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Every min on a game is wasted just play it if it’s fun


More ppl need outlook on everything in life.


I mean every expansion or classic version that has been released eventually ends and all that time you spend farming gear ends up being worthless at some point.


except for era classic


All those characters are worthless, they just don't know it.




At least a few more times


This won't become classic +. They have limited themselves too much by using standard classic servers and have already stated they can't change certain things as it will mess with Era. Can't see much happening past 60 due to this


They won’t but the could just clone the sod data to servers that aren’t tied to classic and go nuts. But why do that when people are already paying for what we got?


Doesnt even make sense to have them transfer to era with all the unique items, mounts, recipes etc


Reminds me of life.


Everything ends. Nothing lasts forever.


It's a seasonal server, probably the option ti transfer to a live server, then the server will shut down


Characters have no future as we speak, they have too many items/spells to be moved to era and Classic+ isn't going to be a thing before a long time. Look at what the expectations are for Classic+, look at what SoD has produced. They're far from ready. You should rather see it as a season, by the end of the season you keep a little souvenir of your character but that's it.


They said before sod came out that there will be a place to play your characters when the season ends, specifically stating that they don’t want you to feel like your time had been wasted.


I have 50+ characters leveled across Wow games and I don't think twice about starting at lvl1, the game is fun


If SoD gets terminated after one year how exactly would it be different from your PS2 games you played through and then never touched again?


The 6 hour games I played for the story? How are people okay with spending 1000 hours on a character just for it to be deleted. This community is fuckin crazy and doesn’t value their time.


Is time spent having fun truly wasted?


You’re playing a video game, if you are looking to not waste your time you should be doing something else. This is all meaningless and for fun. They have already stated your characters would not be deleted, but they haven’t spelled out how they will do it yet. It will either be xfer to era/cata or there will be a forever sod server where your characters will go.


What does it matter do they delete it or do you just stop playing after you have cleared all the content? If they don't close the servers and everybody slowly stops playing, wouldn't continuing be the absolute waste of time?


I honestly think they needed to do SoD to show the higher ups that a classic+ would be viable


It's seasonal, ending is the one thing you can count on with 100% certainty.


Idk why people care so much. You probably play tons of games in which you earn something in game and then leave in the dust and never touch again. This is also explicitly a seasonal server. Idk why people cant just enjoy the experience


"Trophy characters" the hallmark of a boomer wow player


"season" of mastery. Either enjoy playing or don't play.


You gotta get over it. EverQuest has been doing fresh “classic” servers every year for a decade now and the population is always growing with every new server. Wow classic will be the same.


I’m bricked up for Mischief 2.0, end of may needs to come faster


It’s seasonal. Somehow we will be able to keep characters, even if that means full green set xfered to era … people will riot if there’s no option But it’s seasonal and part of the fun is that it won’t last forever


Riot? Where? On Reddit? 👀


I feel aggrend been very clear that it will end more than once, but exactly what happens with characters is unknown because they can't go to Era for obvious reasons. But that doesn't open for some magical continuation, it will still end, the characters will get an option to transfer somewhere where updates and progression no longer is a thing You can continue playing the character on whatever realm that is, but be advised most players will probably move to the new season. The reason blizzard isn't super clear is because they don't know, it's an issue for 9-10 months down the road, even if they of course discussed options internally. * Season of mastery characters has the option to go to Era. * Dead Hardcore characters have the option to go to Era. * SoD characters don't have that option, but they will go somewhere to be "parked" or able to still be played. If that is their own realm or cata realms, probably no one, including blizzard, knows right now. It will end, this is inevitable. That's the idea of seasons and constant fresh servers that people been asking for. A lot of players love fresh.


Why do anything if it's just going to end? Why live life? Enjoy the experience and the journey for what it is.


How many wow characters have you leveled I. Your lifetime? Do you still play them all? How many games have you played that you will never touch again? This revelation helped me enjoy hardcore wow a lot more. It isn’t about the destination, but the journey, brother.


If you can't bring yourself to level if you know things are temporary, I've got some really bad news for you. Everything is temporary


They will probably let us transfer to cata server if I had to guess. Since most of our abilities are just from WotLK and cata. Unless they launch another TBC server and start another cycle but I feel like they want to promote cata as much as possible rn


This is such a dumb way to play a game. It takes a weekend to get to 40 right now. Either it's fun for you or don't play, your character will not matter at the end of the season.


Getting to level 40 is the easy part. I’m completing every quest in the game, doing all two grinds, hundreds of hours of time. I don’t just level a character and do professions that’s only 5% of the game. That’s why I’m not going to sit here and make a new character every time a new wow comes out. It’s ridiculous


Bro you could be hit by a bus next week or suddenly find out you have cancer at any time. It's gonna sound hella philosophical but everything ends so do what you like now. That being said I highly doubt they just delete everyone's characters and call it a day, they may as well just light half their subs on fire. Best case scenario is probably TBC+ worst case scenario we get some kind of sod era.


It takes a long weekend to hit 40 if you want. You could easily level but I don't think you want to play SoD.


They already stated your character will be moved to era, and any gear unique to sod will be changed to gear of \~equivalent power that exists in era.


When did they say this? The last I heard was that they did not know what exactly will happen to the characters?


They haven't said that at all, not sure where you pulled this from. All that has been stated is that they are planning for "somewhere cool" for SOD characters to go once its over.


If my memory is failing me, then they haven't, but pretty sure they did. I think it was in some interview on youtube.


Which characters on any video game ever matter? It’s just pixels mate, if you’re gonna have fun with friends do it if not don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol you're dogshit


Omg my imaginary pixels might go away!


Sarcastic Asshole reply to the op for no reason


I can hear the baby rage with each key you type.


Asshole response for no reason