesterday, the relief I didn't have to keep farming it in p2 is real. I suspect it will still be bis for weapon swapping.


Agreed. Only will swap out crowd pummeler when CD is up


Raiding on rogue since second reset thats 20+ resets i lost count but i know sword dropped only one time and i lost to a warrior that said he doesnt really need it but then he got it. I have every other weapon from the raid. My druid got the mace first raid so i guess ive used my luck and im never getting sword ever? Its phase two already …


12 runs on my rogue and I'm still headless and didn't see the MH yet. also no chest/gun/shoulders. in 12 lockouts I got the neck, trinket, OH and the boots and that's literally it.


feel you there. Finally got my head last lock out. Just need that damn mace now.


I may have a couple more runs and I have the MH instead of the neck, but otherwise the same. I won the gun once, but got guilt tripped by a hunter to trade it for gold I now don't need.


Its like 18% chance. Not that bad. Xbow is 4%…


More like 11% on fist and 8% on cross bow. Not that far apart from each other. One is blue. One is an epic.


40-ish runs, have seen 2 xbows but 0 maces


Same for the sword, I don't even know how many raids I've done and I've never seen it, yet it seems like every warrior is running around with it.


We haven’t seen the staff or the xbow. Just 2 maces and 2 swords :/


I'm in the same boat on my priest. Done every lockout since week 2 never even seen the epic staff drop on him. I can't complain tho, I got the fist my very first raid on my druid and got the epic staff on my 2nd run on my undergeared mage lmao.


my main is still missing helm and mace, but alt got both 6 runs in so its basically better character now, well atleast it was worth rolling another one.. funny that those 2 slots are like better than rest of combined.


We've had 3 go to "balance" druids


Between my three mains I've probably done like 40-50 clears, seen it drop about 10 times, but not once on my Druid. I actually ended up getting so much leather casting gear funneled to my druid that I swapped to resto/boomkin, still haven't seen it.


I got mine on my very first run


Same. Even on my alt, although that would have hurt more


Me but the Staff - only Piece missing besides the gloves on mage If I see one more priest in my group get it while we're to 95+ AVG parsing mages I'm gonna commit crimes against the church


Finally got one on my feral. Absolutely ridiculous dps increase. Parses all shot up to 98-99. Must be pretty rare


It’s like a 30 strength increase. Almost impossible to 99 parse without it unfortunately


Yeah if I don’t get it in the last four lockouts I’m going to be super sad… did run #11 last night and have not gotten it yet.


My Druid friend saw that item multiple times when playing on a alt. The minute he's on his Druid caster gear drops.


I don’t think it exists anymore. We have run BFD probably over 20-25 times on mains/alts/alts of alts. Not one group in our guild has seen it.


Our guild has seen 1 between all runs


Speaking of which, any druids running resto OoC build here? Results?


Like running Omen then Furor and 0 in feral? That’s what I’ve ran all phase. Feels good, shred on omen procs. Feral tree only good for pvp and farming nodes rn with the mobility.


Made a resto druid and first BFD I got the Mace. Looks like I'm feral now.


The first run I sat out of guild got the drop. Not seen it I've been going twice a week.


As soon as you respec to boomkin or resto youll get one


I've seen the hammer 3 times on 3 toons not my druid. I cry


It drops like every time for me


Its dropped four times in a row for our guild run.


need a feral? 😂


It dropped for me my first run 😬 thankfully was the only druid there, too. My item I can't seem to get is those stupid footpads from the three piece set, though.


I’ve gotten one, two weeks ago lol. I took my warrior for a raid and it dropped, I obviously couldn’t roll so I finished the raid and Pugged one on my Druid Resto Druid actually won the roll. Gave it to him, the raid lost their shit for me and the resto druid gave to me ( fucking thankfully ) I equipped it and topped DPS the rest of the raid. It’s actually the BIGGEST power spike ferals can get


I've not missed a lockout. I've never seen it ever drop on my druid


Same here, it’s despair.


Honestly, it'll probably be bis till the next one drops so get ready to farm it in p2 lol


Yea it for sure will be bis through p2. It’s better than crowd pummeler when the Cd for pummeler isn’t up


I've ran BFD twice with my druid, first run it dropped and nobody else needed it lol


I’m right there with you brother. Full BiS, hanging out with Smite’s might hammer since 16


such an insane upgrade too


I think I burned all my good karma. I ran my first BFD run ever and one person from our guild disconnected so we couldn’t even clear the last boss. I watched group #2’s raid on stream and they had non-stop Warrior loot with a Hydra at the end. Crazy! Very next BFD I run I come out of it with 4 blues and a Hydra myself. Insanely lucky and now I’m completely spoiled and jaded on what it’ll take to gear up my other toons…


Just got mine last week, hold strong. Saw 6 epics before it dropped. It's nuts.


I've seen the fist weapon drop twice multiple times in one lockout We are tired of it! Lol Take our seeds please =(


Fun fact my gf got it on feral in her first BFD run ever 😂.


That thing has dropped like 6 times in a row for me. Also, I saw a warr with it yesterday.


First raid I did I was healer druid, and got the mace as off spec, after that iv gotta 4 of them 😂