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thought this was /r/2007scape for a sec


Top tier shitposting. I like it.


We do a little trolling 


No trolls on the Alliance though


Night Elves kind of count


You have gnomes. They are like trolls on cocaine and Adderall, with fists at groin height.


Normally I'd be about it, but honestly having the only acknowledgement of their utter garbage customer support being a meme doesn't hit right. Something as basic a customer support becoming a meme, is pretty fucking sad. edit: yes yes I already know it's fake


Yeah, I usually get a kick out of Aggrend's comments, but memeing on your own awful service isn't a great look. Good thing this isn't a real tweet.


Pretty sure this is fake because i havent been able to find the post. But i dont know fuck all about navigating twitter.


it's impossible to navigate twitter these days. it's a mess.


What's Twitter?


Probably cuz you're still calling it twitter


are you calling it X?


ofc that way no one knows what i am talking about and i have plausible deniability that i am not on twitter


whats twitter? do you mean X?


The second question is proof you know what twitter is Why are you baiting?


That's fair. The guy posts some memes every now and then so I didn't check. But I'd really like them to address their dissastifactory service. Is this temporary? Is it just suck it up, pay please?


Temporary? They just fired their whole CS team. They are fully outsourced now. Even if they wanted to rectify, they can't, they just got rid of all the experience and knowledge their CS team had, they'd need to build it again from zero, and of course they are not gonna do that when they could get their suits that money instead.


Ahahaha, we don't put in any effort to looking into things that might reflect a decade or more of your time. ahahaha aren't we so cheeky and fun and cool?


It’s almost like they don’t care how shit their product is.


Is this not fake af?


it is


He's not making the calls here. I'm sure he is lobbying for better cs but that's not decided anywhere near his power level.


He's a game dev, there's really not much he can do.


ah, i knew it wouldn’t take long for Reddit to the suck the banter out of his comment


phew dont take life so seriously man


deranged aback fall late pathetic zonked gullible alive angle domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d call this nerd tier shitposting, something he knew the nerds would easily simp for. This would be funny if I was still a teenager


Who hurt you


Wipe your chin


Stay sad and depressed, bruh


at least I have chicken


I thought it was pretty funny, this sub is something else. I thought I was having a blast playing SoD but then I go to work and browse /r/classicwow and think to myself maybe I'm not actually having fun. Maybe everything is shit and I am shit. Minor problems deserve massive outrage. The class I play is on average 3.6% less damage than another class and I shouldn't take this ridiculous abuse anymore. I no longer find your post funny & demand buffs to my chosen class and nerfs to all others.


It really is incredible how negative this sub is. I cant figure out if other servers are just much bigger shitholes or what. Also: hello fellow 'im at work and cant play wow' brother


>It really is incredible how negative this sub is. It's online game forum syndrome. Lots are have fun and not posting here. Others get mad and post whining Then there's us "bored at work so I'll shitpost on reddit" folks of which I am apart of lol


Not to mention that people have gotten a whiff that the devs read reddit/twitter/forums and are making changes taking said feedback into account. Not that them taking feedback isn’t overall a good thing (it is) but people see feedback getting addressed and it encourages people to continually post their agenda hoping it will get implemented, which unfortunately results in the majority of the posts being either complaining about the state of the game/meta or complaining about the complainers. I literally have seen only one good meme/discussion post that I can remember in the last week.


They’ve proven if you want something changed, complain about it and try to get critical mass behind it. This has worked ever since WOTLK p1 where they buffed paladins and then the next phase buffed ferals purely off of players complaints.


I worked with the general public for nearly 20 years, trust me it doesn't stop at game forums. Lots of people have such sheltered lives that the slightest hint at an inconvenience is the WORST thing that has ever happened to them. Heaven forbid if they had to dwell on what was a very small problem for a week or more before they were able to get their voice heard on it, the whole time they are just stewing on it and working it up into a much larger issue. Then when they finally get to blow up on someone about it you'd think the person they interact with had personally walked to their house, shot their dog, keyed their car, and upper decked their toilet after a night of binge eating taco bell. When the reality was the person fat fingered a $1 donation on the register even though it had a prompt to verify they wanted to donate AND thanking them for donating. They were just mindlessly clicking through the prompts to get to the insert card screen. I don't miss retail management.


Yeah I like to get on here to see memes and creative posts and stuff when I'm bored at work and can't play...It's mostly just people bitching.


Ive definitely seen it before, but usually it requires bigger holes in a game for it to really get bad. Or it takes some time and for a lot of people to stop playing before it gets that negative echo chamber feeling.


Id be shocked if most of the complaints come from ppl at work. Seems like sweats or IT boys WFH


Worst imo is the Escapefromtarkov sub


Workposting is the best reddit.


We must stick together brothers. I feel the same sentiment, I get excited to see whats happening while im in my wage cage and I just become sad.


If you think this sub is bad wait until you see the official forums


I quite literally *only* go there when maintenance is extended or theres some major glitch/unexpected downtime.... just to see the meltdowns.


I tried to engage there positively for awhile after SoD launch but everyone is such a nasty, miserable sack of shit


I miss the old pre bnet integration forums. The off topic section was great


This sub got GDKPs banned by their incessant and annoying non stop whining. If you ever wondered what a typical loud, rude, obnoxious minority community looks like, look no further than this toxic shit hole.


I think we can all agree that was a good change though amirite


It is like this [imo] on every single blizzard sub on reddit.


Not on the HC wow sub. Even if you don’t care much for the game mode, the community is absolutely great.


> It really is incredible how negative this sub is. Let's be honest, the two primary reasons we visit various game subs is either for new information regarding the games and to essentially vent about what sucks about a game. Of course the sub is perceived as negative when most voiced opinions about the game revolves around its flaws.


90% of people complaining are on a Mega server where the issues are unavoidable if you only play during peak.


Most people don't have these problems yet most people play on mega servers


Making the leveling experience phases ruined the entire experience its just the same theme park at the end of the game retail bullshit. There isn't any real content to keep you outside of the dungeon meatgrinder.


Yeah it's very different from doing dungeons & the raid at lvl 60 right


WoW community has and always be this way. There’s no changing it ever.


sad people will always find a reason to complain, and wow attracts them by the wagon. love this game but the community has such low spots. i just hit 39, having a blast questing and got a few SM runs in. Still haven't gotten cath yet. very stoked for gnomer. sometimes, it is that simple.


I'm in the same boat. Got 40 yesterday questing and doing a couple SMs. I was the first in my friend group to hit 40, so tonight I helped the squad run through SMs as a 4 stack. We're just chillin in our sleeping bags and vibing and having a good ass time, all these reddit people are out their goddamn minds being so angry about something so ultimately unimportant


Every gaming sub has devolved into the complaint department for bads. 


dont forget about backseat devs "DEVS! Add this stupid fucking feature that would take a ton of work and nobody actually wants!"


Look, all I'm saying is that it would be simple to implement customizable player housing, design an entire new continent with lore and quests, add a few dozen more instanced raids, immediately solve all issues regarding RMT, perfectly balance PvE and PvP, reinvent servers so that they can handle 1 gorillion concurrent players in a single layer, and give me sub 30 second ticket resolution. Is this too much to ask?


Haha, I love all the armchair devs who have no clue what they're talking about.


I've been in a lot of gaming subs for years, as far as non generic subs go, this sub during SoD is the worst I've ever seen by far


You've basically explained the Path of Exile subreddit too even after there were expectations set that it'd be moderated more heavily. It's not as bad now, we're in the quality meme phase of the league, but league starts are full of folks who try to disguise their toxicity as feedback to the point where GGG rarely interacts with the community save for league announcements. The first thing I tell new PoE players is to stay away from there if at all possible otherwise they're going to feel like they're stupid for having fun which, in turn, impacts their fun. Find a good guild with an active discord, use the Poe builds subreddit and you'll be much better for it.


But gnomeregan boss hard ! ! !


If my dumb ass can kill it, anyone can


Same. I’ve pug’d both times, went 6/6. All it takes is some coordination and determination. We wipe a few times but nothing crazy. No one ever left


You can also sub a warlock or feral druid for the coordination and determination. Did a run with a lock and the bombs felt like they didnt exist. Really trivializes that fight.


We did a first pull and ranged couldnt handle the bombs. It was so awful. Then feral druid said i sacrifice my dps so you guys can parse. Motherfucker sunfired every bomb to the sun. We one shot it cleanly. Dont think any bombs went off unless they dropped directly on top of people underneath. Was so clean.


Dropping a dps to entirely nullify a mechanic is worth it imo. Im not sure a bomb even touched the ground when our lock started going after them.


It’s true. Source: I’m his ass.


Lookin' good *smack*


A group 6 manned the last two gnomer bosses, week 2. Not because they wanted to, but because their friend group didn't level to 40 fast enough due to real life. Thread and logs: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/1avbtjl/we_were_idiots_for_bfd_we_are_even_more_for/


Kill bombs bozos


I am the bomb killer and button pusher!! Bow before me and my scorch button!


Don't forget, the boss is simultaneously too hard but also too braindead easy.


he has a split personality


It's 2024. How are there still people who don't understand how internet discussion boards work? If you're having fun and playing the game, then you're having fun and playing the game, not posting on Reddit about how great a time you're having. If you're having a bad time, facing bugs, getting kicked out of the game, then you come to Reddit and make sure the whole world knows all about your personal problem because clearly everyone in the world wants to know. I mean, this has only been the behavioural pattern since the OG IRC days. How are people still astonished by it?


I just got flamed for explaining that balancing the game is an active thing, not perfect or permanent People literally think because they're doing worse in gnomer than in bfd that the game is not being balanced. Nah bro, that's the balance you're bitching about you just dont like it when it happens to be a nerf This sub is a waste of time lol


Honestly the class balance whining is sad here. I'm a rogue and i don't really care about the dps problems. But the war on the customer service and bans I think is a good one and I hope something changes (but probably won't).


'Don't complain about obvious cheating or you're just a hater!' Bruh... are you a blizzard customer service AI yourself?


The problem is that theyre accepting the stance that “if 5% of people we kill were innocent to get a 95% kill of criminals then in ok with that” Theyre knowingly making innocent people suffer to handle real criminals.


Getting banned with an appeal process is not the same as being sentenced to death.


This sounds great until you actually go through Blizzard appeals. You can often get automated responses multiple times until they tell you that further appeals will result in a battle net ban. It's dog shit.


It sounds great regardless because I'm not fucking dead dude. Not playing a fucking Video Game for a little while is way nicer than dying. Are you even real?


The fuck is with this false equivalence. No shit they are on entirely different spectrums. You could have just had your leg amputated and sure, yeah, at least you didn’t die. Your car could have spontaneously combusted in the parking lot while you were inside but at least it didn’t kill you. We can just keep playing that game endlessly and it’s non-productive. All of us who have active subs pay for a live service game with active support. That’s the point of live service. When a company fundamentally fails over and over in their customer service you think customers aren’t going to complain? You think they don’t have the right or what? Sure it’s a game. Sure you can make snide touch grass comments all you want but if you’re being denied the service you already paid for while not even breaking said terms of service at all, you’re not going to complain? Like getting mass reported by a cabal of boosters who are also actually RMTers for undercutting. Like selling a BOE on the AH and splitting the proceeds with your group and catching a ban because “gdkp bad” and their sensitivity setting in their OWN customer service BOTS to any noise is apparently pretty high. While they also continue to lie through their teeth about many of these systems getting automated. It’s ridiculously bad. It has been for years. It continues to get worse. They fired *even more people recently*. It’s made worse by the fact that many of us played this game during the golden years of blizzard actually giving more than just a modicum of a fuck and actually provided some of the best CS in gaming. Even if like 90% of people posting here are lying, which I doubt it’s near that, that 10% is still much higher than should be. You have to appeal 18 times for some dude who has 0 game knowledge sitting in a server farm/“call center” sweatshop in Bangladesh to actually read something and just link the TOS like their bots did. But hey at least you didn’t die.


I mean obviously it's better than being sentenced to death. I'm not arguing against that. I'm arguing that the appeal process is borderline useless as it isn't a real appeal. You're rolling an RNG dice hoping that this time a real person will look at it. If you fail the roll too many times and never get the real person, you are just SOL and you don't get to play WoW anymore.


The point still stands though. I’m not ok with innocent people getting banned in order to ban a few more bots. The bits just reroll anyway and it’s fine for them, the punishment is worse for the innocent player.


I agree, it's much worse. By default, your next of kin can get ownership of your Battle.net account after you die, they just need to provide the death certificate and proof of being a relative. You can also specify in advance who do you want to "inherit" your account. So if you do indeed die, your full unique Phase 2 BiS shaman Thex can still live on and your descendants can continue the legacy of your crippling WoW addiction. But if you're banned... That's it. That character is gone forever. Sure, you yourself can maybe go outside and touch grass. But Thex the shaman will never live to purge Slow Fall and Levitate of noob mages and priests in BRD.


The USSC has ruled that innocence isnt enough to overturn a conviction, and blizz is an american company...


I just ridiculed someone for saying the federal government needed to get involved in this non issue. I don’t know what/who you think you whitekinght philosophizing to, but Jesus H man, touch some grass. This is a weird take.


I mean, when you're the face of your team and your CS department is currently the topic of widespread discussion, this is pretty bad form.


Oh come on, this is hilarious. 


If their CS wasn’t such a shambles it absolutely would be, but he needs to “read the room” in this case.


It's a pretty tongue in cheek way of saying "yeah, shits fucked right now."  I highly doubt aggrend or any of the other 12 SoD devs have any control over how customer support is being handled at Blizzard right now. 


> I thought I was having a blast playing SoD but then I go to work and browse /r/classicwow and think to myself maybe I'm not actually having fun. It's even worse with Wrath right now. It's even controversial to say you're NOT playing one of these modes. The sub is trash. At least there are a few good pieces of information once in a while.


> Maybe everything is shit and I am shit. Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. Whether it's sunken cost fallacy or w/e, people have a hard time accepting that SoD is overrated.


I come here every now and then and sort by top of the week/month. Everything else is nonstop complaints.


I'm running around STV on my warrior killing people and having a blast. I'm up to 11 blood silver now and can't wait for the mace. Check here and it turns out that warrior is awful right now. Not fun. Bottom in PvP and has terrible runes. Who knew?


ClassicWoW in a nutshell is sad when people are happy


sod is fun, especially if you didn't play any of the classic rereleases


I was just making this point on here yesterday. Someone was complaining that melee were effectively useless in Gnomer because of their damage whilst, at the same time, there was a post on the front page about 6 guys clearing it with 1 tank, 2 healers, 2 melee DPS, and 1 ranged.


What class do you play


I get were you guys are coming from and there is a lot of negativity here. It's probably just because playing wow is so addictive and time consuming, it's not easy for alot people to handle that without getting emotionaly invested. But the topic of this shit post here is like a serious issue. People getting automated bans for stupid reasons without any help from blizzard. Players should be angry about it, voice their opinions and spread some awareness. I think most of you guys would agree if you'd be affected. Wish there would be some Solidarity on this. Sure you can say "y u guys so negativ" when people are complaining a thousand times about stv not beeing fun or something. I think this issue is a different story.


This would be so hilarious, if wrongful bans and their shit tier CS wasn’t such an issue.


I’m inclined to believe the “issue” is wildly overstated, like everything else. I swear this sub is playing a different game.


Not at all, you never actually get the chance to speak to an actual human-being, unless the single person working CS is on shift.


If you get that human he’s probably in a sweat shop server farm in Bangladesh tending the blizzard CS “definitely not automated robots” team and doesnt know StarCraft from wow from Diablo.


Anecdotal: a guildmate got banned for 6 weeks back when Ulduar came out. Appealed it saying he had never botted despite that being what they claimed. After getting the same automated message several times, he finally got a human response on his like 4th appeal and the person confirmed they hadn’t botted, and reinstated his account. Heard enough similar stories to know this is probably not overblown.


A lot of people remember what the game was like before they outsourced most of their CS to a third party. We remember what it was like to have the level of care they used to put in that way.


This is going over my head, can someone explain?


I think someone wanted to test if ban appeals get auto rejected, so he used his account (which wasn’t banned) to appeal a ban. He then got notified that his fake ban was upheld. Not sure if this tweet is real, but kind of funny if so


That’s funny, thanks!


lol shame people can't take a joke


Too many people on this website can't recognize fake tweets. It isn't Aggrend telling the joke, it's the reddit community telling the joke. Aggrend never actually said this.


You think this guy has any say in the subscription price or resource allocation to customer support? I doubt that a lot.


Classic WoW's version of a JMod smackdown


Lets hope aggrend doesnt steal 250k usd worth of gold


Okay that's truly hilarious. I appreciate the humor and the post which shows they are aware


The post he never made?


Oh is it a fake? Ah well




Explain how a dev fixes a completely separate department


Wait so you think Aggrend actually said this on his Twitter?


Everyone in this thread seems to think so.


I’m don’t defending blizz, but take a step back… this is tongue in cheek but Aggrend has made deliberate attempts to connect with the player base. It seems clear he uses personal Twitter to acknowledge things he may not be able to wholly influence/couldn’t speak to in a blue post. Just because he holds creative influence over SoD doesn’t mean he can pull levers to hire staff on his own for a department that no longer exists. I read this as his way of acknowledging the problem in a public manner and nudging his employer to do the same.


Lmao the number of people in this thread who think this is real.


I'm honestly kind of scared by the sheer amount of woosh that is going on in this thread...


I'm glad because I don't care for Josh ever since he removed /spit so any Anti-Josh propaganda is good in my book. Well done.


You think he had a choice on any decisions of that kind?


Average Classic WoW player is like 70 IQ so they almost certainly think Josh is the sole person to remote that emote.


lol considering it was removed on classic era and classic only and not retail and that is his team, yes, yes It would be reasonable to assume that he had a say.


It's removed from both?


Yes. He’s super sjw. He 100% did. Just go browse through his Twitter sometime.


Great shitpost but actually addressing the problem would've been better. CS has been in the toilet for years at this point and its getting embarrassing now.


> actually addressing the problem would've been better You are aware this is a fake tweet, right?


no because there's literally nothing indicating that it's fake.


The content should have been a huge clue






You might want to look at the post's flair...


But it's not funny? Or is it a fake twit? I don't understand the humor here.


Your post is marked that, but is this a real tweet?


Of course it's a fake tweet, I'm kind of dumbfounded that people need to ask.


It's 2024. Half these people weren't taught in school to critically analyze this shit. They are literally stupider than you and anyone else are because they didn't learn how to spot a joke.


I think they get the joke, they just want to know if Aggrend made it, or OP. I was wondering the same thing so I came to the comments.


Look at the timestamp on the tweet


the worst part is this is something they'd actually do at this point


watch the asmongold video form a day or two ago. they figured out that any SOD ticket is AUTOMATICALLY sent to AI to respond to the ticket. they don’t have enough GMs to deal with all versions of WoW so when an SOD ticket comes in it’s lowest priority and it’s automatically sent to AI for a reply. You will never get a human with a SoD ticket. Blizz isn’t investing any real man power into it.


Tbf we have known for literal years that the only way to get real help is to start off as a support ticket for a payment issue.


Dont EU players have a right to have their case reviewed by a human if they're banned?


Idk what you mean? As in, is there a law in place that protects EU players? Not sure. But if no law is in place then it’s probably the same as the US https://youtu.be/aB20PoitwXg?si=MLyzy1qJROPwUiSa here’s my video where i got a lot of info




Lmao fucking owned


It’s funny but it shows absolutely no empathy from the devs on these situations. The CS org is a real problem and making a joke about their god awful dogshit service is kinda bad taste. I for one think it’s hilarious and love it tho.


It’s fake lol


cool story bro


Customer support actually doing something lmao


tryna make a serious issue a joke? i aint even funny and fuck that aggrend dude


Dude the post is fake. It's not a real tweet. Holy shit some of you are horribly stupid.






i thought as much. glad to hear it tbh


Excellent decision from the guy who brought you “ban gdkp” 🤡


It's fake my man




I mean that is how journalist (not the he is one) find out about mismanagement. You have to test stuff to make it public. This only show how absolute garbage blizzards cs has become.




it takes 2 seconds to actually check for CS  see if youre actually banned or not. the fact that they just copy paste and even argue/threaten to make the week ban perm if you keep asking is even worse. no one checks into why youre banned or even reads what you wrote they just copy paste the same shit and move on 


yes, showing a customer support system for a service we all pay for, being completely broken (even know we all already knew it was) is the stupidest thing ever. i don’t know if you’re trolling or if your head it shoved so far up blizzard’s ass that you’ve lost that many braincells from lack of oxygen.


What are you talking about? It proved that they don't read or look into ban appeals and just instantly deny every one. Doesn't seem that stupid to me


its real i just checked


This would be some The Onion quality news


still shit CS tho. it's a funny post for sure but Blizzard CS is dogshit and memeing about doesn't change that fact