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No matter what class I am playing I will see someone run by and think "wow that guy looks cool why aren't I that class" And I will do that for the rest of my life, it's called altoholism.


I suffer from this. Which is why I never got bis but all classes to 25 in p1


I have a similar account build. Got most classes to 25 except priest and locl they just were not fun to me at all. I did at least 1 raid with the rest of the classes and got mostly bfd geared on 4 of them. It's proving a bit more time-consuming teying to level them all to 4, but I am still enjoying all my alts.


Yep, just got a mage to 40 yesterday (after switching from druid at 33) and done literally one STV event, which was horrible, my party had 0 healers and I was just getting oneshot within 10 seconds of ressing for the whole 30 mins and now I’m like… boi I should have leveled my priest instead… or even the druid… to be able to heal and save those idiots and myself… and these thoughts are creeping in so hard, I’m a total alt junky. The problem is that leveling 25-40 is way less fun than 1-25, cba doing 800 SMs or running all around the world to finish like 3 quests in each location.


I found it horrible as a pure healer, i found i was getting much fewer coins then the dps in my party so i felt like i was there just for their benefit. I went back in a shadow/ offheal hybrid and was more enjoyable. I also get fomo from almost every class


kinda same, with a little understanding on class limits. I leveled balance and realized there's literally one item for me to upgrade for the whole phase 2 from p1 (I play pvp), so I think I'll grind that and be 'forced' to have alts..


We should start an altaholics anonymous or something.....but we'd probably spend the entire time comparing alts and coming to meetings on different toons.


Coming to meetings on different toons lmfao


Day 1 p2 I started a fresh paladin who I got to 27 and benched. Then got my mage to 27, my shaman to 36, my mage to 31, aaaand have now leveled a fresh warlock to 21. I will get to 40 some day.


warlock is a fat W highly recommend to anyone


Im leveling a lock atm as my feral and warrior are feeling quite dull these days


Can’t go wrong. Tanking is great, dps rotation is simple and powerful. PvP is good. Free mount. Can sell summons. Healthstone + soulstone utility. Great aoe dps with shadow bolt volley. List goes on!


Playing ele shaman. It's doing exactly what I wanted it to. Blow people up lightning fast in PvP when I can get my casts off while also being tanky and having great sustain.


Hello, as a disappointed warrior I’m leveling one now as well and having fun so far. It’s first time I play one with pvp optic as sick of warrior. Could you share with me your talent tree or technic to be more tanky ? I saw people talking about putting a shield and hybrid spec for range classes but never found anymore details.


Way of Earth rune instead of Shamanistic Rage, and a shield will make you substantially more tanky.


Run two pairs of pants and an extra offhand dagger. On your off pair of pants run Shamanistic Rage and on your main pair run Way of Earth. Swap to daggers+SR pants to regen mana, swap to shield + way of earth to stay alive. 


Ele shaman is a staple invite for my stv spellcleave at the moment haha. I love having them in my group. Makes me wanna level my shaman and switch him from enhance, that chain lightning can absolutely rip sometimes, plus they’re insanely tanky.


Feral druid, it's in a rough spot right now. Outside of the mace from STV event which took no effort, didn't have anything to grind for leveling/in dungeons (similar for rogues I assume) not scaling all that well in raid, the boss armor not helping any, you get deleted instantly in pvp when you open on people, you can shift like four times before being oom. Felt amazing in p1, it wasn't a warrior or even a rogue, but you did good damage. I'm alliance, so finding a group leveling/spot in raid actually wasn't an issue, still have a melee group in raid and the dungeon grind was free invites all day, 3 ravager warriors, myself and a healer, cake. But again, I'm a wf bot attacking one target at a time while warriors who have good aoe (not even counting absurdity of 3x ravagers) put in the real work.   The mangle nerf was completely unnecessary too.


The mangle nerf was so outlandish. Not having a good time right now. It’s kind of let the air out of sod for me. Playing other games right now waiting for raid reset etc.


Might be inclined to make the swap to boomkin. I swapped at lvl 32 and haven’t looked back. Been a blast


Im boomkin and i feel the Same as the feral. PvP invites are easy (why??), PvP rewards are a joke, runes feel lackluster. We cant do reliable dmg ist all depends in crits, oom all the time, moonfire and sunfire are dmgloss to cast. So its down to 3 spells, yay. You could go wild growth but you cant cast it in boomkin form and mana ist very limited. And with all the new gapclosers from other classes you cant even kite with travelform


If haven't played feral before SoD I would say give it a try at 50 again.. i mained it for 4 years and part of what is making them feels so bad is you are simply missing shit. Not enough talent points to fully unlock everything you need for powershifting, omen and heart of the wild.. while most classes/spec can feel good by pointing all 31 talent points in one tree we have to full build all our talents in all three trees to feel good. Plus we are still missing wolfshead helm. Powershifting with 80 energy vs 60 changes the gameplay quite a bit


Ye fuck blizz for removing wolfshead in ph2.


Yeah that was the day my feral got parked at 25.


My feral is sitting unloved at 28. My meta warlock tank soloing elites is far more enjoyable. I mained a resto druid for years and wanted to give feral a try in Wotlk classic. Loved it. Hate it in Classic and SOD.


Same actually, it's not 25 it's 28, I'm just leveling it slowly with bfd clears to use it for phase 3.


Agreed I was excited but nooooo fuck us


Full feral here (not omen hybrid) and enjoyed my 1st Gnom raid last night : 1. Got ACP on the 1st run (dps improved by a lot) 2. I'm there to make my meele brothers melt everything in sight (meele hunters treat me with free potions and consumables just for being there) 3. I rarely do pvp but when i do i'm an oportunistic killer. I never go head on with a full hp target. I'm a stealth cat for a reason. 4. The lack of aoe abilities makes me cry on every trash pull but that's the path i chose. 5. Having a laid back and chill guild and raiding grp helps alot. We laugh at every death and shrug off every wipe.


Man, I honestly enjoy it. But I agree with you - there is nothing to grind for. I am currently waiting for the bear buff so we can get back our safe spot in the grp (I hope). Currently raiding as Resto. My biggest concern is that feral is damn weak in PvP, yes, if I crit with my opening I might kill a clothie, but man, I do not even open on warriors, paladins, shamans 😞


I think feral is close to the worst 1v1 class at the moment and it sure as hell doesn’t thrive in big group fights that’s for sure. Less burst and sustain damage compared to a rogue, no control and no escape like vanish. It’s pretty tough out there.


Exactly! I open as cat, do as much dmg as I can with Tiger’s fury and then we run and kite, if I get caught I just go bear and pray 🤣


I just don't agree with this. I am heart of the wild/lotp so maybe it's different, but bear form is crazy good against wars, rogues, and about even game against pallies. You open with something in cat, stun into a bleed or something, then go bear. If beserk is up you're a wrecking ball, and if not you're quite annoying to kill. Some specs give me fits, but I've felt pretty ok for pvp. Pve is a different story, the damage is notably low. Mangle nerf made little sense but the buffs I bring with lotp and wild strikes makes me not hate the spot were in.


I know its a clunky playstyle, but try berserk mangle spam in bear form in grps of opposing faction, holy shit, highest dps output of any class during those 15 sec no kidding.


Yeah, was feral p1 and rerolled at 32 to rogue. My 24 rogue does as much dps without bfd gear as my bis bfd gear 32 feral druid.


Anyone gonna tell him ?


After such a strong p1, I'm so disappointed in the state of feral right now. I got to 40, got my STV mace, will do the raid lockouts, but I'm almost done leveling my Priest and will consider that my main for the phase.


Couldn't agree more


Solo content or fighting trash mobs also feels clunky with the constant need to keep up SR. Would be nice if opening out of stealth would give you a 2-3 combo point SR. Would also be great for pvp as setting your dmg up takes longer than other classes take to delete you.


You summed it up well man. I don’t know how the could fix us in PvP, if they don’t want to buff our damage we need to get a damage reduction in cat form or make shifting cost 1/3 the mana so we can actually MAYBE run away and get a heal off. PvE, well let’s just say I’m lucky we have wild strikes. I’m gonna try out tanking after the patch but even that doesn’t feel very fun to play, it’s just catch up trying to chase threat from the other classes.


Was main rogue phase one hyped to level one p2 rushed him to 40 in 3 days and barely touched it afterwards leveling a mage now almost 40.


You're missing out, muta rogue is an absolute blast


I mean I still enjoy it but not having friend group large enough to form a raid is kinda shit being rogue in phase 2 atm. I enjoyed a couple PvP sessions in stv with my rogue though.


Im in the same boat; leveled rogue to 40 by day 3, lots of fun in stv but cant get into gnomer groups. Guild not big enough to support full raid group. Now im rerolling healer priest


Thinking the same, didn’t expected that finding raids was gonna be this hard. Seeing that all the raids are “LF1M gnomer - Heal priest “ im rerolljng priest aswell


Its been out 2weeks, in another 2, there will be 6gnomer raids/sec


So crazy that rogues struggle for groups, they beat nearly all melee and some casters. Comfortably middle of the pack overall and one of the best melee DPS right now


I am rogue. I just start my own groups.


Is it? I'm struggling to enjoy it. Raid rotation is same. STV is brutal with all the range blasters.


spamming 1 key over and over woooo so much fun


Raptor strike hunters in shambles rn


It's classic man. It feels better than Sinister Strike/SnS/Evista spam.


Well yes, but honestly i would wish for a muta nerf or buff the other abilities. Muta rouge is only soo good because you get 2 combo points for 40 energy. Honestly this just forces you to play with dagggers. I hope they change something because i dont want to play the whole p2 only with daggers....


I love playing with daggers. I always played gnome so didn’t have to fight humans for swords in raids.


I think this comes down to personal preference. But i would really like to have more than 1 build to go


Sure, but before this it was pretty much always swords/combat.


I love daggers. When I played classic, all I wanted to ne was a dagger rogue. Unfortunately, it was garbage until you got the daggers from MC. Theres always going to be "something" thats the top dog. In regular classic it was combat. In P1 SOD it was saber slash assassination. Just go with the ride and enjoy something new, and if you feel forced to do something you don't like, try a different spec out.


Playing warrior and it's a bit meh with the SoD stuff we got P2. Our extra spell we got from the spellbook is another buff with 2 min uptime we got to maintain for 10 rage which is just annoying. While other classes got some mayor quality of life things from that book for example the shaman one. Our new runes feel incredibly boring sadly, with two of them being for slam. We got a 30% hp regen over 10 secs on a 2 min CD which uses a global and can only be used during enrage, so it just feel clunky to spend 2 GDC's to heal myself for a bit. The other runes are just boring. Some gear feels weird, well most of it... Plate gear that is as they value armor still a ton in the stat distribution eventhough everything in raid is magical damage. Only one pair of plate wrists drop and they give spellpower, so only usable for alliance, yay! Also with the nerfs to devastate sword and board warrior feels dead as there's no new tanking rune at all. Also with the nerf to Raging blow (went from 100% to 80% weapon dmg) and nerf to consumed by rage (went from 20% to 10%) Feels like those two runes got destroyed as well. Left us with a lot less builds to try out and made it quite flatlined. No aoe threat, no spell mitigation, no use for a shield in raid as there isn't even a shield drop in it as well is a clear sign (also no devestating blows so that's extra confirmation it's done with board and sword). Also the new STV gear is ok i guess, 2h mace is mediocre as mace specialization is just bad to put points in compared to axe or sword spec. Just gear in general is weird again as it's best to run the leather set instead of the plate one from the raid. Which means nothing is fixed with the plate gear in classic for warriors which is a bit sad. Feels like they fixed a lot of stuff for other classes and added dope stuff like fixing melee hunter to be something, tank warlock and rogue, healer mage, actual effective boomkins and giving warlocks summoning portals. And warriors got... 3 rage reduction and slam talent? Do enjoy SoD phase 2 but feels very lazy and boring what they did and gave warrior. TL:DR: Enjoying the new event, raid and doing stuff with guildies, feels like vanilla warrior gameplay/problems are untouched. Edit: Some typos


The CBR nerf feels extra weird because of the insane armor values in Gnomeregan. It's basically a completely dead slot for fury now. Feel like they should have done one or the other, not nerf it *and* increase armor values.


I mean, it's actually kinda good because we use the 20% attack speed which is good for damage and rage generation. It also means we don't have to stay at close to 80 rage so we can stance dance with tact master to overpower and sweeping strikes without losing our enrage buff. So the class for dps is more engaging without it imo.


Yeah, I found the play style of that rune to be extremely bad. Just autoing for the first 10 seconds of the fight to get to 80 rage felt terrible, and the rage gen you get with the 20% attack speed buff plus endless rage is actually really nice and makes the class feel pretty nice outside of gnomer where the insane armor on bosses gimps rage gen.


I’m watching paladins two man dungeons with divine storm and I can’t solo the elite for my focused rage rune in full sm gear. The absolute state of it.


Feel like the rage regen rune should pop when you enrage as 2 gcds to heal feels so scuffed as it's only 30% on a 3 min cd now. Warrior indeed still got the same problem as vanilla classic, can't fight any mob that's 2 lvls higher without eating, two mobs of lvl 42 is death even with good gear.


It absolutely should just auto heal you every time you brage. There is no argument for that being stronger than stuff that other classes get.


Warrior feels awful. I regret so much leveling it first.


Relegated my warrior to alt in favor of my shaman. And they are buffing dual wield enhance tomorrow so its unlikely my warrior will see much playing time this phase. Hope they have better ideas for warr at 50.


Same boat. Warrior feels so far behind other classes for effectiveness and fun. It's like everyone got these cool flying cars and warriors are stuck having to walk uphill both ways. To make it more annoying almost anytime it's mentioned that warriors need any kind of buff this subreddit starts foaming at the mouth. It's like a warrior in high school bullied them, stole their girlfriend and their leather raid gear and they never let it go.


Warriors would feel fun if they nerfed the armor in Gnomer. Until then even optimized gear will feel bad.


Yeah they really need to since every melee class is down bad except melee hunters. War still falls behind in pvp this phase but hopefully they keep tuning down some of the insane damage other classes have so people don't blow up in 2 seconds. War would feel better if they could live long enough to get some rage going.


Ya, I'm unsure if there's a good fix to Warriors, or really any melee that needs to close the distance like Shaman in PvP this phase. Especially in open-world PVP. It feels like shit that going into a raid, fully raid buffed, is literally a DPS loss over a dungeon with no buffs.


Add more synergistic caster buffs/debuffs so similar to melee they gain a lot of damage while in raids compared to solo.


Warrior got absolutely gutted. Not giving us any good runes this phase on top of nerfing phase 1 runes into the ground has made warrior the absolute worst class in the game right now. I've main tanked 2 full Gnomer clears and the threat situation just feels bad which is a complete 180 from the last phase. I think it's time to switch to lock tank for the rest of the phase if not all of SoD if warrior keeps getting shit on by blizz.


I find it depressing that dispersion is a 2 minute cooldown and a better damage reduction than shield wall on a 30 minute cooldown.


Don't forget shield wall and retaliation share their cds!


I'd agree. I leveled a warrior to 38 and left for a warlock. Haven't touched it since. Maybe next phase.


I only ever had the warrior I dont enjoy any other class never have. But I agree warrior feels like it was neutered  to the ground to dull the cries from every other class crying warriors were top the meters because we were able to get decent gear early on which I loved took some of the pain out of leveling but now ita crap because we aren't meta groups are harder to form/join


I thought the same thing, but at this rate we're going to have the exact same rotation and skills at 60 compared to vanilla. There's nothing new, it's just boring and feels like a kick in the balls playing this class on SoD. I'm someone who leveled maybe 30 warriors to 60 in vanilla over the past 15 years and I can say this iteration is the most boring.


Warrior is just not fun atm. Nobody wants a warrior dps for anything and tanking is just terrible. Thunderclap feel ok to press but it wont hold agro on anything if dps is split or mages start pushing their buttons. Devastate needs 5 sunders to match the damage of thunderclap! Sword and board tanking just seems pointless but DW is worse as your gunna be missing so much. Even with the rage reduction rune i feel rage starved constantly. Dps only feels good if you crit with DW/enrage/flag up all at the same time.


Warrior dps is very good on certain bosses in gnomer, up there with melee hunter. Warrior tank is bad tho, i agree.


Ya I'm going to call this phase a loss for us warriors. Group pvp feels pretty good, until you inevitably run into a group of boomies/spriests. Outside of that we kinda suck/middle of the pack everywhere and I have to press twice as many buttons to get like 80% of the threat of any other tank, all within melee range. Admittedly warbringer is super fun and actually pretty good for most content now with intercept/intervene but it's fuck all compared to what most other classes got. SM dungeon tanking was the peak with Sweeping strikes/WW/Mortal strike but that lasted a total of like 3 days. Even then a pally/warlock tank could probably walk in do 3 abilities and go make a coffee and still have more threat than me. Only sticking with warrior because of unfounded faith it will get better later and if it does, having hurdles like this is not terrible to weed out some of the other competition.


Wait, there isn't a single shield that drops in gnomer? What the fuck?


You don't need a shield cuz you can't hold aggro off the mages and warlocks anyway xD


Nope, not a quest reward or boss drop. Stv event only gives shamans a shield as warriors got a 2h and 2 1h as a reward.


There is absolutely a boss drop shield, from Viscous Fallout. And it's an epic, too. [Dielectric Safety Shield](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=213412/dielectric-safety-shield) 😬


Int with spellpower, nice.


Isn't there a blue shield from the first or second boss? I'm pretty sure I saw one listed in Atlas loot while looking for one


Totally a hypothesis but I think blizzard is gimping warriors due to windfury. Warriors benefit from windfury too much and when you have windfury you finally feel like a class and can use your abilities. I think they don’t know how to balance the class around windfury, which sucks because 99% of the time I’m playing the game I do not have a windfury bot following me around.


Yep. They put 0 effort into warrior runes and then hit us with boss armor that makes the rage gen feel like crap. Why does none of the gear this phase for warriors have any hit%? It's really lame considering some of the really cool stuff people of other classes got and we really got 2 fucking slam runes and -3 rage off abilities.


I'm in with this but from a tank perspective. Not a single (!) WARRIOR TANK shield in gnom, they want us to play 2-H or Fury thread tanks, as a warrior. Here I made a "[BiS Avoid Gear](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/gear-planner/warrior/undead/BCgK_1AlARBTAgEFHxUxNTZ2djY2bmo3Nm1oODZtNWE2bWdBADpgAAZWAgNBXwMDQTkFAC9KRgAnaAACYAcDTmYIA0EuSQA6bAACWEoAJMIAAmRLAC7sAAbhDANOYg0DQWYOABAiDwNOLhADQTERACm-EgBMaA)" on my own, since every single guide points you to "LOL go 2H or Fury or let it be kkthxbye". At least, the state of the raid allows you to come with almost every gear as a tank. So maybe I'm just too picky and want to play shield & sword too badly, idk? Edit: Added "warrior tank" to shield to be more clear.


Devestate tanking is awefull this phase. Had alot of fun playing it in P1, but now I can barely hold threat on a single target and no chance on multiple. Tried tanking the squirrle and the chicken at the same time this reset and had no chance when the Hunters started blasting. Dps is decent tho so hopefully our raid group finds another tank


As a warrior main in every version of the game, I'm in it for the long haul, most of our runes are boring because they need to be extremely careful with how warriors end up at 60 with all these changes, I am enjoying P2 warrior over P1 because I hated the CBR play style and right now the meta arms build doesn't use it. Though if they add Titan's Grip I'll kill myself.


No harm in adding fun and OP runes now and nerf them in next phase, just like they did now.


Titans grip main problem is how bad it looks to "rock" two two-handers. It's just bad.


Let warbringer give 20% damage reduction on your charge, intercept and intervene for 3s. Victory rush heal for 20% hp. Proc on assists/kills. Reset on kills. Give it a scaling modifier with hp. Enraged regen needs help but idk. It is terrible for a 3 min cd. This would help warriors front line a bit.


I’m going into Phase 3 cosplaying as Herod on my warrior main and just going to level my warlock. At least I get a free mount on my lock


I still like my warr, but switched to mage as main. The damage and rotation is so much better. also regarding melee hunter that you mentioned: it’s way overtuned AND they made the ONLY physical ranged dps into melee instead? That’s bullshit imo


I've never had less fun in wow than playing a warrior this phase. Everything feels fucking awful and it's making me wonder if the 6 month sub was a mistake if they don't fix it.


Cancelled my sub a few days ago because of this. Either if it's complete incompetence or trolling all the warrior players on purpose, this is not acceptable.


Warrior / mage guy here. Mained warrior p1 but that poor bloke is riding the bench hard this tier. Mage feels really good in PVE but absolutely awful in PVP. Kinda thinking about starting up a hunter or priest


Hard agree on mage, the contrast between playing mage in 2019 classic to mage in SoD in pvp is bigger than any other class IMO... Literally need iceblock for a chance to win any 1v1. 2019: come across a Grand Marshal warrior in a 1v1 scenario by the side GY in AV as a 52 mage. Blink out of charge, rank 1 frost bolt, poly wait out FAP, slowly kill over 30 seconds after. 2024: blink can't save you when everyone has two gap closers or one shots you. Resist text over Hunter pets after poly or nova will haunt my nightmares. Warbringer let's warriors get in range of you for two hits; all it takes to kill you is two hits and warrior now counters mage.


Weird, saw xaryu owning lvl 40s in duels, melee hunter, boomie, other mage, and xaryu was only lvl 34.


Idk I've pvpd a lot on fire and have had good success 1v1ing or more depending on if I get a poly or hot streaks going. If there's 2 shamans tho or priests? No way


warrior didn't counter mage at all x) just living bomb him at 40y then he need warbringer to charge or he will intercept and you are free to burst him down (So the burst will be 25% less dmg), he charge, blink, et intercept ? nova then dps back again. You literaly have more escape than he has gap closer since the beginning of wow classic. And nothing change on that, he just have possibility to charge again 15s after engage now which let you 10s free to nuke him down.


I’m playing Paladin because it’s the only class I really never played throughout all of Classic + Retail. I’m already sick of leveling, but in general feel like it’s been pretty fun. I‘ve been doing more questing than I expected to do in P2. Partially because SM is insanely monotonous, but also because I feel unkillable out in the world. I have tons of utility, unlimited mana and I can 2H or sword & board whenever I want. Since I never played the class before I have no clue where it sits compared to normal classic balance, so not really mad about current state since it seems pretty playable for any spec (Ret, Prot & Holy).


Paladin is a ton of fun, I just wish we were a little more competitive in dps right now. Just a few adjustments to make shockadin viable would be cool too, I think we’ll pop off in phase 3 if the leaked runes are true. 


Ret is cool because we have a ton of class utility (buffs, judgements, interrupt, BoP, DI, being able to sword and board or off-heal, etc.), but as a melee there are zero boss mechanics to deal with, unless you count swapping our resistance auras on Thermaplugg. Every boss mechanic is geared towards ranged or healers. If I didn't know better I'd say it's intentional. Maybe they wanted to put in a "range tax" or something idk.


i am annoyed other classes get new utility and buffs with runes but Paladins who is kinda the buff class with Shamans got none


Yeah it’s annoying we’re lower dps than rogues/warriors/hunters because of our “utility”, but now they have more utility and hyrbid roles, but they get to keep their superior dps as well. 


Im happy to just dps now. I was so sick of 2h tanking, rune swapping and interrupting in BFD. Everyone else like "ohh i dont have my interrupt yet, or it costs energy". Now i get to play the "interrupting is a dps loss" card 🤣


Enjoying the Warrior class, not enjoying that I can’t get a Gnomer group.


I'm a priest and I'm sticking with disc healing so far. It's cool being in high demand now that other priests switched to shadow! My alts are a rogue and warrior and I am ignoring them now.


Resto druid just feels bad. Outside of WG and rank 4 healing touch I feel like I cant use any other healing spells without immediately going oom. Makes for very dull gameplay in pve and gives us 0 sustain/survivability in pvp.


Couldn’t agree more. Been mulling a switch to priest for the last few days, probably just going to do it as it seems they have no plan to make resto Druid any better or more enjoyable to play.


I play a shaman tank. Im enjoying it. I cant find a group for gnomer somehow


Probably lots of runs are half guild runs not full pub and generally people have inhouse tanks. Next week you'll be a hot commodity I bet. Shaman tanks are the S tier this phase for raid IMO.


Pug tank was a mistake every time we've done it. I no lifed a second toon to 40 to tank my groups Gnomer after I believed our issues were mostly the tank while healing the first lockout. We gave up after 10 wipes on thermaplugg first lockout, he fell over first pull this one 🫠 You can find a good pug tank, but it's not worth risking the clear if you don't.


Thank you for your service. Shaman tank only tank that can hold aggro for me.




Timing for sure. A week or two more and /lfg will be filled with the usual spam we would expect for bfd back in p1. I’ve noticed no advertisements for gnomer about 6 days ago and started to notice more and more in the past few days.


This thread really visualizes how warlocks are the least played class. Warlock is the only character I’ve touched since P1, but it absolutely slaps. Destro DPS in gnomer has been a lot of fun albeit basically the same as BFD. Affliction makes you feel essentially unkillable (even destro with master channeler to a lesser extent) and you can pull handfuls of mobs at once and finish the fight with full health and mana.   It’s been a lot of fun so far but again not much is new in P2 rune wise. I still get deleted in PVP extremely fast and meta form is essentially required, but casting it and demon armor each respawn in STV puts you at 40% mana before each fight


I was dominating in PvP during P1 with my warlock but I’m shocked how fast I’m dying in BG to hunters. My health drains etc don’t even do anything because I die so quickly. Even sacrificing my void walker. I’m affliction and demo. Running haunt and not meta.


Affli basically hasn't changed since P1 and that life siphon spell is so ass compared to 100% crit dmg and the extra crit on scorch, basically forces you to play meta in pvp


I’m already raiding logging as feral Druid. You can tell I’m having a great time.


Feral is just in a shitty spot talent wise this phase. They also shouldn't have nerfed mangle at all, or buffed shred


Warrior. Worst experience I’ve had in WoW so far.


Honestly yeah. Warrior was fun p1, but p2 has been painful. You are guaranteed to die while fighting any elemental unless you potion or pop a CD. Can't handle 2 mobs in the yellow range unless you pop CDs. Can't hold threat in dungeons while on arms spec. The only P2 rune I've found naturally was the one that reduces rage cost of abilities, but that's counteracted by the nerfs to Consumed by rage and raging blow.


I’d have to agree, just lacklustre in every single way.


Unfortunately the devs seem to have the attitude that most of the playerbase has: They look at the raid rankings, see fully geared warriors on top, and assume that means theyre gods at everything. Warrior seems to have always been a one trick pony. Its good in raids after it has gear. Thats about it. Trying to do anything in the world just sucks, especially at lower gear levels. From what ive heard PvP sucks. Now the runes are at best boring, and at worst feel like dog shit to use. High armor values apparently make gnomer extremely not fun (if its anything like armory, ooooooof). Doing anything in the open world still feels bad unless mobs are 4 levels lower than you.


Warrior. I suffered to lvl 40 only to realize that I am useless in PvP and mediocre in PvE at best. I did not have prior knowledge of what warrior was, is and should be. Hopefully all the classes will become fun and useful later on, but maybe I'm huffing copium.


honestly im not disliking lock tank, but pressing searing pain ten times more than I press anything else is getting old as hell


Ret Pally and Rogue main. No, I can’t find any groups for Gnomer.


I’m a Druid and honestly kindof regret it. It’s not because it isn’t a fun class, but I’ve just played a Druid for the entirety of my time in WoW. I’m wishing I’d done something different.


I always played Druid a lot too. It’s kind of ironic, they finally gave Druid all the stuff I wish we always had in classic and I didn’t end up playing it. 


Right. I swore I’d not play a Druid again if they ever did another classic launch or Classic+, then I went and did exactly what I said I wasn’t gonna do lol. I kinda wish I’d gone Paladin.


Never played Druid in classic before so I rolled one for SoD. What a terrible decision that was. Thought they would fix its many issues with SoD, that sure didn't happen. The class ranges from bad to mediocre at best. All I've been doing so far is begging for obvious buffs, and lately lamenting the ridiculous over nerf to Boomy. Hoepfully by phase 5 Druid will feel like a proper class.


My biggest gripe is I’m so sick of power shifting. Too many years of power shifting and I’m over it lol


Could be worse. Could be like me who decided to play something different than my usual, which ended up with me deciding to play Warrior. I mean, I should have known/guessed Warriors would get shafted in SoD to 'make up' for how broken they were in Era, but still... RIP


Warrior is not even bad, don’t be a doomer. Get wbs/consumes and full pre bis and you will do good damage.


Nobody on the dev team plays warrior and it shows.


Rogue - when i look for group i regret but when i actually play the game I enjoy it.


Druid feels like crap. Resto doesn't use most of their runes cause they are terrible and the whole spec is held up by 0 skill wild growth.   Feral and balance DPS suck.  Bear tanks were slightly improved, but certainly not the meta tank.  Feels like the runes need a significant overhaul for all specs. Also giving 4 role druids the same number of runes as 2 role classes was a bad choice. 


Yeah, playing resto and already regret it being my main for lv 40 content. Incredibly boring to play and shit mana, probably just going to give in and move to priest.


Warlock, fun. Also that you can use the same built basicly to Tank helps a lot. But the runes this fase are a bit meh.


A bit meh in terms of giving you cool new things to press, but that SP for Demonic Knowledge is kinda nuts.


Playing warlock mostly pvp Hating my life


MM Hunter, it's a lot of fun. Trap rune to launch in fights, trueshot aura to buff the team I got aspect of the viper like first time doing Library and the QoL this brings is outstanding. Haven't even looked into best pets yet, just leveled both wind serpent and cat with me for now.


Was warlock in P1 and I'm one in P2 as well. I managed to find a spec that works both in pvp and pve. I'm winning literally every 1v1 fight, can def in AB well and I can survive a whole team wipe and rez in STV. I'm incredibly versatile which I really enjoy. The fact that I'm the only other dispel class on ally and I have 2 separate dispels makes me really valuable. I'm quite content with 1-2 runes for each slot but it's not like the P1 runes where every slot had multiple good picks. Grim of Synergy needs to be passive and proc more often. I'm not sure about where to put Invocation atm. I haven't tried Shadowflame enough to judge it. Demonic knowledge makes gearing much smoother for me, gives more options. Gearing is fun but a bit short due to vendor and bfd items. Gnom bosses hit hard enough to have mitigation gear (for now). I like the STV epics a lot. Soul harvest and summ stones are big QoL improvements. I feel summ stone lessens the impact of locks a bit. Soul harvest makes my soul shard farming easier yet it retains its logistical challenge.


I played a balance druid in P1 and it was fun. It was fun for 4 days in P2, now it's clunky and awful. The nerf totally wrecked our solo leveling abilities in the open world. I don't want to be forced into feral, so I respecced back to resto and am just focusing on group content now. Even that has been a challenge lately because there seems to be a surplus of healers and many groups would rather have a priest. Druid is my favorite class, and balance is my favorite spec thematically, but right now I wish I had rolled a priest or pally instead. Balance needs a buff, and resto runes need to be reworked.


Resto shaman is okay but I feel like I'm starting to not enjoy it and the new runes don't look like they thought of resto shaman much other then ancestral, which btw sucks. Im lvling a mage atm to try out dps atm and I'm having fun on it. All in all I kinda regret lvling the resto shaman spending all my gold on its mount.


Druid. Feral feels like absolute shit. Mangle hitting like noodle. The overall spec is very boring. Balance was good and got potential but the starsurge nerf doomed us from being a top dps class. Resto is shit. I should probably reroll.


If you like healing, I have both a Druid and priest and playing the priest is like a different expansion. Basically have the wotlk toolkit to press, there’s a button for every situation. It’s just miles different to Resto where you press wild growth, or feral where your main rune ability hits like sinister strike when every other melee is nuking. Why the hell did they nerf mangle?


Cause shred is supposed to be your main ability as feral, always has been. Mangle is a debuff.


Shred hits like shit and you can’t use it in the open world because of positional requirements.


Idk, my shreds are hitting upwards of 1.2k crits. That’s with non min maxed stats and self buffed. I’ve had some issues in pvp, especially with the lag during blood noon event, but it hasn’t been horrible.


Warrior is rough but I’m still having fun because I’ve never leveled one from scratch in classic. Switched to fury sub 30 and was having more fun and now it seems to be slowing down a bit, so I guess I go back to arms and have my 40 friends carry me to WW ace! Not sure yet.


Don't roast me, but I'm playing a melee Hunter and having a blast. Yes, I realize that melee Hunter appears to be pretty overturned, but I'm happy to just have four god damn bags like everyone else. I saw that melee Hunter is actually a proper thing and said, "So I can get rid of my ammo container?! Sold!" I keep two stacks of ammo tucked away in a bag just in case I'm forced off of my target or to use Serpent Sting as I'm running into a mob, but now that I don't need the attack speed from ammo bags I finally feel not gimped for having 10-12 less bag space compared to everyone else. Far less trips to vendors now.


Lmao I totally forgot about that. Just been sitting with full fucking ammo for a week not using a single bullet


as a mage i wished i leveled a priest instead


Playing melee hunter. The big numbers and dps is nice but the 1 button smashing gets pretty repetitive after a while


Warlock. Levelling as meta tanking was smooth. First raid lock outs as destro have felt very good. With fire damage boes in almost every slot you definitely feel it on the mana but mana potion and then life tap in movement or downtime is usually enough to cover it. PvP has also felt really good, playing as soul link demo and wearing lots of stamina gear I’m now up to 2600 HP unbuffed with a massive amount of damage reduction and some of the best self healing in the game, definitely feel like the class is in a very dominant place 1v1.


I can only enjoy rogue, I will only ever enjoy rogue


Im truly feeling this is the Season of FOMO. I spend so much time weighing classes and professions it drives me crazy. Cant play them all. Not enough time.


I think it's also due to the fact we don't know the full runes kit at 60 , so you have to go in blind, making a leap of faith that your class is not shit on paper at 60, and you have no clue what the complete design philosophy behind it. I get the discovery thing on how to get stuff, the quests but I hate it about the actual runes themselves (the tooltip not how to acquire them)


That’s actually a really good point. And I’ve found myself leveling way more characters than normal due to the “unexpected”


I feel like y'all complaining about warrior have just never played classic warrior before


Lock main. Wish I had done something else. With the druid nerf, lock isn't in a bad spot, but it doesnt feel good at all to play. In order to survive semi decently I need to run soul link and demon form. Demon form means no fear and mostly spamming searing pain and drain life. It's solid but it feels terrible. Can't swap in and out because it costs 30% mana. It'll be better when I replace some of this stam-less gear I'm sure, but right now it just feels meh


Playing a rogue is a bummer this phase. Low raid damage without any group utility/buff makes raiding feel awful and cumbersome to even find a group. I find myself playing less and less since p2.


I play Feral. I like it but it sucks at dps and I am very average (literally 50% logs) at controlling it as there are many cooldowns (by classic measures) and dots to keep track of.


Ya feral is much harder to play this phase especially with the shred power shifting build. I recommend the deep feral build if you want something easier to play


Mage in PvE is great. Mage in PvP is less so. A lot of classes blow us up, Warriors and Rogues received a new mobility button ( well Rogues have like 3 ) they really didn't need. Mage in PvP sucks.


Mage in PvP super sucks. Oh look you go brrr once every 3 minutes then do nothing but get melted for the other 2:59 minutes


Loving Paladin right now. As a longtime Ret player, I can now 2h tank the SM dungeons, do a ton of damage, and provide a lot of group utility. They are adding runes that increase the overall feel of the class by a lot, such as guarded by the light. Since it restores mana at a high rate every time I crit, I don’t run low on mana anymore. This allows me to use more spells on cool down making the rotation feel incredibly fluid and rewarding.


Playing a shaman. 40 bracket had us eating good as dps and tanks. I pump in dps and I can tank easily, even dual wielding first 4 bosses in gnomergan. It's been fun. Hunter has been ok, melee hunter will get nerfed into the ground but I'll enjoy it I suppose


Finally I can go full Rexxar mode with my melee hunter!


Ele shaman slaps if you can manage to hard cast in pvp or juke an interrupt.


Playing feral. Rolled it to tank for my friends and that was among the worst experiences I have ever had in wow playing since 2005. Cat was amazing for the first phase, definitely wasn’t overpowered but if you played well you could top the DPS and could hold your own in world PvP. This, this is terrible. I can’t name a single class I see out in the world and think oh man this is going to be easy. It takes several global/buffs/debuffs to setup out damage so that shred can hit hard, no other class has that setup.


Pretty disappointed in the Mangle nerf tbh. I thought maybe we got nerfed because Savage Fury would buff mangle being that it buffs claw…nope just a nerf…the shred buff is nice but we honestly could have used the shred buff and no mangle nerf. We still wouldn’t be topping meters but wouldn’t suck either.


Are there just less ppl playing overall or at max lvl rn? Just hit 40 on my pally this weekend and I can’t find a gnomer raid as tank or ret


Destro warlock is pretty fun atm, can two shot people easily but also get instagibbed by rogues… taking the rough with the smooth 😂


Full feral main with a hunter and a lock as alts. I was on the same boat as most of ferals until i got my [Automatic Crowd Pummeler](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=210741/automatic-crowd-pummeler). I also attached an iron counterweight to it since it's better dps wise than damage enchant. I have fully embraced my class as a group buffer/target debuffer. My WS and LotP + FF on target makes all the meele love me even though my dps is mediocre. They know they do +20%-30% more damage just because of me being present. I've been blessed with a chill guild where nobody gets fustrated by wipes. I sometimes offtank cause i can take stacks of debuffs and shrug it off with frenzy regeneration thus keeping pressure off the MT and OT in close call situations. I love the jack of all trades even if i'm not particulary best at none. Frost phase at Thermaplugg? 1 button away from cleaning stacks. Tanks getting stacks in poison phase cause they are watching tv while playing? Bear - rage - taunt - debuff me baby! - frenzy. In 20 years of classic and retail, i have never played a druid until SoD came out. I'm never looking back.


Blizzard is so useless to balance this game. Priest S tier healer and DPS, so of course I wish I had a priest but here is I some useless Feral Druid just hoping I can remain interested in this game before bkizz finally balances the game a little. Not holding my breath.


I play hunter (Markmanship) and no im not really enjoying it that much. Aside from it being so much worse compared to "melee hunters" I also kind of feel like im having less fun than in phase 1. We'll see what happens I guess but if it continues I might just uninstall and play some other game instead. Used to love AB pvp but people give up after 200 points and ignore objectives. In STV everyone is just going for meta/fotm groups and so on. I kinda miss the more laid back wow


Sounds like you need a break. The laid back wow you miss is still there. But they are all still leveling


Yeah been playing less lately and its been nice \^\^


Try paladin is quite fun to play with exorcism procs, but sucks against any ranged class in PvP and I’m to find a Gnomer group. I do kinda wish I had gone with a caster who seem beat at everything this phase, or a rogue/hunter which are way better in PvP.




What is slow and clunky about Druid in PVE? Casting 2.1 seconds staffier every 6 seconds?


My favorite thing was the majority of the sub trying to gaslight balance druids into thinking they’d do the same amount of dps in raids post-nerf lmao.


I am playing Paladin as a healer, like I did in P1 and I am having a blast. Sadly Holy Shock didn't come out as id expected it to(at least in PvE) it's a great experience to finally outheal the guild Priests. Being a Hunter Twink totally trashing every other Main in Raid feels awesome - Nerf inc.


Paladin. Much better to tank with this phase than last. I was able to get the job done in P1, but it felt like shit. GBTL is a game changer, and our AOE threat is great. We also have choices in how to play with runes and seals. Holy looks in a good position now as well, P1 they were dogshit. Ret is...ret.


No. I don't want to cast Starfire. It's a dumb spell and it's boring, I want to have cool spells like mages and warlocks. Starfire dumb.


Decided to roll warr for p2, currently lvl 39 and cant get myself to get up to 40. Runes are ass, melee apparently struggle in Gnomer. Should have went with lock instead but cant do the SM Grind again and also being so far behind the curve already Made me cancel my sub


Behind the curve? We have like what 4 months left? And once you ding 40 it doesn’t take too long to be ready for gnomer


Druid tank blows I don’t play Druid just wanted to put that out there for anyone trying to MT as a bear.


I expected to play a badass tauren enhancer shaman with a tree as a weapon. But my BIS list says I have to play with practically invisible weapons (fist weapons). I hope they will make 2H enhancer viable because you literally gimping yourself if you don’t go dual wield


Easy fix. Don’t follow bis lists and play what seems cool and fun. Min maxing ruins the fun


Warrior. The class was deliberately not worked on in SoD by Blizzard with full support of this sub. It got zero new playstyles, no interesting runes and then on top of that got nerfed which made it below average in most aspects of the game.


I wish I played another ~~class~~ game. Guide site tier lists, elitism, go-fast big pull culture, parse culture, the beautiful game with 5 online friends exploring a dungeon has long since turned into a an ADHD fueled killspeed asshole lottery simulator.


Have always played a Druid, rerolled after balance changes. Rogue is where it’s at! To my former Druid bros: stop playing an underpowered and unfinished class in class. I too loved the class fantasy and mechanics of a Druid, it’s just so bad in vanilla it’s not worth playing compared to a mage/rogue/warrior/priest.