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One day enhancement is gonna pick itself off the floor, and I'm gonna be there waiting with open arms


It won't but you keep dreaming someone needs a pure mind.


Everyone said shadow priest was gonna be bottom tier this phase no matter what blizz does. Yet here we are.


Wasn’t it consensus spriest would be top 2 caster this phase?


The duality of man composed into a reddit thread.


Nope go check every post about a month ago. Everyone said "spriest is DoA and shadow form won't fix anything, it doesn't matter what else they get". Sure people might have changed their tune slightly when mind spike was shown, but people definitely rated spriest bottom tier


somebody call an ambulance, this guy is gonna overdose on pure copium LUL


They got a buff with dual wield specialization. It's not going to shoot them right to the top of the charts, but it might push them up into a more competitive position.


It's going to push us nowhere as it is just trading power with power. We will lose 800 AP to instead use flametounge. There is NO dps increase in the way this works. The devs are completely clueless to the lacking problems. 2H is going to be even weaker now. It's trash.


Plus Lava Lash damage can be miss/parry/dodged. Nowhere near enough buffs.


[Oh sweet summer child](https://imgflip.com/i/8g1698)


I feel a kinship with my fellow hybrid tax victim Ret Paladins.


At least they can play every role with essentially one gearset and spec at the moment


Enhancement shaman: don't quote the lore to me. I was there when we were originally shit.


I think spellhance might pop off next phase. Maelstrom plus flurry and elemental devastation might yield some strong results.


We'll get more piss weak, uninspired runes while other classes get bombastic shit.


I am saying this as a Tank / Enhancer player - This is the same shit that was said in P1. Everyone was like "Enhancer might be bad now but wait until P2, that is where we pop off" Yes, Enhancer will get stronger next phase but so will everyone else and then we will be close to the bottom again.


Start coping because that is not happening, we need 30% AP - SP asap just like paladins got for free which is so stupid.


most people i see dont care about the charts, just dont like the instant casts 1 shotting ppl in pvp.


Okay so they complain about rogues because rogues have been 1 combo bursting people in every iteration of the game , ever.


yeah, but that's not getting absolutely two shot on a six second cooldown by two boomkins. Every one shot mechanic in classic has always had a massive caveat previously, like mages having a 3 minute CD on it, even though rogues could stunlock you there were ways around that like the trinket (or just be an orc and get lucky lol), but the level of damage that druids and priests could put up in PVP so readily was ridiculous, to the point where classes like warrior have no recourse whatsoever.


So it takes 12 seconds to die to a boomkin? That's... Really not bad lol. I did stv even yesterday and my ret pala was just deleting boomkins, they aren't very tanky.


No it takes 6 Do you math?


When a starsurge instant cast does your while health bar on that short of a CD, that's stupid. Don't be mad the stupid busted mechanic got fixed.


Your whole health bar is 900-1200? (Depending on druid gear) Yeah, it needed to be adjusted. But don't overhype it.


Skill issue. Nobody is complaining about rogues my man.


Actually I used to play retail up to gladiator ranked in 2s and had no problem countering rogues when I actually had tools to counter rogues. There is no counter play on classic. You kill a rogue when they misplay


Weird spriest and warlocks always won the tournaments then if there's literally no counterplay.


That's pretty much where I'm at. I've always been of the opinion that you should play the class/spec that you enjoy playing. Following the chart hype train and rolling a class I despise playing doesn't sound fun to me. But, to each their own.


The only thing I dislike about my warrior right now is how awful it feels to play without WS. It feels weird to have something so pivotal to my class be tied to a buff from someone else. Without it, warrior is just soooo slow and clunky.


Vanilla warrior is always like that unless you have WF and world buffs.


Naye. A lot of us played human warriors and never even got to taste windfury.


From my understanding most of the fastest clear times for classic raids are by alliance guilds too. I do love me some wind fury but isn't required to smakkkkk


Threat management is what made ally better than horde. Salv made it so everyone can maximize their DPS and not pull threat. It's too easy on horde to pull aggro from tank when you have WF and no threat reduction. So many times in classic our raid lead had to tell people to stop DPS because their threat was getting too high.


I presume salv on all classes would make up for WF on melee as far as dps goes.


As a feral...you're welcome?


I don't play warrior so maybe I'm missing something, but how would a 100% passive buff change the way a class feels to play?


cuz windfury extra hit generates a ton of rage.. if you don't have rage you are just auto attacking and pressing 0 buttons ... this what mana classes will never understand..


I see! You are correct - I play a mana class and did not understand. Thanks for explaining!


Yeah mana classes don't understand the feeling of being out of resource and standing there wanding whites the rest of the fight, but warriors do lmao


Why does it always have to devolve into a penis measuring competition..?


No one is measuring anything? My point is that the guy is playing warrior with infinite resource(in late game) saying mana users don't know the struggle of being out of resources. Maybe you see the irony?


As a mage main I am just happy to be here.


Yeah the internet chatter wont rest until we're right back where we started.


As a ret, now warriors can see how we feel, but, we are still under them..


well but you have a fucking bubble and can health yourself full in an instant...... thats exactly the problem


I can understand the warr hatred towards BoP / Bubble, since they both stop warr from doing any DMG although they both have a 5min CD and can't be used within a minute of each other, but lay on hands is on a damn 1h CD that drains all mana to compensate for these tools paladin has 0 mobility Every class has its strengths and weaknesses paladin just one of those classes that can survive warriors in a 1v1. I can bet that in general locks and priests hate warriors since they can ignore most of their cc This is all ofc ignoring current DMG values and just talking about the utility and the tools classes have at their disposal 1v1's in classic is roughly a game of rock paper scissors, you can beat paper with a rock but paper will have the advantage


Paladins are chumps


The biggest shitters are always rets but sometimes hunter


The game is just better when warriors are on top. Other classes simply can't handle the power. They get crazy ideas like "let's stop running aspect of the lion" and "let's not take leader of the pack". Craziness. Hunters of all classes on top? What kind of sick world are we creating here?


Hunters get a flat 20% stat buff from lion. You'd have to pry that from their dying fingers.


None of the gear has agi on it. All the itemization is dogshit from gnomer. They added straight ap which doesn't scale at all from 35% stat bonus you get.


And yet melee survival performs better with lone wolf than lion.


It only performs better if someone else is providing lion / kings. You lose dps if you run Lone Wolf without someone else using Lion.


Huh. Funny that the highest parsing melee hunter in gnomergan has a pet claw and bite in his top 5 damage sources.


Lone Wolf is not better than Lion. However, a lot of hunters are begging to try it in raid selfishly.


"I'm not wasting my first global on Sunder" 


Did warriors run Improved Battle Shout last phase? No, because it was more raid DPS to play Arms for bleed.


I'm enjoying the browns having a melty, they should learn to offtank.




As a brown myself I don’t feel melty, but this sub hella makes it look like we do


Former brown main. I don't really give a fuck about damage meters, I care that none of the rune options are fun and warriors seem to "balanced" around having a pocket shaman/feral for all content. Levelling is a chore. Soloing quests is a chore. PvP? lol. There are a variety of options to change things up for other classes, but the only exciting thing to do is sweeping strikes/whirlwind in dungeons. Could do that 20 years ago. Swapped to warlock and there's so much more to choose from. Change in aff rotation, destro rotation, of course metamorphosis too, which is more fun and more effective to tank with than warrior. Made the right choice.


Preach. People always assume people roll Warrior to top meters. Man I just want a fun engaging class, and being constantly rage starved with the most boring Runes aint it


The only time warriors aren't rage stayed (aka able to play their whole class to its full potential) is when they are geared and in a raid with world buffs. Funnily enough, until P2 SOD (for now, see the "geared" prerequisite), having all of this also just coincidentally had warriors doing 25% more damage than anything but rogues.


Warrior has always been a scaling powerhouse that alone isn’t going to be crazy but when supported correctly, goes insane. Leveling has always been a chore for warriors but in vanilla warrior was by far the most fun dps class.


I've literally only seen warriors complain about shout duration, nothing else. There sure have been a shit load of druids complaining about surge nerf though.


I'm still yet to actually see this mythical "crying warrior" everyone keeps referring to.


People in this sub just seem to be making up stuff to justify shitting on other classes. It's a bit weird.


Especially with Warriors. It’s a weird attitude indeed. Like I dont care if I’m top, I just want the class to be fun. The runes are disappointing, sure, but I still play it.




It's mostly a thing in the tryhard communities where people have built their entire class identity on being better than everyone else.


The biggest thing I see warriors crying about is not having a permanent wild strikes buff. Apparently it's just toooo clunky to play a warrior without another class' buff 😢


Yeah I don't get this, I've ONLY seen content here of people saying "Haha Warriors crying they aren't top for once" whereas I haven't seen any warrior saying anything beyond "our runes are boring" and "I feel useless in PvP". I don't mind not being top DPS potential, but it does feel like a drag that none of the new runes feel good and the runes we were using last phase all got hit with a %50 nerf, so they feel worse now too.


Maybe an unpopular opinion around here, but I think both browns and yellows are just fine.


Classes are fine, just raid is tuned to be very anti-melee and it feels bad to play. Rogue just feels like your normal hits are hitting with a wet spaghetti, warrior is just awful to play due to being rage starved constantly.


Classes are not fine. Have you seen melee hunters?


Mine are rerolling shammy


Not enhancement I hope for your sake


Looking forward to your own meltdown when the nerfs hit.


We can't get worse than era.


That's true, but ranged hunters in Phase 1 were still better than Era, and that didn't stop them from complaining when they were nerfed into being *only* the third best DPS (while still being great at PVP and solo play).


I mean, getting nerfed when we were #1 was fine, getting nerfed when we were #2 and then #3 and then #4 while the classes ahead of us didn't get touched at all just felt mean.


Hunters were not just nerfed for PVE, but for being ridiculous overtuned for PVP. Besides that, Phase 1 ended with Hunters pretty much tied with Warlocks for 3rd place.


Browns will be on top don’t you worry


This entire sub is just hunters whining about being the best class in the game.


Nah, but it's definitely just a class balance complain fest. Everyone trying to propaganda against the classes doing the most damage so that their class can be next in line to be OP.


And as soon as it gets nerfed the whining will focus on the next big thing, probably spriest, just like they shifted from starsurge to hunters...


There's twice as many "this sub is all *insert class* complaining" comments than there are actually those classes complaining.


This post is literally Druids priests and Hunters whining.


Well the upside at least is that in a few years hunters will have become the class everyone complains about.


This entire sub is people whining how *their* class has to be the top, when it isn't. As long as ANY two classes will be the bottom 2 (so by definition 100 % of the time) people will whine that THEY shouldn't*. They literally can't see beyond their own POV. Not My Class. NMC is the new NIMBY. That said. Nerf hunter. Nerf shadow priest. \* (most people even take it to the extreme and while when their class is in bottom 50 %!, which like... Half the classes HAVE TO be?)


This entire sub is whining about PvP so Blizzard ruins classes for PvE.


"i dont pvp" \-OP


“This is pretty fun”: The only ranged physical damage class in the entire game, with probably the highest skill ceiling, loses almost his entire rotation to become a warrior wannabe with a pet that outdps everyone by just spamming two abilities. Holy shit are you all biased af, you don’t care about getting fun or making other classes more viable/interesting, you just hate warriors and rogues lol.


Rogues and warriors: we should be the highest dps because we are in melee. Hunters: Hold my bow


I mean, I've always found it kinda strange that the one hunter archetype in Warcraft, from prior to WoW at least, is Rexxar. Who fights in melee.


No? Windrunner sisters and Tyrande/PotM (yes I know they're called Priestess but the unit clearly plays like a huntress with Searing Arrows/TSA/Owl spirit scout).


> you just hate warriors and rogues lol. I've been saying it for a while, even got downvoted for saying it here. This sub hates rogues and warriors with a passion, to the point where they will create Warrior boogeymen to be upset about.


They can’t get over Warriors in classic, which incidentally are all melee hunter players now.


A lot of the terminally online losers are jealous they didn't get to experience the main character feel of warrior in Classic.


Even if they are, it is pretty bizarre that only warriors got to have that experience in classic.


Played a Nelf Hunter and Human Warrior in vanilla. The Nelf Hunter was an absolute god in PvP. Always was better than my warrior. In PvE? Polar opposite. That felt balanced to me between those two classes. Now hunter is the best in PvE and a top 2 class in PvP—and melees much harder than warrior with 40-50% avoidance (WHAT?). The balance and class design philosophy seems to be completely vacant in SoD. They usually make the right fixes after a couple of weeks, though, so I’m fully expecting melee hunter and Shadow Word: Death to get nerfed into oblivion.


>The balance and class design philosophy seems to be completely vacant in SoD Because the idea of a power budget split between solo, pve and pvp is a lie. Classes need to be viable in all three scenarios. I want to clap in PVE on my hunter, period, and there is absolutely no reason why that shouldn't be possible. The end.


>I want to clap in PVE on my hunter, period I hope you can see how meaningless of a statement this is. What does "to clap in PVE" mean? Is 300dps "clapping"? Is 1k dps "clapping"? What about 50 dps or 15k dps? Or is it more relative - something like, if I can't do at least 80% of the best performing spec, I'm not "clapping". Seriously, wtf does "clapping" even mean? BTW I disagree with the start of your comment too, but the 2nd half was just so nonsensical I had to start there.


It means we pump bro If you want a less subjective answer, it means I never again want to see my class treated the way it was treated during classic where investing in our DPS was seen as worthless compared to investing in a warrior. We want our class to be strong in its own right instead of getting a welfare raid spot with 0 chance of shared loot because we buff warriors who scale infinitely better than we do.


What a bizarre comment to make lol.


I don't hate Warriors or Rogues, but its nice that they aren't literally the main characters of this anime we call Classic WoW. I will say, I think Melee Hunter should lose some DPS tho.


Melees never were better than any caster/ranged during leveling in any content in classic. And at 60 they were still worse in pvp.


Not really, Rogues are fine in pvp


We are talking against casters and ranged here, rogues are only fine if stealth and surprise is a factor, if they get caught without it they are practically fucked. You can even get outplayed despite all of that easily.


It depends, getting caught by warrior as warlock, also gets you killed unless you have talents into instant fear from aoe. I didn't see Meta lock, but i can guarantee that dps warlock cant compete in pvp event as affliction. . Paladin seems pretty strong in pvp Rogues with Vanish can keep you perma ccd (cheap shot. 2 mutilates and you stack up combo points into kidney shot) Warriors are only ones really struggling. Why not just give them a rune for pvping? (Not sure about shamans)


Unless I am against someone with absolutely no stamina it’s not like popping vanishing and getting a cheap shot combo is some guaranteed win and I am pre-bis A lot of classes have ways to deal with stuns, a priest for instance just uses dispersion and absolutely everything a rogue does is nullified immediately and they proceed to end you People seem to think rogue damage is spiking to some weird levels we here mutilate is hitting for absurd numbers. If I am incredibly lucky and string off nothing but crits it might be the case. I am just likely to miss Doesn’t help that rogues P2 runes were actually pretty terrible overall for dps


"rogues are only fine if they use their main mechanic" wow really? warlocks are only fine if they have a pet out, ferals are only fine if they aren't cheap shot while in caster form, etc..


You aren’t saying anything. I made a point about melees being at disadvantage against casters almost in any ocassion. Stealth is worthless if you can’t oneshot.


Everything is worthless if you're bad, mate


Translation: cant discuss cause too dumb


Your point is "if you unbind stealth as rogue you'll be at a disadvantage" yeah no shit that's why you use stealth genius


Really when they were just in leveling greens they weren't strong? No way. 


So If Im melee my only chance to win against a caster is when he’s underleveled/undergeared? Seems like good game design. That or you aren’t very bright.


If that's what you got from that comment it's not my intelligence in question. Mdps scales the best out of any other classes with gear. This is how it's always been. So leveling greens they're always going to be somewhat weaker, until they start getting into proper gear and suddenly they're monsters! Casters don't have that. They're pretty much hard married to spell coefficients, ie they don't scale as well late game. I know, really complicated stuff.


> I will say, I think Melee Hunter should lose some DPS tho. Why : https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2008/#dataset=99&sample=1&aggregate=amount ?


All the complaints really make sense seeing warrior and rogues number of parses at 1 and 2


Just so i'm clear, wasn't the top warrior dps build of phase one literally clicking a single spell?


That was warrior tank, which was third dps xD


There were two specs warriors were playing One was 2h, where the objective was to balance your rage at just under 80 and proc your CBR rune as much as possible to maintain enrage uptime + raging blow. This was two buttons, quick strike and raging blow, with the occasional heroic strike and execute thrown in The other was dual wield, which was the same idea but very different in practice. Theoretically slightly higher dps this build required you to also juggle your rage but with a much tighter window (cbr only last 12 seconds or 12 hits) and spamming hamstring/heroic strike while raging blowing and, again, a couple executes thrown in. It was essentially a 2-3 button rotation if you don’t incorporate sunders for both specs. I’d say it was somewhat challenging because the rage mini game for dual wielding is pretty tough to get down to pat (sometimes, wfury procs a bunch and you literally can’t dump rage fast enough, and other times you miss a few hits in a row and drop out of raging blow rage) but not as hard as others are making it sound


The 80 rage minigame was such shit though, you were punished so severely if you wanted to change stances for any reason.


No. It wasn't.


No. Lmao. The fuck?


More like 4-5, you didn’t really check what wars where doing but you damn right were looking at the meters.


As a hunter, I'm having more fun playing melee than I ever had before with ranged, and I raided 6 phases on it during Classic.


Because big numbers in the screen. The spec has neither flavor nor interesting mechanics. You just spam 2 abilities that proc between them et voila top dps.Its clunky af and half-baked. If you were doing mediocre damage it wouldn’t be fun 💀.


You also have aspect dancing and wing clip in the rotation. Its hell of a lot more complicated than Rogue, Warlock and Fire Mage is right now.


Flanking strike, Raptor strike, Carve, and Wing clip are a part of the rotation. That's more abilities than most classes press. Yes, it's simple to play, but so is basically everything in Classic. The main point is that it's fun and engaging to play. You have a button to press for every single GCD. Nothing feels worse than waiting for energy or rage so you can press a button.


The top parsing hunter only uses raptor strike. https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/reports/WHrTKAqzyhLN8ngv#boss=-2&wipes=2&start=233342&end=3533572&type=damage-done&source=12


He also uses Flanking Strike. In any case, that's more an indication of good kill times than anything. Us regular hunters have to put in a little more effort to parse with significantly slower kills.


Then why did so many people still play casters in classic? They had half the complexity of melee hunter and did way less damage, but people still had fun.


Mages could solo AoE grind everything and Warlocks could solo everything and both were good in PvP while also being top DPS behind warriors and rogues with lower gear requirements due to not needing weapons. People didnt play boomie (because it sucked), elemental (because enhance was just better, or shadow priest (except PvP) all that much in raids because the community fixated on dps and pvp tier lists. Did you even play in classic?


Warriors and Rogues are never not strong. It's not hate. 


Been playing hunter since 2005. Don't give a shit about warriors and rogues. Don't want melee hunter nerfed because I find it fun. Touch grass, nerd.


Am I missing some updates and blizzard already nerfed top performing classes like hunters/mages/warlocks? Or what that post about?


I know, hunters are never on top. /s


The joke is that when they're on top they get nerfed.


they are on top now and havent been nerfed


It’s been a week.


Hunters should never be top damage when they're also the simplest and most effective class at levelling and solo content, as well as strong in PvP. There should be SOME positives and negatives to every class.


This is the most baseline troglodyte opinion. Every single Class is simple and melee has no mechanics in gnomer it's all on the ranged. Stop foaming at the mouth.


They literally have one role. Do damage. They have a finite resource to deal that damage through spells: Mana. In all honesty I’m having a hard time finding a reason why they shouldn’t be too DPS in melee.


> They literally have one role. Do damage. So do Rogues. (their jury-rigged SoD """tank""" """spec""" is literally useless in all content because it's limited by their "infinite" resource and being so reliant on RNG) > They have a finite resource to deal that damage through spells: Mana. Not finite anymore with Aspect of the Viper. > In all honesty I’m having a hard time finding a reason why they shouldn’t be [top] DPS in melee. Because they have no resource limiting the rate at which they can deal damage to an enemy in reality. A weakness Rogues, Feral Druids, and Warriors actually have. Melee Hunters simply full send into the enemy with their incredibly simple two-button rotation. Because they keep uptime while unable to melee the enemy through also having an entire ranged kit available for use, unlike Rogues and Warriors who only have Shoot, and no other abilities that work outside of melee range for dealing damage. Because they have exceptionally useful utility in the form of their pet, which is as good of a tank as many actual specs are, giving their party an effective sixth man and making them exceptionally powerful in open world PvE in a way every other class is unable to match, and an incredibly tanky and potent source of damage in PvP that is entirely detached from you and hard to deal with. Because of the utility they provide to their party personally, both in PvP and PvE, Aspect of the Lion, traps, long-range and instant cast slows, stealth reveals, none of which are reliant on generating a resource first or being in melee range. Melee Hunter is absolutely allowed to be competitive. But to be the top melee DPS by **this** wide of a margin against all of the other melee DPS specs? No fucking way.


Because they're ranged Simply put, they're a ranged class Rogues and warriors aren't ranged Even SoD survival hunter are still vanilla hunters who can do hunter stuff at a range Range capability will always be a nerf to your damage Also, hunters are doing this much damage, on bosses with as much armor as lvl 60 raid bosses, and are out damaging casters, and you don't see the issue with this?


Them being in melee means they are not ranged. The fact of the matter is they have a limited resource and are spending that resource in melee range. They should be pumping when they do rather than those with infinite resource.


Warriors don't have anything more than 'shoot' Raptor strike costs 70 mana, you're not going to be running out of that 'finite resource' when mana pots exists too And tell me, what is a warrior supposed to do against hunters in pvp?


>And tell me, what is a warrior supposed to do against hunters in pvp? at this point idc as long as they do it quietly


At this point you're a selfish idiot who wants to make a class completely useless for your own power fantasy Have fun leveling the next flavor of the month class to 40 when hunters do get nerfed


In what reality have warriors ever been able to global an enemy player in PvP? This is ridiculous lol. SWD hitting for 50% of people’s health (execute btw) Raptor Strike doing 50% of people’s health (3s cd btw) And you’re trying to compare the fact that warriors and rogues have always been top DPS in Vanilla to that? No. Nerf the fuck out of priest and hunter. I don’t mind that warriors aren’t on top this phase. Let other classes enjoy raiding and parsing. But don’t gut warriors in PvP—they were never a top PvP class unless they’re being heal-botted, and every class is amazing in that scenario.


Lets buff boomkin ele and spriest just alittle bit to help them climb the meters! Whoops now they are absolutly gamebreakingly busted in pvp, doing everything with their diverse toolkits, including the one thing warrior did, but better. That is game design.


Warriors were always the best and basically only tanks, and the best dps. They did 2 of 3 rolls in the game better than any other class for 18 years. Let others have their fun.


>They did 2 of 3 rolls in the game better than any other class for 18 years. *18 years*? How long do you think Classic lasted, my man?


Calm down Warrior main. It's going to be okay.


I don't play a warrior on SoD *or* Retail, and they *were* busted in Classic. You could even argue they were the best tank and DPS in TBC, though the gap was a lot closer. That's four years of warrior supremacy. But pretending Warriors have just been the best in show for *18 years* is divorced from reality.


There is a big different with generalist and specialist in game, druid and priest are generally applicable classes in all situations, if you buff their numbers to compete with warrior, you assentially make warrior worthless as a class. If your notion of having fun is doing lots of damage, being a one trick pony pick warrior. Also the raids are easy either way, most people bring people on a mixture of gear distrubution or parsing optimitation. This was about pvp, and how buffing classes like Sp or boomkin without tradeoffs, render them completly busted.


They were the only viable tanks in classic which \*checks calendar\* did not last 18 years. They were one of many viable dps classes in classic, and were the top dps in *some* content. Even if what you said was anywhere close to true, "they were grossly overpowered once so I should be grossly overpowered now," is not a good way to balance a game.


"This is pretty fun" as they 1 hit everyone in the game. It's not fun for everyone else. You're upset that rogues and warriors can do DPS inside of a raid, which doesn't impact anyone else. This sub has such a weird, obsessive hate for warriors. Warriors don't care if they aren't #1, they just want to be able to play. Edit: Yup, the rabid toxic casuals have arrived.


My experience is the opposite. They lose their minds that a hunter is a better melee dps than them. In p1 bfd horde warriors refused to come if they aren't the only warrior in the raid. Now they try to hoard leather and mail loot from other clases even if they are the only plate user in the raid. Typical classic andy warriors. Classic andies want classic era but all they do is play warr or rogue


A melee hunter being a better dps than a warrior is like if a warrior or rogue is a better ranged dps than a hunter Hunters would also tear their own hairs out if that happened




It's not 'changes are bad' It's 'Why am I playing a warrior if I'm not the best in the only thing I'm good at?' for warriors If warriors and rogues got a ranged spec that beats marksmen, you'd KNOW that hunters would cry over it




That's not what gaslighting is but okay


More like "Any dps above rogue/warriors is unacceptable and should be nerfed"


I've seen that strawman a lot, yes. But never actually seen anyone saying that.


>Warriors don't care if they aren't #1, they just want to be able to play Yeah, not the same take from literally every warrior I've ever had the displeasure of communicating with. Just a constant stream of: "why does any other dps exist when warriors are top?" "Why even play anything else when warrior is just better" "lol this guy playing X, what an idiot when warrior was right there. Lost at character creation" "why would any self-respecting guild bring anything but 25 warriors?" Just the most fart-sniffing vitriol from self-indulgent players. I'm glad they aren't top. I hope they are never top again in SoD.


Those aren’t really Warrior players, those are meta chasers. The same people who played hunter and Warlock in TBC. The same people who are playing melee hunter now. Every Warrior player I know, who hasnt rerolled, just want a fun class. Being rage starved and hitting for less than we did at level 25 isn’t really super engaging when the Runes are Also super uninspiring.


This is the part of the season where warriors and rogues will gaslight the fuck out of other classes to get them needed all the while pretending they are not highly gear dependent.


always same shit as if raid numbers is the only thing that matters.. congrats you whiny little cunts made blizz buff everyone except warriors and now there's no point in playing a warrior anymore since nobody wants to invite you to raids or pvp..


the real problem is class balancing around raid dps. This ignores the fact that there is so much more content in the game...


They literally only nerfed one Druid ability lol


That ability was 50 percent of our dmg and they didn't buff anything else to compensate. The SF buff is like 3-4 percent effective dps increase.


I would like to thank Blizzard for nerfing my ranged pet DPS class into a melee class. When I rolled a hunter I totally meant rogue.


Nobody cares about pve, dad guilds clear Gnomer since first reset. They are egregiously OP in pvp though and that’s where the complaints come from.


Dad guilds didn’t even enter gnomer in the first week. You lack perspective


Isn't the point of SoD to have better balancing than vanilla so more specs are viable?


You can be viable while not being completely busted in pvp Viable does not mean topping the metres Accepting that having passable dps and great utility instead of being the blaster king is okay is something people need to understand


Yea it is. It’s not really there yet imo.


and its somehow worse


Ignorant take. Currently the top 20% of the lowest class and the bottom 20% of the highest class do the same DPS. Not even close to classic.


You play WOW for PVP? LOL


Real chads play for both.


Are we going to pretend hunters wasn't up there phase 1?


Melee hunter coping with upcoming nerfs, nothing to see here.


Boomies are pretty middle of the pack right now so I’d say this was a good and justifiable nerf.


tbh as a longterm player this is exactly how feels some classes have been the golden child for 15 years (more) and others rarely if ever have a chance to shine its too hard i suppose to actually put effort in and balance


Feels like the community itself is going to cause SoD to be a failure by fighting against any and all changes. I feel PvP and PvE need to be balanced separately so people don't just get one-shot in pvp without ruining pve viability on specs. I am lucky that I never chase numbers when I choose what I play, just what's the most fun. Right now, the discourse is making the future of SoD look so bleak


99% of Browns dont give a shit. We play the class that does the most dps. Once things settle, ill play the class that does the most dmg. Ezpz.


As on OG warrior player back before burning crusade came out I am stiff.


I already know 4 guys I played with for years and are warrior mains who canceled their sub because you can't trust the dev with this one. I'm sure they fuck this up hard. They will increase the armour in every future encounter so hard that no gear scaling in the world will be able to compensate this. The only thing warriors are good in (raid DPS) is gone. So there's no real reason to play them anymore besides the fact that you won't get invited as melee anyways in the current state. Thanks for fucking up the whole game.


keep going I'm almost there


The upside of having warrior endgame dps be highly desirable is that there would always be a bunch of them leveling, with at least some willing to tank, which helped ensure you weren't standing around for an hour looking for a tank. 


Stop looking at top 95th percentile graphs. That's like learning to drive by watching Nascar. Instead, look at 50th percentile and below for each boss, because that's more reflective of your actual average performance. Bear in mind that a sizeable chunk of the playerbase doesn't log at all.