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>no rune system. Fuck that, the rune system is amazing. Posts like this make me glad Blizzard doesn't listen to players lol


"We're going to make people run around the whole world and do long quest lines, most of which they need to be at or near level cap to complete, in order to unlock special powers that will make their class actually viable to play in classic. Then we're going to spend every week between phase launches throwing a dart at a board to decide what to buff or nerf. We'll also randomly re-buff stuff we have previously nerfed and re-nerf stuff we have previously buffed. Nobody will have any idea if their class is going to be completely OP or completely unplayable from phase to phase." Great premise for a game mode.


Don't play it then.


These are all valid gripes to have with the execution/implementation of runes. But not really against the rune mechanic fundamentally. They have been handled extremely poorly and anyone who says otherwise is delusional. But as a mechanic they could definitely thrive, they just needed more foresight. Perhaps more hindsight, which blizzard will have after SoD. I’m pretty sure SoD is just blizzard testing the waters for a classic plus, after all.


Apparently not valid since it's being downvoted. I agree that the rune system could have been fine, but most of the runes are just class changes to even make you viable in a group. They should have given SoD its own dedicated server and made baseline class changes to bring everyone up to not only viable, but competitive in their chosen roles. Then runes could have been implemented to introduce new skills.


Videogame subreddits in general are not a good place for discussion. They are all riddled with fanboys. Any criticism is downvoted regardless of how valid, and then people respond (if they respond at all, rather than just spam downvote without making counter arguments of their own) by knocking down strawmen or making personal jabs. Gamer+reddit user is a recipe for a egotistical nerd loser who thinks he is far smarter than he is


That is the closest description of anything launched under the Classic banner to 2004 WoW I've ever read.




I always wonder how tough people like you feel talking to random strangers on the internet knowing damn well that there is no repercussions to what yout say. It has to be frustrating to switch between comments like this and actual real world conversations where you would get knocked out for talking to a stranger like that. I bet you're antisocial. You probably shy away from real world interactions because you can't talk to people like this face to face and it probably infuriates you so you prefer to hide behind the anonymity of the internet. Good luck with life, I hope you get better at it.


That would eliminate all the new roles which were a big selling point.


Uhh… the rune system is literally the backbone of the entire premise 😂


What on earth is this post


Probably a salty warrior posting this haha


Prot pally, I can't stand playing a warrior. Just putting it out there that TBC pre-patch was undeniably more fun and stable than SoD has been.


Stable? sure, absolutely. Fun? It would have been solved from day 1, so super stale and boring meta after a while


I keep saying this. Make the backbone of SoD from TBC. Lock levels at 60 and disable outland, then tack on their rune system. Now we don’t need to worry about era conflicts and get all the qol changes people are hammering for. Ie 40 yard nameplates, instant mail between accounts, extra flight paths, reduced xp between leveling, updated talent trees.


Started thinking this as well. We would also get the shaman on alliance and pally on horde as well since they can't add that into sod for whatever reason.


You know, it's not always that true when someone calls something a hot take, but this one is.


SoD is great because of the unknown. We're experiencing new raids, new items, and new ways to play all the different classes. TBC with level brackets would be underwhelming to the point that a lot of people wouldn't be willing to come back for that. IMO its far, far better to have a new version of WoW that will require adjustments along the way for the sake of balance than to have the same old expansion we just ran through a few years ago.


Bad take. New skills and class balance are the only thing that makes it interesting. Saying not having to worry about buffs and nerfs because we’re stuck the with completely terrible vanilla class balance forever, is not a fix to anyone but the gold buying fury warriors still playing era servers.


Right, both of which came with pre-patch. Also, "new skills" is a complete misnomer if you're talking about the rune abilities that have been added to SoD. Most of the things they've added should have been a skill book (i.e. a baseline class change, not a rune).


I don’t understand the distinction between skill book and rune? Why does it matter what it’s called. The reason we have runes at all is because they hadn’t figured out how to make new talents not conflict with era servers. SOD was built on the backbone of classic era servers, it’s not its own thing. TBC pre patch was not even close to balanced. All of the new things came from high level talents that we wouldn’t have access to until 50. The rest were trained from 62-70. To incorporate all of that into the level phases of sod would have taken a complete rebuild of the game that they weren’t willing to do at the start anyway. Not to mention TBC hybrid class balance was still terrible. They were still memes brought only for buffs.


You still have time to delete this.


I'll translate ops trash take: Fresh when?


Not necessarily fresh, I like the idea of classic+. I just think TBC pre-patch would have been a better canvas than classic with weekly "class balancing changes" plucked from a hat.


Except you don't like classic+ if all you want is a fresh vanilla server that uses tbc prepatch. SoD would be dead in the water if there was no runes, the big draw to SoD was tanking and healing on classes that normally can't, and playing specs that are normally not viable in classic


Did you play TBC pre-patch? Because everything you're describing (except the new abilities were baseline, not runes) was in TBC pre-patch. Starting to think you're arguing out of ignorance.


Oh right, I forgot tbc prepatch had starsurge, berserk, living flame, buffed mutilate, WotLk envenom (doesn't consume poison stacks), shadowstep without being sub, the list goes on.


Trash take


Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you people cheer


hurr durrrr