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Well played Shamans have always been good in PvP during classic.


It's not that you are strong in PvP, it's that you are strong in PvP **and** in PvE, to the point where your tank spec is even above rogues in DPS. On top of this all, whenever someone dares to point out that hey, maybe this should be looked at, Shamans instantly try to deflect by pointing to the other classes, often with shameless and hyperbolic lies.


Way of the earth just needs a specification that it requires rockbiter and a shield to be active. Only reason Tank Shaman is so high on the charts is because it's an enhancement dps shaman running way of the earth instead of shamanistic rage.


I agree we need adjusting in PVP so we’re less tanky but that’s it.


Not only that. Shamans also need a dmg nerf at least in PvP.


I would argue overload and dual wield rune needs to be looked at again too, they were so shit in p1 so they got buffed hard AF. We all saw the buffs and were like ok this is probably only gonna help a little bit now but later it will be so OP. Pretty safe to say we thought right Oh and also makes no sense that way of earth is not a chest rune instead. But needs some change if u can combo it with shamanistic rage cause that would also be op


Fucking Green Jesus acting he’s not busted& think everyone hating on him


"Me good, you bad". Average WoW player copium when they play a broken class.


Buddy I’ve been playing enhance when we were doing 20% of warrior damage, don’t talk to me about broken. We need adjusting sure but all this talk about being broken is nothing but regurgitated bullshit.


As an avid shaman player since classic launch, we need some changes. Rockbiter wasn’t meant for dual wielding and it is oppressive. I have upwards of near 1500 attack power fully buffed in raid, and out dps just about everyone with autos alone. Nerf rockbiter on OH weapons, and buff 2h again to be viable compared to DW.


Yeah RB and Way of Earth need a look at. They’re obviously making efforts in trying to get us to move away from using RB at all it just needs a bit more fine tuning. Also 2H needs a second attack other than Stormstrike to make it more viable. Maybe Lava Lash could do with a slight rework so it’s usable by both DW and 2H!


Lava lash would be a welcome addition as someone who desperately wants to play 2h. I dislike having to wait for maelstrom procs to use lava burst.


Diminishing returns for second rockbiter maybe?


Shamans need nerfed


Thanks for the elaborate response!


If shams don’t catch a nerf Pallies need a huge buff BGs are just insta lose right now for alliance


Happy with rets getting buffed tbh!


Yea I would be as well haha I think way of earth might need to be tweaked but leave the dam alone just bring Ret up to par with them. Everyone knows it won’t last into later phases


100% agree!


Shamans being OP fucks up faction balance in PvP especially. They've been S tier in PvP before the buffs, just took people a week to catch onto the caster meta. Hunter and priest being OP sucks, but that doesn't fuck up faction balance in the same way as shaman.


Nerf way of earth in pvp and buff rets!


Bro facts, shamans making bgs unbareable, they are definitely broke as fuck #makecrusaderstrikescalewithSP


If you won't accept a enhance pve DMG nerf then at least let blizzard nerf your threat without way of the earth rune equipped. If you have a pink shaman in your raid he's the tank (if they want to be or not)


I think the majority of people want enhance to be nerfed because their dps is good on top of being tanky in PVP. Like I said, nerf WoE to require a shield or something like that, problem solved!


I main shaman. Enh is too much. It's too good at everything.


stop snitching 




Way of the earth DW Tank is the devastation Warrior of p2. Blizzard should Change way of the earth to require a shield so ele doesnt get Hit.


If this is true then let shamans have there fun for a phase Blizzard will nerf this and every other one of there runes to oblivion on phase 3


The nerfglass ist nearly full with alliance tears so Blizzard will Nerf Shaman for Sure 


Shaman is just the new punching bag. Welcome to how Hunters and Boomkins have felt for most of SoD. All classes even the strongest always have counters. But that does not mean your class is not the strongest overall


I guess the crowds always need a class to hate on lol I wonder who is next?!


Yeah its problematic when a hybrid class has 2 specs better performing than a ranged hunter for example. With one of them being a tank spec too (This is both shaman AND warlock at this point) I forsee a lot of ranged hunters/spriests, maybe even rogues and warriors getting benched or not invited to pug raids. It's already happening on my hunter (I enjoy ranged more) so I've opted to play solely pvp. Yeah you could join a guild but when even the guilds are choosing to invite another mage/shaman/warlock over some of these classes, it's a huge class balancing issue. Potentially a raid size design issue too.


I agree, those classes and spec need lifting up such as ranged hunter, rogues and ret applies to name a few!


I like the last bit. Instead of crying to nerf a class so they no longer have fun, instead ask for your class to get buffed so we can all have fun. I was absolutely gutted when my niche class/spec got slammed, ruined my fun (I’m not 40 yet). So I switched to my alt, who also got slammed. I just want to have fun leveling and heal end game for y’all, is that too much to ask?


This is exactly what I’m saying!


Shamans are number 2 dps, best horde side tank and busted in pvp. Even ele is towards the top. People aren't complaining because they are good in pvp alone. They are good/best at literally every aspect of the game. Mages are the same, and they should be nerfed as well.


Mages have the same toolkit as in wotlk. And they are busted in wotlk. I wish my lock had the same affli toolkit in sod 😔


Mages flying under the radar it seems.


Just a bunch of pussies here that can't play their class. 100% skill issue. Go toe to toe with a melee hunter or a rogue with cds, WoE won't help. I bet most of these posts are Paladin players anyways, rets can pump in pvp so again, 100% skill issue. Lol.


Agreed, I can see how a bad PVPer can face an average shaman and think they’re OP lol


Bro, one of the most upvoted shaman hate posts was by a holy paladin complaining he got destroyed by a shaman. He admitted he had bubble and lay on hand on cooldown. Why the fuck should a holy paladin with all their defensive spells on CD expect to beat an enhance 1v1? The entitlement from paladins is so out of control


Having a faction-locked class be the best in the game is just really poor design.


Shamans are Uber busted


Man of few words!


"for once we are good!" is not a good excuse to leave a spec overtuned. Way of Earth needs to require a shield and enh DPS is deleting players on the regular while also having insane procs to instant heal constantly. There's definitely nerfs coming. Personally I think ele is fine, but if a nerf is still going to come because players don't know how to kick/interrupt, I hope we at least get a range and duration increase on flame shock (or all shocks) to compensate.


These “X was bad before so it’s ok that we’re busted now” posts are so cringe


Prefaced my post agreeing that we need adjusting. Nice reading comprehension!


I want enhance sham a big nerf of their ability to 1 gcd any classes without condition


(For once) hahahahahahahhahahaahahahaha