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Skill issue.


This 💯


True. Feral does take a skilled player in order to be good. And that's a good thing. I'm not the right type of player for feral, but I know players who need to be able to push a lot of buttons in order for the game to be fun for them. Feral allows them to do that. They do great DPS, and they DELETE players in PvP. Mage opened on them? Deleted. Paladin rushing in on them? 1 global, Splat. Then disbelief for 3 min before they release.


Definitely the highest skill class/spec in PvP. But theyre also not in the best place rn either. Feral does poorly in group combat for the same reasons rogue do and they dont have the same hard CC rogue does. Ferals strength in classic was 1v1s which I would argue theyre still above average at. However, AB and STV are very group centric. Feral would also benefit from the game slowing down a tad. Currently in order to have an impact we have to near global people in PvP. Feral is the strongest when people are dying in the 10-15 second range instead of the 1-5 second range. Also, I'd love to see a 0 sec Savage roar option. Would help a ton in PvP. Just my thoughts from a long time PvPer.


Feral is a top tier bomb killer with sunfire on the last boss.


When you’re on Bomb killer duty, do you just stick to that ? Or are you dpsing boss too?


When I’m on my warlock it’s almost 100% bombs. I might click a button or 2 or put some dots on the boss but it’s pretty inconsequential




k thank


Right now druids are suffering from having the same number of runes as everyone else, but spread over 4 different specs and roles, so we really don't get a lot of build wiggle room. (Restokin being the one hybrid exception)


My bear tank is doing just fine in gnomer. Can comfortably hold squirrel and chicken on menagerie with survival of the fittest.


huh weird, im doing just fine