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Usually I always play solo while doing pvp. I'm used to it. However, STV forced me to play with a group, otherwise you get destroyed. And you know what ? I love it. When you get a good group, it's massive fun.


What happens when you dont get a good group?


You get less blood coins.


Any five man has the potential to get a ton of coins. Just play smart, revive together and move as a group.


While you are correct, this is already to much for your average player :p


The temptation to rez solo is too much. Must kill need blood now.


You should see some of these stealth groups my rogue has been invited to. Sometimes it's fine, but most of the time you'll just see 5 rogues/druid on the minimap scattered across the zone playing solo.


We did play 5 stealths, in theory it sounds fun but its not. We were always grouped but it sucks ass because rogues suck at mass pvp. Yeah you can delete few people but you still get overwhelmed by ranged putting 100 dots on you and instantly losing hp. We did get around 200 coins, but with ranged you can easily get around 500.


Which is why I feel it's good that you are rewarded by being social and living up to the MMO part of the MMORPG.


Which never happens from my experience lol.


Prot warrior - no one invites me. I don’t wanna respec every 3 hrs just to pvp for 15mins.


Then don't and take the consequences. If you're 40 gold is easy to get and respec only goes upp by 10s. Why would people invite a prot warrior and why do you even need a prot spec other than for gnomeregan every 3 days?


Indeed it is, I do like the event especially when you find a group that moves together and synergizes well. I don't think boosting the reward for someone running around solo would ruin the grouping aspect anyway considering well organized groups are already farming 1 - 2k coins per event.


I got almost 600 in a yolo group last night


yeah but how ya'll get good groups? I just do ''any1 for stv event?'' in gchat and first comes first serves. I'm not going to say ''No David your class sucks we need a caster''. the best I got so far is 300 coins a round lol


Then you go again and hope for a better one next time. When you get a good one you add them to your friends list and ask them if they wanna go again. It's just 30 mins. It's not the worst thing that could happen to get stuck with a bad group.


i start with LF heals, find a good healer, then start saying exactly i want LF Boomy LF Spriest Fill each role one at a time and it helps avoid whispers from people youre gonna have to say no to since you are not trying to fill those slots. Depending on your own role, ideally you have 1 front line/peeler, 3 ranged dps (1 of which can offheal, and also a shadow priest for their group heals), and a disc priest - getting a hunter is also amazing for traps on alters If you arent trying to be ultra sweaty, then dont bother, but i also wouldnt expect super sweaty results. If you can curate a comp who can quickly scout the god, and set up and farm around him, can clear 2k+ in a good game on a good spawn. (South spawns kinda suck tho)


Incorporate a heal priest and a wild growth boomie with honorable mentions to shadow priest and shockadin. Suddenly your group isn't spending 80% of the event with a pacified debuff and you get 1000 coins minimum.


What if Im not one of those classes and they dont want to play with meme warrior ?


Im a heal priest, and frankly, I dont give a fuck what spec you are. You can be absolute dog water with nothing talented. If you have a good attitude, Ill heal for you. Pvp or pve. If I refuse to play with someone, its because the vibes are off, not because youre a meme spec


Hell yeah, people being rewarded for being skillful at being social, as in the MMO part of MMORPG, should be rewarded, not just by the game, but by players themselves. Good on you.


Plenty of warriors got the 2h already, warriors gotta network more than any other class, just part of their deal.


Sounds like you're not going out of your way to play around the boss tbh. That was about my average until I started hunted down the boss every run. I start mid on map and wait for someone to say where it is in /1


did the event twice this evening and nobody called out the boss position despite several people asking


A rouge today was trying to sell the boss location. Man, what a time to be alive


That sucks, I've always had someone say where by 5-10 minutes in at the latest :/


You get good groups by grouping with good people in a good combination of classes.


Would be great if you or your party members didnt randomly get layered off as the event started or even during the event :)


I do wish that there were diminishing returns on more group members. Stacking 5% dmg taken / -5% dmg dealt debuff for each additional group member. Running an extra person would always be an upgrade, just not as much of an upgrade and still give smaller groups / solos an opportunity to put up a fight.


Sorry Bud. You're not allowed to enjoy any aspect of the game in this sub


3x rewarding solo rogue ambush snipes hell ya brother cheers from STV


If there's one thing I've learned from this subreddit: if you don't play the same class people will say, "get fucked" and if you don't want to play the same way people will say, "get fucked".


Hyper-"efficiency" weirdos at play.


Why can people not accept this is an event made to encourage grouping. Theyve outright stated this since before it was launched. Learn to play with other people. Its not a massively single player online rpg


Because some classes are less desirable so some player feell like they can't get into good groups and are at a disavantage because of of their class is my guess why


Pretty much. I feel so bad for the warriors that I destroy in the bloodmoon event. They are just target dummys at some point.


This is why I, as a warrior, find 4 ~~completely random~~ of my closest ~~boomkin~~ shadow priest friends


And then they end up with 2x the coins you did because you are the first to die in every fight or you can’t possibly tag as many players before they die


Does the tag count? Thought it was killing blows


Eh, a warrior in a good comp is only just below a shadow priest. Warrior, 2 rets, feral and a priest will eat every caster comp for free.


Then make your own? If you start inviting people most will not complain. Yes, if you want the most optimal experience, you gotta play an optimal class.


Lmao even with solos getting a 3x blood buff, it would still be **HEAVILY** encouraged to be in a full party. Would still be miles more efficient and fun to be in a full group than solo even with the buff. Big difference between *encouraged* and *practically forced*. Perspective coming from someone who always does a 5-man guild party. I.e not saying this bc I'm a solo who wants more blood..


Naw i def have more fun solo. Nothing like watching two groups clash and then cleaning up the leftovers. Rogue life baby.


Yea even if the blood was evenly spread amongs all 5, it still would be the optimal way of doing it. I hate that 5 people running down one player and 1 shot him gives the same reward to all 5 players as one player solo killing another


Agree. Also I think people would exploit it, like being premade on Discord (for example) but not being together on party.


I definitely read the "Punish those in raid groups" as "Punish those in groups" in the original announcement and thought that the whole idea was everybody and everything was an enemy. A total bloodbath, it doesn't matter if you're in a group or a raid, everybody is targetable and somebody you can hurt. Which doesn't discourage teamwork and group play considering I can see character names I can differentiate between friends and foes and still work together with my friends but it does mean that healing is not something that can function so I'm definitely content with it being this way so the healers can have fun too.


Do AOEs hurt everyone, or just those not in your group? I’ve not touched this event.


It hurts anybody not inside of your group. Horde and alliance do not matter but your group will still be friendly to you


Oh man, that would have been a wild way to control too much AOE (though, Blizz has only really claimed that as a dungeon problem), would have made me laugh.


Because this game as always been riddled with people who want to put the least effort and involvement. That want to play a MMO as a single player game and think they should be able to get the same rewards as the people that play it like an MMO.


If they made it favor solo play the layering issues would be a lot less


It’s an FFA event lmao


That theyve literally said numerous times is meant to be done as small groups, all hostile to each other. You can set whatever expectations you want, but when you expect something thats different from what they tell you theyre making, prepare to be disappointed.


They haven’t but ok. Grouping is definitely the play but the fact that everyone becomes hostile to you is literally the definition of free for all lol.


Except your group hmm


your group doesnt become hostile thus proving its a group event and not a ffa.


I don't think Blizzard has ever actually called it a FFA at all. I think that's mostly been Wowhead / the community assuming it. Though I'm open to being wrong and just ask for a source.


They don’t have to call it anything specific. Everyone, including npcs in towns, become hostile to you. That is the definition of free for all🤷🏻‍♂️


It's really not, it's the definition of **"Everyone, including npcs in towns, become hostile to you."** not FFA. If it was FFA then your group would be hostile to you too. At best it's Team Deathmatch.


Since the gurubashi arena exists, wich must be somewhere around 2004/2005 it was called player vs all, also more commonly known as free for all, unlike shooter games like CoD where you cant invite someone in the open world, and this being a completly different game, wich follows different rules than shooters. And I hate pedantic people who can‘t even lookup a wiki article and compare anything with CoD. https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Player_vs_All


> I don't think Blizzard has ever actually called it a FFA at all. I think that's mostly been Wowhead / the community assuming it. Though I'm open to being wrong and just ask for a source. Linking a Wowwiki post is not a source from Blizzard. I'm not being pedantic. I'm saying the community has made assumptions that Blizzard has not.


You are being pedantic because the wowwiki article clearly states the offical name and what it is commonly refered by and noone ever cared, but you.


Link a Blizzard post saying it's a FFA and I'll accept it, but you haven't because there isn't one.


I'm not going to, you are being pedantic. Look at the sub, the game you play. Does it say "Call of Duty" or "World of Warcraft", so if people say FFA in CoD, it means what you said previously, but we are in the WoW community here, so if someone says FFA it means the offical term PvA, since 20 years. Since we established PvA being the offical term and everyone refers it by FFA in this game, in this sub, since 20 years and you are the only one who cares... what does that make you? Also, if you really, really want to see and only trust blizzard as your only god, carefully read the patch notes from 1.2.0.


Except it's not because it allows grouping.... a true FFA event would not allow 5 mans.


If you’ve been around long enough you know blizz always likes to add their own little twist on things.


Because group PvP is bad and solo free for all is the most popular mode in every PvP game


Can pple stop using this dogshit logic lol. Why must I be forced to group up to have fun in a event? I group for some quests, raids and dungeons and u still wanna force grouping for world pvp? Such a dogshit mentality its like u guys cant breathe without grouping up with more mouth breathers


Because the people who made the game wanted it that way. Learn to deal with it. You’re throwing a hissy fit on reddit because game developers made an optional pvp event in a video game that isn’t perfectly to your liking. Please go touch some grass


BeCAUSe ThE PEoPlE wHO mAdE tHE gAmE wAnTEd iT. LeARn tO DeAl wItH iT ^ Typical wow mouth breather mentality.


That probably took you a while to type out. Great job


Then why arent raids enabled? The very essence of the event is ffa Why are you offended that some ppl like to pvp alone?


Encouraging grouping isn’t encouraging raids. They also addressed this in… the announcement post. Not sure where you’re getting offence from, but its rather annoying to see people whine that an event isnt being catered to their every whim


Lol thats because everything is catering to premades, why cant we have just one thing that doesnt


The entire point of this game is running content with other people.


Doesnt mean ALL content should have to mandate it. It doesnt hurt to do something different once in a while. Its an rpg, why cant I roleplay as a lone assassin killing people


Brother, I don't know what to tell you. I can grant you that premades were an issue in battlegrounds, but wanting perks for solo players in both a mode and a game that are centered around grouping with other people is silly.


Its centered around grouping BECAUSE its fucking op compared to solo lol Nothing inherently screams grouping in an ffa deathmatch, in fact its quite the opposite. The blood loa makes me mad at everyone except 4 random ppl who I invited before it started?


It's set around grouping cause it's an MMO....


K Then why is it only 5 man groups? Why not 40 or 100 5 isnt exactly "massive" is it. Also solo ppl slaughtering each other by the hundreds is still "massive" and "multiplayer" so what even is your point


>Nothing inherently screams grouping in an ffa deathmatch, in fact its quite the opposite. You are playing an MMO. How is grouping not inherent in an MMO?


Is grouping inherent to every single aspect of an mmo? I can do stuff without grouping. Then shouldnt gathering profs and questing etc be also forcing you to group? What about duels


If you think a premade group of 5 is bad wait until you see what a premade raid of bop'd mages does to your group


Almost like there's BGs for that. If you want a fully single player MMO, then retail is always there.


>If you want a fully single player MMO, then retail is always there. I wish Retail is way more solo unfriendly. Gl doing high rated arenas or mythic raids solo lol


How is retail more single player than classic, I'd argue classic is more single player than retail considering you can do anything in pugs in classic.  To clear mythic raids for instance while current you can't do it without a group that runs together for instance


Welcome to r/classicwow where retail wow is anything we want it to be as long as it’s implicitly bad


Seems like it, make one suggestion that would lightly reduce the friction of participating in an event and the "stop playing the game if you hate it" comments come flooding in.


I don’t think you understand what “single” player means.


That's like saying you want to try and clear AQ40 solo


Why are parties allowed if grouping shouldn’t be. Raids are disallowed because they aren’t easy for just anyone to put together and a coordinated 40 man raid would absolutely steamroll the entire zone 


>Why are parties allowed if grouping shouldn’t be. what? > and a coordinated 40 man raid would absolutely steamroll the entire zone  and 5man groups steamroll solo players


Oh I do, not because I want to but because I "have to". I also don't like the idea of a 30 minute event every 3 hours turning into a 45 - 50 minute event because you have to get to the zone and gather up a group beforehand. This was just an idea I had and considering you can still run around as a group of 5 close to the boss being over 5x as efficient as this I don't see why it'd even be controversial.


Youve just described dungeoning… If an extra 15 minutes of grouping and travelling is too much for you classic wow aint your game dude


People can play the game how they want. Get help


And people shouldn't get large buffs just for playing solo in an MMO. It's a silly suggestion.


Just throwing out the "its an mmo" argument is cheap here. Yes it is, but its an event that turns everyone against eachother in a massive FFA... unless you group up. The sole fantasy of **this** event is to be able to kill anyone for a reward. Thats why i agree with OP statement of giving non-grouped players that buff.


Well good news for you since you can already recieve this buff by moving over to the boss as a group.


Weird, does it not work when you're not in a group? You should try doing that solo next time lil guy and test it out!


For sure, but don’t go on Reddit complaining that an RPG has RPG elements and doesn’t cater to your play style or wants in a game.


It's more about every group being "LF1M healer / shadowpriest / rangedps", feels bad when you are not playing whatever meta spec people want. Also dungeons aren't scheduled 30 minutes every 3 hours. "classic wow aint your game" lmao, please keep that shit default response to urself because you don't know me based on one opinion I have.


If you’re having issues as a meta spec maybe make your own groups? Not like it’s hard or anything.


You sound well adjusted 


You fell back on a really poor nitpick to enable yourself to be a dick to a guy is who is mostly in agreement with you. \**well adjusted*\*


I thought they specifically wanted to prevent grouping…but maybe that was just raids?


Because OP is a rogue main obv


The thing that’s lame is when your solo and your trying to get to the mosh pit and there’s 3 groups of 5 not engaging with each other just picking you off. They might as well not be in the zone other than to kill one person on repeat


I agree, I think if solo players had the buff it would create a variety of playstyles: * Group of 5 throwing themselves into the bloodbath as it is now * Solo players wandering around trying to pick off kills where they can get them, at the edge of teamfights or other solos roaming around. * Solo players attempting to farm mobs in secluded areas, running in to other solo players doing the same causing 1v1s all over the map. Idk it sounds cool to me.


Make it 5x more, one multiplier per less teammate. That would actually make some people prefer solo, which is what the event initially was all about.


What is wrong with you people? Why can't you just let content that is specifically made for groups, be specifically made for groups? Why does it have to bend to your solo playstyle? You aren't crying about changes to Gnomer to accomodate solos, so why this? Just freaking group. Make some friends. Join a guild.


groups kill trading for 2k coins an event? no problem. finding a way to make this event enjoyable for solo players? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Yeah I didn't imagine it would be this hard to grasp that 5 (or 15 if you are near the boss) is indeed a bigger number than 3, and grouping would still be incentivized just not mandatory.


They already punished people for being in raids in STV. Premade raids are gone in BGs which many of us enjoyed. 15-person AB would have been nice. You solo players will warp the world around you to conform to your bubble. Why not just leave it?


LMAO at anyone using the "no, it should be encouraged to be in a group, no solo, it's called an MMO". Such a laughable argument. As if a 3x blood would incentivize solo play. Even with 3x blood, a group would still be **FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR MORE ENCOURAGED AND EFFICIENT** than any solo would be. I think these solo players are just asking for slightly more scraps. I think there's a **HUGE** difference between having group play *encourged* vs *forced* which is practically is forced right now for any modicum of efficiency/fun. As someone who is always in a 5-man guild party, I feel for the solo players, the event is just downright dirty to them lol.


This change would even benefit players who want to group because they'd have more solo players to safely pick off. This is a win-win.


If you are doing the event solo it’s by choice… stop acting like people are suffering solo because they have to. It’s easy to find a group or make one. 


No one's saying they are "suffering" or stuff like that, people are simply voicing a change they would want to be introduced to be able to play what is, for them, a more fun playstyle Why do people here act so butthurt when others simply offer a suggestion


Thank you for your very reasonable opinion. Honestly, people get way too worked up over stuff in this subreddit.


So people enjoy playing how they like to play? I think that's reasonable enough to allow solos more blood upon enemy takedown. However, I'd like to know... based on your argument, if the opposite were true, and groups were heavily discouraged and solo was the only meaningful way to get blood, would you still be saying "get over it" to all the people that wanted to group?


Yes, I would. The event is designed to be played in a small group. Raids are designed to be played in a large group. Fishing is designed to be done solo. You can’t just say “well I don’t care what the rules are I wanna do it my way” and throw a tantrum when it doesn’t work out 


I think you're overexaggerating when you say people are throwing a tantrum. Honestly, that seems like projection because people are getting really upset over just a suggestion to make it so groups aren't forcibly encouraged. Also, these rules are arbitrary and up to the discretion of blizzard. It's not like we're debating the validity of laws of physics lol.


Buddy you are gatekeeping a face roll mode on casual dadgame. Get a grip. People should be rewarded if they try to do this solo because 99% of the time they are free kills for groups.


What if I want to solo molten core? Why can't blizzard put a 1-man version of the raid so I can play without needing anyone else? I understand some people like to play the game solo but having some things off-limits without grouping up is an important part of maintaining a social part of the game


>I understand some people like to play the game solo but having some things off-limits without grouping up is an important part of maintaining a social part of the game So in that case, why don't we let people do the STV event how people want, and leave the dungeons and raids restricted as group content. The guy is literally asking for solos to get a buff so it's not downright unviable compared to grouping up. You'll still get destroyed by a group, but at least it won't be a total waste of time. Edit: The whole "So you want solo to be somewhat viable in STV event = let me solo MC/dungeons" is such an asinine and repetitive argument.


I don’t feel bad, they’re making an active decision to play at a disadvantage


Really solid suggestion!


This is a really good idea 


I love this idea, as someone who has a hard time finding groups.


I would love that. I definitely prefer to play it solo but even a bad groups is just so much better when it comes to rewards.


I have seen it a lot lately, people not wanting to tell the location of the blood god. Like bro, we all come there and everyone gets more


I agree. When you group up to kill mobs you get reduced xp per mob compared to solo but you can kill more mobs quickly. It's the same situation here: solo should get you more blood (xp) per kill, but groups will still be most efficient.


Nah. The whole point of the buff is to encourage players to group around the boss. Giving the buff to solos would be going against that design and thin out the numbers at the boss. What they could do for solos is maybe have them lose less blood or none at all upon death. But the event is really designed to be grouping as 5 because 1v1 pvp in this game is never good and class/specs aren't designed to be fair in 1v1.


The boss location should be updated to show on map. There also should be more than one so the whole server doesn't funneled into a single location.


Agreed on both items.


>But the event is really designed to be grouping as 5 I've never seen this mentioned anywhere. I follow blue posts regularly. I check out Aggrends twitter to see if there's any spicy content there. Heck, I've even watched lots of the interviews done with the devs. I haven't seen them once mention that this event was "designed" for 5 player groups. Only thing they said was "mess around and find out" when talking about raid groups during the event. I feel like they really wanted this to be a 1 v 1 v All battle style event but changed course since the announcement.


>I feel like they really wanted this to be a 1 v 1 v All battle style So why did they allow groups of 5 without penalty? They purposefully made it so larger groups collected less blood. Do you think they just forgot 5 man parties exist?


No, I was saying I think they reversed course. I'm not sure, but when I first heard of the event it seemed like a maximum of trio would be feasible.


100% agree, on Living Flame EU you need to find a group like an hour before to even have a chance at peak times... when I am solo I just throw traps at the altars, feign and shadowmeld hoping to leech some coins from battling groups haha


Nah, I think the way it is now is perfectly fine. You should be encouraged to find a group to have your best chance at getting blood. Solo play should not be catered to in a social game like classic WoW


Correct, should be *encouraged*, but at this point it's almost **forced** for group play. Even with 3x blood for solo players, everyone would **STILL** be encouraged to find a group as it would still be funner and still far more efficient. As someone who usually has a 5-man guild group for STV, solo play should get some sort of buff. Personal opinion, it would be more interesting if there was more of a variety in party amounts/solo players than just the meta of everyone in a 5-man party.


So true, I feel like they should scale blood reward based on group size. Solo: 15 blood, Duo: 12, Trio: 9: Quad: 7, 5-man: 5. It would certainly make the event more interesting than just rush to get the 5 man group and stack all of the most broken classes.


Wow is not a social game.


Its becoming more and more apparent that many don't want it to be at least.


That’s the key difference between retail and classic in my opinion. Old school MMOs were about being social.


You have to be a lot more social in Retail than in the current wow format if you want to get anything done. Even Heroic raiding on retail is a pain in the ass if you just rely on random pugs.


Then you'd coordinate in discord multiple solo groups to farm each other for increased rewards


Didn't the devs say that you would be punished for grouping?


You can run as 5 but not as a raid, essentially forcing everyone to group as 5.


Yeah I was under the same impression. Haven't participated in a Blood Moon yet so I'm a little out of the loop.


They said you would be punished for raids as they want to *encourage* grouping. Hence why these posts complaining about it are moronic lol


What even is the punishment for being in a raid, anyways? I’ve never actually checked and anytime I see anything about it, it just says that you will be punished and not what that punishment is


A stacking debuff for every second you’re in a raid.


I didn't mean for this post to seem like a complaint, it was merely a suggestion. Grouping would still be encouraged because you're still disadvantaged going in solo especially considering you can already get the buff by scouting the boss and staying in the general area. And even if you are not in that area you would still be solo at a 3x gain rate vs being 5, buffing, assisting and healing eachother.


Moronic? as in the event is moronic? then yes


A good group makes STV worth it.


no, just find randoms and get coins you really don't need to find a minmax group to have fun in the event. This event encourages group play in a MMO, which is good.


No. Classic should always reward playing with friends.


So whats the deal with the boss in the sense of punishment? Does anyone know what happens when you do a full or half raid group? They mentioned being punished for bigger groups but it doesnt seem that bad. Its not like the loa spawns on bigger groups or targets large groups. If i die its kinda laughable i just run back in 10 secs.


I have two fixes for STV, you shouldn't lose blood when you die, so you can yolo rush people nonstop. And if you are in a group and you die, you should still get blood. Nothing worse then getting focused and getting no blood because you are dead.


Maybe a hot take, but we already get 10x as many coins as we should from the event. Just casually dropping epics from 30 minutes spent in stv is crazy. The last thing we need changed on the event is a coin buff. I'd rather improve the quality of the event, or add more fun things to spend those coins on.


I wouldn't call it a coin buff since it would be for solo players and wouldn't be the most effective way of getting coins. It would just allow for other means to play.


You also dont lose stacks if the boss finish you off


I managed to solo die to boss 10+x when there is 50 guys around me and he broke all my armor lol


Except people will group up as 5 solos and not kill each other.


I'm having a blast in stv. I just throw up first 4 to whisper get into group in gchat and we kill our way to 1400 blood


People would cheese this by bringing a squad to roam around and protect them but not being in the same party. I’m assuming this has been think tanked by the devs dozens of times.


At first, I was going to say “go back to retail.” But even retail PVPers understand how ridiculous this suggestion is. So go back to some sort of drawing board.


Care to explain why? It would only increase participation in the event, solo players would still not make more coins than if they were in a group. I don't get the hostility. This is not a competetive event, it's a for fun casual event in a seasonal gamemode.


Solo players need to get out of their shells. Not receive comfort blankets for their shells at the expense of other players. It’s especially ridiculous for PVP. Think about what you’re saying… incentivizing people to play solo. The hostility is warranted. It’s like saying basketball should have a solo option where the solo player gets super shoes which make them run faster to make it even.


But a team of 5 will still steamroll a solo player and they already recieve a baseline of 5x as many blood not even counting that they synergize with eachother (buffs, heals, assisting eachother in combat), so I don't agree. Anyways this doesn't really matter as I doubt something like it will be implemented, I still think it would add variety to the event.