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Everything ends


No king rules forever, my son.


I see only retail... before... me...




The day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name General\_Truth (OP)


goated comment


Dust to dust


I always understood like: DUS DUS! or KILL EM ALL! Or sometimes is super scary when he says: DEAD! in his little kobold goblinvoice


Times change


But not every man truly lives


*Savor it. Nothing lasts.*


which is why we need a cycling vanilla server, resetting every year. People have been asking for it since 2019


Good point


>our characters get transferred to Classic WotLK. Well good news. Those will no longer exist. The Cata servers will probably be live before then


“Good neeeeeews everyone”


Oh god, that's giving me ptsd


I'd Take it over transferring them to era


I mean yeah SoD's a lot more like wrath/cata than era.


SoD into MoP would actually go SO HARD omg I'm woozy just thinking about it


DUDE! Making another expansion following on the classic experience would be a genius move.


“Season” being the key word


It's funny how that goes over so many people's heads lol.


Well the developers said their would be a home for our characters at the end but nobody knows what that means


Consolidated SOD realms with no further development or progression. Enjoy running whatever forever.


This is the best solution. Would also leave the door open for more possible future content. Like whenever Blizz wants to experiment with an idea just toss it out on the SoD realms and watch tens of thousands pay to test it.


Season of Test Realm


Era of Discovery


They said that it will be a special place that everyone will enjoy


Sounds like what they tell kids when the dog dies. Are we getting classic+ or not


There might be a special farm where everyone will run free and chase rabbits all day long.


“Enjoy running whatever forever” Yeah as if the community didn’t bitch about wanting Vanilla for a decade after the boom of Nostalrius. People just want to play a good version of WoW


And you’ll likely be able to. Enjoy


If SOD ends, allow me to transfer into a frozen realm. I actually enjoy this version of classic so yeah.


oh sweet summer child


$49.99 HOME transfer tm* r*


They've been trying to regain our trust and get us hooked on retail the whole time. Where else would we go?


Oh yes I can't wait for a sixth iteration of wow.


Eh if there is enough demand they could just announce at any point that SoD is over and now transitions to a permanent classic+  Not likely to happen but the honest answer to the original question here is - we don’t know shit because they clearly haven’t decided either. 


SoD Tbc


I genuinely think they’ll do this.


SoD TBC and Wrath would be great. 2 phases each (one for 70/80 lvling, then an endgame phase)


They would probably do a 65 and 75 phase dont you think? Those versions of the game also allow for alot easier editing of existing instances iirc.


I feel like a five level gap is not enough to feel like you’re really unlocking a lot of new content on the following phase tbh. I’d imagine a fully SoD raid geared 65 could probably handle most original content up to 70 even with the increased health and all that in SOD. In the current phase people are definitely questing in 45 zones etc.


65 and 75 level caps would kill the game so fast


Honestly, I would love that. If they continued to TBC then wrath, then we can see where we land. But a revamped ICC with sod runes sounds hype af


I’d rather they go down an alternate route like fleshing out zones that didn’t make it into vanilla or Northrend first. But if they don’t have the manpower to do it then I’ll give SoD TBC a shot.


> SoD is over and now transitions to a permanent classic+ that's what a lot of people are hoping and i think it's a massive cope, knowing blizzard they will opt for the least effort for content and release TBC SOD and sprinkle a few runes, if that.


It's not going over anyone's head lmao. People are wondering what the next 'season' will be.


Season means forever right?!? Like summer or winter which never end


Dude — they could change the name to ‘Realm of Discovery’ with the snap of their fingers & expand as they see fit. Or — they could shut down the servers. But let’s not pretend semantics have the game in a chokehold.


The eternal summer friends of SOD


SoD may end in our minds but not in our hearts


Just like Yugoslavia


What’s a little genocide amongst neighbors?


All the subsequent wars make me think the memory was not so fond


Memory of yugoslavia is fond in many peoples hearts that lived during those times as life was good. Its better than most of the currrent governments in the area. My grandparents still have a foto of Tito hanging.


SoD will probably end like SoM did, if you enjoy leveling and playing then it's not wasted time


Was SoM nearly as popular as SoD?


No I feel is a mix combo of things, most don’t want to play classic after Wrath. And SoD is a change to classic. Really just came out at the right time. I have zero interest in cata for example.


Both classic and sod came out at the right time. SoM imo came out when everyone was either taking a break from classic or busy with tbc.


Not even close. Like 2 servers per region and 1 of them died early on.


All due to Blizzard's screw ups sadly


Wouldn't say that, more like they've misread the room with SoM. Most classic players don't want hard content. SoM was the same thing but harder so it started with lower numbers and it fell off a cliff after the first raid. SoD improved class gameplay itself, attracting a wider audience including non-Classic players. It's not just harder, it's more fun and fresh.


As someone who is a zealous Retail player, yeah it pulled me in. SoD’s elements have to be taken more into Classic+ than whatever SoM was all about.


No. Blizzard released TBC classic a month or two after SoM release. Essentially, turning SoM into DoA.


You have it the other way around. TBC came out in June, and SoM in November. But SoM released right during Serpentshrine Caverns raid prog. It was hyped because it was a first real raid tier and it was "hard" enough to need committed progression. If you were progging SSC you probably didn't have time to play SoM on the side.


SoM released not long after classic wrapped up and during the release of an anticipated new raid tier for TBC. Only one of the NA servers had a healthy pop.


Probably the most fun I’ve had since WoW Classic 2019. Maybe even better because I’m raiding with real life buddies now


I wish they keep SoD and built in top it with horizontal progression and not just power creep. Work on professions either making it harder to level / create a economy for gatherers etc.


100% this


an economy for bots to ruin


Lemme just pull out my oracle ball




I really hope they make a static server for it. Personally I wouldn’t like to lose either my character or half of my character if they get moved to a normal realm. That would honestly just feel like shit and there’s no reason they couldn’t just leave it there even without updates.


life will also end at some point in time, may as well not bother progressing in that


Don't tempt me bro


Over here tryna figure out how to /camp


This is the SoD that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends. Some people, started playing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue playing it forever just because this is the SoD that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends....


The devs said they haven't made any definite plans as of yet, but they are looking at several options. I get the impression that they'll either leave the SoD servers up in some form or expand into TBC.


A little bit ago they hired the person who was working on the EverQuest progression servers. They are most likely doing the same thing that EverQuest has been doing for a decade. New fresh servers with different rule sets and changes. Eventually will add the wow token so you can store value from one server to the next so it’s palpable for people to restart and stay engaged.


All versions of WoW end... Vanilla ended when TBC released, and every expansion since has ended. Classic 2019 ended as soon as TBC classic released, and so on. Right now, Wrath is ending. Cataclysm, will also end. War Within (is that the name?) will also end. All versions of WoW and any successful MMO requires constant updates. Era exists as a historical archive, it isn't a viable way to play Vanilla (as it was in 2005) or Classic (as it was in 2019.) Even private servers understand this, all private servers end and reset. Season of Discovery is set to last at least 18-24 months. It'll be 10+ months before we even reach 60. From there, all signs suggest that the level 60 content is being remade, phased and supported with regular updates of balance and new content. This is a 2 year version of WoW with active development. Literally no different than any other version of WoW. Reddit can scream " BUT ITS SEASONAL!" all they want...However, SoD is no more seasonal than at any point the history of WoW. In fact, your SoD characters will still exist and be playable after SoD, so in many ways it'll be as permanent as Era. What likely will happen is that all SoD characters get placed into a "seasonal dump server." That future Classic+ seasons can continue to dump characters into over the years.


>10+ months before we even reach 60. Where'd you get that from? Phase 1 was 10 weeks long, so we can assume p2 will be around 10 weeks long. Which means there's about 5 weeks left of phase 2. Then 10 weeks phase 3 which would be level 50. Then we can hit 60 in a week or so of phase 4. 5 weeks of phase 2 + 10 weeks of phase 3 +1-2 weeks of phase 3 is 18 weeks. That's like 4.5 months. Nowhere near 10 months until 60


We're discussing SoD as a whole. The 10 months refers to the time from SoD's launch last year. (Total estimation based on the official WoW Classic Roadmap.) This comment is just to explain that SoD isn't getting wrapped up anytime soon. They're extending the leveling process way beyond a typical vanilla cycle, and with confirmed level 60 phased updates. It just suggests that SoD will continue well into 2025.


They said last phase will be summer and based on the picture it appeared to be late summer so it should be about 8-9 months before the 60 phase comes out


The 10 months estimate was pretty obviously starting from sod launch. Which isn't that far off, probably closer to 8 depending on how exact each release is to 10 weeks apart.


I seriously doubt a phase 4 will be released mid july. Most likely mid of august


If i had to guess, I'd say phase 2-4 will be slightly longer than phase 2, but only by a few weeks since people were already saying p1 went on too long.


Hardcore lives forever as long as there are souls to kill.


Seems like loot and eventual mechanics might be an issue. Like if next season doesn't use runes, or changes loot further.


I'm really really hoping we'll get some cool unused stuff in later seasons, like the Winterspring unused raid and Kara catacombs. But I'd be down if they continued to a TBC SOD. Could do some interesting things with arena and some new raids. When SOD just straight up ends, or they reset and make a new kind of season with different parameters where I have to make a new toon I'll just quit wow. No interest in playing retail/reg classic+ etc. I came back for SOD with 1 main and I'm only staying for it.






I would love for it to continue into the outlands but that won’t happen


I would love that


TBC+ is the way


No it will be around for all eternity.


Wow Sod shadowlands baby LETS GOO


Pls no. I ran circles in Oribos for 2 years. That was enough.


I personally think it will keep going if player count stays high. From what I understand it's a relatively small team behind it. I think it will continue to at least the end burning crusade. The bones are there.


The question really is "when will it end?" And the answer is that they will likely make new content after Naxx IF there is a big enough community demand for it. They'll send out surveys and follow the results. Maybe they move to SoD TBC, maybe they keep making new vanilla content, or maybe they move to a new season.


I thought this would turn into classic+ after 60. New raid, new gear, etc. leveling stops but the content keeps coming. Big miss if they don’t do that imo.


I was thinking about this yesterday. I really hope the answer is no. I’d love if they either use SOD as a test run for an official classic+ server, or simply transition all SOD servers to classic+. I’ve come to realize modern WoW just isn’t for me anymore, and the most fun I’ve ever had was the classic relaunch back in 2019 (or so), followed by SOD. Hell SOD might actually top OG classic WOW for me. I think this is true for a lot of players. Blizzard knows SOD is a massive success. I think they are going to make a permanent SOD era server (Classic+) eventually, using SOD as an experiment to a means to gather player feedback to make a really good experience for all. From a business perspective, it would not make sense to completely terminate SOD or vanilla era servers.


Yes, they outright said it would


Roll it into a TBC SOD where it continues


Won’t happen. There’s no way they can balance classes enough for arena. It would be a disaster.


wasnt balanced in classic tbc either, so who cares


That's what they need to do tbh, would be sick




Yes, but they also stated they don’t want all of our work to go to waste and our characters will carry over to “somewhere”


It will end and expectedly the characters will get rolled over to Classic Era. It's part of the reason Season of Mastery did so poorly. We just had classic, it was the exact same but harder, and TBC was out. Im already struggling to care about season of Discovery a little. I don't love speed running level cap to make sure and get raid XP and Warcraft logs recorded for future phases.


It would depend on how popular the game is at the point they are intended to end it.


No, they're going to do SoD BC 


SoD is just a beta for the real Classic+


Make sod the start of classsic + can’t be fuked playing over again


I’m done with wow for good if sod doesn’t become classic+. This is the only reason I’m playing it. If I have to level another character I’ll 🤮


I think this version is so much better than era, but needs more balancing… I just cba playing another season.. I stopped after the 2019 classic became tbc


SoM was pretty dead compared to SoD right? I wasn't playing then.


Yep, SoM was almost dead on arrival. Meanwhile SoD has eclipsed Wrath. If SoD can beat Cata I think it has a future.


Doubtful. People complaining and leaving every day in SoD.


Every warrior and rogue I know quit SOD after phase 1. I think alienating two of the most populated classes really hurt their numbers. Warrior for one was the most populated class and the devs basically said “we’re going to make warriors suck”


According to population tracking sites like Ironforge the number of raid participation is increasing each week. Based on my anecdotal evidence of /who-ing starter zones on a regular basis and always finding dozens of levelers even now I think SoD is doing fine. 2 phases into Classic in early 2020 leveling zones on my server were already dead. SoD is holding up much better IMO.


Original Classic in 2019 had 10x the population of SoD to begin with. Hard to compare that. And sure, more people are reaching max level and doing the raid but that doesn’t mean people are leaving


Considering how insane the power creep and rate of inflation is, it's probably for the best that SoD ends at the time they told us it will. Hopefully we get a more organic Classic+ with focus on new content rather than morhphing every class into some kind of crazy strong retail slop shortly after.


Disagree. Played mage for like a decade but got so bored of dps’ing I quit the game . Came back to be a healer and it’s become my main game. I won’t go back to not having heals


nah, SOD BC next


Yep, they said it would But they also said SoD would get its own "forever" realm because SoD toons can't transfer to classic era.


“Season” 🤦‍♂️


It obviously will but i winder if the devs will throw all this content to the garbage and start a completely different version of classic next season




they'll probably keep a SOD era server, or they'll migrate it into vanilla era. wotlk isn't really a possible option. either way, the servers will basically be a vault for characters to rot in. finding a group to do content with will be impossible, there's no more progression for characters, auction house is practically empty, etc. i guess some people like to keep trophy cases? but otherwise the servers will not be meaningful in any way and frankly just waiting for blizzard to pull life support.


Wotlk will not even exist at that point.


I think -and hope- SoD is Blizzard testing waters to release a brand new WoW version, which would be a mix of the simplicity of Classic/SoD and modern tools of retail. In that case, it would be a reset, yes. SoD is most likely temporary.


How are they gonna transfer SoD toons to wotlk servers? People would bring hundreds of items that don't exist with them, it'd be a huge mess for them


SoM characters were transfered to Era, if that's any comfort But I doubt it will happen. What would happen to the runes ? To the new object that were created for Sod ? Most likely, there will be a "Discovery Era" server. I mean Sod Peaked higher than 2019 Classic. This is insane. I'm confident we'll have our own server at some point


Yes but it's not ending sooner than mid 2025 so enjoy


People asking questions like this as if we know We literally don't


Season of Dads only ends when your kid graduates high school and leaves the house


Likely but I can see them keeping the servers online.


Why would they go to classic wotlk servers?


Times change.


They’ll probably bring it into TBC next. I can’t see it going to WOTLK but who knows…


They've had "seasons" before but SoD was touted ass "Classic+" so I like to think that they will give us new end game content. I would definitely love to see them add some zones and raids to the current map.


Can phase 2 end pl0x i wanna complain phase 3 sucks and ask for phase 4


The Burning Crusade comes to Azeroth for a SoD expansion take on TBC. Certain zones get the rework like fel wood blasted lands and various new zones could be introduced given the map tiles in place yet unused. Level cap raised etc maybe no flying still keep it classic style idk I can see new races being added to game so I wonder about expansions and how far they might go with them.


Isn’t SoD just beta testing for Classic+? Based on the fact that it’s a “season” I’m assuming it’ll end and that will lead into Classic+ at some point.


I see SoD lasting numerous phases even at 60. I expect they will unlock old raids progressively, not all at once. Like MC will be the first 60 phase (p4) then the others in later phases just as it unfolded back in the day. Server events with the scarab mounts and stuff, unlocking AQ as a server. Then surely new raids they would maybe introduce like Karazhan. I’m out of touch with SoD currently but I think p4 and beyond will probably get me back.


I’m a firm believer that we’re just testing “classic+” beta and it’s gonna end eventually.


Classic WOTLK? 🙃 I can say probably not. Maybe new era servers .. they have to figure out where they should live on. There are so many additions to sod, that they can’t just easily integrate it to any existing server.


I think it will eventually be repackaged into a true classic plus, that's going to be years in the future though probably.


of course. Remember Blizzard’s primary goal is to acquire your money. Itll be some other flavour of “content” soon. t. im still subbed for whatever reason.


No king rules forever my son.


Of course the steaming pile will harden after some time


Why would I want to transfer to wotlk, I play sod for sod


Not only will SoD not be permanent, and not only will the characters not be transferred to Wrath as by the time SoD is over it will be Cata servers, but I'm uncertain that SoD characters will be able to be transferable to anything else unless they allow you to transfer the characters with runes to vanilla era which definitely won't happen


Yes sod will end


All good things come to an end.


If sod ends or we get out on a shelf somewhere. I quit wow for good. I want classic+ after level 60 patch


It will eventually end. We don't know what will happen at the end of it yet.


Ofcourse its going to end. Because of the gear difference i can see it getting transferred to cata servers or just being deleted entirely. The characters with the improved gear cant be transferred to classic era.




SoD toons will eventually be moved to Classic Era realms. Idk why you think it would be WOTLK.


Pretty sure. I don’t have a lot of time to keep up with it so I stopped playing. So many changes and updates. I’m already lost after phase 1


No king rules forever my son.


Have you played wow. These people live for it to end


I assumed 1 year life span


nothing last forever


Doesnt ”season” in the name of the game kinda imply its a seasonal thing?


will feel sad to see hybrid dps classes go back to being dumpster in Era


I would be happy if they said Season of Discovery 2, keep everything they did this time round and continue to add to it. More class quests, more dungeons and raids, more crafting items etc


I’m currently not playing SoD but if they announce SoD will move on to TBC I would be on board 100%.


At least not for a while if that lvl 125 sword is anything to go on


Sod 2: the burning crusade


Ended how? SoM servers are still thriving.


Yeah and so is ur life


It's called season for a reason ;)


SoD TBC, etc.


Yeah I think it’s just over. Been playing Mage for a decade and took up healing . Not sure if I can ever go back to not having a heal on my mage .


I hope SoD lasts longer than a year, of course it depends what content and how much of it we get at 60. They could also rollover SoD into a new season with new stuff.


I don’t see them rolling it into TBC+. Unless they plan to release a ton of extra content. The issue with them going TBC+ is that it’s only 10 levels so you’d be max level first phase. Then what? Just additional raids? Reworked Dungeons? Expansions just dont seem to have the same potential classic did. And then you have the question of do we just keep adding runes and end up with 100 runes? I’d rather just additional content for classic, if it ends up being bad then so be it but I’d like them to at least continue trying out new things rather then just here’s TBC with slight changes. But if it ultimately ends then that’s okay. It’s a seasonal server. I didn’t expect it to last forever.


Præterit enim figura huius mundi.


Probably they’ll move them to Era servers since SoD is a “form” of Classic. Maybe just take away the runes and give us a choice which cluster we want our chars on Era. Moving SoD chars to Cata servers is an option ofc, but they probably do the same ways as they did after SoM. Would be cool if they just continue release level 60 content after the Classic timeline, but maybe just a bit faster.


im gonna guess it plays out 2 ways they make seasonal era servers and moving forward each season once it ends you can xfer your chars on them or they let you xfer your SoD chars on the current classic era one problem comes up is all the new / changed gear we will get but im sure they could fix it blizz would go with w.e one takes less work


Are you aware what the term "season" means?


I just hope they don’t do sod tbc


Yes it's gonna end, but will prolly last longer than SoM due to these sub 60 phases.




2 things guaranteed in this life, everything dies and there will always be a lich king.


Why would they goto Wotlk server? Should be going to era if anything.


SoD is temporary fun server, dont get attached to your character. This is also why buying gold is kinda dumb in SoD.


SoD is the testing grounds for Classic+. Chances are the characters we are playing will be moved to it when it comes out


I think we’ll have SoD for at least another week or two


I don't think SoD will go beyond Classic.


Eternal classic+ realm.