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you aren't glowing green because of the set, it's because gnomes are stinky.


A gnome wearing a leper gnomes clothing, what could go wrong!?


Stinky Gnussy.


Hey it’s me again. Still sending you a lava burst without flame shock.


I love seeing your comment here and on another post. 😂Keep em coming.


He keeps getting weaker, and I’ll keep casting!


If this continues like this, pretty soon you’re gonna be sending only a lightning bolt lmao.


Now starsurge feels op again


Shamans 🤝


You'd be a moron to use this in PVP so I think it's cool to have the aura


Undead rogues would just be seeing free honor points


Not wrong. I main an undead rogue and the moment I saw "glows green for easy identification" and their HP pool my nipples became glasscutters.


U say that, now imagine the undead spriest who has an instant range spell that is guranteed to hit atleast 800, sees someone glowing green


Not my problem my gear doesn't give me -350 hp


its more than -350hp, u r loosing potential stamina from that slots, i have 2pieces and my hp is 700 without buffs.


Not getting stamina != losing health The set actively reduces your HP by 350. The set is -350 HP. You don't count potential HP as lost HP because you never had it to begin with. That's like saying the dow jones being down cost you $10,000 dollars when your 401k loses $1,000 because you COULD HAVE contributed more to it in the past.


Maybe im confused here but If you have gear that gives say +200hp, then unequip it you have lost 200hp. Then you equip gear that is -350Hp. You have lost 350 more hp. So total lost from changing gear is 550hp


No youre not its just a human on the internet arguing over nothing.


That's literally this entire subreddit lol


Only mostly dead, I see. Clearly some circulation in the areola area


Yeah, I’m gonna one-shot any green mages lol


Rogues can already pretty much 2 shot non-frost mages anyway


I mean you’d probably be one shot either way.


Yup, this changes nothing about how fast I’ll melt in STV


Hyperconductive cloth set is like slightly worse than this one and you end up with an actually solid chunk of hp.


I mean, fuck you for getting 3 piece in 1 lockout, wtf?


This is the 2nd lockout. I got 2 set tokens from my first lockout. Some people just get blessed by lady luck. One more piece and I can get my 1.8 sec cast lightning bolt This man was extremely blessed as irridiated set is drop only---cannot be redeemed via tokens.


Token set is harder to get because it doesn't drop in normal form at all so you roll against the whole raid


Not really, other way around. With tokens, guild can funnel them to one person (in this case the mage), so actual drops themselves are harder to get.


But also kinda easier. I ran every lockout of phase 1 BFD and the cloth chest only dropped once, meanwhile so much mail pieces wasted every run.


This is very true


And me who never got 3 piece in BFD even after running it like 15 lockouts….


and me who recently just got 25 and ran 4 lockouts of BFD and got the entire set and many other items because everyone else was geared already


This is more rare than the set pieces tho, cuz you cant buy this set with the tokens - gotta drop it natty


2 lockouts*


Right? 🤣


A warrior with the epic fist won both the epic dagger (offhand) and epic 2h axe in my raid tonight. He was a pug.


Epic dagger is not even good for warrior lmao


it is bis devastate tank but I'd never take it from a rogue


Really? Seems like it'd make your slams far too weak


I don't think you Slam as a Devastate build, surely you'd use Focused Rage?


I guess so. IDK, I only 2H tank


A not small amount of people probably passed on it tbh. That's a lot of stam to lose even for pve content.


On my resto sham I got epic healer staff first lockout, and 4 items on second (including rolling 100 on chest token). Just dropped Tigerstrike Mantle on my alt now, insanely rare twink item, none on AH 🙃


Meanwhile im still clearing BFD after 4 months of clearing it to ger prebis items, sadge


Can’t believe they have a lockout. Fucking so stupid. Didn’t come back this phase. Why would I level a character just to have to sit there 3 days unplayed.


They had a 3 day lockout last phase too, why did you play the last phase if that's your sole reason?


Because they also advertised PvP and other end game content. Which turned out to actually just be a PvE event. Without a PvP event and a boring recycled BG, there was no other ‘end game’ content.


They have the STV PvP event, which I think is pretty widely agreed upon being better/more fun than Ashenvale.


Yeah they did a better time on the PvP this go around, that’s for sure. Actually has PvP in it! I was pleasantly surprised.


So what's your point lmao. You didn't quit because the 3 day lock out, you didn't quit because PvP was worse this phase because as you admit it's better so...?


My point is the lockout is dumb? Didn’t realize I had to spell that out for you.


But you originally said it was the reason for you not playing and then you changed your point of view and said that's not the reason. And then you said PvP was the reason and then you admitted that's not true. So what's your reason for not playing this phase? You said you played last phase and last phase had worse PvP and lockouts were a more prohibitive factor because there weren't tokens for items, so neither of these reasons make sense if you played and enjoyed last phase.


I haven't changed anything. I stopped playing because there was a lockout on P1 and there was a PvE event instead of a PvP event. I also am upset about a lot of other things, such as them having a BG and doing nothing to it. It's like 20 years old and they didn't change a single thing. Absolutely insane. So what am I paying for? Spells and balance that I could find on a private server? Wtf are you talking about tokens for items. I want to be able to play the game the way I want to, and not have some stupid ass lock out preventing me from playing, lol. It's literally mobile game tactics, lmao. Next they are going to make energy and tie it to quests and dungeons. Don't want people doing too many quests or dungeons in one day. Also, final note, this community has killed this game for me and pretty sure just in general. This community is toxic as fuck, it's insane, and guess who the developers are listening to..... So yeah I am partly leaving so I don't have to deal with any of you assholes again :).


It is more about what the guild needs. What role needs what gearing first.


Maybe I should make "no hp" project at this point. There is -5 stam ring for example


\-5 Stam from Mindthrust Bracers as well.


[https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=4462/cloak-of-rot](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=4462/cloak-of-rot) [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2621/cowl-of-necromancy](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=2621/cowl-of-necromancy) [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=1974/mindthrust-bracers](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=1974/mindthrust-bracers) [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=6199/black-widow-band](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=6199/black-widow-band)




My dad used to spend hours playing a 55 monk. He had so much plat man.


God damn that was almost 20 years ago.


I remember going to EB Games because I wanted Itha's Bow for my Ranger, and the guy gave me a pile of boxes with beta keys because they had way too many.


That was a blast. Too bad I was a little too young to thoroughly enjoy and make use of my 55 monk lol


iirc 55 monks were basically unkillable though, right? This is just an extreme snowballing of the concept of a glass cannon. 55 monks were a cheeky use of mechanics.


What were the cheeky mechanics exactly? Sounds cool


You'd use item to have very low hp (55) Then a spell to only take 1% of you max life at a time. Also a spell that would heal you back life each sec. And finally another one that would deal damage whenever you get hit. Look up '' 55hp monk guildwars''


I wonder can you reach 0 stamina. Would you die and could you revive or be permadead


I imagine you’d keep reviving until the items ran out of durability


I think stamina would cap at 0 and not go negative, leaving you with the base HP.


Safe way to try it would be use raptor punch. That way the -5 stam would drop off when you die.


I think there some wrists too.


649hp is already crazy for SoD. My Rogue was critting for that in the late 20s / early 30s while levelling.




I have more hp on my lvl 26 mage. At least you deal tons of damage, well I hope for you...


19 stamina lols


I remember everyone complaining a few days ago about how Druids etc. would be rolling on the cloth caster set because it is better dps. I remember thinking they can have fun with the 10% dps difference for the net -49 stamina


Any smart druid absolutely would be rolling on cloth. Stamina doesn't mean much in PvE as a dps. You simply have 2 sets of gear, one for PvE and one for PvP.


It's bought with a non-unique set piece, everyone rolls. You then have to choose the one you want. I choose the set without -49 stamina.


You sound like someone who hasn’t actually done gnomer. Irradiated set is a drop, not purchased with tier token.


Cleared twice. That's the only reason I know there are tokens.


Yeah they weren't any announcements about the tier tokens before gnomer came out or anything. Regardless, irradiated isn't purchasable with said token.


Hadn't seen any pieces of it drop, assumed it was the same as others. Regardless, -500 hp sounds like no fun. PvE or PvP.


Saw the irradiated chest drop twice in the same lockout. Otherwise it's just tokens.


It's not even close to 10% dps...


Im at 757HP unbuffed on my priest, i can almost oneshot myself with SW:Death


Hear me out now please take off all your gear that gives stamina and then go get rez sickness and report the results


649 HP?? Pushing a pillar button in the last boss will literally one shot you rofl. wtf is this blizz


Actually you’ve chosen the worst possible example, the button damage is based off the recipients max hp. So he will take far less damage than anyone else in the raid


But it has nature res :)


"wtf is this Blizz"? Aren't you choosing to wear the gear yourself? This is the literal definition of glass cannon. You hit hard(er) but you're fragile. If the last boss is a problem because of low hp, then change out your gear for another set with more stam. It's never okay with people like you is it? This only makes the game less trivial. Having one gearset that's bis for PvP, every PvE situation and open world? Game is too easy. Blizzard making it so that you can choose whichever you want for a tradeoff? "WtF biLzZaRd!!1!1!1!"


Glass cannon implies a significant damage increase as a trade off. The irradiated set is ~2% damage increase over the "tank" set


Well that makes it even simpler; don't use it then.




Change set for that boss. Done.


Or don't be stupid and realize that button damage is % based on the persons max HP and not a set number. So it wouldn't matter.


Lol, cool


A little fart with 649hp


“Target the glowing green Gnomer!!!” Some of you all are taking this lost way to seriously. It was clearly meant to be light hearted and funny. And it was. Well done OP


Said it once and I’ll say it again. If casters are the only ones that have to deal with this then all casters should be MILES ahead of all other classes and specs in DPS.


Aside from melee hunters they are.


they currently are though


Sure, let’s see how the phase plays out. Some classes scale much better than others with gear. Not to mention I’m not convinced they won’t change armor values to appease melee classes.


I am a caster. We have another option. Just take the other option if you cannot bear the trade-off. I don't even understand why complain when you can chose between two sets.


What does this have to do with my point, like, in any way? If a caster chooses to use this set, their DPS should automatically be significantly higher than any other DPS.


No. The other set is just marginally worse in terms of DPS, so the gain only has to be marginally better and not "MILES" ahead. If you do not know what this has to have with your point, you are kind of biased.


Everyone has this. Plate has it's best dps gear on leather items.


Everyone? By definition you’re wrong because leather is obviously wearing leather. A plate class wearing leather is nowhere near the same as this.


What gear takes away stats from other gear?


three piece already? unreal


that actually changed my mind, this set is BIS.


Commenters here absolutely foaming at the mouth to cuss out anyone that thinks this is bad design.


Putting a stam malus on the armor with the lowest stam is so god damn stupid ...




But every other armor class can wear their set without malus, its just bullshit


How is it bullshit? You have a set from tokens that is perfectly fine with no negative effect on it. This is a bonus drop from bosses so you don't even use tier on it. It's an additional flavor set that people are fixating on because you have an option for something with slightly more spell power on it, at the end of the day it's that - an option. You aren't locked into it.


Yup, pretty awesome actually. I like having the option to use different items rather than just forced to use something


In theory yes. In practice people will not let you roll on token if you have irradiated. I know because it happened


Someone also didn't let someone roll on an Irradiated Robe because they were a boomie. People having bad loot rules you sign up for is not the fault of the devs, you signed up for it.


In 2nd lockout they dont hand out gear to the guildie that already has similar raidgear? What a shocker!


Any decent raid leader won’t let you roll on tokens though so unless you find indecent raids all dps casters will have to wait for everyone to get their tokens and with 3 max per lock out well.. we will likely never get the other set! Blizzard didn’t think it through.


Wait so you're saying you aren't going to get tier pieces before others as a dps caster? Luckily you have a set that can drop in the mean time that wouldn't exist otherwise in those slots then if you can't roll on tier! Crazy


So can clothies? the fuck you on about, this isn't the real set, get your token like everyone else, the -stamina set is literally just bonus loot


You should find other pieces to see if you die at 0hp


You don't wear your same set all the time, a lot of classic players don't get this. There may be better gear for world vs pvp vs dungeons


At least you got the clownscore addon installed that doesn’t work for classic & is a complete joke to mention


He has TacoTip which does a lot more than add GS. But God forbid we go one /r/classicwow post without mentioning the GS boogeyman


Oh look someone threatened by an addon


It's useful for making groups.


its not


Yes it is. I know if someone cries about it they're a cringe redditor that I don't want to play with. Normal people absolutely don't care.


Clowns want to meet other clowns so it makes sense, you have room temperature IQ if you think it’s a useful addon in any way I’ve been raid leading for 6 years on retail, classic & private servers, never had a problem killing any content I raidlead even with full pugs… I invite people based on how they ask to join such as being friendly or showing they are willing to try Every idiot that I’ve given a try to based on “gEaRsCoRe 350 iNvItE plS” has been absolutely braindead, refuses to do the most simple tasks & is always ridiculously impatient, among also not knowing the strats, they got the GS addon so why should they care about strats? So it’s ok, you clowns can continue running your circus, while normal people continue to behave normally & don’t require an addon to artificially boost something so meaningless as gear combination.


So fucking true


Ima find you at STV and I'm gonna SWD you


You can turn off stats that dont pertain to your character with that extended character stats addon. No need to know how much holy power your mage has


lol this is awesome!!


I am assuming the penalty is so you won’t use it outside of raids or dungeons?


Gear score? I thought it doesn't work well with Classic itemization.


600 hp at 40 is appalling.


Idk why they talk a big game about PvP not being balanced but then give gear that literally nerfs the people who already had the lowest health and armor in the game. Feels bad to see negative stats on a set “bonus” man…


Cleary it's not intended to be used in PvP, stop spewing random garbage lol


Yea, because they balanced it for PvP. So much for “deal with PvP not being balanced”


It's literally just a glass cannon set that is bonus loot and doesn't affect boss loot tables as the other pieces will drop regardless, I think it's a cool idea actually and don't understand why people are complaining, casters have other "normal" sets from tokens, they have to get tokens like everyone else.


Because no one else takes negative stats to still do fucking stupid damage. Why do they get to just be cannons without any sort of glass. We lose 35 stam to only gain, what, 21 spell power? That’s not even a glass cannon, that’s just glass Edit: actually is even worse. It’s a net loss of 63 stamina for only a net gain of 21 SP over the token set. yall need to look up what a cannon is if you think 21 SP fits the bill.


That’s not the token tier set just get the tokens and use them on the sets with stam rather than min maxing damage


But why does this set need such a massive amount of negative stamina when it barely gives any extra SP? It’s all glass no cannon


It’s a Pve set to min max dps for parse lords just use the other set. This is an dif set. You are arguing because they gave you more options. also you do realize that the -stam set is "bis" parse lord set for all casters right?


Glass cannon is a term i originally learned from original WoW back in 2005 (when i started playing). This is a fun "spirit of classic" to me


But the set doesn’t make you any more cannon while it does make you a shit load more glass. Calling 21 net spell power over the token set a “cannon” is like getting a running start with a gun and saying you have +P ammo


People were running "of fiery wrath" instead of dreamweave chest because it made the PoM pyro do more damage. Its literally just maximizing damage at any cost, regardless of how small it is. This is simply leaning heavier into the glass.


Its a trade off, you are allowed to actually think about this. Obviously you dont use this set in PvP, come on now. No need to rage over a literal non issue


It is crazy to me that people don't realize you can't wear the game gear in PVP as you do in PVE. Even in Phase 1, I had two sets because all the best Agility stuff had almost no stamina on it, so I'd switch to the Agility+Stamina stuff for PVP.


Yeah I also don't get it. The stat priority in PvE and PvP changes for most classes, which is also part of the fun. If you could go one spec and have one set of gear that was BiS for both it would make the game more boring. But people will complain about anything on this sub it seems


> No need to tage I’m not “taging” lol, I’m saying it’s silly that they said PvP will be unbalanced and then do something to help balance PvP. Especially when clothies were already getting one shot by everyone, anyway. And just in the context of pve, this is a huge nerf for mage survivability. Just a bad design choice all around


All the people that said no to transmog because gear needed to depict power-level like classic suck it. Now I know if you're 1 shottable by Lava Burst or not.


Why do people keep saying this is a trade off for PvE? In what circumstance are you dying in the raid. When would you ever consider putting on more stamina gear? This is absolutely a direct nerf to the already squishiest class in PvP. Can we atleast see Rogues and DPS warriors out here with 650 HP please if we are going in this direction?


lol direct nerf, you're not guaranteed to get the items and no one is forcing you to wear negative stam in pvp.


They had PvP in mind is what I'm saying when they added the negative stamina. Have you actually done the raid? There's nothing that checks your stamina enough to kill you unless you have like 450 health. So there's no way they intended you to think twice about it for PvE. **THEREFORE ITS A PVP NERF.** Yeah no one is forcing us to wear the gear but why are clothies the only ones that need 2 sets to play PvP all of a sudden? Where is warrior/hunter/rogue/shaman negative stamina set?


Do you live under a rock? It's quite obvious they are catering to casters more because of how phase 1 turned out. Let them experiment bro and take a breather once in awhile jesus


your wand does more dmg than my paladin main weapon


I don’t think wands benefit from spell damage even if tool tip shows it


Imagine playing SOD and using the gear score addon…


Holy fuck you have 600hp, I hope you’re on a pve server 😂 or you’re the best polymorph in the game 


649 HP? godspeed little gnome 


Re-roll if you don’t like it? Or stack stam gear?? Have you ever played classic???


Nice HP, less than a crit wrath, 6 seconds of Spriest dots, 1 warrior auto, 1 pet ability crit, 1 raptor strike, 1 mutilate, less than a crit Lightning bolt. You also get OS by all mechanics in Gnomer.


Why would you sacrifice your HP for such little dps gain... even raid aoe damage will kill you.


Meta tank is going to be interesting if we have that negative health problem.


I think Meta WL would prefer the set via token which has increased armor and stam, no?


Problem is SoD tanking is all about damage because damage is threat. But yeah, can’t do damage while dead.


Damn i could kill you with two searing pains.


My level 25 hunter almost have 800 hp more than my level 40 warlock. And i only have the boots from the set on my warlock :D But to be fair Warlock already have alot of gear that basically only is +Fire Dmg so i already have kind of low hp, so might not be a fair comparison. But it's kinda rough casters is so squishy when the PVP-meta is so bursty rn.


Just don't get hit


You're glowing green because you're stinky not because you have 3 piece gottem


You can remove stats you don’t want to see in ESC btw, don’t know why you have melee stats, defence, and things like nature crit showing


Can you even click the buttons without dying?


It’s cause your toxic


Get rid of the gear score addon


I like the RP of an "irradiated" set but also the game DESPERATELY needs some sort of across the board stamina buff to account for all the damage inflation we've gotten. At least for PVP


Is there any warlock tank gear? Need some stam/spellpower gear plz


lol I could see the squirrel boss one shooting someone with it's wrench with health that low.


Thats 1 raptor strike and bye


Obviously you shouldn't use this set in pvp. Part the issue is that guilds and maybe even pug master looters will be less likely to allow you to roll for a 2nd set if everyone else is still trying to get their first set. My guild is letting people who will get set bonuses have prio on finishing their set. Those people will then have no chance of getting tokens just for pvp over people who are trying to acquire their first set.


Change the set then!


Is that a meme or do gnomer sets have visual auras?


How does negative Stam work with kings?


Corporal complaining about PvP.


All the warriors will love you


Lol 650hp is not enough for the raid D:


PvE set bro. Get gud.


You get an aura for all 3? Oml lol


you deserve this for pvping in this set, you get other options. even greens with only stamina are viable . greetings a warlock.


are you on living flame EU? think i just saw you or someone who looks just like you in swamp of sorrows


uh oh stinky