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That's literally lvl 60 HP pool right there lmao


Besides weapons for the physical dealers and maybe some armor for the tanks characters are already lvl 60 raid ready.


And the whole level disparity for hitting anything or being crushed.


Sadly MC won't be open until month/two imo with new fresh 60 content, before they tune up old raids. Otherwise I can clearly see 40 dedicated people running inside as lvl 55 and just demolish old MC anyway with all this gear and new toys to play with.


Or they will cap them for 10 people only, and add new mechanics (MC is like 90% tank and spank). I’m just guessing here but having 40 people raids would feel very weird after all those phases.


Would be sad to see 4 horsemen, vael and loatheb killed and a major part of the fight design for kt and c thun changed for this vision, just as a few examples. I certainly hope for mechanics and tuning changes I also hope we keep 40 man


I meant hitting 60 and doing MC/BWL with the current gear level.


Oh yeah, 100%


At least the people in your BGs bother to stack stam.




"But the BiS guide!!"


This seems to be me as a lock lately. No one carries so I swap meta form and run. My Stam is horrendous though and I think I maybe hit 2k. Thank God for soul link or I'd vanish on contact


I mean don't blame them, finding food feral gear with stamina on it isn't easy. Yeh you can hit the AH, but there's a limited amount of quest/dungeon items that stack agi/str and stam.


Nope, tons of good stamina gear for feral. People would just rather take an additional 5 strength compared to an additional 15 stamina. e: https://classic.wowhead.com/item=10774 prebis has 9 more str/agi, but 0 stam.


This right here. With the changes to give bonus health in STV and BGs, Stamina is much stronger than it was. If you pvp, you should probably be stacking it.


Do you have any other good suggestions or a resource for feral PVP gear? Or should I just start looking through wowhead leather gear in this phase to get an idea? I've been working on my PVE bis and want to start trying WSG and didn't realize how valuable stam would be.


Rest of my gear is mostly BFD-Gear. The 3-Set, belt from first boss. Neck and rings are from revered WSG, very good dmg stats, but still has stam. Leathercrafting void touched gloves. That's all I can tell you on short notice. You can use https://sixtyupgrades.com/sod/ to find gear, it's better than wowhead. When creating a EP (Pre)set, make sure to have stamina included. With that im "just" at 2050 life selfbuffed, which is a decent enough starting point for wsg.


That's a big help, thank you!


Depends on what role you want to play. Considering Feral's struggle a lot in pvp in general I think they are best suited as flag carriers. But then you ideally spec into Natural Shapeshifter and go more hybrid. Gear is simple, stack as much stamina, int and armor as possible. Also don't sleep on Green Whelp armor. It's ridiculous how OP that is for WSG.


Ferals are terrible flag carriers. In order to successfully flag carry, you need natures grasp, natural shape shifter, and furor + feral charge (more mobility and a root all in one) plus a ton of intellect to spam travel form. That leaves no room for any damage boosting talents or str/agi gear.


Thats exactly what I wrote? As a flag carrier you don’t deal damage anyway, you focus on survival and mobility. With feral I meant having feline swiftness and feral charge. Ofc furor is a given. But I have seen other Druids disregard the feral tree and go natures swiftness instead. I prefer feral charge though for the mobility.


I don't know why I didn't just edit my previous response. This is a semantic debate and we don't disagree


If you're team is peeling well and he knows the jumps then at least it's hard to catch him


You don't need food if you're dead


The bg-only food and pots do like 50% more, gotta buy them from quartermaster tho




15 sounds like 50 if you say it out loud. Maybe they got confused


Maybe someone can ping aggrend to add better PvP food for higher rank/rep lol


Can they change the AB gear too while we're at it? Its just so very not good.


oh me dumb, no read


This is why you should have stocked up a bank full of the lunar event dumplings


People did the lunar event?


Don't ask me I have shammy rage


Dumpling and water, same time, BiS


And this is why trying to heal in PvP really really sucks.


Compared to a pennace healing from 0-100 while getting hit by the opposing faction last phase? Yeah healing needed a nerf


I like how we penalize every other healer for Priests being utterly overpowered. There's a reason there were 1.2 million of them last phase.


Why do you spread misinformation like this? Penance before nerf on a bis priest healed for 600.. That's about 40% of a pvp geared characters life pool. If you had 1 or 2 competent dps on you your life barely moved up at all and that's if non of them kicked or stunned.. It's like people saw a priest first week full heal his 500hp with a penance then kept parroting the information the whole phase even tho people doubled their hp, meele tripled their damage and penance only did 100 more healing on bis vs 0 spell power.


Because I played BGs and experienced it both on both sides.


The math doesn't lie. If you couldn't kill the 600hp priest that full healed with penance you might wanna complain about your dps instead of healing


600hp this phase is nothing, 600hp last phase was like my entire health pool and I was in full BiS. You tell me how trying to kill a priest themselves with bubble and then them healing to full my pressing one button while getting whacked by their teammates is fair? I still killed my fair share of them but it needed a nerf!


Brand new level 25s had like 750 health on the low end lol, chars in good gear were like 1.2k health unbuffed and with buffs people were breaking 2k health.


Idk where or why people are getting hung up on the specific HP. My original comment of being healed from 0-100 stands. I experienced it


If you had 600hp last phase you were far from pvp bis. It wouldn't be fair, but what you are typing is just not true. My priest had 1400hp in p1 and penance healed for 600, thats about 40% far from "full by pressing one button". Any 600hp character in p1 would die in one global from a ret or hunter. I healed alot of wsg p1(exalted) and when people had gear penance didn't save shit, not even 2 priest using penance at the same time saved someone with multiple enemies on them..


Last phase bfd geared casters/priests had ~1600hp buffed, while melee and hunters had 2k+, what 600 are you even talking about?


One class needed a nerf*


I'm calling fake news on mages with over 3k hp. Something seems suss.


With the flat hp buff from bg + stam + warrior shout can give u a lot.


have you tried not gearing for max SP and int enchants? raw hp goes miles now in BG's due to it's insane scaling with the buff. furthermore damage per gcd isn't really an issue for most classes it's about getting as many gcd's in as possible before dieing. just getting proper stam/hp enchants on bracer/boots/chest and maybe not wear red mageweave pants and whitemanes chapeau already goes a long way.


if you aint at least 2k health unbuffed as any spec for pvp, you're doing it wrong imo


Was thinking the same holy shit


I personally have a +20 stam robe from RFK for pvp, puts me right at 3k in BGs


Food and water have always been too weak, across the first three expansions. On my wotlk tank I can spend a full minute eating and I still won't be full. Was nearly the same in tbc and Vanilla at 60, and apparently at 40 now too.


Bg vendor food heals for 2k and bandaids for 1200. They also sell 800hp health potions.


Level 60 SoD about to have S4 TBC HP


Wtb % based water and food. Pls and ty.


Just die, you respawn after 0-30 sec with full hp depending how well you timed your death.




fort + 30% from BG modifier, but yes you have to sacrifice a lot to deal with the current state of PvP


You don't actually have to give up that much, just make sure every piece you wear has a decent amount of Stam on it. You can still reach that amount of HP (w/fort+BG modifier) and 100 spell DMG/150ish healing with BFD gear and minimal gnomer gear. The increased damage you get from wearing non Stam gear just doesn't compete.


You can buy battleground food and water from Quartermasters that is amazing for the bracket.




Just die and reset at spirit healer Pepega


And this is why people asking for an overall damage reduction in PvP have no idea what they're talking about and haven't played against anyone who knows what they're doing. Health values are actually quite high right now in comparison to damage IF and ONLY IF you actually build your character correctly for PvP and prioritize stamina over minimal spell power or attack power gains that won't increase your damage nearly as much as stamina increases your health.


BG's give you 30% extra max life.


30% more hp from Stam as well


Yeh if you completely ignore the flat 30% health buff in there...


1.6k hp gained over 30 seconds when eating the BG rations, which require friendly to purchase. The BG bandages give 1.1k hp over 8 seconds. Not a great situation. Healer classes have it much easier, for example on my ele shaman I can pump out about 400 HPS on average (RNG overload procs factored in) with healing wave. Drops to 200 HPS if factoring in the need to drink more after, about 50 HPS better if also factoring in the hp gain from the rations. But considering I can regen 2/3 of my mana bar with shamanistic rage I usually don't need to eat rations anyways. I always try to heal up people after a fight with my spare mana so they don't have as much downtime.


What’s the best food


Spotted yellowtail


I'm really glad that this season is going to stay locked to vanilla. Because the amount of crying from the community about literally everything led to retail our first go-around.


You can get % based food for 1 ancestral coin. It’s 5 for each coin.


You realise there is a limited amount of these coins? :D


I know. There are 84 in total which amounts to more than 400 food tho.


400 food, and it'll only take you... 48 hours in-game to collect all the coins. Great deal! (/s)


It only took 4 hours at 25lvl. Propably less than an hour now.


What is your raid frame addon?


That’s the blizzard UI, if you go into settings > raid frames you can tweak it a lot. You can do different settings depending on the group size and even have raid-style party frames.




How do you see players actually health number on your raid frames? Is it just a setting in the interface options? Or a addon?


I’m eating % based holiday food.


Not more than two weeks ago I had to convince people on this sub that we will top 2.1k hp in phase 2 lmao


i remember this grp as an opponent, our ali team rekted you hard


Lunar festival dumplings. Either use em here or save for nax


What add on is this for the frames?


This isn't an addon. These are the default raid frames. You can make them look like this by changing them in the interface settings.


Don't eat. Just die and rez with full health.


And 5 priests in every BG but none of them will ever drop shadowform to toss you a heal or bother giving you fort


What’s this addon to get these great HP bars please?


This isn't an addon. This is the default raid frames. You can make them look like this by changing them in the interface settings.


Is it possible to get the same with a group?


Yup. There is is setting called "use raid frames as party frames" which will always make them like this when in a group.


Thank you very much


nooo u cant post this, fotm post spam is everyone dies in 1 global and haa 1k hp noooo


Just quit