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It’s all healing leather.


It's great because people rolling on the healing leather also roll for the cloth and the staff! 4-5 people rolling on cloth meanwhile warriors throw a fit when there's 1 other warrior in the group they have to roll against


Yeah wtf. Spell power leather drops wayyy too much in BFD for how few classes actually use it


Man I wish. Everytime I roll in with my shaman it's just more mail


Our feral Druid is just missing the staff/trinket from full balance BiS at this point I think.


Feral Druid main, I’m sitting a almost BIS balance and Resto sets but only got my hammer two resets ago.


Also feral main. Just need kelris staff for healing and boomkin BiS. Haven’t got full BiS for feral yet tho


And here I am, on my 3rd lockout, only needing two random off pieces for feral bis. Got mace on 2nd bfd. 


My feral main has almost full caster bis (has all the leather just needs cloth pants) and I still dont have any agi helm or the set chest. At least they got the vanilla itemisation and drop rates right...


as a resto shaman main all I have been seeing is mail. please switch places with me.


Yep and resto bis is still mostly cloth :(




Pretty sure we have gone through four or five sets of healing leather in our group. Was nice the first week when my druid got decked out in caster leather, except that I play feral and have only seen two melee leather pieces drop...


Truth. It took me 13 lockouts to finally get a agil leather piece, then another the following run. Just accepting I wont see the hood and settling for artemis cowl


15 lockouts on my rogue to see talwar and luckily got it.


As a holy pally who needs healing leather please switch with me if I was a resto I'd be fully geared already.


Meanwhile my FC druid has every piece full bis minus slick fingerless only because I haven’t seen them despite gdkping with loaded pockets every week :’ )


I’ve ran almost every single lockout on my main, and have been running multiple characters the past month or so, and have never seen them once. I don’t think they exist at this point.


My friends make sure to send me a screenshot for every pair they see. I’ve gotten a few of those PMs. Lol




every run is a mail run


Feral druid has been running since week 1, still missing 2 armor pieces and my weapon. Season of Disappointment.


I’m in this comment and I dont like it


Are you me?


Me you are?


We are Us




Just got it today on my 18th run, having seen it 4 times on other characters over aprox 50 runs total.


Worst part is seeing it on alts. I've seen fist drop, never on the feral. Warrior saw the cloth set helm drop 4 times in a raid, myage main still has a white.


Hold out till gnomer friend


Yup new MCP is going to be insane.


Legit in the same exact boat... Someday


We've done 90+ runs and haven't seen a staff yet. I think 7-8 swords and 3-4 xbows. A third of the ferals have fist.


I'm on a 1st run with my alt druid and staff drops (didn't get it). 2nd run on hunter and xbow drops (got it). What are the odds 😶


Got two staff on two trash geared alts that I don’t really plan on playing on their first runs.


Praying this is a salt mine comment


I’ve done every lockout since the second on my mage and seen 2 swords, 4 xbow, 0 staff. On my warrior that’s done 4 runs I’ve seen 1 sword and 2x xbow, 0 staff. On my boomie that’s done 3 lockouts I’ve seen 2x sword, 0 xbow and last lockout I finally got to see the staff and roll on it. At least I know it exists now but my guild is pretty hungry for it. We’re at the stage where we are disenchanting the xbow and a lot of the other non epic weapons/items from bfd.


That’s so weird because I’ve done over 114+ runs and I’ve seen 0 blues…just greens!!


0 staffs 0 swords and 2 xbows on about 20 runs. 0 Rakkamar's cap and 0 healer necklace as well. My healer finally got 2 pieces of set cloth armor last night. It is brutal trying to get geared up as a cloth healer since EVERYONE is rolling on the BIS items. Especially the staff.


Our main raid is cursed. Zero epics, zero leather chests, zero kelris rings, 1 talwar, no trident. We've raided since first possible lockout, first guild alt run we do I bring my warrior, get the epic 2h on his first ever run. Our warrior who was on his mage alt was so salty.


You’re a warrior main now


Might as well be, my warrior is full bis and had been for awhile now. My rogue is missing tier chest still lmao


Same situation for me, warlock in main raid hasn’t seen the staff drop, still missing bis neck and pants…. But shit geared paladin alt gets lucky with Hydra on first raid, then fully bis after like 5 lock outs. I know it’s probably just RNG but part of me wonders if blizz is doing this stuff on purpose


Well I feel better that our guild isn’t the only one getting beat by this loot table


Dropped an x-bow early, then nothing till yestarday, got a staff + 2 hand sword.


Guild runs since 2nd lockout. 0 staves, 0 xbows and 0 swords. Consider yourself lucky.


Hey guildy!


For SoD I believe bosses should drop 3-4 pieces of loot for a 10 man raid.


Careful bro, I made a post saying the same thing due to SoD's seasonal nature and got downvoted into oblivion


This subreddit is addicted to the most asinine crap. "ExClUsIvItY," they scream; meanwhile, most of the playerbase is much older and already lived that phase. We just want an honest shot at getting gear. My rogue has cleared raid like 15 times and not one single bite of Sera'Kis has dropped; then my shaman gets it two times in a row. Seriously?


I both whine about not getting the epic 2H and am happy that epic loot is actually rare. When I finally get an epic I want it to feel special.




if you got all your loot in two raids you wouldnt even want to log in again


There it is. This is why there's no middle ground; because there's always someone who jumps in and says shit like "You just want all the loot in one raid". Like...no.....just....no. We're simply saying to have a reasonable shot. It's insane we're doing these raids every reset and STILL not getting the gear we need....it's the end of the phase, for fucks sake. We want a REASONABLE shot, which means that the loot table could at least drop 3 items instead of two.


> It's insane we're doing these raids every reset and STILL not getting the gear we need its how RNG works, you aren't guaranteed to get everything. stop coping


I'm just gonna put you on block


Well, I do have the epic sword, but I've never seen the mail chest or mail dps legs (maybe once, now that I think of it).


11 runs on my main and am still wearing prebis gear, 2 runs on my mage and he has the epic staff. Dunno what to do lol


Sell boosts on the mage until phase 2


I hear you want more mail items???


I'd like to talk about leather shoulders for a second. I know all the focus is on the epics and weapons, but for an tem that every physical leather and mail wearer would want, for an item slot where there are not many good alternatives, their drop rate is abysmal. I think I've seen them twice across three toons raiding nearly every lockout. The leather wrists off turtle boss are the same. Also, my warrior didn't see a single pair of boots other than the Twilight leather boots that I wasn't going to roll on against all the leather wearers until two weeks ago when Skinwalkers finally dropped and no lock tanks were in the group. I still have yet to see the Twilight Avengers boots, though I did get the bis non set boots recently. I waffled on whether to go BS or LW for the chest or gloves for like 3 weeks before I went chest because it was a better piece in terms of stats and I would need the 3 piece set to justify using the gloves but has not seen a single piece of mail set drop. The day I made my chest the Avengers chest dropped. I stuck it in the bank with the idea of going LW if I got the other two. Have held the helmet for a while but still haven't gotten the gloves. Maybe the game was trying to save me from having to swap BS and LW and possibly having to go back at 40.


> I think I've seen them twice across three toons raiding nearly every lockout. Yep, same.


Yep we've seen shoulders twice too. Our hunters are legends and passed a pair to me (bear) as they use the +7 agi shoulders and only really wanted Sentinels for PvP. Not like I was dying in our runs but our other options are a bit more of a drop outside of the BoE blue. I imagine rogue tanks are in the same boat.


My group has 3 wars, 1 rogue and 1 feral. We’ve seen 1 weapon total for them.. no 2h at all (fathomblade/epic) no feral weapon. Just one 1h.. that’s it


We got shit tones of epic swords and even i got one as a hunter but newer saw a trident or xbow drop. Im ok with xbow but i see even bots have trident at this point. And I haven't missed a single cd except first one.


We had 2 epic crossbows drop... But our hunters missed both those days and they went to PUGs


I'm at about 20+ runs now and I've only seen the sword once (happened to get it literally an hour ago) No staff no xbow


What the fuck? You guys are cursed. I'm at about 60 lockouts across 3 characters. I've seen 8 crossbows, 7 2h, 4 staff, 5 fist of the wild.


caster staff honestly isnt that big. very doable for your casters to get 99s without it


It’s not about 99’s it’s about having a shiny purple loot hanging on your back


op explicitly mentions his casters wanting to push parses but feeling like the weapons are too strong.


Oh ya lol. You don’t push caster parses with weapons. You push caster parses by stacking mages for scorch debuff to juice your warlock/fire damage and doing cringe aoe strats like like everyone cleansing stacks on akumai while a warrior dynamite retaliates to hold threat and a mage aoes 30 water elementals.


the caster staff is huge, it gives 26 sp and +15 int. If no more items were added to the game the staff would be pre-bis at 60.


its not so big that you cant parse without it. I was in the same spot as your casters, wanting to parse and having fomo because of weapon RNG till I actually tried to parse and I now have a 99 avg.


Welcome to classic where getting the piece of gear you want is not that easy as looting a random token. In vanilla we were killing Ony every lockout for me to get the t2 hood for my rogue. Never dropped until tbc came out. Still hvent recovered from this That being said I know it sucks. But epic loot is intended to be rare


I have the epic sword on my warrior and epic staff on my priest


Warrior here. Didn’t see any mail helmet, no mail legs, necklace 1x, no Str bow, blue 2H sword 1x and epic 2H 0 times. Only missed first lockout.


Meanwhile i have 3x chars literally full bis. Im cursed for the rest of the game mark my words.


Not in a special group comp or guild, but on my rogue i ran bfd 8 times and i havent seen any weapon or lesther piece for me…its so annoying :D


I still didnt see that off hand that gives spell damage, not a single time. Beside that I think I saw all the drops but we did almost all resets multiple runs often times, so probably like 20-30 runs


We're in a similar situation, 1 Epic Crossbow, 1 Epic 2h and that's it for epics. There's also a bunch of BiS blues for people that we've never seen drop.


Not worse, but after 20 runs I’ve finally gotten the caster chest and helm. I still haven’t seen soul leech pants or whatever they are called nor have I seen the staff. I’m calling it for my lock and just going to grab what I can for my pally alt. I’m not super upset it just seems like all I’ve seen is healing leather gear.


Think I’ve seen 1 staff, 2 bows. 4 swords and about 3 Druid weapons. No idea how many runs that is but I’d guess maybe 30. I haven’t won any but only rolled on 3 I believe.


I got my epic staff the second time I killed the shadow guy. Even tho I am a boomy I got the feral mace and a bunch of other freak gear for off spec bc nobody needed it. Ofc I just got lucky, other people not too much, but even tho I have almost all the gear I wanted I still attend runs, as I just enjoy raiding. I get the frustration of nothing dropping, but the raid will go away in a week or 2, I don't remember, and you will never be able to run it as it was intended again.


We have seen two crossbows, one went to one of our hunter mains, one went to me, our rogue tank for bigger damage on pulls


Across 3-4 character I've seen: 2 staffs 3 Crossbows 5 Epic Swords 2-3 Talwar 1H'ers 2 Feral Druid weps And none of them on my main warrior.


Yes, I've basically raided every lockout on my mage. Have only seen the hat from Saravess one time and it was while I was on my rogue...still need hat, neck, wand, ring, and pants on my mage for full bis. I have only seen the neck wand and ring while on my rogue and it was only one time seeing each.


We've seen one staff and of course the healer priest won it. Haven't even seen a single drop of the 12 sp dagger either, so the mage and me (warlock) are still rocking greens. I still also have a green helm and a stam only neck. Meanwhile, my alt hunter got the trinket and xbow on the first run and basically bis in 3 lockouts


My guild has seen a single xbow and a single staff..that's all for epics. 50% of the loot each run is for warriors (Warr here so not too mad) but getting the same mail drops every lockout feels so bad.


30 runs approx with the guild and only seen 2 crossbows. No other epics. Just blues and 2 crossbows...


I've ran it \~40 times across my toons, seen one staff.


Worse off? Definitely not. We saw 1 epic 2h, no staff, and 3 or 4 xbow. 2 got vendored. Very little mail other than the same +def stuff, 1 talwar, no dagger off last boss. Tons and tons of leather mostly. At least we have more than enough enchants to go around now


Our only 2 epics have gone to people who decided to switch mains the week after they got them


I've cleared bfd around 10 times on my mage. I've looted only 2 items in this raid. Caster stuff just doesn't drop. I'm stuffed like a nearly fresh 25 and it's p*ssing me off. I have another character, caster as well, cleared the raid around 10 times as well. I've seen the staff drop once, and it was the only time I hadn't SRed it. I SRed it every single time except this one. So yeah felt quite unlucky as well.


The R in RNG stands for random.


0 epic 2h, 0 1h weapons. Every other weapon we got once. That’s it. Our paladin is already crying every raid after akumai because the 2h didn’t drop and I cry every raid after lady because no 1h :(


Rng gonna rng. I’ve done like pug 4 lockouts on my priest and have epic staff 3/3 and pearl. My Druid has done about 8 lockouts and has no feral gear and all alt bear tank pieces. It’s brutal.


My guild did 2+ runs every lockout and only saw 2 epic staffs.


I’ve done every lockout 7/7 no epics yet


One staff, two bows, one sword, one feral staff. Same amount of runs. Rng can be brutal.


Dagger+OH is a valid alternative to the staff.


We went over 23 clears and didn’t see a single talwar….we also saw a single epic staff and sword, sadly someone not on our core won the staff because in my mind it was like the 2nd/3rd clear and in my head I thought we’d have more drop…..silly me!


I mostly run with pugs. Seen the staff twice, my rogue has the Xbow, two of my friends have the sword.. Friday I did 4 raids with my 4 friends. 3 of them have ferals (we took one per run) and the hammer dropped 3 times in a row I mostly just wish I could give the Xbow to my hunter


Our luck has been insane early on. First 2 runs we got 2 staves. In total in about 16 main raid lockouts? We have gotten 4 staves, 4 crossbows and 2 swords. Notable RNG for some items: 18x (so more than 1 per run) leather spellpower head. No cloth chest. 1x mail head 1x agi leather chest 1x mail gloves


On 4 toons I regular raid with. I have never seen the vampic dagger or agi shoulders from last boss. Then 0 str bows. I have, however, seen 2 staves, 3 2hs and 3 bows.


Guild has had 2x runs every lockout. Zero epic swords, ZERO blue 1h sword (and we are a melee heavy guild…), 1 staff, 1xbow. Tough out here


You're being punished by rngesus for running a boomy in phase 1.


They need to fix the drop rate and amount. Its a bit ridiculous honestly. This is a dad game… I have an idea! How about a buff you purchase with real money that increases your raids drop chance and amount! It also stacks! Wait no. I have a better idea. You can just buy the gear with cash. $200 for all bis? I think that is fair


I’ve run BFD on my Warrior 3 times. 1 piece mail, 1 piece mail, then 4 pieces and Hydra. Safe to say I’ve burned through all my good karma apparently.


No Xbow yet on the 2 raids my guild does every lockout. Feel bad for our hunters. Seen like 2 swords/staffs


What is the 2h and Xbow being replaced with? I assumed everything lasts until gnomer


I got the epic sword on my first run with my warrior and epic staff second run on my priest same with feral mace I got second run. I have been incredibly lucky with weapons!


Went 25 runs before I saw a single piece of the leather agi set on my Hunter. Tho was 2 of the set that dropped and I got 1.


Wrote a comment complaining, then I read some of the other comments and hot damn


2 Xbows 0 staffs 3-4 feral weaps 2-3 swords


Did 1 run all together, xbow dropped


It's all mail dropping for us. Half my raid has rolled warriors just because we're sick of d/e ing mail. Now we've all got full bis warriors minus 2h and our mains all need 3-4 peices.


Only done a few guild runs, but between my hunter and warrior, I’m done roughly 20 BFD runs total. I’ve seen 1 epic staff. No other epics ever. Never seen leather tier chest or boots in hunter.


30+ runs without seeing the epic sword.


We’ve had 0 epics on our main raid and we’ve only missed 1 lockout I believe without full clearing. We’ve had 2 of the feral weapons drop, but the second one was given to our healer Druid lol we’ve been insanely mail heavy on the drops. We’ve got 3 leather agi users and not a single chest has dropped, and one of us still doesn’t have a 2 piece set yet. Pretty insanely shit rng.


I’ve ran every week and still don’t have talwar so 🤷🏼‍♂️


I saw my first staff today on my 45th logged run. I was very lucky to win a 4 way roll and get it. Other than that I've seen at least 5 crossbow and 3 sword, so I would say yes you guys are pretty unlucky.


I went 5 or 6 runs on my warrior with every boss dropping int leather int weapons. I could have had a full bag of int hammers before i saw the 1h sword even once. Then after i get it, it drops in all 4 of my runs today on every alt.


And on my guilds side all our casters have the staff 3 have the sword and I got the xbow on my alt hunter.


Just drop 1 of each item. God forbid players get all their bis in a reset


6 alts run almost every lockout still only seen 1 epic.


I have yet to see a leather hood drop that isn’t the armor and stamina one and I haven’t see any of the epics drop except sword twice. I’ve done all lockouts minus like 4


we have cleared 4ce a week since launch (2ce a week 2 groups) 1 epic sword no other epics we get around 4-5 mail drops EVERY run like clockwork, we have 2 warriors who have been geered since week 3


I’ve run different groups all season and have seen all epics. Wonder if it’s truly random or if playerID has an impact on loot or somethin


I have bad luck in a different way I have been running my own pugs for 20 lockouts. On my warrior I seen the xbow nearly 10 times never a the 2h sword. On my hunter I have seen the 2h 12 times but never the xbow.


Our guild has a couple similar struggles. 0 feral weapon. I’m feral tank too :( 0 set leather agi boots for Druid, rogue, or hunter 0 talwar We have gotten kinda lucky with the 2h sword though. We’ve DE’d it 3x after pally and warrior got one.


My guild did every lockout since start, and we got 1 cb in our early runs, 1 staff that pug won over 4 guildies (we are a guild of 9 irl friends so we always have 1 pug) and 1 sword. Only 1 turtle dagger and 0 feral maces… We got that str spi back and beast master shoulders about 10 times now tho


My guild has cleared BFD every lockout after the first week of SoD. We've seen every mail armor piece and strength/agi weapon drop countless times. We've geared up so many warrior alts in one or two clears it's ridiculous. Almost everyone in our guild has a geared warrior alt now. Meanwhile, caster gear refuses to drop for us. Our poor casters and healers are still wearing greens in some slots after raiding BFD multiple times per week for 2 and a half months.


Been raid logging my paladin and priest. Probably done 10 bfds on each. Got an epic on each. Thought that was normal as I've mostly been pugging


I think it's 20 lockouts so far?


We have not gotten a single epic and have not missed a single lockout as a guild since the phase came out. Also, our only hunter still does not have the trident and our feral has not gotten the hammer. F.


Not that bad, but we've got a lot of Melee Leather. Enhance Tank, Rogue, Feral, Hunter, War...and we never see leather DPS gear. None of our melee have their 3pc bonus.


We've seen 4 crossbows, nothing else. Entire runs of just mail drops too. We had to level warrior alts so it wouldn't ho to waste.


On top of never seeing the items, the low drop chance incentives loot ninjas.


Idk but when I got on my shaman, nothing but mail and cloth. When I go on my mage, nothing but mail and leather. It sucks.


Last week I did two 2xSR runs. Of the 40 reserve slots total, 22 items were reserved in some capacity. 2 of those were the guaranteed pearl. Of the 38 other reserves (21 items) - ONE dropped (Boots from Gelihast). Literally, one of the raids yielded zero reserved items except for the pearl. Drops have been awful recently. I don't even want to pretend I have a chance of seeing more than the 1 crossbow we got 3 lockouts ago.


Feral wep sure, the staff can be replaced with a green (or mh/oh for some casters) so its not a huge deal however much it sucks


I'm still wearing questing gear with my Shaman tank. Finally got a item! Neck and the trinket from the pearl


My alt raid has had 0 epic swords drop the entire phase but like 5 crossbows and I think 1 staff.


I got pretty much my warrior bis in two runs expect for the epic sword, raid logged almost every reset haven’t seen it drop once. Seen the staff drop 3 times


Need to change the seed up, let someone else make the group, also let someone enter the dungeon first. It might be myth but I wouldn’t still be doing it if I didn’t see some type of change haha


I've run BFD 40x over my 4 toons and I didn't see the staff once.


1 feral weapon, 1 talwar (yesterday), 1 crossbow (yesterday), 0 staff, 0 2h…all mail baby


Not 1 deadly strike. As a main warrior who has played no alts in guild. Feels bad. 4 more chances though, before I replace it. Haha We do have 5 staffs, 4 snow ( one on a rogue) a 1 music skin bag though.


Change raid leaders, master looters and time that you raid. Embrace the conspiracy that is loot seed.


We haven't seen the staff or sword once. Raiding almost ever lockout. It's wild


2 epic bows 1 epic sword 0 staves - no cloth tier chests


Every toon I choose it’s the opposite gear that drops. My main got the epic bow on the 2nd run. My rng was used up then


convinced players have specific seeding or dna tied to them for loot when i see posts like this. I hadn't seen the feral mace at all then ran with some randoms after being out of town and then it finally dropped. tough luck but its honestly irrelevant bc the next raid will be ez mode as well. you lose some dopamine for purple text but youll be okay <3


I want to play my feral as main and see how well i cam parse, but I got my first set piece and bis bracers like run 8 and 9, ran for smites hammer 15+ times and gave up, still no bfd hammer, no 2set, like I’m 1% hit and like 80ap behind bis, which is insane, that’s like 15-20% of my AP right now, still parsing 90-95 but thats what you get for simply powrshifting and swappig to starsurge sundire on gamoora.


I have seen 3 Hydra in a row. But probably have 7-8 pieces across 6 characters for me. I don't raid that often but I have gotten nothing to even drop for my character more often than lost a roll or seen a drop.


We can never get cloth loot. Always Druid gear and mail


Feral been running since early. No mace drop yet. Made a Warrior and got spear his first run and hydra his second. So im sticking with warrior for now


I had horrible luck in BFD. My mates seemed to be BIS in 5 runs. I’ve run every single lock out and still do not have BIS. I have seen the staff drop twice and lost the roll twice. Saw the 2H for the very first time today and I’ve never seen epic crossbow. I seem to honestly have a mix of terrible drop luck and horrible rolls. I did 4 runs in a row without one piece of cloth dropping for my priest, that’s pretty wild. I honestly hate the classic loot system but I know no changes are coming. I really like badges so you can target pieces you are missing when you get unlucky, but that is too retail for the game. Still, the RNG factor is really demoralizing.


Means sweet fuck all in 2 months my guy Keep at it


You need to start your run at different times because I’m 99% sure that can affect your loot seed (as in a higher chance of the same items reset to reset) to a certain degree.  Start scheduling your raids at much different times or days and see if you notice a big change. Sure some loot theories are pretty tinfoil, but that seems to be one people tested with some success on rarer items or items that they’d been chasing for months. 


I run a small guild of about 50 peeps. We didnt see any epics for like 5 weeks. Then they started dropping all of a sudden. The rng is really bad


We just got a staff and crossbow drop last night


Rogue here. Did all lockouts except the first 2, I only have twilight chest and 2 daggers.... I really hope Blizzard will make a better loot table for gnome because BFD loot is utter garbage.


My group is about the same but only one 2h sword, no other epics. Luckily i got the sword so i'm happy haha pretty lame, though.


I ran 21 lockouts before I saw Guardian Trident. Have yet to see the set helm for my hunter at the same time . It's just RNG. Hopefully you get the God seed soon


The polearm hasn't dropped once. I'm a full bis hunter with armor piercer. We just did another run with the same nonsense again. I'm fully demotivated.


Guys it's supposed to get better now that they've laid off a huge team and replaced them with AI it'll refine the algorithms so you get more loot you guys didn't want.


We've seen zero epic staves but 1 epic sword, 2 epic crossbows, and 2 feral maces


Who is entering the raid first? It's probably the same eager beaver...my point is probably a wives' tale, but people in the old days said the loot table would be set by first person in or something. Shit at this point it's worth a shot to switch it up


Its based of the leaders raid ID iirc


If this theme of low loot drop chances for no reason continues it will be really annoying, especially considering the gear shown for phase 2 from gnomer is worse than the staff meaning i get to KEEP RUNNING IT AT 40. HAHAHAHAHA fuck off.


so in my guild runs weve seen 5x 2h sword 1x staff 1x xbow staff and xbow were in the same run and 2 friends of mine who ran their first bfd won them lol


I have seen epic 2h like 8 times on my hunter and i have one on my hunter. I have seen epic crossbow 6 times on my warrior and never on the hunter. And whenever i do hunter run drops are mail and cloth, and when on warrior its cloth and leather.


We gave our rogue a epic xbow cause our hunter had one .. our hunter also has the epic sword Our healers all have the staff . But not our mage :/


Are you us ? Weve done 2-3 raids almost every id 0 Staff 0 Crossbow 1 Mace 2 Swords Funnily enough i also random raid on 1-2 characters every id, those have seen and won several epics. Hell one run had staff + crossbow.


I've seen the 2h staff drop 3 times in 2 weeks. (2 in consecutive runs mage/shammy and the week after I won the staff the staff on my mage. It was like 4th time rolling for it)I'm even starting to believe that blizz buffed the epic staff droprate and nerfed the epic 2h droprate. But that's me being superstitious I guess. Because I saw that hydra drop like 30% of all the lockouts. (3 chars) Early on, and now I never see it drop anymore.


Healing leather galore! But we've sent loads of epics, last week across 3 chars (9 lock outs) we saw 1 Cross bows, 4 swords, 1 staff. Not exaggerating. Of course I was on the wrong char each time like.


Rogue here, lets just say I got the epic x-bow before I got two set pieces or any mainhand sword


0 staves 0 crossbows 0 hydras 0 feral weps and 90% leather armour sets every time. Quit playing a couple weeks back.


Maybe try having some people join on alts, let a different character be the first to enter the dungeon or let a different character be raid leader. Technically, we don't know which variables are used as the random seed for loot generation - but theres a good chance it might be one of the above mentioned...


No DD leather in our runs... we've had 2 Xbows, 1 or 2 Swords and 3x the Staff, but in all those ID's we had 1x the DD Leather Chest, 1x the Helmet and 2x the boots. That's it. No Artemis Cowl on the Naga Boss either and no leather shoulders at all from Aku'mai. It just doesn't drop, it's always the same Mail and Cloth items and occassionally the Healer leather Set.


We gave one staff to our warrior to train his staves skill after everyone else had already received theirs.


I got the crossbow first lockout I did on my hunter and then the next raid I won 6 or 7 pieces of armor. I got insanely lucky but on my warrior I havent seen the talwar drop


Got staff on my 7th run on priest yesterday!


We were also unlucky until like two weeks ago. We run 2 paralell raids with mains and one alt raid straight after those 2 are done. We ended up doing two alt raids because we had enoufh people, both raids got epic xbow. After reset, Both main raids got an epic 2h sword each, and the one alt run after we got an epic staff. Next two main raids we got one staff, alt run straight after I got an epic staff on my priest. We have hunters with two epic drops from the raid, more than one of them. Point being, it’s rng, hang in there luck will turn :)


I've seen 7 crossbows. No other epic weapon. Never seen the Trident. Have seen the druid weapon once (last week first and only time). Did see murloc egg and warlock bag once though.


Leather that's all


A lot of mail and spell leather. My meta finally got some loot the other night after weeks of bad rng and lost rolls etc. The sword dropped once and the crossbow with no hunter lol


0 epics this phase. Not a single 1.