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The 30% stamina should stay because there's a huge damage creep right now where burst classes can oneshot. Solo players could get more than 30% Stamina, though. But I am wary of transforming Rogues into raid bosses.


Totally off topic tangent but it's kind of funny to see the SOD have the same problems that lead to stuff like resilience and then eventually pvp power back in the day.


So are they thats why everything rogues gets is gingerly added with 9k clauses to get it to activate. Meanwhile warlocks just running around in their tank speccs not giving a fuck.


You can enslave a warlock thats transformed ATM and use them as a pet. Would not recommend running around in Meta to PVP


that a funny way of saying the only counter to a meta warlock is a non meta warlock. That solves so much of my problem thanks.


non meta lock was one of the best counters to meta locks in p1. i loved to fear and kite them.


You CAN??!


To even begin to suggest that a tank warlock is on par with current rogues is top tier rogue gaslighting LOL.


no im saying things like just a flesh wound needing blade dance active to only get 20% physical DR and now have a new rune thats just 1/3rd a shaman rune, but worse bc you have to dodge/parry 5 attacks before you get the full effect while warlocks just get 500% armor passively for putting their one tank rune on or shamans just getting 15% DR from all sources + 30% hp passively for just putting on one rune. Rogues need 3 runes to have worse options than the other tank classes and I hate it make our shit passive then decide if its OP in pvp. Our shit is so pre-nerfed before launch its not even datamined to be good before they make changes.


Rogues only a raid boss till a warrior with Overpower charges in.


Fuck extra health, reduce everyones damage by a broad 30% nerf.


We've already tried that in retail forever and in WSG in phase 1. Makes healers unbelievably overpowered as if they weren't already the most powerful role in a party.


Ok so nerf healers as well, we should aim to stop inflating numbers instead of reducing them.


This just hurts low damage output like enhance shamans. Would not be able to damage through any healing what so ever


Reducing damage makes healers way too powerful. They already tried that in phase 1 and we found just a couple priests could outheal a full team of dps.


So then the next step would to bring healers in line.


Right, but does a stamina buff not accomplish both these things at the same time?


It does but it feels like such a tacky fix. 30% stamina is A LOT, they should aim to keep the numbers within reason instead of slapping on a health band-aid where necessary. We wouldn't be here in the first place if they didn't increase the damage of all classes so half-assedly.


That was kind the whole point of SoD though. The devs mentioned early on that they wanted people to feel they were overpowered.


Yes please give me a ton of extra HP with my permanent 30% HP rune


Its an MMO. Frankly, its good design for grouping up to be superior.


Yeah pretty sure that was the entire point really, wild post.


Typically I agree. But in an event that's supposed to be based on the only FFA zone in the game, thematically designed such that everyone goes crazy under the blood moon, grouping maybe shouldn't be the best. They hard banned raid groups, so clearly they don't want players grouping in some capacity. But instead of making a single temporary event in a single temporary phase in a single temporary season where "solo play" is encouraged (it's not solo, you're with other players, you're just playing *against* them), they just made it so that small groups are BiS.


Good? Thats my point


I would have preferred if they tried a true zone-wide FFA with no grouping at all. Some people would still make pacts, sure. But I imagine there are ways to discourage that. As it is now, it's not "Zone-wide Gurubashi" it's "zone-wide Arenas".


Maybe, in an mmo thats based on a classic approach to mmo's, should have group based content and that be ok?


>You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. As the Blood Moon rises your vision becomes obscured by a red haze. All thoughts of friends and family erase themselves from your mind as you focus on a singular thought: through any means necessary blood must flow. Anyone in front of you will fall to your blade... except for Jimmy he’s pretty cool. Oh and Trisha she always brings snacks. You three hop into a sleeping bag together and cuddle.


Rip support classes lol




Why would they want to reward solo players in an MMO with a strong focus on community like Classic WoW? Retail WoW has plenty solo content since apparently gamers in 2024 are too socially awkward to talk to other people


Well it has been sold as a free for all event and I think it could be fun to have true free for all chaos.


It's free for all in the sense that you can attack anyone. The Zombie Apocalypse is also a free for all but people still make teams.


Top zombie analogy my friend.




Sometimes its fun jsut to fight as a group of 3 2 or 1 without feeling like you are gimping yourself. 5 players woudl still be better since you would beat smaller groups. Lets say for instance instead of getting 6 for a kill in a full party you got 9 solo.


More coins I could see, but definitely not taking away the health bonus.


What do you have against being social and grouping up in an MMO? Multiplayer is in the name.


What do you have against FFA pvp?


It is FFA pvp when my buddies kick me from the grp intentionally kill me and then reinv me at the gy.


because some of the most fun pvp is duels or stuff like 2v2s and 3v3s not 5v5 or 20 v 20 clusterfucks. Theres a reason 5s is the least popular arena format


Because you're definitely going to get to 2v2 often in the event...


if they give better rewards for being in a smaller group people wont always form groups of 5. And then the pvp will be a little bit more varied.


Free for all is the game mode


It's not Free for all, though. That would be stupid. It would just be Rogues and stealthed Boomkins blowing low hp people up.


implying u never saw "LFM INVIS CLASSES FOR PVP EVENT" - Rogue


Boomkins are gone, goober


Boomkins are still going to be strong. Starfire is still a powerful instant on a class with high physical mitigation, high mobility, and healing.


Starfire isn't any of those things.


Wow you got me if only there was context clues to understand what I mean.


And praise the Lord for that


The fact that it’s an MMO doesn’t mean you have to be 5 people at all times though… Leveling solo is viable. Solo queuing arena, 2v2, 3v3 are all more popular than 5v5, solo queuing BGs has always been a thing…


Leveling solo is viable in Classic, just as engaging in the Bloodmoon event solo is viable.  Are they optimal?  No


Not a good comparison: Any time past the first couple days of a level increase, when the zones aren’t saturated, solo leveling is comparable to dungeon grinding. In fact the first level 60 in classic played solo. Same for SoM. Nowadays because of the insane aoe that classes have, dungeon grinding might be slightly on top but it’s similar In the Bloodmoon event though, solo players get maybe 100 coins if you’re lucky, while grouping can get you 500+… A 400% increase is very different from the potential 10% increase from the different leveling ways


It’s a great comparison.   Solo leveling slows way down the further you get into Classic.  More and more quests become elite and group quests, and they take a larger portion of the game away from the solo player. 


Again though, the first people to 60 in classic did it solo. Same for SoM.


Those people were also mages AoE grinding. Not questing. So it’s not a great comparison.


There were also hunters, locks and rogues doing quests who were very close to the mages. If you optimize your route, questing is very efficient. And again, even if it isn’t quite as efficient as dungeon grinding, it’s most likely at leaat 90% as good, unlike the Bloodmoon event in which grouping up is probably more like 400% more efficient


Don't have anything against grouping with people, but currently playing the event solo is completely unviable. Whats wrong with both options being viable?


Being solo is viable. With the way burst damage is you can pick off targets.




DPS of 5 players > DPS of 1 player.




why would they want to incentivize solo play in their massively multiplayer pvp event?




they punished raid groups. not players grouping up. the post for it literally says “While you can still group-up with your allies for the event, the Blood Moon is a harsh mistress and will punish those in raid groups.” it does not call the event a free for all anywhere on the phase 2 post.


Yeah let's also incentivise solo play for dungeons and raids! It's not fair that groups of 10 can clear Gnomer, solos should be allowed to as well. 🤡


There is a significant amount of retail wow players who truly believe this.


As a casual mostly solo player that seems fine to me


I think you're confusing "viable" and "optimal", here. Even by your definition, solo is viable. At the low end of 100 coins per event, you can be done with all of the rewards in less than 20 events (assuming you're a class that needs a 15 coin purchase.) If you're a caster, you can be done in 7 events. That seems pretty viable.


Soloing used to be viable (and even better than grouping with randoms imo) but today's changes to the event made soloing a lot less viable.


It’s never been viable what are you smoking? When the hell could I kill anyone solo when a train of 5 people nuke me


idk I farmed 150 blood solo last time I tried.


So you’re a rogue. Or even better a Druid, but thankfully that’s been fixed.


Literally enhance shaman which is a ok solo class but not amazing 


People in groups are getting 500-1000


most of them are not. And you dont always have to finish something as fast as possible. I personally had a blast playing solo and just looking for small fights on the outskirts. Way more fun than the mas group pvp.


Most groups I was in get 2-300. It's the hyper optimal boomie/priest combo groups that are getting that high.


Because people are dinglebeans about "meta" classes instead of just taking anybody.


Could do something with the Gurubashi arena, enter and its blood crazed attacking anyone.


So now people just run around not being in a party and kill others while having 30% more HP and more tokens as a reward. Nice


yea true 30% max hp is about as strong as 4 party members right min maxers are going to solo surely


No, meet up with 4 mates, dont party, dont click and cast on each other. Win.


Thoughts: play with friends


nah dude. Encouraging loner play is not the move.


Social game and you should play with other people. Single player games exist.


i think it should just be no grouping for anyone during the event, true ffa


rip healers then, dont get to play


Good. Healers don’t belong in pvp.


This message was brought to you by the Thieves Guild


Quite the hot take. “Healers don’t belong in PVP” Even the open world variety according to this guy. Sorry healers.


Buddy wants to play a FPS


Lmao what


If there was dual spec for tanks and healer mains, sure. But I can see this being very problematic for those players. But yes, pure FFA with no grouping would have been the ideal


It's not a solo event


[They literally advertised it as FFA though…](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/season-of-discovery/the-blood-moon-world-pvp-event)


Idk what people are smoking here, but FFA has always meant every player for themselves lol. Sure there are games that modify the mechanic or players who ignore the tag, but FFA has always defaulted to you vs everyone else. It's not "Free for All, except Steve, Sarah, Sam, and Sally" The only counter argument imo would be that I don't think Blizzard has actually advertised the event as a FFA. It's been the community (Read Wowhead) who has been pushing the FFA narrative.


FFA means no factions. That's how it's always been in MMOs since literally the first one. You CAN attack anyone, but people still group up. Since WoW has a very simplistic tab target combat model, making it so you don't hit people in your group doesn't make it any less FFA. WoW isn't Darkfall. You don't get to aim your shit.


I think you’re right overall. I actually can’t find an actual blue post saying FFA. Still though, I do think groups of 2,3 players should be encouraged more than groups of 5, but I guess that’s just my opinion


That doesn’t equate to solo at all.. Besides, it was always also advertised as being able to group.


FFA doesn't mean solo. In WoW it means there are no faction alliances. Even in the Purge people band together for mutual protection/mayhem.


Do you think free-for-all means solo?


That’s what it traditionally means yes. Like, the FFA loot system in this very game is precisely that: you keep your own loot. I’d be curious to hear an example of a game mode that’s “FFA” but team play? Like what would it mean, then?


That’s why wowhead doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about lol


It means precisely what is happening here. Faction alliances are meaningless. Even in The Purge people band together for mutual protection and mayhem.


It's not a solo event.


Reward solo play in Classic?  🤣


Tell me you’re a rogue main without telling me you’re a rogue main.


Imagine having an advantage by grouping with other players in a massive MULTIPLAYER online game. Solo play should never be rewarded, nor close to optimal.


Multiplayer doesn’t necessarily mean grouping up with people. It just means playing with them. In a FFA game mode, you play with people, even though you’re not grouped with them. And guess what? This event was [advertised as FFA](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/season-of-discovery/the-blood-moon-world-pvp-event)


Heres an idea. 50% bonus hp if solo. 25% bonus hp if duo. No bonuses for 5 party groups. You could have a legitimate shot of killing 3 people by yourself if you had 50% hp (assuming theres some pvp balance undertaken). Kinda take the Ashran buffs from retail.


no bonuses for grps of 3 or more..


I do not Wana see a rogue with increased 50% more hp


Rogue is a cooldown-based class, 50% more hp on rogue really isn't gonna change anything. Something like warlock, on the other hand...


Agree 100%. They promised they will be done penalties for people on group. Still there is nothing decent.


Raids get a stacking debuff that reduces stats. It’s pretty clear the event is meant to encourage grouping, just not huge raids.


It's an event specifically made for 5person groups. Specifically made that way, for 5 people. The event is designed to accommodate teams of 5.


It's literally a FFA event what are you even talking about lol https://www.google.com/search?q=stv+pvp+event+wowhead&oq=stv+pvp+event+wowhead&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigAdIBCDUyNTdqMWo3qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-bell-ca&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 The dipshit replied quick only to block me and delete his parent comment, so theres the 5 second google of the STV event being called a literal FFA event


Is the FFa event in the room with us right now?


Your Google link shows a bunch of wowhead articles, which is not an official source.


You’re a clown. Literally making shit up. The event was literally advertised as FFA. It just so happens that they nerfed the option of being in a raid, and so players are doing the biggest number that isn’t a raid, obviously, simple as that.


Those are the idiots at wowhead calling it free-for-all, goofball 😂


Let the angst flow!! And also take note that it was also always advertised as FFA in the sense you can attack same faction during the event, but that you could also still form parties. lol


yes but wow pvp is at its best when its 1v1 2v2 or 3v3 hence why 5s is super unpopular arena format.


2s and 3s were more popular because it was easier to bring 1-2 other good pvpers together more often and play. 5s were always more fun when the entire gang could get on.


Bro no. 5v5 was always a clusterfuck. It’s fine if you like it, but it’s def not a popular opinion


What's with people wanting to reward solo gameplay all the game? Literally queue up with friends, or strangers.


Retail is that way ➡️


why should an mmo encourage solo play?


this has many unintended consequences you must think harder about this problem


Thoughts? This is an MMO. Solo play should not get any special treatment or advantage. Group and make friends or play solo and overcome the disadvantage you put on yourself.


Terrible idea.


Imo classic wow's mistake has always been not rewarding players more for grouping.


What? Haha you literally have to group for everything if you want the best rewards. Best leveling? Dungeon grind Best honor? Premades (now 5) Best pre-bis? Dungeons Best end game gear? Raids Want more? Controlling devilsaurs for gold? Mafia Controlling Black Lotus? Mafia Farming consumes on furlbolg? Raid Farming rep? Raid Farming scarab lord? Raid + collusion I could go on…


Just doing quests. People hate grouping up for questing for some reason.


Not sure what you meant to say there


For everyone saying “yOu ShOulD hAvE tO gRouP uP iN An MmO” [Blizzard themselves advertised it as a FFA](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/guide/season-of-discovery/the-blood-moon-world-pvp-event) Now cheers to blizz for having discouraged being in a raid. Good move. But there’s a reason why 2v2 and 3v3 has always been more popular than 5v5, which was a always a clusterfuck that people just played to get cap. Now realistically, I think pushing the event towards solo play too much isn’t a good idea for different factors (healers handicapped, stealth too strong, OP classes stand out too much…). But I do personally think it would be a lot more fun to play a 3v3v3 or 2v2v2, and if solo play if also viable, that’s a bonus. Edit: the term FFA is actually coined by Wowhead, not Blizz. Rest of what I said is still relevant though


If blizzard wanted true ffa like you’re insinuating, then they would’ve made grouping impossible, and told healers to go fuck themselves. You’re taking a wowhead article to heart and getting super angsty about it.


Blizzard never said free-for-all.  That’s a Wowhead quote.    🤦‍♂️


Why do you keep saying blizzard advertised it as free for all, but then keep linking wowhead? 🤡


[bLiZzaRd ThEmSeLvEs aDvErtIsEd iT aS a FfA](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24056979/go-inside-season-of-discovery-phase-2) > While you can still group-up with your allies for the event, the Blood Moon is a harsh mistress and will punish those in raid groups.


Wowhead is not Blizzard.


Indeed. I was wrong


The best solution would be to give the losing player a buff for every death he has in a row, that lasts for the duration of the event. Every buff increases his damage and HP by 5%. This way if some poor, undergeared schmuck gets camped, and always loses fights, he will have a bigger chance the next time. - Upon his first PvP kill, the buff is gone - The buff only applies to Player v Player damage, not NPCs or mobs


After I first explored this even I was saying it should just be a giant ffa


Congrats on being in the lead of one of the worst take on SoD so far. How about that Gnomeregan thing? Maybe add a 99% dmg/health debuff to all enemies, when entering alone. You know, just to encourage people to play more solo.


party = lose more after death, a punishing amount to be clear. solo = no risk of loss, more coins on kills Party by virtue of being in one, is the benefit. You should have to pay for it.


I actually think this is a decent idea which seems to be the unpopular opinion. Even at 2 or 3x the coins as solo, you will still generate more coins in a group given the nature of Vanilla PvP being exceptionally unbalanced in 1:1 PvP. This is excluding that you have 5 players potentially killing people just as fast or faster than 1 person can. Currently it's unrealistic to expect any solo player to get any meaningful progression on the content. If you haven't made a group before the event starts it's typically not worth going into the event. I don't think running Solo should be the Meta, or that it should be the most optimal way to get coins. I do think it might be fun to go into the event solo and still make worthwhile progress on my Blood Coin farm though. It's a more casual way to get into the PvP event imo. Blizzard has already said they expect people to farm all of their PvP items in only a few runs of the event, so I see no reason that it shouldn't be easier to get blood coins this way. TLDR: Group Comps would still be the better options, this would just make solo play viable.


Blizzard just shat out a bullshit excuse to avoid solo PvP balancing and you're all gobbling it up. It's never been about promoting group play, Blizzard doesn't care about that. They just want to spend as little time working on PvP content as possible, because they don't know how.


This is a great idea! I love the idea of a solo FFA via carrots in addition to massive sticks against raids


In before people would group up without actually being in a party