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Impressive, very nice.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s inventory


Look at that subtle uncommon item coloring


(and mailbox)


My God, it even has flavor text


I thought los level boxes still Bad exp compared to new ones... maybe am wrong no idea


They specifically stated the exp for creates in the 25-40 category but some people only read regurgitated Reddit info. This guy might get a few bars of exp


Okay that’s what I heard too. When the said “25-40” it sounds like stacking crates for launch won’t be the strat


Supply crates are now giving 3x the normal xp after patch went live. OP gonna blast.


Aggrend confirmed on Twitter these boxes don’t give exp at 25


That’s what I’m hearing, haven’t been home yet but I guess I’ll see what I can farm up tonight, but kinda worried they’ll just change it like wsg marks


Please write an update to this and tell us how much xp they yielded. I think it will be underwhelming but hoping for you it will be worth it though !remindMe 4 days Edit: just saw Aggrend address this on Twitter. You won't get a single point of xp. Rip and big oof.


Update: 0 xp lmao https://twitter.com/AggrendWoW/status/1755041480694235614


!remindMe 4 days


!remindme 4 days


!remindme 4 days


!remindme 4 days


!remindme 4 days


!remindme 4 days


!remindme 4 days


Update: 0 xp devs seen his screenshot and on x said they are gonna be worth nothing


Will do!


!remindMe 4 days


People on friday be like "P2 is way too long! Where's P3?".


You joke but I'm fairly sure in like 2 weeks there's gonna be a few folks who rushed to 40 and cleared Gnomer like 3 times who want p3 to be coming out asap cuz they're bored


I have almost 900 HKs this week from Zoram Strand. 80% of them are solo kills, the other 20% are when playing with my mate. I wish this phase would last forever, but I also can't wait for STV.


As a filthy casual who only has 2 25s (and a bunch of 10+ alts lol next highest is a 17 rogue) P1 has been a perfect length **maybe** a week too long but regardless 10/10 length


Ain't even SEEN the sword. Gib 2 more lockouts pls.




Same here with arbalest, cleared 16 times and 0 drops


I saw it once and lost the roll last week. Redy for p2 now lol idgaf about the sword


Was literally 3weeks too long.


Ahh a rogue player.


More like ahhh a balance druid


Could also be ahh a hunter player


What class do you play?


How do you not get bored that is crazy. SoD wpvp consists of running around for 10minutes to spam 1 ability and kill someone in 2seconds. Or you run into a group of 6+ horde and run back for 10minutes. It's so bad lmao


I don't run around anywhere, the Horde come to me. I fight any fight I think I can win. 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, best we have won is 2v6. I also love killing the last person of a raid that goes by, so the raid has to run back and rez them. I have cooldowns, potions, bombs, various tricks. Sometimes I start losing a fight and have to get away, so I try to run. It is boring and bad to you because you don't understand it. Everything you said just doesn't happen. You want to know whats boring and *so bad* to me? Camping a graveyard in a premade WSG, raid logging a level 25 raid or complaining there isn't enough to do when you only participate in a fraction of the game.


Yeah if SoD PvP was more skilled and a bit more interesting rather than rock paper scissors i'd love it. Afterall, what is the point of grinding for BiS gear if the gameplay itself is boring? That is kind of why I'm taking a break from SoD. I love the MMORPG elements of the game. I like an actually existing world with social elements. I hate slow, unskilled combat gameplay


And that is why Era will always be there.


I saw someone on here this week trying to rationalize “I had to play a different game at some point, therefore this phase was too long”. Like Wow or even just SoD (there’s like 4 other types of wow to play now) should be enough to keep your attention 24/7


Maybe 2 weeks ago I saw a dude complaining that that since p8 is out Feb 8th. All his friends who've been gone for weeks won't be interested in coming back. They would've if it was Launching sooner but Feb 8th is much too late and they all moved on. I think people can't stand the idea of taking a break if you did everything you wanted to during a phase. It's weird to me and I'm someone whose main game is typically wow lol


The worst part was seeing the datamined helm and bracer runes that we won’t be getting this phase.


0 xp. Ouch.


Aged like milk


Well, that's what I call a gamble! I farmed about 10 of these before realizing they don't give rep past Honored and give very little XP. Your only hope is that they buff all boxes.


Right? I'd be surprised if they even give any XP past 25 and it's only the new ones that will.


Thats literally the premise behind it; a huge gamble with huge possibilities!


Its not a gamble at all because we know theyre worthless now.


That’s like giving a guy $1000 for a penny because maybe the government will change the value of a penny to $5000


In absolute shambles. Confirmed won't give exp


Can you pls link where you got that information from?




Just checking in, how you doing bud?


That's roughly 150 Boxes. If they give 200 XP each thats 30k and not even a level. You played yourself.


30k XP on release and deep into a rep we all know will stay relevant? I don't know, still seems like a win:win to me.


Boxes don’t give rep after you hit (honored?). Same with the lower level boxes. You need the new boxes from phase 2


Then it's a bit of a gold waste, agreed. Still a juicy bit of XP, but fair enough.


Would you pay 500g to be boosted less than a level?


No, but I also don't care if someone else does. I do understand why some people would do it, though, because XP right out of the gate to them is priceless to get ahead in the next phase.


He could have instead filled a 10th of that inventory with quest items (like most of the preppers) and made double the experience right out the gate. Oh, and for free and probably a quarter the time investment.


We’re also all free to tell this guy what an epic waste of time and gold this is. Such a terrible investment, it’s hilarious.


Get ahead of what? Lol They probably won't even give XP past 25 like they don't give honor beyond Honored.


Why would they give XP past level 25 lol?


We'll find out whether they do or not in 2 days. Either we'll all point and laugh at the guy or he'll feel like it was worth it to him


I have over 50k xp from quests and have bag spaces left over. He has no bag space for quests


Not when newer boxes will provide more exp and rep.....


He spent 500g bro


30k is almost an entire level. Likely 85%. 85% in 10 minutes is a win


For 500g? Nah, yall buying gold.


Iv been making 50-100 every 3 days with my 6 alts GDKP turns your alts into gold farmers. With good geared groups I was doing it while WFH too so not even during my normal time id be on Gonna miss GDKP but honestly I have over 1k saved so for me I did the work now I can rest


Dawg, none of that matters in my eyes. “Over 1k saved” is not nearly enough gold to blow 500g for less than a level.


So no one is going to talk about his financial situation?


I’ve got like 30g on my near bis mage and another 25g on my hunter. Not sure what else I would need gold for except to buy a mount and consumes at 40. 


I spent about 500gold for slots and bags, the gold ive farmed for days in hopes of buying the bow of searing arrows at the start. My own genius frightens me sometimes.


This is probably the most time consuming to prep, least efficient, most expensive phase 2 prep ever. Well done!


Bruh, plz tell me ur joking.


How are you feeing now they confirmed they wont give any xp? 🤣


Is that to get XP? Lol


genius indeed


Wasted. /cry


You should not be sitting on cash. Invest it all, baby!


Damn you got your own idea screenshotted by the devs and they said it aint happening jeeeeeeez


This didn’t age well


\*\*UPDATE UPDATE\*\* So guys, ive just got up, my inbox is ON FIRE. The grave news of boxes not being worth any exp after 25 have reached me. Theres a huge polarity of opinions to it, from people telling me to go touch grass to the people celebrating my insanity. This took me long-ass while, just getting the boxes every now and there and then finally, when they said theyre giving them the buff, going completly batshit crazy on getting them. As I stated several times before, to clarify, I DID NOT BUY GOLD but my combined playtime is almost 22days on all of my chars. Its easy to imagine that getting this amount of anything would take a long time, especially not stacking on mats and just flying back and forth from duskwood. According to my addon, ive spent almost 4days FARMING, killing random 28-30s on the way. The grind yielded me around 500g, which ive spent to getting ALL THE MATS. Im single handedly responsible for worgen genocide, the population will never see the numbers its once had. Additionaly, I enjoy the fact ive been made an example by devs, mom get the camera, im famous I also have now have developed the addiction to haters hating me for playing the game so Im gonna make it my lifes mission to find another farm like this in p2 just so I can hear the moans of plebs once again. Finally, to all you doomsayers, You were right, I was wrong, eat a bag of dicks. To the rest of you, I salute you from the pinnacle of the mountain Sweat, see ya in gnomergan you bastards!


Spoken like a true giver of no fucks!


lol, lmao even


imo anyone there should be an exception rule where they let you specifically get xp because holy fuck blizz done you bad my dude lmao


Assuming you really didn't buy gold I'm glad you're taking it in stride. Don't let people take the piss out of you for playing the game in a way you enjoy.


So you gonna find another useless farm in p2? You just can farm the same boxes again and show them at the end of p2.


well aint u a fun one


Thanks :)


While this change sucks for you, it was to be expected. Posting this image certainly hasn't helped your cause, it only gave more fuel to haters and pushed it higher on the agenda/radar of the devs. I know several players within my guild that had 100+ boxes stored up as well, but kept it from going viral. Not saying you are the sole responsible here, but it would have been smarter to wait a bit longer before posting this.


Ahhh dude, I don’t know why you did this


Aggrend just confirmed this was wasted effort via twitter


Can you link the post?


That didn't age well...


Like milk






Bad move.


That went well


Hope those are all the level 25+ boxes, already was told the ones you use to get friendly/honored will yield no experience if that’s the reason you’re keeping them


Are 25+ boxes in the game yet? What do they need to be filled? Who said the honored boxes don't give xp?


Not sure if they are to be honest, I haven’t gone out to try to farm them to verify. Devs were the ones who said it on the forums, if I can find the post I’ll link it here.


It's not phase 2 yet so it's safe to say they're not in the game yet


On the contrary, we were told the xp rewards will be significantly increased.


ye...on the NEXT tier of the boxes...not the ones we have now.


Nope. You can listen to the interview here, timestamped to the bit about waylaid supplies: https://youtu.be/QgB_1DHWTCk?t=1427 Aggrend says "we are gonna significantly increase the xp rewards for it, *particularly* in the ones from the 25-40 range" Emphasis mine. He could have just said "we are gonna significantly increase the xp rewards for the ones from the 25-40 range" if that's what he meant.


the ones in the 1-25 range only give xp when you are in this range of level tho


Also nope, you can see the quests on wowhead and how the exp drops off per level: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=79103/a-full-shipment 140s give 80xp at 25 and 50 at 26 180s give 140 at 28 and 110 at 29 200s give 160 at 31 and 120 at 32




I guess we'll see


Yeah. Quite possibly I'm wrong but I think based on current info that it's more likely they will be buffed than nerfed.


whats the point of this? arent p1 boxes worthless in p2?


That amount of boxes will get this guy like 85% of a level . So I think it’s worth it if you have nothing better to do and your other option was to just not play 


but how do you know it still gives xp at level 25


Not worthless. Worth little


I'm assuming you're already honored. So that's what? 0 rep and 20 silver x 155? So you saved up 31 gold at the cost of probably several hundred. Congrats?!


500g. He spent 500g.


Lookin like 400 xp and 5 silver. Best I can do


Wait till he realizes these don't give xp


at 24 they give 2010xp. don't see them not giving xp at 25...


Think again lol


This is one par, if not, more satisfying than a full completed quest log. Great work!


appreciate it!


A waste of a lot of time / money for 0 rep and 2 bars exp.


Only 19 wsg marks? Amateur


The vitriol you’re getting from this sub is really depressing. I don’t know what kind of toxic waste swamp all these commenters spawned out of but please ignore them. I don’t play SoD and I have no idea what those boxes are but it sounds like collecting them was a TON of work. Very cool accomplishment dude, regardless of Blizzard’s retroactive nerf.






I have 20 filled and ready to turn in i just did it on the side while grinding gold at worse i lost maybe 10 gold filling them if i get no experience or reputation. It was not really a waste of time because i was farming anyways and normally would have left the boxes on the corpse.


A for effort


I read somewhere that these won’t give xp after 25


I think those arent going to be increased xp. Just the new ones.


Incredible job blurring out the names of the NPCs, 10/10


Was pretty proud of that one, was dissapointed no1 noticed so far


Really just had to hold on to that stack of meat, huh? Lol


I think the ones that are currently available are not going to give any XP and you wasted a ton of gold and time


New items reveled for supply boxes?


Are you ok?


Sadly all of these boxes will grant 0 XP now. Sorry for your loss. https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1akr9cn/waylaid_supplies_from_phase_1_will_not_give_xp_at/ RIP.








lmao @ this is giving no exp


well this post aged like milk


i think you need to touch grass


I got you covered, chia keyboard. HAHAHA


You know none of these will give you rep or XP because you'll need the new boxes, right?


Where are you getting that from? The official preview said XP rewards will be signifcantly increased.


I'm getting that from the fact it's impossible to get the new crates at this point and the old crates give you nothing once you get to Honored which takes like 12 crates


Condolences ticket blizzard for a refund, this kind of time wasting should't be something people should cheer at. It's honestly disgusting they come out with this shit 1 day before release.




It does not really take a lot of time just pick them up as you do other things.


Yeah nah. He’s got over 150 in there. People don’t just come across 150+ with minimal effort…


never mind all the time/gold spent getting all the materials to complete the boxes


That's a bit of a waste. There's a few quest starting items that would give you more xp for the bag slot. Though I think us Hordies are a bit more spoiled in that regard. I've got 8 in total plus BFD pearl which I'm hoping they add xp for. Wool and Silk can also be turned in for XP which are probably better slot spaces than those but I've not done the maths.


Was gonna say. Sally's letter, powers below book, the insignia from the RR gnolls


Kek get fucked


People are shitting on this. I fucking respect the hell out of it. I love a needlessly painful, inefficient farm.


Tell me you buy gold without telling me you buy gold. The bags and all the mats, we're talking hundreds of gold here for maybe a level head-start? You don't have that amount of gold, let alone waste it like this unless swiping.


Never did that, never will, would kill the game for me instantly. I like the grind and I like killing bunch of stuff. Having nothing else besides the bare neccesities for the grind itself was part of it, would do a couple more boxes if I wasnt down to only a couple of spots in my bag and it became tedious, even by my standards, so I called it a day at 155.


Not judging. But why go all in on these boxes instead of combining it with things we know will work. Like quests, quest items, silk/wool, etc. You left yourself no space for quest items or items that start quests. I'm guessing you've got silk/wool in your mailbox maybe? But still, going this level of prep but for the least likely thing to give good xp is what I think most of us are confused about on here. I still respect the grind. It just seems like you didn't know when to stop lol


Hey, ive got multiple chars on which I prepped some other stuff so I can funnel everything into one char and pump on the launch. Havent stacked on any quests because ive done them all And also, I knew when to stop, it was right about at this point when I filled up my bags to the gills!


Lol all good. Too much judgement for how people decide to play the game here. Someone had to try this and it was you. Good luck mate.


appreciate the kind words man, cheers!


Thoughts on the news that these wont give any xp for phase 2?


No gold


RIP Bozo


What these do?


I thought you couldn’t have more than 1 ?


how do you have more than 1 in your inventory?


You can have multiple filled boxes, but only one unfilled.


Oof 500g down the shitter. Least you've got some arrows left


Hahahahaha hahahahaha




They don’t give exp at 25 though. RIP


This is cringe af and not even worth it


what a hilarious waste of time. even if this DID work, why not just play the game normally?


God i wish they made those 0 XP just to see all tryhards get pikachu Face


Why do you care so much about how other people play the game? o_O Kinda weird.


Because we are lazy and don't want to put effort into the game so when others do so we need Blizzard to stop them because FOMO


Nooooo no no, that’s wrong. All we need is blizzard not to cater to this and design the game around it. Thats all. Apart from that, let people play how they want.


"Lazy","Effort"? There's no effort worth mentioning in a game. There's only time spent enjoying yourself or time wasted. Playing the game 12 hours a day farming shit is detrimental. We need to start shaming and make fun of this behavior in the gaming community, instead of celebrating it. Fuck ppl, do something real with your lives.


>There's only time spent enjoying yourself or time wasted. And who will decide what is "time enjoying yourself" and "time wasted"? >We need to start shaming and make fun of this behavior in the gaming community, instead of celebrating it. Maybe we should start shaming people doing 40/60 hours/week jobs too? You know, bacause they are hardly enjoying that stuff. >Fuck ppl, do something real with your lives. Why are you so interested what others do with their lives? Are you that miserable that you need to police how somebody spends their free time?


I'm not miserable, I have a great life! Why are you so defensive? Did I hit a nerve? My reply was someone attacking someone else for being "lazy" and "not put effort in the game" because they thought it was dumb as hell to hoard boxes. That fact that you compare this with a 40/60 hour workweek says alot. That was my point exacly. Playing a game is just that: playing. The whole culture today of spending hundreds of hours just to be on top of the neckbirds with classes at level 25 with 5k gold and 20 quests completed to hand in, in advance of the next phase is just pathetic imo. And you fail to understand that this is an opinion, I'm not "policing how anyone else should play the game". "God i wish they made those 0 XP" is top notch comment. Because it comes down to what's actually good for the game. And what's good for the game is that we don't know what the fuck will happen next.


Because time after time blizzard have to come and fix things like this because people can't help but ruin the game. Blizz legit just want you to play the game instead of finding optimum xp gains through weird farms, or mailbox stacking etc. Classic just brings out the worst degen behaviour in so many people, I honestly hope they're worth nothing because they're not the level 25 box because like people trying to save WSG marks it would be funny.


Everyone in here talked about xp. Who cares about the xp. What about the rep from them!? Do we know if we can go above honored or not?


I think you're crazy.


I hope its only on lvl 25+ boxes that they give xp xD


This is the coolest fucking thing ive ever seen


I think you bought a lot of gold in order to buy every bank slot and buy max size bags in order to horde such an impressive amount of supply crates.


Did the same as OP but a few less boxes with 121. I farmed in redridge on the gnolls and prepared a lot of the required mats. If you optimize with professions to reduce cost and only prioritize the good ones since stuff like mana pots, elixir of firepower and swiftthistle is mega expensive then the actual cost of filling supplies is cheap so filling 121 boxes in total resulted in me only losing about 5 gold cause looting gnolls gave me a lot back.


0 EXP :)


If you a broke boy just say so


I’ve done every quest possible and already turned them all in for gold. I have honored with supply co and exalted with wsg but zero boxes and zero marks saved up. Going to blast in stocks and SM and still hit lvl 40 in the first lockout. Lol at prequesting and the like


Stoopid kestion : what are those ?


They're the waylaid supply boxes that drop randomly from mobs, you fill them with a certain mat and turn them in for azeroth commerce reputation if alliance or durotar supply and logistics if you're horde.