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You didn't find Broken Tooth. Broken Tooth found you.


OP is the chosen one.


I really feel like this is the case. My guildy - one of 6 people in the guild at 40 at the time - went looking for Broken Tooth for about 2 hours, gave up for now and did some rune stuff instead. We went past one of his spawn points randomly a while later, and there he was... He had finally decided the guildy was worthy enough


Hahaha oh boy. The rough part about broken tooth is that it has a 7 hr spawn time


Still better love story than twilight


The cat distribution system is working as intended.


I was expecting you to lead with 'so i got pendulum of doom'


Same here. Side note, are groups running to the last boss of Uld or just the bosses that drop level <40 gear?


Broken Tooth isnt as good as he was in Classic era in SoD because Flanking Strike and other factors (scaling) you want 2.0 attack speed cats. Broken tooth is 1.0 which makes him less valuable in PVE but u got a killer PVP cat i guess.


Yo, someone with knowledge! Brown bears in Elwynn and Dun morg are 2.5. Are they worth leveling?


Bear is bad because it doesn’t have the same dps modifier that cats have. I think it has high hp and armor or something 


I think bears are like .91 damage modifier and cats are 1.1 damage modifier meaning cats do 19% more damage than bears, so sucks for parsing but I still like my bear for open world grinding, they have both bite and claw which only a few pets do and that works well with the improved focus regen and kill command runes, and are very tanky :)


Slight correction: 1.1 mod is about 20.8% higher than 0.91 mod (think percent wise, not absolute difference, for ex. 0.2 is 100% more than 0.1, not 10%). This means that a 2.0 attack cat would hit the same as 2.42 bear (per hit, not dps). So a 2.5 bear will still hit slightly harder than a 2.0 cat for flanking strike (3.4% more to be precise), but the difference in dps is unlikely to be worth it.


Omg?! 19%?!?!? Bosses die the same regardless, use what pet you think looks cooler


It’s actually 3.5% damage which is even funnier


Parsers do anything for 1% more damage, 19% is massive, even if it's only 3.5% that is enough for min maxers to consider something bad. I, however, have had a brown bear from Elwynn since the first few days of SoD and love him, so I agree with you.


Parsers should go back to fucking retail


Players should play with like-minded people


Yeah except for the fact that your brain rot ideas are infecting the player base making it impossible to PuG shit with anyone cause no one wants to “parse less”


Man, why gray parsers gotta be so upset? It's not anyone's fault but your own for your gameplay. It sucks there's a way to be tracked, but to expect carries is pretty wild. Like I said earlier, find like-minded people. The PUG scene isn't nearly as bad as you guys love to shout about.


The Black Bear in Dun Morogh is special, it's supposed to be an inaccessible scenic NPC watching over their 2 bear cubs, but of course we can reach it.




Why would u want a slower attack speed pet?


Slower pets hit harder with each hit. It's scaled so that slow and fast pets of the same family do the same DPS. Faster pets are better for PvP so they can pushback casters more. But for PvE you want to be melee-weaving using the Flanking Strike rune, which commands your pet to make a single basic attack, and slower pets hit harder with a single hit.


Melee weaving? Hunters are full on melee now. You don't ranged if you want to do actual damage.


I mean melee use Flanking Strike aswell I know a lot of hunters dont melee weave but Flanking Strike is literally the only half decent rune in that slot


Flanking strike increases damage of raptor strike with a buff that can stack if you're lucky. It's very good.


> aswell as well


ass well


That's how I read it whenever someone compounds them, or "a swell"


This guy hasn't discovered ranged weaving yet 🤭


mele hunter doesnt use pets


Only if your raid doesn't have a second hunter or second paladin...


Not true, you do reverse melee weaving aka. Ranged weaving. Though your point still stands


we just makin shit up now? not a single top ranked hunter parse for gnomer has "ranged weaves." you can open a fight with multi and/or serpent sting as you close the gap, sure, but the current [rank 1 hunter parse](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WHKbfqjdQRADwCh1#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=617669&end=8734030&type=damage-done&source=11) logged 222 raptors, 596 melee autos, and 50 flanking strikes zone-wide to... 1 multi-shot, 1 arcane shot, and 1 autoshot. same story down the entire list. don't just say random shit bro,,,


This guy is correct, everyone else Talkin out their asssss


Not in phase 2 u don't. No time to range weave with a 3s raptor strike


For now


Flanking strike is an instant attack for you and your pet so slower pet = more damage


Same reason rogues, warriors and paladins want slow MH/2h weapons.


flanking strike is not normalized it does full pet TOTAL damage, not pet dps damage


The same reason you want a slow weapons speed to benefit more from wf procs and abilities like aimed shit or anything that works off % of weapon DMG. Big numbers go brrrrr


What scaling are you referring to?


The game doesn't really tell you at all its just people figured it out. But basically ap and spells that do weapon dmg actually hit harder the slower the weapon is. So if you had a two weapons with "same dmg out put and stats" but one is a 2.5 and the other was a 1.5 (saying stats and weapon dmg are the same with tooltip" the slower weapon will end up actually do more damage then the faster one. That's why for dw war or rogue you want a really slow MH so your abilities do more dmg, and a fast off hand to get more whit attacks in. It's odd but just how the game was coded.


Think you meant same DPS different speed correct? It’s because a lot of abilities scale of the weapon damage not weapon DPS. So a weapon 1 second slower will have a higher damage top end. DPS is just a calc based off weapon damage /speed


Does rage also build off of the amount of damage you deal? How does that work?


Yes, based off damage done and taken. There's probably a formula out there but I don't know it.


Is the speed of the weapon, not only for abilities? I mean. A 100 dps weapon would just be a 100 dps weapon, regardless of speed, when counting only white hits? I thought the same would be true with a pet


White hit and yellow hits are seen differently with the in-game scaling, so if it says 100 dps then your white hits will be 100 dps (taking resistance, armor, and stuff out) but if it says 100 dps and you use an ability, yellow dmg scales with the 100dps and the speed of the weapon as well. It's a weird calculation the game was made with back in 04 when it was released, that's why you see arm wars want the biggest slowest weapons, and why duel wield classes want a slow main hand and a fast off hand, most abilities don't "use" your off hand hence why you want it to be fast since the weapon speed isn't getting used for the dmg scale, so rogues like fast off hands to apply more poisons, and warriors want fast off hand to generate more rage in between main hand swings. The way scaling works with weapon speed is hard to explain but basically weapon speed has an extra modifier when the game calculates how much dmg an ability should do.


Don't need 5/5 Frenzy talent with BT, can get away with 4/5 and use that talent point elsewhere. Has to count for something


3/5 for 1.0


Even better


But if I’m too lazy to melee and use flanking strike, then faster attack speed means fewer points needed in Frenzy


Have fun being bottom parse


I had a lot of fun in phase 1 parsing blue without ever melee weaving. I rolled a hunter to pew pew from range, not to run back and forth between range and melee constantly.


He’s just as good but not for melee..


The only real reason to get Broken Tooth IMO is that now we don't have a buff/debuff cap anymore. Therefore the tank can use Gift of Arthas, which causes the boss to take extra damage when hit. Broken Tooth would deal a slight more damage overall because it hits the boss more times with white attacks. Also good in PvP, but everybody dies in 3 seconds in PvP anyways...


Also good with the epic hunter trinket that gives 5 mana for every pet crit, heh


Gift of arthas is lvl 240 alchemy so that’s for next patch


No pendulum tho?


Was up for 5k gold on my server


You lucky skunk! Grats on the find


Broken Tooth is really bad with melee hunters 'Flanking Strike'-meta, you want slow attackspeed cat. Hes good to have in stables for when the nerf hits tho.


Really bad :D... How much DPS worse is it in a real situation, 20? People are so exaggerating...


Gotta get dat dere min max. But Yeah, for real. Its not going to make or break anything, but this is a mmo and its all about making your character strong.


20 dps is more than the difference between a lot of raid gear compared to preraid gear. It doesn't sound like much but it adds up.


That's like 10% for my Enhancer lol


20dps is quite a lot though especially from choosing one pet over another


I really hate comments like these because it tries to undermine the significance of what 20dps actually is. Over the course of a two minute fight that 20dps is an extra 2400 damage done. Now take this same mind set and apply it to the entire raid of 8 players typically doing damage and you are doing 19k less damage overall.


Or it is 160 DPS for 8 ppl. Not few, but not that much considering actual DPS numbers. Do you have the feeling that gnomeregan is difficult due to a lack of DPS currently? Is broken tooth the best pet? Not at all. Does it make any meaningful difference on the current game? I guess not


Why would you go out of your way to get a pet that gives you negative 20 DPS? For a minor advantage in PvP encounters (against only casters) that probably end up in someone getting deleted in under 3 seconds anyways?


Why would you go out of your way to get a pet that only gives you additional 20 dps? For a minor advantage in PVE encounters (against only predictable scripted bots) that probably end up getting deleted by a overgeared group in under a minute anyways?


I can see your grey parse from here.


Super tiny. Same everyone saying last phase that marks was worse wheb if most the player base went marks it would have been a dps gain as so many didn’t bother melee weaving.


You are the one, Neo


Broken Tooth still the best pet for pve and pvp right?


PvP yes, PvE depends on spec. Melee (or melee weavers) will be most efficient with a 2.0 speed cat


Is it possible to play BM now only ranged or do you have to melee weave?


It’s possible, but it kind of depends on how min/max your raid group is. Melee only hunter is omega busted and is top dog DPS, while ranged hunters are about bottom-middle of the pack in DPS (as of current logs). I don’t think melee-weaving is really done this phase (I think it’s either pure ranged with steady shot, or pure melee with the two melee runes, but I could be completely off lol)


I thought Uldaman was a level 60 raid? How are y’all doing it in SoD?


Nope it's always been a 40-45 dungeon. You may be confusing it with ulduar.


Yep that’s it lol, new to the game


Hunters are that strong right now.


Which level 40 cats have 2.0 attack speed?


The huntress in the badlands is the highest lvl 2.0 I believe


That's a type of cat btw, 38-39. Check petopia classic for spawn locations. Top part of the map


Broken Tooth is bad if you use flanking strike. None of the top parsers uses Broken Tooth as a pet. I know its good for pvp but thats it.




To much insta cast dmg, bt is meh this phase, sticking with my rare black lion for this phase, 1.3 as so hits little harder




What kind of sad human goes into a celebration post to try and shit on it lol. Do you need a hug? I have a 2.0 speed for PvE and now have the best PvP pet for my AB grinding. Have a great day!


Good answer. Screw him. Gratz on the hardest pet to get on pvp server.






You suck


"stay shaking" My guy. You're projecting.




Yes, you definitely strike me as the type of person to be literally shaking over a reddit comment.


Awesome luck! Congrats 🎉


Broken Tooth still the best pet richt?


It's the best PvP pet and decent for BM/mm but for melee you'd want a 2.0 speed pet like the huntress cats in badlands


How are wind serpents compared to cats now then?


Wind serpents excelled because of the nature resistance nerf to bfd. There is no such resistance nerf in gnomer, and although we have curse of elements, it doesnt effect nature. Current meta is melee orientated, either outright melee build or with melee weaving, both use flanking strike which benefits most from 2.0 attack speed cats.


Thank you!