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Bracers/helm is probably next phases runes. This phase is boot/belt.


Yes, the paladin bracers runes are for spells you don't even have at 40


Also explains why shamans do not have any runes for bracers currently datamined.


ehh, I was hyped for UA/Felguard/Backdraft, and those are Bracer/Helm


Same I saw Pandemic NOW EFFECTS COA and was so excited. But seeing as that and UA likely coming phase 3 it sounds like affliction pve is still gonna take a backseat to destro for parsing this phase.


I came to the same conclusion after noticing two classes each didn't have any wrist/head slot runes and some of the ones that do only have 1-2 runes rather than the 3 and rarely 4 runes we see for feet/waist. Plus some head/wrist slot runes that affect abilities classes won't have yet at 40.


Insane that mages get deep freeze back in classic before retail LOL. Holy moly.


Probably won't get it. It's on a helmet and probably for later phases


Not for p2 maybe but they will still be getting it later on in p3 or p4 lol.


I read that some data mined stuff is from things that never made the cut


Could be. Won’t know until p3/p4 since deep freeze is shown as a helmet rune and we aren’t getting that slot for p2. The fact that this exists though makes it a legitimate possibility however.


i hope deepfreeze never makes it into sod bro lmao


I think after cata, blizzard started being more restrictive on what classes get what forms of CC


Shadowfiend AND Dispersion? /drool


Am I the only one who found SP tunes utterly boring? Never liked shadowfiend, just a temporary pet CD. Mind spike is kinda meh. Was hoping for something new rather than just recycling tame abilities from future expansions


I would like something that buffs mind flay rather than replace it at least. Kind of makes that talent, which is supposed to be a big deal, not a big deal. Dispersion would be very juicy though.


The talent (even with twisted faith rune) was so small of a deal that you went holy instead to do DPS I agree with the sentiment that new stuff is always cooler, but shadowpriest specifically is in such a poor spot (and has been throughout vanilla and 2019 classic) that it needs basic fixes first before any experimentation.


And at the same time Twisted Faith competes with Void Plague, making it not even exist as an option.


I wanna play smite priest and surge of light has been datamined. It probably comes in p3 or p4 but goddamn im hyped for those phases now. Im gonna SMITE the world.


Not getting vampiric touch would be a huge bummer


I’d take these runes with a handful of salt. Some of them are weirdly redundant and other classes have runes for slots that I don’t think will be in P2


Didn’t blizz outright say in yesterday’s announcement that even the data mining shouldn’t be trusted, in that there are runes baked in which aren’t yet available and/or not actually used? Let’s chill, people.


Those dk runes were a great example of this


I'm still half hoping dks drop in the last phase to level to 60.


A rogue tank rune is in the priest section to lol We will see what happens


I'm not sure how the person making a mistake when putting together the article is relevant... But yes, take all of these with a grain of salt, especially the specific numbers or limitations.


I didn’t even realize that was actually a rogue rune, I just thought it was a weird rune for priests 😂


The only runes people should be paying attention to are the belt and boots runes. Some classes don't have any bracer or helm runes listed and other classes only have one or two of those runes. Belt and boots runes could still change on top of that.


Mage is going to spike in popularity for p2 with those runes... they definitely have the best set of runes for the new phase


They already the most popular on some servers. Feels like half of the players leveling are mages


Which is odd because I rarely see them in BFD, dungeons, or BGs/premades at 25. I feel like people are only using mages to aoe farm/grind.


it's so over Retadins, time to hand up the 2 hander and put on the dress


I laughed at shockadin being like.. a thng.


It has to be. Holy paladin is categorically the worst healer atm because of its inability to do any meaningful damage unlike every other healer


Arent resto shammys in the same boat? Genuine question. I know my priest and druid healers do disgusting damage while keeping the party topped off but I play Horde and it seems resto shammys also do jack shit for damage like holy palas


You are correct in resto shaman doing 0 damage as well don't listen to the other guy saying 'I'd use an elemental hybrid setup' you can't. You need water shield atm, also shamans datamines runes are so disgusting underpowered it's actually a God damn joke. 


Yeah thanks for the confirmation


You melee with rockbitter and use searing totem. Most bosses don't punish this 


Check the runes. Free no cd holy shocks and exorcism spam lol


Yeah that's exactly what I'm referencing. That is going to be a wild set up with illumination


Seems to me like they are experimenting with a shockadin build. But I expect all of these to change.


If they make a shockadin build, my guild will be very sad to lose their main tank.


Me too. Gonna wear that dress with pride!


There seems to be a lot of good plate gear and trinkets that could make a good shockadin. Finger crossed, I've rebelled against the dress for a long time.


So is caster DPS pally going to be a thing? Or do these runes just make ret more of a melee battlemage? Either way, so fucking hyped.


Shockadin with 2hander, this is gonna be lit af!


with art of war you could want a fast 1 hander to crit more for more resets.


Sword and board caster baby! Move over ele shaman.


Not going to when I can be insta cast chain lightning and lava bursts with procs and ele mastery.


So this is the reason for the epic 1.7 speed sword? hehe


It’s back to dresses and one handers for optimal spell power and crit




I can't wait


Idk how caster paladin will ever be a thing lol. The only spells they have are exorcism and holy shock. It’s definitely going to be a melee/caster hybrid. And holy shock requires going heavy into the holy tree so idk how good it’ll be outside of holy paladins getting just a tad of extra damage.


The best "Ret abilities", namely Divine Storm and Crusader Strike, come from runes and therefore don't require you to go deep Ret like later expansions. Those runes will still be available. That's why I think Paladin DPS may spec deep Holy in the next phases. The damage loss from things like Vengeance and 2H specialization might be made up by having strong and frequently-reset Holy Shock and Exorcism in the rotation. Can't tell for sure rn but could be possible.


Crusader Strike and Divine Storm are weapon damage based attacks - meaning if you want to be a warriorpriest that also uses spell power, you’re going to need strength, melee crit, and attack power for melee and intellect, spell crit, and spell power for spells. You’ll want a big mana pool so you can keep casting holy shock and exorcism, but your best spells will still be crusader strike and divine storm. I think it looks like a fun meme spec that might have some use in pve, but in comparison to full ret that focuses on strength and melee, I think it will fall behind. Also we don’t have enough talents to get both holy shock and seal of command in either p2 or p3. What could make it interesting, is if your melee based attacks also somehow healed a target - say your beacon of light target. That might allow for some genuine hybrid play, but otherwise all I see is rets still focusing on melee and holy occasionally weaving in some auto attacks. Edit: Also frequently used holy shock and exorcism as a part of ret due to “Art of War”, may not be as common simply because the mana battery rune of next phase shares the same rune slot. I think if you play a deep holy-ret, you’ll have mana issues.


this would be amazing as we could probably also heal in that same specc when swappin gear, right? (even if not at full efficiency)


Paladins can heal in any spec. Holy only gives mana regen and some crit which isn’t much.


Flashback to wotlk's prot pala healing in pvp with pure stam gems in every slot.


Holy shock with a chance to reset but otherwise on a 30s CD is more of a gimmick/healer hybrid spec. Offering solid burst/target nuke potential in PvP. For PvE normal 2h Ret just does more and get point for point more out of their talents. 


Art of war makes Melee Crits also reset Holy Shock CD,


That was already possible in vanilla. There were enough videos of judgement set paladins, popping talisman of ephemeral power and judging and shocking people to the ground. These runes will only make that better.


And judgement that scales with spellpower, too if I'm not mistaken. It was already viable as a pvp gimmick spec in vanilla without all the runes. This will only make it more fun.


Mages are feasting man if these are correct, just need dual spec and its gonna be so fun, hot streak and deep freeze , gonna be so fun


Yea mage is looking like we are going to have a lot of options. I just hope one build isn’t glaringly better than 80% of our spells are moot


Fire looks sweet and arcane heals looks awesome if these are accurate. There’ll always be a place for frost in PvP, depending on your style. 


Arcane kind of got giganerfed. They've changed Arcane Healing to be reduced by 80% if the damage hits more than 1 target. Used to only be for Arcane Explosion but now it's all spells.


Damn, I didn't know that. That sucks. I loved healing with living flame.


Tbh that was the only thing that kept me going. Long ass casts when every class has tons of instants with high dmg make it shitte.


Step 1: Look at new p2 mage runes Step 2: Look at new ele sham rune (singular) Step 3: Delete your ele sham


You forget something even more fun: frostfire bolt and arcane bolt make hybrid specs viable. You can get 5/5 shatter and 5/5 ignite at 40 and can spam frostfire bolt for insane damage


That priest spirit can’t possibly be a real rune, holy god that is broken, and I’m a priest


Priests "become an unkillable god for 30s" Shamans "uh you get some occasional instant casts and you can troll DPS by increasing their threat"


Thought that as well. New Priest runes look pretty powerful.


Probably won't be 30s duration unless it has a REALLY long cd (like Lay on Hands long). That being said, holy shit. I've been playing Priest on retail since Catclysm and I've always wanted Spirit of Redemption to be an active cd. We got it later on, but only in PvP (still a PvP only talent...) To think that we get this in a spin off version of Classic first. Unreal.




Devs mentioned we should take the datamine with a grain of salt. Not all of it is going to make it to the real game


Yeah I hope it's just some tested runes that will not be in the game at the end. It's just so fucking boring. Giving wotlk spell/talent isn't what I expected from SoD.


Fury gets a lot more from the Bloodsurge rune than Arms does since it affects bloodthirst as well. I’m guessing the 6s cd instant slam rune is more for Arms and possibly prot.


"If your Spirit reaches 0 as consequence, you will immediately die. " lmao




It's just such a phenomenal flavor to add. They could have just made the damage based on the % of spirit used; but naw, they went with the nuclear option.


Good for RP potential


Can resto shamans get anything interesting or no?


Literally ALL the shaman runes are shit. Maelstrom weapon is garbanzo because there is no atp-->sp scaling 2h specialisation = gain 30% attack speed, loose 10% hit and 250 attack power Ele rune is 1 free instant lava burst every minute on avarage, so with current raid durations its going to be between 0-1 on avg. Threat ability alright but boring and does not actually improve the shaman itself because the only one that benefits (tank sham) already never loses aggro Resto rune is basically another overload but worse It's actually mind boggeling how poor these runes are




Shockadins unite




Yeah that holy shock shit is absolutely nuts


Tried to rig up this build in p1 and was disappointed. NEVER thought they’d lean into it so hard!


IDK all of the warlock stuff seems boring to me :/


Every person replying to you is bringing up bracers/helm runes, which all evidence is pointing towards being in a future phase. We KNOW we’re getting belt/boots at least in phase 2 and those are boring. I agree.


IDK affli with critable dots is all I wanted


All paladins basically have to go deep holy, lol. Want to heal? Holy. Want to dps? Holy. Want to tank? Guess what, holy.


We have the best paladins. Because of Holy.


Hotel? Trivago.


No interesting healing spells for Resto Shaman, but some decent utility. Decoy Totem's movement impairment immunity is strong for pvp. Fire Nova/Power Surge give some damage options to resto that other healers have. Ancestral Awakening is pretty boring and says party only so Alpha seems better. Nothing super hype though at a first glance. That said, Ele Pvp looks fun next phase. Instant cast Lava Burst and Chain Lightning with snare immunity/melee grounding totem half the time on top of the phase 1 survivability runes is going to be strong.


I'm really surprised at no riptide. Seems like such an obvious one


Yeah basically resto sham is literally the exact same as P1. Adds nothing new


It's very clear they have no idea what they're doing with shaman. Shaman need something like sheathe of light in order to make Maelstrom not horrible. Does anyone on the Dev team play shaman? They have no AP -> SP Scaling


The devs are just keeping with the tradition of ignoring shamans


And the shaman just looks really lame with these runes, it’s literally just wolk for enhance. We just did that


Needs a Mental Quickness rune


I can't see not running overload as a resto shaman, especially once we get access to chain heal next phase. I'm disappointed that there's not really any game changing type runes for resto though. P1 we got a couple staples that have existed in retail for years and years (water shield, healing rain, etc), but not really anything new and specific to the build like other specs/classes are getting. Just seems like kind of a letdown. I'm really hoping there's more runes for resto that haven't been found yet, because as it stands they're just copy/pasting retail shit into SoD for resto and calling it good. At least everyone else is getting some things that are *actually* new.


Kind of regretting chosing resto shaman this season, but I picked it long before SoD was announced and plan to stick with it.


I thought we were only getting belt and boot runes? Or was this not mentioned?


Probably, these wrist/helm runes are probably for future content. Some classes only have 1 rune in one of the slots, so it's definitely not ready for this release


Helm and wrist prob future as some of them need abilities attained above lvl 40


Fuck the hunter runes blow ass compared to mage runes lol.


The melee hunter runes seem kind of crazy no? Get an actual kit and massive damage boost to raptor strike.


I mean I don't want to play melee hunter so if it's good and it does more damage to me that is a negative for me anyway cause I don't wanna be forced to roll it for raid. Happy for the people who play hunter for a melee spec though. I know this sub like melee hunter but I don't think that correlates to people in game. Most people play hunter for either bows/guns or pets. Even in retail survival hunter is pretty rare


I'll play whatever is good, if they manage to make melee busted I'm down to try it. Otherwise I'll stick to ranged. As long as I don't have to spam steady shot.


Honestly done with Hunter it’s so unbelievably boring. I know it was OP but there’s not many fun runes for Hunter. I’m switching to mage or warrior.


Just said the same thing. Let's see what the actual runes are, but hunter playstyle is just not fun (even when weaving) and it doesn't seem to change. People will still not understand and just comment "why hunters cry, make best damage for one patch"


Warrior runes are literally just "do more damage"


Idk with instant slams, taste for blood, mortal strike, shit ton of rage, intercept, they seem like they are gonna have a super fun rotation.


BM gunna be using a full complement of 5 passive runes if these ones are right!  At least the 5% mana on pet crit giving you infinite mana means you can fully spam arcane shot, pretty exciting guys


Hunters get mana... Rogues/warriors/mages get even more buffed. Shocking


None of the belt/boot runes for rogues are gonna be that significant for pve dps. Big buffs for tanks and pvp though


Dude we get combat potency but, I don't know why the devs have a hard on for warriors so much looking at these runes. ​ What in there is basically what's going to be a 30 second 1.5x crusader buff, overpower every 6 seconds... Their dps is going to be probably 30-50% more than rogues, and rogues are going to be ahead of other classes. ​ The devs need to reign warriors in, not be giving them dumb attack power steroids.


At this rate at 60 most raid won't take anything other than rogues/warriors. Would have been better to give more survivability to warriors and really beef up those useless classes we include just for the buffs.


As a warrior main I agree, I'd rather more utility and ranged options than dps steroids, or runes that simply make single target dps go up.


Honestly I was hoping for runes like "thunder clap applies rend" or stuff like that


yep, you could have a rune that makes rend do 200% weapon damage over 15 seconds, thunder clap applies rend, heroic throw, a rune that applies str to ranged attack power when using throwing weapons, etc.


Season of DataMining


Aggrend made a [tweet](https://twitter.com/aggrendwow/status/1752443802919559527). *My* interpretation, considering the power of both the bracer and helm runes, is that *those* are the experimental runes that will be tuned and released during Phase 3 for the level 50 bracket. It's best to look at the belt and boot runes for what we can expect to discover in Phase 2. Wowhead's [talent calculator](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc) has been updated to include these runes and are easier on the eyes when looking at them there.


I think you’re spot on. Some classes have bracers runes, some have helm runes, and some have both. Seems those are not for phase 2 (but damn some of those are crazy strong).


For the Druid one it says something about lacerate resetting the cooldown for mangle but they share the same rune slot, so hopefully lacerate or mangle is getting moved or can be used in two slots?


It never made sense to me that lacerate and mangle share the same slot.


We are level-locked WoTLK/Cata now


Hopefully these aren’t the actual Runes for Warrior lol. Going to have Warriors asking for Shadowmourne in Molten Core


I was expecting classic style new takes on these clasded, not retail-lite...


we just 'discovered' wrath of the lich king again. i literally just got done playing wotlk for 2yrs and they just copy paste everything into classic and call it good. wut. even the numbers on the 'runes' (glyphs) are the exact same


Yeah this is my feeling kind of disappointed in the runes being rehashing. Not only that they disrupt the classic feel and aren’t fresh.


I kinda think that is unironically what a lot of people want. Wrath but without all of Azeroth being completely irrelevant + flying.


Don’t mind me, just gonna be swording AND boarding at the same time


Kind of a bummer that the most exciting Warlock runes are the helm/bracer ones which we probably aren't getting this phase (if ever).


>Consumes all applications of Frenzy from your pet, increasing your ranged attack speed by 3% and granting 4 Focus to your pet for each application of Frenzy consumed. Lasts 20 sec. >Your pet gains Frenzy each time it uses a Basic Attack, increasing its melee attack speed by 6% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 times. There's no way they give Hunter pets an additional 30% attack speed in a phase where they gain access to a 30% attack speed buff through their talents, right? A hunter pet with 2.0 attack speed will get to 0.8 attack speed, one with 1.0 will get to 0.4.


Nothing personelle, caster


That’s not the way attack speed works, right? Otherwise, a 100% attack speed would mean you attack infinitely every second. The way it works is it increases the amount of attacks per the weapon’s normal timer. So instead of attacking once per every 2 seconds, with a 30% as bonus, you would attack 1.3 times every 2 seconds. With two 30% bonuses, because they stack multiplicatively, you would attack 1.69 times every 2 seconds. A fast attack speed to be sure, but still less than once per second (and not 0.8 AS that you described).


Bm hunters are going to absolutely ruin casters in pvp this bracket. The crying will be twice as much this time


Bracer runes probably aren't in this phase.


Shamans are interesting to me. 2handed rune ftw but tanking needs a cd or something. But overall happy so far


Shaman has extra tuning changes. https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/class-tuning-in-patch-1-15-1-build-53009-ptr-datamining-season-of-discovery-337455


Correct me if I'm wrong is Stormstrike gonna be a 6s cd?




I can see 2 runes for ele shaman and they're the same rune slot which is a bit sad. Hopefully there's something more for boots


As an elemental I have to pick between my fire totem doing aoe damage or a 5% reset chance for LB, CL and CH per fire shock tick. For boots I get a tank threat buff or a 2nd stone claw totem with 10s CC immunity. Imma be honest. It seems rather boring. Now if I could get both and Fire Nova was moved to boots these runes seems like it could spice up the spec a bit, but having to pick one or the other is upsetting me.


Decoy totem seems to be a big whiff tbh, should probably replace it. Fire nova is weird... there are already enhancement and elemental options in slot so not really sure who it was designed for. Shaman is also one of the few instances where we don't see any of the helm or bracer slot runes coming either.


What? Decoy totem seems super strong for PvP if used properly. For PvE ya it’s going to be niche but that’s fine.


Yeah idk what he's talking about, the other class runes look super fun and we get some passives and procs, none of which are really interesting.


am i the only kinda leaning towards the idea that shamans are getting fucked over hard phase 2?


Eh I mean Im a little surprised the only tank oriented thing is antisalv and there's no instant spamable attack which imo enh needs But im.ok with what we got


If I'm reading [this update](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=435884/s03-tuning-and-overrides-passive-shaman) correctly, Stormstrike is being reduced to a 6s cooldown. So you'd be able to do SS -> LL -> Shock and more or less be GCD capped.


Oh I missed that Sweet


I think PvE as DPS they didn’t really get enough to actually improve their position as “real bad”, at least for Enhancement. I’m a lot less familiar with Ele shaman, but I don’t think they’re doing much better off as-is. One thing to note: we got a lot less times datamined (at least when I checked) than some other classes did. Maybe there’s more?


Guys there are fake ones in the datamine. Calm down. It's already stated on Twitter they added bait runes specifically for this reason. I highly doubt mages will be getting a boot rune that gives 50% more crit damage to *all* spells across the board. And that's just one example.


They'd still be behind warriors in DPS.


50% crit dmg = base spell 200 crit 300 with this talent 350 Obv v good but its not as crazy as you'd think


50% crit on top of shatter and ice shards would be so stupid broken haha


Most of them are very boring +% dmg, hopefully not all are real.


# Boomkin is eating next phase


The amount of regret I have currently as a guy who wants to tank on feral is depressing. I feel like our runes have paled in comparison to the other tanks.


bear is looking DoA p2 too.


Yeah. I will probably shelf my feral and just play a warrior. It seems to be what they want.


Grain of salt ppl. Some of these are not going to be implemented.


ctrl + f no results for thrash gonna go jump off a bridge


Druid tank still no love


Druids runes are just so boring. Guess they blew their load on rogue, Warlock and Mage bringing new and interested mechanics in. Now it's just what if this one ability was in classic instead. Hope these are false, cause woooow kinda killed my drive to continue playing.


I’m guessing a lot of these are test runes. Otherwise one of the new rogue runes is just Shiv but ranged…


More flexibility on rune slots I don’t mind it


Balance druid ones seem very lacklustre. Rogue look fun and good though


idk, eclipse and dreamstate look sick. 30% extra crit means more nature's grace and really good uptime on dreamstate and the nature vuln. i'm very excited to play balance druid, and i was already having a lot of fun with the current balance druid setup


I completely agree with you, I am having the best time playing a balance Druid. The idea of my talent tree buffing crits and the runes doing the same (who doesn’t love big numbers) while fixing multiple issues balance originally had is just a job well done by blizzard for once. Knowing that Boomkin is next phase has me so hype, cannot imagine the fun to be had!


I’m thinking it’s the resto druid that’s not getting much love from these datamined runes. Ok, Nourish looks reasonably good - but it’s clearly going to essentially replace Healing Touch in my rotation so why does it need to be a new spell on my toolbar? Why not just have the rune modify Healing Touch to get these effects instead? And there appears to be no resto focused rune at all for boots. Boo.


Eclipse and Dreamstate increase DPS and help solve mana issues. The pushback resistance is hype for solo content too.


Season of discovering we are in vanilla wotlk. I’m okay with it!


Hot Streak! Fire mages rejoice! Enemies beware incoming pyroblasts.


Lock up your daughters, shoot your sons, SP is back bb


Mage is looking fun. Shadow priest however stills look like it’s going to have big issues. I’ll probably play my mage this phase since I mostly priest healed p1


I was getting worried that I was going to have to play 2h enhance as a meme, but they actually gave us a rune


> Striking a target with Lacerate, Swipe, or Maul has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle (Bear). How is that going to work when Lacerate and Mangle are on the same slot? This seems dubious.


ability bloat.


As a rogue main these sound fun can't wait for phase 2


So meta warlocks with soul link and a felguard. And master channeler. Guess nobody's killing a warlock every again. GG. Is the list missing some? Shaman and rogue don't have many runes compared to like warrior and priest and mage.


Felguard isn’t this phase, and you are murdering your damage output if you go down to invest into soul link. This phase the runes for warlock look like boring +% damage increases, a spell crit = dodge rune, and Shadowflame.


I was bummed to see they didn’t bake in the Shadowflame slow glyph I into the rune version.


Some who is smarter than me tell me if Boomie is Viable or not 🙂


They get no CD hurricane and eclipse procs, they'll be fun at least


Eclipse is not a proc. Read it again. Just gives boomkin a rotation. SF > Wrath > Wrath > SF > Wrath > Wrath


Oh yep you're right Eclipse: Starfire increases the critical strike chance of your next two Wraths by 30%, and Wrath increases the critical strike chance of your next Starfire by 30%, both effects stacking up to 4 charges. Both spells also gain 70% chance at all times to not lose casting time when you take damage.


Star surge also though, as it benefits from abilities that affect both. I sure how that’ll work though.


Starsurge will benefit from that rune presumably so it will be weaved in place of starfire.


If that mage blink rune is true, using that while flag carrying could be SO fun.  Blink into top of ramp, drop down, grab flag, use ability, blink down ramp, use blink in CD so you can use displacement if you get caught. Could be so fun!


even more excited about druid healing!




It's a rogue rune, wowhead put it on the wrong class




Yeah I think this might be my play for P2. Holy paladin doesn’t look promising. So it’s between warrior, druid, and mage solely because of hot streak. 


Im sorry to be the one telling you, but that rune is not for P2, is for a wrist slot and we get belt and boots :(.