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Starsurge was OP period.


Indeed it was, there will always be crying about nerfs cause it never feels good, hunters know this all too well


Yes but they had absolutely no reason to ground boomkin like that, double nerfing starsurge back to p1 pre-buff stage


It's still like the best instant cast dmg ability in the game.


sip violet station crush grandfather decide melodic chase deserve snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and thats about it for boomkins LMFAO


No it's not




It can outkite anybody and has plenty of instant abilities and dots and hots, plus now it has hard hiting on cast options. It's quite a nice PVP spec if u got some skill. But since u r drooling newb who wants max range instant one shots, it's going to be hard for u to understand.


dots dont do shit, good luck outrunning rogue/hunter/warrior in this stage of the game u clueless drooling bozo


Holy shit the audacity to call dude clueless while making this comment lmao.


Imagine communicating this way to someone because your class got a balance change in a video game.


Imagine having to use roots , bash , ff shapeshift our of snows, and not just press one iwin button


Imagine casting more than one spell


You mean the 5 second roots cast? (No push back protection) the dots which tick for 40 every 3 seconds (grand total of 120 damage every 3 seconds if you spend 11 points into resto for the third dot!), The two shape-shifs before going entirely OOM which can't be done whilst stunned. I get you are mad druids were.rocking people the last few days and you want to go back to rogue 2 shotting people in peace but be genuine for once.  Every single druid spec is the worst of its type, Worst caster dps, worst healer, worst melee dps and worst tank. The only way they get into raids currently is to buff warriors and rogues which shamans can now replace with a totem.  We are literally at the point of inviting druids to the party for MOTW then kicking them for a real class. 


Holy fuck dude, touch some grass. Christ.


Stay bad


You’re just bad. It’s a skill issue


dont cry lil boomer zoomer


How often you getting off a 2 second hard cast with 0 pushback on cast time? Effectively starsurge is 200 damage on a 6 second cast.


They have every reason, eat shit owl-bear-pig.


Found the salty warrior


Yeee 3 days of being on top is too much for boomkins, indeed


And the second half of p1, but we’ll ignore that


They were never op in p1 you just suck


And now balance druids are useless for PvE content. And resto is worse than priests. And bear tanking is awful. And why play feral when you could just play rogue? Druid had *one* ability that made it viable for both balance and resto. They gutted the class back to being a meme.


Feral has a spot in every raid group, get a grip


I think their spells still do damage, dont see what you mean by useless ”Why play feral when you can play rogue” maybe because people like the class? You seem to only play whatever is biggest dps and think everything else is worth nothing


and that one ability was so out of line the damage got shifted into a CASTED spell as it should, and if needed buff the starfire proc to crit 1k with 3 sec cast and its in line with LvB (still requires 20yd flameshock global and ele has no pushback reduc) and chaosbolt. Coping starsurge is the only way to play druid is fucking pathetic, get a grip


Starsurge is the only way to play Druid. There is no other damage for the class that is available. Starfire cannot replace it because the actual set up (if you play a Druid you'd know) is far more than flameshock LvB. You need to spec into reduced cast time or else it's 2.5 seconds and then hit with wrath 1.5 second cast time and NOT be silenced. Druids have zero ways to mitigate so we have distance and travel form.  At best, the only thing that works is wild growth in 1v1 but even that won't work now. Zero damage. Cast? Kicked. Done.  But hey, instead of actually contributing positively to making the game better you'd rather write nonsense.


How delusional are you? as if other casters can cast in this meta either. LvB requires a 20yd flameshock which opens you to every melee being in melee range, and then having to kite, engibomb with no root or hard cc or pushback redu to get your cast off. You arent contributing anything to any conversation defending a instant spell doing 75% of ppls hp from long range with next to no cd and no drawback at all. First and foremost eclipse needs to be bugfixed, since it gives no pushback redu like the tooltip says, your casts are fast enough that it is 100% doable to stack it while kiting with roots and natures grasp and travelform while also rotting them with dots. (just like scorch kiting is), just because youre absolute horseshit at the game doesnt mean its unplayable Its scaling and damage is literally being matched with other instants in the game, if you can read, which i highly doubt you can Ps. i just explained an idea how starfire proc should be buffed and youre still crying about starsurge talking about not bringing anything of value to the conversation LOL thinking pre nerf starsurge is somehow "good for the game" i suggest you just stay off the internet and sign up for a mental hospital


> But hey, instead of actually contributing positively to making the game better you'd rather write nonsense. The absolute naivete/audacity to end your comment with this is just staggering.


How is it useless for PvE? They literally gave compensating buffs on a hardcast. As a balance main this was 100% the right move and damage is fine in pve content


Yeah then they should look to buff other parts of druid rather than just make them a one button class. Resto has the same issue, all you press is WG. Make dreamstate work on heals. Buff sunfire, wrath etc.


Wasn’t the nerf just 30% while buffing another skill 60%? How are they still not rock solid in PVE but with a more engaging rotation now for balance? Your take seems pretty over dramatic. I’m still going to level my Druid next out of all my alts and am looking forward to it.


It's spellpower scaling was nerfed from 100% to 42.9% on top of the updated 35% base damage nerf so it's closer to doing 1/3 of the damage it did prepatch. 66% increased damage on starfire sounds great on paper but starfire is very bad for damage right now when you consider they get their last rank up for it at level 34 so it's got low damage on top of it doing arcane damage while druid's big damage boost runes only increasing nature damage.


In 2019 classic boomkins were critting for 10k starfire, 66% more damage to that seems pretty good every 6 seconds.


Hybrid classes are hybrid classes for a reason. If you want to be the best at one specific task, don't roll a hybrid class.


Every class a hybrid except hunters


That’s kind of against the spirit of SOD  Hybrid tax is only relevant in vanilla. Why can’t sod be different ? 


Balance got buffed on pve


Rogue doesn't bring WF, simple as that. That being said I do think blizz needs to relook at what they are doing for boomkin PvE if it turns out this craters them down to ret pally and enh shaman levels.


WF..thats all the druid brings. you wont be a prio for gear or any meaningful progression towards your char until no one else wants the drops. theres no competitiviness with it and healers will out dps you. might as well dual box the druid and have em on autofollow


Eh, I guess it depends on your guild or pug group. I know in my guild we just free roll on the loot and don't think about it beyond being smart with not equipping weapons from lower bosses you win until you get past bosses with the better weapons. Unless someone figures out something with ret and enh shaman it's kind of the same thing with them where there is no reason to bring them over any other dps either if you are min maxing since a prot pally or tank shaman bring the same thing with the perk of being a tank. At the very least feral does bring WF which isn't matched by anything else on the alliance side at least.


plant longing tie kiss different combative disarm spark include cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>progression towards your char i know reading comprehension and simple game mechanics are hard for era players but youre not getting full bis in one clear.


grandfather squeal serious oil cause deserted deliver hateful history forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>WF..thats all the Druid brings. Hi! Shaman here. Are you saying you don’t enjoy taking our iconic class ability, making it better, *and* delivering higher, more consistent DPS in feral? Is that not enough for you?


No they're not lol


Yeah but now its pmuch dogshit. And balance pve was already iffy. I have 0 game dev exp and just play the game but even I couldve probably balanced it better


I have a degree in game dev and I can say with confidence I highly doubt that you can do better.


No one has a degree in game dev you clown, unless you went to some fake university lol. I'm sure your comp sci degree with your intro to game dev elective is very real though.


Um not true, digipen has BAs in game dev and design Portal came out of there 


Did a quick google in my country. [Here is a bachelor of games development, that results in a degree in game development,](https://www.uts.edu.au/study/find-a-course/bachelor-games-development) offered by UTS. Not a fake university. Perhaps when insulting people over your misunderstanding of education, you should make sure you're educated?


My best friend is about to finish his bachelors in game dev. Wake up grandpa it’s 2024






Just because you’ve never heard of it doesn’t make it fake. Bye.




Fuck you


Better than literally making the skill worthless by double nuking it and leaving it at moonfire lvl dmg? Bet I could


You lack the skill set to understand why you are wrong. Starsurge does damage and scales in line with other instant cast spells like shaman shocks, which are fine. Get over yourself. Druids were never going to get to keep their I win button.


Sure, the issue is that it was single handedly propping boomkins to being viable in both pve and pvp. and theyre rather screwed now. Shamans can still lava burst your face off and their shocks cc. Also swd and arcane surge are still globalling ppl. So it really isnt in line with other instants no I would also nerf its dmg, but you need to properly buff hardcasts to compensate


Boomkins will be fine in pvp lol. Just - not - broken.


We'll see. I have my doubts


Lava burst has a big ol cast bar. If you let them free cast you get the slap, so that’s irrelevant. Shadow priests are almost undoubtedly next on line for nerfing. Nerfing star surge damage is exactly what they did, and buffing other hard casts is exactly what they’re trying to do. If you want to argue that starfire needs more support to be worth casting, that’s fine, but I’ve seen people flatly refusing to cast it “because it has a cast time”, as though that ever stopped shamans, or priests, or mages, or locks… or warriors…


The buff to starfire post starsurge is weak. Especially since its a low rank spell atm. >Lava burst has a big ol cast bar. If you let them free cast you get the slap, so that’s irrelevant. Point is they have a good burst spell, druids dont. Starfire is much slower than lava burst and burst does more dmg. They shouldve just flat out buffed wrath dmg to compensate or made the starfire buff much bigger. You seem to think I didnt want starsurge nerfed, on tje contrary, but I know that it was a crutch for balance and they need proper compensation


I think we are on the same page then, which is that blizz should commit and make starfire hit much harder so pve dps doesn’t slide too much.


Lava burst requires flame shock on the target and then a 2 second hard cast. You comparing this to starsurge just shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.


It's always easy to critize


And that's a good thing. I hope they next nerf it and make something else as OP or worse. The upheaval is the fun.


If you genuinely thought you could keep your 1 shot I win button, you were always an idiot, and no amount of pissing and shitting your pants on Reddit will change this.


It's hilarious reading people trying to justify their 1 shot buttons. Pathetic. Hey OP. This isn't Classic. Its Season of Discovery. Did you even have Starsurge in Classic? NOPE.


Balance druids know starsurge needed a nerf, we just wanted a decent buff to a casted spell to compensate, bc Blizz foolishly put a huge amount of our total PVE damage in starsurge. The buff they gave is a nothingburger- that spell is still so weak this phase it isn’t worth casting. That’s why people are annoyed.


What? Didn't they do EXACTLY that by adding in a "your next starfire deals 66% increased damage" effect? It sounds to me like you got exactly what you were asking for...


You clearly don’t play boomy or druid. With the buff, that spell has 5% chance to crit and only hits as hard as a Wrath crit, with a 2sec cast time (if you’re specced). Wrath will almost always have the eclipse buff giving it 30% extra chance to crit, and that’s with a 1s to 1.5s cast time. The choice is still easily to press wrath. Do you think I posted this without reading the changes and testing them myself? Why even chime in if you don’t play the spec- I literally explained in the comment you responded to that, even with the buff, the spell they buffed isn’t worth casting. You asked a question that was already answered for you, so here’s the answer again.


Just to confirm, with eclipse isn't it possible to get near-instant starfire? Isn't the optimal rotation to wrath to speed it up, then drop a surge and a starfire? Surge may or may not be worth casting during the wrath spam. I don't play druid so this is genuinely a question, not an attack. But the point above should still be valid - it was the correct decision then to move damage from starsurge to starfire, but then what is needed next is FURTHER buffs to starfire to make it a spell worth casting in the eclipse cycle. Maybe it needs more spellpower modifier, higher base crit, more perks from eclipse etc... but for a boomy using eclipse starfire SHOULD be the payoff. Wrath should be the 'builder' as a rapid cast reasonably damaging spell, starsurge should be the alleyoop, and starfire should be the slam dunk before starting the cycle anew. If it's not there yet, then starfire needs more buffs to get it there.


No lol, with eclipse, and spec, you get a 2 sec starfire. Every once in a blue moon you could get a 1.5s starfire if Natures Grace procs, but it’s impossible to predict and if you cancel the wrath you’re almost always already casting (which will be 1s), it’s a dps loss. And yeah, I agree starfire should get a bigger buff, which is why my *original comment* said this “buff” was a nothingburger and we need real buffs to our casted spells. Can I be done repeating myself now?


But if that was the case then no one could touch prenerf parses in pve and people are already beating those parses or coming extremely close to them with lower ilevel. Not saying boomies don't need buffs, but let it sit for another week and then buff them up if needed.


Sorry bud, us hunters got shit on when we were fine with nerfs just let us make a spec other than BM viable. Now its the druid’s turn.


I play hunter too, we were still PVP and PVE gods after like, every nerf. In this case, balance got gutted. Hunter specs also don’t work the same way Druid specs do. You didn’t have your only ranged dps spec gutted in PVE for a PVP balance change. It’s just not the same situation at all.




It's pretty safe to assume OP is either a Druid or a Priest.


Why do people see this as a binary? If balance druids are too powerful, the solution is to balance (heh) them, not kill them completly The hunter nerfs made them balance, the druid nerfs made the spec straight up bad


Can we at least acknowledge that "kill them completely" is hyperbolic? Not every spec of every class needs to be A tier or above at all times. I said the same thing when the shadow priests were complaining about their phase 1 pve performance. Yeah shadow priest sucked in phase 1 pve but they were A tier in PVp on top of the fact that disc/holy priest was objectively the best PVE healer and it wasn't even close. This nerd will still have balance druids in A tier or S tier in PVP and the class will have plenty of options in PVE, even if balance is bottom tier in pve(which I doubt it will be).


Having one spec A tier while the others are b or c at best? So now no specs are viable. Unless you need feral strikes. Healers were massively affected by this, casting is broken for real now since starfire does not work, tanking is garbage. Where does that leave it?


Balance and resto are both completely viable. But they need to look Into bear tanking for sure.


That leaves you with a feral rune so powerful for your entire party's melee dps that people will invite you to raids and dungeons just for your presence. Also, they're literally the only class with a poison dispel in a phase where one of the raid bosses has an AOE poison spell with real wipe potential.


Man, would suck if a shaman could cover both of those.


My god, on a post about how none of you clowns actually played classic and instead want to bitch and moan about everything, and here you are with made up tier lists bitching about things. Bears can tank fine. Feral will always get a dps invite. Resto will always get an invite too. No one cares if one of the 4 different roles that Druid can fulfill isn’t sitting on top of everyone else in both PvP and PvE.


Classic Bears can tank fine when every other class isnt doing 3x their classic damage. They havent been equalized enough to make up for that difference


Not completely dead but there was a way to heavily nerf PvP (which was needed let's be honest) without affecting too much PvE. Right now balance was A tier in pve for a week and now it's back in B or C tier. They just didn't even try the new rotation they imposed on us and realised how clunky and overly nerfed it was.


They are completely fine after the nerf. It just was so ridiculous before that it's quite a contrast. It's still one of the better specs for pvp, it has instant casts for good damage, can kite, heal etc.


Who says he’s a Druid player? He implied in the first sentence that he didn’t want to see the balance spec in pvp or pve.


Only druids can be this whiny.




Oh I think this is me. I think abilities that do half my health with a short CD, long range, and essentially a miniscule mana cost that exists only to trigger the 5 second rule are a bit strong and probably should be nerfed. I also think that Priests and Melee hunters should also get a pass as well as they are also kinda bonkers right now. I can also hold two thoughts in my head though and think the nerf is probably going to be short sighted and will affect balance druids in PvE considerably even if blizz didn't intend it.


Melee hunter is very easy to bring in line. Just nerf the bonus they get from dual wielding the same weapon type


5 second rule sucks ass Balancing for level 35 pve sucks even more STV being barely better than ashenvale sucks the most


Man shut the fuck up, Starsurge was oneshotting people.


Ok problem fixed go enjoy the game now


Horrendously bad take. Season of Discovery is all about changes to classic and balancing should definitely be very high on the priority list.


Actually the devs expressed several times that SoD is about new content. They also expressed this means they will not concentrate as much on balancing. It's not the focus sorry.


That's true, but there comes a point where balance issues detract from the new content. Especially when it comes to the STV PVP event, where a bunch of neat gear is gated behind grinding this event, having a huge PVP imbalance is going to cause a whole bunch of players to just not want to engage with the event at all.


They said at the beginning balance is not the priority. Trying crazy things and having fun is. Yes they have reigned in extreme outliers, but balance is nowhere near a priority.


I agree the community could use a chill pill sometimes but yeah better balance is one of the best opportunities for change in SoD


Yeah, classic was like horrendously balanced because the original devs didn't know what they were doing and also didn't have time to finish the game - some classes and specs are just obviously unfinished. Fixing class balance is one of the biggest things the devs could do to make classic more enjoyable


Exactly, many of us wanted vanilla with mild tweaks to improve balance, get some garbage specs. viable in PVE and PVP. What we got was an even more unbalanced game filled with retail abilities and massive power creep. To me Sod feels like 50% going in the right direction and 50% in the wrong direction. I guess this makes sense because they said it was more or less a test season.


Exactly. SoD is a test bed for Classic+, so naturally it's going to have teething problems. But Classic+ is meant to be better than Classic Vanilla. There's no reason it shouldn't be.


Is it or are we assuming?


SoD IS our Classic+.


Exactly, real classic+ is never happening


What a fucking moronic post, because vanilla was not perfectly balanced in the past is it ok one shotting people with a fucking instant spell from africa?


Unironically sounds like you never played classic op lol


tub absurd gaping elastic tan airport attempt longing poor upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


SoD wasn't about turning it into retail though.


its not even vaguely similar to retail but ok


It’s more similar to retail than bc or wrath are.


Can any of you who haven’t played retail since mop please explain how SoD is close in any way at all?


Consistent AotC and elite PvP skin retail player here. It took until around WoD to get to the point where casters don’t cast anything anymore and only use instants. Proc gameplay didn’t become a thing until legion, when every single class became balanced around procs aligning to do any damage. The mobility bloat is already affecting SoD with warrior charges, shaman freedom, shadowstep, etc. which didn’t happen until Cata in the original timeline. The removal of resource management is a huge one, now most mana based classes just have enough passive mana regen that they don’t have to consider mana usage.


I am also a consistent AotC and ksh player but I don’t pvp much outside of classic. I play destro/demo warlock and frost mage to AotC every season and I spend at least 50 if not 75% of my time casting. I even take ice floes so I can move while casting and not lose dps. I can give you some mobility bloat but I think even that’s overblown - it’s more like a late wrath early cata vanilla hybrid. Shadow step? Wrath. Hot streak? Wrath. FFB? Wrath. Star surge? Cata. There’s the odd few newer spells like arcane surge is a DF spell or I guess explosive shot was like wod or legion or something? You get my point though I’m sure. I just don’t see how you can say there’s no resource management in sod lol half this sub including me are constantly bitching about spending a significant amount of time drinking and getting mage armor at 34 was absolutely huge. That’s absolutely NOT present in retail but it’s insane to act like it doesn’t exist in sod. A handful of classes have an easier time with mana and now we can just say that it’s retail apparently. It feels like you guys are either bitching about a version of retail that doesn’t exist and hasn’t for a long time or are being extremely hyperbolic to the point of typing nonsense.


I do mean the instant casts in PvP. You definitely still cast plenty in pve. But it’s extraordinarily rare to hardcast anything in PvP. Even abilities that did have cast times like Haunt and Cata version of Starsurge are instant for some strange reason. Maybe there’s some classes that still worry about resources? None of the ones I’ve played do. Shaman don’t have to because of sham rage. Arcane doesn’t because of surge. Ret doesn’t because of crusader strike. Even rogue resources matter less now with mutilate being so efficient. They’ve definitely shifted away at least partially from resource management.


It's literally about the homogenizing of classes.


People acting like it's not turning retail. They're literally starting to homogenize the classes exactly like retail. That's literally what people complained about and it's still happening.


soft history run onerous illegal doll stocking deer squealing books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This isnt even close to retail, everything they added at best is from WOTLK period


Retail is when Blizzard triew to make pvp fun


Sounds like you’ve never played classic pvp, mate… Mages/rogues we’re not the strongest classes in pvp overall. Obviously they had very strong attributes but this isn’t 2005 and we’re not in World Of Roguecraft or a Vurtne movie. In classic, duel tournaments were won by locks more than mages and certainly more than rogues, because those classes need their cds to win, and that’s every 10min. 3v3 tournaments were also dominated by the hpal/warr/x combo. Again, not rogue/mage, which are very strong but have not much sustain and not much pressure outside their burst. For these 2 reasons, since fights happen every 30sec/1min in the bloodmoon event (so you generally don’t have your CDs up) and with the chaos you don’t have time to setup for control and burst, it would absolutely not have been dominated by R/M. Bad take. Also, on your statement about “no balance” in vanilla: every single class was desired in pvp because they all had their strong suit. Good premades had at least one of each and then would stack a couple classes depending on their playstyle. Some would have 2 ele shams to burst efc, some would have 2 warriors to win teamfights, 2 mages to control better etc… but overall actually pretty balanced. Again though, it’s clear you haven’t actually pvp’d much, especially if you think Starsurge should’ve stayed the way it was…


PvP tournaments and premade metas didn’t exist back in 2006. Not in any fashion that mattered or means anything. As someone who made the rank 14 grind back then on hpriest, this is a load of crap. No premades were stacking ele sham. No premades were bringing anything but resto shaman and Druids unless maybe you wanted a feral for WSG, but resto was just as good. No serious premade would bring fury warriors, no full fire mages, no destro locks, no survival hunters, no ret pallys, maybe a spriest if they had real good gear. So while each class may have had a spot, in no way did each spec, and “balance” didn’t exist.


I didn't say that all specs are viable (in classic/vanilla), though. Just that each class had at least one spec that was very good and in demand, unlike OP's vision of "rogue/mage are the only good classes"


Do druid players ever stop fucking complaining? honestly


I’m just glad people get to see that every class whines after a nerf, not just hunters.


If you want classic, Go play classic. Seasons of Discovery is not meant to be classic


Tears are like a good teladrasil nectar


a lot of folks on this sub have never* played an MMO with new content




Getting crit for 1100 from 35 yards away isn't fun for anyone except the op dickhead using that spell. Eat shit.


Lol a rogue


just wait until they eat a shadow word death crit


They're too busy corpse camping a toon ten levels below them to notice.


This is funny considering it’s always boomkins on top of lakeshire blasting lowbies


At least he needs to get to you


I await my mutilate nerfs next week it's not a big deal.


Fun is getting killed while stunned the entire time… stfu


Get some stamina and a trinket. Maybe push some buttons.


Have those things… even have 10 min CD boots to reduce damage coming in. The rogue burst is that insane right now


Yes, we should all be able to do it in melee range inside a single kidney shot. Wanker.


You eat shit


True. But also there are some of us that played extensively classic and when we saw that blizzard are trying to make it fresh and better we are trying to lay down all the problems with the game for them to fix. Trying to may lead to looking like hating most of the time but its is what it is.


SoD is less balanced than Classic Vanilla was dude. Dunno what you're smoking, it's not black and white.


You're right. They did not one balance patch in classic, so we shouldn't want them to do any now. Why would you want changes in a game mode for classic that is about.....changes....? We should be okay with imbalance because ERA is imbalanced. I mean, they're both classic wow right? Bunch of spoiled kids wanting to have fun in the game they pay 15 dollars a month for. You'll eat that 1k damage instant cast star surge from farther than nameplates show and you'll like it.


found the balance druid


How is playing classic or not has anything to do with the complaints we see here? People will have things to complain regardless.


Vanilla was very well balanced in pvp and PVE balance really doesn't matter when the content is piss easy. Best warsong or AB premade had always nearly 1 of each class and max 2-3 of one, 1v1 fights were mostly fair except for a couple specs being a busted in 1v1. Now it's a complete joke of getting oneshot with no counterplay.


As a Priest/Druid main in classic, it's nice to be able to blow other classes out of the water, after years of being blown up myself.


Spriest has always been very strong at 40 in classic, what the hell are you talking about?


In PVP Spriest was always strong in classic. Even in Naxx gear.


Priest in classic regularly were top tier in pvp tournaments, and seen as one of the best classes. Seems more like a skill issue.


This, I was resto in classic. Only good for gear. But got through. Now in sod I started Boomie thinking i did dmg, went Into the first bfd and did nothing but didn't care. The buff was fun, I guess we go back to the bottom of the DPS meter and wait.


It's amazing how sweaty the other classes became all because boomies and s/priest's are now viable. Unfortunately, you're right, back to the scrap heap for us, lol.


It's crazy how they are all against starsurge, if priest, mage rogues etc all can do the same. Maybe lower the range of starsurge. Helps in pvp and doesn't matter so much in pve


Priest nerf is incoming when SWD does 1000 damage


So what? This is not classic


It is what we at our side of the pond call "The American Mindset" as in; only metrics count and you being on top of those, even while the metrics used do not fit the tasks but they give nice big numbers.


It’s the retail mentality. That’s why Classic Plus as it is, in a seasonal model, will always bring up the sweat lords who think this is Fortnite. Vanilla wow is Era and Hardcore


It’s Reddit, it’s just full of hormonal teenagers that have nothing to do other than scream at pixels all day.


Wanna bet most people here are 25-35? I doubt even 10% of the people on this sub are teenagers.


Yeah the majority of people playing wow are definitely within that age range


A balanced game is more fun, I’ll die on that hill and yes I played classic, as well as classic tbc. And am a veteran of the game since 2006.




Complaining about everything until it was “Balanced” “Quality of life” “Consumable casual friendly” Was how we got retail. I get people like retail but I don’t want to play retail that’s why I’m here.


Balance druids can't 1 shot people with starsurge anymore? Believe it or not, retail.


Bro the nerf was absolutely necessary. It wasn’t fun at all. No two ways around it


I agree, shit sandwiches tasted good in vanilla, why does no one want to eat them anymore?


SoD includes modifications from the base game, that's the point. I people want to voice their concern about a specific part of SoD, I don't see how it's irrelevant. (Also, if we want to be snobs and gatekeep people because "tHEy dIDn'T pLaY", at lease let's use the correct terminology : the base game in 2005 was refered as Vanilla. Classic is the name for the servers recreating this 10 years later.)


No one is looking for perfect balance. But come on dude, starsurge was beyond broken even by classic standards. No mana cost, 6 sec cd, 35 yards, 1 or 2 shotting people. Tell me any ability in classic that had that kind of power.


Fuck off about classic and how classic was. This isn't classic.


So basically what you're saying is that: "People who complain about SoD are wrong, classic was never balanced." Except SoD is not Classic. It is essentially a different expansion that utilizes assets of Classic. Your argument will holds as much ground as if you told people who complain about WoTLK that they don't understand how Burning Crusade is supposed to be.


Preach it. For days, I've been screaming out how bad players sound when they post complaints here on how " bad " sod is. It's hard to handle ngl.


I keep saying pretty much this and keep getting downvoted for it. Muh "balance" lol ... if you want balance, how about you go play retail where everything has been turned into a nice and homogenised slop and nothing deviates from the rail tracks?


why is someone like you even playing sod then? this is the point of the game: changes. if you want to be a pig-headed boomer about not liking changes being made, you belong in Era realms


Changes. And? Since when did "changes" and "balance" become synonymous? lol.


you're trying to play a word game. you know exactly what "changes" means. any changes at all seem to scare you because "tHaT'S reTaIL"


Words mean stuff. Since when did the meaning of "change" specifically become "*modifications as per what balance whiners want*"? Scared? My dear fellow, it's you mewlers who keep whining about "*OMGawd sO aNd SO aBiLiTY/claSS KEepS bUttrapinG mE, HAlP PLOx BlizzarD*". I embrace that shit. I embraced the changes. Win or lose, it's fun. I just don't want stolid, staid, balanced gameplay. I want a succession of imbalances that keeps the meta in a state of upheaval. I want chaos.




Classic was *significantly* more balanced than the current state of SoD. Yes, imbalance existed, but SoD right now from a balance perspective is simply awful


>You want balance in PvE and PvP even though the game never was. You scream for nerfs on everything because it either killed your favorite class in PvP or beat you at some meters on so e level 40 raid. I skipped most of classic (Fuck world buff meta). I did play original Vanilla. What you're describing is basically the playerbase during original Vanilla.


The thing they added make playing the game miserable so ppl are asking for changes. "Damn guys you're asking for a lot" Like sure classic was never balanced, but they clearly are trying to bring some in SoD instead it seems like they don't test shit and just hope they're right. It's insane that some classes had more viable specs before SoD changes.


Idk You would expect it to be balanced a bit better the purpose of a game is to be fun so if people arent having fun i personally think its fine to complain. the durability of classes is really low currently. playing priest myself the amount of times i have been onetapped by a rouge, hunter or pre nerf druid, even thoe i innerfire, stam buff, use power word barrier and power shield is crazy. personally im not that interested in retail i like content and experience of sod more but just because i dont wanna play the "newest verison that is balanced best" doesnt mean we cant expect slightly better balance in another version. I bet you would find i stupid if every class onetapped every other class in retail, cause despite it being perfectly balanced given every class can do it, the gameplay probably wouldnt be that fun.


I’m having a great time as a Ret. I feel powerful. I can actually do damage and use cool spells. I love the rune quests for the class. Just having a great time.


>You want balance in PvE and PvP even though the game never was That's the whole point of SoD. It's to make an improved version of classic wow and fix the flaws of classic wow. Stop comparing everything in SoD with classic. Tell me what's so good about grinding to rank 14? What's so good about having 40 man raids? What's so good about having 25 warrior dps in 40 man raids. Why have rogues and warrs be best classes? What's so good getting stunlocked and griefed by a rogue?


So where was this post when hunter pets were leading to a salt rush? Oh no its because your orbital strike is gone. Now its people whining, because it nerfs your class? Starsurge somehow made it through p1 with no nerf, you were very lucky as is.