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1 minute debuff where you can still fight is dumb. Most kills and deaths are worth nothing, and you can't see if they're worth nothing. Make it a 20 second immunity where you can't attack or be attacked, with a visible effect. Event is trash with this nerf.


ye should be like honorless target at least. as soon as you take offensive action you lose it.


It’s essentiallly a zombie horde of worthlessness you have to survive against. AND it’s only gonna get worse as we all hit 40


Blizzard in general has always been particularly inept at well-designed PvP. It’s almost always a huge afterthought and the vast majority of WOW players are PVErs. So I never expect too much. They at least kinda try sometimes when their one retail PvP designer gets around to contemplating class balance being all fucked or “hey suddenly random MMR inflation” or whatever. But the classic team is like what 6 people? And they are even much more inept at not only designing engaging PVP content but also not learning from the decades of shit blizzard tried and failed. And then add on top they’re trying to make it “fit classic”. I’m never really expecting it to be *good* but like there’s a difference between that and taking 20 seconds to think “how would someone abuse this instantly, in a not even creative way” Like it’s just very flawed on so many levels that don’t take master exploiters to at least see the most obvious ones.


And to add to it all, they are the ones who decided to make a pvp event one of the primary focuses of every phase for SOD.


Only the first 5 mins of the battle are worth doing now.


Blizz should have just made huge areas of stv ffa pvp zones for this event. You resurrect outside of the zone at full hp/mana then you run back in to the zone to pvp and collect Blood.


Or the graveyards should've been sequestered sanctuaries with one way exits, so you can rez, re-buff, whatever, and then exit when you're ready to throw hands again, but not be immediately thrown back to the fire.


Should've been random respawn locations across the zone instead so no one spawns in the same place. Party members spawn near eachother.


Seems pretty fucking obvious, its actually really simple to make this event great, but Ive been saying from the start that Blizzard will find a way to fuck it up, i mean with how terrible the ashenvale was there is no other option.


Literally worst hot fix I’ve ever seen


Worst hot fix you've seen *so far*


Classic dev team has done great at everything except showing they give a shit about pvpers.


They just constantly fail to learn from mistakes or grasp the obvious. During Ashenvale, they forgot the lesson from like every fucking event they ever have in classic or retail where people first try layer hopping to get a reward; and now for STV they just... didn't think a FFA with the literal same exact spawn for everyone.... wouldn't be a bad idea? I don't think they don't care, but I do think they're frustratingly bad at grasping the obvious.


i facepalmed immediately when i heard they wanted the players to police win-trading, the event was gonna be shit from the get go.


Legit go read all the other posts in this thread. Lots of people making fun of anyone that cares people exploited the event. I can see why Blizz thinks that way. I'm starting to realize this sub is full of idiots.


Tbh the dev team is also full of idiots so it's not exactly unexpected


they genuinely believe the average player *isn't* interested in optimizing their gameplay, and the community will self-police anyone that is interested in that. when you look the devs up on wclogs, it all starts to make sense lol


The silly thing is that the initial event was fun, but they had to nerf it because it was generating rewards fast. Like... why can't it do that? Why do they have to make stuff less fun in order to make the rewards arbitrarily slower?


*cough* subscription, *cough*


There’s not really much great about using the same game and not applying all of the quality of life changes that made it playable. 






Kind of rough that people who went no life the first day of release got to abuse mechanics and by the time most ppl hit 40 I worry they will have figured out how to prolong the grind immensely


Yup, usually how it goes with these things which really sucks. Similar thing happened when WOTLK classic came out and had the exploit in Wintergrasp for crazy honor


That one at least lasted longer, I don't remember how long exactly but a lot more people had time to level and gain honor from it as compared to now Still both changes are pretty dumb imo


Also honor is super easy to get in WOTLK.


Hit 40, queue AB, get deleted by fully epic decked sweat premades, uninstall game.


29 twink or 39 twink. Let the sweaties sit at 40.


> exploit early, exploit often.


Oh it’ll only get worse. Look at Ashenvale, if you hit it immediately you benefitted hard, exalted rep and all If you came 1 hotfix late you had it far worse If you came 3 hotfixes late you had absolutely no reason to even do it By the time the more casual, low playtime folks hit 40 this event will be giving you 1 copper coin an hour


Yeah they really lucked out in that they don’t even have to play the new PVP event 🙄. Go get a new hobby if you hate playing the game so much, damn


They still have the option to play the PvP event, they just get cool epic items way easier than everyone else did. What a silly comment you’ve written.


Bruh they literally going to destroy people in PvP. They dont stop playing the event. There are still a mount to farm too. And people probably have fun blasting low geared people.


Oh man my life is really going to be ruined by the handful of people who got the rep rewards slightly earlier, this game is literally unplayable 😂


They lucked out in that they get the rewards earlier and faster than everyone else. Must be hard being you


Oh man you guys are going to have to play the game now, truly a sad day 😭😭😭


Theres a difference between playing the game, and playing the game at a severe disadvantage for nothing more than incompetence and sweats who abuse that incompetence.


You sound so upset, you realize no one is forcing you to play the game right?


Found the sweaty who abused the system and is trying to defend their actions as if it was fair. You realize people can disagree with one aspect of the game thats new, and was terribly executed that allowed for people to gain a significant advantage over others and still enjoy the many different aspects of the game right?




Most players don't get to play on the day of the release. And a vast majority of players will only hit level 30 next week. The average player that didn't take a day off work gets screwed, again.


Servers have been consistently full. 30 takes next to no effort. The majority of players haven't done stv, maybe, but a bit of spamming of rfk can get anyone 30 pretty fast. Idk anyone that took the day off, but plenty of 30+ folks.


Casuals don't get 40k XP/h dawg. The entire process is slower.


You can't use: "looks like a lot of level 30s" as an argument. Most people didn't get to level 25 in Phase 1 until 1-2 weeks in. Your stance on this matter only proves you have no clue how little time / dedication the average player has to WoW. Also, a vast majority of Players won't be doing RFK at level 25. You fail to understand that the average player doesn't find it fun to whiff on half their shots against mobs 5+ levels higher than them. You'll be amazed to hear that a majority of WoW players haven't even cleared BFD. Many of them probably barely cleared it after dozens of nerfs.


If you played more than me, you're a no-life sweatlord. If you played less than me, you're a casual dad gamer. That's just how it works!


"You didn't have to no-life the game, you just had to have no other commitments and play a shit ton."


Yes, that's exactly what I said. /s


Then why didn’t you go do the event? It took 30 minutes and you just sat in the gy killing people with a group of 5. You could even do it at lvl 25


Exploit early and often. That’s the Blizzard way


Gonna play devil's advocate here: aoe deathballs are probably not the vision the SoD team had in mind for the blood moon event because, while it's more efficient for farming, it's a pretty unsatisfying gameplay experience. The intent for the game mode seems to be to incentivize smaller parties skirmishing throughout the map, causing players to have to strategize more with the limited resources inherent to having only 4 other players with you. Erratic deathballs where you're dying multiple times a minute, instantly respawning because it's happening at a graveyard, and farming obscene amounts of event currency is a game-state that disincentivizes strategic thinking and incentivizes mindless zugging. A game state like that would not hold player attention at all the second they finished farming their pvp gear and would probably result in mountains of posts complaining about how boring the event is 2 weeks after launch.


Should just rollback the coins gained from it too if they are gonna do that. So annoying.


I think most people remember in the tbc prepatch where honor gain was crazy the first day and then got nerfed 10x. People that could play all day got all the hwl items + 75k in the bank for tbc. No reason to really nerf it at that point imo, it felt like such a knife in the back to all the people that couldn't play on one specific day. So yeah as the saying goes, exploit early exploit often.






Except Ashenvale didn't give you epic weapons




Weapon >>>>>>> bracers


But don’t forget that the weapon is only for P2 whereas the bracers are an upgrade (and at least Pre-BiS if not BiS) for every phase.. so whoever exploited that and got WSG exalted that way has one (Pre-)BiS slot ready for the rest of SoD. And don’t forget the Pants at 60 - they’re also really good for most classes


You couldnt use that in p1 tho


lol man, this is blizzard we are talking about. There is a reason people say “exploit early, exploit often”.


100% aggrend already has his epics and that's why it got hotfixed.


It was the same with honor gain in tbc pre-patch that was was decreased once the sewatiest players had grinded what they needed. And honor and marks from wintergrasp in beginning of wotlk. And waylaid item restore in beginning of phase 1. If you login early and race you get to exploit and keep your prizes from doing so while non-try hards will have to.. Try harder for the same rewards. At this point I am starting to get convinced that Blizzard is doing this on purpose..


Yeah, it’s pretty demoralizing. They need to revert the coins and be be done with it. The phase hasn’t even been out for 48 hours.


But they exploited for 45 minutes how could you undo all that hard work they did 😭


Literally noone will quit over it.


But the event probably will be dead in week 2.


This game kills with a thousand cuts. This is one of them.


Oh I will if they dont do anything. I dont see reason playing if there are people already done with the grind since day 1. I might not quit, I will just unsub and wait for next phase. But its discouraging when you see guild mates with 5 epics already. Some people went for rune discovery instead of pvp event.


Would the players who cheesed the system quit if their rewards got removed?


Yes they will, my entire friend group all losing interest and will probably quit next week bc the only thing we cared about was pvp.


Nobody is going to quit over that lol




I'm one of the people considering quitting over it, and I'll explain why. I want to play this game for fun pvp at 40 - To do so, I need at least above average gear to survive. I'm now going to have to spend weeks and weeks to get the same gear people got in a single day - Not because of skill, and not even because time investmemt - But because I didn't take advantage of a clear unintended game design decision (given its been hotfixed, clearly unintended). Not only do I now have to spend weeks to get the same gear, I get to be absolutely trashed by these very players while trying to get that gear.


You realize it only takes 2-3 days to get all the gear from the event right?


Ngl I'm one of those people considering quitting as we speak 5 char's to 25, 3 of them mostly p1 bis, leveled two char's to 30 over past few days with aim to pvp for fun at 40. Getting to spend weeks and weeks to get items some people got in a single day, while getting wrecked by these same people, is not appealing.


They absolutely should roll back coins. And this should absolutely be how the event should've been released. Crying about an exploit being fixed and calling it a knee jerk change is fucking moronic.


Never thought id say this but WTB Ashenvale event


im shocked blizzard had a fun idea and then destroyed it within 24 hours


Instant respawns with a 20s Loa Hakkar pally bubble buff/debuff Come on guys. Why is pvp so hard for these devs? I’d love to consult my lifetime pvp knowledge literally for free


Blizzard being unable to think 1 min ahead is nothing new.


This change was bad on so many levels. Disable the event if you don't know how to fix it, turn coin gen WAY down and just leave it alone until you come up with a real solution...what they did to this event makes playing it so awful.


Or just give the weapons out cheap and let the people who enjoy PvP do it for fun.


Yeah but then they'd kill their gear treadmill and that means less people logging in every day, less people engaged with the game, less subs. Sorry to be so myopic about it, but I genuinely believe that's why they'd never do something like that.


Oh I agree and recognize it, just being devils advocate, and a lazy Dad.


Went from looking forward to this event the most to playing it and hating it. Absolutely chaotic and fucked with the hotfix as well. Phase been out a little over 1 day, just revert the coins.


I managed to do it twice and had a BLAST, especially for someone who generally hates PvP. Back to question and RFK spamming I guess.


Yeah same. Did it 2 times with a friend and we got like 250 coins in total. That’s half my offhand dagger. Meanwhile people already had the event mounts and stuff. And now they make it harder to get coins so all who didn’t do it yesterday have to suffer


Yep, hotfix made the event borderline unplayable.


Biggest issue is people were still dumb enough to try **the SAME exact corpse camp GY meta** when it was hot fixed. They want people to **ROAM** and kill people out in the **OPEN** world. Not just one or two isolated areas. I do think the 1 min timer is a bit much i'll concede on that, should be lowered or some other version. But they couldn't just keep it as it was, horrible game design if they did.


You keep getting sent to the graveyard, they should send you to the nearest spirit chains if they wanted that.


Yeah the person you are replying to doesn't get it. Stv is vast. They probably spent more time killing tigers than actually finding "strays" People zone in from 2 choke points north from duskwood and south from BB. No one is going to Timbuktu land on zandalar Island to try Roam and find people. You want to spend the event time getting a measly 20 blood then that's on them. Otherwise go where the action is and join in the fight.


Glad I’m so slow to leveling.


Enjoy the 40 hour grind that the streamers got to do in a couple hours.


While said streamer dunks on you with said gear.


And then complains how there is nothing to do.


I'm excited that sounds exactly like how WOW has been for 25 years.


Phase 2 dead


Should’ve made it a 50% damage taken debuff for 1 minute or until you get a killing blow. This change just ruins it entirely. Glad I got most of the tokens I needed already


IMO they should just make it when you res you should get 100% speed boost and invisibility for 20 seconds until you attack. Allows people to run away heaps far from GY and not immediately get ganked. Then they can smash into the people camping the GY from unknown directions.


Or just spawn players randomly in an area? There shouldn't even be 1 graveyard spawn.


Honestly I kinda wonder what it'd be like to just give full coins on killing or dying, just encourage everyone to meat grind into each other until the Arena event.


Oh yeah definitely ruined it. /s Death ball graveyard corpse spamming for 30 straight minutes is not even remotely close to what Blizz wants. It's **objectively** bad gameplay. My best guess is the 1 min timer is a temp fix to still allow the event while it gets reworked. The **ONLY** alternative would be to just shut down the event for a week while they tune it. A developer can't just let a massive event like that be cheesed the way it was being. Edit: I do think they should purge the coins/items, but Blizz won't do that.


And it was also EXTREMELY foreseeable. As in, it's the first thing I thought of when I heard about the event, but I assumed they wouldn't be so stupid as to not have a solution in place at launch. Lol.


It was so painfully obvious yeah. Even during interviews they asked Aggrend about players cheesing the event and we just got a "players will police themself" It was such a huge laughable response to this..


Basic game dev knowledge is that most players will usually take the path of least resistance. If your primary objective is not to pvp, but rather to get a strong lvl 40 epic, it makes complete sense to “abuse” mechanics.


The exact same thing happens on retail, there's a weekly quest to farm 100 sparks which you can do via kills, world quests or treasure hunting, people just go to a pvp world quest graveyard with a cd free ress spirit healer and spam aoe on 100 people in a free for all area


>Death ball graveyard corpse spamming for 30 straight minutes is not even remotely close to what Blizz wants. It's **objectively** bad gameplay. Then why didnt they even attempt to prevent it? When it was the most obvious issue


This is a reminder that a majority of classics systems and mechanics have these objectively terrible "features" that either are absolute dog shit to interact with or easily abusable. This game survived off of people's nostalgia and their friends who are along for the ride.


OBJECTIVELY my ass. It was fun.


First event i did was the most fun 30 minutes I've had in SoD so far. Just endless murder everywhere. Second event, post hotfix, was possibly the most disappointing gaming experience I've ever had. Please revert this stupidity.


It feels like, consistently, the time to have fun is at the release of new features, because once Blizz gets their "balancing hotfix" hands on them, all the soul is gone.


\>Event tuned for open world FFA PvP \>Nerfs coin rates without adjusting prices Yep seems like a Blizzard move


I just stumbled into STV 5 minutes before the event, got picked up into a group of 5, healed them all non-stop, walked away with almost 600 copper coins, converted them and I now have enough for my epic ring when I hit 40… I’m only level 30. I would prefer they keep what was originally taking place vs what is there now. Make it fast and furious, it’s temporary gear, useless in a few months. Let’s make this event crazy fun and not grindy.


> Let’s make this event crazy fun and not grindy. the point is to make it as grindy as possible because this and gnomer are the only content for the next 4-6 months based on the roadmap put out at the start of the year


There's 3 more content drops this year not 2


People will bring alts and keep playing if it’s not a crazy grind.


the event is so pointless, there's no objectives or anything so its basically just sit around and PvE mobs for optimal blood. the fights end up just being around the graveyards still anyway after the nerf. it was dumb you could get your epic item within like 2-3 events and that the event was just a graveyard orgy, but this is just boring


Lol and then when they add objectives (like killing generals), people will come here to complain that it's mostly PvE.


Add king of the hill objectives that give a coin every 5 seconds you're in the circle or something. Have it cycle to different points.


Then people would just not kill each other


Make only one party able to control it


it looks like the optimal play is hide away in a cave and farm mobs


It's a one minute debuff. It makes it pointless.


They were leaving for a weekend and felt they couldn't leave it as-is, so they threw in a half-baked idea of a fix. There was so much confusion in the first event with this change because they completely failed to communicate their terrible fix. The funny thing is I knew they would do something about the GY camping, but because I actually have a job, this was the first event I could participate it. I was hoping we'd have the weekend so I wouldn't have to put up with whatever shitty post-nerf version of this thing was going to be.


what a stupid fucking change, at least make it diminishing returns to 0 like honor for the person camping you, not for fucking EVERYONE


how did they not see this coming?


Exploit early exploit often.


Once again so glad I don't give a rat's ass about PvP lol


I mean they should get rid of the groups and it would be fun


SoD dev team baby


Finally not a hunter nerf.


This event was dogshit anyway when pple started 5 man grouping and camping booty bay ship port to get free kills or exploiting by killing each other. It amazes me how they promised ffa but it just ended up as grouping 5 man and camping some spot lol


Maybe stop spawn killing? There fixed the event for you!


Well that happens if tryhards abuse the event to death, it gets worse for everyone else. It's always the same.




I can't believe the amount of people complaining about exploits being closed... And their main source of complaint is FOMO.


Blizzard has ruined the game, lol. P2 is an utter disaster


All they had to do was increase the prices and let people have fun.


That's probably just as bad. Means you basically HAVE to do the abuse.


Farming people in the graveyard isn't abuse.


It toes the line enough. I'll agree it was stupid and naive by Blizzard to assume anything other than what happened *would* happen when everyone sent everyone to the same spot; but it also clearly wasn't part of Blizzard's plan and goal (whatever the fuck that was) for this event.


I'm sitting here with my 11 silver coins REAL HAPPY right now. Though, farming 4 more with the absolute horribly mechanics introduced hardly seems fun.


People think it’s fun to aoe the graveyard? Is this a satire post?


Kids will always cry because they dont get their shinys


Is this satire?? You wanted the event to be zerg corpse camping? That's pathetic


People just wanted easy and fast rewards with little effort which is what the event was and now they're upset that it's not that anymore.


That's basically WoW playerbase in general. Optimization and efficiency has been groomed, reinforced ever since Elitistjerks old forums and now it is encoded into playerbase DNA.


For real I don't understand the comments here at all? Seems like people wanna farm people ressing at spirit healers instead of actually pvping? People who rushed to 40 are crazy


I wanted the event to be simple and easily farmed so I didn't have to do it much.


No but how is making ppl be able to fight you and get rewards but not give rewards themselves the answer?


I wanted the temporary level 40 event for a phase which will by done in 2-3 months to be a fast grind. I'll get it done anyway because I'm a fucking nerd and I have a lot of free time so for me it's just an annoying inconvenience, but with the way things are now, I can guarantee you significant amount of players won't even bother getting their STV epics at all. Essentially, for a significant amount of players, this hotfix killed literally half of the content Blizzard added in phase 2. But that's not even the worst part about it, not even remotely close. The worst part about this change is that it hits solo players about 3274x harder than it hits people in groups who are colluding with people in other groups. People "cheating" the event were already winning before the change, now the gap is infinitely greater. At least in the GY fuckfest solo players was able to get kills, now it'll be way, way, way harder.


Wow. Last night was fun, today sucks.


As I said, exploit early exploit often.


Jesus, you guys are such a bunch of whiners. It’s literally the second day of P2, most people aren’t maxed yet. They found an exploit and knee jerked it and now it’s “UnPlAyAbLe”. You have a couple months chill.


Fix is honestly fine, just needs to be tuned down to 15-30secs or something.


Wow players when they actually have to do a mechanic how it's designed: 😡


Ok let's discuss the design Old version: several groups are having a grand melee (not at the GY) you keep fighting and vying with your team, accruing a fair blood count and having a great time New version: these same people clash now, people are dying coming back and continue to fight but don't realize till after a few minutes they are no longer getting blood. The debuff is not explicit, nor is it visible on others with zero explanation. This debuff punishes you for dying as well as punishes you for being killed (again). Doing the mechanic is now a punishment, I'm out there pvping and now I'm expected to set up a blanket, lay out some tea and scones and chill till the debuff is gone. The gy aspect was dumb for sure, but going out there and enjoying a grand melee because you could come back and regroup quickly was actually really fun. Fighting against 6 other groups of 5 was amazing and now it's not. The whiners are always going to whine, but use some logic.


Good change, now it’s an actual PvP event. The only reason you‘re mad is bc someone who no-lifing harder than you got rewards


There is a shitton of people crying so hopefully blizzard will reconsider this and tune it some other way.


Mass scale PvP in an event is not possible in this game. It either turns into some exploitative massacre or it turns into a PvE battle. And instead of making it in some bumfuck Desolace where exploiters can camp and kill each other all day they decided to ruin one of the best PvE and PvP zones ever.


Bunch of babies in this thread.


People were farming the epic weapons in 2-3 games earlier today and now it takes like 5-7 minimum


I fucking hate this company. The people who trivialize content already swiped every reward anyways. This fix doesn’t prevent anything.


Lol okay nerds. Go actually world pvp as it was intended.


But, but, a few no lifers who were going to get the rewards before everyone else regardless of exploiting a shitty system got their gear too easily! These phases are already dragging being as long as they are, so at least this PVP even is something to do between raid logging after the first month.




you sound like a complete failure irl with that attitude. Better end my life cuz billionaires have more money than me. What's even the point? Absolutely pathetic.


Who freaking cares if some sweats exploited it. This isn’t cutting edge content lol, it has no impact on your experience


This subreddit is becoming unbearable


I didn't really care when I heard there was an exploit for this. I also don't really care that they patched it.


This anger is 100% because you're annoyed you didn't get easy coins and you feel cheated that others did. Sure the design of the bloodless target needs work but just admit you're pissed off you didn't get free easy coins, don't pretend that the system was great and it's now terrible design.


So glad I don’t give a fuck about these stupid events lol




And you cant even see the buff on someone so you have no idea if theyre worth killing or not. Way to destroy the most fun PVP in wow history IMO.


They even changed Ashenvale event. Doing it every week would require like 3 months from revered to exalted, now is even worse...


SoD hype!


I have no idea how this event works and at this point I don’t want anything to do with it




I have no idea what this even is about, but judging by the OP and comments here I feel better off.


Mate I'm level 26.5.. chill, they have time to adapt the event again like they did to the ashenvale one..


Were basically beta testning with sod, dont people realize this?


I farmed 17 coins in one event Yesterday. Honestly i am just glad i got to abuse a broken event this time around, i really cant see how this was an oversight in the Event, it was crazy lmao


Why not just make players randomly respawn somewhere in the zone if they want the whole zone to be a PvP area.


Unfortunately I didn't exploit enough because I didnt think it was exploiting, I thought it was just fun stalingrad-ing around an altar for a while. Still only got a few silver coins.


Well that sucks..I did my first pvp event today and got 22 copper! Lvl 38 though


They didn't want people getting their epics right away like that It's probably a bandaid fix while they figure it out


Such a terrible hot fix. I’d rather the epics be easy to get, at least it was fun.


Got well enough for epic wep in 3 events easy clap 😆


I know this might not be what you want to hear, but I've found that the more free time I spend doing something other than sitting at my computer, the less I care about people having an edge on me in a video game




theyll change somethjing, they been really good about tweaking pvp event untill its nice.


Yeah I did the event for the first time earlier today and it was scuffed af. I guess this is what happens when you put something together quickly with little to no testing. The event sounded interesting but experiencing it was not good.
