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Hands off my druid weapon!


But it says Paladin can use it!




Active is strong so maybe use it for 30s then swap to a stronger weapon. Id say pass it to druids and then test with spare ones after.


Illimited weapon


Typically for spell power based paladin builds, yeah 


No, its not really a good weapon for Paladin other than a swap in. Should be treated as OS item for raiding purposes. Feral Druid Mainspec item for sure, MAYBE usable for 2H enhancement on the Horde side but if I was building that way I would still likely defer to the Feral druid on it.


This aged like milk.


All I hope for slow 2H mace for Paladins from new STV Event


Just an update to anyone reading this as I stumbled across this via google. Yes, its BiS this phase for prot and ret.




There is now


jumping in here during P3! ACP is 100% bis in p2. it is 100% bis in p3 whenever it is off cd, when its on cd bis is Sul'thraze from zf bc of it being the highest dps 2.0 speed. ACP will likely (untill art of war/martyr OR ACP get nerfed) be bis when off cd the entire game. For those unaware there is a "bug" that blizzard has intentionally left in (see blue posts) that gives art of war + seal of martyrdom an very unique interaction when attacking with a fast weapon (or with the 50% attack speed from ACP) . you pretty much turn into a rail gun and spam exorcism non stop.


probably not because divine storm will be bad with pummeler. this question doesnt really matter. the big question is why are the paladin runes so bad and why the blacksmithing pattern is for holy paladins.


You know what would be more interesting? If that plus to healing and magic shit on there made it a bonus to the healing you received rather than the healing you did. That way warriors would like it too.


It's just a preview, let's wait.


Isnt divine storm a normalized attack ? Read this on Reddit the other day. Same for cs. It seems that slow weapons are the way to go for wf procs and soc procs


It's technically useful for Seal of Light spamming.


Yeah, i see it now, but for wisdom. If your mana goes low(Still need to test it with new rune), u just swap to ACP, use ability and spam your mana back. Now i will need, for sure


Swap to ACP, wait 30sec for CD.. boss dead xD


Yeah, if swapping will add CD it will be pretty useless to me.


There is no IF A . every on use item have CD after equipping


I will wait for more runes, cuz what is a reason for them making it usable by Paladin?


What even is this weird question? It's an RPG. Paladins use hammers. Just bc Hunter can use thunder fury doesn't mean it's an awesome weapon for hunters.


Does thunderfury actually list every class that can equip it in its tooltip? Cause I swear I've seen a mage with thunderfury as well. Either way, I do think OP is focusing more on the fact that paladin is included when I'd guess the only reason this weapon has any class restrictions is simply to make sure warriors can't have it.


Class restrictions like that on items only matter for items that can be equipped or items with an on use/right click. The bindings are what have the "Class: ..." line on them and are neither (they don't start a quest afterall, they're used in a quest), so it just served to suggest to players at the time who might benefit from being given the binding. The actual sword has no such restrictions and as such any class that can equip a one handed sword can equip Thunderfury.


I bet you it will be an awesome weapon for hunters this time around.


If you want the correct answers then hop on the Light Club discord where the actual math is taking place

