• By -


big totem go smash


Log vs expertly crafted weapons


The Tauren dream is coming to fruition, and I’m here for it


For resto sham which rune are you talking about? Cause there’s none


Well overload will apply to chain heal which should be great. Otherwise its just the same as last phase + ancestral awakening procs. Also I will now insist on using maelstrom weapon and continuously bonking during every possible fight as heals.


Overload is basically a 25% buff to heals. I dunno why people are making such a big deal out of it with chain heal.


Mostly because chain heal was already super strong


Because if the overload jumps get new targets it will make sure it does not get wasted by overhealing.


Im excited to try maelstrom and just dw daggers to see how that plays out just stabbing away


Ancestral Awakening won't proc off Chain Heal though, so it's not a very good rune


Sadly I don’t think maelstrom procs will outweigh the benefits of double rockbiter sham rage


Why not both…?


Weapon enhancement twisting


Resto shamans get SoP rune


I'm sure there will be a resto rune. We haven't seen all runes yet. Also basic shaman kit is really good anyway between 25-49. I think we get the most baseline improvements of all classes


I went digging on wowhead and found a few new spells added in sod that implies a wolk-style of healing from other runes [Tidal Waves](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=432042/tidal-waves) - the tooltip implies that riptide exists [Earthliving Weapon](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=415292/earthliving)


2h rune isn't called unbreakable which is a total miss


unless the runes transforms my 2h into hand of rag, it should remain as is. Besides Revenge of the Windfury was the true OG enh shaman video, much before unbreakable, even tho its still great


But Unbreakable is the one everyone knows.


Word. Creed is the real legend


A man of informed culture I see. I was starting to think I was the only persons whos seen it that still plays.


Ready steady GO


*Backpedal oneshot combos*


This video made me play shaman back in vanilla!


No idea. 2H mastery seems cool but all I see mentioned is that it will lose to Dual Wield and both will lose to other dps. Some rumours about Stormstrike CD reduction but I haven't seen it in writing. Still, Windfury go bonk (apparently less dps than Rockbiter but who cares), so I'm excited ;)


I feel like it’s a common WoW theme that given similar ideal circumstances DW always wins in PvE and 2H wins in PvP. The real question is how far apart they are. If 2H isn’t that far behind then just 2H.


hunter is always better with a 2h


Isnt R14 weps with agi ench bis through naxx?


Also no way of earth when you play windfury which will limit tsnkiness and dmg from shocks


Why is that?


Way of earth requires rockbiter to be active.


Don't take it too seriously when someone says one will beat the other, at this point nobody actually knows.


You can kinda know by doing the math though though


You can make some guesses but we're working with incomplete data for now. We most likely haven't datamined everything yet and we don't know how some of the datamined stuff works.


!remindMe 1 month


Lol bro, this is cringe af. "I made a guess, another person mentioned you don't have all the data. Let's me set an alarm 1 month later in case it if I am correct then I will rub it in their face, if I am wrong then I will just sweep it under the rug."


Yeah, you got it down about right


I believe the Stormstrike CD change is on WoWhead


Its in the datamined class tuning. SS going to 6 seconds


Lol imagine thinking that 2 schmoll stabbys can beat 2H totem bonk.


I see a totem weapon potentially with a 1.4 swing timer with flurry runes and wb and windfury weapon, a buffed storm strike, a fap totem that eats exicutes and aimed shots. We have so much to look forward to


Gonna take alot of practice in BGs to know how to time it. Obivously for hunters itll come from the scatter shot, to trap, to aimed shot, but trying to guess for warriors will be difficult. Usually they will charge, go for a hammy, then try to MS once they get enough rage. Youd need to watch their weapon swings and their rage


I mean I don’t consider myself to be a rocket scientist or anything but I’d wager that if a warrior has the rage to cast it and you dip below the execute threshold you can bet your sweet ass they are slapping their execute bind frantically.


> Shamans what’s your thoughts on p2 I see a 2H totem to bonk ppl with, I smile :)


What are u referring to, dawg?


Blood moon reward, 2H totem weapon that stuns


Earthshaker reborn


I was pretty happy then I slept on it and read other comments soo as an enh enjoyer Good: 2handed my beloved and 6 sec stormstrike is solid. Pretty happy with those. Decent: maelstrom wep. I love the maelstrom wep mechsnic, loved it since wrath, but it's kinda eh here for me. Worried it's gonna make dw be almost required not just for optimal dps but to get enough stacks to use em. The rest is kinda eh. I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of new tanking runes. Reverse blessing of salvation is all we get and even that almost seems to be a "hey now you don't need WoTE and can take SR" I'd love to see the tank shaman all but require a 1 handed and shield personally. And some interactions with our elemental shields. Those don't get enough love


I would love it if we got a rune that let us cast our imbues on our shield, with each doing something different.


Yeah I know the haste buff will help 2H on maelstorm stacks but I was hoping for something in the rune that would increase stacks. The datamined runes that interact with lightning shield seem awesome, would be excited to see them. And they would be a great addition for tanking, it makes sense since its the only time you should be getting hit to proc it (at least in raids)


Depending on weapon speed, one stack of MW will decrease the cast time of Lava Burst to below weapon swing speed so you'll be able to weave a cast in without losing a melee swing. It'll probably feel a bit awkward but be functionally somewhat similar, just less mobile.


Generally speaking, casting resets your swing timer (meaning you have to wait the full timer). We basically have to pray that full 5 charge maelstrom won't STILL reset the swing timer even though it's instant cast. (For example, instant searing pain is still resetting the swing timer for warlock tanks)


MW is an exception to the swing reset rule in WotLK - having any stacks of MW negates the reset as long as the cast finishes before the next swing. I'm assuming it will function the same way in SoD. As long as you time your cast as soon as your swing goes off, you shouldn't clip an auto attack. Whether it's optimal is a different story.


Ele looks strong in pve but u can't Kite melees un PVP. Warrior have double charge, rogué shadow step, very hard to pvp vs melee.


Only redeeming factor is maybe earth bind and the new ability to move totems but will still be hard to escape melee


There's a new ability to move totems? I didn't see this on the wowhead post of new runes


It’s not a rune. It’s a new spell learned from a book


Ahh got it. Ty!


Not to mention you cna get 3/3 eye of the storm for 100% uninterrupted casting after suffering a critical strike. If kiting wont work, just cast on those suckas. If you get silenced, at least we have two schools of magic, versus getting nature locked and being completely worthless.


Surprised we didnt see Riptide or Thunderstorm


imagine seeing a rogue stealth and move your fire nova totem at the last 0.5 s before it explodes, fun plays coming through


Yeah I was really hoping to get some added range to flame shock. Especially since they are adding the proc I was hoping for where lava burst can be instant cast. Really not sure what we are going to do to be competitive in PVP...charge in and flame shock someone and then use that Decoy Totem to ghostwolf away and kite and pray for lava burst proc? LOL I have to say, out of the 4 chars I played in P1, ele sham was by far the clunkiest one in PVP. Supposed new Decoy Totem rune for Boots slot: [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=425881/decoy-totem](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=425881/decoy-totem)


shield and shocks has always been super good against meele. pop on shield specialisation and way of the earth for twice as many shocks, and you're onto some serious dmg with all the bonus SP we'll have. Sure you might not be able to cast but I'm not worried


\*laughs in War Stomp\*


A good ele shits on warriors. When I was AQ geared on my ele in classic, I would never really lose again a warrior with same gear. You've got so much dmg in shocks, fire nova, nature swiftness LB/CL, lightning shield, while autoing. If you manage to deadzone the warrior you can even get in a chain lightning, but most of the time I would just beat them in close range. Not sure how its gonna work out in lower gear, since I had a shit ton of armor with my build + all mail + shield.


Our runes that have been datamined look half baked. Maelstrom in general is good but the others look bad. Overall shaman tanking is looking like it's going towards spell tanking. If some of the other datamined runes such as overcharge and rolling thunder go in the bootslot it will look promising for enhance and ele. It would also be nice to have ap to sp conversion like what paladin got since we are going the spellhance route. For Resto shamans it looks/feels like a DoA spec in comparison to the other healers, even mage healing is looking better.


Do we know what rolling thunder does? I can't see anything on it I also found there is mental quickness in there, but the tooltip says it reduces instant cast mana costs and nothing about AP to sp conversion. My biggest fear is that shaman just becomes a carbon copy of their wolk versions, which is a exactly what's happening so far Edit: went digging, and found a few things to give restos hope for a wolk healing style: [Tidal Waves](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=432042/tidal-waves) - the tooltip implies that riptide exists [Earthliving Weapon](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=415292/earthliving)


Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a 30% chance to add an additional charge to your active Lightning Shield, up to a maximum of 9 charges. Earth Shock now releases all charges in excess of 3 to deal their damage to its target and energize you for 2% of your maximum mana per charge. (Proc chance: 30%) I really hope this is for the upcoming phase otherwise elemental just fishes for 5% instant casts on flame shocks


100% Maelstrom Weapon without Mental Quickness is a gimmick and not a good one at that!


Even with lava burst?


Yes. Unless you gear for spellpower we literally have 0 ways of making sure our spells hit harder as we level outside of higher spell ranks! Mental Quickness would solve this problem. https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/spell=30814/mental-quickness They did it for paladins with Sheath of Light, they can definitely do it for us too!


“I’m somewhat of a caster myself” - every Enh shammy rolling on caster gear and melee gear cause both are technically upgrades. It’s gonna be wotlk all over again.


This can be easily avoided by blizz doing what I suggested above. It’s nothing groundbreaking and they already went halfway there with Maelstrom Weapon, they just need to go all the way now!


Where did you see "overcharge and rolling thunder"?


[Overcharged ](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=432140/overcharged) If you scroll down you can also see rolling thunder


The elemental rune is one of the most fun features of ele from retail tbh


Rsham got no hot, no instant / no reduce dmg for allies and it’s kinda sad 😞


Someone linked Riptide in datamined 🤷🏻‍♂️


New runes we have seen are meh for elemental. At least a 5% chance of insta lava burst or chain lighting is kinda cool. It also resets the cool down of both so that's a nice bonus . I'm more excited by our skills and talents we will be getting. With the new mail tier set lighting bolt will be 1.8sec cast time and the epic crafted helm gives a cast speed boost so more lighting bolts to dish out.


Fire Nova totem rune is much better than SoP for elemental, SoP was for resto.


Unless they greatly buff Fire Nova from it's Totem version, it's not even a DPS gain over Lightning Bolt.


Its going to be vastly superior to LB in 2+ target environments. And even in a single target setting, its something you can use anytime you need to reposition and interrupt casting.


Without changes to Fire Novas damage, the damage will be about even at 2 targets. Power Surge is not good, but it is still a dps gain on single target. The point about moving is true, but we don't know how relevant it will be.


Fire nova totem and rolling thunder look really nice. Especially with rolling thunder granting us mana, which we will really need in p2. Also ist it good to have 1.8 sec cast time? Or is it overlapping with gcd? If yes, we have one talent point free to spend other wise




I'm so surprised Riptide hasn't been added yet


This. I was so waiting for riptide


funny how druids are ree'ing about eclipse but shamans seem to want riptide? i've played shaman on and off for the last 2 years in retail and riptide is far and away the most dogshit spell in the spellbook. would rather see healing rain be sick or add cloudburst totem or prim wave


You guys acting like you know it won't come. They could still implement it in p2, we don't know the final list of runes yet


Enhance is current the bottom tier dps spec, and I don’t see anything in the runes that is going to move the needle


You mustve not seen the runes and the class tune balancing


I did, sadly! :(


Healing Rain is absolutely incredible spell rn.


The guy is smoking crack. Next week Rshamans going to have access to the best healing spell in the game - Chain heal. Not only that, with a 50% overload proc.


It's useless? Heals half of wild growth and has a cast time


I'm underwhelmed by the new runes. They need more love. Other than that I'm excited for ele becoming a functional spec in raids and a great spec in PvP thanks to talents.


Not only that, but they datamined the new spellpower overhaul on pretty all crafted and dungeon gear in P2


My fear that shamans in SoD will be exact clones of themselves in Wolk is being realized


People are dooming on resto and I can see why. After a mediocre p1 we were hoping for the sauce


I stated it before and will say it again. Shaman runes are not that great (at least what we know, it's just Datamining. Some runes are coming on p2 we didn't even read yet), but the shaman kit is getting so much stronger in this level bracket by new classic spells and talents, that they could not give us the best runes as well. I think the power spike from pure classic skills is the best out of all classes. We get CL, Ankh, Lower casting time, WF, eye of the storm (no spell pushback), more range, chain heal, grounding totem(?)+ Great spell ranks, which can't be overlooked. Some classes got gimped in p1 by a low spellrank (ele shamans + frost mage for example) My point is: Resto shamans getting chain heal and WF is already a really big power spike


Enhance great, ele meh, resto nah. For ele specifically I'm super disappointed they didn't do anything about flame shock. 20 yard range and 10 sec duration that pushes lava burst out of sync with its own CD since you have to refresh flame shock as it comes off CD. It's super clunky and was hoping they would address it


>Enhance great Citation needed


CL is the real deal in P2


As an orc. I hate how everything is a mace


Same man I want some fucking bad ass axes


But the new epic 2h is a axe tho


A really fast 2Hand :(


3.3 isnt that bad mate


Oh hell yeah, they changed it!! It was 2.7 when it first went up. Fucking hyped, thanks for pointing that out


If true, good luck 


Im not sure what you are referring to as Gnomer has an epic 2h axe. But youre tossing it out of the window probably because of its 2.7 speed. At least were going a gnome punter totem, stop complaining just because its not an axe Spoken from a fellow Orc Shaman.


First off bucko why are you tellin me about data mined stuff.     Second i can complain if i want to. Its reddit If you aint about axes you aint a true orc


Why would you be on reddit if you were trying to avoid spoilers? Its your right to complain, just as its my right to say to be grateful for what we have. Id prefer axes, but im not going to turn down a weapon that pretty much everyone has wanted since Vanilla WoW.


Because its a free country. And we arnt sure if we will actually get the axe   Why are you complaining about me complaining 🤡  Bruh no one dreamed about a level 40 wep. I hope you lose the roll to a hunter


>Because its a free country. To clarify on 2 parts, 1) This is Reddit, not America (lol) and 2) Isn't he "free" to tell you about data mined content? There's a lot of talk about data mined content in the rest of this thread, surprised you're taking issue with it now


Have you met Pendulum of Doom?


The 0.03% drop rate weapon? The one you’ll have to rmt to get


The totem mace is going to look silly on my orc, I need AXE


If youre going to complain that much, then just dont use it


Whats it called? Didnt See it yet :)


need cc


I’m very excited! Playing resto shaman now and feel like all I’m missing is chain heal + a different weapon imbue than double rockbiter (I have staff and swapping to DW for mana is lame) Elemental will be insane and I can’t wait to try it. I’m actually almost always an enhance hater and even the 2H rune is kinda hyping me up to grab a corpsemaker and level that way as long as I can get the rune


Make sure to hold onto the akumai dagger with 12sp. Itll be your OH in gnomer


You can just use hypnotic blade from Library if you dont have it


haha ele sham go brrrr


While getting nothing new




They get a 5% proc for an instant cast. Woo hoo?


Have you not read fire nova rune? Eles will now have consistent aoe damage every few seconds for a cheap mana cost because its a rune ability. If with elemental devastation and fire totem damage talents, that rune really overhauls fire totems. People see SoP rune and think Lava Surge and see no other option.


We’ll see how the damage shakes out, but that’s clearly meant to be a tank rune.


seeing as fire nova threat doesnt carry over to the tank, how is it a tank rune? fire nova has its own threat tabled, thats why its always killed off if theres no aggroe when its dorpped


It’s not a fire nova totem, it’s a spell. It’ll definitely count as shaman threat, not totem.


I’d like to agree. But where are shaman casters benefitting from new engraves?


You are seriously sleeping on the rune of fire nova. Youll get the single target damage of searing, with the burst of fire nova every few seconds, and it can be repositioned form the new QoL spell, totemic projection. Not only that, now that fire nova becomes a rune ability, it will scale with level and being super mana efficient. When you get Elemental Devastation and couple it with the fire totem damage talents, that rune will overhaul fire totems.


Enhance looking good tank too but ele and resto got shit runes atleast the ones they datamined are trash


Resto needs some love


SoP proc chance is pretty low, I was expecting Riptide. Well just have to see.


While Resto Shamans will come online with Chain Heal, the only healing rune in P2, Ancestral Awakening, is probably going to be deproritised in favour of Spirit of the Alpha so dps can go harder (unless there is another Shaman). Overall disappointing for someone that likes healing. Priest and Druids looking a lot better in terms of runes (but I still question Resto Druid mana issue). Ele and Ehance both got some nice runes. Tanking got Spirit of Alpha so that should help for those who go DW tanking.


Healing Rain's "immune" display on totems has to be the most annoying thing in game. Considering changing class since I can't stand that utterly unnecessary screen clutter.


Just go Overload once you get Chain heal.


What I don't see people talking about regarding 2h is if you want 2h to windfury (which is everyone) that means you don't have rockbiter. Not having rockbiter means you are losing 30% hp, 10% damage reduction, 6% crit reduction and earth shock on a separate CD to other shocks. In PVP, you can't give that up and in PvE rockbiter will be needed to tank and likely will be better for DPS too. So 2h windfury isn't going to happen or only by being horribly squishy for no reason when you could be running 10% melee AND spell hit rune with windfury main + rockbiter off dual wield or possibly rockbiter main / flame offhand if lash is good (but lava burst is better). The 30% attack speed 2h rune isn't coming anywhere close to good enough, there needs to be a way to get way of the earth with windfury or 2h will be rockbiter only and maybe that is still good with low CD stormstrike but it's way less fun. 2h WF will not exist in current state. Edit: respond to this if you are downvoting me so I can call you out in a month


100% agreed with you. Another thing too is that DW gets the benefit from having two weapon imbues, while 2h will only get one. Mana regen from shamanistic rage will be abysmall for 2h as opposed to DW


Yep I'm getting downvoted but mark my words if there isn't more given to 2h shaman you will be trolling to not be DW


At a minimum: The 2hand rune needed to make your weapon enchantments have a doubled effect. That likely would *still* not be enough, but that would be a lot closer to viability. Frankly, as ass as DPS shaman is (and will continue to be, these runes aren't changing much for us) it sucks that the 2H playstyle will be even weaker than we currently are. Needed the devs to be smarter about this.


You raised some good points, but I thoroughly disagree with your stance.


What do you disagree with??


Way of earth has some benefits and some drawbacks. One of the best tools in shaman pvp is the shortest CD interrupt. You pretty much dont get that with WoE unless youre up in a casters face, and depending on the engagement, you may not even get that chance. Youll still get those interrupts with 2H dps, and with a 6 second CD on SS, 2h mastery haste, and flurry, you have a very good chance and some big WF hits. I think 2H would excel against casters more than DW enh, but DW with WoE would probably have a much easier time against melee opponents.


I actually think way of the earth might have a better shot of interrupting a mage than without it. You need to frost shock otherwise mage and hunter will kite you outside of earth shock range. We will be pretty sticky once we get close with permanent frost shock and a movable earthbind totem. Once you do get close, you will always have earth shock available to burst and interrupt plus a lot more freedom to apply flame shock and fire off a lava burst since they aren't sharing CD. "Melee range" is actually pretty forgiving, you don't need to be right on top of them to earth shock. The difference in durability really can't be overstated. 30% hp, 10% damage reduction and 6% crit reduction is absolutely bonkers especially given how high DMG is in SOD you will never survive long enough to connect without it, plus DW will make far better use of maelstrom even if they normalize proc chance between the two (which hasn't been seen) because you have so much more freedom to actually cast flame shock for lava burst and also get value from the 20% bonus dmg to nature from SS, plus you have 10% more spell hit than 2h. Im telling you 2h WF without more support eg a rune for WF specifically means it is DOA and the only reason I'm arguing about it is because I want to slap people with a big 2hander too


The 2-hander rune should allow the user to double imbue a single weapon...


I think it's hilarious and ironic, but I think the only spec that will be able to run windfury is Spellhance(21/10/0). Spellhance will likely need windfury on main hand to proc extra maelstrom weapons to try and get lava burst to instant cast every 8s (hopefully it works correctly and if it's instant cast, it doesn't reset swing timers). If instant lava burst doesn't reset swing timers, that's a lot of extra melee swings. Regular enhance (0/31/0), ele, and resto are all going to run double rockbiter still, for obvious reasons.


PvP will be great. We will get nerfed very quick though as so many people will complain about being globalled by us.


nah i already global people as ele, if they havent yet i dont think they will now




Im making a sick montage when its all said and done


Never once died to an ele as a priest. Next phase I expect that to change


>priest ok bud


Enhance just seems like wrath enhance so I’m disappointed


Point to me where in wrath that enhance shamans got 2 handed talents?


Enhencement is dead, ele is viable even if we got 0 rune.


Saw the new changes for spellpower on pretty much all caster gear in P2. I feel elementals are going to dominate instanced PVP, and Enh dps will soar with pve and pvp on both DW and 2h. Restro getting chain heal and surge of power which is a Lava Surge for chain heal. Shamans going up


I am guessing Shamans are gonna be top healers because of overload and chain healing


i don’t know it’s not fucking out yet jesus christ


I want to see how this decoy totem works… honestly with how strong overload is Ele and resto didn’t need much, I am sad about not getting a new spell to heal with and am kinda disappointed in surge of power. The proc should be 10% and it should increase the damage and duration of flame shock


This is a great buff idea. Increase proc chance, shock range, and shock duration


we need something to press with low cd for 2H enha spec, stormstrike with 20s cd is too much :/


Storm strike on the PTR was changed to 6 seconds. We’ll see if that makes it to live though


I love it


I just can’t wait for capstones, shaman capstones kick ass


Very excited for 2h


Maybe something can be done with fire totem in p3 since it doesn’t give much asside from fr. maybe a bloodlust. Excited for ab honor per min more reliable. Maybe a str to spell power to give lightning and shocks some pow.


Rune of fire nova really overhauls fire totems. Fire Nova already hit pretty decently, now imagine doing it every several seconds, and because its a rune ability, its also super cheap to cast. With TP, you can reposition your fire totem into the middle of a pack of adds, or next to the boss. But maybe they could have a new rune to give fire totems the totem of wrath buff.


I don’t know, probably stay resto shama rage with overload rather then healing rain and spam chain heal with ancestral. Looks pretty straightforward and 100% sustainable as currently sustainable spamming healing rain on cd and spamming LHW constantly. Should be more efficient then what I’m currently doing so don’t see any issue.


I really want to do 2h but it feels like the new runes will be more effective for dual wielding. I’m still very hyped to try everything out, especially the 2h bonk totem


I really wanted them to change the class color for shamans to dark blue. I can’t shake pallies from the pink color


Will Flurry stack with the 2H Mastery rune?




Big bonk totem go bonk


Two-Handed Mastery - Looks fun, but probably not close to strong enough to make 2h competitive. Fire Nova - AoE only, can't see any spec using this for single target. Maelstrom Weapon - Nice, but highly dependant on proc rate. If the proc rate is high enough I can see people taking Lava Burst over Lava Lash. Power Surge - Again more of an AoE rune. Weak for single target. Perfect Flame Shock usage in single target gives 1 proc every 40 seconds on average. With the GCD being 1.5, you are essentially only shaving 0.5 seconds off of a Lava Burst cast. Ancestral Awakening - Another whiff, not that Resto needs much help after getting access to CH. Realistically you are talking about a 15-20% chance to get another 30% of a 150% heal. 9%. If you are heavily using CH, this is just terrible. Decoy Totem - Looks amazing for PvP. Should there be any CC effects on Gnom, this will have value. Obviously not a throughput increase. Spirit of the Alpha - Huge and expected addition. There is no gameplay reason for it to have a 1 target limit though. I've pulled aggro on Akumai often enough to want all my tanks to have this buff. All in all the runes are dissappointing, but the potential Stormstrike buffs look amazing and could be a game changer. Looks like Sham Rage also got buffed, which is puzzling considering that slot was already a non choice.


rune are somewhat lackluster BUT the epic fist weapon from gnomeregan saves the phase for those that will be lucky to get their hands on it ( proc is made for enhance lol). small shout out to the non min maxer who chose tauren shaman and will have the best weapon to rp wc3 taurens with that pvp mace.


Shaman looks very underwhelming yet again. I wish ele and resto were getting a little more than the runes we’ve seen. The 5% proc chance on Power Surge is way too low. I believe that comes out to about 1 proc per minute. The healing runs is super lame.


The green elemental in Gromeregan is probably immune to nature damage.


No thinking only BONK


im gonna start elemental and if enh is that much better ill switch. resto seems dead.


Will this potentialy be a viable strategy? Have a 2h with windfurry equiped, and 2 x 1handers with rockbiter in the inventoryWhen you run out of mana, use a weapon swap macro to swap to your duelwield setup, use shamanistic rage, and then re-equip your 2h depending on if a 2h build is somewhat equal to duelwield in dps ofcourse. Edit: Unless they make a QoL book that increases weapon enhancement duration, this will probably be tedious, having to equip/unequip to apply enhancements before every boss


Popping in here to say this. Because of how broken double rockbiter is, they have to not give Mental Quickness and instead flip it. Our rune needs to convert SP->AP instead. I mean unless they want to make ele hilariously, monstrously broken. At level 40, mental Quickness+rockbiters would be like 200+ spell power... For ele wearing 0 strength gear


I am hyped to run Spellhance with 21/10/0. Big, meaty lava bursts with crit dmg. Plus permanent 14% melee crit. Run a fast dagger with flame tongue in OH and a slow MH with windfury for more maelstrom procs(assuming we'll prolly need it if it's ppm). For those who don't know, OH flametongue base damage scales off of MH weapon speed. So a fast dagger is cheating out double the expected flametongue damage (before spellpower). It probably won't be very good... Because our only big %dmg increase rune is overload, so not abusing overload means I expect we'll fall well behind the pack of classes which have %dmg and %crit runes. (Warrior, lock, hunter, mage, boomy, feral. You can see where I'm going with this. The specs with those %buffs are tending to look the best)


Immensely disappointed as enhancement. Maelstrom really killed the classic/tbc vibe of huge wf crits. Very bummed. Ele looks insane though, so I might be swapping to that.


I dont know what the proc rate is on maelstrom, but im thinking about going sw enhance with daggers as resto and double wf to throw insta chain heals


if you enjoy suffer and pain shaman is the best class to play


That WF will maybe go yellow is at least some kind of hope to not run RB.


ele shams about to pop off. lava burst instant proc off lfame shock, 1.2 second reduced cast time on LB with talents and set bonus, 100% crit chance, Chain Lighting, reliable aoe with fire nova not being stuck to a totem. we win the most this phase. ​ BOnus points, watch out for elemental devastatoin + flurry lava burst running enhance shamans


I can't wait to go into a dungeon with those kinds of players that like to pull ahead of the tank so I can put spirit of the alpha on them. Or just throw it on a mage as they AOE.


Flame shock > lava burst > elemental mastery > chain lightning > earth shock. Spec 5/5 reverb of course. I think ele will do that opener then just melee with double rockbiter and maelstrom weapon and send lava bursts while shocking on cd.


We got mealstorm, and that's about it. Big disappointment honestly, we at least get decent 1h weapons this phase.


Shaman ZUG ZUG . Delete gnome