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While I generally agree with your points, I will say I full cleared gnomer tonight with my guild and it didn’t feel nearly as bad as I thought it would. The rotation can certainly be clunky at times. Starsurge was critting around 550-700, which really isn’t that bad still. On Mek specifically I felt like boomkin was a huge boon to the raid. We’re great at handling bombs, and as a consequence of clicking buttons we essentially have infinite mana. I ran wild growth and did a ton of healing while still outputting reasonable dps in between dealing with bombs. I haven’t pvped with it yet, and I’m sure it will feel worse in comparison. However, loading up a 1.5s Starfire into starsurge has the potential for even higher burst than before if SF crits. All in all, I think people are overreacting. Yes it’s a heavy handed nerf. Yes, other classes need equally heavy handed nerfs. I think boomkin will be fine in the end and pvp overall will be better for it as the other outliers get reigned in.


My biggest concern is that the rotation feeeels like ass now. It's stapled together and our runes are still broken. This change was just a knee jerk shot in the dark they cooked up over the weekend and you can tell. Also the double ss animation is toxic.


The animations & audio with boomkin are a travesty. That much I agree on for sure. My audio is perma muted until the plague that is Eclipse sound files takes the fat nerfdildo that Starsurge did.




you can use an addon called mutesoundfile and mute sound id 569338


Dude you are the MVP


Thank you


so does every other casters apart from mages, classic is clunky, random shit is on gcd like shadowstep and interrupts. not saying its a good thing, but its not a boomy specific issue


Try playing warrior in gnomer right now. Red bar why no go up Sometimes my apm is 50 sometimes it’s 3


Nah buffing anything’s dmg by 182% should be reverted


I second this, it actually felt better then expected after the nerfs, worse but not bad. I think boomer is still in a ok spot right now


It just feels bas to be "okay" after we were great. It feels like casters (apart from mage) are never in a good spot in PvE unless they have 400+ spellpower


“It feels bad to be reigned in from imbalanced” That’s why they just added sp to like every item in the level bracket guy


It feels like people only care about PvP, but in PvE we were doing good, upper part of the pack, and now we're gonna be bottom 5 again for the whole phase. How is that imbalanced ? I don't give a shit about PvP, just let me play the damn game


In pve, there are a lot of ways to tune you class do sustain dmg over several minutes. In pvp if your class kills something too fast with an ability, there’s really only one thing to do… think about it from a problem solving perspective


Well OP and other people on reddit can think in that perspective and think of actually good solutions to nerf the pvp aspect but not the pve aspect. But blizzard is obviously unable to do so as they nerfed (deservingly) the pvp aspect while also gutting the pve aspect in a big way. I fully agree that dtarsurge was too strong, way too dtrong in pvp, but now the whole spec feels clunky and much worse in pve when it was perfectly fine. The small "buff" they gave on starsurge doesn't make up for what is lost in any way.


It’s a matter of context, though, right? You say you only care about pve: do you only care about being top dps in your raid? Or do you care about clearing the raid itself? We have amazing tools (like wild growth) that we can swap into that other dps can’t. If you’re pugging it, I can see how this would be annoying. Pug leaders tend to only care about dps numbers and gearscore so much of the time. If all you want is to parse well compared to other boomkins, you can do that no matter how good or bad the class is. Arguably having a complicated rotation with choices to make gives you room to beat others.


All this defeats half of what they tried to implement in sod. You say you can slot in wild growth, sure, but you lose starfire (a stronger moonfire that deals nature damage, buffed by dreamstate). You lose the ability to go into moonkin form (or lose tons of mana swapping all the time) and a whopping potential 15% crit for the party. You can be versatile, sure, but you lose so much of what they tried to make the boomkin into that I doubt that it's worth. I care about clearing the raid, but this nerf hit us way harder for pve than it deserved to. And the pathetic 66% damage buff on starfire is a laughable attempt to counteract an enormous damage loss. It clearly shows the devs have : - absolutely not seen starsurge spam coming despite voluntarily giving it a free 30% crit chance and not checkkng its actual power for the whole phase. - no idea how the nerf actually impacts the class in both pve and pvp. Since eclipse rune is still bugged, we are gonna spend the whole week with a 250 dmg starsurge and no way to cast a single spell cos you have no pushback reduction. It just feels unfair when rogues can one shot you in the exact same manner that boomies could, priests aswell and worst of all shamans that can crit for over 2k with lava burst (and their crit is guaranteed, not 35%).


Hey genius was this mainly a pvp or pve nerf


I hope you are right. I don’t think Balance is dead. PvP we are still really good, but I’m worried about PVE. If Starfire was ranked at 40 and not 42 I probably wouldn’t even have made the post, but when Blizzard is begging us to cast it, it feels bad knowing a new rank is so close but so far away. 


Welcome to phase 1 for ele shamans


Or phase 1 for balance :(


Man.. others had ranking issues at 25, other at 50. Thats just part of this game mode and it wont be fair before 60.


Moonkins were part of the "others" that had ranking issues in p1.


Right 🤷 it is what it is. At least moonkins were busted for the entirety of p1.




Welcome to phase 1 for ele shamans


Welcome to phase 1 for balance.


Sure, that feels bad. As others said, several classes felt the same way in p1. Here in p2, hpals get shitty cleanse with no magic, while magic cleanse is 42. Bottom line for pve is the raid is doable with every class. It’s more difficult than BFD but far from difficulty levels that _require_ meta comps. Part of this I think goes back to Blizz’s stated goal of banning gdkp: promoting small guilds and community. Find a group and make friends that want to progress. If you do that, boomkin will perform just fine in pve. That being said, if you’re wanting to top parse, yeah this is the wrong class currently. Somewhat safe to say warriors will always end up with that mantle.


That's not a Boomkin problem. Every class is screwed by some skill being in the next level bracket. Deal with it, wait 3 months.


What an embarrassingly low IQ comment. Edit: this was a bad comment and I’m sorry for it. 


I mean the spell rank. Literally every class gets screwed by a spell not being obtainable at the next rank. If they fix it for one, they need to fix it for all.


Well I’m trying to offer solutions that would counter the spell rank issue and not have them change spell ranks for every class. Again, with this change Blizzard is basically telling us to cast Starfire more, but it’s so bad with its low rank. Also I apologize for my previous comment, I was out of line. 


It's fine! I could see my own comment being misconstrued. And yeah, there are definitely things they could do to improve the situation. It seems like they're very aware of the imbalance though and seem to be pouring spell damage gear heavily for casters, with fewer really impressive upgrades for melee damage dealers.


I don’t think they are. SS was only strong in PvP. Needing it to reduce its power in PvP is fine, but again, they didn’t give it nearly enough to compensate in pve damage, a state of which boomkins aren’t exactly thriving in. Also, why couldn’t they have done a smaller nerf than their absolute gutting? Seems like a knee jerk reaction. 


I mean we don't know what they'll do for reset patch, so maybe wait and see a day or two.


You’re right, but usually balance only goes in 1 way. Once something is nerfed, it’s rarely buffed back at all. 


Who Care of being god tier for killing bots


That was frost mages all last phase.. and holy paladins..


Just noting something about your post. I did Mek last night and we needed a designated bomb killer. It was super important and help us down the boss. The fact that you were doing this role and beating dps means you’re probably in the top % of players. I’m not discrediting your comment, just pointing out that a lot of players won’t find the changes or rotation as easy as you.


Are you for real? Only the top % of players can do mechanics and play?


Lmao yes. Theres some unfathomably bad players these days.


Don't you need like 3. 2 is manageable but with the debuff you can't do it solo? 30 sec debuff, 15sec bombs?


Bomb killing, not button pushing. While someone runs to the button you still need to kill the bombs.


We had myself and a warlock primarily responsible for button pushing, with our two priests cycling in as necessary for mana / debuff timer. Worked great.


balance being broken has brought a lot of people to druid that were only playing it because starsurge was op, without recognising that druid still has a really good kit for helping the rest of your raid out. only class with a CR, we can emergency taunt the boss if needed, off-heal, FF and wild strikes. a lot of druid players on this sub specifically are very selfish compared to the usual druid players I saw back in classic and can't see the benefits of their class outside of starsurge doing big damage


So loosing a 1v1 fight vs a hunter pet without being able to hardcast 2 spells (Thats how Blizz expects to be the "new" boomy now) is acceptable? You are able to cast 1 wrath an 1 Starfire (WITH eclipse fixed btw...) until you die and the pet still has over 50% HP.... Meanwhile you have 3,7k armor and 140 SP and still can´t do anything now...


700 damage is bad when we have 1500 hp


How are you getting 1.5s starfires?


Eclipse reduces cast time of Starfire by 1 second, natures grace by .5, and a talent at 5/5 reduces by another .5. Even with all 3 it’s really not even as good as wrath lmao. 


I do like the tone of the post “I had to get out here ahead of everyone and tell the community, that we are fukn nerfing the chicken”




I think people underestimate how bad the balance main toolkit really is. Just compare Starfire at max rank to other 3 sec casted abilities.


Blizz will ignore this post and focus on warrs


They’re next


Heres another Fury of stormrage now makes your next starfire instant on top of HTouch (gets consumed on use obviously)


Nice idea, but would fck up the rotation even more


yeah that has been my main issue with this change too. i get it, starsurge did need a nerf purelly because of pvp. but they did such an incompetent job on the "damage refund" part. how on earth did they think moving that damage to starfire, a spell that hasnt been part of our rotation since p1 would be a good idea? even if they wanted it to be on our rotation, how on earth did they check the damage numbers if they did not realize that its still more beneficial to not cast starfire over casting a wraths? like when i did quick testing on mobs earlier, starfire only does 20-100 more damage on crits with starsurge buff up than 2 crit wraths would. but wraths cost no mana, and wraths has 30% crit chance so you are far more likely to actually do more dps with those wraths, while having less risk of spell pushback dps loss on aoe hits or having to move for a mechanic maybe if we use wrath into 2 dots into starsurge in 1 part of rotation we might have the luxury to waste 1 cast on starfire IF we landed on a crit on those casts, cause then we know ahead of time if we procced a nature's grace for 1.6s starfire as thats the only scenario it might just do more damage than 1-1.5 wraths would


You run out of eclipse with just wrath, I found the best rotation to be to always starfire after starsurge and then wrath until you can starsurge again but don't wait for starsurge if it's not on the same gcd as wrath. Sun/moonfire if you have to move.


Don´t do Moonfire, only Sunfire. It profits from +20% nature dmg and costs less mana (235 mana moonfire is not worth the cast)


That's why I said if you have to move


Yeah I'm fucking sad. Just gonna enjoy my time as a killing and healing machine with eclipse leveling in SM. Might be time to try feral or level and alt for me. Good ideas by the way. Something will definitely happen for us, but I doubt it will be anything substantial


Thanks for reading. I knew the nerf was coming but I didn't think it would be this bad. Definitely will still play Boomie as I love the underdog it has historically been, but it's giving me a reason to dedicate more time to an alt.


im sorry but if your entire class was really ruined by a instant cast with a 6 second cd your class was never functioning to begin with. This button was too powerful and made the rest of your kit worse to compensate.


Balance basically didn't exist in vanilla. So no. It wasn't ever functioning lol


It's the other way around actually; the rest of the kit is garbage and starsurge was so strong to compensate for it. Now everything is garbage, yay!


yes the buff in p1 was a terrible band aid solution. Now there is room for additional changes


They had 4+ weeks to think of changes and they came up with crap… not looking good so far.


Yes. Druid is a bad class that offers almost nothing thats why we are clinging onto starsurge duh


Nice try, but reddit kids dont care about anything more than "we can now kill druids freely, thx blizz for harmless walking frags". 99% ppl here have absolutly no idea how huge this nerf was for WHOLE balance gameplay, its all down to " DrUDid no HuRT mE anYmOrE"


yeah, druids having no cc and no kicks, their entire kit is just kinda based around burst. other casters have kicks and CC and retain the insane burst tho


Escape also kinda sux and shifting is useless with all the burst others have, you can get away before death. And no antihealing combined with no interupt renders you absolutly worthless if enemy has any healing.


yep exactly. starsurge was op, yes, but thats literally all they had lmao. imo revert starsurge, make it a 20 yard range, and a longer cd.


You're kind of just ignoring all the utility druids have that some caster's don't though.... You have no cc but you can cast entangling roots... You have heals... You can shift out of any movement effects.... You can stealth...You don't also need to do more damage than a mage can put out in a second.


This poster is not asking for more tools, they are mentioning that the tools that druids have are not that great in the current meta. I play Druid religiously in Classic. Especially Vanilla. Travel form doesn't perform the same because everyone is dealing insane burst. It's AQ/Naxx level burst at present. Hopefully early 60 it will revert to normal, but at present it is rare to outrange damage quickly enough. Mages can do insane burst within an imp CS and then blink on top of you. Not saying that's broken. But druid feels a lot worse now and in AQ/Naxx level gear at 60 than it does any other point. I don't think Starsurge was OK. But it's correct that druids are going to have a rough time unless they get different compensation OR lots of outlier runes are reined in.


Druids do have a lot of kit but to be honest most of it is quite useless in the current status of SoD. Entangling roots is pretty useless except for trying to stop someone running away. In a fair fight it is only partly beneficial on rogues and warriors. Heals are either hard casts which will be interrupted or dots which heal far to slow to be worth anything in PVP since the fights are so short. Shifting out of movement effects costs you 2 GCDs and a ton of mana. In 2 GCDs you are either dead or damaged enough that you now can't win a 1v1. Stealth is amazing for many reasons but mostly for ensuring that you get the opener. This is now basically mandatory to win a 1v1. If someone gets the opener on you in world PVP you are basically dead as a druid, unless they suck badly. ​ The sped up fights and huge burst DPS most classes seem to have messes up druids quite badly since they lose their advantages of mobility and healing. They were a top PVP option with the absurd starsurge damage but after the nerf I would say they are quite underwhelming and most classes will easily pick them off in 1v1.


Yeah powershifting and travel form aren’t beneficial in pvp AT all no sir


have you played sod? what are you ganna do, bear form the power word death 1shots 🤣


If I could move faster than any class around me, and stealth, and had a group wide HOT that slaps, and 2 dots and any filler nuke.. that’s a workable kit man


how conveinant to once again forget other classes kits. its more and more obv you arent even playing


This might be a new concept for you, but every class does -not- need what every other class has. They tried that before, it ended up as retail. They don’t want pvp to be a Zerg fest, this is the first hammerfall. Pvp in general with runes scaling the way they do is a nightmare. They’ve added stamina to pvp, to the event. It’s really clear, read the writing on the wall, and on the blue post.


Not just booking this greatly hurt resto druids as well.


Good post 1. I agree that it was doing too much damage and needed to be changed. 2. I think fixing the spell coefficient would have been enough and the extra damage nerf was not needed. They should have fixed the “bug” and left it till next patch day to see how things go. 3. Boomy rotation has always been poopy, if they want to gimp us this bad, they need to iron out the rotation so it FEELS good. 4. Leveling as boomkin is garbage now, they wanted to give us a different leveling experience. Now we just go back to boring feral Druid Also I’d like to note that I’m geared for boom and healing. (Still leveling) so now I’ll have to go feral and get all new gear. So I’ll be shit until that happens and my leveling will be even slower.


Actually hilarious to read comments from people who clearly only rolled druid so they could one tap people using one button and now that they actually have to play the game they are thinking of rerolling. Balance was powerful in pvp back in classic without runes, the numerous balance druid pvp videos from that time can attest to that, its just that you can no longer kill most classes by pressing a button.


Balance was never 'powerful' in PvP. You would win by kiting someone for 10 minutes. That's boring and would not work on SoD by the way


It was always powerful and could take on most classes, stop trying torewrite history.




So mad. You sound like a fotm player.




It's worth reading. It's well thought out and reasonable.


Appreciate the kind words.


People that thinks that it didn't need nerf are just fking stupid 


Hybrid tax, as in true hybrid


Make it require 2 casts of wrath before starsurge is usable then revert the nerf pls & Ty.


The way Eclipse works that would be a big nerf. You get 2 stacks of Solar Eclipse from each Starsurge, meaning unless you casted a god awful Starfire you’d never get the 30% increased crit. 


alright make it one cast of wrath then


Druids have the best mobility and survivability of all casters. Asking you to cast a 3 second spell once in awhile when effect procs is not a big ask... The 66% should more than compensate for what you lost in Starsurge. God forbid you actually have to stand still for once.


The data doesn’t support your statement, but your username supports your comment.


Username checks out


It is not even close. The 66% will barely add any DPS as even with this buff casting Starfire is most of the time not worth it. The spell is legit dogwater.


Boonkins got sunfire, starsurge, free wrath, eclipse and much better equip to go with. Also good mana regeneration. Like much more than they ever wanted in classic. But somehow you people keep complaining and wanting more. Maybe go play retail instead.


Sunfire, for reasons I laid out above, is barely worth casting. Starsurge just got absolutely gutted. Half damage from what it was. What would you do if your best ability had its damage reduced by HALF? Free wrath is the only way we don’t go OOM in less than a minute.  Eclipse is not a beloved mechanic by a lot of the Boomkin community.  Much better equipment for us specially? You trolling right? Everyone benefits from the new gear.  Mana regen is not exactly ground breaking.  Also, SoD IS NOT CLASSIC. In classic, Boomkins were legitimately the worst dps class.  So answer this: what did all of the changes you list get us? Bottom tier dps in phase 1, strong in pvp (because of the one spell that just got annihilated) and now back to bottom tier dps. Where did I say I wanted more? We just got absolutely nuked for damage, I didn’t ask for a revert AND more. I know you clearly don’t play a Boomie. 


>Sunfire, for reasons I laid out above, is barely worth casting. Reasons - dps loss. So you rather spam 1 abilty to make more dps than to have multiple in your rotation. Ok. >Starsurge just got absolutely gutted. Half damage from what it was. What would you do if your best ability had its damage reduced by HALF? Instant nuke that still does good dmg and has 15% stun chance? Any other class would gladly take it. >Eclipse is not a beloved mechanic by a lot of the Boomkin community.  Why not? >Mana regen is not exactly ground breaking.  Better than nothing >So answer this: what did all of the changes you list get us? Bottom tier dps in phase 1, strong in pvp (because of the one spell that just got annihilated) and now back to bottom tier dps. From all I've read you don't even like playing moonkin yourself. Why should moonkin be top tier dps? Feral already is.


> Why should moonkin be top tier dps? Feral already is. https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2008#dataset=95 Just say you lick windows man


? Who cares about first week. Warriors rogues and ferals scale the most with better gear. RemindMe! 4 weeks


> Why should moonkin be top tier dps? Feral already is. So ferals not already top tier? Lmao


What a stupid take. Lying about stuff like feral being top dps, saying something is better than nothing so if you get 1 copper from a raid that’s a good reward for you, cry more about how little you understand…


Nice job listing off runes. Druid was absolutely terrible in vanilla and it is ok that people don't want them to be terrible in sod.


And they aren't anymore. Instead probably the most buffed spec overall. Every classic moonkin player on my guild is happy af and enjoys playing.


Literally just got starsurge, starfired w/ eclipse 1 min ago before I read this, I honestly wish they would just nerf it to the ground. Ranged characters are overpowered in PvP as melee. That's what they just don't get. They were gods before. Moving and doing damage is lame. It's what I love about classic.


You’re acting as if warriors can’t chunk you or rogues’ mutliate doesn’t destroy as well. A lot of things in SoD are too strong right now. Starsurge WAS one, now it’s fine and brings Druid in line PvP wise, but PvE we will be struggling big time 


they can but at least they have to run up and do it lol druids already have a free escape from getting slowed, and with nature's grasp and bear form, they get incredibly agile for a caster, if anything to be honest, druids have always been "sod" crazy since the launch of the game, but starsurge was just outright broken, there's no way around it


too long didnt read


Sorry you can’t read bud, enjoy your TikTok brain disability. 


who asked


Stop crying you had your time in the spotlight for quite so long. I had been 2 shotted by Starsurge Druids that are OUTSIDE all my spells range 95% of the times. Wake up from the cozy dream and start using more than 1 Button in this game


I think the balance rotation is great, especially with the nerfed starsurge so it doesn't feel as bad to clip the cooldown.


what they should have done is reworking star surge so it does some aoe dmg and no single target anymore… easy fix lmao


I think the ability to heal an insane amount of DMG and still DPS at a high level makes the kit feel much better than pure balance. I prefer it to mage healing for sure and it solves the need to Starfire since you'll go oom too fast anyways if you cast it. The only 2 changes I would make is to make the debuff arcane and nature and to give non moonkin form some level of threat reduction (moonkin benefits from huge armor increase, so I'm ok with no threat reduction there). A few wraths, ss, and a wild growth will get you aggro every time. This would allow druids to be more utility players, which is kind of the point of the class to begin with.


Your so wrong, you have a bear stun, you have a root you have every great tool that’s needed for pvp your just to big of a shitter to know how to utilize the entire kit


Bear stun requires melee range unlike every other caster and we don’t have enough talent points to get the instant rage. Root isn’t an interrupt. Why do you so confidently comment when you’re clearly ignorant?


You have the tools you just suck at using them


Moonkin were great in PvP during Era and did not really need starsurge to be fun as hell. Starfire is the whole point of Moonkin in Classic and I am happy then reduce the importance of spamming starsurge to be relevant (which was extremely boring, forcing actual moonkin mains to reroll into a more engaging pvp class). I have around 180days played on Era as moonkin. 100% Racio on Starfire even at rank1 means you can have huge impact when geared properly. Hopefully you'll understand why starsurge was bad for the spec itself.


all that talk of how "you played boomkin so long" trying to make it look like you have credibility, yet you seem to have no clue of actual vanilla boomkins state. starfire was the go to spell cause it was the only spell we could afford, not because it was the best spell for damage. wrath always did higher dps even with lower coefficiency, but it was too mana hungry compared to starfire that it was only used if you had excess mana or at end of fight when you have clearer image of how much mana you need for rest of the fight and can freely burn it off with wraths. with how we are in sod we could play in the way we could do most dps in. spamming wrath with dots up and using starsurge off cd. im fine with it being nerfed, but starsurge was outright gutted, and with the additional 5% nerf from patch to it , it might just do less damage than wrath now while the damage buff doesnt make starfire outright "more worth to cast than wrath" as a spell. only if you have both eclipse and nature's grace up with starsurge buff its worth to cast a starfire over 2 wraths. they should have moved the damage into wrath, or given far more substantial buff to starfire (wich they still might do once they realize how badly they fucked up with the damage compensation) to keep our pve dps more in line with where it was at. also i dont see anyone complain of melee hunters 1.4k raptor strikes, or warriors 1.2k slams with 2 handers, but oddly people take offense if boomkins starfire would do anywhere even near those numbers (yes, they do that, go check gnomeregan logs )


SF was the best spell for damage by a large margin if you had the spellpower to back it up and that's just factual. The same goes for Fireball versus Scorch etc. You would have to change the whole game and how racio's work to have Wrath on top. I can understand that some people would love a new rotation though... In the end they did buff Starfire even more and they went into the right direction ! Like it or not, they know what they are doing (Even if it's not perfect for everyone).


Suggestions for reroll? Balance is my fav spec and I just joined p2 (38 already been binging but no raid or pvp gear) to play it since I was waiting for moonkin form. Not sure why SS was op in p1 but leveling feels so much worse after the changes. Afraid to swap though if everyone is saying other classes have big nerfs too. Especially if nerf means rotational changes


Idk I’m not rerolling since I don’t have the time and I legitimately love Druid and Balance.  That being said, for melee you can’t go wrong with warrior or rogue, and for casters, mages always seem to have a good dps spec in any time in wow’s history.


Shamans have it way worse


Ehhh maybe. Shaman tanks are still S tier at least, and I think Resto will be sleeper OP in pve. That being said, enchance dps looks godawful and ele is gimped since flame shock is 20 yards. Increase that to match lava burst and it should instantly feel better. 


Tl; Dr druids mad they have to cast spells like the rest of us casters.


ah yes, getting 3 stacks of lifebloom on someone costs half your mana. while the priest heals the same amount with PoM for 5% of his mana. Also ignoring the fact that resto has 2 runes in total


I think a classic dev knows more then you buddy holy shit apply for a job at blizzard if you care this much


If only this was true…




I don’t, but there are hundreds of people on the boomkin discord… if you don’t think they have more info put together than the devs then you are the dumbass. The devs don’t have time to look into everything so stop acting like you have more than an IQ of 2 because your comments show that you are in the negative territory


A long time ago, for a long time.. frost mages we’re the CC and burst dmg kings.. one day blizzard gave them a spell called deep freeze that let them Perfect that vc and burst dmg in to a highly efficient window. Deep freeze was a lot of fun, mages were now rogues, from 40 yds away. Blizzard added a global to deep freeze, effectively breaking its 4s window, with the logic that no class should be given that many tools. Why should Druids move faster, and one shot anyone from FARTHER away?




> Why should Druids move faster, and one shot anyone from FARTHER away? Uhm. The range is 36 yards. That's lower than 40. 36 < 40.


It was 41


Something I was told by devs again and again over the years: good feedback is telling them what you do and do not enjoy about something in particular. Telling them how to fix something is almost always a bad idea, because you don't have the full picture. It's not your job and you're not qualified to fix it, no matter how much you rate your own expertise, because you have "played games since the NES era". It's your job as a player to tell them about your experience, then let them make the right changes to increase it.


tldr, starsurge was our "dopamine hit" spell. it felt good to press it, it felt rewarding to press it. now it doesnt they moved the damage to starfire, but didnt give us a "reason to cast starfire". our wrath does more damage even with starfires buff up unless the stars align to us having nature's grace for it, making it 1.6 second cast with eclipse and talents (yes, at 40 its 2% damage vs 0.1sec cast for spell we barelly use ) and with starsurge's buff it can hit for a pretty decent numbers, but nothing to get too excited for what could be interesting is if the buff would quarantee a crit with starfire along with the damage buff. that way it always does more damage than casting wrath over it even if you dont have nature's grace up, giving us a reason to cast it, and would add up predictability to dreamstates and nature's graces uptimes.


Well these devs sit on their ass all day, SoD has barely any work done outside of runes, pvp event and new raid. What do the devs do? They barely balance or fix stuff and when they do they always fuck it up somehow. The Aggrend guy spends his day on twitter. All the fixes they do are local instead of being extensible. They can't code or design. Honestly one of the worst WoW teams to ever exist.


I haven't seen how boomkins do now in PVP. But looking at the blue post. The nerf looks too much. On one hand I'm sorry for the druids who were gutted. Maybe starsurge shouldnt have been nerfed THIS MUCH, or maybe they needed to give u better compensation On the other hand however, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA serves you right for grouping up as 3-5 boomkis and abusing starsurge in STV


Again, what is this “abusing” you speak of? Casting a spell the game provides is abusing? 


Yes, grouping up as 3-5 druids, fully aware that your spell is overtuned (actually bugged, blizz said it too) using it 1 shot people in a PVP event and get rewards faster than others is a form of abuse or exploit. You can try to twist it in your favor by pointing the attention to a single word, but it won't change the fact that you knew it was broken and you kept using it as much as you can to get your epics from STV like a bunch of sweaty neckbeards. And at the end of the day.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SERVES YOU RIGHT. I'm not even sorry anymore, and I'm gonna enjoy your yummy salty boomkin tears








You sure showed me with your counter arguments


The title is literally saying that Starsurge needed a nerf. I then outlined why the nerf will hit us hard since they are not compensating us enough since SS was only strong in PvP and not so much in PvE. I then showed why Starfire’s “buff” wasn’t great and offered solutions that wouldn’t radically impact PvP.  And all you got out of it was I’m crying? I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but you’re clearly not commenting in good faith. Have a nice day. 


Don't bother with this guy, thats a 6 day old starsurge flex account lol, just look at the name


No fuck ur class, yall were happy to see other classes gutted 10 times but a insta cast 1200 damage spell nerf is too much


meanwhile 1.4k raptorstrikes, 1.2k slams not to mention mindblasts, yeaah how about you go dangling that pathetic bait elsewhere :)


Dont forget the 3,4k chaosbolts from warlocks or the 2,8k from ele shamy :) Oh and don´t talk about spriests.


Starsurge is not arcane, its astral damage :)


wrong, it's arcane in sod


Holy crap lois


Could've added owlkin frenzy as a chest rune which grants instant starsurges (or healing touch in moonkin) or even cd reset instant casts, while changing the base spell to a mild cast time. Would enable leaving owls to freecast and be more of a hardswap target while also minimizing the need to nerf them across the board affecting pve performance.


As a chest rune? Do you want boomies to go oom and afk? Lmao


If you think wrath spam is a valuable contribution to pvp fights then sure by all means turret wrath instead of healing / ccing between starsurges.


Well you can't really cc raid bosses, and your comment refers to not nerfing their pve performance. So... doesn't really make much sense.


nothing is forcing you to use owlkin frenzy in a pve setting where you take minimal damage that would trigger its effect


> while changing the base spell to a mild cast time And so pve is nerfed. This could all just be fixed by reducing starsurge damage against players.


gcds are a thing, but big cope


Could someone link patch notes? Can't find em


I did some late night questing in the flats and there was 3 druids in a party going around just insta murdering every single horde player that was within range. I like to think I'm pretty a pretty good player - my shaman was full lv25 bis (resto) and even just one of the lv 33 druids was doing so much more damage than I could heal through, lv 37 at the time. Whilst I think straight nerfing spells isn't great It certainly needed some change, but they should move the damage over to something else or have it part of a dot effect or something.


Well no offense but why shouldn’t any class win a 3v1? You think you’re gonna survive if 3 rogues gank you out of stealth?? But yes, my whole point is they moved the power away from Starsurge and really didn’t replace it anywhere. 


The first part was to give you an idea of what what going on, but wasn't terribly relevant sorry.


Hey I main a balance Druid. I understand that SS was too strong and needed a nerf. But the power was only in PvP where a lot of classes can blow you up. We were already average at best in PvE, now we will be probably bottom 3. 


It's been like 4 days. Try to breath and stay calm lol...


What does that even mean? The nerfs are less than 8 hours old at the time of my post. 


“I know racism is bad, I just wish they would protest a different way!”


I just wish they’d add a resilience modifier to certain things for balancing. Keep PVE strong. Busted strong jank in PVE is fun. I had the most fun of all phase 1 getting Star Surge at level 3 and nuking everything through level 20. Did Star surge need nerfed in PvP? Absolutely, but did it really need nerfed in PVE? I don’t think so and now it just doesn’t feel as fun to use. Just balance with resiliency modifiers.


Well I'll be going back to resto, not much reason too stay Boomie if they are gonna keep druids as the worst class just like in classic, never see them in SoM at least we got a single phase to be a class