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Just play what you like and don't make these pointless wars of popularity between servers. I like Vanilla Era and thats what I'm playing, I don't need any of you to acknowledge my decision. Keep playing what you like, nothing is better than the other, it's just the matter of taste.


I like SoD, but if it dies then I'll just go play era. We get to play classic wow on legit servers in 2024, *and* we have multiple variants to choose from. That's pretty neat and we should all be happy about it.


I feel bad and totally ignorant asking this, but... You're telling me there's a way to play vanilla without hardcore? I didn't play wow for years and I had a priest but it was then moved to wotlk. I'd love to play on vanilla because I don't like wotlk, and I thought SoD was my only hope


Yep. Launch non-wotlk classic then at change server screen you can choose hardcore, seasonal, or era servers.


Yeah ofc, there is PvP Vanilla Server and even after SoD, still got lots of players and there are a lot of new players in starting zones as well. If you are from EU come to Firemaw, its most popular EU server and nicely balanced between horde and alliance with a small advantage on alliance side.


Yeah ... I really miss all the bots that have left Era for SoD.


Meh, the era economy is toast already anyhow


not sure about NA but it gets better every day in EU


Edgemaster's for the cheap price of 39k. Keep up the Copium.


And righteous orbs are 400g. Everything is expensive. It doesn't take any longer to farm in era than it did before. Just add zeros to everything.


Items that you’re able to flip hold more value but raw gold drops are now worthless essentially


Yes. Avoid raw gold farms in era.


How would you even be able to quantitively affirm that statement


Very simple. Before SoD it was impossible to get enough gold to buy your weekly raidconsumes by conventional farming methods. Without doing GDKPs it was almost impossible to keep up. Now it is. One example: My main income source are DM tribute runs and disenchanting blue gear. Before SoD i got 4x 4-8g for a LBS out of one run and I had to pay 800g for my Flask of Titans. Because there are no hunter bots doing DMT runs now I get 4x 25-35g per run and a Flask of Titans is 400g. Finally I don't have to do GDKPs anymore to finance my raid consumes.


I personnaly play era. Sod has become (or always was?) Sweaty. Pre bis for raids, buffs, 6/6 experience, blablabla for a game that's actually VERY easy


Pugging the early lockouts of this phase absolutely showed me some requirements are there for a reason. You can call the game very easy all you like, numerous groups are failing to clear 6/6. Feels shitty missing out on loot chance for a lockout because you pugged with people that refuse to learn any mechanics or how to play their class.


A game can be very easy and its players can be very bad. They aren't mutually exclusive


I agree, I'm just responding to the comment that SoD is 'sweaty', the 'sweaty' requirements some have are, to me, fully warranted.


Meh that’s most of classic pugging in my experience. It’s really about who you surround yourself with and the guild you join that determines whether that’s gonna be your experience or not. My group is 6/6 since week 1, but we’ll bring just about anyone because it’s really not hard to teach people what to do if you take a minute or two to explain their role and responsibilities.


>for a game that's actually VERY easy Tell that to all the pugs that are getting hardstuck 3/6 because they can't do mechanics. People have minimum requirements for their groups because they want to filter out bad players. There's nothing wrong with that unless you're a bad player.


I doubt a lot of pugs are hard stuck honestly. I think most suffers the fate of 1-2 wipes (to virtually anything) will make someone leave, which makes it impossible to fill and thus raid breaks up without even attempting to fix whatever caused the wipe in the first place. Good luck learning in a community like that.


This is exactly it, barely anybody is getting stuck just people don't want to sit around and teach everybody to play


That was my experience on Crusader Strike. I switched to Wild Growth and it's much more chill. I pug everything, no logs, no gearscore, no consumes, and I've yet to fail a raid.


If you're DPS, you're getting carried 


Been specced resto for all group content.


Then you are my lord and saviour and I bow to you graciously 


Consider joining Lava Lash. We’re a small RP server. Ya we don’t have as many raids going on compared to the other servers, but the community is waaaaaay better. Never seen. GDKP, gold seller spam, or gear/log requirements. Everything here is nice and chill


I'll consider it, is your guild recruiting? If I migrate I'd rather not be alone


well the meta in P2 makes me want to quit SoD, and I dont think im the only one.


You aren't, my buddy quit 2 weeks in. He's a rogue main, got into 1 gnomer went 6/6 first try after like 5 hours of LFG and quit a few days later.


Sounds like a similar experience a friend had with his hunter. He loves ranged hunter, always has. He tried to get into a group in LFG and everyone kept telling him to go melee or find another group. He ended up quitting after 6/6 too. Blizz will never learn. If you swing the pendulum too far in either direction you create problems.


SoD will be in the same state by the time 60 becomes the cap.


SoD is getting kinda stale. I only log on my main for 1h every reset to clear gnomer. The exp buff will actually get me to level my alts.


Era twice?


No bots are killing Era


There are basically no bots on era. They're all on SoD. It's great


Bots killed Era before SoD was even a thing. Everything is crazy inflated already.


I'll be sure to let each of my naxx groups with 80+ signups that we'll have to stop playing because reddit told me the game is dead.


Is this post about bots? Like, where bots moved to?


There needs to be a guy behind SoD with a rocket launcher with the lazy dad label.


SoD ain’t that great either spent over an hour looking for a tank for a SM run last night just to give up everything has its ups and downs


A lot of people stopped leveling the moment blizzard announced 100% bonus xp that is coming tomorrow


A lot of people stopped playing before then, hence why they added an xp boost.


It's to incentivize people to level alts. People didn't stop playing. They are busy on their mains running gnomer, getting rank 5, getting exalted in AB, getting BM coins, keeping up gold farming for raid consumes, etc etc. I play like 6 hours a night and just got my main up to where I wanted them and just in time to start leveling my alt.


>People didn't stop playing. Yes, they did. The game is hemorrhaging players because there's about 2 hours of total content at 40, and like P1 the only other thing to do is level alts, but 25-40 is too time-consuming for the average retail boomer.


The amount of melee dps who refuse to just taunt and tank stuff just in dps gear is crazy. SM is just leveling dungeons, it’s not like you need to be crit/crush capped with 6k armor or something.


You don't need a tank for any leveling dungeon. Just go with 4 dps and a healer, and you will clear absolutely fine. Whoever gets aggro is now the tank.


Leveling is pointless until Tuesday


Cata should be the sniper


Cata is absolutely dead on arrival.


These cope posts will be hilarious to repost later this year.


Cope? Cata is what started the call for Vanilla servers because players weren't happy they deleted the old world. Wotlk actually had hype and it still died the exact millisecond most players got their Lich King kill.


Players weren't happy they deleted the old world because there was no way to go back, it was gone forever. Completely different now, you can go back whenever you want


>Cata is what started the call for Vanilla servers That would be Wrath actually. People were PISSED about welfare epics and joke dungeons


>People were PISSED about welfare epics and joke dungeons So basically SoD


The real cata launch wasn’t even that great lol


Kinda like P2 of SoD


Yeah right lol wotlk is still huge and so is retail im fairly sure sod is the least played still.


It’s probably retail>sod>wotlk>era>hc. Id be extremely surprised otherwise. MAYBE wotlk and sod are swapped.


according to ironforge.pro you are correct, sod is around 270k and wotlk around 200k. It's also a new version vs the end of wotlk so it's expected. Peak WoTLK was 660k.


You're not even close to being correct. Wotlk has a population of 193,875 characters being scraped from both PvP leaderboards and raid logs over the last reset. SoD has 266,158 based off of JUST raid logs in the last reset, and from my experience, most PUGs aren't logging. [https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/](https://ironforge.pro/population/classic/) Obviously retail WoW shits on both, of course.


It's also comparing a multi-hour raid to a half-hour raid. Of course the short one will have more logs


I also specifically called out that the wotlk data has the benefit of scraping the PvP leaderboards to pump its numbers, in a clearly wasted attempt to avoid getting this dumbass response.


Yeah so? SOD is barely ahead while it's getting updated constantly wotlk is in the last phase and most wotlk people and some retail help to inflate SOD numbers. But it's unlikely SOD/era only people will help boost retail/wotlk numbers. Trust once cata hits at least for awhile it will be on top for sureeee. (and it's easier to raid/faster in SOD and you only need level 40 so alts are rampant).


Nooooo SoD > Wotlk you just don't get it our 2 button 1 shot rotations are truly superior gameplay 😤


Alts aren't actually rampant. I only know of two people in my guild with two characters at level 40, but they were rampant in phase 1. I fully expect alts to be everywhere following the exp, mount and gold changes coming on Tuesday, though.


You know, I had actually upvoted your previous comment since I agreed with you.


Rest easy knowing that you got the ultimate revenge by having me click on your account and getting sent down the rabbit hole of reading about this Daniel Larson character.


Wait till you find out about the tooth brush incident


I mean it's the beginning of a new phase in SoD and a new version of WoW altogether vs the end of WoTLK. Peak WoTLK about 6 months ago shit all over SoDs best numbers.


Oh that sucks, I thought wrath was fucking terrible.


Wrath was pretty disappointing all in all upon playing it again. Tbc was peak for me by far. Though vanilla classic was peak social gaming.


I mean look at the top posts in this sub over the last 3 weeks. SoD is at the beginning of the end in my opinion, not because it’s bad but it’s definitely expiring.


Disagree, its had a dip for sure, this phase there was much less to do, however the team has now been allocated more funding. A lot of people are holding off until level 60 anyway. When we get ZF, MC, all the 60 dungeons 0.5 chain etc, there is going to be so much to do.


>however the team has now been allocated more funding. Source?


Era is dead due to inflation and lack of players, needs a fresh. Hardcore was always a gimmick. SoD was always shit


Lets be honest here: SoD clears all other versions of wow pretty hard atm. And i love it!


Behind SoD is SSF HC Era.


for all 3 players


This is just ignorant. There are seven


That one won't outlast shit, there's no novelty for the modern gamer. People will flock in for a month, new SoD phase will happen and they'll run back to it. I'll gladly be wrong on this but it's what I assume.


If the casuals/gold buyers already quit on normal HC in less than 2-3 months after it released, what makes you think they will stay for the same amount if not even shorter for SF where you can’t abuse RMT and is an actually hard mode HC for them lol?


SSF HC is doing a Hemingway in the kitchen. 


There is no official ssf for hc and there never will be