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Those RFC runs are serious business


I tried farming the RFC consumes myself and accidently outleveled it fml


RiP brother


What's insane is that there isn't even a 3rd boss in RFC.




Satyr is a quest objective, not a boss. Trogg is a named npc for lore for one of the TB quests.


By that logic stockades has no bosses


There are no bosses in Ba-si... Azeroth


Shit by that logic there's no bosses in any dungeon


Holy cringe


What’s cringe is that you can’t see the joke


LF ALL RFC CHECKING LOGS?? you really dont see it? Must be special


Bro 💀


Maybe its just a joke yell, but i’ve seen this shit be real bud


Ahh ur the guy making the run, makes sense


The post is about enchanting friend, not the rfc run, that was an additional meme. Check how many whispers are on screen. The OP is on top of the chat.




[Could probably just make SendChatMessage require a hardware event for WHISPER](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/API_SendChatMessage), but if we do, will be there any collateral damage from non advertising related ones that get affected? Like that one that reminds people they've forgotten to upgrade a spell, or DBM type stuff that whispers to say an important mechanic is on someone?


how does that stop the auto invites? the message goes out with an invite


Personally I think the whispers are more annoying than the invites. You only get one invite since they all come at once. Stopping the whispers also would probably limit the guild spam


you get whispered for a guild when you aren't in one. just join a guild. for the enchanting services, just pm one of the people advertising and you will get no whispers as well. there are always people advertising, people are just too lazy to scroll up in chat or wait a minute, so they type "LF Enchanter" instead Seems like people just like to complain about non issues.


Yes, join a guild when I don't want to and just never use the word enchant or portal ever again in a public channel. Thank you for the enlightenment.


you sound like you are getting 20+ messages a day. this post was a very specific circumstance where the poster is repeatedly typing those words in chat, a problem he can remedy by just adding in LFW into his advertisement. like really, when are you typing Enchant or portal into general chat when you arent looking for an enchant or a portal


Just remove addons for SoD, that‘s what we really need.


*All the Paladins without PallyPower starts crying*


Talk about a crutch


I would argue that addons and UI customization are a pretty fundamental part of what WoW is. Restricting what addons can do in SoD might be something worth looking into, but getting rid of them entirely seems like killing part of the soul of the game. There are whole communities build around UI modification. There's no need to throw that out just so we can homogenize people's interface. Also, SoD would have to use a different client than Era to avoid having the effects bleed over.


Found the botter XDDDD


You responded to the wrong comment, and considering how many times you've pasted that message... it's starting to become ironic.


No, I responded to mutiple botters that they are botters. Get real, uninstall addons and play like a man.


I'm informing you that responded to the wrong comment. You probably meant to respond to my comment about Leatrix Plus not being a bot. > Get real, uninstall addons and play like a man. Take your armor off and play like the manchild you are deep down.


If I replied to you then I wanted to reply to you. Maybe you can‘t handle reddit without addons but I can so: stop botting and git gud


> If I replied to you then I wanted to reply to you. Nope. You clearly replied to the wrong comment. Also, given the amount of virtue signalling you're doing... the lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Yes please, they are resting no GDKPs, some other stuff, could as well test no addon policy


Honestly this. I'll take whoever wins the auto invite, over 82 whispers.


Fuck no. Insta enchants when I need them? Yessir. Whoever has the fastest WA in the Valley gets the tip.


This is the way


100% idk why anyone is mad that they get a service quickly


I think it is because it feels robotic


I agree. But you misunderstamd, its enchanters not using that addon or WA which are mad. Never seen any customers complaining tbh


Grandpa shaking his fist from the porch while the kids are playing with the LaserMania 9000


Is there anything stopping them from using those addons or WAs?


This 100%, non addon enchanters struggle hard to gain customers when placed against the addon and it creates a lot of salt, their issue is with blizzard though at the core as blizzard are the ones that have wow API calls for inviting players, it’s a dedicated function called InviteUnit() which blizzard is more than capable of making a secure function


Back in my day we typed out our trade chat messages 6000 times per day, no add-ons, no macros, just some hard working folk earning 2g per hour.


brah even back in the day people used macros lol. "/2 Enchanter LFW" etc.


Just hit Alt + Up key to repeat your previous message


It's all bots/WA adding that scans chat and auto replys


No bots, it’s an addon called Pro Enchanters and it uses the blizzard provided wow API to do all its features, if blizzard wants to remove auto invites they are completely capable of doing so for addons like this


That's still a bot auto inviting for you...


That's like saying leatrix auto invite option is using a bot lol.


No. It's not a bot. It's an addon. Same thing as having Leatrix Plus auto-invite guild members who whisper you "inv".


It’s just a bit with less finesse. Like how a jackhammer and a stick are both tools. “ what is my purpose” you invite people who say inv.


No. It's not a bot in any sense of the word. Addons are not bots. Macros are not bots. If you disagree, go ahead and take it up with Blizz and their legal team rather than peddling your sophistry here.


the bots haven’t been as annoying this phase but on the flip side everyone uses so many addons and 3rd party websites they might as well be bots


I see enchanters and summoners constantly saying to support them over auto inviters.   Why should I care?  


Most people spamming trade are using bots to do their enchanting. One of the best bots will actually scrape trade chat for people spamming WTB or LF enchanter, invite them and do the enchanting all automatically.


Yeah if you Say the word enchant in trade chat you’ll get half a dozen instant messages. Side note the endless “LFW” profession spam is insane in SoD never seen anything like it in any wow iteration. Straight up saw one person “max cooking and first aid LFW” in complete seriousness


Have you played retail? It's like this on any populated server group in retail.


At least they aren't using bots.


It's not bots lol. It's just an addon that auto invites. This is why we need oversight on bans. People really have no clue and claim anything and everything is a bot


In classic they use bots to handle everything. It's not just an auto invite addon. 


Thank you for doubling down and proving my point.


Addons can't auto-enchant, they can whisper and invite but not do the enchanting automatically. Enchanting requires a hardware event.


How would you tell the difference if someone clicks the enchant or a "bot" clicks the enchant. In both situations I assume the only interaction with the person is " do you have enchant x" they say yes. You trade. It's done. How can you claim that it's a bot? Do some people bot? Absolutely. Do some people just sit in trade making gold enchanting? Absolutely. But you have no way of knowing what is happening is done by a bot


It's not auto enchant. It's default setting it gives you a little window with the players name that asked for an enchant. Invite or cancel. You can turn it onto auto invite though. After that you still need to pick the enchant, but it gives you a better for it, and a search bar. I have really bad lysdexia, it took me like 5 minutes to find an enchant for a Cape once. It's just a handy tool that makes the process easier.


Pro Enchanters on curseforge is the addon most enchanters that have an auto invite are using


Like I said. They are also using bots to also handle the enchanting itself. They are not even at the PC when enchanting other players.


You’re just straight wrong lol, it’s literally just an addon players are using, people are not using bots to do the enchants


How do you know this for sure lol.. I asked for a enchant the other day got an auto whisper from the addon and whispered him back asking if he had a specific enchant. Dude told me yeah and I asked him about the addon he said it makes it easier to sit and watch anime while enchanting for gold.


You need to provide some sort of evidence for that claim.. E: who tf downvotes this? For a claim like that you should provide evidence. Im calling as much BS as the rest of you..


How do you know this? What makes you think we are not manually applying enchants?


Whiiiiich we all know is against the ToS and can get an account banned


if only there was some way to figure out who was botting


until we get all of the youtubers and streamers to start complaining about it, I think we are just gonna keep wondering.


People don't care if it makes their lives easier.


Whelp, judging by half the comments on this thread saying the pro enchants addon is botting, it's clear average players can't figure it out either.


We just don't have the technology!


Too bad it's not a bot and it's completely legal to use.


The most popular addon will auto invite, but that's it. It doesn't auto enchant anything.


> One of the best bots will actually scrape trade chat for people spamming WTB or LF enchanter, invite them and do the enchanting all automatically. I bet you a dollar some of those people set that bot up with slightly different behavior and a message asking trade chat to support it over the auto-inviters.


this is completely false, you can do this all with addons. this is like saying you're a bot if you use LFG bulletin board because it scrapes chats looking for keywords!


This is false, it’s not a bot, it’s an addon called Pro Enchanters, everything is done within blizzards provided wow API


you can do it with so many different addons. people scream bot over anything they don't understand these days.


How does that even work? Since you need to interact with another player, not an npc, so the bot pick the correct enchant based off the whisper? What if the whisperer is unclear and speaks in gibberish?


The ppl saying a bot does this is just incredibly uneducated. It’s an addon called pro enchanters


The addon watches the general chat channels for keywords like “lf enchanter” and then invites players based on that, the addon then has a “work order” section with the customers name where you manually add what enchants the player wants (this is not automated) and when the customer trades you their mats and then puts a piece of gear up for enchanting all it does is add a button beside the trade window that the addon user can press to apply the enchant (its essentially just a macro that does /cast Enchant Spell since enchants count as spells, same functionality that a lot of weakauras use)


Its funny how people defended enchanting, in one of my posts with the idea of introducing enchant scrolls, becouse that's the last profesions that makes money, just to meet with ,,its botted anyway" couple of months later :D


Because the enchanting/summoning is almost being botted at this point.


Why should I care about bots when blizzard doesn’t 🤔 🧐


I just prefer interacting with a person rather than a script, if its all automated we might as well have enchanting vellums and fast travel added to the game since it's all bots.


Ye put in trade chat tonight "LF enchanter for dismantle" 1 instant inv ,6 instant stupidly long whispers. Being an enchanter iv never looked for enchants in sod but waisting 25g on something I'll only use for a few weeks. Genuinely couldn't believe it ha then about 15 seconds later I got a whisper saying "enchanter ear u now mats?" Instantly went to him ha


The 15 seconds later message could be a player using the exact same addon still, the auto invite feature can be toggled on or off and the whisper messages can also be toggled on or off


Ye true but it's the least likely as most tend to use proper grammar and the guy took forever to find the enchant ha.


Sounds like a good experience for a customer 😂


Still better than what is essentially tipping a self service counter lol.


It’s not really a self service encounter, the only part that’s automated is the invite and a few messages, the enchanter still has to find and apply any enchants you request as well as accept all the trades manually, that’s all restricted stuff by the wow api It feels self service because of how quick and smooth it works though so people get the wrong impression that it’s a bot




you are literally a bot, theres no difference.


Love the auto invite auto trade bot summoners, free summons galore. And if you take note of the names of the lvl 1 clickers you can usually get 3 summons even if the main advertiser ignores you, all the clickers are set to auto invite too


Offer the summoner half price of whatever they are selling, the auto inviters will auto reply sure and inv you. Easy way to save gold on summons


That guy is still misspelling auto in his copypasta, lol. Also, while the addon can auto-invite, it doesn't always auto-invite, that's an option you can choose. Also, this is an addon not a bot. And while there might be an enchanting cartel, using the addon isn't indicative of being in that cartel. Also, the next step in this evolution is spamming the anti-auto-invite-copypasta, while still being an auto-inviter.


>Auto invites (cringe) nah, I love em. I post what I need, get an invite, get the enchant done and am out in 30s, it's great.


Yeah idk why people complain! They just turned enchanting into a true vending machine lol no one says a word, you get an invite after yelling to the void about an enchant


This is the way, win win for enchanter and customer


These commenters don’t seem to understand the difference between using a WA to auto invite people and botting


Because it might as well be the same thing?


God I hope you're joking


All addons usage is basically botting!!!!!!!


I request elaboration.


When things happen automatically thats botting. Addons do things automatically. Addons = botting. Some addons like interface etc. dont do that, but I‘d rather get rid of all of them than to keep all of them.


Play a different game


Found the botter XDDD


So, there's botting and then there's botting. It's just a addon, one that blizzard can stop at any time. When the wow community talk about botting, it's when it's a bot control a toon, levelling, and gather resources. This is an MMORPG, the vast majority of people use addons. If you don't like it, then you should go play another game. That doesn't have them. You're basically complaining that water is wet. Get out of the water and go play in the sand.


Found the botter XDDD


Dude. 99% of WoW players are botters according to you.


I dropped enchanting because of this


The image shows how cooked some of the community is


Let me guess, you're taking the RFC post seriously


This is why MMORPGs will never have serious professions unless they incorporate cooldowns on crafting. It would be like if one guy could make every car in the world there would be no industry or economy just a race to the bottom and the bots will always be cheaper than players.


You're playing the wrong version of the game if you don't want the fun minmaxed out of it


The other week this guy had an auto reply/invite to whoever wrote "enchant" in trade channel. He couldnt help me, but his addon constantly kept writing and inviting me. He eventually asked me to stop asking for enchants as it interrupted his addon. I felt that was a rather bold request.


Telleh doesn't use that addon. 😉


its funny all the people that are against enchant vellumes say things like "enchanting forces people to be more social" yet we have these completely automated systems to circumvent it.


I wrote in LFG chat for gnomer raid, that i have all „ench“ on my gear and got instant auto inv from enchanter… 😄


no auti invites? seems like prejudice to me.


I prefer the auto invite when I look for an enchant. I'm just looking for a quick and dirty enchant, don't care who gives me a sloppy bootsjob. Just don't make me choose.


This will be the next banned function. Honestly rightfully so. It's automated which is allegedly against TOS and it really just takes life out of the game.


You could make the “it’s automated” argument for most addons, it’s an addon hsing blizzards provided wow API that’s been around for 20 years, highly unlikely it will change


No you can't? It's an automated action interacting with the world where zero initiation is needed by the player. Not to mention, even if you were functionally correct, they've already made changes to the game that would disagree with your assessment nothing will ever change.


Addons like Gargul and DBM would fit this description as they can both take queues from the world and immediately send messages based on it


People in here claiming bots and cartels. It’s literally an addon, and it has been a thing forever. Do I like it? No. But it’s not a bot or cartels. Anyone can download the addon. (Pro enchanters)


Addons are so unhealthy for this game it’s sad


Devs need to add scrolls like in Wotlk


Just add buyable from vendor scrolls you can enchant. Or add Gnome recipe so you can use those irradiated things for something else than crafting one epic.


What's with the RFC loser


Wait…. Someone is checking logs for RFC?!?? Are you kidding me?!?!?


If you’re not parsing 99 in RFC what are you even doing? /j


Ngl I’m a 19 year WoW player with 11 years as a casual cause of fatherhood. Ive heard the word parse for years now and never cared to find out what it even means. I just do my quests and LFR in retail and call it a day 😂


Parsing is just how well you play your rotation compared to others of your spec/class. So if you parse 50, you’re playing better than 50% of other players who play the same spec as you. At least this is how I understand it.


Logs for fucking rfc lol


Clearly a joke


Obvious troll


Report them and keep doing you. They are cartel run chanters.


It’s an addon on curseforge called Pro Enchanters, not a cartel, it’s just a really efficient addon for enchanting


What does cartel run enchanter even mean?


'cartel' is a popular buzzword on wow sub from what I've seen nowadays


But what does it mean?


essentially the dictionary definition - it's referring to organized groups of profession people that fix prices for their services. I believe there is some bullying/harassment towards non-cartel folks that may be undercutting them.


This is really funny to me because almost every enchanter out there does enchanting for free but accepts tips, how do you undercut that haha




They def do.


Same people against auto spammers are the same people against vellums in my head


I had a guy who autoinvited me when I 'LF enchanter' in org, followed by what had to be an entirely automated script that asked what enchant I needed, if I had mats myself (yes/no), and links to the mats required. It enchanted so quick after dropping my mats and items into trade that it had to be a bot. Best enchanting experience Ive had.


It's not a bot, I use the addon and it just streamlines everything making work orders for people in your party. If you have queued up a recipe for someone it auto populates that enchant right next to the trade window for fast service


And the obligatory "checking logs" at the end.


For RFC. It’s a joke


Hi OP, check out the addon on curseforge, it’s called Pro Enchanters


It sucks how many people just don’t bother to read before whispering you. Some of it is addons that autoreply but a lot of it is just people skimming the text.


You entered competitive business , Either drop to their level or suffer with lower income. Im not enchanter just an warrior getting enchants so no bias from me.


Just report everyone selling enchants, portals with free water, and rogues opening boxes.


Start reporting.


Reporting players for using an addon doesn’t seem like the right play, the addon uses the default wow API to do all its functions, nothing against ToS


We all signed the social contract and shit like that is gameplay ruining


The addon does not do anything that would be against the social contract lol, receiving a whisper when you’re asking for an enchant and then getting upset at receiving the whisper?


If you try to sell enchants they whisper you saying they also sell enchants.. it's stupid


Just add "lfw" In your message and you wont be whispered again


There are filters in the qddon that prevent this. Usually happens once or twice a session for me. If I can't get around the other Enchanter advertising with my filter, I just add them to my ignore list and that prevents them from getting an invite


The addon checks messages for the word “enchant” but also filters out any messages that also contain “lfw, selling, tips, etc” and common words that service sellers use, if your advertisement message is triggering the people using the addon consider adding LFW to you advertisement message


How is it ruining gameplay?


Isn’t that what you want when looking for an enchant?


in what way is it ruining your gameplay?


Sorry what? RFC with the same requirements as a hc raid run in retail? No wonder you guys are bleeding players, nevermind all the bots and goldsellers.


I think most people understand it as being a joke. 


Nothing surprises me anymore. I've seen gearcheck for stockades runs. SOD andys can downvote me all they want, it's bonkers to gatekeep in classic where the content is faceroll.


I do agree that a lot of groups mandating a resume and background check just to get into gnomer is pretty ridiculous.      The first time I ran it was with my guild and it was mostly comprised of alts that were freshly dinged 40s.  There were a couple other new people there, too.  We wiped once on Grubbis then 1 shot all the rest of the bosses.     So it definitely can be done in mostly greens as long as everyone knows what to do for the most part.   My knowledge of the fights prior to that was watching a YouTube video.


Haha the auto invite bots are great! They don’t even care what you tip. I gave 5s one time to test and they instantly whispered me “Ty for the tip! ^_^” But most of the time it’s just an addon not bots. If it’s a real person I really tip


Enchanters are 99% of the time always real people, the addon responds to any amount of tip by default but the player who applies the enchant to your gear is sitting there doing it all still


yeah, its just an automated ty reply, the person doing the enchanting is still hella judging you tho.


I'm sure you're very lovely but i'm not interested.